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I certify that this work was carried out by Philip with matriculation number 1597652 in
the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan under my

……………………………… …………………………………….

Date Supervisor

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Date Supervisor

To God Almighty for the gift of Mathematics.

First of all, I thank God almighty for the mental strength and grace throughout this
My sincere appreciation goes to my supervisor Dr.\ (Mrs) D. O. A. Ajayi for being a
pleasant mother figure, her guidance and for her immense support which dates back to my
masters programme.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my co-supervisor Dr.\ P. H. Adeyemo for the
wonderful opportunities he created for our research group. His painstaking mentor-ship
and exposures were motivating towards a career in algebraic geometry.
My appreciation also goes to all my lecturers in the department: Prof. S.A. Ilori, Prof.
G.O.S Ekhaguere, Prof E. O. Ayoola. Prof. O. O. Ugbebor, Dr. U.N. Bassey, Dr. M.
Enioluwafe, Dr. P. O. Arawomo, Dr. O. S. Obabiyi, Dr. M. E. Egwe, late Prof. V. F.
Payne, late Dr. C.R. Nwozo and other staff of the department for their impart on us.
I am deeply grateful to Professor Bern Sturmels for expressing interest in me, suggesting
this research work and also for sharing his views about this work during the CIMPA
school Ibadan. I thank Frank Sotille for his kind words and his many helpful and pleasant
discussions, they really inspired me.
I would like to thank my colleagues Felemu, Patient, Laka, Musa and Segun for being
there and their support. In a special way I want to thank my friend Fr. Nicholas Okeke
without whom my life and work here would certainly have been different (thank you for
everything, indeed you are God sent). Also I want to thank my best man and his wife Eng.
Dr. and Dr. (Mrs) Achi for their prayers, encourangement and hospitality most especially
towards the last lap of this journey.
Finally I feel much indebted to my family starting from my wife Ezinne for her
unwavering support through prayers and endless concerns towards the completion of this
program and my son Chibueze. In a special way I want to thank my mum for her
encouragement and support through prayers, my brothers Uche for his endless support at
every stage of my academic journey, Okey for being there always and my sister ChiChi
for her support and love.

Moduli spaces M 0 ,n (for integers n> 2) classify stable genus 0 algebraic curves with n -marked points. There
are several studies of embeddings of M 0 ,n including the embedding of M 0 ,n into the product space
1 2 n−3
P × P ×⋯×P using cross ratio coordinates. However, some algebraic and geometric properties such as
the projective elimination ideal of M 0 ,n and the image of its boundary divisors are yet unclear under the
embedding M 0 ,n ↪ P1 × P 2 × ⋯ × Pn−3. The problem of describing the equations of M 0 ,n in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3
remains central in algebraic geometry. Often times, a set of equations vanishing on M 0 ,n might be bigger or
smaller and thus does not give the right geometry of M 0 ,n in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 . This study was aimed at
describing the right set of equations that defines M 0 ,n as a projective variety in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 and
determining the image of the boundary divisors of M 0 ,n under this embedding.

The method of defining a map using a globally generated line bundle was employed to define the embedding
M 0 ,n ↪ P × P × ⋯ × P . For a point (C ; p1 , p2 ,… , p n ) in M 0 ,n , commutative algebraic methods were
1 2 n−3

adopted to describe the right equations in the coordinate ring C [P1 × P2 × ⋯ × Pn−3 ], which defines M 0 ,n as a
projective variety in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 . Furthermore, combinatorial methods were used to construct the
Hilbert function and Hilbert series of C [ P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 ] . The Least Common Multiple (LCM)-lattice of
the monomial ideal of the projective elimination ideal for M 0 ,6 and the corresponding minimal resolution
were computed using a combinatorial object and an algebraic algorithm. A commutative diagram and the
reinterpretation of the forgetful map π n : M 0 ,n → M 0 , n−1 were used to describe where the image of the
boundary of M 0 ,n lies in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 .

The embedding M 0 ,n ↪ P1 × P 2 × ⋯ × Pn−3 is given by n−3 homogeneous classes of cross ratio coordinates
p1 −p j +2
, (3 ≤ i≤ n−3 , 0 ≤ j ≤i). The projective elimination ideal is the set of equations defining M 0 ,n as a
p i+3− p j+2
projective variety in P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 . The Hilbert function of the multi-graded ring C [ P1 × P2 × ⋯ × P n−3 ]
1 n−3
d +i
di ( )
with ( d 1 , ⋯ , d n−3 )-graded part C [ P × P × ⋯ × P ](d , ⋯ , d ) was derived as ∏ i , and the corresponding
1 2

(∏ ( ))
d i +i d
Hilbert series was obtained as ∑ n−3
i=1 di
t i . The LCM-lattice of the monomial ideal for M 0 ,6

( d1 , ⋯ ,dn−3 )∈ ( Z ≥ 0 )
has 4 degree 3 monomials which are the atoms of the associated Hasse diagram and the corresponding
minimal resolution is an exact sequence with Betti numbers (1 , 5 ,6 ,2). The forgetful map
π n : M 0 ,n → M 0 , n−1 was identified with the Kapranov map ψ i : P ¿ pi }→ P n−3
i and the boundary divisors of
M 0 ,n was mapped to degree n−3 rational normal curves in P . n−3

The projective elimination ideal is the right set of equations that defines M 0 ,n as a projective variety in
P × P × ⋯ × P . The minimal resolution for the monomial ideal of M 0 ,6 encodes information about
1 2 n−3

relations among generators of the monomial ideal. The boundary divisors of M 0 ,n are mapped to copies of
n−3 1 2 n−3
P under the embedding M 0 ,n ↪ P × P × ⋯ × P .

Keywords: Cross ratio, Rational normal curves, Projective elimination ideal, Boundary divisors,

Word count: 430

Table of Contents

Certification i

Dedication ii

Acknowledgements iii

Abstract iv

Table of contents vi

List of Notations ix


1.1 Preliminary considerations 1

1.1.1 Darcy law 3

1.1.2 Limitations of Darcy model and its generalisations 3

1.1.3 Historical setup for theory of profiles 4

1.1.4 Solutions of Brinkman-Forchheimer equations 5

1.1.5 Some Fundamental Definitions, Spaces and Results 6

1.2 Auxiliary result 10

1.3 Objectives of the study 11

1.4 Statement of the problem 11

1.5 Motivation of the study 13

1.6 Knowledge gap 13

1.7 Research questions 14


2.0 Introduction 15
2.1 Existing work 16


3.1 Introduction 23

3.2 Some useful inequalities 23

3.3 Profile decomposition method 30

3.4 Galerkin method 33

3.5 Some auxiliary results 35

3.5.1 Decomposition of data 37

3.5.2 A profile decomposition for the heat equation 37

3.5.3 Admissible space 42


4.1 Introduction 45

4.2 Brinkman-Forchheimer equation with Lipschitz continuous damping

Term 46

4.3 Weak solutions of Brinkman-Forchheimer equations with biharmonic

damping term 53

4.4 Existence of weak solutions of BFE with biharmonic damping term in

the critical space Ḣ 2 ( R3) 59

4.5 Existence of weak solutions with biharmonic damping term in the

critical space Ḣ 2 ( R3) 63

4.6 The Main Theorem 66

4.7 Finite time singularities of solutions 74


5.1 Introduction 86

5.2 Summary 86

5.3 Limitations 87

5.4 Future work 87


List of Notations


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