Leaders Assembly Manual 1st Ed.

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Fundamentals of the YFC Chapter, Household & Leaders Assembly Topic Guide

In CFC Youth for Christ, our goal for all our members is for them to embrace the 7
identities- identities which stems from our being sons and daughters of God. We want all our
YFCs to carry these identities, making them their own. These, therefore, are the fundamentals
of our YFC manuals in making sure that the young can fully embrace and live them out.

As YFC, we are called to be:

1. Missionary
- We gear our YFCs to be missionaries by heart, allowing them to be true evangelizers, for
them to introduce Christ to everyone else’s heart, as their top priority. They need to carry
Jesus, His character and His deeds, wherever they are.

2. Source of Unity in the Family

- We want all our YFCs to be a source of love and healing to whatever brokenness their
families might be experiencing. We want them to be a source of peace and an advocate of love
and in promoting better relationships. We want all our YFCs to be active in their homes doing
their responsibilities and acting out their roles as members in their own respective families.

3. Patriot
- We want all our YFCs to be concerned and to take part in building up their country. We
want them to be socially aware of the things happening around them and take part in reaching
out to their fellow citizens as citizens of God

4. Champion of the Poor

- We want all our YFC to be involved in our mission to build the Church of the Poor
through our work in ANCOP which includes Gawad Kalinga. We want them to take part in
restoring the dignity of the poor and in building their hopes and dreams for the future.

5. Model of Excellence
- We want our YFC to be excellent in everything that they do. We want them to excel in
every aspect of their lives especially in their studies, work, mission fields and in being good sons
and daughters to their family.

6. 100% Free
- We want our YFC to champion and choose a lifestyle of living to be 100% free from any
vices, illicit behaviors and anything that may harm their bodies as the ‘temple of God’. We
want them to experience the fullness and beauty of God’s plan for them.

7. Single – Minded for God

- We want all our YFCs to fix their eyes on Jesus. We seek that they choose to live a life of
holiness living how Jesus lived and following His acts of values and kindness.

4F’s of YFC
Fundamentals of the YFC Chapter, Household & Leaders Assembly Topic Guide

Our understanding and affirmation of the young adults need to be sustained with a clear
vision of righteous life. And because of this, we have geared our YFC ministry and all its
activities to be rooted in our Christian culture and believing in our characteristic 4 Fs: Faith,
Fun, Freedom and Friendship through YFC’s varied activities, formation and fellowship.


This characteristic in our activities in YFC opens the youths’ hearts and minds to believing and
submitting in God’s leading and love. Faith binds and strengthens them to discover and know
the Lord more through sessions, talks and prayer meetings; to see God’s goodness and plans for
their lives and to develop closer personal relationship with Him.


Fun or also very near to mean fellowship in a very light feeling in our activities in YFC opens
opportunities for the young to experience fun in a very clean and spirit–filled way. We want
them to experience smart fun or wittiness in a very youthful ways while not deviating from our
culture leading towards holiness. We offer them a life that is carefree, joyful and pleasing.


Our activities in YFC open them to develop their capacity to live a life of responsible freedom or
self-reliance from any bondage of selfishness, material attachments, poverty, vices, disturbing
situations and anything that might destroy their relationship with God and the people around


Our activities in YFC allow them to develop and build genuine friendships and closer
relationships with one another and with God. Friendship is one that lasts and makes them
better persons. The kind of friendship that we model makes Jesus Christ as their core and
promotes love and generosity to others. Friendship is also one that builds character and unites
everyone to be examples of good values and character and also of responsibility of caring for
one another.


WHAT: The Leaders Assembly is a gathering of all YFC leaders that occur regularly once a
month. This manual contains 36 inspiring and nourishing topics. There are 12 talks per year that
we can use for the next three years.

PURPOSE: The manual is designed to further affirm the value of fun, friendship, freedom and
faith. It serves as a venue for nourishment and fellowship among YFC leaders as they grow into
the path of a good and happy Christian life.

VENUE: The venue of the leader’s assembly depends on the chosen topic. The usual venues are
parish halls, clubhouses, classrooms, etc. As leaders in your respective area, you are free to
choose and discern the ideal and appropriate venue for your activity.

PEOPLE: All the YFC leaders and YFC Couple Coordinators of your respective are all invited to
attend this regular assembly. Attendees for the Leader’s Assembly should have undergone the
Leader’s Retreat (Kasangga Retreat), an empowerment retreat for new YFC leaders in the area.


The YFC Leaders manual is a 3-year topic guide for the monthly leader’s assembly. The talks
were written in order to strengthen the different leadership values and characters that need to
be developed and strengthened by a true YFC Christian leader.

The talks in the first year of the Leaders Assembly Manual aim to strengthen the leadership
values and qualities mirrored and shown by Christ Himself. Through these talks, YFC leaders can
follow the examples of Christ leadership in serving others.

The talks in the second year of the Leaders Assembly Manual aim to teach the YFC leaders how
to apply and embody the values of leadership in their own personal lives. Through these talks,
YFC leaders can learn these leadership values, not just on how they serve as leaders in YFC, but
to also live out these values in all aspects of their lives, in their families, studies, relationships,
and in the community.

The talks in the third year of the Leaders Assembly Manual aim to encourage YFC leaders to
also promote and be advocates of these leadership values to others. These talks will allow YFC
leaders to be God’s instruments in teaching others, through their example, how they can also
embrace these values and be able to live them out.


Check the calendar
Schedule and plan your leader’s assembly ahead of time. This is important so that you can
provide an excellent and inspiring gathering for all your leaders

Discern the topic

As Couple Coordinators and Youth leaders, you will be the best persons to know the needs of
your leaders. Work together in asking the household heads of the immediate needs of their
members which you can address in preparing for the topic in your next assembly. Ask God for
the gift of discernment and then decide from the menu of topic listed in this manual.

Make the choice

Once you have an idea on what your members need, check the table of contents. Each leader’s
assembly is categorized into each of the YFC ID’s

Get ready
Once you have made your choice, go to the page of your selected YFC ID, Value and topic and
you will see a step-by-step instruction on how to go about the assembly.

Now that you’re well guided, get your act together and move into conquering more souls for



Prints of Humility Humility 8
Eyes of God In Me Visionary 16
In His Steps Excellence through Servant Leadership 22
Rated-E Excellence 28
CHAMPION OF THE POOR Loving Like Christ Love and Compassion for the Poor 35
PATRIOT For King and Country Honoring God and Country 43
The Power Within Self Control 49
100% FREE The Father’s Gaze Appreciation and Respect 56
for Life and Purity
Single Minded Disciple Discipleship 63
Battle Within Firmness and Steadfastness 68
SOURCE IN UNITY IN THE Something About Ruth Commitment to the Family 74
FAMILY House Rules Obedience 80


A Sinner to a Saint Holiness 87
Faithfully Yours Faithfulness 92
Fuel For Passion Diligence 98
Cut Above Integrity 103
CHAMPION OF THE POOR Giving Like Christ Generosity 108
PATRIOT Stand Our Ground Courage to make a Stand 113
The Brave Heart Courage 120
100% FREE
Dare To Be Free Integrity 125
The Greatest Of Them All Faithfulness 133
Solid Ground Trust 137
My Family First Appreciation 143
Parental Guidance Appreciating Guidance 148
from Family


Ready To Be Sent Missionary Heart 154
You Got Served Servanthood 163
E- Witness Empowerment 170
Build ‘Em Up Competence 176
CHAMPION OF THE POOR Dare To Be A Hero Heroism for the Poor 182
PATRIOT My Country’s Keeper Responsiveness and Involvement 187
Free To Lead Righteousness 193
100% FREE
Live Free Celebrating and Advocating Freedom 201
Footprints Of Christ Dedication 207
Finding The Treasure Holiness 213
Family Service Advocating the Vision 219
for the Family
FAMILY Interceding for Family
Say A Little Prayer 224



1. To encourage the YFC leaders to be humble as VERSE

Christ exemplified.
“For everyone who exalts
2. To empower them to be humble in serving. himself will be humbled and
the man who humbles himself
3. To motivate them to practice/exercise the right will be exalted.” - Luke 14:16
posture of humility in the midst of glory.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Arrival/Gathering

1:30 - 2:00 Registration
2:00 - 2:15 Opening Prayer/Worship
2:15 - 2:45 Activity
2:45 - 3:45 Talk
3:45 - 4:00 Reflection
4:00 - 4:15 Praise fest

B. Activity:

 The chairs should be pre-arranged accordingly, labelled from Chapter
Head to Fulltime Pastoral Worker/top leader in the area.
 The service team should usher the participants to their respective seats.
Make sure that all YFC leaders have their own chair in order to give them
a special feel of their service.
 The service team should seat at the backmost part of the venue, but
would still have to listen and pay attention all throughout the activity.

Activity Proper:
Instruction: (Note: The speaker should be the one to facilitate the activity.)

 The participants will be asked to close their eyes as the speaker asks
them several questions, which they will have to answer as honestly as
they could. They can answer by raising their hands.
 Questions to be asked:
- Who among you has difficulty in handling/loving your members?
- Who among you knows other more details about your members
aside from their names?
- Who among you is afraid of sharing ideas because of fear of
- Who among you has difficulty in obeying
God/Family/Authorities/Pastoral Heads?
- Who among you still cheats during exams?
- Who among you still doesn’t have a regular prayer time?
- The activity will then be processed by asking two volunteers to
share how they felt---if they answered the questions honestly, or
if they found it hard to answer the questions even with their eyes
 Processing points:
- Honesty produces humility. It’s when we are honest about
ourselves that humility in our heart comes out. When we accept
that it’s difficult to love and handle our members, we recognize
that we are no better than them and that we are to put effort in
loving them just the same. When we admit that we need to know
more our co-YFC leaders and members---that is, knowing them
beyond their names---we recognize that we are stepping forward
in establishing a more meaningful relationship with them. When
we are afraid to share our ideas but do so anyway despite our fear
of rejection, we acknowledge that we are not perfect, and that
God’s work in us is worth the share. When it’s difficult to follow
our elders and authorities but choose to obey anyway, we admit
that we need guidance from people who can give us sound advice.
When we are still tempted to cheat but struggle really hard to
fight it off, we recognize that we are weak and that we should
deliberately do something to stop it. When we resolve the
irregularity of our prayer time and struggle to make it a daily
habit, we admit that we need an all-powerful God to strengthen
us everyday.


A. For the Speaker:

 A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of the
Leaders’ Core Group in the area who embodies humility in words and in
B. For the Sharers:
 A YFC leader who persistently calls or follows up his/her member to join
activities/household despite the members’ hesitation and absence
 A YFC leader who never fails to listen to his/her pastoral head,
coordinator, or members because he/she acknowledges God in them.


A. Introduction

Being a missionary is a call for us to imbibe the very value of Christ’s character of
humility. We carry it out whether we are in the community or in our respective areas of
responsibility. But most of us aren’t brave enough to exemplify humility to other people.
We tend to boast about the skills that we have and the things that we possess, and
other things that make us feel superior over others.

Humility is thinking of ourselves less. Let’s take a look at the story about a king who fell
in love with a peasant:

In the olden days, there was a king who fell in love with a peasant. As he was
planning to visit the girl to propose to her, he thought of wearing his robe and
bringing with him his 25,000-member court to awe her with his splendor and
majesty. But he realized that the girl might be afraid of him and be ashamed,
knowing that it was the king who is visiting her. On the day itself, the king hid
himself and wore an old cloak as a robe and came to propose to the girl alone.
He stooped down to the level of the girl and proposed his love to her.

This is just one of those stories that remind us of humility. Another story, though, that
will forever remind us of the need to think of ourselves less and be humble, is Jesus
Christ’s. Boldly, Jesus came into the world not with his splendor and majesty. He came
as an ordinary person, poor even, in order that He will be within our reach.

B. Christ’s Prints of Humility

Jesus lived in humility all his life here on earth. Here are some of His prints of humility:

1. Christ with the outcasts

In Matthew 9:9-13

“Jesus left that place, and as he walked along, he saw a tax collector, named
Matthew, sitting in his office. He said to him, ‘Follow me.’ Matthew got up and
followed him. In Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and other outcasts came
and joined Jesus and his disciples at the table. Some Pharisees saw this and
asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with such people?’ Jesus heard
them and answered, ‘People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those
who are sick. Go and find out what is meant by the scripture that says: ‘It is
kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’ I have not come to call respectable
people, but outcasts.’ ”

In this gospel, we witness how Christ mingled with the sinners. Knowing that He
is the Son of God, He did not hesitate to choose to sit and eat with the tax
collectors and outcasts. He demonstrated kindness that reached even the hearts
of unbelievers. This was also the time when Matthew was called and
instantaneously followed Him without questions.

As leaders, we are called to follow the print of Christ in loving the lost, the last
and the least. We have to reach down to the grassroots level of our community -
that is, our members. We have to love and serve our members in whatever
circumstances they are in.

2. Christ and His miracles

“He warned them sternly not to make Him known.” - Mark 3:12

When Christ performed miracles, He always asked the people not to tell anyone
about it. He chose not to take the credit, but instead made known His Father’s
greatness and power. He illustrates how it is to be humble despite the truthful
proof of His doings. This happened when He and His disciples went to the Lake of
Galilee wherein a large crowd followed them; the people heard about the things
that Jesus was doing. They all wanted to be healed; they just want to at least
touch Him in order to be well. Jesus notwithstanding the large crowd welcomes
everyone and as much as possible tells them to keep what He does confidential.

As YFC leaders, we are called to mirror Christ in our lives by not bragging nor
seeking recognition when we serve. We have to decrease and let God increase
“so that it is no longer we who live, but it is Christ who lives in us.” - Galatians

3. Christ washes the feet of His disciples

“I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their masters and
messengers are not greater than the one who sent them.” - John 13:16

Jesus Christ, King as He is, humbled himself and washed the feet of His disciples
during the Last Supper. He poured some water into a washbasin and began to
wash the disciples’ feet and dried them with the towel around His waist. His act
was an illustration of how greatness begins with humility. He set an example of
how it is to be a true servant leader. More so, He gave respect to all His disciples
despite the fact that one of them will betray Him.

Leaders earn the respect of their members by serving and loving them genuinely.
When we sincerely reach out to our members, it’s as good as washing their feet
in humility. When we wash the feet of the people with us in this community, it’s
just like saying that we value them enough to serve them. If we let our leaders
wash our feet, we are welcoming that person to serve us, and thereby giving
them our respect as well.

4. Christ surrenders to God’s will

“Father, if you are willing to take this cup away from me, not my will but yours be
done.” - Luke 22:42

This was the time when Jesus was tempted to ask His Father to take away His
sufferings. But with so much obedience in His heart, He willingly embraced the
will of the Father. We can also see in the Bible that Jesus usually leaves the city
to go to the mountain and pray. In one instance, He went to the Mount Olives
and prayed that they [He and His disciples] will not fall into temptation. As the
son of God, He had the choice as to the kind of suffering He would undertake,
but instead, “he humbled himself and walked the path of obedience all the way
to death - his death on the cross.” - Philippians 2:8

As children of God, we are called to humbly accept God’s will for us. We have to
trust that His plans will make us better persons, “for His wisdom is beyond our
understanding.” - Psalm 139:6

And in our service, we are to imbibe the kind of obedience that Christ
exemplified by surrendering to God’s will. There will be times that all we can do
is to humbly submit to God’s will no matter what it takes---submitting that
entails trusting on His greater will. We have to acknowledge that our capacities
and abilities are limited, and are nothing compared to God’s greatness.

C. Exemplifying Christ’s Humility

As leaders, when we are put in a challenging situation where we are to respond in the
context of Christ’s humility, as such:

1. We should be ready to be rejected…

 When our ideas or the work that we do are not appreciated
 At times we may fail to come up to their expectations from us.
 When our members try to avoid us (E.g. not taking our calls, not
replying, etc.)

But despite rejection, we are to unceasingly take hold of our anointing and be
firm that we are in this community not to be appreciated nor please others, but
rather to glorify God in everything that we do.

2. We should seek out our members…

 Be patient if they do not attend household meetings.
 We need to win them over. Go out of the way to bring them to meetings.
 Seek more opportunities to talk to them.

And in spite of member’s refusal, we are to untiringly lead them to Christ.

(Note Sharer with this profile will be called: YFC leader who persistently calls or
follows up his/her member to join activities/household despite the members’
hesitation and absence.)

3. We should be teachable…
 We can learn from our members as much as they learn from us.
 We should be open to suggestions and new ideas on how we can better
lead our household meetings.
 We should regularly ask our leaders (household heads, coordinators, and
Fulltime Pastoral Workers) for advice.

At the end of the day, we are to patiently listen to God’s leading, regardless of all
the knowledge that we get from our experiences and from others.

(Note Sharer with this profile will be called: A YFC leader who never fails to listen
to his/her pastoral head, coordinator, or members because he/she acknowledges
God in them.)

D. The Way to Greatness is Humility

Humility paves the way to honor and glory. As

YFC leaders, we sometimes succumb to false
humility (e.g. disagreeing other people’s regard
towards our abilities). How then do we handle
humility in the midst of glory and honor? “The road to greatness
starts with humility.”
1. Humility is Affirmation - Bo Sanchez
We should recognize our strengths and
offer it to Him...
 We know that God gives us strengths and that we are channels of His
 In every accomplishment that we get, we give back the glory to God.

2. Humility is Acceptance
We should aim for success and acknowledge team effort...
 We give our best if we’re given a task because we know it is God who
entrusted this to us.
 We acknowledge that He also speaks to our members; thus we listen to
them and hear them out.

3. Humility is Gratefulness
We should rejoice in our achievement and give the credit to Him...
 In our victory we are thankful of His faithfulness.
 In our every endeavor we claim victory and learn to be humble enough to
accept people’s praises and direct them to God.

E. Conclusion

As we experience humility in love, Christ calls us to share that love to others. He calls us
to serve Him humbly---not looking ourselves as superior leaders, but as humble servants
who are willing to make sacrifices in the name of love. We are called to follow His
examples of humility in our daily life and in our service so that we may glorify and
magnify Him in all things.

(Note: Instruction during the Reflection)

A. After the talk proper, there will be a short reflection.

B. The speaker asks the participants to write on one side a piece of paper the times and
opportunities when they can illustrate humility.

C. And on the other side of that paper, they are to write their own prayer for humility
during the reflection activity. Ask them to include the prayer in their prayer time.
D. The paper will be kept and prayed over during the reflection.
E. Advise them to keep the prayer on their Bible.


A. Song Description: Any slow song that expresses one’s surrender to God’s greatness,
and/or acknowledges one’s nothingness compared to God’s greatness.
(Note: The song is used during writing activity reflection after the talk proper just before
the praise fest.
B. Suggested Song: Who am I (By Casting Crowns)


A. End of the Spear

B. Pursuit of Happiness


1. When are the times when you missed the opportunity to exemplify
Christ’s humility?
2. How can you demonstrate/practice humility in your daily life?



1. To teach the leaders to have a vision for VERSE

(Note: Read Joshua is chosen
2. To teach the leaders to share their personal as Moses’ successor) -
vision to others. Numbers 27:12 – 22

3. To let the leaders create a personal vision

statement that is rooted in Christ.


Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
1:45 – 2:00 Opening Worship
2:00 – 2:15 Activity
2:15 – 3:00 Session
3:00 – 3:15 Sharing
3:15 – 3:30 Closing Prayer
3:30 – 3:45 Announcements


A. The speaker should be a YFC Coordinator, Fulltime Pastoral Worker, or a former YFC
leader who is now active in SFC.
B. He/she should be a living witness to the importance of having a vision.
C. He/she must have a personal vision for himself/herself or for his/her area of service.


A. Introduction

From 1923 to 1954, Robert Woodruff served as president of Coca Cola. During that time,
he wanted coca cola to be available to every American service man around the world for
5 cents, no matter what it cost the company. What a bold goal! But it was nothing
compared to the bigger picture he could see in his mind’s eyes. In his lifetime, he
wanted every person in the world to have tasted coca cola (Wikipedia). Because of the
vision that Woodruff had, everyone did get to taste Coca Cola.

Similarly, the leaders of our community in the earlier days envisioned that everyone
would get to taste God’s love. Right this very moment, we have become the bearers of
the vision that the leaders before us received from God. And by the grace of the Holy
Spirit, YFC has been blessed to see the fulfillment of the vision: we have grown in
number, our mission has expanded globally, and youths all over the world got to taste
the sweetness of God’s transforming love. But this does not end here. As leaders of our
generation, we are also called to see the vision God has in store for us and our
members/areas today. It is our challenge to see the vision and share with our members
and fellow leaders so that the work can go on.

And so we ask how do we see and know God’s vision for us? We can do this by, first of
all, knowing what the term “vision” means in the context of our being YFC leaders.

B. What is Vision?

According to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary, vision is something seen otherwise than

by ordinary sight. This means that we as leaders should see what is beyond, think what
is impossible, and do what is extra ordinary.

In the Bible, we have seen many instances where God revealed visions to His followers.
One particular character was Moses. God especially chose Moses and entrusted him
with the vision to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt and end their slavery. In spite of
Moses’ incapability, God empowered him to realize the vision of bringing his people to
the land that God promised them.

Just like Moses, God has also entrusted our community, Couples for Christ, with the
vision: “Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth.” We are to renew the
world by bringing families back to God. We are to continue to actively seek for our
brethren who need to experience the love of God, to help the poor, and to make a
difference by allowing God’s vision to guide us into realizing the vision.

1. Postures of a Christian Visionary

Having Christ as our example, we are called to be visionaries just like Him. And in
so doing, our postures as youth leaders should be the following:

 Prayerful
Jesus Christ constantly prayed. In every circumstance the Father has shown
him the vision through his prayers and has continuously shown his great
plans. With this he was able to make the vision into a reality (cite stories of

As YFC leaders the most basic characteristic that we should have is to be

prayerful. Just like Jesus, we are to constantly pray and seek for the Lord’s
word and message so that we may be guided in all the things that we do. The
Lord will continue to reveal his vision in our prayer time.

One great example of a man who has constantly prayed to God is Abraham.
Because of his constant prayer, God was able to reveal His plans for him.
Even in his old age, Abraham was blessed with Isaac for a son, and he
became the Father of all nations.

“Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the
Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up”. - Ephesians 6:18

 Good Listener
Jesus Christ constantly listens. In His time, He humbled himself into listening
and following God. He considered all of God’s directions as his guiding

Just like Jesus, we too should be constantly listening to and obeying God’s
word, especially in our service in the community. We are to carefully make
God’s vision a reality.

But since we are living in a very noisy world, we are constantly bombarded
with physical, social and emotional noises. This makes it hard for us to hear
God in our lives. And so we have to listen very intently. In order for us to
listen we have to be in silence, because it is in silence that God speaks
through our mind and heart. As we ask God to guide us with our vision, we
do not only listen with our ears but we listen intently with our hearts.

“Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” - 1 Samuel 3:10


 Sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit

This character teaches us to base our decisions not on our own, but on how
the Holy Spirit will lead us. And we can only determine the leading of the
Holy Spirit if we pray and listen. Most of the time, the Lord speaks to us in
many ways. He may direct His message through our prayer time and
scripture readings. Or He may use other people to lead us to where He wants
us to be. He may also speak through the simple yet significant events of our
daily lives. We have to be able to sense all these so that we may not miss
what God will reveal to us.

“But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and
you will be witnesses for me… and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:8

We have to carefully consider all these three characters in order for us to

effectively hear God’s direction for us. These will help us in really allowing
God to be in control, and to not fall into the trap of following what we
“think” is right.

2. Relevance of the vision

We now know that as leaders we have to have a vision for ourselves and for the
people under us. But why exactly do we need to have a vision? What is its
importance? Knowing the importance of having a vision will enable us to fulfill
our task. In the Bible, the vision that God gave Moses made it possible for him to
do his mission.

 It enables us to focus.
Moses acknowledged that the Vision came from God. This enabled him to
focus on the things that the Lord asked him to do. And because of this,
Moses was able to perform his task, knowing that God will be there to back
him up. Moses was not afraid. Instead he was focused on what the Lord told
him to do because he knew the vision came from God. Likewise, if we know
where our vision is coming from, we are sure to focus on the mission that
God wants us to do, and not on the hindrances that come along the way.

 It enables us to act.
When the Lord spoke to Moses and gave him His vision for the people of
Israel, it fueled him to accomplish the task. Moses did not just stand in the
corner and waited for something to happen. The vision drove him to obey
the Lord even if he knew he was not capable of the things God was asking
him to do. In every step of the way, he allowed himself to be motivated by
God’s vision. He led the Israelites out of Egypt and brought them to the
Promised Land God prepared for them, all because he allowed God’s vision
to fuel him.

 It enables us to empower.
Vision becomes our anchor. Again we look at Moses, and how he anchored
himself on the vision God gave. In every step of the way, in every decision
that he made, all were anchored on the vision. This also led Moses into
passing on the vision to Joshua. Moses knew that the vision must go on.
Knowing the importance of the continuity of the mission, He passed on the
anointing of fulfilling God’s vision to Joshua. Moses, trained, prepared and
groomed Joshua to become his successor. And so when the time of his death
came, the vision did not die with him. We too should be like Moses, and be
able to empower our members to ensure that the mission will continue.

C. Living out the vision for others

When we know that the vision is from God, we are to carry it out for others. All the
things that we do should be rooted in the vision. We always give everything back to
God, and in every decision that we make, we offer it to the Lord. The vision should be
introduced to others so that they too may experience the greatness of God. Here are
some of the people in the Bible who passed on the vision to others.

1. Moses
In his old age, and knowing that he may not live to see the realization of God’s
promise for his people, Moses encouraged and trusted Joshua to carry on with
the mission. He handed over the authority to Joshua. After his death, the Lord
used Joshua to continue what he had started. And so the fulfillment of the vision

2. Jesus Christ
Jesus, being the son of God, knew the vision. When He taught the Word, He took
with Him twelve ordinary people. He became their teacher, mentor and friend.
Jesus taught them everything they needed to know. And so when the time came
for Him to go back to the Father, the vision did not die with Him. His disciples
carried it on and, by God’s grace they were able to fulfill the mission. That is why
up to this present time, the vision God set through his son Jesus Christ is still

3. Saint Paul
He went to many places preaching and living out the vision God entrusted to
Him. Along the way, he shared the vision to a young man named Timothy.
Timothy became his colleague and assistant in his missionary work. Paul advised
and encouraged Timothy to keep on faithfully witnessing Christ’s love and to
perform his duty as a follower, all in the face of suffering and opposition.
We have to make other people see, hear and feel the vision through us. Let us
take on the examples set by Saint Paul, Moses and Jesus Christ. We have to be

the living witnesses to the vision. That is the only way we can pass it on to the
people under us.

(Note: Reflection and Activity)

- Before the conclusion, the speaker leads the participants into prayer and
- The speaker focuses the reflection on the topics that he/she discussed.
- The speaker instructs the participants to:
*Pray and ask God for a vision for self and area.
*Listen intently to what God is telling him/her to do.
*Sense the leading of the Spirit.
*Write or draw what you see.
- The speaker gives the participants ample time to pray and reflect.
- Reflection songs may be used in order to set a contemplative mood.
- If the speaker senses that the participants
are done, he/she ends the prayer.
- The speaker processes the activity. LEADERS’ QUOTES

D. Conclusion “A great leader’s courage to

fulfill his vision comes from
We will experience God’s victory if we allow Him passion, not position.”
to use us completely, and through this we will be – John C. Maxwell
able to receive great power from the Holy Spirit.
(Acts1:8) “The future belongs to those
who see possibilities before
As leaders, we need to lead our people to victory
they become obvious.”
by the power of His Spirit (Romans 15:18-19). Let
- John Sculley (Former
us never lose sight of the vision no matter what
CEO of Pepsi and Apple
happens because assuredly, our life and the lives
of others depend on it.

A. Follow up on the activity (writing of personal vision statement).
 In one of your prayer times you can focus on concretizing your vision.
 Keep in mind the following question:
 Lord, how can I make real the vision you have entrusted me?
B. Create a timeline in achieving the vision (e.g. within 3–5 years).
C. Make a short term vision for area, self, studies, etc.


A. Suggested Songs: You said and Walk on Water


Single Minded for God
(Excellence through Servant Leadership)


1. To let the participants understand the “Fully aware that the Father had
meaning of servant leadership. put everything into his power
and that he had come from God
and was returning to God, he
2. To let them understand the way Christ served.
rose from the table, took off his
outer garment and tied a towel
3. To let them seek excellence through servant around his waist. Then he
leadership. poured some water into a wash
basin and began to wash the
II. DYNAMICS disciples’ feet and dried them
with the towel around his waist.”
- John 13: 3-5
A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration and Gathering

1:30 – 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 – 2:15 Activity: BLIND, MUTE AND TIED
2:15 – 2:45 Processing of the Activity
2:45 – 3:15 Short Talk
3:15 – 3:30 Reflection with Guide Questions
3:30 – 3:35 Action Plans
3:35 End

B. Activity: Blind, Mute and Tied

 Divide the participants into groups of 3. One person will act as the blind,
one will be the mute, and one will have his/her hands tied behind the
 The groups will be given tasks which require the members to help each
other out despite their incapacities. The first group to finish the tasks
wins the game
 Examples of tasks:
- Jigsaw Puzzle
Roles of Each:
Blind – forms the puzzle

Mute – hands the pieces to the “blind”

Hand-tied – gives the instruction to the other two (ex. tells
the mute which piece to use and instructs the blind where
to put it)
- Memory verse
Roles of each:
Mute – looks for the verse and holds the Bible for the
Hand-tied – dictates the verse to the blind
Blind – memorizes the verse
(Note: The speaker may think of other similar activities.)
 Processing of the Activity
(Note: This can be the take off point of the talk proper.)
 Have at least 3-5 participants who will share about what they
experienced and felt while doing the activity.
 Processing Points:
- Being sensitive to the needs of others.
** The mute had to hold the Bible for the hand-tied person since
the latter was unable to use his hands.
** The hand-tied person had to read the verse to the mute and
the blind because the others can’t.
- Putting ourselves in the service of others.
** Sacrificing our own pleasures for the benefit of others – we
may have wanted to rest in the middle of the activity but we
didn’t, knowing that the others had to rely on us to finish the task.
- Being humble in the service we are called to do.
** Acknowledging our weaknesses and flaws - The blind may have
wanted to read the verse but he can’t, so he needed to admit that
weakness and be humble enough to ask others to do it for him.
** Doing things beyond our comfort zones - The hand-tied person
may not have wanted to recite the verse, but because he is the
only person who can, he might as well do it.


A YFC Leaders’ Core Group member of the area who manifests servant
leadership to his/her members, and exemplifies service like Christ’s.


A. Introduction

In Jewish customs, “washing of the feet” was a duty of the lowliest servant to his
master, or to the guests of his master. It was a custom that high-ranking people
did not do. When Christ washed the feet of His disciples, he showed selflessness
and humility---a perfect example of servant leadership. In His teaching to His
disciples, Jesus stated clearly that leadership is an act of service. (Matthew

And just like Christ, we have to be fully aware that our Father anointed us to lead
our members. We are commissioned to excellently do the work entrusted to us
by being humble servant leaders. There are differences between a ‘standard
leader’ and a ‘servant leader.’

B. Standard Leader

Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying, “The scribes and the
Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. Therefore, do and observe
all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they
preach but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens [hard to carry] and lay
them on people’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move them. All their
works are performed to be seen. They widen their phylacteries and lengthen their
tassels. They love places of honor at banquets, seats of honors in synagogues,
greetings in market places, and the salutation ‘rabbi’. - Matthew 23:1-7

In Christ’s time, the scribes and the Pharisees were one of the most influential
people in the Jewish community. They were noted for their accurate and
authoritative interpretations of Jewish law; they interpret and religiously abide
by these laws. The Jews see them as “very holy.” However, Christ constantly
rebuked them because of their attitudes. In Matthew 23:3, Christ was telling the
people that they should follow what the Pharisees were teaching, but not
imitate what they do.

1. They preach but do not practice.

An ordinary leader sets rules for his members that he himself does not
(e.g. Instructs everyone to “come on time” during meetings, but
oftentimes he himself arrives late.)

Advocates campaigns that he himself does not put into practice.

(e.g. Promotes “being a model of excellence” to his members, but he
himself constantly gets low grades)

2. They tie heavy loads and lay them on other people’s shoulders, while
they don’t even lift a finger to lighten the load.
An ordinary leader hands ALL the work to his members.
He doesn’t care about the struggles his members go through as they
strain to finish their tasks.

3. All their works are performed to be seen.

An ordinary leader does well in order to be noticed, and he does well only
and especially if he knows other people are watching.

4. They love seats of honor at banquets and in the synagogues; they

enjoy being greeted in market places and being called ‘rabbi.’
An ordinary leader seeks to be praised and recognized.

C. Attitudes of a servant leader as imitated by Christ

As servant leaders we are to:

1. Put others ahead of ourselves

We listen first to the ideas of others before making our own comments.
This doesn’t mean that we put our agenda on hold, only that we have to
be open to our members’ ideas and suggestions. We give importance to
their desires and opinions, and we never force our ideas over theirs.

2. Not boast about our position

We are leaders, not managers. Managers manage tasks while leaders
lead people. We do not use our position to make our tasks easier (e.g.
delegating all the work to the members), nor use it to be imposing to our
members (e.g. coercing them to do what we tell them to do).

3. Love others above ourselves

It is better to love than to be right. When our members fail to do their
responsibilities or commit mistakes, we should seek to understand them
and correct them lovingly. Lastly, we should not be threatened by
members who we know are better than us. Rather, let’s encourage them
to be excellent. The true mark of leadership is the legacy that we leave
and pass on to our members.

4. Not seek for recognition or

Everything that we do must be done--
-with excellence---out of our desire to
serve God and others, and not “Leaders are meant to
because we want to be recognized for help others become
it. Unavoidably, we will get the people God
compliments from others every so created them to be.”
often. But when we do, we should - John C. Maxwell
not forget to bring back all the glory
to our God. “If you want to lead on
the highest level, be
willing to serve on the
D. Points for good leadership lowest.”
- Albert Schweitzer
1. Have confidence in our service
We must be secure in our service by
believing that it is our anointing. And should we seek for affirmation, let
us seek it from God and not from others.
2. Take initiative
The capacity to initiate is an important trait of a leader. A good leader is
sensitive to the needs of the group and will act without waiting for
someone to tell him what to do. And he does it without expecting
anything in return.

E. Conclusion

Being a servant leader is not about our own skills and talents, but about God
working in us to serve others. Excellent servant leaders want to serve others, not
themselves. Our journey as leaders is a transformation---a transformation from a
self-serving heart to a serving heart. Finally, we become excellent servant
leaders when we realize that, as Christ exemplified, true leadership is about
what we can give without thinking so much of what we can get out of it.


A. Do random acts of service to your members from now until the next assembly.
B. Conduct a “washing of the feet” activity in one of your households.


A. Song Description: A song that shows what our posture should be as a servant leader
of God.
B. Suggested Song: Song of a Servant
C. Reflection Instruction: The speaker will lead the group to a prayer while a song is
being played. He/she may use the guide questions for the reflection.


1. What is the posture of your heart in terms of serving others?

2. How can you grow in attitude to become a true servant leader like

(Rated “E”xcellence)
Model of Excellence
(Note: “Rated E”- giving value to excellence; to rate is to measure one’s value.)

1. To define what excellence is in the standard
“For God so loved the world
set by Christ.
the He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in
2. For the YFC leaders to have a Jesus-rooted
Him will not perish but will
purpose in striving to become excellent in all
have eternal life.” - John 3:16
aspects of their life.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Arrival and Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 – 2:15 Team Building Activity
2:15 – 3:15 Talk Proper
(Note: Sharers in between the session. See talk outline)
3:15 – 3:30 Group Discussion
3:30 – 3:45 Announcements
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Worship

B. Activity: Nuclear Fall Out

 Goal of the Activity:
- For the participants to transport toxic waste (nuclear weapon),
represented by the water in the glass, to a nuclear destruction facility,
represented by the empty glass.
- They have to do this using the resources available and work within the set
limitations (time constraint and limited bodily function).
- They are to do their best in accomplishing the task.
 Materials: (one set per group)
- 1 plastic cup full of water
- 4 strings (approximately 2 meters in length)

- 1 rubber band
- 1 empty plastic cup
 Instructions:
- Prior to the activity, the service team will set up a playing area for each
group. It will be a 4x4-meter playing area with a circle drawn inside (3-m.
in diameter). The circle will represent the city. Then the service team will
place the plastic cups filled with water and the empty plastic cups in the
middle of the circle. The cups will be placed a foot from each other.
- The activity will be facilitated by the emcees or by an activity master.
- Divide the participants into groups of 5 and provide them with the strings
and rubber band.
- Using ONLY the materials given, each group is given the mission to save
their city. In order to save their city, they must transport toxic waste
(water in the plastic cup) to the empty cup without spilling it. But there
are limitations: one cannot go into direct body contact with the glass and
they cannot go inside the circle.
- Each team will be given 3 minutes to come up with a way to move the
glass of water to the empty glass.
- After strategizing, the team will begin the activity without speaking or
making any sound. They are given 10 minutes to finish the task.


A. A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of the Leaders’ Core
Group in the area who exemplifies excellence in the different aspects of his/her life.
He or she must live by the principle of giving his/her best in everything that he/she
B. There will be at least 2 sharers with any of the following profile:
 A YFC leader who has led a wayward personal life (can be in the aspect of love
life, relationship with friends, etc.) at one point of his life but has decided to
offer it to God and work excellently to be a better person (e.g. diligently praying
for his/her love life, fasting for it, etc.).
 A YFC leader who, despite difficulties in studies (e.g. financial difficulty, physical
incapacity), has managed to be excellent in his/her studies.
 A YFC leader who has had an estranged relationship with any member of his/her
family but has decided to exert his/her effort to remedy this.


A. Introduction

In the activity, we were asked to perform a task and deliver the best results despite the
limitations (i.e. limited time and materials, avoiding body contact with the class, no
communication with the other members of the group once the activity proper starts).
Sometimes as YFC leaders, we are also placed in a similar situation and we are asked to
perform at our very best.

AS YFC leaders, we handle events with very tight budget. We work to meet allocations
during conferences even with financial constraints. But more than that, we are also
asked to perform well in school, perform certain functions in our family, strive to be a
good person, and manage our time properly, all at the same time.

All our functions would seem like a huge feat but if compared to the challenge of Christ
dying on the cross, performing our responsibilities would seem like a piece of cake.

B. The Excellent God

When God sent Jesus Christ to the world, He did so to fulfill a purpose: to save mankind.
He could have sent his troop of angels to do the task but he didn’t. Being an excellent
God that He is, He sent His best, His one and only Son, to save us. God never fails to give
His best, and in return we should also offer our best to our excellent God!

As sons and daughters of God, we are called to be excellent in whatever things that we
do, even amidst limitations. We are called to be excellent given the talents that we
have and the resources available for us. We are to make do with whatever that we are
given and produce something beautiful out of our lives.

