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Online Data Collection for the Exploitation Prevention Curriculum

The steps to accessing online data collection forms and submitting data for My Life My Choice Exploitation
Prevention Groups via Survey Monkey are outlined below. Please note that data collection is required for all
facilitators running My Life My Choice groups.
For additional guidance regarding online data forms or submission, please contact Charel Murrel, Assistanrt
Director of Prevention and Partnerships (, or Indigo Kirsh, Data and Evaluation Manager
For Facilitators to Complete
Use the links below to submit data for each of the groups you facilitate. Each of the links below replaces the
paper format of our data collection forms unless otherwise noted.

Before the group begins:

 Background Information Form: Fill out one form for each youth and use it to complete the Compiled Data
& Post Group Assessment after the group ends.
 You will continue to complete the paper version of the Background Information Form but you do not need to
submit it to us. Please download the most recent version of the Attendance and New Disclosures Log from the
Online Community prior to starting each group.

After the group ends:

 Attendance and New Disclosures Log:
 You will continue to complete the paper version of the Attendance and New Disclosures Log each week. After the
group ends, use this link to upload the completed form into Survey Monkey. Please download the most recent
version of the Attendance and New Disclosures Log from the Online Community prior to starting each group.

 Compiled Data & Post-Group Assessment:

For Youth to Complete

Use the links below to administer the pre- and post-tests to the youth participating in each group. To give the
tests to youth in your group, copy and paste the links below into the online platform you use to facilitate the
groups remotely (e.g., the chat box in Zoom, Google Classroom, etc.).

If youth do not have access to an electronic device during the first and last sessions of the group, they can
take the pre- and post-tests on paper. However, if tests are taken on paper, facilitators will need to enter
information from each individual pre- and post-test into the Survey Monkey platform in order to submit it to

 Pre-Test:

 Post-Test:

For a comprehensive outline of our data collection process, please refer to the Exploitation Prevention
Curriculum: Facilitators Guide to Data Collection.

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