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Duby 7.8 Uvatuate the tot Ncube tin pandas relative minimum (mazmuUry MMOH Vanpdes at fyyand ata and (C2) 24 Vale ot AV wall he Hot the pounte of flection af the function foxy sin’ x € 10,24) J 2 SMe the conc aty ot the function (x)= 2x Vind and classify All points of inflection of flxy ve aed +S NV Vind the pont of flection of th fimetions, {(x)= 2! 60 +12e4 1 ¥2. Tin the largest tery in the sequence: a, = —""— (n € M) 490 — SONU NN ROU AML OYE Given a fixed point A(a, b) and a moving point PCx, fo) on the curve y = be maximum or minimum if itis normal to the curve at P. Proof: F(x) = (x = a) + (ftx) ~ 6)? A = Flr) = 20 ~ a) + Aft) ~ by fx) A Fay=0> f= Also my = L2)=6 — Hence flx)m p= BYU AY CWT Bh 65, Find a point on the curve x? + 2)? = 6 whose distance from OP? = 4r + (41+ 67 = 4[e + 4P ~9 = 124 the line x + y= 7, is minimum. = 4S where S= +42 + 120-9 peiven cures Sy , : Sol, The given eure “+2 <1 SrA HRHZ = 48 + 21+ 32 4lr= INF y vill be given by (V6.cos®, V3 sin® Any point on it will be given by (v6cos®, V3 sin@) Now 29 = +1 (other roots ari = The distance of this point from the line x + y=7 is given dt ae V6 e036 + V3 cos-7 aD by D= for mid D, — B ar) ; on Hence OP? is minimum at = —1. But if Ais 2! = J ~sind+ V3cos8=0 = ta ‘on the circle and on OP(min), then AP will be = B ; when OP is minimum as AP = OP — (radius 0 =, cos0= Sjandsin 0= 5 ‘Thus the required point is P(2(-1))?4(- 67. (a) Find the ponit on the parabola 3x2 P giver 1. is re are ©. Pointis given » @, » ee ‘s nearest to the line 3x + 2y + 1 =0. 66, ‘The coordinates of point on 462 = lane | (6) Find the short the ane! inimum distance from the circle x? + (y + 6)? = | are Sy? ~30y + 6-0aheee Sol. (@) Slope of the given line = -3/2. First of al" locate the points on the curve at which th ~ Parallel to the given line at Sol. Let P(2P, 40) be any point on the parabola The centre of the given circle is O(6, ~6 ) and the radius es re ferentiating 3x2 — 4y2 = . 4y* = 72 wart. x, we get | 68. The point on the curve Sx*~8 3 - . 2 | from the origin is maximum or minimum are ay + Sy? =4 whose distance Sol. Let (r, 0) be the polar co-ordinates of any point P on the curve where ris the distance of the point from origin = reos @ and y =rsin 0 4 5-4sin20 ‘The required points are (6, 3) and (6, -3) | => P-{5(cos?0 + sin*6) ~ 8sin .sin 8 = a Distance of 6 3) from the gven line | Now, 72 is max, when 5 ~ 4sin26 is minimum = 5—4= I 8+6 at when sin20 = | => 20= 90° => 0= 45° | ; | 2,0=45° the di , ‘And the _o ae 3) from the given line | again r2 is minimum when 5 ~ 4 sin20 is maximum 223 =5+4=9 when sin20=—I vB 3 i Clearly the required point is (-6, 3). 29-32% 9= oa (b) 92+ 9)? 