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4 Words from School

(Literature) the study of literary texts and of

written records, esp. of their original form
and meaning:
(Literature) the study of literary texts and of
written records, esp. of their original form
and meaning: philology. Ex.: The professor’s
expertise in philology allowed her to decipher
the meaning of ancient inscriptions.
‒a building where works of art or other
objects of value are kept and displayed:
‒a building where works of art or other
objects of value are kept and displayed:
museum. Ex.: Visitors marveled at the
exquisite paintings exhibited in the art
Reconstrucción de la biblioteca del Museo alejandrino
El primer museo moderno: The Ashmolean de Oxford (1683)
‒a place for teaching people under college
‒a place for teaching people under college
age: school. Ex. 1: Yale is a prestigious school.
Ex. 2: School doesn't start until September.
‒a place for teaching people under college
age: school. Ex. 1: Yale is a prestigious school.
Ex. 2: School doesn't start until September.
‒a building or room designed and equipped
for indoor sports, exercise, or physical
‒a place for teaching people under college
age: school. Ex. 1: Yale is a prestigious school.
Ex. 2: School doesn't start until September.
‒a building or room designed and equipped
for indoor sports, exercise, or physical
education: gymnasium. Ex.: The school
assembly was held in the large gymnasium
due to its ample seating capacity.
‒the work of a teacher; teaching:
‒the work of a teacher; teaching: pedagogy.
Ex.: The online course on pedagogy provided
valuable insights into effective teaching
strategies for educators at all levels.
‒a werewolf or alien spirit in the physical
form of a bloodthirsty wolf:
‒a werewolf or alien spirit in the physical
form of a bloodthirsty wolf: lycanthrope.
Ex.: In folklore, a lycanthrope is a human who
can transform into a wolf or a werewolf
during a full moon.
‒an institution for popular education,
providing discussions, lectures, concerts, etc.:
‒an institution for popular education,
providing discussions, lectures, concerts, etc.:
lyceum. Ex.: As a cultural hub, the lyceum
welcomed renowned speakers to engage the
audience in diverse topics ranging from arts
to science.
‒a teacher; schoolteacher:
‒a teacher; schoolteacher: pedagogue. Ex.:
As a pedagogue, he believed in nurturing
creativity and independent thinking among
his students.
‒the study of the way that the sentences or
words of a language are constructed, esp. the
study of morphology and syntax:
‒the study of the way that the sentences or
words of a language are constructed, esp. the
study of morphology and syntax: grammar.
Ex.: Understanding the basics of grammar
can significantly enhance one's ability to
express thoughts clearly.
‒the study of the way that the sentences or
words of a language are constructed, esp. the
study of morphology and syntax:
‒the study of the way that the sentences or
words of a language are constructed, esp. the
study of morphology and syntax: grammar.
Ex.: Understanding the basics of grammar
can significantly enhance one's ability to
express thoughts clearly.
1. the art of effectively using language in
speech or writing. 2. the ability to use
language effectively:
1. the art of effectively using language in
speech or writing. 2. the ability to use
language effectively: rhetoric. Ex.: Her
speech was filled with persuasive rhetoric,
captivating the audience's attention.
1. the art of effectively using language in
speech or writing. 2. the ability to use
language effectively:
1. the art of effectively using language in
speech or writing. 2. the ability to use
language effectively: rhetoric. Ex.: Her
speech was filled with persuasive rhetoric,
captivating the audience's attention.
‒the art or practice of logical discussion as
employed in investigating the truth of a
theory or opinion:
‒the art or practice of logical discussion as
employed in investigating the truth of a
theory or opinion: dialectic(s). Ex.: The
dialectic between tradition and modernity is a
recurring theme in literature and social
‒the method, process, or study of adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
‒the method, process, or study of adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
numbers: arithmetic. Ex.: She practiced
arithmetic problems to improve her speed and
accuracy in calculations.
‒the branch of mathematics that deals with
the properties, measurement, and
relationships of points, lines, angles, and
shapes in space by means of certain assumed
properties of space:
‒the branch of mathematics that deals with
the properties, measurement, and
relationships of points, lines, angles, and
shapes in space by means of certain assumed
properties of space: geometry. Ex.: The
teacher explained the geometric proofs step
by step to illustrate the reasoning behind each
‒the science that deals with the moon,
planets, stars, and the universe beyond earth:
‒the science that deals with the moon,
planets, stars, and the universe beyond earth:
astronomy. Ex.: Astronomy enthusiasts
gather during meteor showers to witness
celestial events.

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