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1. What is the matter of vital importance that the author wants to disclose in the beginning
of the story? Why?
 It is imperative to disclose because – Tiger King – man of indomitable courage.
 Everybody who reads about him would want to meet him –but cannot because he was
already dead.
2. What did the astrologers predict about the child when he was born?
 Child would grow to become warrior of the warriors, hero of the heroes, champion of
champions – found difficult to carry on with prediction.
 Prince born in the hour of the Bull – Bull and Tiger enemies - so death from tiger is
3. Explain – ‘at that moment a great miracle took place’,
 Miracle took place after the astrologers predicted the death of the Prince.
 An astonishing phrase – “O wise prophets!” – ten days old infant
Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur- enunciated the words clearly.
4. When did the Chief astrologer amend his statement? Why?
 The King killed a tiger and questioned the astrologer.
 The Chief astrologer told that the king could kill ninety-nine tigers but had to be
careful with the hundredth tiger.
5. ‘An unforeseen hurdle brought his mission to a standstill’. Explain.
 Mission to kill hundred tigers came to a standstill after the King had killed seventy
tigers in ten years – the tiger population – extinct in the forests of Prathibandapuram.
6. What dangers did the King face while trying to realise his mission?
 King had to fight with his bare hands – but every time he won over the beast.
 He once had a danger of losing his throne to a high ranking British Officer.
7. What did the British officer’s Secretary tell the Maharaja? Why did he refuse her
 The British officer did not want to kill the tigers – the Maharaja could do the actual
killing – wanted to take a picture - holding the gun – standing along with the carcass.
 He did not even accept the request of the Durai – he to take a photograph over the
carcass while the King did the actual killing.

8. What sort of hunts did the Maharaja offer to organise for the British officer?
 Tiger hunting was banned in Pratibandapuram – so he refused permission.
 But promised to organise – boar hunt – mouse hunt – mosquito hunt.
9. What arrangement did the Dewan make to ensure that the King got his hundredth tiger?
 The wise Dewan brought an old tiger from People’s Park Madras – hid it in his house
till midnight - he dragged the old tiger in his car along with the help of his old wife.
 Drove the car into the forest - hauled the lazy tiger - that launched a Satyagraha -out
of his car - for the King to kill it the next day.
10. How did the King celebrate his victory over the hundredth tiger?
 The King was elated- his joy knew no bounds after he killed the hundredth tiger – he
did not even bother to check the dead tiger.
 He ordered his staff to bring the carcass in a grand procession, buried the tiger and
erected a tomb over it.
11. Draw a pen portrait of the British officer.
 The officer reveals human weaknesses like vanity, greed, flattery and appeasement.
 His shallow character is also revealed along with his idle pursuits and frivolous
pastime that was common in high ranking officials.
12. How did the Maharaja please the British official?
 He had annoyed the official – to please him he sent fifty diamond rings to the
Duraisani expecting her to a couple or more and return the remaining rings.
 But she replied with a thank you note – which cost three lakh rupees – but enabled the
King to escape from the wrath of the official.
13. Why did the hunters not reveal the secret to their King?
 If the Maharaja was notified –that he had failed to kill the hundredth tiger - the
hunters feared that they might lose jobs or even their lives.
 They were afraid of the power and wrath of their King.
14. How did the Tiger King meet his end?
 The King bought a toy / wooden tiger for his son’s birthday - while playing with his
son - a sliver pricked his right hand – the next day - infection flared – with
suppurating pus.
 The doctors were called from Madras and a surgery was performed – but the King
could not be saved – anti-climax (brave king who killed hundred tigers dies because
of an infection caused by a toy tiger)
15. Comment on the appropriateness of the title, ‘The Tiger King’.
 Title apt and suggestive – story focuses on the Tiger King - starts from his birth to
death – the name dominated his entire life and mission.
 His entire life is spent on hunting tigers, including his marriage; he gifts a toy tiger for
his son’s birthday and dies because of the same.

1. The story, ‘The Tiger King’, is rich literary devices. Discuss.

 Kalki colours the story 'The Tiger King' with different shades of humour, irony and
 DRAMATIC IRONY is sharp in the story when the Tiger King alone is unaware that
his bullet had not killed the hundredth tiger but the other characters and readers
anticipate his doom as he celebrates his triumph over his destiny.
 SATIRE - The irrational behaviour of the Tiger King and his mission to kill hundred
tigers because he had been told that his ' death will come from a tiger' is satirical.
 The entire story is a subtle satire on Kings and high-government and British officials
who indulged in indiscriminate tiger hunting for the gratification of their pleasures
which has endangered the species.
 The IRONY in the story is tangible at the end. The Tiger King though tried very hard
to prove the astrologer’s prediction false, finally died because of a tiger, though a
wooden one. His killing of hundred tigers could not save him.
 HUMOUR :- Many instances evoke humour - the King asking question, as a ten
day's infant to the astrologer about his death - his marrying for sake of getting more
tigers to kill as his state was devoid of tigers - he even risks his kingdom suggesting
the British officer to hunt a boar, a deer or even a mosquito - his gift of diamond rings
and British officer's wife's greed present humour in the story - when Dewan and his
wife take the old tiger in their car to the forest and the tiger refusing to get out of the
2. Draw a character sketch of the Tiger King.

 Brave – fought with the tigers with his brave hands

 Detrmined – nothing stopped him from proving the prophecy wrong ( cite one
 Cynical – suspicious / contemptuous
 Doubtful – eg. Chief astrologer
 Selfish – looked only into his matters never worried about others
 Whimsical / impulsive – altered orders according to his mood or temper



1. Why did the astrologer put his finger on his nose?
2. When did the maharaja start out a tiger hunt? Why?
3. What steps did the Maharaja take to realize his ambition of killing hundred tigers?
4. ‘It was celebration time for tigers in Prathibandapuram’ – Explain.
5. Do you agree with the statement, “You may kill a cow in self-defence!”?
6. What information does Kalki provide regarding the upbringing of crown princes in
Indian states?
7. Why was the Dewan unhappy about the King’s order to double the tax?
8. In what manner did the hundredth tiger take its final revenge upon the Tiger King?
9. What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the wilfulness
of human beings?
10. How does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?


1. Describe the efforts taken by the king to achieve the target of killing a hundred tigers.
2. Comment on the ending of the story, ‘The Tiger King’. Do you find it convincing?
Justify your answer?

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