30y + 16 can be rewritten as 2 5¥ Hence the point are (rcos®, rsind) where r, 0 are given by x {> 3 ) 1 | (1) and (2). Thus we get the four points given in (a), (b), (0), (@). a De ee am y= s¥ can betakenas(,1), | 69, The largest distance of the point (a, 0) from the curve n Gao 2x2 +2 2x=0iis given by Now, we calculate the minimum value of L. Required distance = d ~ radius of given circle. Sol. Let D be the distance of (a, 0) from (x, y) on the curve MK _ gs iofp_S he then D=\(x-a)' +)" Now Gp = a ~zPpr =e = If Dis to be the maximum => D? is maximum juin, (= Oor 1 Now, D? = (xa)? +)? =D ay + 2x? - 2x? = For maxitmum or dk ak x? + 2x(1-a) +a? Now, —~ = 12 +30 -20; >| =0 co a law 2x+2(1-a aK > (1a) But, >| #0 dr wm, = There is neither maxima nor minima at = 0 OW re l-a li By change in sign rule, D? is maximum or else aso, “E50 ate=1 leame ign is im or else. de #D ~ive putting x = => @is minimum at ¢= 1 i. d is minimum at r So, shortest distance = (value of d at f= 1) ~ (radius wi 1 D=Vi-2a+2a° => AP 1 tangent to fix) at P. Al =a)? +2(1-a? +a?=1-2a+ 20 of the circle) DIBY 7.9 Evaluate the following: 83. ‘The co-ordinates of a point of the parabola y = 84. The parabola y=.x2 + px + q cuts the straight line y= 2x3 at apoint with abscissa 1. If the distance between the vertex of the paraboia and the x-axis is least then find (p,q) and least distance of the parabola from x-axis x2 + 7x +2 which is closest to the straight line y Bis where x €(0,V2) and.x, € R* SS. Find the minimum value of (x, ~ *, = SO. The point (0, 5) is closest to the curve at (at, B). Find a - B. Find the co-ordinates of a point on the parabola y 8x whose distance from the circle x? + (y + 6)? is minimum, A Pilication of Derivatives S gketching a CUrVE VY = f(yy a guide to sketching ; Th wing checklist 1s intended as @ BU" , 7 t function ceful to start by deterring the domain Range py : in 7 cart : ereept are useful for curve sketching 7 Intercepts: »-intercept or y-intercept 4 ee ee ion ins are symmetric about y-axis fanet sy functions are symm i about (0) Even fonction Pren fil oa P ction: fi are symmetric about origin (1) Odd function: Odd function , sod fnetian: Periodic functions are symmettte aftr each fundamen unction: Periodic fi Asypmtotes: Pa, ther tim flxy = Lor im fixy =p, he of the'atitve y= /40) my ational function can be determined by le ‘ominator. (2 cases only). (0) Horizontal Asymptotes: If el! y= Lisa honzontal asymptote (F) The horizontal asymptote of a Fé fr ddogroes of the numerator and den ‘Case 1) Degree of numerator is less than degree of denominator. horizontal a, aty=0. (Case I) Degree of numerator is equal to degree of denominator: horizon at rao of leading coefficients. (c) Vertical Asymptotes: The line x = @ 18 4 vertical asymptote if at leas. Ome, following statements is true lim fix) = se tim, flax) =e lim, fle) hing fim foxy=_,, (@) Oblique Asymptote: In a rational function in which the degree of Dumeraty higher than the degree of denominator (no horizontal asymptote). Divide he ny by the denominator to find the oblique asymptote (use po'yniomial long dvs can ignore the remainder as it is not a part of the oblique asymptote, and thy remainder (quotient) portion of the function becomes the esymptote, \ - Interval of Increase/Decrease: Compute f(x) and find the intervals on which fi positive (fis increasing) and the intervals on which '() is negative(/'is decreasing) Local Maximum and