Unit 4 - Report Writing

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Chapter 4

Report Writing- Report Planning, Types of Reports, Developing on Outline, Nature of

Headings, Ordering of Points, Logical Sequencing, Graphs, Charts, Executive Summary, List
of Illustrations and Report Writing.
1. Report- Reports are documents designed to record and convey information to the
reader. Reports are part of any business or organization; they serve to document
specific information for specific audiences, goals, or functions. The type of report is
often identified by its primary purpose or function, as in an accident report, a
laboratory report, a sales report, or even a book report. Reports are often analytical, or
involve the rational analysis of information.

2. Objective of Report Writing- The objective of report writing is to make a clear

understanding of the purpose of writing the report.

3. Title Page- The title page is the first page of the report This page should include all
the information necessary for a reader to identify the contents of the article, its
author(s), origin of the article, and the article type.

4. Executive Summary- An executive summary (or management summary) is a short

document or section of a document produced for business purposes. The intent of the
executive summary is to immediately provide the time-constrained reader with the
important facts and findings derived from the study. It summarizes a longer report or
proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become
acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It usually
contains a brief statement of the problem or proposal covered in the major
document(s), background information, concise analysis and main conclusions.

5. Methodology- Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of the

research project. This portion of a report details how the research was conducted, the
research methods used and the reasons for choosing those methods. It should outline:
the participants and research methods used, e.g., surveys/questionnaire, interviews.
refer to other relevant studies.

6. Abstract- An abstract is a concise summary of a Report. It highlights key content

areas, the research purpose, the relevance or importance of the work, and the main
outcomes. It is a well-developed single paragraph of approximately 250 words in
length, which is indented and single spaced.

7. Body of the Report- The body of your report is a detailed discussion of the work
with much depth and completeness. The body of the report shows what was done,
how it was done, what the results were, and what conclusions and recommendations
can be drawn.
8. Graphs and Charts- Graphs and charts are visuals that show relationships between
data and are intended to display the data in a way that is easy to understand and
remember. This can help the reader to get a clearer picture of the research findings
and how they compare with other data.

9. Glossary- A glossary is an alphabetized list of specialized terms with their definitions

which has been used in a Report. It is generally located at the end of the report.

10. Conclusion of a Report- A conclusion summarizes the report as a whole, drawing

inferences from the entire process about what has been found, or decided, and the
impact of those findings or decisions. Even in a short report, it is useful to include
a conclusion.

11. Appendix- An appendix is a collection of supplementary materials, usually appearing

at the end of a report or book. It typically includes data and supporting documents the
writer has used to develop the written work.

12. Formal Reports- A formal report is an official report that contains detailed
information, research, and data necessary to make business decisions. These reports
address complex topics that require substantial description of background, research on
the topic, and evidence to support any proposed solutions. Both the data gathering and
the summary of the topic generate length. To keep this abundance of information
organized, the report requires formal headings and tight organization in order to help
the reader stay on track.

13. Informal Report- An informal report is a document shared within an organization

which are usually short with no need for prefatory parts, are informational, include no
or limited research, use a direct approach and personal language. Memos, emails, and
papers are all examples of informal reports.

14. Informational Reports- Informational reports provide information, facts and data
without evaluation and recommendation, and without giving a conclusion.
Informational reports can be formal or informal, and the report examples include
meeting minutes, expense reports, and progress reports.

15. Analytical Reports- An analytical report is a type of a business report that uses
qualitative and quantitative company data to analyze as well as evaluate a business
strategy or process, presenting relevant information, explanations and conclusions
while empowering employees to make data-driven decisions based on evidence and

16. Business Research Report- A business research report is a report which is based on
specific the research on an area or subject to gather more information about it. Topics
can include budget research, customer service satisfaction research, product
development research and effective marketing campaign research.
17. Explanatory Report- An explanatory Business report involves explaining a situation
or topic so that everybody has a better understanding about it. These types of reports
explain mainly the research conducted, sample size, the methodology etc. along with
the results.

18. Progress Report- A progress report is a type of business report that provides details
on the status of the organization at the moment. They do not contain a huge amount of
information; they serve as an update. For example, income statements that provide a
glimpse of how the company is performing during a certain period of time.

19. Headings of a report- Headings are single words, short phrases, or complete
sentences that cover all of the material under it until the next heading. Headings tell
the reader what to expect in each section. The headings usually appear in bold to
make them visible. Whether the headings should be centered or flush left, bolded or
italicized, depends on the style guide used.

20. Tender- A tender is essentially an official letter that the organizations have to send for
the procurement of the goods and services required on a large scale. For the execution
of projects also tender notice is required. Thus, the tenders are filled when an
invitation is received for bidding.

21. Logical Sequence- Logical sequence of words is all about Consistent arrangement
which is the important course of action of words as per the characteristic laws and all
around acknowledged ideas.

22. Précis Writing- A précis is a clear, compact logical summary of a passage. It

preserves only the essential or important ideas of the original. The word précis is
derived from French that means summary and précis writing means the art of
summarizing. Précis writing is one of the most useful skills you can acquire for your
work both as a student and as a professional. Précis writing involves summarizing a
document to extract the maximum amount of information, then conveying this
information to a reader in minimum words.

23. Journal Writing- It is a process of writing down your personal thoughts, questions,
reflections, and insights on assigned topics. Journal projects assigned in a class may
request you to write about daily experiences, reading assignments, current events,
science laboratory projects, or a number of other topics related to the material taught
in class.

24. Academic or Scholarly Journal - An academic or scholarly journal is a periodical

publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is
published. These types of Journals are also called Academic, Peer Reviewed, or
Refereed Journals. Academic journals serve as permanent and transparent forums for
the presentation, scrutiny, and discussion of research subject experts, the author’s
peers, to evaluate the validity, accuracy, and overall quality of the article.
25. Trade Journals- Trade Journals, also called Professional Journals, contain articles
written by professionals to provide practical information and to promote education
and skills within a particular trade or industry, and are available in paper and/or online

26. Popular Journals- Popular Journals contain articles written for a general audience, to
provide information or entertainment, and are available in paper and/or online format.
Articles often have glossy illustrations, may have graphs and charts, and vary in
length, and the journal may contain trade- related advertisements. Newspapers,
magazines are examples of Popular journals.

Questions from Chapter 4

Questions [ 2 / 4 / 5 Marks]

1. What is a Report? Mention the different types of reports.

2. What is a Project Report?
3. Explain briefly the principles of preparing a report.
4. What is the role of executive summary in a project report?
5. What is an appraisal report?
6. What is the objective of Tenders?
7. Define the term Abstract.
8. What is a Journal? What are the different types?

Questions [ 8 Marks]

1. Explain the different components of writing a long formal report.

2. Explain in detail the process and mechanics of report writing.
3. You are asked to do a project on the ‘Status of e-learning in India’. Write a proposal
for the project.
4. Write a Progress report of your reaching a particular goal, such as completing a
degree or receiving a certificate in your field, attaining a specific level of achievement
in production or sales, or winning a particular prize.

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