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LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you willbe asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are Given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question inthis par, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statemen: that best describes what you see inthe picture. Then find the number ofthe question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Sample Answer ®DBeoDd Statement (B), “They're shaking hands," is the best description of the picture, so you should select, answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 16 aa Go onto the next page 17 18 ACTUAL TEST 01 Go on to the next page 19 PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will ‘not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the ‘question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 11, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. PART 3 Directions: You wil hear seme conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response: to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Eee 32. ‘Who most likely are the speakers? (A) Architects (8) Tour guides (C) Construction workers (0) Event planners Why did the man choose the restaurant? (A) He has eaten there before. (® His triond recommenced it. (C)He read a review of it (0) He knows the chet. What will the speakers do this afternoon? (A) Make travel arrangerrents (8) Telephone some clients (©)Draw some biueprints (0) Tour a builcing Where does the woman most ikely work? (A) Ata concert hall (B) Ata theater (C)Ata stadium (O)Ata museum When did the man place the order? (A) On Tuesday (8) On Thursday (C)On Friday (0)On Saturday Why is the man concerned about his, tickets? (A) The tickets were misplaced. (8) The tickets are too expensive. (C) The tickets have not arived. (0) The tickets were printed incorrectly. a. What problem does the man have? (A) He missed an appointment. (B) He does not nave transportation. (C)His train was cancelled. (0) He is lost. Where is the man? (A) Ata restaurant (B) Atan airport (C)Atan office (0) Ata train staion What does the woman say she will tell ‘Theodore? (A) The clients have arrived, (8) The taxi hasn't arrived. (C) The man is waiting. (0) The train was delayed. ‘What is the problem? (A) The wrong item was delivered. (8) An item was not delivered. (C) The customer was overcharged. (0) The item is camaged, What does the man agree to do? (A) To send an e-mail (8) To give a discount (C) To send anew copy (0) To cancel the subscription What does the vioman suggest? (A) Checking the address and subscription (8) Calling back later (C) Cancelling the subscription (0) Completing the forms a Go on to the next page ——————> 45. 46. 47. 49. ‘When is the event? (A) On Tuesday (8) On Wednesday (C)On Thursday (0) On Friday Why might the man be unable to attend the event? (A) He has another appointment. (B) He is scheduled for an interview. (C) He has too much work to do. (0) He willbe away on business. ‘What does the woman offer to do? (A) Help finish some work (8) Give the man some advice (C) Prepare food for a Christmas party (D) Drive a colleague home Where does the conversation take place? (A) At a sign-making store (B) Ata coffee shop (C)Ata bakery (OD) Ata restaurant What does the woman request? (A) A contact number (8) A price estimate (C)A discount service (0) A catalog What concern does the man mention? {(A) The shop is too fax away. (B) Tho store will be cosed during December. (©) The item is out of stock. (D) The work cannot be started immediately. 50. Where most likely do the speakers work? (A) Ata delivery service (8) Ata shoe store (C)Ata post office (O)Ata ship yard 51. Why have the shipments been delayed? (A) A shipping document was lost. (8) An order was not placed on time. (C)A forkiit bioke down. (0) An employee made a mistake. 52. What does the woman mean when she says, ‘That's not good enough"? (A) She has persuaded him to contact the store manager. (8) She has warned him to repair a machine soon. (©) She has urged him to request faster service immediately. (0) She has requested him to increase production 53. What are they talking about? (A) Ideas for marketing strategies (8) Advice on a presentation (C) Important messages (0) Directions to a lunch meeting 54, Where did the woman just arrive back from? (A)A seminar (8) Alunch meeting (©)A job fair (O)Alecture 55. What does tha woman mean when she says, “It went well, thank you"? (A) She has frogressed with some plans. (8) She has selected a new employee. (C) She has received a pay raise. (0) Sho has ragisterad for a conference. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. Where does the conversation probably take place? (A) Ata human resources office (8) Ata health clinic (©)Ata research laboratory (O)Ata high school reunion Why does the man want to talk to Ms. Saunders? (A) To obtain a recommendation (8) To got permission totake a class (C) To review empioyeebenefits (0) To discuss some research work. What is Ms. Saunders doing right now? (A) Having lunch with a tiend (8) Talking on the telephone (C) Meeting with anotne: employee (0) Sending an e-mail Who most likely is the woman? (A)A doctor. (8)Amanager (C)A president (0) A market analyst What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) A conference schedule (8) Aclient presentation (C)Aijob interview (0)An orientation program What is the woman concerned about? (A) Missing an appointment (8) Being late to work (©) Being sick (0) Obtaining an employee ID badge | rte Praza is one [Li a Staton | bs. re fe — Fi tion q ba Hi = Pubic |} | city Park parking ot |! 