Minimum Value: Local minimum and maximum are heb identifying turning points. Cones ity and Points of Inflection: The curve is concave upward where f"() >i concave downward where /"(x) <0, Inflection points occur where the direction of as changes, SOLVED EXAMPLES 70. Sketch the graph of fix) : © r= 1-72 x(x+4) Vet! aT 30" Sol. (i) Domain = {xx +1 > 0} = txjr > 1} =C-1, 0) We see that (x) = 0 when x =0 (notice that (ii) The x- and y-intercepts are both 0 in the domain of /), so the only critical mun! (iii) Symmetry: None (wv) Since lim soe Ue] asymptote. Since Vx+1 —> 0as.x—>-I* and f(x) is always positive, we have lim the line x=-1 is a vertical asymptote 224 Since f(x) <0 when -1 «0, we e On) PC) = (e+ Het + et = (rb Zee Since ("(x) > Vie > Zand ("09 < OIF <2, Fisconcaye upward on (-2, 7) and concave downward on (2). The inflection points in (2, -2e °) (vn) We use this information to sketch the curve in Figure Show that f(x) = (3 — 6x2 + 12 ~ 8) does not have any pave lim xe"= 00, ASX» 20, however, e' > 0 and Point of local maxima or minima. Hence draw graph ca Sol, f(x) = x3 — 6x? + 128 — 8 => f(x) = 30? — 4 + 4) sowshave an indeterminate product tht requires the fG)=3e-2% > /@)-0 2 x=2 spital’s le . ~ vse of Hospital's Rul 1 But clearly /%(x) does not change sign about x = 2 ae * S'(2*) > 0 and f"(2-) > 0. So f(x) has no point of maxima tim_ve* = lim >= lim —— = lim (-e")=0. or minima. In fact f(x) is a monotonically increasing function for.x R. (concavity changes at x = 2) Thus, the x-axis is horizontal asymptote. ) Fa)=xe" + e = (x + 1e*. Since e* is always positive, |, go ‘weseethat (x) > 0 when x +1 >0,and/'(X) <0 when ae oaene x+1<0. So fis increasing on (1, 20) and decreasing on (=, -1). = an 1) Because (1) = 0 and f changes from negative to positive atx=~1, 1) =e" isa local (and absolute) ninimum, DIBY 7.10 state the following x<0 © fQ=W/4 x= : sketch the graph of function x x>0 Stetch the derivative of this function y | orf) a 23x42 00 Deen? 382 ine the equations of its asymptotes. { Find 72) and determine the position and nature of any turning points (i | Skee Sketch the graph of the function. Shthe curves (i) y= x2 +x (ii) y= — 4X. °C Derivatives ' 92. Sketch the curves (i) y= cos 2x, Gi) y= sin2x. 225 able function for all.x © R such that solution in [0. 3) eu Pened 2. six) = 0 has exactly two Zer0 of he) a also.) = 0. 1f minimum number of then Lis («cos ~ 118) Cos x in [0, 99) is 120+ k Sol. [7] (xy = 2, dy first find the (Uix)-cos x) =0 (Pxh-cos x) minimum number of zeroes of Ax) = 0 has minimum 98 roots in 10, 99) £08 = O has 31 roots in [0, 90) ae common possible root is only 1 jogs MBimum number of roots of fix)eos x = 0 is ear | Hence a (2/08) = 0 has minimum 127 roots 2. The angles at which the curve y= isare imtersect the y-axis (a) tan-'(e) (2) cor "ey (d) sec! Vi+k Sol. (b,c) Let (0, 5) be the point of the y-axis and the curve a 2 y, = REO = (2) =K This is the slope of the tangent to the curve. tan@ = s° where @ is the angle made by the tangent with x-axis The curve makes an angle (3-6) with y-axis. The angle which the curve makes with y-axis x 1 ie =e 37 Han (#7) = cot! (4?) =sin a 1 for x,y, 2 € R, then the maximum value Bayz is (a) (h) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 Sol. (b) 1 xy + YZ + 2X; 80, -— S/S) tye = (x ty ya yP ay ye 2) J+ 20-1) © Let fi) = + 21 07 Clearly f,,,, =O) = 1. 