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Philippines is known for being one of the worlds colonized country. During the Spanish,
Japanese, and American colonial era traditions and cultures are being influenced by such
countries yet there are still tradition and culture that we can say different and make us distinct to
other countries. Philippine Popular Culture continues to change over time and it’s very alarming
for our culture to dissipate because of the influences brought by the other cultures around the
globe. Based on the video that I have watched these are may insight about the Philippine Popular
Philippine popular culture is truly diverse, blended by indigenous people, Spanish, American,
and Asian influences. From traditional festivals like Sinulog which can be found in Cebu to
modern music, film, and television, it reflects the nation’s rich history and unique local trends.
Tiktok is one of the trends in the Philippines where it serves as the platform for many Pinoys to
showcase their talents. Speaking of talents icons like Manny Pacquiao, Nora Aunor, and Lea
Salonga have left a significant mark to our country culture by showcasing their expertise in
different fields.
Social media plays a crucial role in shaping Philippine popular culture by providing platforms for
expressions and connecting people. It influences everything from fashion and music to language
and activism. Trends can spread rapidly through viral content, hashtags, and challenges, Social
media also serves as a space for cultural dialogue, where Filipinos share memes, jokes, and
opinions, contributing to the ever-evolving pop culture of the Philippines.
I am happy to know what the Philippine Popular Culture can offer to the rest of the world
because it reflects us Filipinos, it reflects our identity, our strong personality and our strong
foundation, why we Filipinos are distinct to other raises. But as the culture continues to change I
feel anxious, where will this change lead us to? Does this change continue to preserve our
culture? or this change can be the cause for the loss of our culture.
The culture of the Philippines is an incredible representation of the lives of every single Filipinos
around the globe. We Filipinos bring change to the world by our values that are implanted to our
culture, those influence can be good and can be a threat to our culture but all I know is that “We
Filipinos embodies a unique blend of warmth, resilience, and strong cultural values that
contribute to preserve our cultural heritage.

Dan P. Salarda Beed 2B

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Influenced has brought to our culture due to some nations that colonized our country. Religion
has brought by Spaniards, culture exchange by Japanese and education by the American but
those are few of the many influences brought by the colonizers to us. And still it exist up until
this new era, the digital era. And what I have noticed in today’s era, social media serves as the
major platform in showcasing different cultures.
Based on the video Philippine Popular Culture has a wide range of cultures such as music, arts,
language, and dances. Dances like festival, tribal and also Philippine Folkdances. Arts like
literary arts, theatre arts and ancient pottery art are examples of the famous culture of our
country. Philippine is home for 120 to 187 languages including the ethnolinguistic languages.
Why do we need to preserved this cultures? It is true from the video that our culture is our
Identity, if we let other cultures dominate ours maybe it’s the loss of our culture. By giving
space for our culture we can assure that the future generations can witness the incredible culture
our country have.
Culture doesn’t only limits in arts, dances and music because a simple material or food can be a
popular culture. Milktea is one of the example for that, I was not expecting that a milktea can be
a popular culture in the Philippines that is why I was so happy that trends can also be part of our
culture. Fashions can also be a popular culture swimsuits, crop top, skinny jeans , dresses and
long gowns.
In conclusion Philippine Popular Culture a vibrant tapestry of traditions, reflecting the complex
history and the strong identity of the Filipinos. So by celebrating it’s uniqueness we can show to
the world how colorful our culture are.