62. What does the man want to know? (A) Where to have breakfast (B) What time the train arrives (©)When a meeting starts (0) Where a hotel is 63. Why does the man have difficulty finding the hotel building? (A) The hotel is way too far. (©) There is no streetights. (C) Something obstructs his view of the building. (0) The building is low and not very noticeable, 64, Look at the graphic. Where most likely are the speakers now? (A) At the diner (8) At the public parking lot (C)Atthe park (D)At the gas station Go on to the next page ‘PARCEL DELIVERY RATES (DOMESTIC) ash Pega | xe Envelope Size (--800) sor_| 927 Box size 1 (smal) (-1kg) sou | $20 Borsize 2 (meaum)(-2.5%g) | ser | S31 Box size 3 (large) (-749) soe_| $42 Boxsize 4 (extra large) (-15kq) | $48 | $53 65. When wil the package probably be delivered? (A) On Friday : (8) On Thursday (C) On Wednesday (0)On Tuesday Why is the woman concerned? (A) There is not enough room for the guests. (8) Her flight to Seattle has been delayed. (C) Sho wante a package to arrivo on timo. (0) The package is too big in size. 67. Look at the graphic. How much does she have to pay? (A) 27 dollars (8) 29 dollars {C)30 dollars (0)31 dollars Happy Mall Discount Coupon shoes: 10% sunglasses: 20% ' clothes: 30% 5 ' accessories: 40% t What is the woman looking for? (A) A restaurant with outdoor seating (B) A location tor a new store (C)A lost piece of clothing (D)A itt for a relative What will the man probably do next? (A) Buy a table (B) Give directons (©)Check the inventory (0) Check a ccupon Look at the grephic. What discount will the woran most licly receive? (A) 10% (8) 20% (C)30% (0)40% 24 Direction: PART 4 ‘ou wil hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three ‘questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will note printed in your test book and will be spoken orly one time. m1. Where does the speaker most likely work? (A) Ata graphic design company (8) Ata computer store (C) Ata photography stud (0)Atan advertising agency What does the speaker say happened last Tuesday? (A) She printed some marketing materials. (8) She reviewed some designs. (C) She left a telephone message. (0) She missed a deadline. What does the speaker suggest the listener 0? (A) Schedule a meeting (8) Call for a brochure (C) Track a package online (0) Contact customer service 7. 78. Who most lkelyis the speaker? (A) A school teacher (©) A construction engineer (C)A radio broadcaster (O)A town official According to the broadcast, why does the building need to be constructed? (A) A company has been relocated. (8) The current building has too many students, (©) Officials want to atract more tourists (D) The facility has been damaged. What will the lisionors likely hear next? (A) A construction plan (8) A town hall meeting (©)A budget summary (0)A weather usdate 74. 5. 76. What kind of event is beng advertised? (A) A family festival (8) contest (©) Aband concert According to the advertisement, what will cost $2? (A) Aratfle ticket (B) Admission to the event (C)An event guide book (0) Baked goods When will the event take place? (A) On Thursday (B) On Friday (C)On Saturday (0) On Sunday at. 25 Why is the worran calling? (A) To change en appointment (8) To confirm an order (C)To request some documents (0) To accept an offer Who is the message for? (A) A university professor (©) Acurrent customer (C) An office manager {D)A schoo! apalicant What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Return a telaphone call (B) Fax some paperwork (C) Schedule an interview (0) Email a eter 83. What is the notice for? (A) Starting a new work assignment (8) Moving to another department (C) Getting a promotion (0) Attending an important convention What should the listeners read on the notice board? (A)A project outline (B)A list of names (C)A daily announcement (0) Instructions for using protection glasses What does the man maan when he says, “And last but not least"? (A) He puts an emphasis on what he is trying to say. (8) He wants listeners to share their opinions. (C) He suggests leavirg a signature every morning, (0) He believes that its essential to attend the meeting daily Where is this announcement most likely being made? (A) Ata movie theater (8) Atan exhibit of musical instruments (C)Ata business convention (0) At a music performance ‘What does the woman mean when she ‘says, “I would ike to remind you of theater rules"? (A) She wants to sell theater tickets. (B) She intends to ask for proper behaviors. (C) She will advertise upcoming performances. (D) She wants to thank all the participants. ‘According to the announcement, what is available at the exit? (A) Food (8) Photographs (C)A schedule of events (0) CDs with signatures 1. 93, ‘What kind of business is being advertised? (A) An office supplies store () An electronics store (C)A grocery store (0)A shipping service ‘What does the man mean when he says, “Don't risk missing out on these incredible events"? (A) New products will be introduced. (8) A now store wil be open soon. (C) He will give the new location of a business. (0) He is passing the savings onto customers. What information is provided? (A) Directions o the store (8) A delivery date (C) An e-mail address (0) Business hours What is said ebout Ventura? (A) Itis known for its low price. (€) Itis a longestablished company. (C)Ituses the most modern manufacturing ‘methods. (0) thas the iargest factory in the industry. What does Ventura make? (A) Doors (®) Eye goggles (©)Offee turiture (0) Windows What are the isteners asked to do? (A) Purchase some products (8) Attend a press conference (©) Board a tcur bus (0) Puton safety equipment Product Invoice 95. Whats the main purpose of this message? (A) To complain about some products. (8) To make sure the company sent the order (C) To ask for a full refund on all terns (0) To report mistakes in an order 96. What would Ms. Timbers ike the company 10 do about the chair? (A) Take both chairs back (8) Send the other chair she ordered (C) Charge her for both of them (0) Refund her money for one of them 97. Look at the graphic. How much of a refund does Ms. Timbers want for the tablecloth? (A) $10.00 (8) $20.00 (C) $50.00 (0) $60.00 Serena ESO esd Passenger Date Origin Jin ChoiMs. 19 June Destination Detroit —~ Los Angeles Fight Class Seat a7 EBA Boarding Time / Gate 1:00 PAM./ 38 * Pleage inset into the machine at the gato ** 98. Who most likely is making the announcement? (A) A bus driver (B) A travel agent (C)An airtine employee (D)A tour guide 99. What has caused the problem? (A) Alack of pilots (8) A mechanical problem (©)A lack of passengers {D) The poor weather condition 100. Look at tne graphic. Wnen wil tne passenger board the plane? (A) Around 11M. (8) At noon (©) Around 1 P.M. (0) Around 2 P.M. Go on to the next page ———_> READING TEST Inthe Reading test, you wil read a variety of texts and answer several diferent types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test wil last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 5. Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), @), (C), oF (0) on you: answer sheet 101.Jenson Financial Ltd. plans to open new 105. Both the manager --—— the individual branch offices -—- the southern part of member of the stat are responsible for the country. accomplishing the project sucresstilly yin (A) either up @)or (C)against (Cand (O)during (O)nor 102. Mountain hikers are encouraged to 106. The automobile company Nexon Ltd. has long pants throughout the year to protect decided to the prices across alll its their legs from thorns. sven brands due to the material cost hike. (A) wearing (A) increase (@)wear (6) remain (©)wore (C)comment (O)worn (O)construct 103. he new Sonos digital camera is smaller 107. Our guests are encouraged to indicate but more powerful --—- its previous model. -~- when they respond to our (at (8) than (A) prefers (hot (©) preferences, (O)watn (©) preferring (©)preterentia 104. Rexon Auto Company's annual meeting shareholders will be held on 108. Fora time only, customers will ‘Thursday, April 11 receive two hundred dollars’ worth of home (A) into theater equipment when they purchase an (@) for LCD TV. (O)from (A) imit (O)t0 ©) mits (©)limites ()limitation 109. Please check the condition of the packages very ~—--- wren they arrive at the loading dock. (A) carefully () harmlessly (C)extremely (O)haraly 110.7The apprenticeship program Is popular with students pursuing technical -——--. (A) quality (B) qualified (C) qualifications. (©) qualifier 111. complex regulations, the opening of ‘Quinn's Computers’ local factory will be postponed until next year (A) According to (8) Because of (C) However (0) Therefore 112. Weather forecasters ~~~ that heavy snow ‘would come all over the country throughout the night. (A) predicted (©) predicts (©) predictable (O) predictably you have finished your travel expense report, please send it tothe accounting office, (A) In addition to (©) In regard to (©) As well as (0) As soon as. 114. Last-minute problems in the design of the new motoreycle could not have been solved without the —-— of the intern designer, Peter Benson. (A) contribution (©) contribute (C) contributed (O) contributes 115. The toy dealers think that the procedures {or assembling the miniature ship are overly -—--~ for most customers. (A) complicate (8) complicates (C) complicated (D) complicating 116. Investors have to use financial information ‘on major companies, which is ~ accessible and clearly presented online, (A) readily (8) readiness (C)ready (D)reading 117.As in our rental agreement, rental cars should b2 returned to the original rental location with a full tank of gas. (A) note (8) notation (C)noted (©)notes 118. Supercard holders can use the points of the credit card ~~ they shop online. (A) whoever (8) wherever (C)whatever (D) whichever 119.1f you have any ideas for a new project you would like to ——-, please submit it at the ‘monthly meeting, (A) propose (®) acquaint (©)practice ()employ 120. The office complex on Ocean Street has for a year due to high rental (A) vacantly (©) vacant (C)vacanoy (O)vacating Go on to the next pago ———-> 121. In his most recent work Tomoyaki ‘Yamamoto has ~~~ to blend traditional and modern music resulting in relaxing melodies. (A) attempted (8) completed (C)persuaded (0) recognized 122. Instead of buying a commercial bookkeeping system, the accountants of Haldenman Finance decided to design one of — (A) their (B) they (C)their own (D) themselves 123, The manufacturing process of MJD Foods International is ----- monitored by our quality assurance team (A) approximately (B) doubtfully (C) closely (O)nearly 124, Our North American and Asian markets have grown ~~-~ stronger since the company's launch five years ago. (A) consideration (8) considerate (C) considerable (©) considerably 125. Vacation request forms must be submitted at least 10 days prior and ——--- by the department manager. (A) treated (B) entitled (C)journeyed (O) signed 126. Customers should be careful because ‘computer software products are not refundable, —-—-- opened or not. (A) neither (8) whether (C)unloss (0)besides 127.Job candidates are advised to avoid asking ‘questions ---— to working hours and benefits ata job interview. (A) granted (€) receiving (C) pertaining (O) similar 128. Our technicians spent the busy summer responding tc customers air-conditioning systems failed because of overuse, (ayits (©) that (C)which (O)whose 129. By intensifying the quality control, James Alvart, the company president, expressed his full -—-- 10 sarving the best interests of customers. (A) assessment (®) reference (C) selection (O)commitment 130. The department managers would need ~ flexibilly in hiring temporary workers to deal with increased work load. (A) fixed (8) multiple (C)hopeful (O)additional PART 6 Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the lettar (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice. To: All employees From: Doris Campbell Date: February 17 ‘Subject: Impressionism Att Series Noted art critic Betty Edwards will give a three-part lecture series, Amazing Arts of the Impressionism, during the week of March 15. There will be no costs for this series. The ~---- event ofthis series is @ 131 ‘guided tour of Impressionism masterpieces in the Brighton Art Gallery on March 19 at 2:00 P.M, Al employees are the admission to this series is tree, employees must sign up in advance. toattend. ‘sign up today for this remarsable series, and the deadline for registration is o1 Monday, March 8. For more information, call Emily Quinn at extension 0233. Sincerely, Doris Campbell President, University of the Arts-Brighton 133.(A) If (®) Until (C) culminated (©)Uniess, (O} culmination (0) Although 182.(A) capable 134.(A) Simply complete the form right now. (®) valuable (@) There is limited seating at this event. (C)eiigible (C)1 would like to welcome you to join us. (O)flexible (0) Please send an e-mail at your earliest convenience. Go on to the next page ————> 31 Questions 135-138 refer o the following letter. John Bailey Finance 520 Lake Tarma Street Leeds, West Yorkshire LS5 9DP Ms, Ann Nelson 2222 W. West Street East Hampton, Delaware Dear Ms. Nelson, At John Bailey Finance, we are serious about ~----- your account information. Our records. 