4M ay, ys 2 ve = 0 then the equation a,,..42025 , Fay + a, Ohas (a) Atleast one real root in (0. 1] (5) At most one real root in [0, 1] (c) No real roots in (0, 1] (a) None of these (a) Apply rolle's theorem for $°—-_y-) ol. ara Let fry=xt ta=3P + het abe R xe R, then the maximum value of a2 + 52 j, (a) 10 (b) 12 (©) 16 () fa 20 (4) None of these Sol 200° +b? <12, Comprehension Based Problems (6 to 8) Consider following two infinite series in real r and @ rcos26_ r’ cos30 1+ re086+— are sin2@_ r’sin30 S=rsin6+ 2 3! If @ remains constant and r varies then 6. The expression C25 5 45 is equal to dr dr (ag C+ (b) (C2 + S*)c0s8 (c) (C? + S?)sind (d) CS Sol. (b) 7. The expression C25 _ 5 4 ig equal to dr” dr (a) C+ 9 (hb) (C24 S)cos0 (c) (C+ S)sind (d) CS Sol. (c) acy (asy 4. (<) (Z) is equal to (a) C49 (h) (C2 + S*)cos0 (ce) (C+ Sysind (d) 1 Calcul? cal : entiate (44 r re 1 ay" DAE sm gre et melee dC pene t 2 (iv) Mig, e*Pacas: j(8) alee" | ply (a and (li) (from (ii) Molt! alee aC C15) = A = cero adr Ae pets get 7 real and imaginary parts and from (iii) quating aC , 545. =(C? +5?) 088 and Cy ar dS _ AC (C2 +5*)sin8. Cr ar ‘at is 'K times repeated root of the a,x" + a, 2! §. Let cat? tose te + aye + ay = 0, where a, = f"(a) = 0; /"(a) = 0; s'(a) = 0, min value of k is 3. Given C, < C, > C, < C, < C, and fuanetion y = ffx) ferentiable, f'(x) > 0 for x € (C,. C), 3) =F(C,) = 0 and /"(x) < 0 for all the remaining values. Also f(C,) = /"(C,) = /"(C,) = 0 and f""(x) > 0 for *e(C\, C)O(C,, 0) and f(x) < 0 for remaining values. Match the following: +a, (Ao thy minimum number of asymptotes parallel to x-axis fory = fx) is | Th maximum number of ee “symptotes parallel to x-axis of 2 = She) is { C. Tfrange of y = fix) is [a, |b R, then minimum number | of asymptotes parallel to x-axis | ofy = flx) is | D. |IFrange of y = fix) is non-finite interval then maximum number || of asymptotes parallel to x-axis | lis Sol. A>s;B +q:C > p;D—>P cE (A) Ifthe graph of y=fix) is as given in the figure. It wi not have any asymptote. e (B) If the graph is as given in the figure then it will have 2 asymptotes. (C) Since range is a finite interval, function must have at least one asymptote. = ce (D) For range to be finite interval it should be non- bounded from atleast one side => maximum asymptote is one. ~ fx) and g(x) are quadratic polynomials and |f(x)| > |g(x)|, Vv x € R. Also fx) = 0 have real roots. Then number of distinct roots of equation h(x)h''(x) + (h'(x))? = 0 are (where A(x) = fir)g(x)). (a) 0 (6) 2 () 3 4 Sol. (d) Clearly if f(x) = a(x — a)(x — B) then g(x) = b (x a)(x ~ B) = Ax) = k(x - a(x - B), = h(x)h'(x) = 2k — a(x — B)(2x — a - B) So, distinct roots of Zac'en =0are4, SINGLE ConRecT SO)= {090055 2101) 2500829) war is an increasing (@) reg = 8 book is folded over so as to the page. The fraction of width ‘the folded part 1s minimum is 3 4 a= a = ws a5 3. fO)iva : L083 wwice differentiable function and 211) is defined eee CO = 7%) Tx) on fx. a2), fx, <3, < ae t. 7 (4) = 0, x) Sx) noe (a) 8 (Be ©) 10 au 4. =f eg Let S (x)=! 