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Nama : Diah Permata Sari

NIM : 231012010050
Mata Kuliah : Pelaporan Korporat
Tugas Individu : Minggu ke 2

Self Test Questions


1. Are the following statements in relation to materiality true or false, according to

PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements?
(1) Materiality of items depends on their individual or collective influence on the
economic decisions of users.
(2) Materiality of an item depends on its absolute size and nature.
Statement (1) Statement (2):
A False False
B False True
C True False
D True True

The correct answer is C ; True False
Materiality of items depends on their influence on user economic decisions.
Materiality of an item depends on its relative, not absolute, size ( see PSAK para

2. According to PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements, the notes within the

financial statements contain information in addition to that presented in which
TWO of the following?
A Report on sustainability
B Chairman's statement
C Statement of financial position
D Statement of financial performance

The correct answer are C and D
PSAK para 103 states that notes “…..disclose information….not presented
elsewhere in the financial statements”
C = Balance Sheet
D = Income Statement
3. Are the following statements true or false, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of
financial statements?
(1) Dividends paid should be recognised in the statement of comprehensive
(2) A loss on disposal of assets should be recognised in the statement of changes
in equity.
Statement (1) Statement (2)
A False False
B False True
C True False
D True True

The correct answer is A ; False False
A loss on disposal of assets is recognised in the statement of comprehensive
income because PSAK 6 Property, Plant and Equipment does not permit
otherwise (PSAK para 88).
Dividend paid are recognised in the statement of changes in equity (PSAK para

4. Are the following statements true or false, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of

financial statements?
(1) Provisions should be recognised in the statement of financial position.
(2) A revaluation surplus on non-current assets should be recognised in the
statement of changes in equity.
Statement (1) Statement (2)
A False False
B False True
C True False
D True True

The correct answer is C ; True False
Provisions should be recognised in the statement of financial position (PSAK
para 54). A gain is part if income which should be recognised in the statement of
comprehensive income (PSAK para 81)

5. According to PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements, which TWO of the

following must be included in an entity's statement of financial position?
A Investment property
B Number of shares authorised
C Provisions
D Shares in an entity owned by that entity
The correct answer are A and C
See PSAK para 54. The information about No. 2 and own share held (No. 4) may
be presented in the statement of financial position, the statement of changes in
equity or the notes (PSAK para 79)

6. According to PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements, which TWO of the

following must be included in an entity's statement of financial position?
A Cash and cash equivalents
B Property, plant and equipment analysed by class
C Share capital and reserves analysed by class
D Deferred tax

The correct answer are A and D
The correct answers are Cash and Cash Equivalents and Deferred Tax. See PSAK
para 54.
Analysis by class mat be presented in the notes (PSAK para 78). (q) non-
controlling interests, presented within equity; and (r) issued capital and reserves
attributable to owners of the parent. PSAK para 78 the detail provided is sub
classifications depends on the requirements of IFRS and on the size, nature and
function of the amounts involved An entity also uses the factors set out in
paragraph 58 to decide the basis of sub classification. The disclosures vary for
each item, for example (e) equity capital and reverses are disaggregated into
various classes, such as paid-in capital, share premium and reserves.

7. Which TWO of the following are included in a complete set of financial

statements, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements?
A A statement by the board of directors of compliance with local legislation
B A statement of changes in equity
C Summarised statements of financial position for the last five years
D A statement of cash flows

The correct answer are B and D
PSAK para 10 lists the statement that must be presented.

8. Are the following statements true or false, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of

financial statements?
(1) Biological assets should be shown in the statement of financial position.
(2) The number of shares authorised for issue should be shown in the statement
of financial position or the statement of changes in equity or in the notes.
Statement (1) Statement (2)
A False False
B False True
C True False
D True True

The correct answer is D ; True True
Biological assets should appear in the statement of financial position (PSAK para
54). PSAK pada 79 governs the presentation of the number of shares authorised

9. Are the following statements true or false, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of

financial statements?
(1) An entity presenting a single statement of comprehensive income should
present a statement of changes in equity
(2) An entity presenting a separate income statement and a statement of
comprehensive income should present a statement of changes in equity
Statement (1) Statement (2)
A False False
B False True
C True False
D True True

The correct answer is D; True True
A statement of changes in equity should always be presented, per PSAK para 106.
The revised version of IAS 1 (issued in 2007) permits a choice of how to present
comprehensive income by using either a single statement or two separate

10. In which section of the statement of financial position should cash that is
restricted to the settlement of a liability due 18 months after the reporting
period be presented, according to PSAK 1 Presentation of financial statements?
(select one answer)
A Current assets
B Equity
C Non-current liabilities
D Non-current assets


The correct answer is D

Cash that is restricted from being used in the settlement of a liability for at least
12 months after the reporting period should be classified as a non-current asset
per PSAK para 66 (d).

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