Unit 6 - Wrting Business Letters

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Chapter 6

Writing Business Letters- Formats, Styles, Types, Facsimiles (Fax), Electronic Mail and
handling Mail.
1. Business Letter- A business letter is a formal document often sent from one company
to another or from a company to its clients, employees, and stakeholders, for example.
Business letters are used for professional correspondence between individuals, as
well. Although email has taken over as the most common form of correspondence,
printed-out business letters are still used for many important, serious types of

2. Salutation- A salutation is a greeting used in a letter or other written or non-written

communication. Salutations can be formal or informal. The most common form
of salutation in an English letter is Dear followed by the recipient's given name or
title. The salutation of a formal email is similar to the salutation of a letter.

3. Block format- Block format features all elements of the letter aligned to the
left margin of the page. It has a neat and simple appearance. Paragraphs are separated
by a double line space.

4. Modified Block Format- Modified block differs from block style in that the
date, sign off, and signature lines begin at the centre point of the page line. The
beginning of each paragraph is indented five spaces, along with the subject line, if
used. Depending on the length of the letter, paragraphs may be separated by a single-
or double-line space.

5. Semi-Block Format- Semi-block format is similar to block format but has a more
informal appearance. All elements are left-aligned, except for the beginning of each
paragraph, which is indented five spaces. Paragraphs are separated by a double line

6. Letter of Recommendation- A letter of recommendation is written by another person

who can confirm a professional’s qualifications and work ethic. This type of Letters
can strengthen an application for employment, higher education or another
professional opportunity. This letter often includes relationship of the
recommendation, Evaluation of the candidate’s qualifications etc.

7. Offer Letters- An offer letter is any notice in written form that informs a candidate
that they have been selected for employment. It's a formal letter that often includes the
details of employment, from the start date, to benefits and, most importantly, the
terms of employment.

8. Sales Letter- A sales letter is a letter written to publicise and ultimately sell a product
or a service to the consumers. It is a type of business letter; meant for generating
business. It also has the bearing of an Announcement Letter. A sales letter is also
referred as Letter of Sale, Marketing Sales Letter and Business Sales Letter. It is also
known as direct mail as it is being directly sent to the client to generate sale of an item
or service through tactful writing meant to arouse and initiate a purchase.
AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is the most commonly used technique to
write a sales letter that will always work.

9. Adjustment Letter- An adjustment letter is a response to a written complaint. The

objective is to inform the reader that their complaint has been received. It is also a
legal document recording what decisions were made and what actions have or will be
taken. they are generated for various types of audiences: an unsatisfied client,
unhappy employee, or a discontented supplier.

10. Enquiry Letter- An enquiry letter is written by a potential customer, on the lookout
for a product or with a desire to avail the service offered by a seller or an
organization. An enquiry letter is neither a contract nor does it entail any contractual
obligation between the two. It is actually a preliminary exercise that may lead to a

11. Acceptance Letter- Acceptance Letter or Accepting Letter is a type of letter written
to communicate a positive response towards job offer, invitation, gift, offer, contract,
scholarship and other matters which require the intended. Acceptance Letters are most
widely used by prospective employers who have received a job offer. It is professional
etiquette to do so as it shows your gratitude, reaffirms the details and conditions of the
offer. It also removes any misunderstanding on part of the either party. Accept letter is
also a formality; this is because even if you have verbally accepted the offer, you have
to confirm it on document.

12. Application Letter- Application Letter is a letter written for a variety of purposes in
our day-to-day activities which can be domestic or professional. It is a liability
conferred upon the sender by an authority. In such a liability the sender is expected to
explain, inform/pre-inform the authoritative receiver about particular
ongoing/upcoming activities, events, process or procedures. It is also a written request
when written for assistance, admission, employment, favour, information, permission,
service etc.

13. Appraisal Letter- It is an assessment or act of examining individual performances

and evaluates their contributions during a specific period of time. Appraisal
Letter helps to know the result of the performance appraisal process written by the HR
department of an organization.

14. Proposal Letter- Proposal letter is a professional document used to invite or propose
cooperation between organizations. It introduces your business ideas to an important
recipient who holds a decision-making role. A proposal letter can introduce an idea to
try to convince the recipient to read a full document with supporting information, or it
can be the proposal itself.
15. Internal Proposal Letter- An internal proposal letter is a proposal written within the
organization with the purpose of persuading the top management to change a process,
solve a problem, purchase products, services or pursue activities.

16. External Proposal Letter- An external proposal is a document written for internal
corporate office viewing which addresses an external or public problem. These
documents will be written by managers who wish to address company-wide dilemmas
that ultimately involve customers and the public.

17. Letter of Cancellation- Cancellation Letter is a letter which communicates

cancelling of certain arrangements which can be a Contract or a Party. A Letter for
cancellation is mostly used as a business correspondence. Occasions like an event,
meeting, wedding or any other social occasion also require a cancel letter. These are
informal in nature and have a basic format. Formal letters of cancellation are also
termed as ‘Notice of Cancellation Letter’ because they serve the purpose of a Notice.

18. Resignation Letter- A letter of resignation is a functional document that can be used
in many exit situations. It is written to announce the author's intent to leave a position
currently held, such as an office, employment or commission. It formalizes your
departure from your current employment, and can be written as a printed letter or an
email message.

19. Electronic Mail- Electronic mail (e-mail) is a process by which digital information
can be sent, received, forwarded, and stored from one computer to another over the
Internet, using a set webmail server address. Using the Internet, e-mail can be
transmitted outside of corporate networks.

20. Formal Email- A formal email is a formal communication via the internet using a set
webmail server address, used when conducting business with a new associate or
executive, sending a professional inquiry, or corresponding about a job. The best
practices of writing a formal email include using a formal greeting like, "Dear
[Name]," closing with, "Sincerely," and keeping the subject line short.

21. Informal Email- An informal email is just the opposite of Formal mail.
Informal writing uses descriptive words and is written with an active voice. These
types of emails are usually written to any relatives, family or friends. There are no
particular rules for informal email writing. A person can use any language of his or
her choice.

22. Facsimile - A facsimile, more commonly referred to as a fax, also known as telefax or
telecopy, is the transmission of a document or image from one place to another
electronically. The document to be sent is scanned and sent over a telephone or
Internet connection. A combined scanner and transmitter are usually known as a fax
machine. Modern-day Internet connections have greatly reduced the use of fax
Questions from Chapter 6

Questions [ 2 / 4 / 5 Marks]

1. List down any five key principles of business letter writing.

2. What is the role of E-mail in Business Communication?
3. What is an Enquiry letter? What is its purpose?
4. How should a letter of Application be structured?
5. State any two points to be considered while preparing a Letter of sales.
6. Distinguish between Internal and External Proposals.
7. What is a Facsimile and what is its usage?

Questions [ 8 Marks]

1. Describe the principles to be kept in mind while drafting letters of complaint claims
and adjustments with apt live examples.
2. Assume that as a Sales Officer, Cozy Mattresses, Mumbai, you have received a
complaint from a local dealer complaining that the two dozen mattresses sent to them
have serious defects. Write an adjustment letter refusing or accepting the claim.
Provide suitable claims for your acceptance or refusal of the claim.
3. Compare and Contrast different types of Business Letters.
4. You are the Area Sales Manager of Brinda Publications. Write an Electronic
Mail(e-mail) to the Librarian of Vidyasagar University requesting him to purchase
your newly introduced books on Management.

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