But oftentimes we do injustice to our excellent God by living our lives and performing
our functions in mediocrity, in conditional excellence and self-glorification.

C. Our Imperfect State of Being

In our imperfect state of being, most of the time we fall into the trap of mediocrity,
conditional excellence, and most of all self-gratification. And in so doing, we fall short of
being excellent.

1. Mediocrity
Mediocrity is defined1 as the ability or state of being moderate or low quality,
value, ability, or performance. It is being ordinary or average.

Sometimes, when we are too focused on getting things done, we are willing to
sacrifice the quality of our work just to finish things. As long as we conduct two
(2) youth camps a year for our chapter, it’s okay if we average only 15 new
members per camp. Or we become contented with a passing mark because
everyone else is getting just the same.

Other examples: It’s okay if only 50% of the YFC Leaders in our area attends the
YFC Leaders Assembly (Kasangga); it’s okay if we are not growing in numbers
every year; it’s okay if we never see our family members because we leave
before they wake up and we arrive home so late they’re already sleeping.
(Note: the speaker can think of other examples applicable in the area.)

Sometimes, it becomes easy for us to sacrifice standard in delivering result. And

most of the time, we get tied in that cycle that we never realize there is anything
wrong with it. We are not giving our best when we are not utilizing well our
efforts and resources. More so, we are not glorifying God with our mediocrity.

2. Conditional Excellence
Conditional excellence happens when we choose where we want to be excellent
at. Sometimes, we are excellent when it is easy or when it is convenient.

It becomes easy to be excellent and deliver good results when we have

supportive coordinators and parents; but when we lack coordinators or when we
don’t share the same views with our coordinators, it is very easy for us to excuse
poor attendance or bad program. We choose to be excellent in our favorite
subject or in the subjects handled by our favorite teacher.

We tend to compromise excellence based on whether it is easy or hard to be

excellent. And when we do this, we realize that we’re not glorifying God with
conditional excellence because we are performing based on what we want and
not on what God wants.

3. Self-glorification
As YFC leaders, we are place in a position of “authority,” and it is very easy for us
to take the credit solely to ourselves. We sometimes believe that the mission
cannot go on without us, or only we can do a certain task.

Merriam-Webster Online (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary)

As a result, we fail to empower other people, and it becomes difficult for us to

move on or step down and give others the chance to serve and grow.

As YFC leaders, we want to level up our standard of excellence, and we want all
our leaders to be in that same footing. Our standard of excellence is Christian

D. A Call to Christian Excellence

Christian excellence is patterned from the example of Christ. By excellence we mean

“giving our best shot” with the resources that is given to us in order to glorify God, even
amidst limitations.

1. Giving Our Best

“For in him *Jesus Christ+ you have been enriched in every way--in all your
speaking and in all your knowledge.” - 1 Corinthians 1:5

When Christ fulfilled His mission on earth, He gave His best. He performed His
miracles, preached His gospel, commissioned His disciples with utmost passion,
dedication and love.

We too are called not just to get things done, but to give our very best with the
resources that are available for us. In YFC, we stress that quality is very
important, and that God provides for everything that we need in order to do His
mission and our personal mission in the best way we can.

We give our best not just in the mission but also by being:
 the best student - by aiming for the highest educational standard that we
can get;
 the best son/daughter to our family - by being obedient, respectful and
dependable son and daughter; and
 the best person before God - by striving hard to improve on our personal
life (e.g. our relationship with other people)

2. Giving Our All

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
strength.” - Deuteronomy 6:5

In order to fulfill His mission, Christ did not just sacrifice His limb or His eye, He
gave His life---Christ gave His all to save mankind.

In imitating Christ, we are called not just to perform a responsibility; we are

called to give our all, our entire being despite our limitations…no compromises,

no conditions. In YFC, we also stress that quantity is important; and by quantity

we mean not “a lot” but “all.” We are to do things with our all being - with all our
heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength.

This means that we are called to offer our very selves as YFC missionaries, as a
student, as son/daughter to our families, and as a son/daughter of God. We are
called to total surrender.

3. Glorifying God
“Everything that you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord
Jesus.” – Colossians 3:17

In the entire time that Jesus was fulfilling His mission, He never failed to honor
the Father. He always sought to do the Father’s will, even in His own death on
the cross. “Father… if you will take away this cup of suffering away from me. Not
my will however, but your will be done.” - Luke 22:42

Like Jesus, we perform our functions not

just for the sake of doing them but
ultimately, to glorify God. That’s what LEADER’S QUOTE
sets us apart as Christians. We
acknowledge that the glory is never ours “I am careful not to confuse
but God’s; that in all aspects of our lives, excellence with perfection.
we will be able to glorify God. Excellence I can reach for;
perfection is God’s
(The Speaker will call on the sharers.) business.” - Anonymous

E. Conclusion

“You must shine among them like the stars lighting up the sky, as you offer them the
message of life.” – Philippians 2:15b

“Our excellent God, in our imperfect state of being, demands Christian Excellence in the
different aspects of our Christian Life.”

We are called to shine brightly in our Christian leadership, and this we do by being the
best that we can be, all for the glory of God.


A. Make a personal assessment plan, following the format below:

Areas of My What can I do to exercise excellence in this

Life area?
Personal Life 1.
Service 1.
Family 1.
Studies 1.


A. The Leadership Secrets of Jesus by Mike Murdock


The assembly will then be divided into groups of 3-5 members who
will share based on the following questions:

1. In what areas of your life are you struggling to be excellent? Share

about it.
2. How do you think you are being called to Christian excellence in
that area of your life?


Champion of the Poor
(Love and Compassion for the Poor)


1. To make the YFC leaders understand the two For I was hungry and you
dimensions of the gospel of Jesus Christ: the gave me something to eat, I
spiritual dimension and social dimension of the was thirsty and you gave me
mission. something to drink, I was a
stranger and you invited me
2. To encourage them to live out these two in, I needed clothes and you
dimensions of the gospel in their life and clothed me, I was sick and you
mission as leaders. looked after me, I was in
prison and you came to visit
3. To encourage them to take on Jesus’ footsteps me.” - Matthew 25:35-36
in loving and being compassionate for the poor.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Registration/Arrival

1:30 - 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 - 2:00 Skit Presentation
2:00 - 2:30 Talk Proper
2:30 - 2:50 Reflection Activity and Group Discussion
2:50 - 3:00 Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Skit Presentation - What would Jesus do? What would you do?

 The content of the short skit, which will be done before the talk, will
show how people respond to the needs of the poor in many different
ways. There will be two basic scenes/responses to be presented in each
 The 1st scenes of each segment will show the negative responses to the
needs of the poor, while the 2nd scenes of each segment will portray
the positive and inspiring way of showing love and compassion to them.
 Assign a Voice Over to read the script while the skit is being played.

 There should be a background music being played during the skit to make
it more creative and entertaining.
 The use of visual enhancers and other creative materials such as props,
backdrop, etc. are also encouraged in order to make the presentation
more artistic and original.

(Note to the service team: The situations shown in this outline are just some of
the examples of how we can or cannot respond to the needs of the poor.
However, the team/areas can think of more specific and relevant situations in
which the youth heads in your areas can better relate and understand.)

Sample situations:

Voice over: Imagine yourself in the following situations. What do you think Jesus
would do? What do you think you would do?

Situation No.1: You are standing on a bus terminal, waiting for the bus to arrive,
when suddenly an old woman taps on your shoulders begging for some money
or food. What would Jesus do? What would you do?

Scene A: You would respond by neglecting the old woman and move
away from her without minding and attending to her at all.

Scene B: You would immediately look into your pocket/wallet for any
amount of money you can give.

Voice over: What do you think Jesus would do? What do you think you would

Situation No. 2: It’s your birthday! You and your family are having a sumptuous
lunch at a fine restaurant when you suddenly noticed 2 little street children
looking at your meals from outside the window. What would Jesus do? What
would you do?

Scene A: You would respond by asking your family to move to a seat/

table farther from the window in order to avoid distractions from the
children looking at you outside the window.

Scene B: You would invite the street children to dine with you and your
family as your gift for yourself on your birthday.

Voice over: What do you think Jesus would do? What do you think you would


A. The speaker for this talk should be a YFC leader, either a brother or sister, and
preferably a member of the Leaders’ Core Group in the area.
B. He/she must be able to share and exemplify the value of showing deep love and
compassion for the poor through his/her service to others.
C. It would be best if he or she is someone who consistently serves in charitable
institutions or other organizations (e.g. GK sites) that aim to help and provide for the
needs of the poor.


A. Introduction

As leaders of Youth for Christ, we believe and uphold the mission of our community in
Building the Church of the Home, and Building the Church of the Poor. This work is
based on the 2 important dimensions of the gospel teachings and life of Christ: the
spiritual dimension and the social dimension. According to an article written by Rene
Padilla on Mision integral, “the true mission of the Christian church is 'to serve the needy
people not as a matter of preference, nor something we do because we want. The church
has to serve the world because service is a sign of the new life in the Gospel of Christ.”
(Padilla, 1986).

B. Looking at the two dimensions

Some people have succeeded in enriching the spiritual aspect of their lives (e.g. going to
Sunday masses, daily devotions, novena, prayer community), but have failed to do their
part in helping others (e.g cleaning up the community, protecting the environment,
etc.), while others merely pay attention to their work in the society without really
anchoring it on their faith in God.

The spiritual dimension is our vertical relationship towards God while the social
dimension is our relationship with others. And God wants us to do both. The best
example of this oneness with the gospel is actually the cross of Christ. It represents the
intersection and oneness of how Christ wants us to love and follow Him both through
our relationship with Him and with others.

1. Spiritual Dimension
For the spiritual dimension, we in YFC focus on our relationship with God.
Through our life and formation in the ministry, we have been given the
opportunity to grow in our love and relationship with God. And as leaders, we
too have been given the daunting task to inspire others to grow in their personal

walk with the Lord through our ministry and evangelization (e.g. when we give
pastoral talks during conferences, youth camps, teachings, etc.).

2. Social Dimension
Social dimension is about the relationship of man to others, especially to those
who are in great need. There are many aspects in the social dimension of the
gospel (e.g. care for the environment, advocacy to life, promotion of human
rights, etc.), but in this talk, we will focus on providing and attending to the
needs of the poor.

When we talk about the poor in the social dimension of the gospel, we refer to
those who are struggling to meet the minimum needs of life: clothing, food,
shelter, health care, basic education. Webster defines the word “poor” as those
having little or no money, or goods or means of support. These are the people
God wants us to love and serve.

“If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of
the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart,
nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to
him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.” -
Deut. 15:7

As YFCs, our work in the social dimension of the gospel is our response to the
spiritual dimension of our work. This only means that as YFC leaders, our mission
to love and serve others comes from our deep love and our special relationship
with God. In the same way, our deep love for God serves as our fuel and drive to
give more of ourselves to serve others, especially the poor (e.g. giving alms to
the poor not out of pity but of our deep love for them).

In the same way, Jesus Christ himself had a special sense of mission to the poor
and the oppressed people. And like Christ, He is also calling us to have a sincere
heart and sense of mission to those in need.

The young man said to Him, "All these commands I have kept; what am I still
lacking?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your
possessions and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and
come, follow Me." - Mt. 19:20

C. The heart of Christ for the poor

Jesus was often “moved” or “filled” with compassion and love when He saw people who
are in need. Whether they are in need of the gospel, or of physical healing, or were
without food, Jesus acted on the love He has for His people and provided for their
needs. He showed this many times in the gospel:

1. Jesus provided for their needs

(Note: Read and narrate the “Feeding of the 5000” - Matthew 14:13-21)

Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." -
Matthew 14:16

In the story, Jesus knew what the people needed, and with His love and
compassion, He provided for them. Through the story, He showed us how He can
abundantly provide for the needs of the poor, which He definitely did, and in the
end there was even enough for everyone to share.

Likewise, if we desire to follow Christ, we, too, ought to know the needs of
others, especially the poor. As leaders, we should be willing to provide for their
needs in whatever way we can (e.g. food for the street children, blankets for the
hospitals beds, etc.).

2. Jesus healed them of their sicknesses

(Note: Read and narrate the “Healing of the Blind Men”- Matthew 20:29-34)

“Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they
received their sight and followed him.” – Matthew 20:34

Jesus showed His love and compassion in the story through His gift of healing. He
touched them with His healing hands. He stopped to call them, and gave special
attention to their needs and plea. As leaders, we can be like Christ to others by
allowing ourselves to be instruments of healing (e.g. being there for a troubled
friend, lending an ear to someone who needs healing from emotional pain, etc.).

We should also take time to give special attention to the needs of others
because when we allow ourselves to be instruments of healing and give special
attention to them, we become loving and compassionate like Christ (e.g.
accompanying a sister on the way home, assisting an old lady who needs to cross
the street or carry a heavy load, etc.).

3. Jesus was not afraid to be with them

(Note: Read and narrate the story “Jesus dined with the tax collectors”- Matthew

“But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not
come to call the righteous, but sinners." – Matthew 9:13

Jesus was loving and full of compassion for the poor---poor physically, financially,
emotionally, spiritually. No matter how sinful and spiritually poor the tax
collectors were perceived, He was with them because He knew they needed Him
more than those who are healthy and well.

Likewise, we as leaders should also spend time in knowing and serving more of
our poor brothers and sisters. (e.g. spend time in the Home for the Aged, visit
hospitals for children, join medical missions and relief operations, immerse in a
community in the slums, spend time in the juvenile prison cells, and others).

The amount and quality of time we spend with them will give more room for us
to love, know and understand how we can address and provide for the needs of
our poor brothers and sisters.

D. Following the examples of Christ

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such
faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of
you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about
his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not
accompanied by action, is dead”. - James 2:14 - 17

Christ has evidently shown us an example of how to love and be compassionate to the
poor. As leaders, let us follow the example of Christ by putting our FAITH in Him into

As we take on the example and leadership of Christ in serving the poor, we have to take
on the right attitudes toward the poor:

1. Treat them as co-humans, equally worthy of dignity and respect

All of us deserve to be treated with love, dignity and respect. Like us, they too
deserve to live a life with dignity. We should give our best in giving them the
dignity they deserve by doing whatever we can to address their needs, especially
those that will enable them to live a comfortable, happy and dignified life.

Some concrete steps:

 Build homes for the poor.
 Give clothing to victims of poverty.
 Volunteer to institutions that provide food for malnourished children.

2. Give and share our blessings and prosperity with them

God is calling us to be generous to them. We are called to give and share our
blessings with them. This includes being willing to give our time, talent and
treasure for them.

Some concrete steps:

 Be willing to spend birthdays in a GK site.
 Give gifts and food to street children during Christmas.
 Conduct talents workshop in a juvenile camp.
 Give clothing and food to victims of calamity and disasters.

3. Be a source of healing to others

No one is too poor to give, share and help others. We should teach them to also
be a blessing to others. Some of us might
not have enough to give to them
financially, but we can be a source of LEADER’S QUOTES
healing to them in many other ways.
“We can do no great things,
Concrete steps:
only small things with great
 Presence in the slum
love.” - Mother Teresa
 Taking time to be with them, eat “Our life of poverty is as
with them, converse with them, necessary as the work itself.
etc. Only in heaven will we see
how much we owe to the
poor for helping us to love
God better because of them.”
E. Conclusion - Mother Teresa
God wants us to love the poor with a heart like
His. He wants us to be leaders of YFC who express
our deep love for Him through our love and compassion for others. He is calling us to
put our faith in action by being of active service to others, especially to the poor. He is
reminding us that when we serve and love the poor, we should also show our love and
service to Him.


A. Make an effort to go out of your way to help someone who is in great need of your
help (e.g. in your family, your school, or community).
B. In your free time, go to your closet/house and donate unused items that are still in
good condition to the nearest local charity or outreach program.


A. Directions:
 The speaker leads the group into a reflection activity after his talk.
 Use the reflection points below as your reflection guide.
 The service team then distributes pieces of papers and pens for the reflection
 A song will be played in the background for the reflection and writing activity.
 See guide questions below for the points for reflection (these points can be
flashed on screen, or printed and distributed to the leaders for them to answer
on during the reflection period.
 The speaker then asks the participants to group according to
household/chapter/cluster/area (depends on how large the crowd is) and share
their realizations, reflections and resolutions after the activity.

B. Song Description: For the reflection, the music ministry can use songs that talk about
openly giving and showing love to God and to others.
C. Suggested song: I Give My All
D. Reflection Points:
 Many times we get too focused on ourselves that usually, we keep first
something for us, and if there’s any excess, that’s what we give to others. But
God wants us to do more and give more for others, especially the poor.
 God made us for others; to reach out to people. God wants us to live for others.
This is our purpose.


1. When was the last time you went out of your way to help the poor?
2. When was the last time you denied yourself just to serve the poor?
3. When was the last time you went hungry for the poor?
4. When was the last time you gave up enjoyment and pleasure for
the poor?
5.When was the last time you sacrificed and gave up what was
rightfully yours for the poor?
6. When was the last time you minded, cared and gave from your
heart out of love and compassion for a poor brother or sister?


(Honoring God and Country)


1. To let the YFC leaders understand patriotism But seek first his kingdom and
from a Christian perspective. his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as
2. To make them realize that loving, honoring well.” Matthew 6:33
and serving our country is equal to loving,
honoring and serving God.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 2:00 Arrival, Registration

2:00 - 2:15 Teaching of Songs
2:15 - 2:45 Opening Worship
2:45 - 3:00 National Anthem*
3:00 - 3:45 Talk Proper
3:45 - 3:55 Reflection
3:55 - 4:30 Closing Worship/Prayer

(Note: After the National Anthem/Hymn, the service team can also ask the
participants to recite a Pledge of Allegiance (if applicable to the country).)


A YFC Leaders’ Core Group member in the area who has outwardly and consistently
expressed or shown his/her love and pride for the country.


A. Introduction

The term patriotism is commonly associated with love for one’s country. While this is
true, people still have different, and sometimes misguided, interpretations of its
concept. For some, patriotism is love of and/or devotion to one’s country. Others say
that it is highly dependent on upon context, geography and philosophy. And others, like
Socrates, believe that patriotism does not require a person to agree with everything
that his/her country does, and would actually promote others to question the country’s
practices to make it the best it can possibly be.

All the same, for us YFC leaders, patriotism is something that we have to understand,
appreciate and eventually practice. Because as we strive to live Christ’s way of life, we
also have to realize that one of the traits He exemplified was always taking pride and
giving honor to his country and kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.

B. Common perspective of patriotism

With all the various explanations about patriotism ever written, we have to come to a
common understanding of what patriotism really is all about.

According to British author George Orwell, patriotism is “the feeling of admiration for a
way of life etc. and the willingness to defend it against attack.” In essence, we can say
that to be a patriot of our country is to take pride in what the country has (e.g. way of
life), and to be willing to defend it from those that might threaten to destroy it.

1. Taking pride of our country’s way of life

Each country is uniquely blessed by God with rich culture / tradition, colorful
history and heritage. For example, China boasts of the historic Great Wall,
America is known to be the land of milk and honey, and the Philippines has
always been the home of rich festivals.

These are our way of life. And these are the things that should remind us that we
have a lot to be proud of about our country.

2. Willing to defend the country

There will always be factors that will threaten the welfare of a country and its
citizens. Before, defending the country literally meant having to offer up one’s
life in battle just to protect the country from foreign attacks.

Now, however, we defend our country from the constant social, political, moral,
and spiritual attacks, both foreign and domestic (e.g fighting against laws that

deprive a person’s rights by initiating human rights awareness campaign among

fellow youths, fighting against law that legalize abortion, same sex marriage or
prostitution, etc).

C. Patriotism through God’s perspective

Now that we have established a common ground as to what patriotism really is about,
we then have to view patriotism from God’s perspective. As YFCs, and as Christians, we
must realize that the kind of patriotism Christ wants us to practice is the kind that gives
honor to both God and country.

With this, we have to remember 3 things:

1. Our Kingdom is in heaven

“We, however, are citizens of heaven, and we eagerly await for our savior, the
Lord Jesus Christ, to come from heaven.” - Phil. 3:20

Before we became citizens of the country that we are in right now, we should
always remember that we first became citizens of Heaven, just like Jesus.
Everywhere Jesus went, he always carried with him his identity as the Son of
Man, and he made sure that the things he did would give glory and honor above
all to his kingdom in heaven, and to the One who ruled that kingdom.

We too as Christians we should bear in mind that wherever we go or what

country we are living in, we should always carry and live out our identity as sons
and daughters of God. In everything that we do, we must give glory to the ruler
of our kingdom in heaven – God.

2. Our government leaders are anointed by God

“Therefore, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to
God.” - Matt. 22:21

While Jesus spent all his time on earth obeying his father’s commands, he did
not fail to remind us that we should also show obedience to human authorities
and rules placed over us. God has His special reasons for putting them in
authority, and He has His own purpose for them, just like the rest of us. This
implies that we are bound to pay our dues, abide by the laws of the land and
bend to the higher authorities of our country. (e.g following traffic rules, voting
wisely in the election, etc)

3. God should always be first

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well.” - Matthew 6:33

Seeking first the Kingdom of God means that in everything, we first honor God’s
commands. God’s kingdom is always above all kingdoms, and God is always the
King of kings. If we pledge our allegiance to our country, our flag, our leaders, or
our country’s constitution, we should bear in mind that these pledges are only
secondary to the covenant that we made with God during our baptism.

While we acknowledge our earthly duties, we must also bear in mind that our
heavenly duties surpass any rule or law that man can make.

D. Christian Patriotism: For King and Country!

In English history, when soldiers go to war, they carry their battle cry with them: “For
king and country!” This was because they were willing to offer up their lives for their
king and their country.

Similarly, we as defenders of the Christian faith and of our country should carry the
same battle cry with us: for the King of kings, and for our country!

1. For the King of kings

As citizens of heaven, we are to uphold, above all, our higher calling to be
patriots of our future Kingdom in heaven. For our King, we are willing to be:

 DOERS OF THE WORD. Young as we are, we have been trying to live out
Christ’s words. We continue to do this despite color, race, status, or
 DEFENDERS OF THE TRUTH. We take on God’s truths, and we even
defend these truths if at times they will be challenged or questioned (e.g.
living out our 100% free convictions, pro-life and pro-poor advocacy, and
defending them if others mock or question these beliefs.).

2. For Country
And as citizens of our country, we are also called to be patriots by taking pride of
our country and defending it against any threats. For the country, we accept the
challenge to be:

(Note: For each point, the speaker can cite specific examples of that will be applicable to
their country.)

 The Ambassadors
An ambassador is an authorized/appointed messenger, representative
and spokesperson of a country. Thus, as ambassadors of our own
country, we represent and promote our country’s best practices that will
inspire others to also bring out their best.

 The Guardians
We dutifully protect and preserve our traditions that bring honor to both
God and country. We respectfully and tactfully avoid / do away with
practices that, despite giving glory to our nation, do not glorify God.

 The Front Liners

We are the first to exercise our rights and freedoms responsibly:
- using our freedom of speech to express only the truth,
- exercising our right to vote with honesty and integrity by
voting actively and wisely in national elections (and not just
voting for a favorite contestant in reality TV shows),
- observing our right to consume with self-discipline, spending
less for ourselves so that we can share to others, especially
those who do not have enough material, emotional and
spiritual treasures.

E. Conclusion
“Our own heart, and not
Rev. J. Edwin Bacon Jr. of the All Saints Church other men's opinion, forms
said in one of his sermons that we are called to our true honor.”
see our country as a ministry that we need to – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
improve at all times. As leaders of our (1772 - 1834)
community, we should be the first ones to answer
to this call and be the Christian patriots that our “God was no longer, as of
country needs. By following the kind of patriotism old, the civil ruler of his
that Jesus exemplified, we will better understand people, and hence the
and appreciate our responsibilities as citizens of payment of tribute to a
heaven and of the country that we are in. With temporal sovereign is in no
this, we will also be able to love, honor and serve sense incompatible with his
the Lord through the things that we do for our service, but is enjoined as a
country. Christian duty.”
- J.W. McGarvey and Philip
V. ACTION PLAN Y. Pendleton

List all the activities you have been doing, and can
still do, to give honor to both God and country.


A. Suggested Song: You Are My World

B. Song Description: A song (preferably a Christian song) that depicts love for God and
love for country.
C. Reflection Points: Our country is among the many gifts that God blessed us with. How
we love, honor, and serve our country will reflect on how we value the things that the
Lord has entrusted. (The speaker can refer to the Guide Questions.)


1. Are you proud of your country? Why?

2. Are the things you have been doing brought glory and honor to God
and our country?


100% Free

1. To instill the value of self control in the mind
and heart of the YFC leaders. “So think clearly and
exercise self-control.
2. To let the YFC leaders embrace self control as Look forward to the
a tool against temptation. special blessings that
will come to you at the
II. DYNAMICS return of Jesus Christ.”
- 1 Peter 1:13
A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 2:00 Arrival, Registration

2:00 - 2:15 Teaching of Songs
2:15 - 2:45 Opening Worship
2:45 - 3:15 Activity: Through the Fire
3:00 - 3:45 Talk Proper
3:45 – 4:00 Group Discussion
(Note: Brothers will be separated from the sisters)
4:00 - 4:30 Praying Over: Accountability Duo
Closing Worship

(Note: The secretariat will assign the accountability duo. It should be on a brother to
brother and sister to sister basis.)

B. Activity: Through the Fire

 Goals:
- The goal of the activity is for each group to be able to pass through the
obstacles of strings without touching it, until they reach the prize at the end.
- The group that goes through the obstacles first wins the game.
 Materials needed:
- 10 strings of 6 -7 feet each
(Note: The number of strings depends on the number of players each team.)
- Scotch or masking tape to hold strings on the wall (if the activity is played
along a hallway)

 It is ideal to hold the activity in a venue with a hallway so that the facilitators can
just tape the strings on the wall. If not, the facilitators can hold the strings.
(Note: Whoever holds the strings has the option to change the string positions
before each member goes into the string obstacle.)
 The strings are to be lined up. Each string should be positioned differently from
the previous string to provide a harder route for the groups.
 Divide the participants into groups of 10.
 When the game master/facilitator says go, each of the team member must pass
through the string obstacles one at a time. They must do this without any part of
the body touching the string. Any member who accidentally touches the string
must go back to start.
 The game and time ends when all members are able to pass through the string
 Processing points:
- The string obstacle course represents the various temptations in our lives.
These temptations are inevitable, but we have to avoid them in order to
reach the goal – that is, completing the mission that God entrust to us.
And it takes a lot of self control to do it, just like what we did during the
obstacle course---controlling the movement of our bodies, our decisions
and our thoughts, controlling other unnecessary distractions.


A. For the speaker:
 A YFC leader/elder who can be a witness to his/her victory over struggles on
temptation; someone who has experienced being tempted by sex, drugs,
alcohol, or pornography and was able to overcome it by practicing self-control.
 Someone who has been through a state of confusion about his/her identity but
was able to overcome it by controlling his/herself and believing that he/she is a
man/daughter of God.
B. For the sharers:
 A YFC leader who has experienced a great struggle in temptation but was able to
overcome it by anchoring himself/herself on God, asking for the Help of the Holy
Spirit and focusing on other things that drove temptation away from his/her
 A couple coordinator who has experienced temptation at one point in his/her
life; who has fallen into sin but was able to overcome it through the help of the
Holy Spirit, anchoring himself/herself on God, asking for the Help of the Holy
Spirit and focusing on other things that drove temptation away from his/her


A. Introduction

The temptation of the devil to us, leaders, is very subtle. It is greatly possible that we
already know when temptation will come, yet we allow ourselves to settle on it thinking
that we can handle it and everything is in our control. We may come to the point that
we give in to the temptation without being aware of it.

This is the danger of temptation. We live in a world that deceives us into sin without
being aware of it. But the Lord is good. He loves us so much that He has given us the
ability and the power to be aware of these things. He loves us so much that He wants us
to be aware of the things that can consume us.

B. More than meets the eye

Temptation incites sin - whether by persuasion, or by the offer of some good or pleasure
(Catholic Encyclopedia). It is a desire to do something that we should avoid. Like any
person, Jesus, too, was tempted by the devil. Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the
desert to be tempted by the devil. - Mathew 4: 1-11 He stayed there for 40 days and was
enticed by the Devil to test God’s powers.

As YFC leaders, Satan’s temptation is more deceiving and clever compared to our
members’. Satan recognizes the influence we have on our members, and knows that our
anointing allows us to see things more clearly than others. This is why the temptation
we experience is more difficult and even more deceiving:

1. Looks like a Need, but really a Want

In Jesus’ hunger, Satan took advantage of His weakness. In the same way, our
weaknesses are used against us to put down our defenses and succumb to
Satan’s test. Satan can deceive us by creating needs out of “wants.”
 We are sons/daughters of a King, thus we are provided for what we
need and want by our God. Yet, we think we need to have all kinds of
material possessions. We do everything we can to get the latest
gadgets (becoming “gadget-holic”) or clothes (“shopaholics”) because
we think that these are what make us famous, good looking, and rich.
 We are created by God perfectly in His image and likeness. Yet, we
think we need to do more to be beautiful or good looking. We are
tempted to take diet pills, whitening pills, spend too much on make-up
or clothes, etc. We do not take care of our own body. We starve
ourselves or have bad eating habits.

2. Looks harmless, but is really dangerous

The temptation to us leaders can be very subtle. It can even appear ordinary and
harmless. Satan attacks our concept of right and wrong. He uses everything to
catch our attention---making things appear as if they’re right when in fact, it
would lead us to sin.
 As leaders, we share the mistakes/pastoral concerns of our members
to our fellow leaders and elders but oftentimes, we are unaware that
what seems to be an act done in order to “understand our members’
issues” has become plain gossip.
 As leaders, it is our main duty to be caring to our members and fellow
leaders. This too can be used by the devil---confusing our feelings and
intentions towards our fellow community members. Sometimes, our
harmless actions as leaders (e.g. texting, asking how they, brothers
being gentlemen to the sisters, and sisters being very caring and
nurturing to the brothers) can bring us to a relationship that goes
beyond a brother-sister relationship without us being aware of it.
 We know that we should avoid alcoholic drinks but we often counter
this by thinking that one or two bottles are harmless. Satan weakens
our control over this. Sooner or later, we find ourselves to peer
pressure, drinking more than we should.

3. Looks like the best option, but is not God’s option

As leaders, we have a clearer idea of what is right and ideal. Thus, there are
times that we rely on our own understanding of right and wrong. Our pride often
causes us to believe that because of our anointing, we “know better.” The devil
tempts us and makes us loose our humility, especially in listening to the will of
 When we see people doing wrong things, we may often loose our
temper, thinking that it we are in the right to get mad snap at them.
We forget to correct lovingly.
 We know that as leaders, we shouldn’t drink or smoke, or do drugs.
But we sometimes struggle with this---when we feel a great need to go
back into the habit, or especially when we have big problems in our
lives, we think that we have a valid reason for doing so.
 We know that as leaders it is our top priority to be students. Yet
sometimes we spend more time with our special someone rather than
focusing more on our studies.

C. The Power Within

The Lord loves us and does not want us to be deceived by temptation. That is why He
gave us the power to overcome temptation –the spirit of self-control. Self control is the
control of one’s emotions, desires, or actions by one’s own will
(www.thefreedictionary.com). This implies that there is a need for us to control instead
of giving in to what we want.

“For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, His Spirit
fills us with power, love, and self-control.” - 2 Timothy 1:7

It is only through the Holy Spirit that we are able to practice self control and make use of
it fully. We need ask the help of the Holy Spirit as we allow ourselves to be fully
controlled by God’s will. By allowing Him to control us, we are giving way to Him setting
us free from the bondage of sins.

As leaders, we need more than just overcoming temptations. We need to overpower it.
It’s not just about avoiding it but doing something actively about it.

1. Awareness and Avoiding

Know exactly what your temptations are. Be aware of the things/circumstances
that attract you into doing sin. Once you know what it is, stay away from these
situations, and never play with temptation. As leaders, temptation sometimes
appear in a subtle and deceiving packages, that is why we should always be
aware the situations that can lead us to sin.
 do not go into places that may tempt us to do impure / intimate acts
with the ones we are emotionally involve with (staying in the room /
house, resorts, etc)
 We should not put ourselves in the middle of drinking sessions or
smoking sessions when we know that we are trying to stop ourselves
from doing so.
 Avoid the Internet if it only means being tempted into browsing
through pornographic websites.

2. Pray to the Holy Spirit

Self control means suppressing our own will to allow the will of the Father to
control us. Know that the Lord knows what we are going through. Allow Him to
guide us and let us anchor ourselves on Him.

Constant prayer helps us fight our battles in being 100%Free. To us leaders, it is

important to ask help from the Holy Spirit in moments that we are tempted.
Praying for the Holy Spirit gives us:

 Grace to always be aware of the temptation

 Grace to walk/run away from the temptation
 Grace to overpower the evil ones
 Grace to focus on God

“No temptation has seized you except what

is common to man. And God is faithful; he
will not let you be tempted beyond what LEADER’S QUOTE
you can bear. But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out so that you “I count him braver who
can stand up under it.” - 1 Corinthians overcomes his desires than
10:13 him who conquers his
enemies; for the hardest
3. Be accountable to an ate/kuya victory is over self.”
We all have our households who are given - Aristotle BC 384-322
to us by God as source of guide,
encouragement and correction. God
entrusted us to our elders/leaders, but
they cannot complete their mission to us if we will not allow them. We need to
trust them so that they can help us in living out a 100%Free lifestyle. We have to
have an open relationship with them, confide our struggles and weaknesses in
them so that they will know how and when to help us.

4. Encourage one another

As YFC leaders we should protect, encourage and guide each other in
overcoming our weaknesses. Instead of putting each other down, or causing
gossip, learn to listen and understand the things that our brothers and sisters in
Christ are going through. Pray for one another. Every time we feel the chain of
temptation, let us remind ourselves by declaring: “I am free,” and as we do this,
help others to be “free” as well.

5. Give Yourself Alternatives

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, the Bible states that God can show us how to escape from
our temptation. It is not enough to run away from temptations. We need to
preoccupy ourselves with pure thoughts and actions. Example: when we are
tempted to drink or smoke, let us divert our craving to sports or hobby; when we
are tempted to enter into an early relationship, let us invest our time and effort
in cultivating a lasting friendship with our peers.

6. God is the God of second chances

Every day is a decision, and God is looking forward for our decision to go back to
Him and continue to follow Him. When we faltered and gave in to temptation,
bear in mind that God is always ready to forgive and empower us so that we can

have enough strength to stand up and conquer our struggles. All He requires is
for us to call unto Him and ask Him to carry us. As God forgives us, we should
forgive ourselves and stop looking back on the mistakes that we have done in
the past.

D. Conclusion

Overcoming temptation will not happen overnight; it is a continuous process that each
of us must work on. We should continue to be vigilant in defeating temptations, flee
from situations/things that can tempt us, and constantly ask our God to empower us in
overcoming temptations.

Self control allows us to give way for God so that He can take over our lives. It allows His
hand to carry out His plan for us, for us to live a life that is free from bondages of sin and
temptation, and a life that allows us to live and love freely as children of God.


A. Each participant will be given a challenge.

B. He/she must be able to stop a bad habit and control it for a week (E.g. swearing,
chain smoking, etc.).
(Note: The household head may tailor fit the challenge of each member. The head can
change the challenge into a different one if the challenge is too easy for him/her.
C. He/she must tell his/her household on what the challenge is.
D. The role of the household head is to check on him/her everyday and see if he/she is
able to control it. The Household head takes note of the member’s actions.
E. The household head will give an award to those we were able to control their bad
habits for a week. The household head will then challenge the members to continue
to control their bad habit and shall be checked every household.


Direction: Read Sirach 23:1-6 and use it as point for reflection.


1. How do you value self-control?

2. What concrete steps can you make to practice your self-control?


100% Free
(Appreciation and Respect for Life and Purity)


1. For every YFC leader to embrace the call to “Do you not know that
purity and respect for life. your body is a temple of
the Holy Spirit, who is in
2. To deepen the YFC leaders’ understanding of you, whom you have
the 100% Free principles. received from God? You
are not your own; 20you
were bought at a price.
II. DYNAMICS Therefore honor God with
your body.” - 1Corinthians
A. Mechanics and Suggested Schedule: 6:19-20

 Emcees/leader of the assembly will

introduce the session.
 Speaker will introduce himself/herself.
 Introductory sharers will be called to share.
 (If the baby pictures of the sharers’ son/daughter are available, you can flash it in
the screen for everyone to see.)
 Speaker will continue with the talk proper.
 Mid-talk sharers will be called by the speaker.
 Speaker will end with reflection and closing prayer.
 Schedule
1:00 – 1:30 Registration
1:30 – 2:00 Gathering and Teaching of Songs
2:00 – 2:15 Opening Worship
2:15 – 2:45 Ice breaker/Spiels and introduction of session
2:45 – 3:45 Talk Proper
Sharers, Reflection Activity
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Worship
(Note: Mass may be included in the program, as certain areas do their Leader’s
Assembly on Sundays)

B. Activity:

 An ice breaker/game will be done before the session.

 Allot a few minutes for charades. Divide the group into two or depending on the
number of participants.
 Have a representative in each group to act out the words. The other members of
the group will have to guess the words/ phrases.
 Words to be guessed are about the principles, convictions and any phrases
related to 100% free.
 Suggested words:
- Free to Love
- Pure Inside Out
- I am Free
- Real Love Waits
- Father’s Gaze
 Game Masters can add more words if needed as long as Father’s Gaze is the last
phrase so that they can introduce easily the session.


A. A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, a Mission Volunteer, or a YFC leader, preferably a

brother, who has a firm conviction of being pure, or has overcome the struggles on
purity and is now living a life free from guilt.
B. Introductory sharers: (Note: Choose any 2 among the 3 profiles)
 A Couple Coordinator, preferably a father of one of the YFC leaders, who can
share about his feelings of excitement and awe the first time he saw his first-
born baby boy/girl.
 A Couple Coordinator, preferably a father of one of the YFC leaders, who can
share about the hopes and dreams he had the first time he saw his first-born
baby boy/girl.
 A Couple Coordinator, preferably a father of one of the YFC leaders, who will
honor or share about his son/daughter based on the four points mentioned
about the Father’s gazes (refer to the outline).
C. Mid-talk sharers: (Note: At least one brother and one sister.)
 A YFC leader, preferably the son/daughter of the Couple Coordinator indicated
above. He/She will share about his/her reaction about what was shared by
his/her father/Couple Coordinator in the earlier part of the talk, and about
his/her conviction on purity and life-appreciation.
 A YFC leader who has gone through a struggle of purity but is now living a life of
joy and freedom. Preferably the son/daughter of the Couple Coordinator
indicated above who can also include his/her reaction about what was shared
and how it greatly affects how he/she sees his/her life at the moment.


A. The Father’s Gaze

Recall a time when you saw, whether in real-life or in television, how a father looks at
his 1st-born son/daughter. He looks at him/her with such wonder and awe. He looks at
him/her with such great love. That must have been how our fathers felt when they first
saw us.