Nicole L. Regalado Beed 2B

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The Philippines is home for a wide variety of cultures, festive dances, tribal dances, folk dances
and ethnic dances are just a small representation of our culture. Hinugyaw sa Hinigaran is one of
the many festive dances that our country have. Tinkling a Philippine Folkdance represents the
attempts of Filipino rice farmers to catch and prevent the “Tikling” bird from stealing ripe rice
grains from the fields. Tribes like Aeta, T’boli and mangyan has their own and unique styles of
dances. But that are just few of our culture. Does it exist up until now? How is our culture now?
The video that I have watched showcase the Philippine Popular Culture it was said from the
video that despite of the influences of other countries Philippine culture and values still evidently
appreciated. It’s was a big relief to know that despite of the colonization that comes to our
country, still tradition and culture of Filipinos remains. Cultures continue to emerge as the time
goes by and with that I came up to a realization, does this change helps us to celebrate our
culture? Or this changes weakens the culture that we have. But I stand for preserving our culture
because that is the identity of our country that glasses out the color of our live here in the
To end paper, the Philippines is known as the pearl of the orient seas, just like the vibrant color
of pearls our nation spectacles the colorful culture that we have. We continue to celebrate the
uniqueness of our cultural heritage to preserved our cultures and pass it through to our future
generations for them to witness the beauty of our country’s culture.

Renier P. Tejada Beed 2B

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Spaniards brought Christianity, Japanese brought industrial arts and American brought education.
Many Filipinos believed that our country’s culture are being influenced when those colonizers
came to our land and that influences led for the improvement of our culture. Music, arts, and
language are some of the bests cultures that our country have. Fernando Amorsolo and Juan Luna
are known as the best painters in the Philippines. Planting Rice, making the Philippine flag,
dalagang bukid and many more are the famous works of Fernando Amorsolo. Spoliarium in 1884
and the death of Cleopatra in 1881 are the famous works of Juan Luna. That represents the
culture of the Filipinos from the old ages.
The Philippine Popular culture is truly an diversity of culture, trends, televisions, mass media
and social media are some of the platform where we can express our self to celebrate our
country’s culture. An example of the popular culture are the products that goes viral. Milktea is
an example of popular culture here in the Philippines and also the “Hugot”. I really don’t expect
that Hugot and Milktea can be a popular culture because all I really know is that our culture just
limited on the fields of music, arts, literature, film, dances, and cuisines. But I was worried about
where does this modernization can lead us to because based from the video modernization brings
changes and we can’t really tell if that changes continue to commemorate our culture or not. So
that is why we need to preserve our culture, preserve in a such way that we celebrate, appreciate
and give space for our culture.
In conclusion the popular culture of the Philippines are being influences by other countries
culture. But we should always remember that our culture is our identity that is the only heritage
that our ancestors preserve over time so that our generation can also witness the beauty of our
culture and I really hope that we do the same thing as our ancestors does.

Jechette Balidio Beed 2B

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The Philippine Culture is one of the rarest culture I’ve ever known, to the way the people live,
the values, norms, traditions and beliefs. During the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan in Mactan,
Cebu together with his goal to find a spice in such island he also bring Religion and with that
Philippines is known for being a Christian country in southeast Asian nations. Being a Christian
country affects the culture of the people lived. They do believe that women in those days are not
capable of man’s work that is why women have no right to education, but that ends when
modernization comes in. Women fight for there right, women empowered there selves that they
are capable of everything and they want equality. Now in Digital era social media plays an
important role in shaping Philippine’s culture because it serves as the platforms for expressions.
Social media now serve as the space for women to express their selves
Based on the video that I’ve watched now the popular culture in the Philippines are those things
that give satisfaction to people, what is trend is culture. Now the popular culture for women is
empowering their selves by fashions, pageants and many different fields. Fashion can be a great
example of Philippine Popular culture a crop tops and skinny jeans are a fashion on trends for
women. Michelle Marquez Dee is an icons of empowered woman. Michelle Dee bring the tattoo
art of Apo Wang Od in an modern fashion. And it gives spotlight to Apo Wang Od’s tattoo art to
be known and also to be recognized which led to preserving that kind of culture. This only
reminds us to love our culture. I don’t really know if today’s popular culture still represent our
raise or it’s just a adaptation of what we saw online and an integration of other countries like
Korea, Japan and America.
In conclusion Philippine popular culture continue to change and we don’t know what will be the
effects of these changes. But all I have to say is that no matter where this change lead us to I
firmly believed that our culture remains to us.

Trisha Mae Morata Beed 2B

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