02network4 Term2 TL2

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Name: .................................................


Mark: .................


(50 points)
§ Complete the sentences with the words below. (5 points)
struggled | accurately | display | aloud | way of life | settle down | only child
take advantage of | all day long | take responsibility
1 Their ................................................... is very different from ours.
2 We try to ................................................... everything city life has to offer.
3 The climbers ................................................... to reach the top of the mountain.
4 There’s a beautiful Christmas ................................................... in the shop window.
5 He has always wanted a brother or sister. He’s an ................................................... .
6 I’ve been at work ................................................... . I’m really tired.
7 She reads stories ................................................... to her children at bedtime.
8 You described her ................................................... . That’s exactly how she is.
9 He doesn’t ................................................... for his mistakes and admit when he’s wrong.
10 They will ................................................... after they’ve spent more time in their new country.

Complete the word or phrase for each definition. (6 points)

1 very scary: t ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... g
2 admire: l ..... ..... ..... u ..... t .....
3 smell very unpleasant: s ..... ..... ..... .....
4 argument: r ..... .....
5 having a great effect: p ..... ..... ..... r ..... ..... .....
6 the line between countries: b ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
7 shout: y ..... ..... .....
8 traditional: c ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... y
9 strange: w ..... ..... ..... .....
10 capable of speaking a language well: f ..... ..... ..... ..... t
11 permit: a ..... ..... ..... .....
12 try: m ..... ..... ..... an e ..... ..... ..... ..... t
Complete the text with the words below. (4 points)
boost | stare | loss | daily life | appearance | bothered | aware of | bringing up

The 1. ..................................... of a parent is difficult for any child. It’s also hard for the remaining
parent to deal with 2. ..................................... children alone. After Isabella Peiri’s mother died,
..................................... became difficult. Even little things, like Isabella’s 4. ..................................... ,
were stressful. Isabella, age 11, was independent when getting ready for school, but
she had a problem doing her hair by herself. Her father was 5. ..................................... the problem
but he felt helpless. As a result, she often went to school with messy hair, which
..................................... her. One day Isabella asked Tracy Dean, who drove the school bus,

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to help her. Tracy agreed, and she started fixing Isabella’s hair every morning. Now
Isabella isn’t afraid that people will 7. ..................................... at her, and Tracy is glad that
she has helped 8. ..................................... Isabella’s self-confidence.

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Circle the word that doesn’t belong in each group. (5 points)

Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 spicy • salty • colourful • bitter
2 block of flats • facility • high-rise • skyscraper
3 deal with • cope with • get along • face
4 raise money • take action • set up • stick to
5 truthful • smooth • gifted • bright
6 atmosphere • global warming • drilling • oil spill
7 concrete • storey • brick • steel
8 find out • figure out • check out • set out
9 fear • headache • cough • cold
10 long-distance • high-speed • trade • track

Complete the sentences with one or two words. (5 points)

1 ................................................... other countries is a lot of fun, but it’s always good to come home.
2 The fireworks ................................................... cancelled because of the rain last night.
3 I ................................................... visit Sarah tonight, but I’m not sure.
4 I remember ................................................... this film.
5 ................................................... I get a dog? What do you think?
6 I don’t understand this. ................................................... you help me?
7 I avoid ................................................... to crowded places.
8 Kim won’t ................................................... to join us tomorrow.
9 We ................................................... given enough time by our teacher to finish the book.
10 I started ................................................... watch the film, but I gave up after a few minutes.

Correct the mistakes. (4 points)

1 We stopped buying some flowers on the way home.
2 You don’t have to talk on the phone here. It’s prohibited.
3 Does this treatment given to the patient every day?
4 When these rooms were booked?
5 Our class will take to the museum next week.
6 I’m not able to meet with you last week.
7 Does he has to come with us?
8 He thanked me by to send me flowers.

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Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets or a modal. (13 points)
I love 1. ..................................... (read) about artists, so I was very happy 2. ..................................... (receive)
the book Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers. But you don’t 3. ..................................... love
art in order to enjoy this outstanding book. Vincent and Theo 4. ..................................... (base) on the
relationship between the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his brother Theo, an art dealer. Vincent
and Theo 5. ..................................... (bring up) in a village in Holland. As teenagers, the brothers
promised to always be close. Although they 6. ..................................... always live near each other,
they kept their promise by 7. ..................................... (write) letters. These letters provided the
background information for the book. Vincent didn’t always want 8. ..................................... (be)
an artist. After 9. ..................................... (leave) school, he worked for an art dealer. Then he became
a teacher and a church minister. He decided 10. ..................................... (become) an artist at the
age of 27. He moved to Paris, where Theo was living, and his short and difficult career began.
Vincent was lucky that he 11. ..................................... depend on his brother for support. The love
between the brothers 12. ..................................... (describe) beautifully! I promise you
..................................... (not disappoint) by this wonderful story.

Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change

Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6
the meaning of the original sentences. (8 points)
1 I received a message from Ryan a minute ago. (just)
2 I’ve got nothing to add to this discussion. (anything)
3 Dylan often has dinner at my house. He is my best friend. (who)
4 It’s not necessary to wait for me. (need to)
5 During the hike, I fell and hurt myself. (while)
6 Ann did everything without getting any help. (by)
7 First, we watched the parade and then, we saw the fireworks. (had)
8 They will serve a special meal tomorrow. (served)

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Name: ............................................ Mark: ............

(20 points)
understand information, ideas and opinions • understand relevant details

Read the forum posts. Then say why the ideas are mentioned in the text. (10 points)
Silent Guy: Hi, everyone! Yesterday, I saw an incredible
news story about a young boy from Discussion
an Arabic-speaking
Forum | News | LogDruze
family in Israel. The boy is able to speak English fluently, and he
has even got a British accent. But he was never exposed to the
language, and no one in his family knows English! The boy, who is
called O’Neal Mahmoud after the basketball player Shaquille
O’Neal, didn’t speak at all until he was two years old. Then he
began speaking English. Unbelievably, his English is much better

his Arabic! Yesterday, 12.39 PM

Cat Woman: Was he examined by experts? 12.42 PM

Silent Guy: Yes, he was, but no one could explain his
condition. What do you think? 12.44 PM

Wise Owl: I think the most likely explanation is

reincarnation. I’ve heard about children who recall things from past
lives. There was a two-year-old called James Leininger who had
nightmares about a plane crash. He used to wake up screaming,
“Aeroplane crash on fire, little man can’t get out!” He experienced
the feeling of being trapped in the plane. Apparently, he had been a
pilot in World War II and his plane was shot down by the Japanese
and crashed into the sea. 13.00 PM

Cat Woman: I remember reading something about a boy

called Ryan. When he was four, he began waking up in the middle
of the night screaming and saying he had dreamed about his heart
exploding while he was in Hollywood. Then, one night Ryan told
his mum that he used to be someone else. He said that he
remembered a big white house in Hollywood with a swimming pool.
He remembered the name of the street where he had lived, but he
couldn’t remember the names of his children, which made him cry.
13.02 PM

Silent Guy: Now that’s weird! 13.10 PM

Cat Woman: Well, how about this? Sometime later, Ryan

and his mum were looking at pictures in a book about Hollywood.
Ryan recognised “himself” in one of the pictures. After some
research, the name of the man was uncovered and his daughter
was located. Ryan met the daughter, and when he told her about
his “memories” of her father, she said that his information was
accurate! 13.12 PM

1 a British accent ......................................................................................................................

2 Shaquille O’Neal ...................................................................................................................
3 Arabic ..........................................................................................................................................

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4 an aeroplane crash ..............................................................................................................
5 Hollywood .................................................................................................................................

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Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 The fact that O’Neal spoke English was strange because ..........................
....................................................................................................................................................... .
2 James’ dream was terrifying because ......................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................... .
3 Ryan recalled that he had lived ....................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................... .
4 Ryan wasn’t able to ............................................................... , and that upset him.
5 ..................................................... confirmed that Ryan’s dreams were accurate.


(10 points)

Task 1: An Advert
provide information • describe an event

Write an advert for a cultural event. Include the following:

a type of event
b when
c where
d activities

Task 2: A Narrative
describe a personal experience

Write a narrative about a pleasant experience that you had. Include

the following:
a when it happened
b where you were
c who you were with
d what you did
e what was special about the experience

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(10 points)
understand main points • understand relevant details

Listen to two students give presentations about special holidays. Then

1 08

02 the sentences. (5 points)
1 The most important holiday of the year in Tibet is the ..................................................................................................... .
2 The calendar in Tibet is a ................................................................................................................................................................. .
3 The Twelfth Night of Christmas was an important holiday in the UK until ............................................................. .
4 Today, the twelfth day of Christmas is when decorations ............................................................................................... .
5 In the past, it was common for people to play ....................................................................................................................... .

Listen again and correct the words in bold in the sentences below. (5 points)
2 08
1 The Tibetan lunar year ends when people see the new moon. .....................................
2 Losar occurs on the same date in February every year. .....................................
3 People spend all three days of the holiday with friends. .....................................
4 Claire celebrates the Twelfth Night of Christmas at home every year. .....................................
5 On the Twelfth Night of Christmas, people used to ask their neighbours for something
to eat. .....................................


(10 points)
conduct habitual transactions

Roleplay a visit to the doctor.

Student A: you are the doctor. Student B: you are the patient. Use the information
in the chart below.
The problem: cold, cough, sore throat
Additional symptoms: temperature
How you feel: weak, whole body hurts
Medicine: cough medicine, tablets to lower temperature
Doctor’s recommendation: rest, drink a lot

Student A: you are the patient. Student B: you are the doctor. Use the information
in the chart below.
The problem: upset stomach
Reason: ate something bad
Additional symptoms: sick several times
How you feel: weak, headache
Doctor’s recommendation: eat plain rice, toast and bananas, drink a lot

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