(Calls in the introductory sharers)

B. Introduction

“See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God’s
children—and so, in fact, we are.” - 1 John 3:1, 4

God looks at us with the same intent look our fathers had when we were born---with joy
and excitement, with hope and love.

We go back to how the Father made us and how He looks at us.

God looks at us with a…

 Gaze of utmost importance

God sees us as perfect and wonderful. He looks at us as his own---created
in His own image and likeness (in a more popular tagalong phrase, He
sees us as “his own flesh and blood”), and indeed we are.

“Then God said: “let us make man in our own image after our likeness, let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the
cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawls on
the ground.” - Genesis 1:26-28

That’s how precious He sees us---our life coming from His very own
breath. He created the earth first with us in mind. He wants to make sure
the world is conducive to life before he created us.

 Gaze of sincerity
The Lord looks at us as a clean slate every morning. As if nothing is sinful
about us. It’s not that He is blind to our shortcomings, only that He
always has a firm hope and trust in what we, His children, are capable of-
--and that is to love Him and to love one another.

 Gaze of beauty
God sees us to be beautiful inside and out.

“God saw all that he had made and it was very good.” – Genesis 1:31

Just like how mothers and fathers always see their child as beautiful no
matter what other people say, so the Lord sees beyond our imperfections
and sees us as uniquely beautiful.

 Gaze of purity
“And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the
body of Jesus Christ once for all.” - Hebrews 10:10 (NIV)

Created as His masterpieces, we were created by the Lord as pure and

innocent. And His desire is that we remain as pure and as innocent as a

C. Living or Acting according to how the Father sees us

The Lord sees us with the eyes of unfailing love, full of hope and joy in our being. But
how do we see ourselves? Do we see what our Father sees in us?

(Call in Mid-talk sharers)

Christians we may be, we are still sinners, and we sometimes still forget how precious
we are. However let us strive to go back to the Father and see our worth and identity in
Him. The Lord sees us important and pure. As His special creation we are designed by
Him and for Him. As YFC leaders, we should keep ourselves pure, spotless and
unblemished by embracing and living out, even in the simplest ways possible, our 100%
FREE principles.

D. Living the 100% FREE principles.

Living a life that is free allows us to be…

(The speaker should also share his personal experience/s and give other examples.)

1. Free to LIVE
“… your body is the temple of Holy Spirit.” - 1Cor.6:19

Free to live is living a life that values the body by keeping it free from any
substance abuse. It simply realizes that the real high is having a healthy body and
being high with the Spirit---getting high on God.

Being free to live is saying no to drugs, being 0% alcohol and being smoke free.

Do we want to be free? Do we want to be free from guilt? Do we want to start

your day right with no hang-over? Do we want to keep our lungs clean? Do we
want to have good, clean, fun with our friends? If we want these, then, let’s be

So then, when we’re faced with situations where we are tempted to smoke or
drink, we turn away from temptation and simply say I AM FREE!

(Speaker rallies the audience to repeat the phrase a few more times.)

When faced with negative peer pressure, we simply refuse and say I AM FREE!

(Speaker can cite other situations applicable and more relevant to the issues that
deal with Free to Live principle in the area. After each situationer, speaker rallies
the crowd to repeat the phrase “I AM FREE!”)

2. Free to BE
“You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with
your body.” - 1Cor6:20

God did not make a mistake in creating us as we are. The Lord created us
uniquely perfect and beautiful. Being free to be is imbibing our identity and living
it out with pride and appreciation. It is living out our true selves and who we are
made to be.

Free to be is being pure inside and out, being 100% Man and Woman and being
free from pornography.

Are we free to be? Are we proud to be men and women of the Lord? Do we help
our brothers and sisters to be the men and women God wants them to be? Let
us be free to strive to always see our worth and identity in our God.

So then, when we are faced with doubt, or with troubles that seem so hard to
bear that we forget our life’s worth, we shout out…I AM FREE!

When all negativities surround us and we feel emotional, we shout…I AM FREE!

When tempted to say bad words or jokes, what do we shout?

(Speaker should encourage audience participation by shouting out I AM FREE!)


(Speaker can cite other situations applicable and more relevant to the issues that
deal with Free to Live principle in the area. After each situationer, speaker rallies
the crowd to repeat the phrase “I AM FREE!”)

3. Free to LOVE
“Love is patient, Love is kind…nor does it seek its own interest…” - 1Cor.13:4

Love is one of the most beautiful gifts from the Lord. Let us not ruin it. Being free
to love is discerning well before entering in a relationship, keeping ourselves free
from lust, and upholding our purity. This means believing in the kind of love that
is learned, experienced, and given in God’s time.

Being free to love believes in being virgin and proud and that real love waits.

When tempted with intimacy, stand firm and say…I AM FREE!

When you feel like you want to hold her/his hand, stay put and simply say…I AM

When love life hasn’t come our way yet, we shout out “it’s ok, I AM FREE!”

(Speaker can cite other situations applicable

and more relevant to the issues that deal
with Free to Live principle in the area. After LEADER’S QUOTE
each situationer, speaker rallies the crowd
to repeat the phrase “I AM FREE!”) “A clean heart is a free
heart. A free heart can
D. Conclusion love Christ with an
undivided love in chastity,
As YFC leaders, we may be the only Bible our convinced that nothing
members will be able to read. We should be a and nobody will separate
model of 100% Free lifestyle. We should be the it from his love. Purity,
first ones to see that life is precious and good and chastity, and virginity
that to live free is best. Let us strive to live a life created a special beauty
pleasing to our Lord. in Mary that attracted
God’s attention. He
“You yourselves search out what pleases the Lord, showed his great love for
and take no part in the works of darkness that are the world by giving Jesus
of no benefit…” - Eph.5:10 to her.” Mother Teresa of


A. Have a follow up activity (perhaps in the household activity) after the said assembly
with a similar topic.
B. Set a Common Prayer Time or instruct them to include the principles/struggles of
being 100% Free in a previously set prayer time.


A. Suggested reflection song(s): None But Jesus (by Hillsong), Take Me Out of the Dark,
Strong Arm, Refiners Fire
B. Song Description: Songs that could be a prayer acknowledging the Lord as our
Creator, or songs that asks for guidance in their struggles in coming to the light.)
C. Direction:
 Lead everyone to a prayer.
 Encourage the members to reflect on their identity in the Lord and on the
100%FREE principles. If applicable, ask them to name certain struggles in living
out these principles.
 Play a reflection song while in the moment of prayer.


Single Minded for God


1. To define what it means to be single minded “So Jesus said to those who
for God. believed in him, “If you obey
my teaching, you are really
2. To make the characteristics of a single minded
my disciples; you will know
disciple relevant to the youth leaders.
the truth and the truth will set
you free.” - John 8:31-32

A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration/Gathering Song

(Teach one new song if possible)
1:30 – 2:00 Opening Worship
2:00 – 2:30 Talk Proper
2:30 – 2:45 Reflection
2:45 – 3:30 Sharing: “Open Microphones” sharing
3:30 – 3:45 Closing Worship
3:45 – 4:00 Announcements

Note: The speaker / facilitator will lead the sharing. Plant at least 3-4 sharers to
start the sharing. Make sure that the facilitator wraps up or summarizes and
connects the points of every sharing.


The speaker should be a mature YFC leader or the top leader of the area who has been
livings out his/her identity as a single minded person for God.


A. Introduction

“…If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples.”- John 8:31-32

In Philosophy, a disciple is a follower of the doctrines of a teacher or school of thoughts.

We as Christians are called not just to follow but to commit ourselves to be transformed
and become an image of Christ. But we cannot be like Christ if we do not obey our God
because obedience is a stepping stone to becoming a true disciple. For example, in kung
fu movies, the master always emphasizes obedience, and the apprentice focuses on
whatever teachings he gives. The only way for the apprentice to be a master kung fu is
to obey every instruction and focus on the wisdom of every challenges or lessons given
to Him by his master. Just like us, if we want to be true disciples we need to obey what
God wants us to do. And more so, to be a true disciple we need to focus on Him alone---
to be single minded for God.

As leaders of this community, we are here because we believed in His teachings and
responded to His call of becoming a disciple. But believing in Him is not the end of the
journey. This call also entails following Him and going out to the world to lead God’s
people in proclaiming the good news. But are we ready to face the challenges and the
temptation the world brings? Are we ready to focus on the Lord and to not compromise
His will for us? Are we ready to be single minded disciples?

B. Single minded for God

One identification of a YFC is being single minded for God. The Youth for Christ
community desires to form men and women who will wholeheartedly minister and
serve God by building the church of the home and the church of the future. YFCs are
called to uphold and appreciate the importance of His teachings, and to imbibe it in our
own lives first before going out and sharing it to others. Therefore, single mindedness
for God entails:

1. Building a closer and more intimate relationship with God that can be
attained through prayer and devotion.
As YFC leaders we should know and follow the voice of the one who is guiding
us, which is the voice of our God. This can be achieve through:
 Prayer time - We should be consistent in talking to the Lord and listening
to Him through our prayer time. Let us spend time of silence with our
Lord every day.

 Confession - Sin brings guilt in our lives, and guilt hinders us from
drawing closer to God. Through confessing our sins, our hearts will be
freed from the burden of guilt. Let us practice to have a regular
 Holy Mass - Celebrating the Holy Mass will bring us closer to God. Thus,
as leaders, let us attend the Holy Mass not just on Sundays but even on
ordinary days, or even everyday if possible.

2. Having a “single eye,” which means a life of total commitment to God.

“Single eye” means being focused on the only thing you want or love the most.
When Christ was crucified, He could have used His majestic power to end His
suffering, yet He chose not to. Amidst the pain and suffering, Christ endured
because His eyes are focused only to us, the ones He loves the most. Saving us is
His sole reason why He came down from heaven. He remained committed to His
mission up to the every end of His life on earth because His eyes were set on the
will of God and that is to save us all.

As YFC leaders, our focus should be on the Lord alone. Let us be firm in our
commitment to Him. When we face difficulties and trials, let us set our eyes on
our God and allow him to strengthen and lead us. Entrust everything to God---
our desires, family, and service. Let Him be in control.

3. Not compromising the will of God.

It is through prayer and building an intimate relationship with God that we get to
know and understand His will for us. His WILL will guide us in our journey of
becoming single minded people of God. His WILL will help us see our purpose
here on earth.

As leaders we should not compromise the standards that the Lord set before us
with the standards that the world is showing us.
 Living a 100% free lifestyle (no to drugs, no to alcohol, etc.)
 Living out the values taught by Christ (forgiveness, humility, faithfulness,

C. Single Minded Disciple

We need to appreciate the importance of loving and following the teachings of Christ in
becoming His true disciples. Our call is to become a single minded disciple---someone
whose very goal is to imitate Christ, and to live a life according to God’s plans. A single
minded disciple is:

1. One who is committed to give his time

and treasure in serving the Lord everyday.
As youth leaders, let us do our best in our
service and grab every opportunity to share
the love we experience from God by: “His plan is not designed
 being consistent in attending or to make us comfortable;
leading prayer meetings, assemblies it’s designed to make us
and households, more like Christ, to
 doing good in studies and setting conform us to His will…”
– Wisdom, C. Swindoll
good examples for your classmates---
being diligent, saying no to cheating,
 help out at home, or other people who are in need of great help---
volunteering in relief operations, helping in cleaning the house, etc.
2. One who is willing to travel light. It is very important to serve the Lord with a
joyful heart. As we serve, we need to release any extra baggage in our hearts---
baggage that hinders us to give our all for the Lord. Releasing these will free us
from any negative feelings or emotions. For instance:
Going to confession and asking God for forgiveness
Forgiving the people who’ve hurt us and asking for forgiveness to those we’ve
God is calling us to travel light so that we can serve Him fully, and that He can fill
our hearts with joy and love.

3. One who is willing to live a simple life like Christ

“Do not store up riches for yourself here on earth….” - Matthew 6:19-21
God is enough! Following Christ is not easy. But at the end of every journey, God
promises joy, peace and abundance. Let us claim that promise by living a life of
simplicity, desiring only for the riches that can last in heaven. After all, by living a
simple life will we be able to attain a more joyful and peaceful heart.

D. Conclusion

Facing the standards of the world and overcoming temptation is difficult, but if we know
where and what to focus on then no one can stop us from following Christ. Let it be
clear to us that our only way to go is with the Lord. Focus first on the Lord and live out
the characters of a single minded disciple---maximizing opportunities to love, traveling
light and living a simple life like Christ.


A. Be consistent in your prayer time so that you can practice listening intently to God.
Focus to His message for you.
B. If you have an extra baggage, talk to your leader, have constant one to ones with
him/her. Share whatever is/are hindering you from giving your all, and allow your
leader to guide you.
C. Try to save up. That will help you live a simple life.


A. Suggested Song: A song that talks about following Jesus or obedience to Jesus
B. Points for reflection: Let us remember the story of the “twelve.” When they said yes
to the call of Jesus, from the very start of their journey, they entrusted everything to
Him and fixed their eyes on Jesus. They were just ordinary men, but because they
allowed God to be in control, they were able to live extraordinary lives. Like them, let
us be single minded for God.


1. What are the things that stop/hinder you from focusing on God?
What are you doing about it?

Single Minded for God
(Firmness and Steadfastness)


1. To let the YFC leaders understand the “Be on guard, stand firm in the
emotions that are anchored on Christ. faith, be courageous, be
strong. Your every act should
2. To let them learn how to handle or control be done with love.” - 1 Cor.
their emotions in different situations they 16:13-14
encounter everyday.

3. To make them stand firm and steadfast on

whatever opportunities that will lead them to grow.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Registration

1:30 - 1:50 Worship
1:50 - 2:10 Activity
2:10 - 3:00 Talk Proper
3:00 - 3:30 Discussion Group
3:30 - 3:45 Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Watch My Face

 Divide the participants into groups (depends on the total number of

 Each group picks a representative who will show through his/her facial
expression the different human emotions (e.g. sad, angry, scared, worried,
 The game can be played as a charade type, where the other group members
will have to guess the kind of emotion expressed. Or it can be a relay type,
where the other group members will have to imitate and pass on the
emotion portrayed from one person to the other until it reaches the last
person who will guess the answer.

 Each correct answer earns a point, and the group who has the most number
of points wins.
 Processing:
- In our everyday life, especially with our service in YFC, we face a lot of
situations that trigger our emotions. These emotions sometimes
affect our moods, decisions, etc. The game allowed us to see the
different faces of emotions we, as YFC leaders, normally carry. But
regardless of the kind of emotions that we have, be it good or bad,
we should manage our emotions so that we can continue to inspire
others and still do our role as the leaders who will, as the name
suggests, lead people to God.


A YFC Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of the Leaders’ Core
Group in the Area who has gone through a lot of challenging times yet still stood firm
and steadfast on the mission.


A. Introduction

Emotion is a mental physiological state associated with feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
We often behave in certain ways as a direct result of our emotional state, such as crying,
fighting or fleeing. In times of challenging circumstances, a wave of emotion sweep over
us and we feel powerless to change it. But that doesn’t mean that because we feel it we
can’t do anything about it. We have the power to control over our emotions. There’s
nothing wrong with feeling the way we do, but it should not be our end response, and it
should not consume our judgment in every situation. Our call is to be firm and steadfast
amidst our emotions.

Jesus too faced a lot of situations wherein His emotions were challenged. He may be
God but He came to earth as a human, experiencing the same temptations and facing
situations like the rest of us. Let’s see how Jesus was able to manage His emotions and
remain focused on His mission.

B. Christ Experiences
Jesus experiences the following emotions because He was human:

1. Christ felt the anger.

“Jesus went to the Temple and began to drive out all those who were buying and
selling. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the stools of those
who sold pigeons.” - Mark 11:15

When Jesus saw how the temple was turned into a marketplace, He got angry.
But He did not just allow that emotion to control over Him. Instead He was firm
in correcting them and taught them to respect God’s temple.

As YFC leaders, we are oftentimes faced with situations where our emotions are
tested. For instance, when our member is not able to carry out his/her assigned
task in an activity. How do we respond to this situation? Do we get angry? Or are
we still able to love that member? Instead of responding negatively, we are
called to love by correcting them, just like what Jesus did.

2. Jesus wept.
“Jesus wept.” - John 11:35

When Jesus arrived at the place where Lazarus was buried and saw Mary
weeping, He was deeply moved, and He wept because of his love for the dead
man. But Jesus did not dwell on His sorrow. Instead, Jesus called upon God’s
Spirit, and allowed the Father’s glory to be manifested through Him. He did not
allow sadness to reduce His faith, but instead believed that a miracle would be
made possible through Him.

In our service as leaders, we establish relationship with our members. We treat

them as friends, but if one of them questions our capability as a leader, we get
hurt. When a core member backstabs us, we cry. Remember that there will
always be the times when we are challenged emotionally. Our human nature
calls for us to, just like Jesus, weep over something. But it is important that we
should always rise above the situation.

3. Jesus was tired.

“….Let us go off by ourselves to some place where we will be alone and you can
rest a while.” - Mark 6:31

Jesus developed in Him great passion to serve God, but despite this, he also felt
tired every now and then from walking from one place to another. And so he
stopped and rested. He managed to sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed, and
with this, he was able to go on with his mission.

At times, we get overwhelmed by the responsibility that has been entrusted to

us. We overwork ourselves, believing that we are continuing Christ’s mission. We
say yes to every work that is given to us. Later we realize we’ve grown tired and
the passion dies out. Then we say, “I’m tired. I want to quit.” Like Jesus, we
should learn when to stop and rest. Being a servant is not about being always on
the go, but it is also about knowing when to pause and take a breather. Both the

body and the spirit should be healthy. So when we feel tired and burnt out, let’s
pause for a while, ask for God’s strength, stay focused and move on.

4. Jesus was afraid.

“’Father,’ he prayed, ‘my father! All things are possible for you. Take this cup of
suffering away from me. Yet not what I want, but what you want.’” - Mark 14:36

During His agony in the garden, Jesus felt fear. He came to a point of asking God
to deliver him from His torment. We can only imagine the thoughts and
emotions going through His mind at that moment. Yes, Jesus could have quit and
gave up. But instead, he set aside his agony and still submitted to God’s will.
Jesus was afraid, yet He remained faithful to the will of God.

As YFC leaders, how far can we go on in this mission? Are we afraid to continue if
trials come our way, say for example, in the family, in our relationships with
other people, or in our studies? When we feel afraid, remember Christ too had
the same feeling. He was might have wanted to quit, but He prayed, held on and
continued. Like Him, let our fears lead us to depend more and more on God’s
saving grace.

5. Jesus felt deserted.

“…My God, my God why have you deserted me?” - Mark 15:34

Jesus felt deserted by God during His crucifixion. He took in, there on the cross
with arms wide open, all the mockery, insults and physical pain. And He
questioned God for allowing all these to happen to him. But in the end, His
passion for His Father’s will wiped out every doubt and despair, and He
gracefully ended His commission here on earth: “It is finished.” - John 19:30

There are moments in our lives as leaders that we feel alone and deserted,
especially when we still face trials despite our faithfulness to Him. In times like
these, we tend to question God for being unfair, unjust and demanding. But we
need to acknowledge that God allows these things to happen for us to become
stronger Christians, until such time that we will be able to fulfil the mission, and,
like Jesus, we can finally say, “It is finished.”

C. Manage your emotions

Many times the emotions that we feel are being manipulated by the enemy so that we
will defy God and His will for us. The enemy knows that if he keeps us distracted by
these emotions, he can keep us away from all the wonderful things God has in store for
us. And if we succumb to this, then we will be defeated in the battle.

1. Be on guard of your emotions

The first step in managing our emotions is
to recognize that we are experiencing one. LEADER’S QUOTE
We have to be aware of the situations that
“So we need people who
can lead us into certain emotions that may
will remain steadfast in
consume or break us. Sometimes when we
any hardship and who
are angry, sad, afraid etc., our responses to
have a high degree of
these emotions might be according to how
we usually do: we react negatively (e.g. the
- Moshe Sharett
tendency to cry when pressured, feeling
uncontrollable anger when disappointed,
etc.) Let’s be aware when and if these
emotions are coming so that we will know how to deal with them positively.

2. Stand firm and stay calm

Emotions are inner messages. They bring our attention to a specific orientation.
Emotions drive us to show a different side of us, from our “normal” selves to a
totally different one (e.g. from talking slowly to shouting, from relaxed to being a
tense person, etc.). Before we react to the emotions that we are facing, we
should pause first, take deep breaths, allow ourselves to calm down, and PRAY.
This is the way to gain control over our emotions instead of the other way

3. Be strong and courageous in controlling your emotions

People often don't realize that they are wearing their emotion on their sleeves,
and most of the time they are not aware of how their behavior is affecting their
ability to communicate. Let us be brave in facing our emotions. Let it NOT
consume us. Emotion is a strong feeling that can either make or break us. When
we feel angry, sad, afraid, etc., we only need to call unto God to give us the
strength in overcoming all these. Let us continue to ask Him to pacify and take
away our negative emotions so that He may fill it up with the grace of love,
patience, compassion and understanding.

D. Conclusion

The Lord allows problems and trials to come our way so that we may grow in our
character. Always call to mind how Jesus responded in every situation that He
encountered, and how he was able to perfectly manage his human emotions in the face
of trials and difficulties. Like Jesus, we are to discipline ourselves and take control of our
emotions. And we can only do this when we are deeply rooted in prayer and in our

Lastly, let us continue to seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him for the strength to manage
our emotions and continue to mould us to be the best that we can be.


A. List down the emotions that affect the quality of your service to God.
B. Decide to work on them one by one.


A. Song Description: A song that tells how our God knows us and how He strengthens us
in our weaknesses and struggles.
B. Suggested Song: Strong Arm
C. Direction: Lead the participants into prayer and ask them to recall first, the situations
where they failed to control their emotions, and second, the consequences or how it
affected their relationship with others.


1. What are the different emotional experiences you constantly face?

2. How do you deal with it?
3. What characters of Jesus should you take on to overcome them?


Source of Unity in the Family
(Commitment to the Family)


1. To know how to honor our commitment to “May the Lord reward you for
our families. what you have done! May
you receive a full reward form
2. To realize that honoring our commitment to the Lord, the God of Israel,
our family is a venue for the Lord’s blessings under whose wings you have
to unfold in our life. come for refuge.” - Ruth 2:12

3. To eventually practice and apply these

commitments that we have to our families.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration / Teaching of Songs

1:30 – 1:45 Worship
1:45 – 2:00 Creative Presentation on the Story of Ruth
2:00 – 3:00 Talk Proper
3:00 – 3:15 Reflection
3:15 – 3:45 Discussion Group (use Guide Questions)
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Prayer/Praise fest

B. Activity:

 For the speaker, read the book of Ruth (chapters 1-4, see attached reading) in the
Bible prior to the assembly.
 For the service team, make a creative presentation on the Story of Ruth. Any kind
of presentation like video or drama presentation will do, as long as it will clearly
illustrate Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi and the graces that the Lord was able to
bless her with because of it.
 The speaker proceeds with the talk proper after the presentation.
 Close the talk with a prayer. In this prayer, the speaker asks them to pray for the
commitment that they will make to their family (refer to the Action Plan).


The speaker can be a mission volunteer, fulltime pastoral worker or top leader in the
area who has shown commitment to his/her family.


A. Introduction: God plans for us to be blessed

The Lord is a generous and faithful God and He Intends for us to receive the fullness of
His love and grace. He plans to give us “prosperity and not disaster,” and promises us “a
future full of hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

That specific promise of God in our lives starts with our families. He knew us before we
were born and knit us in our mothers’ womb. (Psalm 139:13) It is in our families that the
plan of the Lord will unfold in our lives, that His promises to us will be revealed.

In the same way, it is also the Lord’s plan that we stay committed to our families, to be
the best son/daughter to our parents and the best brother/sister to our siblings. It is a
commitment attached with our being born into our respective families.

(Note: At this point, the speaker can share his personal experiences on how he or she has
been blessed by the Lord through his or her family.)

B. The commitment that saved mankind

The Story of Ruth (Ruth 1-4)

1. One of the greatest stories ever told about commitment is the story of Ruth.
Ruth is the daughter-in-law of the widow Naomi. After her son’s death, Naomi
decided to go back to her motherland and spend the rest of their life there. She
insisted that Ruth go back to her own homeland, marry again, and have a family.
But Ruth was firm. She insisted on staying with her Naomi and her people. “In
modern society a widow is free to remarry after her husband dies, but in ancient
Israel this was not necessarily so. After her husband’s death the widow was still
considered to be a part of her dead husband’s family, because marriage joined
families as well as individuals.”(www.womeninthebible.net). Ruth stayed true to
her commitment and stayed with Naomi. “She had shared loneliness, anxiety
and grief with Naomi, and now that the older woman was completely alone,
Ruth would stand by her and return to Bethlehem.”
(www.womeninthebible.net). By doing so, Ruth got to know and marry Boaz,

and became the great, great grandmother of David, from whom Jesus descended
(refer to the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew 1:1-16).

2. Venue for the Blessing of the Lord to Unfold

When Ruth’s husband died, she had the choice to leave Naomi and go back to
her old village people. But she did not; rather she stayed and served her new
family, Naomi.

Because of Ruth’s faithfulness and commitment to her mother –in-law, she was
able to unfold the blessings that the Lord planned for her (refer to the genealogy
of Jesus, Matthew 1:1-16). Thus Ruth fulfills the God’s purpose for her to be one
of Christ’s ancestors (p.888 Christian Community Bible 2002).

C. Honoring our commitment

We have known of God’s great plan for us and it started with placing us in the families
that we belong to. It is no coincidence that Ruth became daughter-in-law to Naomi, as
it is not a coincidence that we are daughter/son to our parents and brother/sister to our

Just like in the story of Ruth, it is in the different situation of our own family that God is
able to fulfill His plans for us the way that He promised in the book of Jeremiah. All it
takes is loyalty, love and commitment to one of the precious gifts entrusted to us by
God---our family.

Honoring our commitment requires us to be passionate with our commitments,

obedient to the voice of the Lord through our parents, and patient in waiting for the
Lord’s blessings in our family.

1. How to honor our commitment to our families:

 Be Committed to Love our Family

“But Ruth answered, “Don’t ask me to leave you! Let me go with you. Wherever
you go, I will go; wherever you live I will live. Your people will be my people, and
your God will be my God. Wherever you die I will die and that is where I will be
buried. May the Lord’s worst punishment come upon me if I let anything but
death separate me from you.” - Ruth 1:16-17

Like Ruth, who stayed true to her commitment by staying with Naomi and, we
too are called to be passionate in our personal commitments and obligations
towards our family. We must take these commitments by heart and not falter
even in the face of difficulty.

For example, start appreciating our family members and look at their positive
characteristics, be present in family gatherings, attend school gatherings of your
younger siblings, make it a priority to set quality time with the family, make your
presence felt every time through texting, emailing, etc.

 Be Obedient to them
“I will do everything you say.” Ruth answered. 6 So she went down to the
threshing floor and did everything her mother-in-law told her to do.” - Ruth 3:5-6
Ruth was also obedient to Naomi. She didn’t know that she would find a
husband in Boaz, but she heeded Naomi’s command that she go to Boaz. We,
too, are called to that kind of obedience; we obey because our families are
anointed by God to guide, lead and mold us to be the person that God desires us
to be.

“Honor your father and your mother that you may have a long life in the land
that He has given you” - Exodus 20:12

For example, we follow the rules that our parents set in the house, be on time in
going home, try to understand their decisions as much as possible, not grumbling
when they tell us to do something or instruct us to do a chore, be open to their
corrections etc…

 Be Patient for God’s plan in our family

“Now be patient, Ruth, until you see how this all turn out.” - Ruth 3:18

The Lord will abundantly pour our homes with His graces; we just have to be
patient because He will give it in His own perfect time. Like Ruth, because she
was patient, she found Boaz to be her husband. The Lord is faithful to His
promise to her.

We too should wait with joyful anticipation

for the Lord’s promise to unfold in our
families, whatever circumstances our families
may be in. The dreams that we have for our
families may not happen now but maybe in Individual commitment
the future, when we have our own families. to a group effort -- that
is what makes a team
D. Conclusion work, a company work,
a society work, a
Had it not been for Ruth’s commitment to her new civilization work. - Vince
family, who is her mother-in-law Ruth, she would Lombardi
not have had the beautiful life that the Lord planned
for her. She would not have had the honor of being
part of the lineage that brought us our savior, Jesus Christ.

As part of the family that God has given us, the Lord expects us to honor our
commitments to them. Because it is in doing so that He is able to give us the graces that
He wants to bless us with. When we commit to our family, we don’t have to wait for the
reward or the prize that the Lord will give us in the end. The graces and blessings of the
Lord will surely be abundant and outpouring as we simply love and commit to our


A. Commit to do something concrete for your family and do it until the next Kasangga.
 Join the family in attending mass in the next coming Sundays.
 Do a chore at home before going to a meeting.
 Tutor your younger brother/sister/cousin.
 Offer a prayer for each of your family member.
 Offer to do the grocery, pay some of the small expenses at home etc.
 Take a walk with your parents to the mall, park, or wherever.
 Eat meals together.

B. Do this simple activity that will make you be more like Ruth: Assess yourself and write
down your attitudes which are similar to Ruth’s.

Ruth’s Values My Values

She was determined and committed to be I am determine and committed to
with her new family despite the urge to go _________________________________
back to her own hometown. _________________________________.

She was hard working. Even if she was not I work hard in / for
obliged to work for the family, she still _________________________________
continued to work in the field to help out _________________________________.
and provide for the family.
She was obedient to what her mother-in- I am obedient to
law tells her to do. __________________________________.

She was patient. She waited for the I patiently wait for my family to be
beautiful plan she didn’t know would _________________________________.
unfold before her.


Direction: The speaker will ask the participants to be in prayerful mode. The speaker
then prays over the participants. The speaker will then ask the participants to answer
the guide questions listed below and ask them to offer a prayer for their own
families. A reflection song may be played during the pray over session. Any slow song
will do.


1. What are my personal commitments to my family?

2. Am I being faithful to the commitments that I have with my family?
3. What can I do to strengthen these commitments?

Source of Unity in the Family


1. To remind the YFC leaders that obedience to “So Jesus went back with
the family is important in keeping the family them to Nazareth, where he
united. was obedient to them. His
mother treasured all these
2. To show that active obedience in the family is things in her heart.” - Luke 2:
our higher calling as YFC leaders. 51

3. To learn how to obey just like Jesus did.

4. To show that rules at home are as important as the rules everywhere else.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
1:45 – 2:00 Worship
2:00 – 2:30 Ice Breaker (simple game)
2:30 – 3:15 Talk Proper
Gag presentation
(Create a skit/gag presentation/video showing the different rules
imposed at home and how the youth love to disobey them (curfew,
overuse of phone/computer, using YFC service as excuse, etc.) Attached
is a suggested script for the gag presentation.)
3:15 – 3:30 Announcement/Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Gag Presentation Skit

 Curfew

(Knock.. knock)

Mother: Do you know what time is it?

YFC: Mmmm… was just doing some group project. I did ask permission from you

Mother: It’s already 11 o’clock, you said that you will be here by 9pm.

YFC: I hung out at my friend’s place, that’s why.

Mother: You did not ask permission for that, but next time ask first ok? So we won’t
be waiting for you.

YFC: Don’t worry mom, I’ll ask you next time. And as peace offering, I’m going to
clean my room tomorrow.

 Cleaning our room

(Next day… By 9AM, the YFC was seated in front of the computer, talking with
someone on the phone.)

YFC: Mom, have you seen my green shirt?

Mother: The one with the YFC logo? I ironed it last week. It must be in your closet. I
thought you were going to clean your room?

YFC: I’m just…

Mother: That’s why you can’t find it. Arrange everything first, ok? By the way, you’ve
been on the phone for an hour. I’m waiting for your sister’s call. I’m suppose to pick
her up any moment now.

YFC: Mmm…just one more minute mom, I’m just checking on my friend.

 Use of the telephone


YFC: Hello?

Older Sister: Hi, this is your Ate. I’ve been calling for almost an hour! I keep getting a
busy tone!

YFC: What’s up sis?

Older Sister: Can I talk to mom?

YFC: Mom! It’s Ate… (Mom takes the phone)

Mom: Where will I pick you up?

Older Sister: Mom, I’m here at the mall, who’s been using the phone? I’ve been
calling for an hour now. I haven’t been able to use my cell phone ‘coz my bag was
snatched. Everything in it is gone! My phones! My wallet! Everything!

Mom: Ok, stay where you are and I’ll pick you up.

Older sister: Ok, hurry, I’m so scared.

Mom: See what happened?? Your sister’s bag got snatched! She’s been trying to
reach us but she wasn’t able to get through.


A. The speaker should be part of the Leaders’ Core Group in the area who has a good
relationship with his/her family.
B. Sharers:
 A YFC member who has close family ties and is actively obeying to what
his/her parents and siblings have to say.
 A YFC member who can share about how hard it is to obey and be humble in
the family, but they do it anyway because of their great love and belief that it
is their higher calling.


A. Introduction

As we have seen in the gag presentation, it’s easy for us to justify our disobedience. We
go beyond our curfew, forget our household chores, and spend most of our time in front
of the computer/TV or in the telephone. By doing these, we make our parents worry,
lose track of our priorities, and are unable to manage our time wisely. That’s why we
tend to justify things and make excuses just to get away from our responsibilities at
home. Unconsciously, these habits show our disobedience to our family.

B. What is Obedience?

Obedience is to be in agreement, compliance and/or submission to a higher authority.

As a son/daughter we first obeyed our parents and other members of our family since
childhood. But now, in our present age, we also have to obey the laws and regulations
of our society. We have to obey our teachers, school authorities, Couple Coordinators,
YFC leaders. And we are called to obey in different aspects of our lives.

Obedience starts WITH the Family and IN the Family. At a young age we were taught to
obey our parents because they know what’s best for us. We have to trust that their love
for us is what made them set the rules. They simply want to protect and love us the way
they know how.

C. How do we obey?

As a YFC, we express obedience through FAMILY:

Following - submitting ourselves to the rules set by our elders.

(ex. Coming home within the curfew, doing household chores, etc.)
Accountability – being responsible to our family members.
(ex. Taking care of our younger brothers and sisters)
Meekness - being humble and willing to be of service.
(ex. Volunteering to do the dirty works in the house like cleaning the
toilet, and others)
Involvement - giving a part of ourselves, being committed, and actively
(ex. Active participation during family affairs, refraining from using our
phone during family dinner)
Loyalty - obeying out of love, respect and faith, trusting them wholeheartedly.
(ex. Not talking about the imperfection of your parents to others)
Yielding - giving way and having a willing heart, abiding by the rules set at home.
(ex. Giving way for our parents to buy shoes/clothes first to our
older/younger siblings, etc.)

Obedience in the family is our way of respecting and loving them. Sometimes we find it
hard to obey our parents for the reason that maybe it’s not the way how we want it to
be, or maybe we are only thinking of ourselves. It would be easier if we have someone
to look up to, someone who can show us the value of obeying in both little things and
bigger things.

D. Why We Obey?

Let’s go back to Jesus’ story in the Temple. After telling his parents that He was in his
Father’s house, He didn’t insist on staying, or made a fuss about leaving. Instead, He
went back with them to their hometown and was OBEDIENT to them:

“So Jesus went back with them to Nazareth, where he was obedient to them. His
mother treasured all these things in her heart.” - Luke 2: 51

Jesus could have easily disobeyed Joseph and Mary, but Jesus knew the importance of
obedience and how it would make their family grow closer to each other. By doing what
he did, he acknowledged that God gave him His family in this world because they were
to play a big role in molding His character. Because of this, Jesus grew up equipped and
fit to be called King.

We obey because Jesus did. If Jesus, the Son of God, was humble enough to obey His
earthly parents and ultimately, His heavenly Father’s will for Him to die on the cross,
then who are we to be disobedient?

E. A greater calling of obedience

As YFC leaders, we don’t just wait for our family members to tell us the things that we
need to do (ex. Cleaning only our room because our mom asks you to.) We are to be
more sensitive to the needs of our family members. We do things because we know it
can be of help to others. Obedience should not be a one-time thing. It should be

Active obedience doesn’t mean choosing who and when to obey. Instead, it means
doing ordinary things extraordinarily. For example, in obeying our House Rules, we
should obey with a joyful heart, not expect anything in return and, more importantly,
doing it because we love our family.

(The speaker calls in the sharers one at a time)

F. Conclusion:
Our family is God’s gift to us. As YFC leaders, we are LEADER’S QUOTE
called to be witnesses to them. We can start by
being obedient, and by showing them that we are He that cannot obey,
truly good leaders in and out of YFC. We should all cannot command. -
try to be obedient, just as Jesus was. We should Benjamin Franklin
always remember that our ultimate goal is to keep
our family united, which can be made possible
through love and obedience. We may have struggles and misunderstandings in our
families, but the best way to overcome them is to realize that our love and respect for
each other will make all things beautiful and worth the while.


A. Spend more time with your family; make an effort to obey the house rules and help
out with the chores.
B. Make an effort to become more loving and obedient to what the Lord wants you to
do by first following what your parents tell you to do.
C. Make a list of the things that you actively obey to (e.g. cleaning my room, respect for


Sample Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us our parents as our guide here on earth.
Thank you for making Christ our model of obedience as we answer the call of greater
obedience to you and to our family. Thank you for allowing us to realize the
importance of active obedience. We ask you to give us a joyful and humble heart in
obeying our parents and family members. Allow us to imitate Christ’s obedience as
we serve in YFC and in our family.


1. When are the times that we find it hard to be obedient to our

2. How can we make it up for these times of disobedience?
3. How can I actively obey my parents?

(As Exemplified by St. Augustin of Hippo)

1. To instill to the YFC leaders that the journey to “For I the Lord, am Your God,
holiness is a lifetime process. and you shall make and keep
yourselves holy because I am
2. To encourage the YFC leaders to strive for holy.” - Lev. 11:44


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Arrival

Gather & Teaching of Songs
1:30 – 1:45 Worship
1:45 – 2:20 Talk Proper
2:20 – 2:35 Reflection
2:35 – 3:00 Prayer/Praise fest


A YFC Leaders’ Core Group member of the area who manifests servant leadership to
his/her members, and exemplifies service like Christ’s.


A. Introduction

As sons and daughters of God we are called to be holy just as He is holy: “I am the Lord
your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” – Lev. 11:44

Holiness is being set apart from the vanities of the world. It does not necessarily mean
that we don’t sin. Rather, we intend to avoid every occasions that lead us to sin. Thus,
Holiness is not living a sinless life, but being set apart for the purpose of overcoming
sins. And as we do this, we are set apart in living a new life (Rom. 6).

As leaders in YFC, holiness is our lifetime goal. Like what Saint John Bosco said, we can
sing, run, jump, do whatever we want…just don’t sin. We should then live condemning
sin just as Christ commanded us. Furthermore, we take on the kind of holiness that was
rightly illustrated by St. Augustine in his journey of faith.