6 ave (mn, ) then the interval for Which /(2x) is increa (@) (- 0) (5) [0, 0) (©) [-2.2) (d)_ no where 8. Let fr) = x3 + bx? + ex + d:0< 5? sin’ > does not possess critical points is 2 (a) (~ 3 () E10) (by 7-1) (d) [-2,%) Ne Uf Ax)ax3+ ax? + by + Ssin*v be a increusing function in R Then a and / satisfy the condition (a) a? -3b-15>0 (hy) a? ~3b415>0 (ce) a -3b-15<0 (d) a? -3h415<0 ©. Let a’ and ‘P' are positive number. 4p, 0 : %, anccune a? =a hen the gaa sy, | Pa vab () | on ab oe (a 2a a+b ath 3 Let fora function A). A13) = (AAI)? + (gy fy number x. Then ‘ (o) fis mereasing whenever fis constany (b) His increasing whenever fis decreasing (0) his desresing whenever is increasing (a) None of above Let o(x)= a +4,x44,%" +a," ang fa)s and fix) has its non-zero local minimum ang values at 3 and 3 respectively. 1a the ana function A(x) = sin” (a) Equal 0 50 (b) Greater than $4 Mey, vrh (c) Less than $4 (d) Less than SO Mays dy ayy ony © RE and dy ° say = fy minimum value of (1 + a, + a2) (1+ 45 + a2) (144 + a2). (1 +a, + a2) is equal to, (a) 3°" (By 3" () 3"! dy yt a Let f(sin x) <0 and f*(sin a ( 8 (2) = f(sinx)+ /(cosx) , then g (x) is decreasing» w) (f | () (3) “fe] (8) Ifa 0, then find grewtest value of the expres Tate en (a) 001 (b) 0.015 fe} 0.0005 (d) 0.005 Cal fe afl |s2 2} g-2\th 2<|xs4 2,24 a & act px? + ex is inclined by 45° to x-axis Mit touches x-axis at (1, 0). Then an ‘ at 3 4 3 1 () FZ Oy M-> Mz 4 3 2 5 min length is resting against vertical wall, The Ald ihe ladder is pulled along the ground away fom teal ierate of 1S mse The length of the highest mf ladder when the foot ofthe ladder 40m aay poe wall decreases atthe rate of (a) 2avsee (6) 3 msec (0 25 avsee (d) 1.5 msec x x g(x) = —— where 0<1< wf) and g(«) jane where 0 Let) =x + 2be + I) + 2 g one real solution, then k (a) Let lx) be a real differentiable function such that jx) +/(a)$ and (0) = 0, then the greatest value of 1) e-l is e | Ife) = kas exactly iyi f(a) = 2x+cot™ x+in( vie © =x) theme is (0) Increases in (0, 2) (6) Decreases in [0 0) (0) Inoreases in (9,20) (4) Decreases in (x, .) 18, Leh gtx) = 2/2) + (1 —x) and "(x) <0 in (@) Decrease in, [o] (b) Decreases [ba 3 2 [a 3 2 Increases in | = 1 3 (0) Increases in of Derivatives. ae 0. f(xy - The composite function of fff ire sin x 05 2 Then the interval in which atleast one root of equation 2 UAEIAE) (ot) fH) bE) lies 4 (9 *1(0.2)-+ Rea fincionsatitying/tx)e! = ¥ xe [0,2), ‘hen which of the following statements is(are) TRUE? (9) fQ)20 4x6 (0,2) (6) lim foy=0 © tim 0, se inr (d) tim £09 rom ine (GOV) isa decreasing function and ‘r’ functions out of total 'n" unctions are decreasing functions while the rest are ‘nereasing. The maximum value of r(n ~ r) is p-4 when mis of the form 4k (6) “when is an even number G) hen n is an odd number @ when