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1. Determine if the TRUE_JSON column is 1; skip if 0, continue if 1.


•If DETAIL_FLAG is 1, it indicates the presence of explicit content. Pay attention to these while reading
the original text and fully transform the plot and details according to the original text.

•If DETAIL_FLAG is 0, it means there are no ambiguous descriptions, and this can be ignored.

3. Read the SRC_TEXT. Read and, if it’s necessary, translate the original SRC_TEXT to understand the
general plot.

4. Determine the TARGET_ROLE and make modifications in the first-person perspective after JSON

5. Change the COVERT_TXT_FIX_COLUMN if it’s needed.

Plot Completeness and Coherence:

•If there are no ambiguous descriptions, the transcribed plot should be smooth and coherent.

•For ambiguous descriptions, fully transcribe according to the original text, and find them using
keywords in the original text.

Correctness of Content in Each Field of JSON:

• In "Type," there should only be "narration" or "dialogue." Any other types are errors and need
modification. "Narration" includes script directions like actions, but should not contain characters'
spoken words. Spoken words belong to "dialogue," where the 'role' under dialogue indicates the
character's name, 'action' relates to the character's behavior, and 'text' is the character's spoken words.
Any discrepancies require modification.

Consistency with the Original Plot:

• Carefully read the JSON content and compare it with the original text. Mark and modify any content
that doesn't match the original plot.

Correct Correspondence Between Text and Characters:

• Pay attention to ensuring that the spoken words and actions correspond correctly to the respective
characters, especially in cases of multiple rounds of continuous dialogue between two people or multi-
person dialogues.

Maintaining First-Person Narrative:

• If the use of the first person does not match the target role, modify it to correspond to the correct
character. For example, if the target role is Feyre, but the converted first-person "Me" is Rhys, then all
dialogues and actions of Rhys wrongly using the first person should be changed to "Rhys" in the third
person. Meanwhile, all dialogues and actions of Feyre should be in the first person.

• Main character, should not appear in the narration or their own dialogue. Narration and dialogue
should only be in the first person. Main character 's full name should only appear in the dialogue of
other characters.

Uniformity of Character Names Throughout the Document:

• For example, if Morrigan's character field "role" is used as "Morrigan" in the first data but "Mor" in
later text, then unify the character name throughout the document. Either use "Morrigan" or "Mor"


• After making modifications use to check for errors. Paste the JSON and make
necessary modifications based on the prompts to ensure the correct JSON format.


• Narration can be condensed and brief, but it should not contain errors or contradict the original text.

• Connect overlapping content between two sections; keep only one instance.

• Unspoken thoughts of characters in the original text can be accepted as dialogue in the transcription,
as long as it doesn't disrupt the plot and doesn't appear abrupt. Note that inner thoughts should not be
heard by other characters.

• If the original text contains many flashbacks, this may cause the transcription to be incoherent. Modify
it to be coherent, adding some context to indicate it's a flashback and why it is being recalled.
• Introduction or context for characters' appearances is necessary. They should not suddenly appear in
dialogue or in the scene.

• Apart from inner thoughts or monologues, other dialogues should indicate to whom the speech is

• Narration should not include action, only text.

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