B. St. Augustine’s walk towards Holiness

Augustine was born November 13th, 354 in Hippo to Saint Monica and his pagan father.
He had an unhappy childhood, which led him to be a delinquent youth. Augustine
disliked school, fell in with bad friends, and disobeyed his parents. He went to every
party he could, spending all his time away from home. He took a mistress, lived with her
for fifteen years and bore her a son. But Augustine was an excellent student when he
put his mind to it. Later he became a teacher, and he opened his own schools around his
home town and near Rome. He saw how hard life was in Rome. He was often poor, sick,
and lonely.

Augustine was a Manichean before he became a Christian. Manicheans are people who
believe that good and evil are of equal power and battle each other for victory. The
writings of the Greek philosophers and the sermons of Saint Ambrose convinced him to
become a Christian. And after hearing a child say, “pick up and read,” St. Augustine
opened the Bible and read Romans 13:13-14. As a result, he wrote, “at once, with the
last words of this sentence, it was as if a light of relief from all anxiety flooded into my
heart. All the shadows of doubt were dispelled.” The prayer of his mother for seventeen
years was finally answered. His pagan father was also converted to Christianity because
of the diligence of Saint Monica in praying. After his baptism he spent three years
studying and doing good works in Tagaste, North Africa.

The Bishop of Hippo, hearing of Augustine's talents, called him to be a priest. Augustine
assisted and eventually succeeded him as bishop. He called the priests and workers, and
insisted that they live like monks.

For the next 35 years Augustine was a Bishop. During those years he defended the faith
against Heretics who falsified the information about the teachings of Jesus. He left
behind two great works. One was the books of his life called Confessions. It was one of
the first greatest autobiographies. The second book was called City of God. It told about
the struggle between those who relied on God and those who relied on themselves.
Augustine's teachings also appeared in the teachings of the great reformers John Calvin
and Martin Luther.
Augustine died August 28th, 430 of a fever. He is a patron of those who wander from
the teachings of Jesus and get caught up in sinful lives. Saint Monica and Saint
Augustine's feast days are celebrated a day after each other.

As popularly quoted, St. Augustine state, "Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and
they are restless until they rest in you."

C. What is true to the life of St. Augustine may also be true to us.

1. A sinner has a future, a saint has a past.

Sin separates us from God, from who we are and who we should be. We are all
sinners, but we keep striving to be better persons every day.

As YFC leaders, we are continuously challenged to put aside and totally leave our
vices and everything else that keep us away from God. Let us now decide to live
a life of integrity and set a good example for others to follow.

Let us not feel discouraged if we are still struggling with our habitual sins. Believe
that every sinner has a future in Jesus Christ. To become saints is to finally
overcome all of our sins.

2. A struggle becomes a blessing

St. Augustine’s struggles gave him the opportunity to know and get nearer to
God. And no matter how bad St. Augustine was, the Lord still used him
powerfully by making Him a priest, then a bishop, and then the Doctor of the
Church. Just like him, the Lord will be able to make use of our struggles to bring
out the best in us.

As leaders, no matter how much we struggle with our weaknesses, the Lord still
never fails to love, bless, and use us powerfully to be a part of His army that will
spread the Good news.

To be able to seek holiness, we must first acknowledge that we are sinners and
that we fall into temptations. Then, we must come before the Lord and submit
all our shortcomings and weaknesses, and ask God for His mercy and grace for us
to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.

Every day we experience all kinds of pains and struggles---be it from the
community, from our peers, from within the family, or even from ourselves. At
times, because we dwell in those struggles too much to the point of losing focus
on God, and therefore living a life further away from Him. Holiness then
becomes a very difficult thing to achieve.

Being the leaders that we are, the moment we said “yes” to God, we also said
“yes” to more temptations that Christ forewarned will surely come our way. But
despite of this, we should not get tired of doing good. When the time is right, our
efforts will be rewarded if we only don’t give up. (Gal 6:9)

3. A Sinner to a Saint - Dare To Be a Saint

All of us are called to be saints no matter who we are, where we come from or
what we’ve done.

And striving to be holy each day is the only road that will take us to sainthood.
Amidst our struggles and temptations, we
will persevere to follow the life that Christ
lived. Christ is our role model in being LEADERS’ QUOTES
holy---we then should anchor ourselves
on Him by building a more personal and “The creed of the true saint is
deeper relationship with Him. to make the most of life, and
Saints stand tall not only because they are to make the best of it.” -
holy but also because they are loved. Edwin Hubbel Chapin
They stand tall because of the Cross. Most
importantly, saints know they were, at “If you really wish to serve
one point in their life, big time sinners, your brothers and sisters, let
but have devoted the rest of their lifetime Christ reign in your hearts. Let
becoming big time lover of Jesus Christ. him strengthen you in virtue
and fill you above all with his
D. Conclusion charity. Let him guide you
along the path that leads to
“For I the Lord, am Your God, and you shall make
holiness…Do not be afraid to
and keep yourselves holy because I am holy.”- Lev
be saints!” - Pope John Paul II

Because Jesus is our first role model in being holy, we must acknowledge that we are
first loved by God. With this, we strive to remain pure and holy in God’s eyes. Striving to
be holy and to remain holy is an everyday calling that we have to respond to as sons and
daughters of God. The world should no longer dictate who we are and who we should

Dare to be a SAINT! We may be ordinary people who have been tempted and sinned,
but the important thing is to never give up going back to God. For in Him, we are given
infinite chances to return to His grace and get back on the road to holiness. And at the
end of that road is Christ, who eagerly awaits our arrival.


Have a regular confession.


A. Suggested Song: Create in Me

B. Song Description: A YFC song that shows on how we strive for holiness.
C. Direction:
 The speaker leads the participants into prayer, and then gives the following
 List down all the things that hinder you from becoming holy.
 At the back of the paper, write a personal prayer asking for the grace of God to
help you in your struggle to be holy all the days of your life.
 This piece of prayer should be inserted in your Bible so that you can recite it
during your personal prayer time.


1. In which area of your life do you struggle most in being holy?

2. What are the concrete steps you have taken, or will still take, to be
more like Christ?



1. To encourage the YFC leaders to deepen their VERSE

faithfulness to God.
“Love the Lord your God, obey
2. To instill in the a heart that completely trusts
him and be faithful to him,
God’s will.
and then you and your
descendants will live long in
II. DYNAMICS the land that he promised to
give your ancestors…”
Suggested Schedule: - Deuteronomy 30:20

1:00 – 1:30 Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
1:45 – 2:45 Mass
2:45 – 3:00 Opening Worship
3:00 – 3:45 Session Proper
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Prayer/Worship


The speaker should be a Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or ay member of

the Leaders’ Core Group in the area who can witness to the faithfulness of God in
his/her life, and has been showing faithfulness throughout his/her life in the


A. Introduction

The Tightrope and the Wheelbarrow

(Note: This is a famous story about the French tight-rope walker Charles Blondin. The
following version is taken from Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks (Wayne Rice, 1994).)

The story is about a great circus performer by the name of Blondin, who
stretched a long steel cable across Niagara Falls (a falls in between Canada and
US). During high winds, and without a safety net, he walked, ran, and even
danced across the tightrope to the amazement and delight of the large crowd of
people who watched.

Once he took a wheelbarrow full of bricks and amazed the crowd by pushing it
effortlessly across the cable, from one side of the falls to the other. Blondin then
turned to the crowd and asked, “Now, how many of you believe that I could push
a man across the wire in the wheelbarrow?” Immediately all hands rose in the

“Then”, asked Blondin. “Would one of you please volunteer to be that man?”
As quickly as the hands went up, they went back down. Not a single person would
volunteer to ride in the wheelbarrow and to trust his life to Blondin.

Many of us profess that we believe in Jesus. We boldly declare our love for Him by
raising our hands in worship, saying that we love Him. But when situation gets out of
hand, are we still ready to demonstrate our belief by entrusting our life to Him? Are we
willing to get in the wheelbarrow and risk everything in faith? If the answer is YES then
that’s what it means to believe. Believing is having a firm conviction to do something.
Faith is not just an intellectual exercise. It involves total commitment.

(Note: The speaker will raise the same question to the participants.)

Are we willing to demonstrate our belief by trusting our life to Him?

Are we willing to get in the wheelbarrow and risk everything on our faith?

B. Faithfulness of a Missionary

As missionaries, we are all called to be faithful to the mission and most especially to
God. If we truly call ourselves Christians and leaders, our faith should be as solid as a
rock. Our faith is our protecting shield and sword in completing the mission that God
entrusted us.

1. Faithfulness to God
As leaders, we are called to be faithful to God by constantly communicating with
the Him through our prayer time. Our faithfulness to God entails our total
surrender and trust to Him---that no matter what problem, oppression and
struggle come our way, we will not be shaken. We will stand firm on His promise
that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5).

2. Faithfulness to the mission

As leaders, we are called to be faithful to the mission. It is a mission entrusted to
us, and we are to give value to this very privilege. In the Parable of the Talents
(Matthew 25:14-30 TEV) “Well done, you good and faithful servant! You have
been faithful in managing the small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large
amounts,” we’ve seen how faithful the servant was to his master that the master
multiplied what was given to him. The story showed that being faithful to small
things brings us greater things. Similarly, when we are given a small task in a
youth camp, in an assembly, or even in a conference, we should do it with our
whole heart, excellently and faithfully because these are the privileges that our
Master is allowing us to take charge of.

C. God’s Faithfulness

Our faithfulness to the mission is nothing compared to how God has been faithful to us.
In our lifetime, let us be sensitive to the situations where God manifests His faithfulness.

1. He continues to believe in us even in our unworthiness.

The Lord still chose us to proclaim His word. He has trusted us and anointed us
to do things that will glorify Him. Saint Paul, before his conversion, was one of
the most notorious prosecutors of the early Christians. But the Lord had a big
plan for him. Little did he know that he was to become a defender of the
Christian faith. The Lord gave a vision to Ananias and said, “Go because I have
chosen him [Paul] to serve me, to make my name known to Gentiles and kings
and to the other people of Israel.” - Acts 9:15 The Lord did not choose Paul
because of his credentials.

Like Paul, we weren’t chosen because we are intelligent or skillful, but because
He believes in us. It is a great privilege to be called by God. As we continue to
demonstrate our faithfulness to Him, all the more that He will bless us with
wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment that we can use in our
fulfilling mission.

2. He continues to provide for us.

We often find ourselves not having anything in our pockets during mission
because sometimes our own families are in a financial difficulty. But the Lord
continues to provide for all our needs.

When the Lord asked Abraham to leave his nation, he had a lot of uncertainties.
But God promised to provide for his needs. And the Lord kept his promise to
Him. Wherever Abraham went the Lord never failed to give what he needed.
(Genesis 12:1-2)

Just like Abraham, God will never fail to bless us as we go on with the mission.
He not only provides us financially, but also equips us with the strength, wisdom,
confidence, and the rest of the graces that we need. The Lord has never failed,
and will never ever fail, in providing for us.

3. He continues to secure us even if we feel uncertain.

“The Lord said to Abraham, “Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from
your father’s house to a land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a
land that I will show you. I will make you of a great nation, and I will bless you; I
will make your name great so that you will be a blessing.” – Genesis 12:1-2

When the Lord sent Abraham to mission, he left everything, just as what God
asked Him to do. Beyond uncertainties, the Lord showed and brought Abraham
to the promised---He even made him great among nations. This simply shows
that the Lord will, beyond any doubt, fulfill his promises.

But despite God’s faithfulness, there are still times when we fail to acknowledge
it in our lives. There are times when we are more focused on the problem that
we tend not to see God’s unceasing downpour of graces. As leaders, we have to
trust the Lord more. For years, we have seen the Lord fulfill His promises in our
life (e.g mended family relationships, good grades/passing exams, doubled
number of YFCs in our chapter, real friends, etc.). Great things are happening
everyday that show how faithful and great our God is, as He desires nothing but
for us to remain faithful to Him. This is His call for us: “…Be faithful to me, even it
means death, I will give you life as your prize of victory.” -Revelations 2:10

With all these, we can rest assured that God will equip us in this mission. And as He
equips us He also prepares a bright future for us. Every time we doubt, get tired, or feel
like giving up, let us continue to hold on to God’s promise that He will bring us to victory
and glory!

D. Call to Faithfulness vis-á-vis Stake of our Unfaithfulness

As leaders of YFC we have been called by God to be faithful to Him at all times. This
faithfulness is to be founded with the following:

1. Complete trust in the Father

We should completely trust the Lord, for He knows well His plans for us: “I know
my plans I have for you, plan to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to
bring a future you hope for.” - Jeremiah 29:11 So why must we worry when the
Lord our God knows what’s best for us?

There are times when we become unfaithful to God - we doubt when we

experience difficulties, we are tempted to stop believing in His promises when
we are tired, or worse, we question His will in times of testing. When we allow
these things to happen our prayer time suffers, our relationship with others is
challenged, our mission is affected, and our relationship with God weakens.

Thus, we should entrust and surrender everything to Him - our plans, our desires
- and believe that God will fulfill His promises in us. For definitely He will.

2. Deeper relationship with Jesus Christ

As we journey with the Lord, prayer gives us an opportunity to deepen our
relationship with Him. We get to know Him better when we attend our
households and actively participate in the assemblies and conferences. We
should seek to know Him more and deepen our relationship with Him every day.

As leaders, we should bear in mind that how we live our lives affects our
members. For instance, when we become unfaithful to our prayer time, there is
a tendency that we become lukewarm in our service, and with it our capacity to
truly take care of our members. Failing to seek and listen to God faithfully might
lead to losing our passion in serving Him.

To avoid this, let us make each day of our lives a sweet journey with God. May
we desire to deepen our relationship with Him as we continue to be instruments
of love to our members for them to experience His blessings, His great love, and
His promise of a future full of hope.

3. Consistent obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit

We take example from St. Paul, who consistently obeyed the Lord and always
allowed the Spirit to lead him. From his moment of conversion up until his many
mission works, St. Paul never missed out in following what the Lord asked him to
do. As leaders, our calling is to obey the Spirit’s leading. We are to consistently
seek God’s guidance in our mission.

Every now and then we get to face challenging situations that prevent us from
seeking for the Spirit’s guidance, and we tend to rely on our own strength and
knowledge. We fail to recognize the anointing that God has given us and that we
are strengthened by His Spirit.

As leaders of this community we are to acknowledge our anointing and allow the
Spirit to work through us so that we may be able to share to our members the
good news that God wants us to share in this mission. May we will always be
guided by the Spirit so that we will be put right with Him.

E. Conclusion
“I tell you for certain that if you have faith in
me, you will do the same things that I am “Faith is to believe what we
doing. You will do even greater things.” - John do not see; and the reward
14:12 of this faith is to see what
we believe.” - St. Augustine
As we remain faithful to Him, we will be able
to do greater things than what we do now -
we can even witness impossible things being
made possible by God, with the fulfillment of His promise being revealed right before
our very own eyes.

Faithfulness is having a trusting heart. It calls for obedience to His will. And it demands
complete trust in His greatness.


A. Make it a habit: Have a constant time and place of prayer and resolve to be more
consistent with prayer time.
B. List down the things that you want to entrust to the Lord.
C. Make it a habit: Identify one thing that you want to do faithfully (for your household
members, area or mission, etc.).


(Note: Reflection will be done before the Conclusion of the Talk proper.)
A. Direction:
 The speaker will lead the participants into a short reflection.
 The speaker will instruct them to ponder on the following questions:
- When are the times that I doubted God’s faithfulness in me?
- How can I continue to be faithful to God?
- In what ways can I show my faithfulness to God?
 Conclusion follows after this reflection.
B. Song Description: The reflection song can be a song with a message on faithfulness; a
song on how can we respond to God’s faithfulness, or a song that expresses
surrendering everything to the Lord.
C. Suggestion: I Give My All


A. Mother Theresa books
B. The story of Abraham and Job in the Bible


Model of Excellence


1. To understand the value of hard work and “I do not claim that I have
perseverance in service. already succeeded or have
already become perfect. I
2. To refuel the leaders in their service. keep striving to win the prize
for which Christ Jesus has
3. To instill an unwavering passion in every area already won me to himself. I
of a YFC leader’s life. really do not think that I have
already won it; the one thing I
II. DYNAMICS do, however, is to forget what
is behind me and do my best
to reach what is ahead. So I
A. Suggested Schedule: run straight toward the goal
in order to win the prize,
1:00 – 1:30 Registration and which is God’s call through
Gathering Christ Jesus to the life above.”
1:30 – 1:45 Opening Worship - Philippians 3:12-14
1:45 – 2:15 Game: MY CUP
2:15 – 2:45 Processing of the Activity
2:45 – 3:15 Talk
3:15 – 3:30 Reflection with Guide Questions (individual)
3:30 – 3:35 Action Plans
3:35 End

B. Activity: My Cup Runneth Over!

 Divide the participants into groups of 10.

 Prepare the following materials: 1 medium-sized pail filled with water, and
1 empty bottle/container (preferably a 2L soft drink bottle) for EACH group.
 Place the water-filled pail a certain distance away from the groups.
 Objective: Each group should try to fill their empty bottles with water from
the pail using ONLY THEIR HANDS.
 The members of each group will take turns to run to the pail, scoop out
some water using their hands and fill their containers.

 The first team to complete the task shouts altogether, “MY CUP RUNNETH
OVER!” and wins the game.
 Processing points: Discuss the game with the participants. The following
questions can be asked to develop the discussion: How did you feel all
throughout the game? Was it hard for you to keep going even when it
seemed like you were making no progress? How did you keep your team
from getting discouraged? What have you learned from the activity?
 Then the facilitator will share about the following:
- Passion – when everyone is united and very much excited, the
work becomes a game. Thus, everyone enjoys while doing the
whole process.
- Patience – filling the container with water using only the hands is
very tasking, and it will take much patience. But that is precisely
what is needed to achieve a goal.
- Perseverance – We need to hold on and continue, especially if
mistakes after mistakes come, and that it seems we cannot fill the
container in time. Perseverance is important in our service.


A. The speaker should be a member of the YFC Leaders’ Core Group and who has
experienced a lot of challenges in the service.
B. A YFC who is always joyful in serving the Lord no matter what the circumstances are,
praising God in both good and bad times.
C. A YFC who works hard in his/her service, keeping God in mind always.


A. Introduction

We have been blessed to be given this privilege of serving as leaders of YFC. We have
enjoyed and learned along the way, but we’ve also experienced trials, temptations,
disappointments. Sometimes we’ve become tired, exhausted to the point of quitting.

All the things that we’ve experienced are part of the journey as leaders. But as we take
this path and endure along the way, it will help us grow more in our love for the Lord. St.
Paul rightly put it when he shared in Philippians 3:12-14, “I do not claim that I have
already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for
which Christ Jesus has already won me to himself. I really do not think that I have
already won it; one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to
reach what is ahead. So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is
God’s call through Christ Jesus to the life above.”

B. Focus on the Prize

For St. Paul, all his sacrifices are worth it because the prize, who is Jesus Christ, is more
than enough. He further said, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as
nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us.” Rom 8:18. And so we cling on to
that hope and focus on the prize. With this, we also need to bear in mind the following:

1. Passion
If Christ is our passion, we can be sure to turn our sufferings into victories, and
our weaknesses into strengths. If our motivation, reason and focus are set
before our God, then we will never run out of passion in serving Him. The Bible
says, “Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of
devotion.” Rom. 12:11

 Our focus.
Our focus is on the Lord of the work, not on the work of the Lord.
We ought to love God with our whole strength.
 Our Reason
The world needs to know God. People need a real direction in their
lives. We can bring others closer to Christ by setting examples to
God has given us many gifts and talents that we can use to the fullest.
 Our Motivation
Jesus is our example of extensive work and total care. We in YFC are
called to follow his footsteps.
We are giving ourselves out of love for God and for our neighbor.

2. Patience
Focusing on the prize requires patience, the ability to wait and be persistent until
something happens. We wait for the Lord because there is always an appointed
time for everything.

God works in His own time. When God answers prayers, it will just be either
is best for us; we should wait for His perfect time.

3. Perseverance
It takes determination to steadfastly continue the race. And we can only do so if
we focus on the prize, Jesus Christ. It’s just like in sports, where players train
their body despite all the pain because all they want to achieve is to become
champions. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 affirms us further, “Do you not know that the
runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Every
athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but

we, an imperishable one. Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were
shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having
preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.”

 Do not wait for luck

Success needs to be worked at.
 Do not quit when you are tired
If the job is not done, then we must continue to work hard at it. After
all, it’s the end that really counts (last shot in a basketball game, last
leg of a relay race).
 Keep focused on the goal
Have the goal in mind instead of the work required to achieve the
goal. Do not doubt and fear, for God will never leave, forsake nor
abandon us. The Lord assured and reminded us not to fear 365 times
in the Bible (read the story of Moses, The Call of Joshua).

C. Conclusion

The Lord wants us to experience the fullness of

life, that’s why He called us to serve Him with
every inch of ourselves. The journey of our
service promises us to experience the fruits of
the Holy Spirit —It’s Love, joy, peace, patience, “There are no victories
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self at bargain price.” - Gen.
control. - Galatians 5:22 Dwight D. Eisenhower,
US President
We should remember to do our best and keep
the faith so that we can run the full distance and “Success is a little like
claim the victory, which is an eternal life in wrestling a gorilla. You
heaven with the Father. The prize is just up don’t quit when you are
ahead, so we keep running. By the end of it all, tired---you quit when
we hope to say St. Paul’s words, “I have the gorilla is tired.” -
competed well; I have run the race; I have kept Robert Strauss
the faith.” - 1 Tim 4:7


1. Make a chart of the situations you encounter with your studies and service that you
think are easy to handle, and those that you think are difficult. Then write out a plan for
what you can do to overcome these difficulties.
Sample chart:

Easy Plan Difficult Plan


A. Song Description: A song that shows passion as a servant of God.

B. Suggested Song: We’ll be Faithful or Song of a Servant
C. Reflection instruction:
Prepare the self-evaluation test to be used in the reflection. Make sure that there are
enough copies for everyone.
After the talk, give the test to the participants.
Lead them to a prayer, and then ask them to reflect and answer the questions in the
D. Self-evaluation Test:
Always Often Sometimes Never

1. I always do my best; I strive for excellence.

2. I am willing to risk failure to accomplish a higher goal.
3. I am self-disciplined.
4. I learn from my mistakes and failures.
5. I look at the big picture; I think long-term.
6. I set goals and stay focused.
7. I don’t give up just because things seem difficult.
8. I don’t leave things unfinished.
9. I don’t procrastinate.
10. I learn from people who have made a habit of all these things.


1. What is diligence? What is discipline? What is perseverance?

2. How would you rate yourself in each of these areas? How can you

Model of Excellence

1. To challenge the YFC leaders in living out the
“In everything set them an
value of integrity through modeling
example by doing what is
excellence in our service and studies.
good. In your teaching show
integrity, seriousness and
2. To challenge them to do greater things than
soundness of speech that
what they are doing now.
cannot be condemned, so that
those who oppose you may be
II. DYNAMICS ashamed because they have
nothing bad to say about us.”-
A. Suggested Schedule: Titus 2:7-8

1:00 – 1:30 Arrival and

1:30 – 2:00 Gathering
2:00 – 2:15 Opening Worship
2:15 – 2:45 Activity, sharing after the activity
2:45 – 3:45 Talk Proper
3:45 – 4:15 Discussion Group
4:15 – 4:30 Announcements
4:30 Closing Worship

B. Activity: My Toes, My Knees, My Shoulders, My Head Game

(Note: It is recommended that the speaker be the one to facilitate the game.)
 Divide the participants into groups; the number of members per group depends
on how large the crowd is. Then set two reference points in the venue: point A
and point B.
 Ask the groups to fall in separate lines from point A. When the facilitator sends
the go signal, the members of each group will run one at a time from point A to
point B doing the following:
- Singing: “My toes, my knees, my shoulders, my head…”

- Touching the part of the body which corresponds to the lyrics of the
 The first group to finish the race wins.
 To process the activity, the speaker asks participants to share about their
experience. Guide questions:
- Who among you cheated by making shortcuts?
- What was your goal in mind while doing the activity?

(Note: The speaker should observe the participants during the game for him/her to
make relevant comments.)


A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or a top leader in the area who has
exemplified excellence in both his/her service and studies


A. Introduction

As YFC leaders we are asked to exemplify excellence in all aspects of our lives. We are
called to be responsible leaders and at the same time reflect such character in other
areas of our lives. We are asked to live with integrity---to live like Jesus not just in one
but in all aspects of our life, including our life as students.

Being a student is one of a YFC member’s highest calling. We are called more
particularly to a life of excellence, especially since we are handling a specific service in
YFC while coping with all our schoolwork, both curricular and extracurricular.

During the activity, we have been given clear instructions on what to do.

(Note: The speaker will ask the participants whether any of them followed the
instructions diligently/properly, or cheated along the way, or didn’t follow instructions).

Sometimes, even as YFC leaders we still have difficulty sticking to our commitment to
live with integrity. Sometimes, we falter when no one is watching.

B. No to dual standard life

As YFC leaders we are called to be excellent both in school and in service. Since are
responsible and diligent leaders (e.g. always conducting households, giving talks, etc.), it
follows that we are diligent students as well. Or it could be the other way around. Either

way, there should be no dual standard life. An excellent YFC leader is also an excellent
student, and vice versa.

“….Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned.” - James 5:12

Let our commitment to excellence be for both our service and studies. Let our “yes” in
committing to be excellent be “yes” in every aspect of our lives.

C. Cut above the rest

Excellence in studies is more than just getting good grades. It means giving our best and
giving our all to glorify God. And as YFC leaders, it means putting our studies up a notch
higher. It is putting more premiums to it. And by “premium,” we mean the best, the
finest, cut above the rest.

How do we give premium to studies?

1. Let us find joy in studying

The first key to having an excellent student life is to find joy in it. We have to
realize that studying is a journey that we have to go through. There may be
difficult times but there will definitely be good times as well; all the same, it is a
journey we have to take. We are called to enjoy and learn as much from our
subjects, from the people and things we encounter in school, and from the
whole studying experience itself.

We look forward to the price that is in store for us if we study hard: the
fulfillment in having not just good but great grades every semester, as well as the
reward of having a brighter future because we have worked hard in our studies.

2. Let us be diligent
Working hard in our studies is doing justice to it. As YFC leaders, we should
study to learn, not just to pass. We have to bear in mind that our education is
our key to achieve the bright future that God is preparing for us.

And since we are Youths for Christ, and a leader at that, we do not cheat, copy,
rely on exam “leaks,” or anything that dishonors the name that we bear: CHRIST.
We should not take credit for something that we did not work hard for, or
worse, for something that other people worked hard for.

3. Let us exemplify excellence

We mirror excellence because we are YFCs. In so doing, we let other people see
our excellent God through us.

As leaders, we inspire our members. As students, we should do the same thing

to our classmates, schoolmates, teachers, or anyone we meet in school. We do
not turn them off by doing things that are not for Christ.

D. The YFC Leader

We have been given a great privilege to be YFC Leaders. When we said “yes” to this
service, we committed ourselves to do whatever it takes to be leaders “for Christ.”
As we represent Christ, we give premium to our studies. In so doing we become good
witnesses of Christ’s presence in our lives. Because of it, we are not ashamed to stand
before others and testify to God’s greatness. We became the good models of the
excellence that He himself manifests in us.

By being excellent both in service and school, it becomes easier for us to be the LEADER
that Christ wants us to be through the following:

L – LIVE OUT the values that YFC taught us.

E – EXEMPLIFY Christ’s excellence at school.
A – APPLY the things that we learned.
D – DELIVER WELL the responsibilities
that are expected of us. LEADERS’ QUOTES
E – ENCOURAGE other people to join the
community and live a life with Christ. “Be faithful in small things
R – RESPOND TO THE GREAT CALL AND because it is in them that
MISSION to become excellent YFC your strength lies.”
leaders and students. - Mother Teresa

E. Conclusion “You can become an even

more excellent person by
By giving value to our studies, it becomes easier constantly setting higher
for us to become a YFC leader. We become and higher standards for
credible when we stand in front of people yourself, and then by doing
because we know that we are giving our best for everything possible to live
God in all aspects of our lives. In doing so, our up to those standards.”
credibility and integrity when it comes to our
studies is intact. Consequently, we give justice
- Brian Tracy
and honor to God, who gave to us the great
privilege of leading.


Decide and strive to be one of the top performing students in your school, or increase
you grades by at least 20% every quarter/semester.


1. What are the challenges that you face in exemplifying excellence in

your studies?
2. How do you think you can overcome this?


Champion of the Poor


1. To understand God’s abundance and “…this poor widow has put

generosity. more into the treasury than
all the others. They all gave
2. To understand and experience how a YFC out their wealth; but she out
leader can live out the virtue of generosity of her poverty, put in
through sharing their time, talent and everything-all she had to live
treasure with others. on.”- Mark 12:42-44


A. Mechanics and Suggested Schedule:

 Choose from among the suggested venues where the assembly can be held. It
can also be in a place where immediate help is needed (e.g. earthquake,
typhoon affected areas).
 The couple coordinator should have an initial ocular of the venue, and proper
coordination with the person-in-charge (in cases of hospitals, juvenile
facilities, and the likes).
 If required, secure an approval from the institution allowing the assembly to
be conducted there. There should be expectation setting and presentation of
the goal/objective, schedule and other details of the activity to both
participants and person-in-charge of the venue.
 Know the needs of the area (ex. blankets for the hospital patients).
 Inform the participants about the venue, time and the things to bring.
 Schedule
1:00 - 1:30 Arrival/Gathering
1:30 - 2:00 Registration
2:00 - 2:15 Opening Prayer/Worship
2:15 - 2:30 Groupings (by households, or depends on the
number of participants)
2:30 - 3:00 Exhortation Talk
3:00 - 4:00 Activity Proper
4:00 - 4:15 Break
4:15 - 4:45 Sharing/Processing
4:45 - 5:00 Closing Prayer

B. Suggested Venues:
 Orphanage
 Hospital
 Home-for-the-aging
 Rehabilitation center
 Juvenile prison
 Public schools
 Gawad Kalinga site

C. Suggested Months:
 Opening of the school year
 September as the “Grandparents Day”
 December or Holiday Season

D. Suggested Activities:
 “Brigada Eskwela”- in the Philippines, it is the rehabilitation activity of public
schools facilities/giving of school supplies
 Feeding Program/Nutrition Awareness Day/Hygiene 101
 Visiting the sick patients in the hospital (e.g. cancer patients)
 Workshops for the out of school youth (e.g. music, dance, guitar)
 Relief Operations (e.g. victims of typhoon, earthquake, and other calamities)


A YFC Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of the Leaders Core
Group in the area who exemplifies generosity in his/her everyday life.


A. Introduction

The story of Elijah and the Widow – (Read and Narrate 1 Kings 17:7-16 )

“She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and
for the woman and her family. For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did
not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah.” – 1Kings 17: 15-16

In the Bible, the widows are regarded as the poor people in the community, since they
no longer have husbands to provide for their needs and their family. But amidst scarcity
of her resources, the widow in the story still fulfilled the commandment of God to help

Elijah by providing for his needs. The story of the widow reminds us of three important

1. We are all commanded to help others regardless of age, race and social
2. Our state of being poor is not a hindrance to help others.
3. God will continuously bless those who share their blessings to others.

A champion of the poor is one who gives out of love, and gives his/her all to those who
are in need of it most.

B. Generous God

God’s generosity to all of us is a perfect example of generosity. Let us look into how
great His generosity is to us.

1. He desires to provide all our needs

“And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all
your needs.” - Philippians 4:19

God is our ultimate parent, and it is His deepest desire to provide all our needs.
As God’s children, each of us has our own baskets of blessings already prepared.
He is a God of abundance who can provide us with everything, all for FREE.

 the air that we breathe
 the sunshine in the morning
 the health that we have
 the moon and stars in the night that make us sleep well

We can’t buy any of these in a store, but we are blessed enough to have them
for free everyday. He also sent and blessed us with people who help us in times
of need, and people who will take care of us everyday, like our parents or our
loved ones.

2. He gives unconditionally
(Note: Read Matthew 6:25-30)

The Lord knows our desires and needs even before we ask for it, and He gives
even if we think that we don’t deserve it. He never fails to pour His abundant
blessing to us despite the many times that we fail to follow His commands. God
knows and provides everything that we need---from the food that we eat, the
water that we drink, to the clothes that we wear, etc.

3. He gives His all

“For God so loved the world, that He gave us His only son…” - John 3:16

He always gives not only His best, but also His all. We cannot outdo our God in
giving and in loving. The greatest manifestation of His love is when He sent His
only son Jesus Christ to save us.

C. The Heart of a Generous Giver

All of us YFC leaders are called not only to love God but also to be a generous giver just
like Christ. He gave His all because of His great love for us. A champion of the poor
possesses a generous heart, a heart like Jesus.

1. A generous giver has a heart that shares time, talent and treasure.
How do you make someone happy? Is it by giving them gifts or treating them
with special food? Or is it just by your mere presence? Sometimes our presence
makes a lot of difference. The times we spend to visit the sick, to go to a GK site,
teach a street kid how to read or write, or to give our savings for the typhoon
victims, etc. are the moments when we can give our presence to those who need

2. A generous giver has a heart that is willing to give up its own selfish desires.
Examples are giving up the habit of buying expensive clothes, shoes, etc. so we
can give our money to the poor. It is through living simply and enjoying the little
things in life that makes life worth living. When we give, it becomes God’s
opportunity to make His abundance flow through us, making us the “Pipeline” of
God’s blessings.

3. A generous giver has a heart that expects blessings from God to pour in, so
that we can be used by God to be a blessing to others all the more. We should
learn to expand so that there will be more room for God to shower His gifts and
blessings upon us, especially the poor.

4. A generous giver has a heart that is joyful in giving without expecting

anything in return, no matter how hard or challenging it maybe.

D. Genuine generosity

“…this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out
their wealth; but she out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on.” - Mark

As YFC leaders, it is our utmost calling to put more worth in giving by doing it with love,
just like in the story of the poor widow. She did not give the “extras” from her treasure,
but offered everything that she had instead. Genuine generosity entails giving what we
have, not just what is left of it (e.g. extra time, extra food, extra clothes).

Christ showed His genuine generosity by giving His all for us. He did not just simply offer
up His life, but He suffered and was crucified in the process. As we choose to follow
Christ, let us imitate His genuine generosity by giving what we have and not just what is
comfortable for us to give.

E. Conclusion

As YFC leaders, we follow God and we look to LEADER’S QUOTE

Him as our model and example of generosity,
especially with the way He gave his only “If you can't feed a
begotten son Jesus Christ for us. hundred people, then
just feed one.” - Mother
The Lord continues to remind us that we should Theresa
have a heart willing and eager to share, and that
we have to offer part of us in simple service or
deeds to the people who are less privileged---
the poor, the orphaned or abandoned children, the sick who suffer and shiver in their
hospital bed, and The families who don’t have a HOME of their own. May we all
remember that we are all able to give hope to others and to the world that we live in if
only we learn to care and give.


A. Tithing - commit to give 10% of your allowance/money

B. Prayer bank - commit to “deposit” prayers for those in need everyday
C. Pledge Card
I hereby pledge,
TO GIVE my (ex: 1 Starbucks Coffee)
in exchange for
(20 notebooks for the SAGIP kids in GK site/ street children)

NAME:_______________ _________________
DATE _________________


1. How have you been experiencing the Lord’s generosity in your life?
2. How can you be God’s “pipeline” of blessings?


(Courage to make a Stand)


1. To make the YFC leaders realize the need to “Finally, be strong in the Lord
make a stand as Christian citizens of their and in His mighty power. Put
country. on the full armour of God so
that you can take your stand
2. To challenge the YFC leaders to be against the devil's schemes.
courageous and firm in their convictions For our struggle is not against
even if sometimes they will be challenged. flesh and blood, but against
the rulers, against the
authorities, against the
II. DYNAMICS powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of
A. Suggested Schedule: evil in the heavenly realms”. -
Ephesians 6:10-12
1:00 – 2:00 Arrival/
Teaching of songs
2:00 – 2:30 Opening Worship
2:30 – 3:00 Activity: Capture the Flag
3:00 – 3:10 Processing of the Activity
3:10 – 3:45 Talk Proper
3:45 – 4:45 Discussion Group
4:45 Closing Prayer/Worship

B. Activity:

 Divide the players into two teams. Agree upon the legal boundaries of play,
determine the location of two “jails” (one for each team) and set up a middle
boundary between the two teams.
 At the beginning of each round, each team hides and defends their own “flag,”
which is any object that is durable and safe to toss around and run with (e.g. a
bright T-shirt or cone).
 The flag must not be hidden from the people’s view; it needs to be more than
50% visible. Optionally, you may have more than one flag if there are enough

 The object of the game is for one team to grab the flag of the other team and
bring it over to their own side. When a member of the opposing team crosses
over the middle boundary into the opposing team’s territory, the other team is
allowed to tag the person and take them to a “jail” where they stay until they are
released (tagged) by one of their own team members who has not yet been
 Processing:
- Every now and then we hear news about our country---sometimes good
news, and sometimes bad. As patriots, we should know how to protect our
country like the flag in the activity. We may find ways on how to do this like
giving respect with our national symbols, obeying simple traffic rules, thus,
being loyal.
- Protecting our country is not an easy job. We need the help of others. People
around us may help us in any means. We should not reject their help simply
because at the end, it would be us who will help one another.


A YFC Leaders’ Core Group member in the area who stood firm in his/her conviction as a
citizen of the country despite the challenges he/she has faced.


A. Introduction

The reality is that in these present times we are often faced with situations that call for
us to really make a stand. Especially in our society and in our country, the things that
were taught to us as the right ones are now considered wrong, and those that we knew
to be wrong have become to be accepted as the ideal things. And it doesn't help that
there are very many people around who dictate us where to go or what to choose and
believe, that sometimes we fail to make decisions of our own.

However, as YFCs, we have been molded through these years to follow only the one
voice who consistently whispers the truth: Jesus Christ. In our efforts to become the
courageous Christian patriots that the Lord wants us to be, let us be reminded of the
words that St. Paul's said to the Ephesians:

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so
that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this
dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians

B. God's Armor

"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's
schemes." - Eph. 6:11

In this generation, we can really see and experience the sad reality that the love that we
have for our God, our community and our country is being challenged by the so-called
"new age" idealisms:
- Multimedia piracy has become a "practical" source of income and
- Abortion has become a means of population control
- Vote buying and selling has become a profitable trade
- Online dating and mail-to-order brides have become a "high-tech" way of
finding a partner

For most of us, it will be very difficult, even impossible, to counter all these attacks. But
the Lord says otherwise: “With men this is impossible. But with God, all things are
possible.” - Matthew 19:26

Thus, we boldly accept the challenge and draw our strength to defend what we believe
in from God, who provides us the WEAPON and SHIELD as we meet the enemy head-on.