nis of the form 4k +2 4 . wosi(F hype ve whee > Ovy € (-3,4), then A(x) is 3 (a) Increasing in (4) (6) Increasing (c) Decreasing ala 7 1 oe 3) a v 4. |. Let Ax. ») pare bea Parametrically defined expression such that : The ane’ = 2P ~ 158 +2410 V7 [0 6). Determine munimum and maximum values of y= x). F(a) = Sin x=c0sx4V3 rn z e where re ES]. emte the minimum value of F(x), and Mbe the maximum value 2M [24] (CJ denotes greatest integer VP ae +P ay al Vi +7 yates (a) x= of F(@), then find function). Vx" +19 —6x—8y 525 4 @) 3 7 (©) Minimum value of /(x.1) =5+ (@) Minimum value of f(x.) =5—\2 Consider the function A(x) = ©) . 3° _ 5. where g(x) is a continuous and differentiable function. It is given that A(x) is a monotonically increasing function and, then which of the following cc. = (a) g(1)>10 (b) a(S) >3 5 (©) (5}<2 (@) g-1)>22 5. Consider the system of equation for x. yz © R Match the following: @) 18 (q) 3/4 ee © Jo {ol [eo 7 ; [ope 5 : Comprekension (68): 0) 182 continuous ang iffes ANT function, Given fl) takes values of the for ty Sac OF othe denote set of whole numbers whenever x - fix) takes real values. 3 and jRa)| < |Rb)) y= Arey ‘ Also f() 6, The number of rational values that Ray + fib) +p, Chg take is/are (a) 4 (6) 2 () 3 @s5 7. The number of values that (la)? + (Rb))* + ay. take is (a4 (b) 2 (0 3 (a) 5 8. The possible number of triplets (fa), /(), fic) iva (a) 4 (b) 5 (7 (@) 6 9. Arectangular box without a lid is to be made from Ite of card board. Find the maximum volume of such Let f(x) be 2 non- constant thrice differentiable func defined on (x, 2) such that flx) = U6 — x) and fl)" =S(2)=/(5). Then find the minimum number of 20 Bx) =f")? + f(x) f"(a) in the interval [0,6] 10, cae 7.10) to 44 i. aro 2 G0) 3: seer scot) 4 (26,0) 5, ( fie "a ' 3 a etlaeeee 10. did oy 43, oeun'(2) 14. wn(3) 15. 0/2 af 5 a 4 5 11. (C1. 35,3] 18. (4a 3") ie (2asin$) 20. (v2|y\|) 21. [3] 22. |5 2 3 6 . | 9629) 24 0.03x'm’] 25. [45.46 26, (3k) 27, [156] 28. 3, & ing (« € (0, 1) V2, 2)) Increasing ( %,0)U (1,2) gin (1,€) and Decreasing in (e,) 30, Increasing for x € R 32, Increasing in (1, x) and Decreasing in (—1. 1) onR 34, Increasing in (~~, 0) U (2, x.) and Decreasing in (0, 2) 35. [FI 36. (k2V2) 2 jncreasiDg 4 9 | 38. 4] 39. PD 40, Increasing 41. 2=4 47, 6 48, (>(-3)] a3 5. A pian Bl so. (6) 51. [6] 52. [10] 53. 54. 0 55. ic [es a ‘| 4. (=) 58. (5+234(+2.01)) . (2,3) 60. [27/4] 61. P.O, R= True 62. [15] 63. [3] a. {9 \ G0) 65. (9) 66, Maxima atx=—1,Minimaatx=1 67. [3] 68. (§] 69, v2 70. («>3) aE 72. G8) 73. 28 74. 75. [3] 76. 5] 77. 01 1 79. (<0, 0) — (0}) 80. (2,-11) 81. (2,9) & (0. 5) 82. [3] 83. (-2,-8) i A hug Ay 4. (2,0) distance= 1 . 4 87. [2,4] 88. 77. a 89. —— istance= 1 g5, 8 86. [4] t ‘ale . | OG DEry=0 91 @ (5 1) ans=( J] ate roitormacinam ana = (— } te point of minimum | 2 4 ih (+=) maximum point (+ 5) 4 minimum point KEMAIN hw 2 (b) 3. ©) 4. @) 5. @ 6. @ 7. (a) 8. (@) 9. (a) 10. (d) He 2®) 26 uO BO 6O 720 B® 26 20.6 he (by Bee ese yey gy ae) nell) Hon oF De rivatives B

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