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1. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long, 3 m high and
30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is 320.00birr per cu m and of
plastering is 8.50 birr per sq m. (20%)

Quantity of brickwork = L x B x H = 4 m x 3 m x .30 = 3.6 cu m. Quantity of plastering (two

faces) = 2 x Lx H = 2 x 4 m x 3 m = 24 sq m Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00= 1152.00 birr.
Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = 204.00 birr

Total cost = 1152.00 +204.00 =1356.00birr.

2. Given 10m3 Concrete C – 20 Mechanical mixes with mix ratio 1:2:4. Assuming that 30%
shrinkage and 5% wastage and also take density of cement as 1400kg/m3.
a. Calculate the amount of cement required to make 10m3 of 1:2:4 concrete in kilograms
b. Calculate the volume of sand in cubic meter (10%)
c. Calculate the volume of gravel (crushed stone) in cubic meter. (10%)

Concrete Mix ratio = 1:2:4

Let Volume of concrete = 10 m3

Then a) Cement = 1/7 × 10m3 × 1400kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage

= 2730kgs

= 1.95m3

b) Sand = 2/7 × 10m3 × 1840kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage

= 7176kgs

= 3.9m3

c) Gravel = 4/7 × 10m3 × 2250kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage

= 17550kgs

= 7.8m3

3. Given a trapezoidal channel non deformed bed of bottom width 3m side slopes 1.5 (m:1)
with mean depth of flow 1.5 meters and longitudinal slope 0.03% , free board 0.6m and
length 2km . Calculate the cost of excavation and daily labor required, given that cost of
excavation 15birr /m3 and one daily labor excavate 1.3m3/day for 8 hours duty time (20%)
Trapezoidal channel
Depth of exacavation, y = flow depth + freeboard = 1.5+0.6 = 2.10m
Area of the channel = y(B+my) = 2.1(3+1.5*2.1) = 13.545m2
Volume of 2km long channel = A*L = 13.545m2*2000m = 27,090m3
Cost of excavation = 15birr/m3*27,090m3 = 406, 350birr
Daily labor required = 27,090m3/1.3m3 per day
4. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 6 m long, 3 m high and
40 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is 350.00birr per cubic meter and
of plastering is 9.0 birr per square meter. (20%)
Quantity of brickwork = L x B x H = 6m x 3 m x 0.40 = 7.2 cu m. Quantity of plastering (two
faces) = 2 x Lx H = 2 x 6 m x 3 m = 36 sq m Cost of brickwork = 7.2 x 350.00= 2520.00 birr.
Cost of plastering = 36 x 9.0 = 324.00 birr
Total cost = 2520.00 +324.00 =2844.00birr.
5. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long, 3 m high and
30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is 320.00birr per cu m and of
plastering is 8.50 birr per sq m. (20%)
Quantity of brickwork = L x B x H = 4 m x 3 m x .30 = 3.6 cu m. Quantity of plastering (two
faces) = 2 x Lx H = 2 x 4 m x 3 m = 24 sq m Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00= 1152.00 birr.
Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = 204.00 birr
Total cost = 1152.00 +204.00 =1356.00birr.

6. Given 10m3 Concrete C – 20 Mechanical mixes with mix ratio 1:2:4. Assuming that 30%
shrinkage and 5% wastage and also take density of cement as 1400kg/m3.
a) Calculate the amount of cement required to make 10m3 of 1:2:4 concrete in kilograms
b) Calculate the volume of sand in cubic meter (10%)
c) Calculate the volume of gravel (crushed stone) in cubic meter. (10%)

Concrete Mix ratio = 1:2:4

Let Volume of concrete = 10 m3
Then a) Cement = 1/7 × 10m3 × 1400kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 2730kgs
= 1.95m3
b) Sand = 2/7 × 10m3 × 1840kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 7176kgs
= 3.9m3
c) Gravel = 4/7 × 10m3 × 2250kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 17550kgs
= 7.8m3

7. The water supply project has a reservoir with 40cm thick stone masonry sub-structure. If 2
mason with 6 daily labour constructs 5m3 per day. Take one working day as eight hour.
a. How many daily labors required in order to construct 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry?
b. How many masons required for constructing 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry? (5%)
c. How long (in hour) it will take to construct this 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry? (5%)
a. 2*15/5 = 6 masons required
b. 6*15/5 = 18 daily labour
c. 15*1/5 = 3days = 24 hour

8.A Trapezoidal channel with side slopes 1.5H: 1V is required to carry 15m 3/sec of flow with
abed slope of 1 in 4000
If the channel is lined; n = 0.014
If the channel is unlined; n = 0.028
What percentage of earth work is saved in a lined section, relative to an unlined section,
Hydraulically efficient section is used in both cases? (15%)
Assumed – free board = 0.75m in both cases and the lining can be assumed to be up to
the top of the section.
A=( B+ 2Y ) Y