1. Our Weapon: GOD’s WORDS

Christ’s words were, have been and will always be the best weapon against
attacks of the enemies. Let us be equipped with His words by:
 being devoted and consistent to our prayer time
 being sincere in attending the Holy Eucharist
 regularly attending households, prayer meetings, etc.


Our immense faith in God is the very shield that will protect us from any attacks.
It is the shield that no arrow of doubt, bullet of pride and blade of injustice can

C. The Enemy

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.” - Eph. 6:12

As we carry with us God's armor and shield, we must also be prepared by knowing what
we are up against. Knowing the enemy's weaknesses will be very essential to our
victory. And in this battle, we look at two sets of enemies:

1. Enemies of the People

On the outset, the people seem to be battling against the products of human
mistakes/miscalculations. Most of the time it may seem as though we are
fighting against the following:

 Rules or laws that oppose God's idea of a united, peaceful and loving
society (e.g. anti-life laws, countries where vices, abortion, marijuana,
one child policy are illegal)
 Human traditions that do not give honor and integrity to the life,
community and country that the Lord has blessed us with (e.g. piracy and
 Feeling of hopelessness in one’s country---when people believe that
there’s no future for them in the country and decide to leave and look for
greener pastures in other countries.
 Too much pride in one’s country that leads us into thinking that other
countries do not matter anymore.

2. The People’s Enemy

But in essence and in truth, we are waging war not against the law-makers,
government officials, leaders, and fellow citizens who constantly challenge our
convictions as Christian citizens of our country. Because behind it all lies the all-
time public enemy number 1: Satan. Thus, we raise our flags and wage war

 Satan’s Deceptions - Satan presents sin as something that is beautiful,

something that can make us happy, but we later realize that it is not in
line with God’s standard. And we should know that it is already Satan’s
doing when the wrong things seems to be right just because everybody is
doing it, or when rules that, in thought, can benefit the general public
but, in essence, only serve the few elite. We have to be vigilant in living
out the standard that is set by our God rather than living a life according
to the standard of this world.

 Satan’s lies – Satan promises the world with happiness and joy yet at the
end of these, what he is offering us is a life full of uncontentment,
frustration, pain and loneliness. We have to defend ourselves, our
brothers and sisters, and the rest of our brethren from these lies, which
usually promise a lot of temporary and worldly possessions.

 Satan’s pride – the enemy usually hits the one thing that almost all
human beings consider their major weakness: pride. He uses pride to
make us grow hungry for power, fame and prestige that pushes us to do
unjust and immoral actions.

D. Stand Our Ground

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” - Eph. 6:10

Many people would say that we are fighting a losing battle. But we in YFC say that the
battle may be losing, but it is not yet lost. We have God’s armor, and we already know
what we’re up against. The only thing left to do is for us to stand our ground and fight!

1. Glorify God
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” –
1 Cor. 10:31
 We fight to make God victorious. Knowing that all our achievements are
from Him, we should boast only on the greatness of God in us.
- We say YES to the opportunities where we can make use of our talents
and resources to further God’s vision for the society and the country in
- We say YES to become excellent in our studies, service, and family.

2. Please God
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” –
Romans 12:1
 We fight to preserve the life that Jesus willingly died for to save. As YFCs,
we should value our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit by striving to
be pure in heart, mind and spirit.
- We say NO to anything that permits our fellow youths to indulge in
immorality and promiscuity (drinking, smoking, etc.).
- We say NO to acts that diminish a woman’s dignity (e.g. online
- We say YES to pro-life laws that give unborn children their right to live.

3. Obey God
“You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your
God.” - Leviticus 18:4

 We fight because we want to obey the rules and law set by God in
heaven more than the laws and rules set by the world.

- We say NO to stealing
treasures from other LEADERS’ QUOTES
people by avoiding graft
and corruption. “To be nobody but yourself --
- We say NO to dishonesty in a world which is doing its
by not cheating in class. best, night and day, to make
- We say NO to you like everybody else --
complacency by making our voices means to fight the hardest
heard during elections. battle which any human being
can fight, and never stop
E. Conclusion fighting.” – E. E. Cummings

As front-liners of the YFC community, we “No, we cannot *defeat the

are constantly faced with the battle that armies of Mordor]. But we will
challenges us to make a stand in our faith. meet them in battle
It will never be quick and easy, but we will nonetheless.” – King Theoden
be able to stand on our ground and fight (Lord of the Rings, The Two
victoriously because the Lord will equip us Towers)
with his armor. Let us continue to be
affirmed that our God will always give us
enough courage to truly defend our love for Him, our community and our country.

For this mission, the Lord has anointed not only one person. He intended it to be done
by all those He has chosen to work in His vineyard. It is a great privilege to be entrusted
with this mission, and it should be passed on so that the work of the Lord will progress.
To do this, we have to be empowered, and at the same time be able to empower others
and share the blessing of brilliance to our members.


A. Tie up or create a partnership with an organization that also share the same
convictions as we have in YFC.
B. Make YFC posters that show how you can make a stand for God, country and
community and present it during the next assembly.


A. Suggested Song: Born Into A Battle

B. Direction:
 The speaker ends the talk with a prayer, using the guide questions for
reflection point.
 The prayer ends with the song Born Into A Battle, which can be used to
segue to the closing worship


1. When was the last time you have been challenged to stand by what
you believe in?
2. Have you been courageous enough to speak out and make a stand?


100% Free


1. To be made aware that every child of God has “Stand up for what is
the power to be courageous. right, even if it causes you
your life; the Lord God will
2. To instill and appreciate the value of courage be fighting on your side.”
in the mind and heart of a YFC Leader. - Sirach 4:28

3. To practice the value of courage in standing

up for the principles of being 100% Free.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Opening worship
1:45 – 2:30 Talk Proper
2:30 – 2:45 Sharing
2:45 – 3:15 Group Discussion
3:15 – 3:30 Wrap-up and Action Plan

B. Activity:

 Watch a movie that exemplifies courage in the midst of adversity; stories of

people who, because of their courage, created a big impact to the society.
(e.g. Facing the Giants, Glory Road, Kung Fu Panda, Pay it Forward, Gridiron
Gang, Dangerous Minds, Raise Your Voice)


1. A YFC leader, mission volunteer or fulltime pastoral worker who experienced a

struggle in standing up for his/her beliefs in being 100% free, and was able to
overcome it by anchoring on God’s spirit and being courageous in standing up for the
principles of living a 100% free life.


A. Introduction

Our anointing poses as a great challenge in our lives. We have to commit to live like
Christ day by day. As leaders, whatever we do or say, we have to serve as models to our
members. The challenge is for us to decide each day to live out a 100% Free lifestyle.
But it is ever easy; it is great.

Just like David, there came a time in his life that He faced his greatest challenge: a giant
by the name of Goliath. And there was more to the challenge than just fighting against
Goliath’s size. People hardly believed that he could not do it. David himself had doubts
and reservations about his capability to complete the task. At that time, he was left with
two options: to give up or to fight. (The Story of David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17)

B. Goliath: The giants of our lives

We, too, have our own Goliaths. We have things that we are afraid to face, and we don’t
want to face them because we feel that we cannot overcome them. These “Goliaths”
represent our fears, especially when it comes to living a 100% Free lifestyle. And it is
because sometimes we find ourselves: REJECTED.

When we live a 100% Free lifestyle, there will be times that we will feel rejection. Since
we have broken free from our past lives, we sometimes find our friends (who we either
drink with, smoke with, etc.) very different from us.
We may sometime be judged as “loser” or “un-cool,” or other such names by our friends
because of our beliefs. We start to experience feeling alone, rejected, and persecuted.

* When we start to say no to a habit that we used to do, we become an object of
* When women start to change their “fashion preference”---from provocative to decent,
they become the outdated laughingstocks.
*When we share to our friends of our “real love waits” principle we get branded as old-

“No, answered Saul. How could you fight him? You’re just a boy, and he has been a
soldier all his life”. - 1 Samuel 17:33

1. Tempted to go back
As we continue to live this lifestyle, we find ourselves struggling to move forward
because we are still surrounded by things and people that remind us of our past
lives - friends/classmates who do the very things that we are trying to give up,

people who do not believe that we’ve truly changed. When we experience such
rejections, we might feel the urge to just go back to our old ways and forget
everything that we stood up for.

 We find ourselves questioning why we have to follow “real love waits.”
 We get torn between wanting to be free to live and drinking “just one

“When the Israelites saw Goliath, they ran away in terror.” - 1 Samuel 17:24

2. Doubt of god’s promise

As we take on the challenge to live this lifestyle, there will also be times that we
will be tempted to doubt God’s promise for us: doubt on whether or not God can
ever forgive and heal us, provide for us and give us the grace.

“So, and all the men in Israel when they heard this challenge of the Philistine
were dismayed and terror-stricken”. - 1 Samuel 17:11

The Israelites we’re God’s chosen people, so there should have been no reason
to be afraid. But they still doubted God’s anointment in them as His people.

C. Have courage

God gave us the power to face these fears, the willpower to face our challenges with
confidence and trust in God. He gave us COURAGE that enables us to face danger and
difficulties with firmness and strength. When we have courage, it means that we are:


Let us not forget why we are here in the first place---and we are here because
we have responded to God’s calling. As we submit ourselves to Him, let us stay
committed to what the Lord is telling us to do. Let us not be afraid to make our
conviction known to our friends, family, and schoolmates.


Draw inspiration from your leaders and the people who have been fighting
courageously for their conviction. Draw strength from characters in the Bible, or
from he people you know who have victoriously conquered their fear.


Understanding the principles of 100% Free lifestyle allows us to live out these
sets of standards wholeheartedly and not merely out of obligation. It is easy to
follow and be steadfast in living out these principles if we know and understand

why there is a need to live a life of purity and chastity. Thus, in times of fear and
doubt, it will be easy for us to remember and hold on to our convictions.


Whenever we have our fears and worries, let’s make it a habit to tell ourselves,
“I am free.” Let us not grow in despair whenever we are faced with rejection. Let
us not grow hopeless with our sins. Let us learn to encourage ourselves and each
other and remember that we are all free to live, free to be and free to love.


As we try to live out the 100% Free principles, we only need to remember God’s
promise: a life lived in happiness and peace if we strain forward to live free.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be

dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9


Let us give everything we’ve got. Let us have faith and trust in the Lord, knowing
that He will always be with us in our journey to freedom. Let us offer all our
fears, anxieties and worries to Him, and focus on following His will. Let us ask for
the Holy Spirit to fill us with boldness in proclaiming our conviction.

"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with
boldness." - Acts 4:31

We build up courage by encouraging one another. David was brave because he
was empowered by God’s encouraging words every step of the way. Similarly,
we should be a source of strength to each other and constantly fill ourselves
with hope.

"Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the LORD"
- Psalm 31:24

D. Conclusion
Triumph over Goliath. Victory belongs to those who
trust in God’s help. In the story of David and Goliath, “Courage is not the
the winner was a young man who represented those absence of fear, but rather
who are pure in heart and spirit. We all have the judgment that
something in common with David---we are both something else is more
young, facing our own Goliaths. With David, the important than fear.”
secret weapon against the enemy is TRUST IN THE - Ambrose Redmoon

LORD. It’s going to be the same thing with us. Let us be more confident and trusting in
the Lord, intensifying our prayer life, sacraments, and discipline because these will
always be our best defense against the Goliaths that we face everyday.


A. Talk to some one about the challenges that you face as you strive to live a 100% Free
B. Have someone - an ate/kuya/coordinator - be accountable to you. This person will
serve as your guide and constant prayer warrior.
C. Identify someone who is not part of the community but who share the same
convictions. Be there to affirm and encourage them to practice it more.


1. What are the Goliaths that you are facing that challenge your 100%
Free convictions?
2. What are your concrete steps in defeating these Goliaths?
3. What should be the best response when faced with these Goliaths?

100% Free


1. To strengthen the conviction of YFC leaders in “Therefore, prepare your

living out the principles of 100% Free. minds for action; be self-
controlled; set your hope
2. To instill the value of integrity and being fully on the grace to be
above and beyond reproach in living 100% given you when Jesus Christ
Free lifestyle. is revealed. As obedient
children, do not conform to
the evil desires you had
II. DYNAMICS when you lived in
ignorance. But just as he
A. Suggested Schedule: who called you is holy, so
be holy in all you do; for it
1:00 – 1:30 Registration is written: ‘Be holy,
1:30 – 2:00 Teaching of songs because I am holy.’”
(Note: If the - 1 Peter 1:13-16
leaders are not yet
familiar with the
songs suggested in the outline, this time could be utilized
to teach the song.)
2:00 – 2:15 Opening Worship
2:15 – 2:30 Spiels, Introduction of Session
2:30 – 3:30 Talk Proper
3:30 – 3:45 Closing Worship
(Note: Mass may be included in the program, as certain areas have their Leader’s
Assembly on Sundays.)

B. Activity:

 Before the speaker discusses the practical tips on 100% Free Conviction, the
service team should distribute a copy of the 100% Free Conviction HAND-OUT
(see attachment).
 After the session, the speaker leads the participants to prayer.

 He asks the participants to reflect on how they value God’s trust in them as
leaders by being above and beyond reproach and upholding their identity. Allow
them also to reflect on certain struggles, if there are any, on 100% Free
 When ready, they can approach any of the prayer stations and ask to be prayed
 Have mature brothers/sisters, preferably fulltime pastoral worker/sector
heads/top leaders stand by the prayer stations.
(Note: It’s important that somebody who is knowledgeable and spiritually mature be
the ones to pray over. Some participants may share sensitive or crucial struggles they
are going through (sister to sister and brother to brother is a must.)
 After everyone is finished, the speaker closes the prayer and proceeds with the
praise fest.
 During the praise fest, in one of the slow songs, the praise fest leader will call in
the conviction sharers. The sharers will share one at a time, stating in 3-5
sentences their conviction and commitment in being 100% Free. Afterwards, the
praise fest leader leads the other participants in making their own commitment
to the Lord in being 100% free.


A. For the Speaker:

 An active YFC Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or a member of the
Leaders’ Core Group in the area, preferably a brother who can rally a crowd
joyfully, and who has integrity in living out the 100% Free identity. It would also
be helpful if the speaker knows how to play the guitar and/or lead the band.
B. For the Sharers:
 Preferably 2-3 CONVICTION SHARERS per point in the outline. Conviction sharers
are different from regular sharers, as they would only share their conviction
about certain points/topics in at least 3-5 sentences each.
 The sharers should be a youth who can best testify or exemplify each conviction
in the outline.


A. Introduction

Man is created for one main purpose - to bring Glory to God. And as YFCs, we bring glory
to God when we embody our identity as true sons and daughters of Christ in order for
us to truly be YOUTHS for CHRIST. We are, then, called to live a life that is pleasing to
Him - a life that is holy. And to be holy is to do away with our worldly desires and have
our lives centered on Him. Thus, as YFC leaders, we are called to reflect His greatness by
standing by our convictions and living out our real identity as His sons and daughters.

B. Above and Beyond Reproach

It’s not easy being YFC leaders. Our members, coordinators, and other youths are
looking up to us. All eyes are on us when we become leaders. But our consolation is that
in being leaders, there’s one pair of eyes that look at us with great trust---the eyes of
our Lord. God doesn’t weigh what we can or cannot do, but simply sees every potential
we have. And so He called us to lead His flock and work in His vineyard, and He entrusts
us with His mission.

With this great trust and privilege, we cannot help but look into ourselves and see to it
that we value that trust. We value His trust by being the best that we can be---that is,
being above and beyond reproach. Unworthy and weak as we are, we are still called.
Though we do not know everything, we are given the privilege to lead, inspire, and be
heard. Beyond our unworthiness we have to uphold our credibility as leaders, and our
first credibility, then, is our integrity.

Integrity, according to Wikipedia, is derived from the Latin adjective integer, meaning
whole or complete; it may comprise the personal inner sense of ‘wholeness’ deriving
from honesty and consistency of character. Simply put, integrity is being able to live out
our convictions, the consistency of our actions with our words. Integrity, then, is walking
our talk.

As YFCs, one of our 7 identities is being 100% FREE. We have been taught the principles.
We have been given ways and tips on how to live them out. We have shared them to
our friends, schoolmates, and other people. And there is still that resounding call to
remain firm in our convictions, especially when these convictions are greatly attacked or
challenged by the world. No matter what the world dictates, the Lord’s call remains: for
us to be holy in all that we do, just like Him: “But just as He who called you is holy, so be
holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” - 1 Peter 1:15-16

C. Upholding Our Integrity

When the world set standards about identity, morality and purity that challenge our
faith and convictions, we must stand firm, look to the Lord, and trust that He will grant
us the courage to uphold our identity in Him. Such is the time that the world needs a
model and example. We present 100% FREE, not as a counter-culture, but a set of God-
centered convictions that would hopefully be the culture of the world.

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the
grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” - 1 Peter 1:13

So then, let our actions speak louder than our words.



100% FREE Conviction Practical Tips YFC Conviction

Zero Drugs 1. Surround yourself with positive Real high is being high with the
pressure. Spirit---getting high on God.

2. Know and be aware of the

harmful effects of drugs when
abused/used improperly.
Zero % Alcohol 1. Refuse invitation to drink “… wine will only ruin you; instead
alcohol; think of other ways to be filled with the spirit.” Eph.5:18
have good, clean, fun (e.g. drink Alcohol itself is not evil, but as
iced tea, go to coffee shops minors, our bodies cannot handle
instead of bars, have fellowship atalcohol intake.
home, etc.). The earlier I introduce myself into
drinking alcoholic beverages, the
2. Strengthen your decision not to higher my tendency to be addicted
drink. into it as I get older.

3. Surround yourself with positive

Smoke Free 1. Be aware of the harmful effects “… your body is the temple of holy
of smoking. spirit.” 1Cor6:19
Cigarettes do not add up to my
2. For those who are struggling, identity.
find a diversion that could help
you take the first steps of quitting
(e.g. basketball/sports, eating
candies or gum, etc.).

3. Fight off curiosity. Simply

believe in the fact that smoking is
hazardous to health. Research, but
do not put your health or self at

4. Seek a friend that could be

accountable to you and help you
control/quit smoking.


100%FREE Conviction Practical Tips YFC Conviction

Pure inside and out Speak only words of My mouth is designed as the
encouragement and affirmation, mouthpiece of God’s words.
and refrain from uttering bad I will keep my thoughts pure, for
words. thoughts become words, words
become actions, and actions
2. Avoid unhealthy and become a habit. -Mother Teresa
unwholesome jokes.

3. Dress properly. Know how to

dress and carry yourself in a way
that will not cause others to sin.

4. Pray for the help of Blessed

Mother to bless your ways.

5. Choose wisely the materials you

read and watch.

6. Keep your thoughts pure and

100% Man and 1. Honor our brother’s/sister’s God created only man and woman.
Woman manhood/womanhood. I will respond to the call of being a
true man and woman of God.
2. Appreciate and acknowledge
the fact that you are wonderfully
and beautifully made, just as the
Lord intended you to be.

3. Do not encourage homosexual

acts. Be conscious in dealing with
homosexual acts/behavior
because sometimes, speaking the
gay lingo or mimicking their acts
encourages them to continue
doing so, or sometimes, it offends

4. Allow opportunities that can

help encourage him/her to act as a

No to Pornography 1. Ask for the grace of self-control.

I will keep all my personal things
holy (e.g. messages and pictures
2. Place your personal computer in on the cellphone, screensaver on
a part of the house where the laptop, etc.).
somebody can see you. I will see my brother and sister as
an image and likeness of God:
3. Keep away from all looking at him/her with respect.
pornographic materials. Find other
ways of having good, clean, fun
with your peers.

4. Fight off curiosity. Do not

tolerate instances that may lead
you to watching/reading
pornographic materials (movies, tv
shows, magazines, etc.). Recognize
and acknowledge ‘temptation’ in
these materials and immediately
turn away.

5. Keep your rooms open to keep

you from being tempted.


Real Love Waits 1. Seek love in your family and God has prepared someone for
friends. me, and He will reveal that
someone to me in His perfect
2. Focus on your studies and time, not in my own time.
service. God is loving and faithful, and He
will bring me to my heart’s desire.
3. Avoid premature intimacy; be I will joyfully wait for my one true
mindful of your gestures and love, may it be in marriage, single
actions (e.g. giving pet names to blessedness or religious life,
brothers/sisters, being touchy/ because God knows what’s best
cheesy, sending double meaning for me.
text messages, etc.).

4. Find the beauty in waiting. Have

proper discernment, gearing
yourself to becoming a better
person, etc.

5. Pray for a heart that’s open to

the Lord’s will and timing.

Virgin and proud 1. Appreciate the beauty of My purity is the best gift that I can
yourself. give to my future partner in
marriage. It is a gift that is
2. See through the father’s eyes--- priceless and is wisely given to the
how He values you and treats you person who is worthy of that gift.
as a prince/princess. Sex is sacred, built on real love.
I will not give in to peer pressure---
3. Refuse to give in to premature virginity is not a counter-culture
and inappropriate intimacy (e.g. but is a conviction I will uphold.
holding hands with someone you
are NOT in a relationship with,
being ‘touchy’, inappropriate
hugging, etc.), and Pre-marital Sex.
If your partner truly loves you, he
will respect you.

D. Conclusion

Brothers and sisters, as YFC leaders, let the deepest desire of our hearts be to live a life
pleasing to God---a life of freedom, a life full of integrity, free from guilt and
pretensions, and a life that is full, happy and free. There’s nothing more satisfying and
rewarding that seeing God smile and say, “I’m proud of you my child.”

Proceed to prayer station (refer to mechanics).

Conviction sharers come in during the praise fest session (refer to mechanics).

Have the participants conduct constant one-to-ones
with their upper household heads and lower “Character is doing the
household members to constantly check up on them. right thing when nobody's
looking. There are too
VI. ATTACHMENT many people who think
that the only thing that's
Session Hand-out right is to get by, and the
only thing that's wrong is
to get caught.” - J.C.



Zero Drugs YFC says no to substance abuse.

Smoke Free YFC says no to smoking.

0% Alcohol YFC believes that drinking alcoholic drinks is not a sin, but
as young as we are, our bodies may not be able to handle
and control alcoholic content. YFC believes in practicing
self-control and clean fun.
Pure Inside and Out YFC believes not only in the purity of our bodies per se, but
also purity right to our very core. We believe in purity of
thought, speech, and action. Our hearts and minds are the
core of our being, and it is important that these be free
from negativity and lustfulness. Thus, YFC discourages
physical self-gratification, and avoids green jokes and
100% Man and Woman YFC believes that God has created specific roles for us as
men and women; that we are designed to be man and
woman in order to live with and for each other, and work
together for His purpose. We encourage the youth to live
out these two identities---nothing in between. We also
ought to help our brothers and sisters who have trouble
realizing their identity in God’s plan.
Free from pornography YFC believes that our bodies are created sacred by God and
should not be exploited for selfish pleasure. YFC believes
that minds are powerful cultivators of our actions and thus
should be free from lustful/malicious thoughts that are
promoted in pornographic materials.
Virgin and Proud YFC believes that sex is a sacred thing given by God that is
appropriate only after marriage. YFC believes that sex in
essence is used for pro-creation. But this also goes beyond
technical and physical virginity. Being virgin and proud
means having dignity and integrity. It means loving yourself
and experiencing the kind of love that is not just bound by
physical intimacy.
Real Love Waits YFC believes in God’s plan and perfect time. Part of God’s
plan is also for us to receive a special kind of romantic
relationship that we can experience with someone special.
Since it is a special kind, YFC believes in waiting and
preparing for God’s perfect timing in getting into one. YFC
believes that this kind of relationship is also to be taken
cared of, allowing God to be the center of that relationship.


Single Minded for God
I. GOALS / OBJECTIVES “And you shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart
1. To instill in them the importance of and with all your soul and with
faithfulness to God. all your mind and with all your
strength.” - Mark 12:30
2. To live out their commitment as sons and
daughters of God.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30: Registration/Gathering Song (teach a new song if possible)

1:30 – 1:40: Opening Worship
1:40 – 2:20: Talk Proper
2:20 – 3:00: Sharing: “Open Microphone” Sharing
2:00 – 2:30: Closing Worship / Prayer
2:30 – 2:45: Announcements


The speaker should be a member of the Leaders’ Core Group in the area, or a fulltime
pastoral worker, who exemplifies faithfulness in service.


A. Introduction

God never fails to show His faithfulness and love to us. He knows our struggles, our
happiness, and even the deepest desires of our hearts. St. Augustine said that “God
loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” Our father is single minded for us! God
takes good care of us as if we are His “one and only child.”

With God’s love and faithfulness, do we love Him back with our all? Do we show Him
that He is the only Lord and Master of our life? As God unconditionally loves us, He
desires nothing but our loving Him back with all our hearts---the way a child loves his
“one and only father.” We cannot claim that we are single minded for God unless we
submit ourselves to the one Master, our God.

B. Nothing More

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will
be devoted to the one and despise the other. - Matthew 6:24

Single minded for God means being focused to Him alone---pleasing no one but Him,
serving no one and nothing but Him, and following nobody’s voice but His. A single
minded disciple follows the will and the standard of God, and that entails not
compromising our values as a Christian and as a Youth for Christ.

1. No to double life! Most of us have multiple personality---not a psychological

disorder, but a common Christian disorder. What are the symptoms of this
disorder? It is when we appear righteous when we are with our YFC family yet
act oppositely when we are outside of the community. We become two different
persons---the first person glorifies God and the people in the community, while
the other glorifies Satan and the world.

As Youth for Christ, we should be firmed and consistent in living out our values.
We are Youth for Christ, not a Youth for Youth for Christ; we are bearers of
Christ’s identity, therefore we should follow the standard that is set by our God--
-our one and only master.

2. No other Master but God. God wants our total submission to no other master
but Him. If fame, prestige, friends, love life, money and self glorification compete
against God for our attention, then we are no longer faithful in doing our duty as
His servant.

Just like any servant, let us glorify our Master in everything that we do. When
doubting and tempted, let us remember to examine our conscience by asking
ourselves, “Will I glorify God if I will do this?”

C. Faithful Committed Sons/Daughters of God

A servant of God who serves His true Master is called to be in full and faithful
commitment to His will. We should be in full commitment by totally surrendering
ourselves to the first & greatest commandment: loving Him with our ALL.

1. Loving our God with all our Heart

Loving God with all our hearts entails making our hearts be the dwelling place of
God. But God cannot consume our whole hearts if we do not decide to
 Surrender-surrendering the things that is not of Him (e.g. bad
habits, vices, impure relationship)
 Commit-making a daily commitment to offer our hearts for Him
alone, remaining steadfast in our prayer so that we will be firm
and faithful in keeping our commitment to Him.

2. Loving our God with all our Soul

Nourish your soul! Oftentimes, we are preoccupied with our tasks and
responsibilities that we neglect to nurture our souls. Let’s not forget to attend
teachings, be consistent in our household, have a regular confession, and
celebrate the Eucharist, etc. because it is through these simple acts that our
souls are nourished.

And if our souls are well nourished, we can be consistent in our prayer and
devotion, even if at times we experience “SPIRITUAL DRYNESS.” Spiritual dryness
occurs when we feel that God is so silent and so distant from us, which is usually
caused by inconsistency in prayer and devotion. Therefore we should persevere
to seek Him by being devoted to a life of prayer.

3. Loving our God with all our Mind

Our mind is so powerful that it can dictate us where to go. Our mind should be
focused to our God and His will alone. We should keep our mind:
 Clean- dismiss any evil thoughts, and acknowledge and cultivate
good/pure thoughts.
 Holy- let our mind be occupied only with the things of God; have a
mind that is determined to follow the will of God.

4. Loving our God with all our Strength

Loving Him with all our strength means giving our all to Him, acknowledging and
cultivating our strengths, and admitting our limitations and weaknesses so that
He can love and consume us fully. This means:

Offering to God our personal strengths and make use of these to glorify Him. -
We should use our strengths in a way that will show the greatness of God rather
than showing how good we are (ex. dancing to inspire, playing guitars to worship
Him, sharing and giving talks to share the wisdom of God, etc.). In offering our

strengths to Him let us ask God to enhance

these strengths, and enable us to introduce LEADER’S QUOTE
God to other people using the talents that He
gave us.
“Other things may change
us, but we start and end
Surrendering our weaknesses to God. - We
with family.” – Anthony
cannot overcome our struggles, and we
cannot surpass all our trials if we do not
submit ourselves to God. When faced with
temptations and trials all we need to do is to
bend our knees and ask God for strength. As St. Paul declared in Philippians 4:13,
“I have the strength for everything through Him who empowers me.”

D. Conclusion

Living a life with double standards is the effect of disobeying the first commandment of
God, which is to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Let us be firm in
His love as we commit to love Him with our all.


A. List down the things that you want to offer and surrender to the Lord as you choose
to honor and glorify Him.
B. Do one act of kindness a day, without others knowing it; just you and God.


A. Song Description: A song that shows faithfulness to God.

B. Suggested Song: Song of a Servant
C. Reflection Points: A single minded person for God follows no other Master but God.
As YFC leaders, we should persevere to glorify God in everything that we do. We
should set our heart, mind, soul and strength to God. We should follow the standards
that are set before us even if nobody can see us doing it.


1. How can you love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength?
What are your strengths?
2. How are you using it to glorify the Lord?

Single Minded for God

1. To allow our YFC leaders appreciate the real
and true value of TRUST. “Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not in your own
2. To help them develop trust and submission to understanding.” - Proverbs 3:5
God’s plan.

3. To create in them the heart to share and

practice trust towards their members.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Registration

1:30 - 1:50 Worship
1:50 - 2:10 Activity
2:10 - 3:00 Talk Proper
3:00 - 3:30 Discussion Group
3:30 - 3:45 Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Trust Fall

 Divide the participants into groups with of 10.

 Give time for the group to know each other through exchange of information
about oneself.
 Ask the group to give each member of their team a specific number
 The group then approaches the area (which the service team has prepared)
to start with the activity.
 The first member (number 1) of the group will stand on a higher ledge or
form (approximately 2-3ft high---either a table or packs of chairs) then fall
back while the rest of the group stands 4-5 feet away and catch him/her
when he/she falls.

 As each members fall. Six team members make sure that they create a
system using their bodies to catch their group mate. They need to hold onto
each other and let their grips be stronger to firmly catch their team member.
 Two group members will hold the stacked chairs for safety measures. And
two persons will ensure the safety of the group.
 Each member of the group will take turns until everyone is finished.
 Call several people to share about their experiences in the trust fall activity.


A. The speaker can be a Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of
the Leaders’ Core Group in the area who has built a deep and constant
communication with God and is faithful in his/her prayer time.
B. He/she must have a thorough background of trusting God with the decisions he/she
makes in life.


A. Introduction

Trust is one of the most precious gift we give to others. It is the capacity to firmly rely
on the person’s integrity, ability and character (www.thefreedictionary.com). Trust gives
us the opportunity to believe and depend on others to journey the path we took as we
followed Jesus.

Our activity is an evaluation on how we trust others - some of us were scared, some
doubted if our teammates will be able to catch us, some hesitated to fall. Sometimes, it
is hard to trust others, just like in the activity, when faced with a difficult task or
situation, we falter on trusting others because we fear that they won’t execute their
part. We gain fear, allowing our hearts and minds not to take the risk.

But then we come to realize that we have nothing left to do but to lay our cards down
and trust them, trusting that they will take care of us and catch us the moment we fall.

That’s how it is with God. When we trust God, we know that His faithfulness will never
falter. He will catch us to the very end. When all else fails, God doesn’t. He will never
abandon us.

But how do we truly trust God? What does it take to fully trust Him?

B. TRUST in the Lord

TRUST is defined as faith or confidence in someone to fulfill our expectations of

him/her. But in the Bible, we will learn how it is to truly trust God through the stories of
every character that exemplified how they allowed God’s plan to happen. TRUST means:

T - Total Surrender to His Will

“I am the Lord’s servant, said Mary; may it happen to me as you have said, and
the angel left her.” - Luke 1:38

When angel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing that she will bear our
Redeemer, though filled with questions and fear, she accepted the Lord’s will
and surrendered to it with her whole heart, mind, body and soul. She showed
humility by allowing God’s Spirit to consume her and to give her strength. She
committed to be God’s servant without any hesitations.

As YFC leaders, we are called to be a good servant and follower of Jesus. We are
called to deny ourselves of our own earthly desires and wants. We surrender our
total dependence to the will of God in all aspects of our life---in studies, service
and in relationships. We humble ourselves by acknowledging that there are
more important things than ourselves. We have to entrust our lives to Jesus and
surrender everything to Him.

R – Rest in His Embrace

“Isaac asked, ‘I see that you have the coals and the wood, but where is the lamb
sacrifice?’ Abraham answered, ‘God himself will provide one.’ And the two of
them walked together. When they came to the place which God has told him
about, Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. He tied up his son
and placed him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he picked up the knife to
kill him. But the angel of the Lord called to him from the heaven, ‘Abraham,
Abraham!’ He answered, ‘Yes, here I am.’ ‘Don’t hurt the boy or do anything to
him,’ he said. ‘Now I know that you honor and obey God, because you have not
kept back your only son from Him.’” - Genesis 22: 9-12

Abraham trusted God. Even if it was difficult, and it requires His very own son’s
life, he trusted God. Abraham trusted the Lord, believing that God will show
mercy and love. He trusted God to provide. Even if it was very hard, he trusted
in order for God’s plan to take its place.

Sometimes as YFC leaders, we need to develop a heart that will trust God in any
given situation. We need to trust that He will show mercy and love through all
our sacrifices. Even if it takes giving up important things in our life, we trust God
that He will never abandon us nor fail us (e.g. sacrificing time and treasure to
serve, etc.).

U –United in His Love

“See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called
God’s children.” - 1John 3:1

We are loved simply because we are God’s children. We are part of the greater
plan to bring salvation to this world. And our vessel is sharing the love Jesus
received from His Father which He showed and taught to us by dying on the

As YFC leaders, we are called to love because God loved us first, thus, uniting us
in His love. We are not just working as laborers in His vineyard. Rather, we are
called for a greater task, which is to love unconditionally no matter how
imperfect the people that we are with.

S-Silent in His Presence

“One day Jesus got into a boat with his disciples and said to them, ‘Let us go
across to the other side of the lake.’ So they started out. As they were sailing,
Jesus fell asleep. Suddenly a strong wind blew down on the lake, and the boat
began to fill the water, so that they were all in great danger. The disciples went
to Jesus and woke him up, saying, ‘Master, Master! We are about to die’! Jesus
got up and gave an order to the wind and the stormy water; they quieted down,
and there was a great calm.” - Luke 8:22-24

In the story, the disciples were so afraid on the terrible storm that they panicked
and forgot that they were in the presence of the Saviour. The big waves of terror
and the strong wind of destruction gave them frail hearts. But when Jesus woke
up and did His part, He taught the disciples one thing they will never forget:

In the midst of the storm, Christ exudes inner peace. In his heart He completely
trusts the Father. When we fully trust God, we will see that life becomes easier
because God makes all things possible. So then, let us be silent in God’s presence
for He knows better than us. In any situation where we may encounter
difficulties, we should be calm and be confident that the Lord is in control of
everything. We have no reason to worry for He is above all things.

T- Thankful and Grateful In His Faithfulness

“In my distress, Oh Lord, I called to you, and you answered me. I will sing praise
to you; I will offer you a sacrifice and do what I have promised. Salvation comes
from the Lord!” - Jonah 2:2; 9

Jonah was a prophet who was tested by God when he was drowned in the sea
and was eaten by a whale. He stayed inside the whale’s belly for three days.
While he was there, Jonah never stopped praising God for he trusted that the
Lord will make everything okay. He believed that in times of distress, God will
allow freedom to take its place. He thanked God amidst despair and
hopelessness. He was grateful of God for he knew that everything that will
happen is in accordance God’s will of salvation.

Jonah’s story tells us of the many trials of faith, yet despite all these we still have
to be thankful and grateful for God’s faithfulness and promise. In whatever
situation, we see it as an opportunity to grow and learn on how to be thankful
for God’s unconditional love. Just like Jonah, as YFC leaders, we thank the Lord
for all the burdens, the struggles and the pain we encounter, and be firm that
God is allowing these things to happen so that His greater plans for us will be
realized. We might not understand at first, but in the end, we will see that God’s
faithfulness never ceases.

C. The Need to TRUST

As YFC leaders, there is an urgent call to trust others so that we can further enhance our
work here in our community.

The Lord trusted us first so we should be more like Him. And as we trust the Lord, His
promise remains. God gives us more reasons to endure and place our faith in Him.
When we trust God:

1. Our FAITH will not waver

God will unceasingly remind us of His love, abundance and mercy. Though the
future might be blurry, we claim the promise of God’s faithfulness. He will
constantly remind us of His true worth and identity in our lives, thus, allowing us
to believe more in His words and deeds. The Lord allows us to experience, and
gives us the opportunity to deepen our faith in Him.

2. God’s love will fuel us to give more

When we think we’ve run the first mile, the Lord’s love will fuel us to run the
next mile with so much passion and belief for God’s plan. God’s love will fuel us
to be generous and inspiring towards our members. God will encourage us to
think less of ourselves and think more of others.

3. Our hearts will allow God to work

When we trust God, He will allow His plans to be revealed in us so we can
become His better servants. He will drive for us and will allow us to see the

beauty of His goodness. When we fully

surrender our lives to God, He takes control
and allows all His plans of a brighter future. LEADER’S QUOTE

“When walking through the

D. Conclusion valley of shadows, remember,
shadow is cast by a Light.”
Trust builds relationship. It is gained, not acquired. – HK Barclay
In our journey with God, we need to place our
entire faith in His generosity and love. And as we
see in the different people in the Bible who trusted
God, may we learn to also let go and let God do His job.

Whatever is the state of our hearts right now, we TRUST in God’s promises. Know that in
hardships and trials, HE is our EMBRACE; in fear, HE is our COURAGE; in doubt HE is our
confidence, HE is our PEACE.


A. Practice trusting others by giving them work, projects and exposure.

B. Be a vessel of love and respect by being a good son/daughter first to your family.


Psalm 27


1. What are the things that God entrusted you, and what are the
things you need to give back?
2. How do you trust the Lord when it comes to making decisions?

Source of Unity in the Family


1. To remind the YFC leaders that our family is “If you respect your father,
part of our everyday life. one day your own children will
make you happy; the Lord will
2. To learn to appreciate and understand our hear your prayers. If you obey
family members’ uniqueness and differences. the Lord by honoring your
father and making your
mother happy, you will live a
II. DYNAMICS long life.”
- Sirach 3:5-6
A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration / Teaching of Songs

1:30 – 1:45 Worship
1:45 – 2:00 Icebreaker
2:00 – 3:00 Talk Proper with Activity
3:00 – 3:15 Reflection
3:15 – 3:45 Discussion Group (use Guide Questions)
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Prayer/Praise fest

B. Activity:

1. For the service team, have paper and drawing materials ready, or ask the
participants to bring these materials beforehand.
2. At the start of the session, the speaker asks the YFCs to draw an illustration of
how they see themselves 10 years from now.
3. Have 2-3 people share what they have drawn.
4. The speaker starts the talk.
5. The speaker calls on the sharer(s).
6. Before ending the talk, the speaker asks the participants to make another
illustration describing how they see themselves and their family (parents and
siblings) 10 years from now.
7. The talk ends with a prayer and reflection.
8. Group discussion follows.