135. Indicate you recently recovered a forgotten user password online at www.johnbailey, We — 136. password retrieval process recently, please call 1-822-555-0917 immediately. ‘our customers whenever such activities are initiated. If you have not used our online ;njoying the convenience of online access to your secure credit card account information, be sure to keep a record of your user name and password in a safe place. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Emily Green Manager, Customer Service 15.(A) protect 138.(A) For the full experience, please visit our (B) protection store. (©) protecting (B) We wish you a pleasant stay at John (O)protective Bailey Fixance. (©) We look iorward to doing regular 196.(A) contact business with us. (8) prevent (D) Thank you for using our financial services (C)reward online. (0) submit 137.(A) continue (B) propose (Chotter (O)stant 32 Questions 139-142 refer to he following notice. ‘The Sth Annual Englewood Job Fair 139. ‘October 6 and Thursday, October 7. More than 200 employers from around the greater Englewood il be a area wil be e- 741. experienced, and diverse candidates. ~ Englewood Job Fair at the Englewood Community Center on Wednesday, interviews on the site. There is no charge for the event. 1 Job seekers : Remember to dress —---- and bring plenty of copies ot your resumes! ‘Recruiters : The Englewood Job Fair has a reputation for connecting local businesses with reliable, ‘Don’t miss out on this chance to recruit 142. some of the best and brightest local talent! PPS ala eon 139.(A) will hold, (®) will be held (C)was held (D)has held 140. (A) conducting (B) behaving (C)accompanying (D) processing 141. (A) appropriate (8) appropriates (C) appropriation (©) appropriately 33 142. (A) Many applizants possess, at minimum, 4 junior colege degree. (B) Students have a strong desire to change career paths. (C) Applicants have passed at least one college-leval science course, (0) Candidates are willing to engage in this, rigorous program. Go on to the next page ———— Questions 143-146 referto the following notice. Dear customers, ‘The Zenatau 3-way sott bulb you have just purchased is designed to last for several years. However. when itbums out it must be disposed of -775~. Please do not break it or throw it in the trash. The ight bulbs can cause some environmental concerns. 144. ‘To address these issues, Zenatau offers a safe disposal method which we hope you will adopt. Simply take it to any store that participates in our recycling program and =~ iin the green bin labeled with Zenatau logo. The bins are placed beside light bulb cispleys. This service is provided free of charge. 149.(A) property 146. (A) The collacted bulbs can be resold ard (8) respectfully reused by other customers. (O)positively (B) The contents of the bins are sent toa (D)confidently recycling facility once a month. (C)In some cases, you may have to pay 144.(A) subjected the disposal expenses. (©) prohibited {D) Please make sure the lightbulbs are stil (C)discarded ‘900d tobe used. (0) supported 145.(A) place (B) placed (©)placing (D)to place 34 PART7 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 147-148 refer tothe following advertisement. ~~ Now Open Pedro’s Cantina 755 Lincoln Avenue Columbia, South Carolina Phone : (571) 288-3219 Come enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine and the best Margaritas in town! (On Friday and Saturday nights, we have live mariechi music from 8 P.M. until closing. Business Hours Tuesday - Thursday: 11:00 A.M. - 10:00 PM. Friday and Saturday: 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 AM. ‘Sunday: 12:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 147. What is the announcement about? 148, What is suggested about Pedro's Cantina? (A) A trip to Mexico (A) tis closec on Mondays. (8) Dishes that are being sold at a discount (6) ithas locations throughout South (C)A restaurant opening for business Carolina, (0) Changes to a schedule (©) Itfeatures live music daily. (0) thas a lange kitchen stat. Go on to the next page ———> 35 ‘Question 149-150 refer tothe following text message chain. 2 ‘Mary Ammon ae sim. REET E A ow ‘Mary Ammon Fight! He ewois a great comodian. | wish I had watched i a ee riba sare, OR iniat case, you can see it tomorow! I heard they’ ebroadcasting iat ‘9PM. on the same channel. ‘Mary Ammon Really? Thats great! | should wre it down somewhere, n case I forget. 149. Who is Mike Bunders? 150. At 1:38 P.M, what does Ms. Ammon mean (A) An entertainer when she wites, “That's great!”? (©) Asinger (A) She will call the broadcasting studio. (C)Amanager (B) She will watch the show tomorrow night. (0)A producer (©) She will work overtime at 9 P.M. (0) She will give some information to him. Questions 151-153 refer tothe following letter. Hemingshire Antiques 142 St. Andrews Road, Fife, Scotland, KY16 APN Dear Collectors, Due to an overwhelming supply of new items for sale, Hemingshire Antiques will be ‘expanding its facilities. — [1] —. The expansion will include extensive renovations to our showroom and storage space. — [2] —. ‘These renovations will take about 6 weeks this fall. — [3] —. As a result, the showroom will be closed from September 16th to November Ist. In the meantime, our online store will remain active to service our customers. — [4] —. We encourage you to view our new inventory online at Stay tuned for an announcement regarding our grand re-opening sale in November. Alan Babcock, Man Babeock ‘Owner, Hemingshire Antiques 151. What is the purpose of this letter? 153. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] (A) To offer dlocounted tems and [4] does the following sentence best (B) To recruit new employees beng? (C) To announce renovations “This will allow us to display more items (0)o introduce new onine features in the showroom and keep more items in 152. What is stated about the store? aa (A) tis temporary moving o a new ®@e none (13) (B) It has products availeble online. (14) (C) It sells items from around the world. (0) twill extend its hours during the fall. Go on to the next page —\—_—> 37 Questions 154-156 refer io the following advertisement, Sr Tailor Made Fitness Get fit with a custom package from Tailor Made Fitness ! Design your own Fitness program! This package is intended for people who wish to create a customized fitness program around their personal schedule, fitness goals, and preferences. Not only do you get to choose the options and specialized services that meet your needs, but you even get to select an affordable payment schedule that suits your budget. Also, those who are too busy traveling for work to join a gym can take advantage of our nationwide network of 76 fitness canters. We believe that being your best involves much more than just looking good; it's about feeling good. I's about tailoring an exercise program to your needs to help you reach your personal goals. If you sign up before September ‘st, you'll receive a 15% discount off your first year membership. So ragister today by calling 323-5674, 154. What is the purpose of the adverticemont? 156. What will happen after Soptomber tot? (A) To promote a fitness center (A) A more flexible exercise program will (8) To recruit personal fitness instructors start. (C)To announce a spcrts competition (©) New applicants will no longer recelve (0)To publicize a selt:mproverent 2 special discount. magazine (©)A flexible payment pian will become available. 185. What information is NOT provided in the (0) The price of the membership will be advertisement? redoced (A) Howto register (8) How the program is designed (C) What the monthly payment is (0) When the offer expires 38 Questions 157-158 refer to the following e-mail (e090 S From : Customer Service To: Bob Maher PPE Feed a ‘Subject : Service Complaint Date: June 10,215 P.M. Dear Mr. Maher, Earlier today you called to report that you have experienced problems with the picture quality of your cable television service over the past few days. After looking into this matter, we discovered that a junction box near your location was in need of repairs, and we sent out a crew to fix it We have repaired the problem and expect that you have already noticed a marked improvement in the quaity of your picture. We sincerely apologize for dificuities you were experiencing with our service. We value you as a customer and will be mailing you a $15 gift card for GCV Cinemas. The card should arrive within the next two weeks and can be used at any QCV cinema in the province. Thank you again for choosing Choice Cable as your Cable Television provider. Sincerely, Brooke Moorefiald 157. Why is Ms. Moorefield writing to 158, What is indicated about QCV Cinemas? Mr. Maher? (A) Ithas recently experienced technical (A) To schedule an appointment for difficuties.. maintenance (®) itis owned by Brooke Moorefield. (8) To apologize to him for an inconvenience (©) Ithas several locations. (C)To thank him for refering the company (0) It will close in 2 weeks for repair. asa friend (0) To announce that cable service will be interrupted Go on to the next pago > Questions 159-161 refer to the following article. MILLA Upcoming Restaurant Opening By Ben Maxwell - Fairmount Daily Telegraph Contributor FAIRMOUNT - Luigi's Kitchen will be open for business on Thursday, May 1st. Luiyi’s is another welcome addition to the many fine dining establishments located in Fairmount's waterfront district. Head Chef Luigi San Gregorio says, “Luigi's specializes in fine Italian cuisine derived from his native upbringing in Rome. This delicious yet fairly common cuisine will be prepared to the highest possible standards using the finest ingredients. Customers can expect the freshest pasta, meats and seasonal vegetables. Our goal is to complete customer satisfaction ard to ensure that they return over and over agai San Gregorio, formerly head chef at Chez Mario's, began making a plan to open his own restaurant in Fairmount over two years ago. He evaluated several locations around the area but was set on the waterfront district. He ended up leasing space in the former garment warehouse building and helped pay for the renovations. Son Gregorio added, “I worked closely with special architects and city planners to ensure that most of the original structure was preserved and in line with current city zoning laws. We wanted to respect the rich history of this area.” Luigi's is spectacular inside and out. It remains to be seen whether the food is as appealing @s the decor. Luigi's Kitchen will be open Tuesday through Sunday for lunch and dinner. The menu offers a wide selection of pricing options with the average price of a dinner being comparable to most restaurants in the waterfront district. 159. What is the purpose of the article? (A) To advertise a property for lease (8) To recruit staf for a restaurant (©)To review a certain type of food (0) To publicize the opening of a new restaurant 160. What is NOT mentioned about Luigi's kitehen? (A) Itis located in a renovated building (B) ts food is competitively priced. (C)Itis owned by Chez Mario's. (0)Itis near several other restaurants. 161. What is suggested about Maxwell? (A) He specializes in building renovations. (B) He has spoken with San Gregorio. (C)He is a walter. (D)He enjoys italian cuisine. Questions 162-164 refer to the following online chat discussion. 325PM Ee oer EY steven aoc vow abot aking na movi tight s10PM Rath Hon Great! asp Bill Johns Id ike to, but my presentation is due next week and | should really C eee work on hat. Steven Wall FV steven watecs ough you nad done al your esearch ora ea. at6PM Bill Johns a | had, but | have trouble in trying to put the whole thing together. sv7PM He ee Have you make your outine yet? s18PM Bill Johns No, I dont usually bother with that. | will arrange my research and my S sam thought when I make my preseriton Beth Hon Well, there's your problem. f you write a cear outine with the main omPM. Points, you can just plug in your facts to support your argument. ‘Steven Wallace an | couldnt agree more, Beth. 20M. Bill Johns Youre probably right. guess | should hammer out a good outline first. ‘Thank you. 162. Why can't Mr. Johns go to the movie? 