P=B+2 √ ( 2Y ) +Y =B+ 2 √ 5 Y
2 2

B= −2 Y

P= −2 Y +2 √5 Y
∂P −A
= −2+ 2 √ 5=0
∂Y Y 2

A=2.47 Y
P=B+2 √ 5Y but B= −2Y
2.47 Y
¿ −2Y +2 √ 5 Y =4.94 Y
2 1
A 3 2
Q= R S
3 2
m 2.47 Y
15 = ׿
s 0.012
Y =2.198 m

B= −2 Y =1.04 m

Volume of lined chanal is (B*Y+SY2)*L

9. Calculate the cost for preparing one cubic meter of concrete mix 1:2:3 from the following
given data, assume any missing data (20%)
2.1 a. Material cost – cement 150 birr per sack of 50 kg
- Sand 35 birr per m3
- Aggregate 20mm size 110 birr per m3
b. Delivery cost - cement 20 birr per sack
- Sand 60 birr per m3
- Aggregate 20mm size 60 birr pre m3
2.2 Labor required - one Mason wages 45 birr / day for 8 hours duty time
- 6 Daily labor wages 12 birr/daily labor / day for 8 hours duty
- 1/8 Foreman wages 80birr / day for 8 hours duty time
2.3 Contractor’s profit @ 20 %
10.Calculate the cost of excavation for a trapezoidal unlined canal having the following
dimensions, b1=1.2m, b2 = 2.5m, length 2.5km and average depth of excavation 1.2m if the
cost for cubic meter of excavation is 12 birr? (12%)
11. A rectangular reservoir with 5m length and 4m width have spacing b/n consecutive 12mm
bars is 20cm. assuming 9cm hooks for one end of the bar, how much bars in kg do you use for a
cover slab?(15)
Weight (kg)=(2*0.22)/36

Length of bar, L= length of beam or slab – two end cover,

Total length of one bar =L+2*9


Number of bar = L/spacing + 1

Assume one end of cover slab 4cm-5cmfor beam 2.5-5cm

item Particular work No Length(m) quantity Total weight

1 Along length 26.4=27 5.08 137.16 @0.89kg=122.02kg

2 Along width 20.04=21 4.08 85.68 @0.89kg=76.26kg

12.A rectangular lined canal shown the cross section below have a length of 1.25km
A) Calculate the volume of masonry in cubic meter (5%)
B) If the external walls are pointed calculate the area?(3%)
C) What amount of cement screeding is required for internal walls & the canal bed in
M2 (3%)
D) Calculate the amount of hard core required in M3 (4%)
13. from the given 200M3 capacity circular reservoir cross section,
D) Calculate the volume of bottom and top slabs of the reservoir (12%)
E) Calculate the volume of wall (6%)
14. Calculate the cost for preparing 10M3 of concrete (C-20) from the following given data (20)
2.1 a. Material cost – cement 150 birr per sack of 50 kg
- Sand 35 birr per m3
- Aggregate 20mm size 110 birr per m3
b. Delivery cost - cement 20 birr per sack
- Sand 60 birr per m3
- Aggregate 20mm size 60 birr pre m3
C. vat @ 12.5 % on the purchase of above material
2.2 Labor required - one Mason wages 50 birr / cubic meter /day for 8 hours duty
- 6 Daily labor wages 15 birr/daily labor / cubic meter/ day for 8
hours duty time
- 2/16 Foreman wages 80birr / cubic meter /day for 8 hours duty
Add water charges 1.5%

2.3 Contractor’s profit @ 25 %

15. Given a trapezoidal channel non deformed bed of bottom width 5m side slopes 2 (m:1) with
mean depth of flow 2 meters and longitudinal slope 0.02% , free board 0.75m and length
5.25km .
A) Calculate the cost of excavation and daily labor required, given that cost of excavation
20birr /m3 and one daily labor excavate 1.25m3/day for 8 hours duty time (10)
B) Calculate the Area (A), perimeter (P) and hydraulic mean depth (R) (9)

16. It is intended to construct a pump house of 4mx5m for a water supply project.
Total hollow concrete block (H.C.B) and concrete (1:2:3) work are 45m 2 and 7m3
Calculate (a) total number of H.C.B (net size single H.C.B is 40cmx20cmx20cm) (10)
For 20 cm thickness HCB—13pcs/m2 = 45/m2*13pcs/m2=585pcs
(b) cement required for concrete work works in bags (10)

(c) amount of sand required (m3) (5)
(d) amount of gravel required (m3) (5)
17. If a height of circular water thank is 5.7m and the required volume is 500,000 liters what
will be the internal diameter circular of water tank, assumed over flow pipe pleased at 5.5m
(15%) V=500m3

H=5.7m but over flow pleased at 5.5m


V=3.14*r2 *h

r2 = 500/(3.14*5.5)


18.If a diameter of water thank is 5.7m and the required volume is 50,000 liters what will be the
height of water tank, (10)


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