A. The speaker can be one of the top leaders in the area who has a good relationship
with his/her family.
B. The sharer(s) can be one of the following:
- One who shows close family ties and has been including his/her family in
making personal decisions.
- One who has a big dream for his/her family, and strives to fulfill the vision (as
seen in the drawing activity) for the family 10 years from now.
- One who may be struggling to have a good relationship with his/her family but
is still committed to strive harder to be a source of unity in the family.


A. Introduction

If we look at our drawings, we can see that most of us envision to have a bright future.
Some drew big houses, cars, and other material things. Some depicted themselves as
successful professionals, with established businesses, travelling abroad, etc. But how
many of us drew a picture of our own family? The sad thing is that we sometimes forget
to make our own family part of our future; sometimes we fail to appreciate their value
in our lives.

My Failure to Appreciate my Family

As YFC leaders, we are encouraged to love. And this is indeed the very mission
the Lord entrusted to us in this service. We are successful in loving our members,
our couple coordinators, our co-leaders etc. but sometimes we are not
successful in doing this to the very important people in our lives---our family.
One reason of this is perhaps our lack of appreciation to our family, of being able
to value the good and unique characteristics that each of our family members

We fail to appreciate them simply because of our PRIDE.

P - USH them to become what we want them to be

 We expect them to be the people that we want them to be, and we get
angry or disappointed if they become otherwise.
 We only see and magnify the negative aspects that they have.
 We fail to consider the good things that they have done or the good
characteristics that they have.

R - ESENTMENT against their imperfection

 We hold grudges towards our parents and siblings for the mistakes that
they have done.

 We feel bitter for having a dysfunctional family member, a stubborn

brother, a lazy father, a nagging mother, a mean sister, etc.

I - GNORE their feelings and the good things they have done for us and our
 We fail to appreciate and value the efforts of our parents as they give
their best in providing the needs of our family.
 We complain because we feel and think that they have not done enough
for the family.
 We grumble when they give us the things that are different from what
we want.

D - EPRIVE them from their responsibility to us as parents or siblings. We don’t

allow them to take care of us, correct us and guide us.
 We turn away from them by walking away, or banging the door when we
are reprimanded of our mistakes instead of talking to them.
 We neglect their reminders to study well, go home early, etc. because we
think we know better than they do.

E - XPECT them to NOT understand us.

 We are too convinced that we are right and that they are wrong because
their generation is different from ours.
 We make and follow our own decisions because we think that they can’t
understand us anyway.

Our pride gets the better of us most of the time. We fall short in appreciating
them, failing to love them and blaming them for what they are and what we
have become as a family or even as a person.

B. Family First

Our family is our primary area of mission. Putting our families first means valuing them
by giving them our time, and appreciating them by accepting and loving them by doing
all these things even if it becomes hard at times.

Why do we need to make our family first? It is because:

1. Our family is God’s gift to us.

Our family is our source of joy, encouragement and inspiration, our strengths
and weakness. We would not have been who we are right now if not because of

2. God has set beautiful plans for our family.

God anointed us to be where we are right now for His greater purpose. We only
have to be patient for this great purpose to unfold in God’s perfect time.

3. Our family is our refuge in both good and bad times.

Come what may, nothing beats the comfort of our home and the reassurance of
the presence of our family. Our family will never leave us.

4. Our family is our source of love.

Even if we have an imperfect family, it is with them that we experience being
loved first; we were taught how to love ourselves and to share this love to others
in turn. Even in imperfection, our family loves us in the best way they know.

We go and bring Christ to the people around us, but we sometimes forget to
bring Christ in our homes. So that we can truly appreciate our own families, we
should learn to make our family FIRST.

How do we make our family first?

1. We EXPERIENCE FUN in our family.

We should spend quality time with them. Experience laughter and joy in the
company of our family during meal times, general cleaning of the house,
watching TV, having healthy discussions on social issues, etc.

2. We DEVELOP FRIENDSHIP with the members in our family.

Our family members should be our primary friends. Honor their good side and
lovingly correct their bad, and appreciate that in them. Get to know their
interests, hobbies, and interesting stories, and keep them updated with the
happenings in our life. Allow them also to do the same.

3. We PRACTICE RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM in the way we act, love, and care for
the members of our family.
Let us learn to respect and appreciate their privacy, choices and decisions.
d. We SHARE FAITH as a family. Let’s intercede for them through prayers. Let’s
initiate in inviting them to attend mass together.

(Note: The speaker cites examples of how the 4 F’s are being applied in his/her own
family as the points are being discussed. Then the speaker calls on the sharer(s) to share
about their dream for their family for the next 10 years. Finally, the speaker processes
the sharing.)

(Suggested Script)

Hearing God’s promise to us and our families, let us

now spend a few minutes drawing again. This time, LEADER’S QUOTE
let’s draw our vision for ourselves and our family 10
years from now. In the same way that we drew our
dreams at the beginning of this talk, let us now draw “Other things may change
what we envision for our family. us, but we start and end
with family.” – Anthony
C. Conclusion Brandt

Our family is also our primary mission area. We

should recognize the joy that we get from being with our family. We should strive to
understand and appreciate each other’s similarities and differences. We should make
time for our family---make them a big part of our life. We should always create
opportunities to love and be loved by our family. As the Bible passage in Sirach 3:5-6
says, the Lord promised us, His children, a long and abundant life as we love God by
honoring and loving our parents despite of who and what they are.

May we be always reminded of the reasons why we value them, love them and always
consider them as much as they do us. It is simply because of God’s great love for us that
we are given a family that we have right now. Let us all work together in making our
family truly one, and pray that in the future, our dream of creating and making our
families for Christ would become a reality.

“If you respect your father, one day your own children will make you happy; the Lord will
hear your prayers. If you obey the Lord by honoring your father and making your mother
happy, you will live a long life.” - Sirach 3:5-6


A. Have a family activity at least once a week. An example would be going to mass
together or simply eating meals together.
B. Set one-to-ones with all the members of the family and get to know what they are
going through.


Prayer points: Thank God for the gift of Family. Ask for the grace to see the beauty of
family. Pray for the grace to understand each of our family members, the wisdom to
accept the uniqueness of our family and to continually love them despite
imperfections. Pray that what we envision for our family in the second illustration
would become a reality if God wills it.


1. What are the good things that I can describe about my family?
2. What is so unique about my family?
3. How can I strengthen the uniqueness of my family?

Source of Unity in the Family
(Appreciating Guidance from Family)


1. To establish the importance of trust and “Children, pay heed to a

communication in seeking guidance in the fathers’ right; do so that you
family. may live. For the Lord sets a
father in honor over his
2. To see parents/elders of the family as children; a mother’s authority
messengers of God’s wisdom. he confirms over her sons.” -
Sirach 3:1
3. To value the opinion of parents/elders of the


A. Suggested Schedule:

12:00 – 12:30 Registration

12:30 –12:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
12:45 – 1:00 Worship
1:00 – 1:30 Activity
1:30 – 2:15 Talk Proper/Reflection
2:15 – 2:30 Announcement/Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Communication Activity

 The speaker will divide the participants into groups of 3, each group having at
least 1 brother.
 Each member of the group will have to play a role: one will be the father, the
other will be the mother and the last one will be the child.
 The speaker will first call on those who will play as fathers. They will be asked to
portray, first as passive fathers, and eventually taking on active role in giving
 The speaker will then call on those who will play as mothers. They will be asked
to portray as an overreacting mom.

 Lastly, the speaker will call on those who will play as son/daughter. They will be
asked o pick a piece of paper from a container stating the situations that they
will enact. Attached in this talk outline is a list of common situations that they
can portray.
 The speaker will give each one 15 minutes to conduct the communication
 After the allotted time, the speaker will ask sharers from each group:
- A YFC who can share how his/her “parents” in the play handled him/her
- A YFC who can share how she handled the situation as a “mother” in the
role play
- A YFC who can share how he handled the situation as a “father”
 After the sharing, the speaker proceeds with the talk proper.
 Situations for the role play activity:
- Without the knowledge of your family you’ve been saving for a laptop
for 2 years now, and you have your mind set at buying your laptop in 2
weeks’ time. But suddenly your brother, who has been paying for your
electricity expense, lost his job and he approached you, asking some
money from you.
- “I have a problem in school, I know that you want me to finish this
course but I am having hard time in my studies. I think I am going to
fail. What should I do?” Your parents know that you are the student
council president, plus you also handle the choir and the dance group
with your friends.
- I just broke up with my boy/girlfriend just a month ago. I am about to
graduate in 2 months and I think I’m in love and I’m ready to enter into
a new relationship.


A. The speaker should be a part of the Leaders’ Core Group in the area. He/she should
have a good relationship with his/her family.
B. The 2 sharers can be YFC members who have had different experiences in seeking
guidance from his/her parents (the sharing will be about their unique


A. Introduction

“Children, pay heed to a fathers’ right; do so that you may live…” - Sirach 3:1

The Lord blesses us with parents and family who will guide, raise and mold us to be the
person that He desires us to be. God anointed them to take care of us as we grow and

transform into a mature individual. When we were little kids, we were too dependent
on our parents---be it on what clothes to wear, or what food to eat, etc. But as we grew
older, we became less dependent. Oftentimes, we fail to update our parents with
what’s going on with our lives; sometimes we choose to seek comfort and advice from
our peers rather than our own parents. Their generation may be too different from
ours, but they will always be the ones who best know us.

As YFC leaders, we are accountable to the people that God entrusted to us, like our
members. Our decisions and our actions have a great influence on them. What we do in
our lives may make or break not just us, but also the YFCs under our care. This is the
reason why we should seek guidance from the ones who know us best, and who has
more experiences in this life than we do–our parents and our family.

B. Open Communication

There are a lot of things that we can get out of communication---from being able to
learn from others through listening, to being able to explain our side to other people.
It’s also amazing how communication play a big part in our service; this is how we build
relationships, express ourselves, and understand other people.

In YFC, God is calling us to be a source of unity in the family. And we cannot fulfill this
calling if we do not communicate with them. The first step in living out this identity is to
take on the challenge of building an open communication with our parents and other
members in the family. As YFC leaders we should practice updating our family with our
lives. We should share our dreams and desires, our service, our journey with God, and
even our love life. By doing so, we are allowing our family to know us, as well as
allowing ourselves to be guided by them. Communicating with them can be done in a lot
of ways; it can be talking to them in family dinner, sending email or text messages,
leaving a note on the fridge or by simply spending time with them.

C. Trust-worthy

Through open & constant communication, we are able to acknowledge our

parents/families’ opinions and advices in our lives. With this, we eagerly give our trust
to them. We trust them because:

1. The Lord gave them to us as guides.

When God calls us to be leaders for Him, He enables us to answer that call by
blessing our decisions. Our families are one of the best instruments of this
blessing. We have the opportunity to tap into our parents’ resources for our
mission, making them not only a source of material provision, but also a spiritual
guide and companion.

2. They know us by heart.

Our families are the ones who had witnessed how we have come to be the
person that we are right now. They already know us by heart because for the
longest time we have been living with them. Their opinions and advices are not
just based on their experiences but also on how much they know their family.

3. God anoints our families.

God blesses not only us leaders, but also our families. He speaks not only
through us, but through them as well. We should be firm in our belief that God
anoints our family to guide and lead us.

D. Seeking Guidance

As YFC leaders, seeking guidance in our family is as important as having one-to-ones

with our household heads. We gain nourishment not only from our household heads but
also from our family members. And this is because they too were anointed by our God
to equip us as we serve Him in this community.

1. How do we seek guidance?

Communication and trust is a good foundation of seeking guidance. However,

there are specific attitudes and actions that we should take when we seek our
family’s guidance. And these are the following:

 Keep a humble heart.

In seeking their guidance, we have to acknowledge that their wisdom,
which is gained from their experiences, will greatly help us in making our
decisions. Be open in sharing our joys and our pains. Let us share to them
what we are going through so that they can understand us.

 Make the first move.

We go through a lot of issues in our lives---as a student, a leader, a child
and a lot more. Let us not assume that our parents understand everything
that we are going through. Let us make the first move in talking to them.
Our parents are also just waiting for us to approach them.

 Listen with an open heart.

Let us not just hear out what they have to say, but we should listen to
them. Listening means understanding where their words are coming from
and where they want to lead us. Our opinions may differ from them, but
we have to consider that they only want what is best for us.

 Pray.
Ask the Lord to be the third person in your conversation with them. Ask
God to inspire you as you have your conversation with them.

2. When to seek guidance?

As YFC leaders, the greater calling for us is not just to update our family on what
is happening to us, but to also seek for their guidance. It’s not a question of
when, because we should seek guidance all the time. But here are specific areas
of our lives that we should not miss out seeking guidance from our family.

 Love life - courting, choosing the right person

 Career - choosing or shifting to the course that we want to take)
 Future plans - goals and dreams in life, future family, spending big
amount of money

(The speaker can also say something about what our siblings can do for us.)

(The speaker calls in the sharers one at a time.)

E. Conclusion

Seeking guidance is an avenue for God to manifest His greatness in our family. We are
not just after their opinions and ideas, but we are actually valuing our family in our lives
as we turn to them. As YFC leaders, the decisions that we make are important not only
to us but also to the youths that God has entrusted to us. That is why it is essential to
seek for our family’s guidance in making decisions. We should believe that God has
anointed our family to guide us, and that He will speak to us through them.


A. Think of a decision that you are trying to make right now.

B. Ask your parents what they think about it. Apply what you have learned.


Points for Reflection: Remember the times that you sought guidance from your parents
and you realize that it was the Lord speaking through them.


1. How important is your family’s opinion to you?

2. When your families’ opinions don’t agree with yours, how do you
react? What do you eventually realize?

(Missionary Heart)


1. To let the YFC leaders have a heart for the VERSE

“Then I heard the voice of the
2. To imbibe in them to be mission ready. Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I
send? Who will go for us?’
3. To prepare them in embarking for a mission.
‘Here I am,’ I said, ‘Send me!’”
- Isaiah 6:8

A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration

1:30 – 1:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
1:45 – 2:00 Worship
2:00 – 3:45 Session: Suggested Film Showing (End of the Spear or The
3:45 – 4:15 Processing/Talk
4:15 – 4:30 Reflection
4:30 – 4:45 Closing Worship
4:45 – 5:00 Announcements

B. Activity: Film Viewing (End of the Spear or The Mission)

 End of the Spear Synopsis

An indigenous people are turned from a life of violence to a more gentle and
forgiving nature in this adventure drama based on a true story. Nate Saint (Chad
Allen) is a pilot and Christian missionary who, with his family, lives and works in
the jungles of South America near the Amazon. Nate is fascinated by tales he's
heard of the Waodani, a violent and aggressive tribe living nearby, and with a
group of fellow Christians takes it upon himself to teach them the importance of
compassion and forgiveness. However, the leader of the Waodanis, Mincayani
(Louie Leonardo), does not trust the white visitors, and believes they may have
had something to do with the disappearance of a young girl from his tribe years
ago. A meeting between Nate and Mincayani goes terribly wrong thanks to

Nate's inability to understand the Waodani language, and Nate and four of his
fellow missionaries are savagely murdered by the tribesmen. However, in the
final moments of his life, Nate is able to impart a message in Mincayani that
bears fruit years later when Steve Saint, Nate's son (also played by Allen) returns
to continue the work his father started. End of the Spear was adapted from the
true story of Nate Saint and Steve Saint, which was previously brought to the
screen in the documentary Beyond the Gates of Splendor. ~ Mark Deming, All
Movie Guide

 The Mission Synopsis

Featuring a majestic score by Ennio Morricone and lush Oscar-winning
cinematography by Chris Menges, Roland Joffé's The Mission examines the
events surrounding the Treaty of Madrid in 1750, when Spain ceded part of
South America to Portugal, and turns this episode into an allegory for the mid-
'80s struggles of Latin America. Two European forces are on hand to win the
South American natives over to imperialist ways. The plunderers want to extract
riches and slaves from the New World. The missionaries, on the other hand,
want to convert the Indians to Christianity and win over their souls. Mendoza
(Robert De Niro) is an exploiter dabbling in the slave trade. But after he kills his
brother Felipe (Aidan Quinn) in a fit of rage, he seeks redemption and calls upon
the missionaries to assist him. After repeatedly climbing a cliff with a heavy
weight as penance, Mendoza finds redemption and becomes a devout
missionary at a settlement run by Gabriel (Jeremy Irons). The missionaries want
to promote a new society in which the natives will live together in peace with
the Spanish and the Portuguese. But this concept frightens the royal governors,
who would rather enslave the natives than encourage peaceful coexistence
between the Europeans and the Indians. They order the mission to be burned to
the ground. But this event causes a rift between Gabriel, who wants to pray and
pursue peaceful resistance, and Mendoza, who wants to take up arms and fight
the Europeans. ~ Paul Brenner, All Movie Guide


1. The speaker should be a Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member
of the Leaders’ Core Group in the area who can share the experience of God’s
greatness in the mission; someone who can inspire and encourage the leaders to be
ready for the mission.


A. Introduction

When Jesus was sent here on earth, He was called to fulfill a mission. He went to several
places to proclaim God’s word, to heal the sick, to feed the hungry, to comfort the
dying. Just like Jesus, we too are called to be missionaries. In YFC, we are taught to
evangelize and bring God to all so that everybody will hear His words and experience His
great love. In YFC, proclaim that we will go to the ends of the earth to fulfill the mission.
And to this we hold true.

However there is a great challenge we have to face. The youth is said to be the hope of
the future, yet we see different things happening to our young. We see how the world
dictates the life that our young people are living. We see that the world is becoming far
from the beautiful plan of God. As Christians, and as Youth for Christ, it is a great
challenge for us to make a difference in this world. Moreover, as YFC leaders, we are
called to bring more youth in spreading God’s greatness. And most of all, it is our
challenge to affect the lives of our members, so that they too will lead others to God.

B. Having a Missionary Heart

A missionary is someone who is sent to proclaim the good news and let everyone
experience the greatness and fullness of God’s love. To bring more people to God is our
main mission in YFC. And the Lord has brought us from being members to being the
front liners in achieving this mission. From having a VISION that sets the direction of our
mission, we are now being called to ACTION - we are called to set the world on fire with
God’s transforming love, and we are to blaze the world with His word of truth. With this
higher calling, our hearts should be ready to respond to the mission, to be His
instruments whenever and wherever may be called to serve.

Having a missionary heart is having a heart of an apostle of Christ. The apostles were
chosen by God. They were called by name, and God anointed them one by one. Like
them, we too are anointed to be the modern disciples, always ready to be sent. The
moment God calls, we should be ready to respond not for ourselves, but for others. We
should have an attitude and a heart that is from God and for God, ready to be sent for
the mission.

1. Attitude of a Person with a Missionary Heart

We have been anointed by God to go to the world and counter the forces of evil
by proclaiming Gods word. In order for us to do this effectively, we should
posses the attitudes that will surely enable us to become good missionaries. As a
missionary we should always be:

 Ready
We are called to be ready for the mission that God is calling us to do,
wherever, whenever, and however we are called. When Jesus called his first
disciples, they up and went with Him---no questions asked. As missionaries
we too are to be ready in whatever role, task or work we’re asked to do.

- Ready to go
We should be ready to go wherever the Lord will call us to serve. We
may find ourselves in an uncomfortable area, a place where we least
expected to go, or an area that will be too difficult for us to
evangelize. We are leaders who are ready for the mission. We should
bear in mind that every area we go to is an opportunity for us to bring
the people to God, and that we cannot afford to lose a single soul just
because we are not comfortable with it.

- Ready anytime
We should be ready whenever the Lord will call us to serve. We will
experience being called in an unexpected time; sometimes when we
are celebrating our birthdays or other special occasions. We are
leaders who are ready for the mission. We should go because the
time given to us and the time that we are to share with others are the
times that will be spent with God.

- Ready to do
We should be ready to do however the Lord wants us to serve. We
will experience the call to lead a worship, to give a sharing, to sing in
front of a big crowd, to do so many things. We will be called to serve
in so many different ways that sometimes we might not know how.
But because we are leaders who are ready for the mission, we should
go, because God will always enable us and equip us to fulfill the
mission that He asked us to do. With His Spirit we will be
strengthened to do it.

“And He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’
Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” - Matthew 4 19-20

We have to be ready at all times. God will call us in an unexpected time, day
or situation. When we are ready, we will always be given greater things.

 Open
We are called to be open to the Spirit’s leading. When we are open to God’s
leading we easily obey Him, for we know that it is what He is calling us to do.

In the Bible, Joseph openly accepted the task of being Mary’s husband just as
he was about to call off his engagement to her. He was justified for planning
to leave Mary, but because he had an open heart, He obeyed God.

- Open to go
We should be open wherever the Lord will lead us. We are to obey the
leading of the Spirit. We might not understand the wisdom behind the
things that is happening in front of us, but we know that God’s plan is
better than ours.

- Open to the call

We should be open to God’s call. We have to have a heart that is open to
His call. The service or the mission that we are called to do is ours given
by God. We are to receive it with an open heart and mind because it is a
great gift, and an even greater opportunity to bring glory to God.

- Open to do
We should be open to do what is asked of us. We should be humble in
accepting the opportunity that is given to us. God always gives us the
chance to be of service to Him and to our brothers and sisters. In so
doing, we are able to be the vessel of God’s outpour of love through the
service and mission that we do for Him and for others.

“And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord
commanded him, and took Mary as his wife.” - Matthew 1:24

Just like Joseph, we should have a heart that is open to the mission that God
has called us to do and give the glory back to Him as we strive to excellently
do our work.

 Willing
We are called to be willing to obey what God has called us to do. When Angel
Gabriel appeared unto Mary and told her of God’s plan, she willingly
submitted herself to the Lord’s plan - she became the mother of the Lord
Jesus Christ.

- Willing to Obey
When we have a willing heart we allow the Lord to fulfill His promises
through us and with us. We are able to share His plans to others, and we
become His instruments so that they too may fully experience God’s

- Willing to do
When we have a willing heart to do what is asked of us the Lord uses this
as an opportunity for Him to show us greater things in this mission. We
will see that there are more things needed to be done, and that this
mission is actually just a foretaste of heaven. We become His instruments
in making others see the floodgates of heaven.

- Willing to give
When we have a willing heart and mind in sharing with others the
fullness of the mission, we too see this fullness unfolding before our very
eyes. We take part in the great opportunity that is given to us. We share
our time, talents, treasure, and even the lessons we gained from our
experiences. Giving back glory to God is sharing His glory to others.

"’I am the Lord's servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May it be done to me as you have
said.’” - Luke 1:38

God called the disciples to serve with Jesus, just as he did Joseph to be with
Mary, and Mary to give birth to Jesus Christ. Each of them was called to fulfill
the mission that the Lord has entrusted to them. In the same way we are
called to serve Him, and to fulfill the mission that He has entrusted to us.

C. Areas Where we can Fulfill Our Mission

1. Mission Area
God has entrusted us with our areas (chapter, cluster, sector, etc.), and we are to
fulfill the mission by bringing them to the Lord. Let us continue to do the mission
that is entrusted to us through what we always do, like conducting Youth Camps,
Covenant Orientations, assemblies, conferences, and all the activities that we
conduct with our members and coordinators.

We are called to be instruments of God in making Him known wherever we go.

In our areas, we should live our life in such a way that we become living
witnesses of God’s great love in our eyes---in the victories that we experience, in
all the challenges that we face, and in all the great things God shows us every
single day.

Our mission area is where the Lord will fulfill His promises, where great things
can happen, where lives will be transformed and many relationships deepen. So
as leaders, we continue to be God’s instrument as He reveals himself in our
areas. Let us make our lives a testimony of God’s greatness.

2. Other Areas
As missionaries, we should be ready to proclaim the Good News even in our
schools, workplaces, home, etc. Let us not be afraid to introduce Christ to these
areas. Let us not limit our missionary work within the people in the community.
The Good News is always meant to be shared with others. We are God’s
instruments here on earth; He anointed us to proclaim the good news. As a
student, a professional, as a son or daughter to our parents, let us allow others
to know God’s goodness, to make them feel His unconditional love, and to allow
them to see the great things God will bring into their lives. The Lord will fulfill it
through us, hence let us be the vessel for them.

3. Foreign Countries
The world is like a big ocean, filled with fish, and waiting for a fisherman to catch
them. Our call is to proclaim God not only to those within reach, but also to the
ends of the earth. We are called to boldly go beyond our race, culture, language,
and even comforts. We are to break barriers, walls and differences. We are
instruments of God in letting other people know that there is the one God that
we all believe in, the one Father who takes good care of us, and the one faith
that brings us together. Let us form a mission team that will go out to foreign
areas. Let us join the different activities that we have in the community such as
Cross Culture, Great Adventure Tour (GAT) and Trailblazers, and take part in the
bigger mission that is entrusted by God (ex. OCENIA GAT, CANADIAN GAT, ASIAN
GAT, etc.).

D. Ready for the Mission

We have been equipped with the trainings and right attitudes needed to fulfill the
mission. We now know where we can fulfill our calling as missionaries. All we need to do
now is to believe that we have been anointed and called to be sent. And as we go to the
ends of the earth we are to be witnesses for others to do the same. We should be able
to inspire and encourage our fellow YFCs to do the mission as well. And as we do all
these, keeping in mind that:

1. We are blessed to be part of the bigger mission.

Let us always remember that we are always blessed enough to be a blessing to
wherever the Lord will place us.

2. We are anointed to fulfill a mission.

Let us acknowledge this anointing and be always grateful for it, because it only
means that we are specifically chosen by God for the task.
3. We are called to share the mission.
“God isn't looking for people
Let us be generous in sharing the mission to
of great faith, but for
others so that they may feel God’s goodness,
individuals ready to follow
and that they may experience that great love
Him.” - Hudson Taylor
God has always had for us.
“Spread love everywhere
E. Conclusion
you go: First of all in your
own house... let no one ever
The Lord has already prepared the areas where we
come to you without leaving
can fulfill our calling as missionaries. We are
better and happier. Be the
anointed, we are blessed, and we are chosen. May
living expression of God's
we always be an instrument, a blessing and a gift to
kindness; kindness in your
the world in letting other people know that they are
face, kindness in your eyes,
loved, that they are a gift, and that they are also
kindness in your smile,
called for the same purpose. We should have the
kindness.” Anonymous
courage to go wherever the Lord calls us to go, to
proactively engage in the mission and make a
difference by being the difference. Let us therefore
go out and accomplish our task for the glory of God.

A. Identify an area where you can have a mission trip.
B. Form a team, plan and schedule a mission trip in that area.
C. Document the mission as it happens.


(Note: The reflection part should be done before the Conclusion of the Talk.)

A. The speaker will lead the participants into a prayer, reflecting on the following
 What is the Lord asking me to do right now?
 How can I help in the mission?
 How can I show my Heart for the Mission?
B. The speaker will instruct the participants to gather as one area (chapter or cluster or
sector). Once they have gathered as one area, they will be asked to lay their hands
and pray over other areas (ex. South Sector will be prayed over by North Sector, West
sector and East sector and so on and so forth.), and the pray over will be led by the
C. After this, the speaker or the worship leader will lead everybody into a closing

D. The service team may use the following as a reflection song:

 For the Sake of the Call
 To the ends of the Earth
 Or any “send-off” song that empowers the participants in fulfilling the
mission can be used.




1. To let the YFC leaders understand more the VERSE

true qualities of servanthood and put it in an
outward action. “Like the Son of Man, who did
not come to be served, but to
2. To be able to empower the leaders to exercise serve and to give his life to
servanthood on a daily basis in their personal redeem many people.”
lives and in their service in YFC - Matthew 20:38 (Good
News Translation)

A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Registration/Arrival/Gathering

1:30 - 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 - 2:15 Activity
2:00 – 2:30 Sharing
2:30 - 3:00 Talk Proper
3:00 – 3:15 Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Royalties and Peasants

 Group the participants accordingly. You can have 3-4 groups.

 Give the theme for the activity, which is “royalties and peasants.” This will be
naming game. The objective is for each group to name the characters/roles
present in a kingdom (e.g. king, queen, squire, knight, jester, servant, ladies’
maid, etc.).
 The game master randomly points from one group to another to give a name of
a character/role. Note: there should be no repetition of names. If a group
mentions a character/role that has already been said by another group, they are
out of the game.
 Processing Points:
- The activity that we just had reminds us that as leaders, we all have
specific roles and responsibilities to play. Most of all, we are all called
“servants” in the community.

- Being a servant doesn’t necessarily mean peasant. Being the one to be

served doesn’t mean royalties. In every situation we are called to give
service beyond what the “job description” of the service that we are
handling right now. In other words, we are to go the extra mile.


A. For the Speaker:

 A YFC leader who exemplifies servanthood; someone who exemplifies
strong servant leadership and is a living manifestation of Jesus’ example
of servanthood.
B. For the Sharers:
 A YFC leader who illustrates servanthood by taking time to talk about
God’s grace in every family meal.
 A YFC leader who illustrates servanthood by faithfully doing his/her one
to ones.
 A YFC leader who illustrates servanthood by doing something
extraordinary to help a friend in need.

(Note: Open the floor for sharing first after the Servant Evangelism activity.)


A. Introduction

A “servant,” as the world defines it, is someone who performs duties about the person
or home of a master or personal employer (ref. Merriam Dictionary). The responsibilities
are carried out because of compensation, or out of obligatory compliance. But Jesus
Christ redefined servanthood. It is in Matthew 20:28 that we see the ultimate identity of
a true servant: “Like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and to
give his life to redeem many people.’’ This is servanthood. And He was the very
representation of what a servant truly should be.

Servanthood is true, selfless service. It’s not about position or skill; it’s about attitude
and dedication.

B. Qualities of a True Servant

1. Be Humble
“The first will be the last, and the last will be the first.” - Matthew 19:30

To be humble is to be selfless. We practice not putting others first before us if

and when the service calls for it. We should be the ones to show how to glorify
God through the things that we do.

Though servants serve to please their masters, they don’t complain when asked
to complete tasks. They don’t mind even if it drains them of their energy or time
or treasure, or if it requires them to give more than necessary. A servant’s works
may go unnoticed, but he/she doesn’t complain. He/she continues to work with
peace and joy, knowing that the good works will please the one true Master:

2. Have the Integrity

"As for you, if you walk before me in integrity of heart and uprightness, as David
your father did, and do all I command and observe my decrees and laws, I will
establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father
when I said, 'You shall never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’ ” - 1 Kings

Integrity is consistency in living our life In accordance to God’s commandment. It

entails setting an example by the quality of life we live, not by the service or
position we hold. Christ is the perfect person who illustrated the kind of integrity
that we should be living out.

As leaders, our members look up to us; some aspire to be like us, some even
imitate our actions. We become models of the kind of leader. Thus, we should
also model the perfect image of integrity, as exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Be Prayerful
“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.
On reaching the place, he said to them, ‘Pray that you will not fall into
temptation.’ He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and
prayed.” - Luke 22:39-41

Jesus, in His greatness, never failed to recognize God’s will. Always seeking for
his Father’s approval, He acknowledged that temptation is real, and that the only
way to fight it is with sincere and constant prayers.

If our hearts are disposed to trust in the truth that God is always with us ready to
show us the way, then we will become more sensitive to His leading. This will
help us grow in kindness and love with others. Being prayerful will give us the
wonderful grace to become what God desires for us---to truly become His

4. Be a Good Steward
“The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” -
Psalm 24:1

Stewardship is responsibly utilizing and managing all resources God provides us.
It begins and ends with the understanding of God's ownership of all creations.
The central essence of stewardship is managing everything God brings into our
life in a way that honors Him. In Christian tradition, stewardship also refers to
the way time, talents, material possessions, or wealth are properly used or given.

As leaders, we are given the privilege of being a steward not only of our talents
and treasures, but also of the people under our care by showing love, respect
and care to them. It is our personal responsibility to be accountable for others,
especially the members He placed under our care.

5. Heart of a Servant
Being a servant of God, we are first called to love. In loving the people we serve,
we do not seek to keep score of the good deeds we do for others. Instead, we
give them genuine concern as an act of care and nourishment. We are not
driven by self promotion or manipulation, rather with love and respect in
everyone as a person.

As leaders, we are called to serve out of love, doing small things with great love.

C. Our Call as God’s Missionaries

One of the ways to proclaim our identity of being a missionary is to show servanthood in
such a way that would make a difference to others; a random act of kindness that will
show the world how alive the Word is. And we do this with an end goal in mind---that is,
to declare the good news of God’s grace.
As leaders, we can attain this goal by planting seeds of evangelization, bringing the word
of God to our:

1. Family
 Grab every opportunity to talk about God’s words in family activities (e.g.
 Make an extra effort to go out with siblings and tell them of the joyful
experiences with God (e.g. bringing them with us to a YFC activity).
 God’s love is for free; hence we extend our generosity to relatives and
make this as an opportunity to spread God’s love.

2. Service
 Do the extra mile in visiting a member’s house and do an act of kindness
that professes God’s words.
 Be a channel of God’s word by faithfully doing one-to-ones.
 Be a pipeline of God’s goodness by being an example to co-Kasangga
leaders and/or members in sharing our experiences of Christ’s love.

3. Friends
 Help a friend in his/her studies by sharing time and resources (e.g.
tutoring, group study, etc.).
 Be an instrument of Christ’s love by being loyal to friends (e.g. lovingly
correcting them in private, keeping their sharing confidential, etc.).
 Show accountability by constantly checking up on them, asking how they
are, and other things we can do to show how much we care.

An act of service for others is an outward way of showing servanthood. As

leaders, people expect such acts of service from us. And with the things that we
strive to do in this community, we are, in a way, living up to that expectation.
However, let us not be bound by it, because we are also called to run the extra
mile in our service. The true measure of servanthood is how much of ourselves
are we willing to give up for the sake of God’s mission.

In addition, servanthood is a gift that’s wrapped with trials and difficulties. But
we should still be eager and excited to unwrap this gift, and be prepared to see
what God has put inside it.

D. Fruits of Servanthood

1. Faithfulness rewarded.
Do you remember serving in your first ever youth camp, and you felt a sense of
fulfillment afterwards? If yes, then that was the Holy Spirit telling you, “Well
done, good and faithful servant.”

Seek the real joy in serving God LEADERS’ QUOTES

wholeheartedly. It isn’t much about the
“what” that God wants us to do. It’s “The true leader serves.
more about the “what” that we are Serves people.
willing to do in response to what God is Serves their best interests,
calling us to do. and in so doing
Will not always be popular,
2. Fullness of life. may not always impress.
Serving God can be tiring mentally, But because true leaders are
emotionally, physically, and even motivated by loving
financially. However, the more we offer Concern rather than a desire
ourselves to God, the more He will for personal glory,
bring us to a lasting happiness. In our They are willing to pay the
service in this community, God gave us price.”
genuine friends and coordinators who - Eugene B.
treat us as their own Habecker
brother/sister/children. He did not just
give us a community, but He gave us “True Christian leadership
additional family. He even allowed us starts with servanthood.”
to be joyful and contented amid - Joe Damagio
pressures and trials. Our service is one
of the aspects of our lives where we feel that we are fully loved by our loving and
gracious God---the fullness of being called God’s servant.

3. God’s promise revealed.

We may receive praises or get acknowledged for the good work that we have
done, but we should not be overwhelmed by this. As leaders we should always
bear in mind that we serve to glorify God. Everything that we do is accounted for
in God’s book salvation. Our sacrifices and efforts will be fully rewarded in
heaven. When we finally finish the race and fulfill the task the Lord has given to
us---that is, the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace (Acts 20:24), we
will then experience the fullness of God’s promise, a promise of life in heaven
with Him through Christ Jesus.

E. Conclusion

There are many things that we can, and are called to, do in our service in YFC. We may
carry them all out in different ways, but the most important thing is to do them with and
out of love. But our greater calling as leaders of this community is to proclaim God’s
words through the way we live our life, and by setting ourselves as an example of His
goodness. This is our mission: to be true servants of God.


A. Identify 3 situations where you can declare God’s words through an act of
B. Identify 3 people with whom you can profess God’s words through an act of


A. Suggested Songs: Lord, Here I Am or Song of Servant

B. Reflection Instruction: The speaker leads the participants into prayer. He/she can use
the guide questions as reflection points.


1. What is the posture of your heart when it comes to serving others?

2. Is/are there still thing(s) - concerns, priorities, ambitions, etc. - that
hold you back from giving your all to truly serve the Lord?

(Empowered Witness)
Model of Excellence

1. To let the YFC leaders understand better how
the Holy Spirit has empowered them to But you will receive power
proactively proclaim the gospel of Christ. when the Holy Spirit comes
upon you, and you will be my
2. To make the YFC leaders realize that our witness in Jerusalem,
mission is to make witnesses out of their throughout Judea and
fellow leaders. Samaria, and to the ends of
the earth. - Acts 1:8


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:15 Registration

1:15 – 1:30 Worship
1:30 – 1:40 Emcee spiels
1:40 – 2:10 Activity (Shaggy-Dee), Processing of the Activity
2:10 – 2:55 Talk Proper
2:55 – 3:20 Group Sharing
3:20 – 3:30 Closing Exhortation and Prayer
3:30 End

B. Activity: Shaggy-dee

 Ask the group to form one big circle facing each other.
 Appoint one leader to initiate actions, which will then be imitated by the
rest of the group.
 The leader will start making sets of actions while singing the chant:
 Once the leader starts an action, the person next to him (either right or
left) will imitate it. The next person does the same, and so on and so forth,

until the actions reach the very last person in the circle. (Note: Actions
should be done with the chant.)
 Processing: The activity shows that
- We have to be careful with our actions.
- As leaders, what we do is being imitated by our members. We have to
be mindful of our actions because people actually look up to us as
- We should not stop unless the task is finished.
- Our mission has to be finished up to the very end. In our activities, if
we are able to start strong, then we must equally end it with a high


A member of the YFC Leaders’ Core Group of the area who is empowered by his or her
leaders and who is also empowering other leaders


A. Introduction

The Lord wants us to experience the fullness of life, and that’s why He has called us to
serve Him. The journey of our service promises us to experience the fruits of the Holy
Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that empowers us to proclaim God’s message to our friends,
family, community and society. As YFC leaders, it is our challenge to be a witness to that
gospel of love.

In connection, the witnessing that we have to do requires a deliberate and pro-active

approach from each one of us. Let us rate ourselves on how we are doing as His

1. Activity: Assessment
 Let the participants rate and assess themselves according to the given
characteristics below. This is a guide for us to know how excellent we
have been as leaders.
 Ask them to rate each statement with 1-5 (1 = always, 2 = often, 3 =
sometimes, 4 = once in a while, 5 = never).
 After they answer the questions, ask the participants to tally their points
according to the box that they checked.
 Then, the participants will again evaluate themselves according to the
Empowerment Specification given below.