164. At 9:23 P.M. what does Mr. Wallace most (A) He already saw the movie. likely mean wren he writes, “I couldn't (B) He has to work on his speech. agree more"? (C) He has to go to work. (A) He is clearly understood (0) He's going to go to the movie next week, (B) He strongly disagrees with Beth. (C) He wants more information. (D)He feels the same way with Beth. 163. What does Ms. Hon recommend Mr. Johns? (A) To arrange his reseerch and his thoughts as he writes (B) To research a lot betore he makes a presentation (C) To write en outine fer his speech (D) 10 plug n acts as much as possible Goon to the next page ————>- a Questions 165-168 refer to the following letter. Stratford Advertising Agency 2202 Michelan Street Chicago, IL 78432 (800) 555-9810 February 10 Dear Ms. Elaine Feinstein, ‘Thank you for inquiring about the services offered by Stratford Advertising Agency (SAA). Enclosed is some information you requested including a brochure and some samples of our recent advertising campaigns. — [1] — Furthermore, 1 also included a list of companies that we are currently working with. You may already know that SAA manages the marketing and advertising for many different types of businesses, which gives these firms the opportunity to concentrate on other aspects of their operations. — [2] —. ‘To further assist our clients with their needs, we host a variety of presentations throughout the year that can be attended for a nominal fee. The next session, entitled “Staying Competitive in a Down Market,” is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, at 7:00 P.M. at our branch office on Freeman Avenue. At that event, you will have the opportunity to meet and talk with some of ‘our satisfied clients. If you would like to attend, please call Ms. Lisa Vaughn at extension 207 to register for this event. — [3] —. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a new client consultaiion or receive a price ‘quote for our services. 1 am also available to meet with you in person if you prefer. — [4] —. We look forward to doing business with you. MAMMA 35.5.5 9 oo > oD > dd ddd oo oo Oo Sincerely, Allen Fitzgerald 165. What is the purpose of the letter? 167. What is one advantage to the clients who (A) To cancel a business contract do business with Stratford Advertising (8) To present information to a potential ‘Agency? customer (A) They can focus on other business (C)To confirm a business meeting matters. (0) To announce a new branch office (8) They have access to conveniently located tranch offices. 1166. What isthe subject ofthe next presentation? (©) They can regularly consult wth the (A) How to hire quality professionals representatives by telephone. (8) How to downsize a business effectively (0) They can receive a free video series. (C) How to sustain business in a bad ‘economy 168. In which of the positions marked [1], [21 [3} (0) How to keep existing customers and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “if you choose to enter into a relationship with us, your company will enjoy this together with several other benefits.” (A) [1] ee (Cy IS} (0) (4) 42 Questions 169-172 refer to the following advertisement. Office Decor Inc. 2001 McGill St. Montreal, Quebec H3A 161 (514) 849-6000 If you're considering an upgrade to the decor of your office space at an affordable price, Office Decor Inc. is exactly what you're looking for. We specialize in offices of all sizes and will customize the decor according to the image you wish to portray. At Office Decor Inc., we have our own in-house design team that will walk you through all the different options: this gives our customers a diverse ‘selection of designs from which to choose. Customers who occupy over 2,000 square feet receive free floral arrangements for your lobby in the spring ‘and summer. Imagine yourself in an upscale, professional office atmosphere that will motivate your employees and impress your clients. Call Office Decor Inc. today for a free consultation. 169. What is being advertised? 171. The word “considering” in paragraph 1, {A) An office interior design service line 1, is closest in meaning to (6) Ahome-landscaping businesses (A) working on (©)A course in floral design (8) regarding (0)A book on interior design (C) recognizirg (O) thinking about 170. What does Oftice Decor Inc. NOT advertise inthe notice? 172. What special offer is mentioned? (A) Aide choice of design options (A) Second otfice for 25% off (6) Free consultation for new customers () Discounted office furniture (C) Shipment of imported flowers (C) Free flower arrangement (0)An in-house design team (0) Wallpaper at halt price Questions 173-175 refer tothe following job posting. First Vision Bank Posting Date: May 21 Position Type: Branch Manager n Bank Website Employer First Vision Bank is one of the largest banks on the east coast with 1,425 branches in 11 states and employs over 25,000 people. In Florida alone, there are 470 branches. On March 11th, First Vision Bank was named the best employer in the ‘Southeastem Region by the Sunshine Times of South Florida, We provide a competitive salary and benefits, and excellent opportunities for career growth. Responsibilities and Requirements Duties will include managing and evaluating branch staff. Aiso responsible for efficient and effective consumer banking sales, service, and relationship management of our customers. The successful candidate will possess excellent organizational and ‘communication skills and a strong knowledge of bank products and services. Previous managerial experience desired. To be considered for this position, interested individuals must apply online at by July 31. Interviews will be conducted the week of August 20th. 173. What is suggested abou’ the Tampa branch of First Vision Bank? (A) Itnneeds to fill a part-ime job. (8) Ithas an entry-level job opportunity. (C)itis the bank's argest branch. (0)Itis a good place to work. 174, When was the job adverised? (A) March 11 (B) May 21 (C)uy 31 (0) August 20 175.What is NOT ¢ stated responsibility of the position? (A) Negotiating interest rates on loans (B) Evaluating performance appraisals (C) Providing customer service to clients (0) Selling bark services Go on to the next page —————_——> PPE av eon Questions 176-180 refer to the following e-mails. Dear Ms. Shirey, | drove by one of the houses that you suggested to me on the way home from work yesterday. I's a convenient location for me since | work at a nearby banc. The house has ‘great curb appeal with