Pastoring your members 1 2 3 4 5

Reaching out
Spending time with them
Living with them
Knowing them by heart
Helping them not just in service
Sacrificing for them
Praying for them
Trusting them to God
Empowering your members
Being a model to them
Being an inspiration to them
Teaching them
Training them
Guiding them
Bringing out the best in them
Having time for them
Trusting them
Making a better leader from them
Praying with them
Pastoring-Empowering Relationship
Score Assessment
18-30 You are doing a great job as a leader, as a pastor
and as a mentor to your member!
Congratulations! Continue to empower others as
you pass on the mission to them.
31-50 You are doing good in pastoring and empowering
your members! Continue to strive to be an
effective witness of Christ.
51-70 You have what it takes to be an effective leader.
Continue to cultivate your strengths in leading,
pastoring and mentoring your members.
70 and up You demonstrate some leadership traits, but
there is a need for improvement. Recognize and
cultivate your strength and capabilities. Take
every opportunity to inspire your members.

B. Witness

Saint Pauls says, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” - 1 Cor 11:1. He has the courage
to challenge the people to imitate him, because he knows that his actions are also
imitations of Christ’s lifestyle. And as leaders we boldly take on this challenge.

a. We take on the challenge to be a witness through the way we live our lives.
Our speech, thoughts and actions should reflect Christ’s presence in our lives so
that our members will be inspired to do the same.

b. We take on the challenge to be a source of unity in our family, to live with

integrity in spite the temptations (e.g. avoiding cheatings in our schools), and to
strive for purity in speech and conduct. By doing these simple acts we can already
set the right examples for others to follow.

C. Effective Witnessing

As leaders we are called to be pastors. We are to take care of our members by

conducting constant one-to-ones and households, and we make sure that their spiritual
growth is not hampered. We are accountable for our members’ spiritual growth. For us
to be effective pastors of our members we should:

1. Reach out and know them

Get to know them by heart. Know their strengths, weaknesses, and the
person God wants them to be. And we can only do so if we exert enough
effort in reaching out to them.

2. Spend time and live with them

Building relationship with our members entails spending time with them. The
time we spend with them allows us to know them deeper, as well as to inspire
them further.

3. Help and sacrifice for them

Let us put our faith in action and be the answer to each others’ prayer. We
must be ready to sacrifice for our members by sharing our time, talents and
treasures. “Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal.

4. Pray and discern for them

By praying and discerning for them, we become one with them in their
deepest desires, struggles and dreams in life. Interceding for others exhibits
genuine concern to our members.

D. Empowering

Our witnessing does not end in pastoring. While we do what it takes to make sure that
our members continue to grow spiritually, we must also be able to empower them,
especially as we will be passing on to them the very same mission. It is said that one
gauge of successful leadership is when you’ve gone and the people you left behind
becomes more empowered. It means you were able to leave a legacy. And we can do
this by remembering the following:

1. Inspire and be a model to them

Members imitate their leader’s character. Therefore, we inspire them to see
the vision so that they too will have the same passion for serving God. Share
the happiness and fulfillment that we get in the service.

2. Teach, train and guide them

We allow our members to have a hands-on experience with the service. We
share to them the responsibilities so that they can get a taste of the real thing.
But as they go along, let us guide them patiently, remembering that they will
not be able to know everything at once.

3. Bring out the best in them and

make a better leader out of them
Don’t limit their potentials. God LEADERS’ QUOTES
can mold big things out of small
ones. Allow them to discover their
I just try to touch people's
strengths and provide them
hearts in a way through
opportunities for them to grow
skating, so they're not just
and be at their best.
witnessing a performance,
4. Pray with them they're feeling a performance
Anchor them to Christ. Always and they're a part of it.
remind them to pray. A YFC leader - Scott Hamilton
is not a true leader if he does not
pray. As mentors, we have to We must become the change
teach them to trust the Lord at all we want to be. - Mahatma
times. Gandhi

Effective witnessing and empowering are You may never know what the
two very important tools in our life as results come of your actions,
leaders in order for us to affect as many lives but if you do nothing there will
as possible and at the same time we can also be no result. - Mahatma Gandhi
grow more in the likeness of Christ.

E. Conclusion

For this mission, the Lord has anointed not only one person. He intended it to be done
by all those He has chosen to work in His vineyard. It is a great privilege to be entrusted
with this mission, and it should be passed on so that the work of the Lord will progress.
To do this, we have to be empowered, and at the same time be able to empower others
and share the blessing of brilliance to our members.


Do at least one of the guides on witnessing to and empowering your members. Apply it
to 3 of your members.


A. Song Description: A song that talks about witnessing Christ to others.

B. Suggested Song: None but Jesus
C. Reflection Instruction: The speaker will lead the participants to prayer and may use
the guide question as points for reflection.


1. Have I become a good witness?

2. Have I empowered others?


Model of Excellence

1. For the YFC leaders to have a deeper
“It will be as when a man who
understanding of what competence is.
was going on a journey called
in his servants and entrusted
2. For the YFC leaders to see how they can
his possessions to them. To
exemplify competence by building other
one he gave five talents; to
people up.
another, two; to a third, one -
to each according to his
II. DYNAMICS ability.” - Matthew 25:14-15

A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration and Gathering

1:30 – 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 – 2:15 Game: Are You Smarter Than Your Leader?
2:15 – 2:45 Processing of the Activity
2:45 – 3:15 Short Talk
3:15 – 3:30 Reflection with Guide Questions (Individual)
3:30 – 3:35 Action Plans
3:35 – 3:45 Announcements
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Worship

B. Activity: Are you smarter than your leader?

 Goal of the Activity:

- To gauge the growth of the YFC leaders in terms of faith and community
- To answer the question: have they been at par with their leaders in terms
of their knowledge about their faith and the community life?
 Instructions:
- The game is played by 2-3 teams of five members, who will earn points
by answering simple trivia questions correctly.
- Questions should range from YFC trivia, to catechism, to basic trivia.

- The contestants are positioned at the back and each correct answer
entitles them a step forward. Each team should have a buzzer or may
simply raise their hands to answer.
- The first team to ring the buzzer or raise their hand after the question is
asked gets to answer the question. They have 30 seconds to answer the
- There should be TOP LEADERS (one for each team), who can be Fulltime
Pastoral Workers, mission volunteers, or provincial/sector youth head
in the game who also answer each question in secret by writing their
- The contestant gets to select one top leader at the beginning of the game
to help them during the game.
- The top leaders of each team can only help out with two questions, and
the team gets an extra 30 seconds to answer the question when they
use the help.
- When the top leader is asked to help, he/she shows the team his/her
answer. Then the team decides if they will use the top leaders’ answer
or use their own.
- The first team to reach in front wins.
- Not all the participants of the assembly might get to play so it is
important to keep the crowd excited.

(Note: The game show host must be very energetic and enthusiastic.)

 Sample questions:
(YFC Category)
- What is the vision of Couples for Christ? (Families in the Holy Spirit,
renewing the face of the earth.)
- When was Youth for Christ established? (1993)
- What are the 7 IDs of YFC? (Being a missionary, Model of Excellence,
Source of Unity in the Family, Being Patriotic, Champion of the Poor,
100% Free, Single Minded for God)
- Before YFC became Youth for Christ, how was this ministry called?
(Young Adults).
- Fill in the blanks: ‘Cause everything that you are to me, is everything I
hope for, your _______ keeps me still to face the storm; Lord please
have your way in me. (grace)
(Bible Category)
- In which book can you find the verse “do not let anyone look down on
you because you are young, but set an example to the believers in the
way you speak and act, in your faith, love, and purity of heart.”? (First
Letter of Paul to Timothy or 1 Timothy 5:12)

- Give three Deuterocanonical books. (Baruch, Esther, Judith, Letter of

Jeremiah, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Tobit, Wisdom of
- Who is the first person in the Bible to commit murder? (Cain - Genesis
- From which book did the song “Refiner’s Fire” come from? (Malachi)
Malachi 3:3
- What is the First Commandment? (You shall have no other god before
me. - Exodus 20:3)
 Processing Guidelines:
- We are already in our third year as YFC leaders. We are hoping that by
this time, we have grown considerably in our faith and community life.
- The activity can also be a gauge on whether the leaders are able to bring
out good leaders from their members.


A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or any member of the Leaders’ Core
Group in the area who has exemplified competence in all aspects of his/her life


A. Introduction

Being a YFC leader, we are entrusted to share Christ’s teachings and motivate others to
lead and live like Him. Most of the time, people - not just our members but also our
coordinators and co-leaders - look up at us as role models. We draw in people and gain
respect from them if we deliver our work excellently and efficiently. Leadership is
indeed an influence. For this, the key element to start this kind of leadership is

Competence is the state or quality of being adequate or well qualified. Competence is a

good thing, but we have to be aware that this can be a source of pride as well. In this
way, God challenges us to have a deeper meaning and purpose of competence. We
should define competence through Christ’s example; it is more than just proficiency and
expertise; it is about exemplifying and inspiring others to be the same.

B. Advocating Competence

As YFC leaders, we are called to be dependable and trustworthy of the responsibilities

given to us. We must be able to deliver what is expected of us (e.g. making sure that we
are there for our members; that we take time to nourish them; that we exert effort to
deliver result, etc.). But our call as leaders is not just to be competent - it is much more.

As YFC leaders we are also called to inspire others, most especially our members, to be
competent. We must be able to duplicate (or even triplicate) ourselves and build up
competent people in our team because there are a lot more things to do for the

C. Answering a Greater Mission

“The one who received five talents came forward bringing the additional five. He said,
‘Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.’” - Matthew 25:20

The mission of God for us is big, and there is an urgency of producing more people who
can exemplify competence in Christ’s standard. Just like the servant who came forward
and produced five more talents, we are called to produce more people who are as
passionate and dedicated in the mission like us. We become more effective as a
community if a lot of people are doing the work; just like how Jesus and His disciples

Jesus commissioned his apostles to continue the mission of proclaiming the Good News
to the world. And He prepared them for it.

When Jesus was preparing His apostles, He made sure that He spent time with them; He
got to know them, learn their skills and weaknesses; He developed personal relationship
with them, stayed at their homes and ate with them. He was more than just a teacher
to them, He was their friend. This is leadership at its best.

Because of this, His disciples were faithful to Him. He was able to depend on them and
they were able to help Him with His mission before and, more so, after His ascension to
heaven. And they continued His mission on earth.

And just like Jesus, we build our own team; we build our members, so that when we
leave and move on, someone will take on the mission. We build our members by:

1. Engaging
We allow our members to be involved and take part in our community’s vision
and mission. We pass on the vision to them and inspire them to carry it on after
us. We do this by allowing our members to participate in the planning, asking for
their opinions and suggestions. We make them feel that they are important in
making things happen.

2. Energizing
In order to build our members up, we give them an environment where they are
motivated to do their best. We compliment them for good efforts done. But
this does not mean that we don’t correct their mistakes, instead we allow them

to realize that there are areas where they can improve on. We provide them
constructive criticisms.

We also excite our members with the vision. We allow them to dream for their
own and see the bigger picture as to where they are being called to serve.

3. Empowering
We also give our members opportunities to grow. We empower them and give
them responsibilities. We don’t hog the entire task; we delegate responsibilities
to them so they too will have a hands-on experience with the work.

We also work on our member’s strengths; we work to develop them more on the
things that they are good at and allow them to improve on their weaknesses.

By being competent, we allow others to be competent as well. And we pass that

same goal to our members, creating a
“Domino effect,” and we will be able to
produce more and more leaders after us.
D. Conclusion
“Competence goes beyond
Good leadership is about leaders who produce words. It is the leader’s
better leaders after them. Same is true for us in ability to say it, plan it, and
YFC, because we know the mission does not stop do it in such a way that
with us. None of us are indispensable here and others know that you know
the mission is far greater that we are. how - and know that they
It is then very important that we mold people want to follow you.” - John
who will lead after us and will follow the C. Maxwell
examples of Jesus. For us, that is leadership at its


Make a pastoral plan to affirm and build up at least 3 of your members. Sample pastoral
plan is as follows:

Name Strengths Areas to improve

Mike dela Rosa Passionate Balancing his studies and
Gerard Reyes Creative To be more aggressive towards


A. Song description: A song that expresses commitment to God; offering one’s best to
glorify God
B. Reflection instruction: The speaker will lead the participants into prayer, and will use
the guide questions as points for reflection. The speaker will ask the participants to
identify at least 3 of their members whom they will affirm and build up. The speaker
will then present the action plan (refer below) as they continue to pray for these
people to whom they are going to pass on the mission and vision of the work.


1. How do you exemplify competence in all that you do?

2. Are you/ do you leave a legacy of competence to others?

Champion of the Poor
(Heroism for the Poor)


1. To make YFC leaders understand the true “The Spirit of the Sovereign
meaning of heroism. Lord is on me, because the
LORD has anointed me to
2. To make them appreciate the characteristics preach the good news to the
of a hero, and show them how they can poor. He has sent me to bind
promote and live it out these characteristics up the brokenhearted, to
to others. proclaim freedom for the
captives and release from
3. To challenge and inspire others to be heroes darkness for prisoners.”
in their own respective ways. - Isaiah 61:1

Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Arrival and Registration

1:30 - 1:45 Opening Worship
1:45 - 2:45 Session Proper
2:45 - 3:15 Reflection/Activity Proper
3:15 - 4:00 Guide Questions
4:00 - 4:15 Closing Prayer


The speaker for this talk should be a member of the YFC Leaders’ Core Group in the area
who exemplifies the life and characteristics of a hero in his/her life.


A. Introduction

We have many ideas and understandings of what a hero is. When we talk of heroes,
most of us think of Marvel legends, superheroes, political figures or professional
athletes, or those who are extremely talented or popular. But is there more to heroes
than that?

According to Joseph Campbell, an American author, a hero is someone who has given
his/her life to something bigger than oneself. In addition, Dr. Andrew Bernstein, in his
article entitled The Philosophical Foundation of Heroism, defines a hero as an individual
of elevated moral stature and superior ability who pursues his goals with determination
in the face of powerful opponent(s). Because of his unbreakable devotion to the good,
no matter what the opposition is, a hero attains spiritual greatness, even if he fails to
achieve practical victory.

With the definition stated above, can we say that we are heroes? Are we willing to be
heroes for others? Are we ready to embrace and live out the hero in us?

B. We are Heroes for the Poor through God’s Anointing

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach
the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim
freedom for the captives and release from darkness for prisoners.” - Isaiah 61:1

When we became leaders of YFC, we have been given the gift of God’s anointing to lead
other people to Him. We are part of God’s army of heroes who are destined for
greatness and purpose. As ordinary youths, we have been called by God to do an
extraordinary mission: to help our poor brothers and sisters. We are called to use our
extraordinary leadership to truly make an impact in other people’s lives, especially the

C. Being the extraordinary hero

We do not need super special powers, or to get bitten by a spider in order to become a
hero. We can all become heroes just by being the extraordinary leaders God wants us to
be. And what are the characteristics we need to become great heroes and leaders for

1. A Hero is always willing to SACRIFICE for others.

Sacrifice means giving up something we highly value for the sake of others.

As leaders, we are called to make little sacrifices in order to fulfill all the duties
and responsibilities entailed in our mission (e.g. sacrificing gimmicks/parties in
order to spend time with the household members who need spiritual guidance,
giving up a Starbucks coffee and giving the money to the poor instead, etc.)

2. A Hero has the DETERMINATION to accomplish the task or purpose.

Determination is a fixed intention or resolution to something of great purpose; a
firmness to accomplish a task or a purpose.

As leaders, we are called to finish the mission that Christ started, and we can do
this by having a special eye for the poor. Our greater mission is to bring Christ to
others by reflecting His works and words, even in our own little ways (e.g.
encouraging household members to spend time in Home for the Aged facilities,
spending birthdays in GK sites or other poor communities, taking part and
volunteering in humanitarian mission and feeding programs, etc).

3. A Hero lives with COURAGE in any given circumstance.

Courage is that firmness of spirit and swell of soul which meets danger without

We should be courageous in our work and mission for others. There may be
times when the mission gets tough, but when we have courage anchored on our
call to help others, no amount of hardships can stop us from serving others (e.g.
courage in conducting activities with charitable institutions, in engaging with
people who are difficult to love in some areas, in advocating and helping others,

4. A Hero is FOCUSED and has a strong CONVICTION

Conviction is a strong, fixed belief, a necessity of the mind or an unshakeable
belief. It is focused to direct one’s energy toward the purpose and goal.

Our conviction as leaders should always be to serve and love the poor. We
should be focused in working with all our effort to address the needs of others
(e.g. serving in a charitable institution in a long term basis, providing educational
assistance to youths in slum areas or tutorial to street children, etc.).

As extraordinary leaders blessed by God’s0 anointing, we are called to be Heroes

CONVICTION. Living out these characteristics not only makes us great heroes for
others but great servant leaders for God as well.

D. Dare to be heroes for others

Our call to live out the characters of a true hero is a challenge to be advocates of
heroism for others. We can do this if we DARE TO ENGAGE!

We can promote heroism to others if we continue to engage in activities that will show
others the heroism in us. Daring to engage our energy, time, presence, relationships,
and leadership will make people see the kind of heroism that we are trying to live out
and that they are to follow.

1. Engage with your energy

You have to have the energy and stamina to engage again and again in your own
hero’s journey. Continue to do your best in serving and helping others.
Recognize your strengths and use them to serve others (e.g. if you are good in
relationship building, engage with the poor by always being there for them, or if
you are good in resource generating activities, volunteer in activities that can
help the poor in such aspect, etc.).

2. Engage with your time and physical presence

Our heroism can be shown if we engage by actions. We have to devote our time
and be physically present so that others can feel the heroism in us. If we truly
want to make an impact in the lives of others, especially those in need, our
ability to be consistent in giving our time and making our presence felt by them
would truly make a difference (e.g. spending time with the sick, talking to street
children or prisoners, etc.).

3. Engage by going out of your comfort zones

When we engage with the poor, we need to learn to go out of our comfort zones
and be willing to be placed in situations that may not be too comfortable or
convenient for us. We take on this attitude so that we can open ourselves to the
lives of others and be able to relate with them in love (e.g. not being too picky
with food when in an immersion, not complaining of lack of sleep while
volunteering in a mission/relief operation, not minding the exhaustion during
youth builds, etc.).

When we combine these areas of engagement with our energy, time and
presence, then we have a powerhouse foundation to being the heroes that we
can be.

E. Conclusion

Benjamin Disraeli, a British prime minister, is quoted saying that “the legacy of heroes is
the memory of a great name and a legacy of a
great example.” LEADER’S QUOTE
With this, we believe that the Lord is calling us to
“The legacy of heroes is the
be heroes of the new generation that will leave a
memory of a great name
“legacy of a great example” for others. He is
and a legacy of a great
calling us to make an impact in the lives of the
people He entrusted to us, especially the poor.
- Benjamin Disraeli, British
Jesus Christ Himself is our ultimate model of a
Prime Minister
hero who stepped up for the poor. His legacy and
impact remains until today, and is now being
passed on to us. Let us follow His example to love and serve the poor.

We can all be great heroes, as well as advocates of heroism to others. We have to dare
to engage the poor with our energy, presence, life and leadership in order to build the
hero in us. Finally, we should not just stop being a hero, but we should also influence
others to do the same by bringing them in our work with the poor and inspiring them to
do the same.


A. Choose to follow any one of the concrete steps to becoming heroes mentioned in the
B. Decide to do it within the week.
C. Share it with your household members in your next meeting.


 Speaker ends the session with a short prayer for empowerment. The prayer for
empowerment is a prayer asking God to empower us to be heroes for others.
 He/she then leads them to the guide questions for personal reflection (refer to
guide questions below).
- Song Description: Song/s that talks about allegiance/servanthood
- Suggested Song: Song of a Servant
 Lastly, the speaker leads all to a prayer of commitment, asking them to form a
circle and pray by area (per household, per chapter, etc.) and offer to God their
commitment to be leaders for others. They can also include in their prayer
specific action plans they can take on to further express their love and service for


1. How can you be a true hero for others?

2. Share specific action plans you can think of in order to be good
heroes for others.

(Responsiveness and Involvement)


1. To inspire the YFC leaders to be responsive “Seek of the welfare of the city
being involved to the issues concerning their where I have sent you to exile,
community/country. and pray to the Lord on its
behalf; for in its welfare you
2. To challenge them in bringing their members will have welfare.” - Jer. 29:7
and fellow leaders with them as they
respond to the call of being Christian


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Arrival, Registration

1:30 – 2:00 Teaching of Songs/ Ice breaker
2:00 – 2:15 Opening Worship
2:15 – 3:15 Talk Proper (w/ reflection and sharing)
3:15 – 3:30 Discussion (by group)
03:30 Closing Prayer/Worship

(Note: The service team is encouraged to prepare an ice breaker to energize the
participants for the 1-hour talk (with reflection and sharing).


A. For the speaker:

 A member of the YFC Leaders’ Core Group, or an SFC, YFC Couple Coordinator, or
Fulltime Pastoral Worker who is actively involved in organizations, aside from
YFC, who promotes socio-political awareness/activities (e.g. pro-life
B. For the sharers:
 A YFC leader (chapter or cluster head) who has been praying consistently and
sincerely for his/her country, and can share why he/she has been doing it.

 A YFC or Couple Coordinator who can share about his/her personal involvement
and responses towards the different social issues.
 A YFC leader who can share a success story in inspiring his/her members to
become more active and responsive Christian patriots.


A. Introduction

As we always hear from many people, the youths are the agents of change and hope of
their nation. We in YFC would like to believe that we are living up to the people's
expectations through our renewal evangelization. By bringing personal transformation
to our brothers and sisters, we are also transforming the society as a whole, since
change of the larger community begins with every individual.

And so the mission goes on. In the midst of all the concerns and issues our society is
constantly facing, we continue to spread Christ's transforming love to our country and
our brethren. More importantly, we aim to bring others with us so that together we can
rebuild a community that glorifies God, and be the living examples of true “Christian
patriotism”---that entails us to uphold our Christian faith through loving, honoring and
serving our country.

B. Outcasts

There have been many times in our YFC life that we feel like we are outcasts in our
community. Especially now that we are already leaders, when we are expected by our
members, co-leaders, couple coordinators and our families to live out all the examples
that Jesus set, we all the more feel as though we are being treated and seen as
“weirdoes”---simply because the things that we believe in and advocate for are not
exactly what the society accepts as “normal.” For example:

1. We advocate pro-life in the midst of people who openly accept abortion,

death penalty, euthanasia, artificial contraception, etc.
2. We value unity in the family when a lot of our fellowmen go for divorce,
annulment, and "live-in" partnerships.
3. We promote a 100% Free lifestyle to fellow youths who think that purity and
chastity is an old-fashioned way of thinking.

With all these, we can really say that Christian patriotism has no more place in the
country. But it is exactly in these difficult situations that we are called to urgently and
actively respond as Christian patriots.

C. Back to Basic: Our Initial Response

We can do so many things in response to the challenge of being our country's patriots.
As the prophet Jeremiah puts it, "Seek for the welfare of the city...and pray to the Lord in
its behalf." - Jer. 29:7 As leaders, we can help the society break free from these
seemingly hopeless situations by going back to the basics:

1. Praying
"I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be
made for everyone---for kings and all those in authority, that we may live
peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." - 1 Tim. 2:1-2

This is probably the most basic yet very effective way of showing our concern for
our country's welfare. In our prayer time, let us not forget to continually pray
and intercede for our country---our government employees, officials/authorities,
and the rest of our brethren.

2. Acting justly
"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to
walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8

Seeking for the welfare of our country means looking after the welfare of our
countrymen. We often talk of injustice in our society---how the poor are being
treated unfairly, how the justice system is failing to perform its duties, etc. but
St. Paul reminds us that justice starts with ourselves. Thus, we make sure that we
treat our fellow citizens justly: letting love, mercy and humility reign in our
relationship with them.

D. My Country's Keeper: Our Personal Calling

To further respond to the call of being more involved Christian patriots, we can take on
St. Paul’s challenge of living a life of good deeds so that our country will be in the hands
of those who will truly take care of it. (Eph. 2:10)

And as we take on this challenge, we get examples from some of the famous Bible
characters and try to see which area/aspect in our lives we can be of more service to our
country and brethren:

1. Amos
"But the Lord took me from my work as a shepherd and ordered me to come and
prophesy to his people Israel." - Amos 7:15

Like Amos, God is calling us to be prophets and speak about the social conditions
of our country.

2. Daniel
"Because he was so outstanding, the king considered putting him in charge of the
whole empire." - Daniel 6:3

Like Daniel, God anoints us to be the responsible and effective administrators in

our society.

3. David
"In the past, even when Saul was our king, you led the people of Israel in battle,
and the Lord your God has promised you that you would lead his people and be
their ruler." - 1 Chr. 11:2

Like David, God chose us to be a "king"---a leader or officer in class, in our service
or in other aspects of our lives. We are to lead our members, fellow leaders, and
the rest of our brethren to the righteousness set by God through Jesus Christ.

4. Abiathar
"But Abiathar, one of Ahimelech's sons, escaped, and went and joined David. He
told him how Saul had slaughtered the priests of the Lord." - 1 Sam. 22:20

Like what Abiathar did for David, God wants us to give guidance to those in
authority (ex. our elders/leaders), say for example by giving sound advice to
friends who are part of the school government, youth organizations, etc.

5. Paul
"I am the least of God's people, but this grace was given me: to preach to the
Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ in heaven." - Eph. 3:8

Like what He did to Paul, God also gives us the grace to be witnesses even to
those whose background, faith, race and nationality are different from ours. And
so we break the boundaries set by the society and reach out to them.

E. Pass It On

Finally, as YFC leaders, we also need to inspire our members and fellow leaders in
making use of their calling, gift, ability or passion so that they too may become better
Christian patriots of the country. How do we do this?

1. Set the examples.

Initiate awareness about the issues that concern our country’s welfare (e.g. drug
addiction, youth delinquencies) by asking them to write, speak, sing songs about
it, etc.

2. Show excellence.
Many of us in YFC are really excellent in different areas. We can encourage them
to utilize this excellence in promoting our country (ex. Through sports, music,
crafts, etc.).

3. Live up to God’s expectations.

Some of us may be destined to become government officials in the future. But
even as early as now we can inspire them to live up to God's call of leading His
people through their service, school, family and community.

4. Go beyond borders.
Paul was a Jew, yet he proclaimed the gospel to the Gentiles. Likewise, we can
support our members and co-leaders to be witnesses of our country or
community’s best practices to other places whenever they get the chance.

F. Conclusion
All of us have different roles to play in taking care
of our country and of one another. Being
“Love always involves
Christian patriots requires us to actively respond
responsibility, and love
to the challenges that we face in our society
always involves sacrifice. And
today. This call is never easy. But we rest assured
we do not really love Christ
with the knowledge that we are not alone in this-
unless we are prepared to
--we have our fellow YFC leaders, our members,
face His task and to take up
and even our fellow citizens of the country to
His Cross. . . .”
help us out. We only need to set the examples
- William Barclay
and inspire them to make use of their skills and
talents to be able to truly take care of our
“Tell me and I'll forget; show
country and our brethren’s welfare.
me and I may remember;
involve me and I'll
- Chinese Proverbs

Discuss as a group (by Chapter or Cluster) the strength of your area in terms of being
responsive to social issues and find ways how you can be more involved.
 Tutoring
 Feeding program
 Tree Planting
 Voters Education


A. Song Description: Any song that expresses one’s willingness and passion to do
anything for someone or something (in this case, for our country.).
B. Suggested song: For You I Will
C. Reflection Points: (Refer to Guide Questions)


1. When was the last time you prayed for your country?
2. How can you respond and be more involved with the issues
concerning your country’s welfare?
3. Evaluate yourself as a Christian patriot. How active, responsive and
involved are you with your country’s welfare?

100% Free


1. To explain the importance of being righteous “I will maintain my

as leaders. righteousness and
never let go of it; my
2. To be able to practice righteousness as they conscience will not
live out a 100% Free lifestyle. reproach me as long
as I live” Job 27:6
3. To be examples of righteousness to others.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 1:30 Registration / Teaching of Songs

1:30 – 1:45 Worship
1:45 – 2:00 Creative Skit
2:00 – 3:00 Talk Proper
(Note: In the middle of the talk, the skit will continue but it will show
the proper way of influencing righteousness.)
3:00 – 3:15 Closing Prayer/Praise fest

B. Activity: Role Playing

 First Part of the Skit

Scene 1: Drinking session

A group of boys cut classes to have a drinking session, and one of them is a
YFC Leader.


Boy 1: The class is so boring. Let’s cut class and enjoy ourselves with a case of

Others: Yeah! Let’s drink and just party!!! Wooohhhh (boys shouting)

VO: While listening to his friends, the YFC Leader knows that what they’re
doing is wrong but he was so shy to speak up and look like a killjoy in front of
his friends. So he just said…

YFC Leader: Hahaha… Right!!! Let us just enjoy!!! (with hesitation)


Boy 1: The class is so boring. Let’s cut class and enjoy ourselves with a case of

Others: Yeah! Let us just enjoy!!! Wooohhhh (boys shouting)

VO: While on the drinking session, the YFC Leader realizes that they are
doing a wrong thing and that he should let his classmates realize their
mistakes. And so he said…

YFC Leader: “You know what guys this is wrong. We’re becoming sinners. You
know, according to the book of ….”then fade (passionate)

Scene 2: Group of HS/College Girls having dinner/coffee


One of the girls is talking about another person in her school who has a
reputation of being a flirt and getting dumped in the end.

Friend 1: Too bad for her! Where does she get her guts anyway?

Friend 2: Of all people to aspire for, why her? She’s too ugly for him anyway!

Friend 3: I heard that she does it with 3 different guys every week!

Friend 1: Crazy!!!

YFC girl: (silent)

Friend 2: Why are you being so silent? I mean its true right, she’s one yucky
girl! She deserves to be dumped!

YFC girl: Yeah, you’re probably right


Scene 2: Group of HS/College Girls having dinner/coffee

One of the girls is talking about another person in her school who has a
reputation of flirt and being dumped in the end.

Friend 1: Too bad for her! Where does she get her guts anyway?

Friend 2: Of all people to aspire for, why Him? She’s too ugly for him anyway!

Friend 3: I heard that she does it with 3 different guys every week!

Friend 1: Crazy!!!

YFC girl: (silent)

Friend 2: Why are you so silent? I mean its true right, she’s one yucky girl!
She deserves to be dumped!

YFC girl: You know my sisters according to the Gospel, there was a scene
about a girl who was persecuted for committing adultery and at that time…
(the YFC continues passionately.. TOO passionately that she doesn’t realize
her friends are not listening to her anymore)

--- FREEZE ---

 Second Part of the Skit

Scene 1: Drinking session

A group of boys are planning to cut classes to have a drinking session, and
one of them is a YFC Leader.


Boy 1: The class is so boring. Let’s cut class and enjoy ourselves with a case of

Others: Yeah! Let’s drink and just party!!! Wooohhhh (boys shouting)

VO: While listening to his friends, the YFC Leader knows that what they’re
doing is wrong. His friends see his hesitation.

Friend 1: Aren’t you coming with us? Come on, don’t be a kill joy!

VO: His friends start to pressure him more.

YFC: Um, it’s okay guys, you go ahead. I don’t think I’m comfortable with this.

Friend 2: Booo, corny! Come on, don’t you want to party?

YFC: Parties are great, really but I don’t think it’s right to cut class or drink in
the middle of class hours. I know there’s a test coming up, so I think I have to
focus on that.

Friend 1: Well, you can always copy notes later or get other people to take
notes for you. Drinking’s harmless! You can have just one bottle!

Friend 2: Unless of course, you’d get two more! These drinks are simply
intoxicating and addictive, man!

YFC: Exactly. I know myself, and I know that it may be hard for me to control
drinking even if it’s just “ONE” bottle. That’s why I’d rather not drink. I
believe in keeping my mind clear and my body free from any tendency to be
addicted to it. I’m okay guys, I want to live free from that.

Friend 1 and Friend 2 remain silent for a time, pondering over what their
friend had said.

--- FREEZE --

Scene 2: Group of HS/College Girls having dinner/coffee

One of the girls is talking about another person in her school who has a
reputation of flirt and being dumped in the end.

Friend 1: Too bad for her! Where does she get her guts anyway?

Friend 2: Of all people to aspire for, why Him? She’s too ugly for him anyway!

Friend 3: I heard that she does it with 3 different guys every week!

Friend 1: Crazy!!!

YFC girl: (silent)


Friend 2: Why are you being so silent? I mean, it is true right? She’s one
yucky girl! She deserves to be dumped!

YFC girl: Probably, but do any of you guys know her personally?

Friend 2: Uhhh no…

Friend 1: Do I have to? I mean, really there’s not much to tell.

YFC girl: Yeah, but maybe in knowing her, we’d know why she’s doing all
these things. It’s true that they’re wrong, but don’t you think that there’s
more to her than just that? Maybe she needs help.

Friend 2: Well what do you propose we do?

YFC girl: I think we should stop just talking about her and start knowing her.
It doesn’t help that we start spreading things without really knowing the
truth. I’m sure we’d feel hurt and shy away from other people if the same
thing happened to us too.

-- FREEZE --


1. A YFC leader preferably a Mission Volunteer or a Fulltime Pastoral Worker who

practice righteousness through living out the 100% Pure lifestyle


A. Introduction

As leaders, one of our main roles is to influence people with the way we live. It is our
responsibility to guide others into knowing and doing what is right and holy in God’s
eyes. Making others believe in our convictions is one of our biggest challenges as
leaders. Looking at the scenes that we have seen a while ago, we realize that being
righteous doesn’t mean anything when it is not seen or heard. Being righteous poses as
a challenge to us leaders when we are not able to live out what we believe in, and to
influence others to do the same.

B. Maintaining my righteousness

Righteousness means to follow God’s word and will with deep faith and understanding.
Righteousness means living a life that is Holy to, and worthy of, the Lord. It means
understanding and acting upon the commands of the Father. To be righteous means to:

R – Remind ourselves of our identity

Let us not forget that we are, first and foremost, sons and daughters of God, and
this is the reason why we ought to live a righteous life. We ought to reflect Him
in our lives. Reminding ourselves of our identity helps us to hold on to the
knowledge that we too can be righteous, just like our Father in Heaven.

I – Instill integrity in our lives

Being righteous means having integrity in the things we do. This means being
clear and consistent in our standards of right and wrong. This means consistently
knowing and doing the will of the Father in all aspects of our lives. This means
that we living our lives above and beyond reproach.

G – Go through difficulties and persecutions

Being righteous also means experiencing difficulty and persecution. This means
that as we try to live a life like Christ’s, most people may find it hard to
understand the things that we do and why we need to do them.

H – Heed and follow the Law with our hearts

Being righteous means more than just following the Law. It also entails using our
hearts to understand, listen and follow the Law. Being righteous challenges us to
follow the Law with faith and trust in God, understanding the spirit that’s
working behind it.

T – Take on the life lived by Christ

Being righteous means taking on the life lived by Christ. It means being holy and
making ourselves worthy to be called sons and daughters of God. It means
exemplifying Christ in word and in deed.

Note: The speaker will then segue to the second part of the skit (see attached
script of the skit).This part explains the proper way of being righteous. It is a
guide for our youths to practice righteousness but not going into the level of self-
righteousness, which defeats the purpose of influencing others to do the same.
The same scene used in the previous skit will be used for this part.

C. Let his voice be heard

Righteousness is good, but there is a thin line that separates it from self-righteousness.
Self- righteousness projects the wrong image of doing and being holy. As leaders, we are
often in danger of making ourselves seem self-righteous. We know that in our hearts we
want to correct people and guide them into doing the right thing, but it takes more than
just imposing it to them.

Our righteousness as leaders has to be seen, especially in living a 100% Free lifestyle.
But in doing so, we have to let His voice---and not ours---be heard.

Guidelines in proclaiming righteousness in a 100% Free lifestyle:

 There is always a right time for everything.

To be righteous and to avoid self–righteousness, we have to be sensitive to
the people around us. We have to be aware of the opportunities that God
presents us in proclaiming His message. There is always a right timing to
speak and to hold back. During drinking sessions or uncomfortable situations
when our principles are be compromised, we should not hesitate to stand up
to it.

 Be cautious in the things that we say.

It is not about our voice but His voice. In our manner of speaking, though we
ought to be firm, we also ought to be loving. Let us always remember that in
being righteous, and in correcting other people, God always wants us to have
love in the posture of our hearts. We have
to be careful with the terms that we use.
Let us make sure it is unbiased. Always use LEADERS’ QUOTES
the words I, instead of sounding
condemning by using “you.” “Right is right, even if
everyone is against it;
 Consider other people’s thoughts and and wrong is wrong,
personalities. even if everyone is for
Know what makes them listen. Know and it.” - William Penn
understand their personal stories.
Remember that they too have their own “To make your people
reasons for doing what they are doing (e.g. understand what
broken family, insecurities, frustrations, righteousness is, this
etc.). They have their own opinions and must be the basis of all
backgrounds on why they smoke, do your teaching.” - Joseph
drugs, or engage in pre-marital sex, etc. Barber Lightfoot

 Do not dominate over your conversation with them.

Hear them out. Know why they are saying the things that they are saying. As
leaders, we should always have a listening heart. Get all the details of the
situation: why they’re discussing it, or interested with it, etc.

 Give loving corrections.

Don’t focus on telling them, “I am right and you are wrong.” Rather, focus on
the part saying, “Anyone can commit mistakes but God has a way of helping
us change.” Whenever we proclaim righteousness, we focus on God’s love
and forgiveness. Remember that we ourselves have experienced this, that’s
why we made a decision to change and be made right with Him.

D. Conclusion

Let us continue to live a life that’s holy, pleasing, and blameless before the Lord. Let us
continue to encourage others to do the same. As we strive to live in righteousness, we
should all look forward in being free---Free to live. Free to be. Free to love.


A. Pick a situation in your school/neighbor/group of friends where you can discuss the
convictions in living a 100% Free lifestyle.
B. Keep in mind the guidelines in proclaiming righteousness, and pray for God’s leading
and directions.
C. In your next household, share with each other what you experience and how you feel
when you try to live out righteousness.

100% Free
(Celebrating Life and Advocating Freedom)
(Note for the title: Since this is a party assembly, the area can ‘personalize’ the title LIVE FREE! to make it
more appealing to the youth in the area. One can affix to the title LIVE FREE! the name of the
area/country—i.e. LIVE FREE Australia! LIVE FREE Manila! LIVE FREE Toronto! LIVE FREE Batangas! Etc.
This will make the party more personal to the youth and at the same time make the event seem bigger
and louder.)

1. To give our YFC leaders a venue to celebrate
life and experience good, clean, fun.
“My righteousness I hold
2. To instill in every leader the value of sharing fast, and will not let it
and advocating our 100% Free convictions. go; my heart shall not
reproach me so long as I
live.” - Job 27:5-7

A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 – 2:00 Arrival/Registration

(canned music, video teasers, snacks, etc.)
2:00 – 2:30 Gathering
Opening Worship
2:30 – 3:00 Games/Ice breakers
3:00 – 3:30 Front Act
3:30 – 4:00 100% FREE AVP
Praise and Fashion
4:00 – 4:30 Exhortation points
Praise fest
Continuation of party

B. Activity:

 This is a party session/assembly. There will simply be a short exhortation talk

segueing to praise fest.
 The proposed party theme is club praise. Contrary to the usual club parties, this
will be a way of allowing YFCs to experience and enjoy the “clubs” in a good,
clean, fun way.

 Suggested venue is a hall that they can turn into a “club”. (Preparations should
be made in terms of sound system, lights, audio-visual, etc. to make it look and
feel like a club). Materials to prepare: Sound system and lights, Band set-up, LCD
and screen, 100% FREE AVPs (check sources for generic 100% FREE AVP
teasers/videos), conviction shirts, etc.
 Ask the participants to come in vibrant colored clothes.
(When we started our 100% Free Advocacy, our symbol or color of purity in our
gatherings was wearing white. Now, we want the youth to embody purity and
chastity as something that is vibrant and happy. Remind also the participants to
wear decent attire: no wearing of short shorts, plunging necklines, backless, etc.)
Since we want our leaders to also be able to share this joy and in a way be
advocates of 100% FREE convictions, think of simple strategies/components in
our party from which they can share these things to others.
 Suggested activities:
- 100% FREE Photo wall - YFCs can take their 100% FREE
pictures/conviction pictures here and upload it on the Internet. The
wall/backdrop can be designed with the 100% FREE logo/convictions,
or the service team can prepare tags/cardboards with 100% FREE
convictions that they can ‘model’ or hold as they strike a pose.
- Assign someone to document the assembly/party and upload the
picture online so everyone can see it.
- Since, in certain aspects, this is a 100% FREE party, if possible, provide
freebies or loot bags that everyone can take home.
- Think of any other gimmicks that can teach our YFC leaders to share
or advocate our 100% FREE convictions.
 Have short activities as soon as people start arriving—have music playing, video
teasers rolling, or invite bands to play songs, serve snacks (free, if possible), etc.
 To start off with the program proper, gather the crowd by singing worship songs.
Emcees can help rally and gather the people.
 Games/ice breakers may be played to hype up the people and promote
camaraderie and fun.
 Front acts can start off the main meat of the program. Have a band play a few
songs or a dance number that supports our 100% FREE convictions. These,
however, are optional.
 The main meat of the program is non-negotiable. A short audio-visual
presentation will introduce what 100% FREE is all about. The 1 st part of the
video can present realities in the world that makes our convictions relevant (e.g.
clips showing statistics of youth engaging in substance abuse, homosexuality,
sexual acts, etc). The second part of the video then presents our convictions in
facing these ‘worldly’ standards. Here the 100% FREE conviction statements may
be presented.

 A PRAISE&FASHION routine then follows the video. This praise and fashion will
be a showcase of youth not just with the looks but also with conviction. The
routine can present the 100% FREE conviction statements one at a time or by
segment, presenting each 100% FREE principle and the conviction statements
under it. The ‘models’ will strut wearing conviction shirts---shirts with
phrases/words about their 100% FREE convictions. Make sure the convictions
shirts are presentable, fashionable and decent so that other youth would want
to wear it as well. If conviction shirts are not available, or if the area cannot
produce conviction shirts, have the ‘models’ wear jazzed-up YFC shirts that show
how fun it is living a FREE life in God.
 Suggested Statements for the Conviction Shirts:
- 100% Man, 100% Woman
- Front print: Virgin; Back print: Proud to be!
- Smoke Free!
- Alcohol is not for me.
- I am FREE!
- Real Love Waits
 Guidelines for would-be ‘models’:
- Scout youths who are ‘model’ material—not just with looks, but those
who can influence; those that other youth can look up to; those who
have the charm and charisma to make people follow
- More importantly, scout youths with firm 100% FREE convictions.
They themselves should be practicing the convictions they would be
 The sharers will testify to the convictions presented in the praise and fashion
(refer to the sharer’s profile). The sharing will segue to the exhortation points.
 The speaker will deliver the exhortation points, rallying and exciting the crowd to
the praise fest. The speaker will also be the praise fest leader. The exhortation
points may be reiterated in the praise fest in a form of prayer (e.g. asking the
Lord’s guidance in deciding to be free, or asking the grace of courage to live out
these convictions, etc.).
 Music and dancing may be continued after the praise fest.


A. Speaker: A Brother Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or a mature YFC

leader, who has a firm conviction of being pure, or has overcome the struggles on
purity and is now living and celebrating life to the fullest
B. Sharers:
 A youth leader who appreciates his/her life right now after being faithful in
firmly living out the 100% Free lifestyle.

 A coordinator who chose to be pure and has not indulged in any substance
abuse during his/her teenage life, and is now enjoying the blessings of being
 A former YFC member/leader who is living a 100% free life and is presently
engaged or happily married. The sharer should be a member of SFC/CFC.


A. Introduction:

(Acknowledge the praise and fashion and the sharers. Acknowledge how these youths,
young as they are, have developed strong convictions on being 100% FREE. And it all
started with one decision---the decision to be FREE.)

B. Decide to Be Free

1. Stand firm in your decision.

Have we enjoyed the party? (Give way for audience participation). Today, we
celebrate God’s victory. Who among us here have quit smoking/drinking? Who
have decided to be pure inside and out? (Name a few more instances of people
deciding to be free from struggles on purity, or people who have decided to
continue living a free life.)

Truly, God has been victorious in our lives. He saw us and guided us through and
through. And He’s committed to continue to do just that so that we may
continue to experience the joy we are experiencing now. All we have to do is to
stand firm and remain steadfast in our decision to be free.

“My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go…” - Job 27:6

2. Celebrate life
Today let’s celebrate life, a life given to us by God. God really blesses those
people who are faithful to their convictions, to their identity. This is not yet the
end but only the beginning between you and God. Today we celebrate because
there is MORE to God’s promises and faithfulness, and He will continue to unfold
these promises in our lives.

C. Endure to Break Free

This journey with the Lord is one we must take every day of our lives. Our convictions
should be renewed every day, for temptations will always be there. There will be days
that it will be easy, but there will be days that it will be a struggle. In those days, we

must remember to look up to the Lord and endure with the truth that the Lord has
already set us free from darkness. Believe that God is a God of second chances. Believe
that with God, we can rise above any situation and any struggle. Believe that with God,
nothing is too hard and impossible.

Let us then remain steadfast in our personal prayer time (even in taking active part in
the sacraments, adoration, etc.).

(Note: Speaker must emphasize the power of holiness within this journey—that seeking
the Holy Spirit will be our sword and shield in the quest to being free. Hence, encourage
the YFC leaders to take active participation in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist
and confession.)

D. Strive to Live Free

As leaders of this community, we must press
on, living out loud our identities so that all can “Be FREE. Break FREE. Live
see the great work that God had done in our FREE.”---anonymous
lives. Let us live out our 100% FREE convictions
and continue to follow the path to living out “What I do you cannot do;
our identity as sons and daughters of God. As but what you do, I cannot do.
we continue to claim His promise of eternal joy The needs are great, and
and paradise in heaven, let us remember that none of us, including me, ever
the message and promise of salvation is not do great things. But we can
just for us but for ALL! all do small things, with great
love, and together we can do
We must look forward to the next part of our something wonderful.” -
journey as we go on and carry Christ’s identity Mother Teresa of Calcutta
in us. Let our small or big steps make a
difference in the lives of other people (mention “The secret of Happiness is
the gimmicks done in the party from which Freedom, and the secret of
they could actually share our 100% Free Freedom, Courage.”
convictions to their friends, families, etc…refer - Thucidides
to mechanics for suggestions). Let us go out
and share the joy of living and the joy of
freedom to all. Make a difference! Create the
culture of freedom!

Speaker then rallies everyone to praise fest.


Suggested songs for Praise fest:

Suggested Song:
One day
Nothing More
Truly Home
God is the Strength
This is How We Overcome

(Song Profile: Songs should be lively to keep the spirit high and emphasize on the victory
of being 100% FREE.)


A. Find ways to present 100% FREE advocacy to schools (i.e. conduct 100% FREE forum,
B. Pose pictures online for everyone to see.
C. Wear conviction shirts in school, malls, etc. (Check with local CFC/YFC centers and/or
leaders for generic YFC shirts, designs, and other merchandise.)

Single Minded for God


1. To realize that to be a single minded disciple is “Remain in me as I remain in

to follow the life that Christ lived. you. Just as a branch cannot
bear fruit on its own unless it
2. To enumerate the attributes that can inspire remains on the vine, so
others to be single minded for God. neither can you unless you
remain in me. I am the vine,
3. To make a decision to pass on/share the value you are the branches.
of single mindedness for God to others. Whoever remains in me and I
in him will bear much fruit,
II. ACTIVITY because without me, you can
do nothing.” – John 15:4-5
A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 : 1:30: Arrival / Registration

1:30 : 1:40: Opening Worship
1:40 : 2:00: Activity: Footprints in the Sand
2:00 - 2:45: Talk Proper
2:45 - 2:55: Reflection
2:55 – 3:30: Group Sharing
3:30 - 4:00: Closing Worship
4:00 – 4:15: Announcement

B. Activity

 Divide the participants into groups of 10.

 The goal of the game is to achieve the number of “footprints”---which refers
to the number of feet on the floor---that the game master requires (e.g “i
want to see 6 footprints).
 The group will have to find a way on how they can manage to have the
required number of “footprints” on the floor (ex. the teammates carry one
another, raise one foot and leave the other on the floor, etc.).
 The game master will lower the number of footprints as the game
 If the group fails to have the required number of footprints on the floor, they
are out of the game.


A member of the YFC Leader’s Core Group in the area who is an example of a true
single minded disciple for God.


A. Introduction

“Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me, you
can do nothing.” – John 15:5

The game we played emphasizes which footprints to follow, and these footprints
symbolize the mark and legacy Christ left here on earth. The strategies we used to
follow the instructions with illustrate our eagerness to follow Christ (e.g. carrying
your team mates, allowing them to step on your shoes, etc.).

Our very goal as single minded disciples is to imitate Christ. Imitating Him entails
living out the values that He shared to his disciples---love, forgiveness, humility and
faithfulness. To be a single minded disciple for God is to become like Christ, the
person who made others feel, experience and believe in God. As we remain in God’s
presence we are all called to bring more people to Christ, which is our duty being a
single minded disciple.

B. Christ’s Charism, My Charism

“And great crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem and Judea, and beyond the
Jordan followed Him.” – Matthew 4:25

The National Geographic Channel once had a documentary on the life of Jesus, and
in it a very striking question was raised: “How did Jesus make thousands of people
listen, believe and follow Him when there were no cellphones, computer,
microphone and sound system at that time?” Based on the researchers’ analyses, it
was Christ’s charism that made people believe in Him.
People with higher levels of charisma tend to be noticed, listened to, respected, and
followed. Charisma is a force of character that anyone can develop, even by young
leaders like us.

1. An image of faith
“Come! Answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the
water to Jesus...” - Matthew 14:22-33

When Jesus asked Peter to walk on water, Jesus had one requirement: Faith. It is
also the same requirement that God is asking from us; He is asking for the kind of
faith that can inspire and influence others, and we can show these through our
thoughts, words and actions.

2. A Life of prayer
“When you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is
unseen. And your Father who sees what you do in private, will reward you.” –
Matthew 6:6

As Kasangga members, we encounter trials and temptations that will test our
faithfulness, love and passion in serving Him. God sometimes uses these
tribulations for us to be purified---for Him to mold our character and make us
stronger in faith.

Thus we should persevere more in our prayer time, devote time in reflecting and
reading the scriptures, celebrate the Holy Eucharist not because we are obliged
to do so but because we are sincerely passionate in doing it, establish a regular
confession, and get to know the Mother of Jesus and ask for her intercession
through praying the rosary. Also, we pray not just for ourselves but for others as
well. As YFCs, prayer should not be an obligation, but it should be our way of life-
--our bread and butter that will keep us going in our mission.

3. An example of humility
“The greatest one among you must be your servant. Whoever makes himself
great will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be made great.” -
Matthew 23: 11-12

Christ never exalted himself. He never took pride in the miracles that He did. As
we follow the life that Christ lived, we should consider that in everything we do,
we are doing it all for the glory of God and not for our own honour and praise.

4. An icon of forgiveness
“...Where are they? Is there no one left to condemn you? No one, sir, she
answered. Well then, Jesus said, I do not condemn you either. Go, but do not sin
again.” – John 8:10-11

Grudges hinder us from drawing closer to God. If we let our grudges dwell in our
hearts, people will find it hard to see and feel Christ. As God is merciful and
forgiving, we too should be merciful and forgiving. When someone hurts and
offends us, we ask God for the grace of forgiveness.

In addition to being forgiving, we should also take on the habit of asking for
forgiveness. It takes much humility to ask for forgiveness and apologize---to say,
in a number of instances, the words, “I am sorry,” “I apologize,” and “How can I
make it right?” When misunderstanding and miscommunication happens,
oftentimes we justify and prove that we are right rather than apologize and ask
for forgiveness.

5. An epitome of love
“God so loved the world, that he gave up His only son ...” -John 3:16

“LOVE LIKE JESUS.” God gave His only begotten son because He loves us. Christ
died because of His love for us. Christ loved the tax collectors, the sinners, the
thieves, and even Judas, the one who betrayed Him. Christ’s love for us is the
standard of love---loving beyond condition. We too should show the same kind
of love to our family, friends, coordinators and fellow YFCs as we desire to live a
life pleasing to our God.

C. Extraordinary Steps

“They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom
even wind and sea obey?” – Mark 4:41

When Christ started to reveal His power through his actions, more and more people
believed and yearned to follow Him. He performed miracles, healed the sick,
rebuked evil spirits, and calmed the storm.
But we do not need to perform remarkable miracles or do extraordinary things to
influence others in becoming single minded for God. We can make ordinary things
extraordinary for the people around us.

1. Our family
We have the power to influence our family to become single minded for God by
having the courage to lead prayers, inviting our siblings and parents to pray the
rosary, and making an effort to celebrate the Holy Eucharist together. These are
simple acts that will serve as catalysts in bringing our family to a deeper and
more intimate relationship with God.

2. Our Friends
We introduce our friends to God, and
introduce God to our friends through the
stories that we share. We grab each and
every opportunity to present God to our One of the goals of
friends by being loyal, comforting and just, discipleship is to become like
and by being a source of unity to our friends. one’s teacher and to be
We remain faithful to our friends just as transformed into the likeness
Christ remains faithful to us. of the Savior who was the
supreme example of single-
3. Our schoolmates and teachers minded devotion to the
As students we have a great opportunity to Father - J. Hampton
make God known to our classmates, Keathley, III
schoolmates and teachers simply by living a
life of honesty, modesty, dignity and
excellence, all according to the standard set by God.

4. Our fellow Youth for Christ

These are among the people that God entrusted to us. God desires that they too
can experience the same kind of relationship that we have with Him. As a leader,
let us bring our members to a higher level of relationship to God. Let us involve
them in our daily routine with God: bringing them when we go to a confession or
attend mass, send them inspiring text messages, and constantly remind them of
their prayer time. We assist our fellow YFC as they aspire to be more focused on

D. Conclusion

The relationship that we have with our God brings us to a life of love, joy and
contentment. A single minded person is focused on the will of God and on the
genuine happines that we are experiencing right now with Him.

As YFC leaders, and as sons and daughters of our generous and loving God, we
should share this kind of relationship to others. We should consider each day as a
chance for others to experience the kind of happiness and love that only God can
give. We should give back the glory to our God by sharing His glory to others.


A. Bring a friend or fellow YFC when you go to confession.

B. Post a blog of your reflections on the Internet.
C. Send inspiring quotes to your friends, fellow YFC and other people whom you know.
D. Invite all of your family members to celebrate the Holy Eucahrist together.


A. Song Description: Any song that speaks of or describes Jesus and the values he
taught us, like forgiveness, love humility and prayer.
B. Suggested Song: None but Jesus
C. Reflection Points: Imagine how Jesus did his mission some 2000 years ago---consider
the dust, the crowd, the lack of technology. Despite difficulties and hindrances Christ
still succeeded in completing His mission. Christ was focused on a single goal, and
that is to save us. We too should also have same “single goal,” and that is to make
others experience God’s salvation through us. May others see Christ in us in our
speech and actions. May we decide each day to follow the footprints of Christ.


1. Whose footprints are you following?

2. Is that of Jesus or of someone else?
3. How can you inspire your friends, schoolmates, household
members and family to be single minded for God?


Single Minded for God

1. To allow the YFC leaders to have the heart
that always seeks for God. “Be holy in all that you do, just
as God who called you is holy.”
2. To allow them to be like Christ to everyone. - 1 Peter 1:15

3. To make them recognize their potential to

becoming an answer to someone’s prayer.


A. Suggested Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 Registration

1:30 - 1:50 Worship
1:50 - 2:10 Activity
2:10 - 3:00 Talk Proper
3:00 - 3:15 Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Treasure Hunt

 Divide the participants into groups of 6. The service team must see to it that the
treasure (which is a puzzle forming the face of Jesus) is hidden, and the number
of each puzzle piece will depend on the assigned number of teams.
 Hand them the treasure map.
 For 20 minutes, allow them to look for the hidden treasures.
 The first team to get all the puzzle pieces together, forming the right picture of
Jesus Christ, wins the game.


A. Speaker should be the Provincial Youth Head or any top leader in the area, someone
who is mature enough to define the calling he/she has.
B. A leader who can clearly expound on his/her journey in seeking Jesus and being like
Christ to others


A. Introduction

Our life has been a journey. A journey that entails a lot of sacrifice, but the reward
promises unfathomable joy. It is a journey where we also seek the greatest treasure
that everyone’s dying to get: Jesus Christ.

As YFC leaders, we need to have the urge to always seek God. We need to remind
ourselves that everyday is a day of knowing Him and finding Him more so He can rest in
our hearts and we can rest in His.

But how do we really find Jesus? What is the importance of finding Him? Just like any
treasure hunting, everything is patterned in a clue.

B. First Adventure: Knowing the treasure

“And the Holy Spirit came down upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came
from heaven, ‘You are my own dear Son. I am pleased with you.’” - Luke 3:22

The first thing we need to know when we start looking for the treasure is to know the
treasure itself. We need to know the very reason why we need to look for the treasure.

Jesus Christ is the treasure. He is the ultimate being and example of God in this world,
and He shares to us the most wonderful gift we could ever receive: the gift of salvation.
This gives us more reason to search for Him. Knowing that Jesus is the great prize, we
are fuelled to journey the course with excitement and passion, enabling us to face any
obstacles with confidence and full trust.

But what do we exactly gain when we find the ultimate treasure which is Jesus Christ?

1. We will live a fulfilled life

We will live a life that is anchored on the plan of God, thus, giving us a more
simple and justified outlook. When we have Jesus in our lives, we discover the
fulfillment of our purpose and find meaning to our existence, which is to be
God’s stewards in His vineyard. Having Jesus gives us contentment and
satisfaction beyond measures.

2. We will live a life of abundance

When we have Jesus in our lives, we will live a life full of blessing and abundance.
God provides. He never fails. In times that we don’t have anything, the Lord
gives more that what we expect and what we need. Having Jesus, we search for
nothing more, because He alone is enough for us.

3. We will become vessels of love

We will share the most beautiful thing ever created and shared…love. Jesus
offers us love that is unconditional. This is the same love that people are
searching for to feel accepted and appreciated. And it is a privilege to become
His bearers of His generosity. Having Jesus, we become His instruments of love
and care for our neighbors.

C. Navigating the Map

As we pursue Jesus Christ, we start taking the trip and basking on every stop that
teaches and leaves a mark in our hearts, leading us to deeper and more personal
conviction of being YFC leaders.

As we start the adventure, let us first set our characters and values that will enable us to
complete our journey. Our values must correlate to how Jesus lived and how He
journeyed towards the Father so that just like Him, we will all be able to accomplish our
mission on this earth. These values will equip us with the heart that is geared to face
any storms and will guide us to find the great prize.

1. A Compass of Discipleship
“Jesus said to them, ‘Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.’” - Mark

Jesus has manifested discipleship when He said “Yes” to become a vessel of

God’s words and the agent of His love. His calling was to be a living example of
God’s character, reflecting the values and virtues that impel His being as a God
of love.

As we course through our adventure, we need to be a disciple in spreading God’s

words, wherever He leads us. We need to be one with the Spirit and one in
heart with God - one in Spirit by focusing our lives through prayer and service to
God and our neighbors; and one in heart by sharing Him to others through our
actions and words (e.g. being loyal to prayer time, observing church sacraments,
serving in our community etc.).

2. A Backpack of Servant hood

“The Lord says, ‘Here is my servant, whom I strengthen---the one I have chosen,
with whom I am pleased. I have filled him with my Spirit, and he will bring justice
to every nation.’” - Isaiah 42:1

God called Jesus to be the servant of all. Jesus exemplified humility when He did
not just become a leader but a servant. He served his disciples; he loved them

and became a person they can count on. He showed everyone that whoever
wants to be first should be last and last should be first. Jesus allowed himself to
be a servant who continually served God’s people and expecting nothing in

As our adventure continues, we need to be servants. We need to carry with us

the humility and love that we share to others without expecting anything in
return. The Lord impels us to be a servant in our school, in our community and
with the people around us. We are called to be a living example of being a good
Christian (e.g. excelling in school, building good relationship with school
administration and employees, respecting teachers, being good classmates, etc.).

3. A Tent of Holiness
“Be holy in all that you do, just as God who called you is holy.” - 1 Peter 1:15

God has called Jesus to be holy for He was His. He was raised to live a life of
holiness, a life deeply rooted on God’s words, a life lived for others, and a life
that is anchored in love.

As we travel along, there is a huge call for us YFC leaders to live a life of holiness -
a life that is more concerned for others more than ourselves (e.g active
participation in work for the poor, being available for our members and friends,
understands our siblings, etc.); a life that promotes good values and sets
standards of being men and women of God despite and in spite of the things
that we will encounter (says no to cheating even if everybody is doing it, saying
no to alcohol even if persecuted by our friends, being faithful in our prayer time
amid busy schedule, etc.).

As YFC leaders, when we embark on our adventure and strive to be holy, we

become selfless. We become more concerned for others, putting our family,
studies and service to God our first priorities. When we become holy as God is,
we reflect Jesus’ example of peace, forgiveness and love. Living a life the way
Jesus lived---this is what we should do so that in our youth, we will become an
example of Christ to others.

These values bring us to look forward to victory, where we will experience

though and with Christ Jesus.

D. Sharing the Victory

When we press on to our adventure, which is the path of God, His promise would lead
us to finding Him, the greatest prize of all. Whatever things we might have faced along
the course, those will enable us to be efficient and great servants of God. And that is
victory. And we should share this victory to others.

1. Live with Jesus

We need to live with Jesus. Living as He lived. We need to place Jesus as the
captain of our ship, the leader of our team, the guide to our adventure. We
need to allow Him to take control for His plans to be manifested and His
promises to be revealed. We need to place our complete trust and allow His
Spirit to move us to where He wants us to be, for us to grow and bloom
becoming better individuals for our family, friends and ourselves.

2. Embrace Jesus
We need to embrace Him and allow His Spirit to change us. We allow Jesus to
heal us and change our lives to become a champion for Him. When we embrace
Jesus, we allow His love to reinforce conversion and renewal in our lives so we
can become a vessel of goodness and spread His words and deeds to others.

3. Share Jesus
We need to share Jesus and allow others to experience His love. We pass on
God’s love and mercy to others. When we gain the great prize and find
fulfillment in our lives, we need to share this to others for them to experience it
as well. We become instruments and agents of change for others to experience
and find joy through Jesus Christ.

E. Conclusion

Pursuing the great prize that is Jesus is the greatest adventure of our lives. Finding Him
allows us to answer our calling to be like Him, to be holy as He is. And as we become
more like Jesus, we bring honor and glory to God’s name.

“In whatever we do, may we give glory to God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31

Pursuing and finding the treasure allows us to LEADER’S QUOTE

embark on an adventure that will equip us and
change us to become better, and make us learn “We are not called to this
to let God be in control. Our response in taking world to be successful but to
that adventure will matter. Finding the great be faithful” - Mother Teresa
prize allows us to be an example of Jesus to of Calcutta
others by becoming His disciples and servants
who will continue the mission that He had
started a long time ago. And we seek to become Christ-like each day, we too will
become holy just like Him.


A. Share to your members the journey that you have encountered as you strive to
become holy for God.
B. Extend effort to make someone’s journey a memorable one.


A. Song Description: The Song must be a song of preparing oneself for a mission or
adventure. The song must express one’s journey, having a courageous heart to say
B. Suggested song: Trailblazin’/ The Mission / For the Sake of the Call
C. Directions:
 End with a prayer (Segue to Praise fest)
 The speaker will end the session by leading everyone to pray, praying for their
hearts and the adventure they are willing to take to seek the great prize.
 Reflection song is played
 The praise fest leader then comes in, sharing his own conviction of searching for
the great prize, rallying everyone to never stop searching until they found God
and be more like Him every day.
 The praise fest ends with two fast songs.


1. What are the obstacles you have faced as you journeyed the path
to holiness?
2. Have can you share Jesus to your area?

Source of Unity in the Family
(Advocating the Vision for the Family)

1. To teach the YFC leaders in empowering their
members to serve not only their own families
“…As for my family and me, we
but other families as well.
will serve the Lord.” – Joshua
2. To share to them the Couples for Christ vision:
“Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face
of the Earth”.

3. To become effective witnesses of the vision of the CFC community.


A. Mechanics and Suggested Schedule:

 The speaker begins by asking the leaders series of questions that are related to
the involvement of their family in the vision and mission of Couples for Christ.
 Sample questions:
- When was the last time you went to mass with your family?
- When was the last time you had a family bonding?
- What is your family’s favorite hobby or past time?
- Have you influenced other families to do the same as well?
 The speaker begins the talk.
 The speaker calls in the sharers one at a time as indicated in the talk outline.
 The speaker leads the group to a pray-over session.
 Discussion group follows. Let the participants do the action plans after.
 Schedule:
1:00 – 1:30 Registration/Teaching of Songs
1:30 – 1:45 Worship
1:45 – 2:00 Icebreaker
2:00 – 3:00 Talk Proper with activity and Sharers
3:00 – 3:15 Reflection
3:15 – 3:45 Discussion Group (use Guide Questions)
3:45 – 4:00 Closing Prayer/Praise fest


A. A Fulltime Pastoral Worker, mission volunteer, or a YFC who is a member of the

Leaders’ Core Group in the area
B. The speaker can also be an SFC or CFC.
C. The speaker’s family should be active members of the CFC community.
D. The sharers can be any of the members of the speaker’s family who can share about
the joy of serving God in the community as a family.
E. Sharer can also be someone who lives out the vision of CFC even if the sharer’s family
is not part of the CFC community.


A. Introduction

For years of serving God in this community, we have been able to experience the
fullness of His love. And we desire to bring this kind fullness of life to our families. We all
dream of empowering our families to become evangelizers just like us, and believe in
the same mission and vision that we are carrying.

Our community, Couples for Christ, is guided by its vision and mission for the family. It is
here that Youth for Christ is born to cater to the whole well being of the youth in the
family. Over the years, we have been blessed to share and imbibe the vision of our
community, living it out starting in our families.

B. The Vision of CFC: Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth…

The vision of Couples for Christ has been the guiding principle of all the families in the
community. Through the Holy Spirit, CFC families seek to be witnesses of Christ’s love,
to be one with the Catholic Church and to be instruments of transformation in the lives
of other people, especially to other families. We try to live it out the best way we can. A
CFC family guided by the vision is:

1. United with God

A family united in the love of God builds a firm foundation.
 We strengthen our relationship with God through praying as one family.
 Bonding moments in the anniversaries, builds, CLP’s, etc.; simply sharing
the best of everyone to continue the work that the Lord has entrusted to

2. Empowered by the Spirit

We dream of a family that is for the Lord. A family empowered by the Spirit
values the importance of God, acknowledges His greatness.

 We are empowered to serve even in difficult tasks, hard areas and

impossible situations.
 In some cases, we work really closely with our parents, with them serving
as our Couple Coordinator or active CFC members. This is truly an
example of an empowered family doing the work of God.

C. The Call: To be witnesses of the Vision to other families

This vision should not remain only in us. We should share this to our members and to
our non-YFC friends so that they too may experience the fullness of God’s call.

(Note: The speaker can call in the sharers anytime during the following points if his/her
story is applicable)

1. Share the Fire!

We hope to inspire others to share the vision and act on it. We inspire our
leaders to take care not only of their own families but also the families of their
members. We can share the vision and let others know about it by:
 constantly reminding them of the value of family in our assemblies,
 making sure that our leaders are in good terms with their family by
conducting our one-to-ones, or
 allowing our members to be part of our family as well.

2. Let it Blaze!
Relationship building is the most important thing in our community. It’s not
enough that we include our members in our family. We must also do our part in
getting to know their families. We should not stop spreading the vision to their

As we get to know the families of our members, let us help inculcate in them the
culture of our community.
 Let the household meetings be done in the homes of our members whose
parents are not yet part of the community, for them to witness and see
the activities that we do in YFC.
 Talk to parents or siblings of our YFC members who are non- community
members. Share to them your own family story of transformation.
Introduce to them the community, talk to them about the things that their
children or sibling is doing in the community. Ask them about how they
feel and think about their children’s or sibling’s activities in YFC and be
open to their views.

 With the help of the Couple Coordinators, visit and communicate with the
family more often. This is one way of letting the family feel our sincerity
and accountability to their son or daughter who is in the community.
 Cordially invite them to CLPs or Youth Camps, or any other big YFC
activities for them to see more of what we’re actually doing.

3. Set the World on Fire!

Our YFC Family is now realizing the Vision through serving other families in both
local and global setting. More than the stories of YFCs inspiring their non-CFC
parents to join the community, we have also spread the vision by going out on
mission. There are family missions within the country who are happily serving in
CLPs, camps, conferences and retreats. There are also CFC families serving in
other countries, evangelizing the global community. We are slowly realizing our
goal to offer to God the harvest that He deserves.
 Encourage your family to go on regional and international conferences.
This is one way for them to see the bigger picture of the community, thus
encouraging them to level-up with you in your missionary life so that as
one family you will realize the
 Volunteer your family to talk and
serve in CLPs in your area.
 Go on family mission trips abroad “If you want to build a
like Cross Culture, Great Adventure ship, don't drum up people
Tours, etc. to see and to help together to collect wood,
realize the bigger mission of the and don't assign them
community. tasks and work, but rather
 Let us encourage and give our best teach them to long for the
support to our family members endless immensity of the
who are going out on mission, be it sea.”-Antoine de Saint-
in a local CLP or youth camp, or in Exupery
an international mission.

D. Conclusion

In our mission, it’s more than just telling people who Christ is. It’s about showing them
how great He is in our lives, and making them feel the need to have a personal
relationship with Him. Let us continue to be witnesses of Christ to our family and to
other families in the world. Let us strive to be the families in the Holy Spirit that will
renew the face of the Earth. Let’s empower families through our own empowered
families. And we should not stop praying for our family that we too can be evangelizers
in our own ways, so that the vision of CFC, which is given to us by God, will truly be


A. Share the CFC Vision with your family and exchange thoughts on how to make this
vision a reality.
B. Make a mission statement as a family.
C. Organize a Family Mission (example would be serving in the GK sites, going on a
family mission trip, organizing a family reunion in your clan etc.).


Prayer Points: Pray for your family’s relationship with God. Pray for His continued
empowerment as you strive to reach out to other families.


1. Am I a true witness of Christ to my family?

2. Am I doing my part to fulfill the Vision of the CFC Community?
3. How can my family be an instrument of God’s love to other families?
4. How can I contribute to the bigger family of my CFC community?


Source of Unity in the Family
(Interceding for Family)

1. To enable our YFC leaders to practice and
inject praying for their family; making prayer
“Has the Lord ever ignored
as a culture in their family.
anyone who prayed to Him?” –
Sirach 2:10
2. To teach the YFC leaders how to pray for their

3. To make our leaders appreciate the culture of praying with their families.


A. Mechanics and Suggested Schedule:

 Start with worship (preferably one fast and one slow song).
 The worship leader will not end the worship. After the spirit (slow) song, the
worship leader leads the group into praying the rosary.
 In praying the rosary, the prayer leader for each mystery will offer a petition for
our families in every mystery. A slow song can be played while praying.
 After the rosary, the speaker comes in.
 The speaker will ask 3 of the prayer leaders and ask them how they feel after
praying for their family.
 The speaker will randomly call some of the participants and ask them the same
 The speaker proceeds with the talk proper.
 The speaker calls the sharers one at a time.
 The session will end with the prayer writing activity
 Schedule:
1:00 – 1:30 Registration
1:30 – 1:45 Gathering/Teaching of Songs
1:45 – 2:30 Worship with Rosary
2:30 – 2:50 Talk Proper (with Sharers)
2:50 – 3:05 Activity/Reflection
3:05 – 3:20 Announcement/Closing Prayer

B. Activity: Praying the Rosary

 The worship leader starts the rosary.

 The 5 mysteries will be led by different persons. For each mystery, the prayer
leader will pray for the following intentions:
- 1st Mystery: Pray for our parents (work of parents, relationship between
- 2nd Mystery: Pray for our siblings (studies of kuya, work of ate,
relationship with each other).
- 3rd Mystery: Pray for the needs of our family (health, financial needs, and
other issues that the family is facing right now).
- 4th Mystery: Pray for the relationship within our Family (harmonious
relationship in the family, asking the Lord to be the center of our family).
- 5th Mystery: Pray for the YFC Leaders to be the source of unity in the
family (YFC leaders to be patient and understanding, and at the same
time be the ones to activities that will unite the family).
 Processing points:
- We feel good after praying for our family. We feel great because
somehow we have done something for our family.
- The idea of praying for our family gives us an assurance that God will take
care of our family.
- What we did, which is praying the rosary for our family, is just one basic
step in interceding for our family. There are more ways of praying for our


A. The speaker should be a youth leader, or a fulltime pastoral worker, who has been
blessed by the Lord because he/she initiated praying together as a family.
B. The 3 sharers should be YFC leaders who had experienced the joy of praying together
as a family. The sharers can testify that praying together as a family, or with any of
the family members, has brought:
 unity in the family
 strong bond in the family
 sensitivity to other family members.


A. Introduction

Prayer has always played a very crucial role in our lives as leaders. It is through prayer
that we communicate with God, that we tell Him our hearts desires. In His extreme love
for us, He is more than willing to give us what we desire if only we ask for it.

In YFC, we have been taught to pray for our family. It is one of the many ways of valuing
our family as a gift from God. It is through prayer that we lift them (our families) up to
the Lord, knowing that He can better take care of them. And we have seen the
fulfillment of these prayers in our daily lives.

B. The Power of Prayer

Prayer plays an important role in our life. It is being in communion with God through
talking and listening to Him. Prayer also strengthens our relationship with God. Here are
some of His promises in prayer.

1. Prayer heals us and forgives our sins.

“This prayer made in faith will heal the sick; the Lord will restore them to health,
and the sins that they have committed will be forgiven.” - James 5:16

2. Prayer can make miracles.

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the
other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a violent earthquake,
which shook the prison to its foundations. At once all the doors opened and the
chains fell off all the prisoners.” - Acts 16:25-26

3. Prayer gives answers to our heart’s desires.

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” - Matthew 21:22

C. What are the things that we pray for as a family?

God is calling us to be the source of unity in our family not just through thoughts and
actions, but also through prayers as well. We should intercede for each member of our
family, especially in the following areas:

1. Health and long life.

For our family members who have concerns with their health. We pray for God’s
healing for our family members who are sick, suffering from a disease, or
undergoing treatment/operation. We also continuously ask for good health for
all the members in our family.

2. Relationship with each other.

We pray for harmonious relationship within our family (e.g. our parents’
relationship with each other, our relationship with our siblings, or even with our
extended family members who also play a major role in our family).

3. Source of livelihood.
We ask God to bless our source of income, our livelihood and all other sources of
finances that can help sustain the expenses of our family.

4. Safety. We pray for God’s protection for our family. We entrust to God our
family’s safety and protection, wherever and whenever. We ask God to bless our
family members who are constantly travelling alone.

All the concerns mentioned above are just some of the most common concerns in our
family that we need to offer to God. To sum it all up, the very reason why we pray for
our family is because we love them. It is love that drives us to pray for our family.

D. Praying with our Family

As YFC leaders, let us not be contented in just praying for our families. Rather, let us also
strive to pray together as one family. We initiate praying together as a family by taking
each and every opportunity to pray with them, whether everyone is present or it’s just
one of the family members present.

Let us be sensitive to and grab every opportunity to pray with our family members.
Some of these opportunities include going to mass together, celebrating birthdays and
other special occasions; praying over someone who is sick, is about to take an exam, etc.
Other than that, let us also encourage and remind them to always pray first. We initiate
and promote praying together as a family to each member.

E. What is in store for us in praying with our family?

Expressing our love for our family by praying for them is not the end of it all. God will
pour His graces to our family as we continue to pray together. Silently and consistently
praying for them and with them means that:

1. We are uniting our family.

When we pray we do not just pray without knowing who we are praying for. The
more we pray for our family, the more we get to know them. In praying for them
and with them, we seek to know their concerns and desires. This gives us the
opportunity to be one with each other.

2. We are uniting our family to GOD.

Our prayer is our way of uniting our family to God. When we pray, we lift our
family members to God. It is an opportunity to introduce God to our family as we
pray with them. In initiating praying together, we are leading our family to build
a personal relationship with God.

(The speaker calls the 3 sharers one at a time.)

F. Conclusion

To be a source of unity in our family is one of our identities as YFCs. More than just
praying for them, we work on how we can pray together as a family, even if it’s just you
and another member in the family. We initiate praying together and encourage/remind
our family members to always pray. This is what God desires for us---to unite our family
not only in thoughts and deeds but also in prayers. In praying for and with our family,
we are not just uniting our family, but we are also uniting them with God.


A. Ask the participants to allot a specific prayer time for their family.
B. Set a common prayer time specially dedicated to our families.


Reflection Mechanics:
 The speaker leads the participants into a prayer.
 The speaker then asks the participants to write a prayer for their family. A
reflection song shall be played to set the mood.
 The prayer will be based on the 4 areas that they should pray for in their family.
They can also include other concerns of the family.
 The speaker encourages the participants to recite the prayer everyday.
 The speaker also reminds the participants that the letter they wrote was made
not only to encourage them to pray for their family, but to always realize how
much they LOVE their family.


1. How often do you pray for your family?

2. In your own specific ways, how can you encourage the YFCs under
your household/chapter/cluster to pray for their families?

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