its nice brick work. | also realy like that it has a datached garage. However, | am slighty confused. | have seen two different prices listed for this house, one on your real estate company's website and the other ona fiver outside the property. The flyer lists the price as $5,0C0 more than the website does. Which one of these prices is accurate? “Anyway, would you be able to set up a time for me to view the inside of ‘he house? Thanks. ‘Nathan Hays ‘Ym glad that you are interested in this property. | apologize for the confusion regarding the listing price. The higher price on the flyer is incorrect as it does not reflect the recent price reduction. The correct price is the one listed on my company’s website. | would be happy to set up a time for you to view the interior of the house. Just let me know Which days and times you are available this week and | will speak to the owner and schedule an appointment. In the meantime, i can answer any other questions, please feel tree tocall me at 804-555- 9520. | ook forward to working with you. Regards, Charlotte Shirey 176. Why does Mr. Hays write to Ms. Shirey? (A) To find out the dimensions of a garage (B) To request alist of houses in his price range (©)To inform her that he wishes to purchase a house ()To inquire about a specific property ‘177. wnat problem does Mr. Hays nave? (A) His house is too far tom his workplace. (8) He is unsure about the price. (C) He must purchase a house quickiy. (0) He could net find Ms. Shirey’s office, 178. What does Mr. Hays ask Ms. Shirey to do? (A) Help him sell her house (8) Find out if her client will lower the price of the house (C) Recommend a bankto finance the purchase of the house (0) Arrange a tour of the inside of the house 47 179. According to tne e-mails, what piece of information contains an error? (A) A blueprin: of garage (8) A listing on the real estate's website (C)A yer at the property (0) An address mentioned in an e-mail 180, What does Ms. Shitey request to Mr. Hays? {A) Information about his schedule (8) A description of the type of the house he wants to buy (C) His mobile telephone number (0) pre-approval leter from a bank Questions 181-185 refer to the following program and letter. —— Pantages Theater Presents The Magic Cabinet Written by Bridget Darcy Directed by April Wells Cast of characters Museum Owner played by Lee Jones Child played by Patricia Cleo ‘Teacher played by Chris Clinton Ghost played by Jim Prentice September 20 7PM. The cast and crew would like to thank the following, ‘orgarizations for their generous contributions to the performance. National Culture Center Playwright Throne Foundation Gerry Knight Dear April, | thoroughly enjoyed last night's performance. ‘he actors delivered 2 realistic and dramatic performance. I was most impressed by the man who played the teacher. Please pass along my compliments to him. was hoping that you would be free to join me for lunch sometime cver the next couple of weeks. I have begun to write a play that I would like to share with you. Its another dramatic production that will star Kelly Peel. [have chosen most of the cast myself, but I am still searching for a director, and would be thrilled if you would accept the position. I will be out, of town beginning October 5. Please give me a call before then to let me know when you might be available to meet. Warmest Regards, Samantha Kee 181. What is the Magic Cabinet? (A) A dance show in Natonal Culture Center (B) A movie at the Pantages Theater (C)A play by Bridget Darcy (0) A musical by Kelly Peel 182. Why is Gerry Knight mentioned in the program’? (A) He gave money to the Pantages Theater. (B) He manages the Natonal Culture Center. (C) He was one of the actors in the Magic Cabinet. (0) He is a new director atthe theater. 183, Why does Samantha Kee want to have lunch with April Wells? (A) To celebrate a recent success (8) To discuss a new project (C) To offer April Wells a role in a film (0) To introduce Kelly Pee! 184. What actor dic Samantha Kee refer to inher letter? (A) Lee Jones (8) Patricia Cleo (©) Chris Clinton (0) im Prentice 185. What does Samantha Kee ask April Wells todo? (A) Visit her office next week (8) Telephone her before October 5 (C) Meet her at the Pantages Theater (D) Introduce her to the performance director Go onto the next page —_——_—> Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement, schedule and form. ABC Australian Business Commission “How to build a business from scratch” Starting your own business isn't easy and poses unexpected challenges for most. ABC prepares new entrepreneurs with the tools required to make Sound decisions about various issues regarding new business start-ups. In September, we're offering a series of seminars. The cost of each session is AUS $95.00 with registration closing three working days before the scheduled seminar. All sessions will be held at the ABC head office located at 512 Downsview in Melbourne. Registration forms can be faxed to 715-2387 or mailed to the address indicated on the form. Online registration is also available on our website, Click on Registration link. Number Title Day Date ‘Time 805 Hiring skilled labor Monday | September8 | 12PM.-4PM. 8306 | Fifective Managing Techniques | Tuesday | Septemier9 | 4PM.-8PM. Preparirg Company Policies and cau epee Friday | Septemter19 | 9A.M.-1PM, ‘Negotiating with Vendors and ions ee Tuesday | September23. | 4PM.-8PA, Suppliers Note: We reserve the right to cancel a session due to lack of interest. A full refund would be issued. ABC ‘Australian Business Commission 512 Downsview Boulevard "Melbourne * Australia “3831 Phone: 715-2323 "Fax: 715-2387 *wwwabe.orgau “e-mail: EE ees REGISTRATION FORM Name: Sean Raftery ‘Address: 111 Elizabeth St, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia Phone: (Phone) 545-2611 (Mobile phone) 545-5667 E-mail: ‘Company Name: Raftery Textiles Limited ‘Seminar wish to attend (indicate number): C825 Have you participated in a ABC seminar before? No Do you require accommodations to fully participate in the seminar? Yes Payme Credit Card: X_ Check en:losed: (Do not mail cas, cash payment must be submitted in person) Credit Card Type: AUSTEX_SUPRX_ BLUCARD. Credit Card Number: 9876-5432-1234-5678 ‘Comments/Requests: Please contact me by e-mail, 186. What is ABC? (A) A job advertisement agent (B) An annual conference (C)A textiles company (O)A business training organization 187. In the advertisement, the word “poses” in paragraph 1. line 1. is closest in meaning to {A) presents (8) positions (C) models (D)attects 188. What is stated about the seminars? (A) They can be paid for only by cash or check. (B) They are offered at a discount under certain circumstances. (C) They are directed at experienced business people. (0) They will be canceled if not enough people registered, 51 189. According to the schedule, on what date will Mr. Raftery attend the seminar? (A) On September 8 (8) On September 9 (©)On September 19 (0)On September 23 190. What is indicated about Mr. Raftery? (A) He works in the textile industry. (8) He was a former client of ABC. (C) He prefers to be contacted by phone. (0) He doesn't need accommodations. Go on to the next page —_—— Questions 191-195 referto the following price list, order form and online review. oe htp:/¥ Pro OWS Red Hill Tour Guides Home | Tour Programs | Best-Selling Books | Place Order Reviews | City Guide Books The following isa pertial list of our best-seling books. tem Price Hem Number San Francsco Bay Area $28.95 #51601 New Yerk Skyline $28.99 #51608 Romance n Switzerland $22.90 | #49567 ay aly Highlights _ [2790 #49568 — Marvelous Paris $28.95 #43570 Frist Love in Tokyo $28.99 #43569 Fantastic Macrid $19.99 #43572 (°XeX*) Ss. © [ Lye OWS Red Hill Tour Guides Home Tour Programs Bestselling Books | Place Order| Reviews To place an order, complete the order form below or call our toll free number at 1-800-378-8282, ‘Same day rush delivery is available.(Telephone order only) tem Price tem Number Total Romance in Switzerland $28.99 #43567 Italy Highights $27.99 #43568 eis Marvelous Paris “$2395 | #49570 Historical Beauty in London saga |#ag770_— | Regular shipping (7-10 days) costs $5.95 and express shipping (within 3 days) costs $10.96. (°XeK*} = Pa if 6 © [he cechitourgudes com xo] OW GS = = Fa Red Hill Tour Guides os Home | TourPrograms | Best Seling Books | Place Order | Reviews zm | | September 16 Dear Red Hil, Customer Service Department Lam writing to compliment Reed Hill Publication on its excellent service and commitment to its ‘quality. | recently ordered the guides to London, Switzerland, Italy and Paris in preparation for 4 trip to Europe. | paid the charge for regular shipping and was pleasartly surprised when my ‘order arrived in just four days. When | opened the box, | was even more delighted. The books were outstanding! | was impressed with the beautiful layout and breathtaking photographs ‘even before | left for my vacation. When | arrived at my destination, | quickly discovered how wonderful they trly are Every detail was accurate and the guides covered not only famous, must-see sights, but also many lite-known places that turned out to be very worth a visit. Had | rot ordered books from Red Hill, am sure | would have missed some worthwhile sightseeing opportunities. Please count me as a new loyal customer. | have already recommended your books to friends ‘who are planning trips abroad and will continue to do so. Sincerely, Sivia 191. Which tour book costs the same as a tour 194, What is implied about Silvia in the online to London? review? (A) First Love in Tokyo (A) She has recently returned from Europe, (8) San Francisco Bay Area (B) She had not yet received the order. (C) Fantastic Madrid (C) She is a longtime customer of Red Hil. (0) New York Skyline (D) She is planning to travel abroad with friends. 192. What is the shipping charge of Silvia's order? 198. In the online review, the word “covered” in (A)$5.95 paragraph 2, lire 1, is closest in meaning to (8)$ 10.95 (A) omitted (©)$29.99 (®) protected (0)$ 15.92 (C) included (0) searched 193. What is the purpose of the online review? (A) To request some travel guides (B) To praise Red Hill publication (C) To express concerns about the order (0)To recommend Red Hill Pubication to atiend 0.0n tothe next page ———_> 53 Questions 196-200 referto the following letter, invoice and e-mail. WILDWOOD CAMPING GEAR 259 Bear Court Mountain View, Colorado 50007 904.555.5555 Dear customer, Our small, child’s raincoats in blue are out-of-stock. We took the liberty of sending one in red because you stated that you need the shipment to arrive before this weekend when you and your son are going camping. All other items should be enclosed, as ordered. You did not identify a color for the Deluxe Pack so we shipped it in black. We tried to call you about both the color of the Bluebird Pack and the Deluxe Pack. A message was left on your phone. If your order is over $200, shipping is free. Have a wonderful time camping! Invoice #4527 Bill To: Renaldo Wise 749 Mulberry St. Leafmont, Rhode Island 22099 Ship To: [same] Item # Description Quantity Cost Mountain Tent [for 2) fe Kid's Bluebird Pack ! $159.99 ey ! $2197 Deluxe Pack er Chile's Raincoat 1 $8999 a Size small, red 1 $1996 Total: $291.91 Tax: $8.7 Total Due: $300.67 - ‘September 19 lam returning the red child's raincoat using the return label provided. My son is in a blue phase and will wear nothing else. He and | will shop retail for a blue coat on ‘our way out of town. |am otherwise very happy with your products and service. We assembled the tent in the living room to avoid any surprises while camping, and my ‘son slept in it last night. It meets with his approval. Please send me an amended invoice [by e-mail is fine) and | will immediately mail you a check for the correct amount. 196. Where were the products shipped to? (A) Sydney, Australia (B) Mountain View, Colerado (C)Leatmont, Rhode Island (D) London, England 197. What was the shipping cost? (A) free of charge (@)s10 (0825 (D)$6.50 198, Which was a shipping issue? (A) Shipment arrived late. (8) The tent is too large (C) The size ofthe raincoat is wrong. (0) The raincoat's colors different, 199. Who is going camping? (A) A camping gear retailer (B) Wildwood camping Gear (C)A Boy Scout troop (0) Renaido’s wite and his son 200. What dd Mr. Wise do? (A) Cancel the camping trip (@)Footum the raincoat (C) Decide never to shop at Wildwood Camping Gear again (D) Return the Deluxe pack

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