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Eundameotals oi Comnunicatian
Intaoduction and fundameatals af CammunicatianPoscessof comausicatinn
Baxiexs to elective Cammunication Diffexent typesof conmunicatin
Intexpexsanaland Tatxapeisooal ConDuD0Catiop skil.s Acs o

Intáoduction to Phonetics

Intzo duction ta Phonetics English Péanunciatisn Tatdoclaction to consanants

And youels syllables od stuuctuxe adoxd stxeSS and Tatonatixn
in Engish Inguage
Basc English Gannax Yocabulazy Paxt T
Pasts of speech Aaticles and Pxepasitin, Gueatan Tags Taians 4
phases, Yacabulaisy syaanyms AnianyMs Huanayns tanaphanes, aocl
Basic English Giamna Vocabulazy : PaxtI

lokd foänation - Pxefkes and sulies, Compaud wnads, Cantzactions ggd

Abbxeviations., Tenses and Lyps ot tenses Rules in tense
a0d Exeacises on it
DOMS Page No.

Communication skills fox Employmeat

Tofoxmation Tansfex Oxal Pgesentatian and its fsactice. quicde libas(at

Exfempaxe Public spakíng Motthex tongue Tatluence (TT) VaxiauS
Techeiqutshx geutaaizatioa f Matthex Tioque iotluence and
istening Camplehensians - Execíses

Cinmunicatin shating txansmissian mtsságés.

Iatin woxd
Communicoe = to shaxe ith tuo ox moxe piaple
DOMSPega tNo.

Souzce -channel
Sandex lEocadiaglMessage Receivex

ited back Decodíng

0 Scnantc Raxiexs language Kelated )aaial| aiteatt, kiteniPunetuatns.
sptlfhg czox
Cobe iycholagtcal)iBaxiexs Citax, tuatanstety zclatad tomind)
9physical Baxxicas (estezoal naises) aaise{peuple I ueatthex
Eultuzal Bauiexs

0 Physical disabiltky ehaleages)

Types s Camoaucicatin

Wods newspapex
apPEOach Ympastu
yexbal Nanyesbal fsxmal [afotmal qeaexal techaica

lanqungs pictudes

Bady lang (kaesiks)
TPaxa liaguictícs (vcal/Vaice
tone, modulation

Ty to .tdentify the example of Vabal. comnusicatia.

) pietase b) sisen a biochu~e a) body langage
DOMSPaga Na.

Iatexpexsonel aod Tatzapexsonel Canmunicatian

Tatexpezssazltamunication kfas tá conihunication hetuien tus

MaZe people ubich Can boe foxnal iotoznal

Tatuapeisanel cammunicatiun Yefcs th cammuoicatian betuen tun

AAN tple hiehtan be ouaselues.
Self mativatisn scli -iatiaspction nlanaing-decdsibn nakng
Genexal 4 Technical tala

Genexal. [naga~ines) inr Technical pkoject thesis]

A message Seht fa many meant fi IsAectfic taxqeted

audtehce [camman msql
geneal vocabulaty
AbXma Liofozmal
can~aate Lspatan
nay fmay nt fallun isd follaus: spectflci fiinat 4
stauctude 4 fotmat stauctu'e
Allouss ma leiklih SAnttc appxaach" hased en
agical, 2vídtace datise callection
ro scope ef ceativityl
Pexsopal 4 is biastd it is unbiased
sage agaphical xeptseatatin. sage af ataphical epksentatisn
soot necessaly
DOMS Pgo No.

Lcs o Communtcation

MThe sevencs af communicatian axe list af pxinciplesfr wiiteo

and spaken communicatians to ensu~ that theya axe effective make
You a qaad communicatot
Gousteay being humble 4palitenessinufone and atitude
Cauztesy is the mast inpaataat quality si the messenqex f EVesyane
qains uheit (auatesy xeiqas s an ald but wtse "saying
Cauxtesymeans paliteness.
t is an attitude that shaus Xespect fox otheis nh
It hlpsio building god ut.
tt is not enaugh t patte i cypissian tke thankyau"kindly'
ue appIKdate" please' eta it Must hatet a CauxteoS tone too

To achiese couatesy 4keep in mind the fallauingpolnts

Be sincee - Usecpxsions hat sha spect
appeciatéxe of the aives's paY - Avatd hmax Arold discämnatazsy
anguagie, iaa, alau geadez., cutd.r ete
Considexation - cnpathy tauasde lstox 4xeadex
Cansidexation i toput yau in the. place af the xeceivex
neanspepaäing eyery message with the message:ixectyex indmnind
This moce af cónsidexattánis called "Yau attitude

his fntxests benefits


To be considexate, the fallauing palots chauld be kept ta

yaur mateial fum yau Yeadet's pay focus on "you fasted t
Considex theoEeds and pxablensAf the seceiyer

claity: -cleaxness af the aessage

clarity is the saulof a message
it mea0s tbe accIxate txansfa ideas frum the sendax's stde 4,
Esedy meSSAAe shauld be CacNeyed in e ceas mannex
cdaity ames hxough cdeag hiakingA good messag shawsh
idea dtety and cteaxky
A Attes shauld ost staxt th Message unless he Knaws han
(use of language and what (centxa idea) be uants t say
A Messaqe wsten ina the isinple nd ndloaxIanqunge
always natuxaliand appxeciable.

Coxiectoess:accuzacyin Coatent gaanmeX

Th shaxt cutw to beioga qoad tex
t leatatd hisugh cnslstat pxacie and i Constantstuggi
mesage being- commuaicated nust ht cOXXect
CoXLectoess xefcls ta cozet qxam ma~ punetuation, t spelliag
Ta adhiege coxYectness
check the decuaacy of facts and flauis
check mtstakes In punctuatlan amnas capltalizatian.
check mispelled wnxds

Conciseness-beíng biáck paedae fcomplefe

-Tht beauty df dician languags lies in 1ts cancistQess
Conciseness means btef. Camplte
Be 6 batef as possihle
DOMS Page Na.

Rut must 0ot be So bief as ta be discouateous

to eilecliye messag
A Cancise message saves ime andapense fox bath senda and
Th achieve tancisens, bbsese the follauiog Suggestons.
Renoye the waidy expYessions Toclude oniy xelexAnt matealal Auaid
un0e cessaxy xpetitian
Concaeteness: - being speific ¢ xeevant
Cammuoicating cncactely Means being speilic neaningful and clear
Vaque and qeDexal messages Xesult in na Yspanst
belps the xecve ta undeistand the cYact ida
Caocxete Use oi available. facts and adds ta the asthen hicity
f the Messag
To achiexe cocaeteness, cansidex the fallauiog AAUS
Dseclea~ nodnage. building uoxsi ivani
ise speciic facts Sinnd iguxesa
active oLce than passiNe yoice.

Completenessi -haiog al the incte

shauld be Camplete to balng the desteete_ub
A Camplzte messaqe contains. all the facta zauadaut thet

The xecetveis xeaction to ao iutomplete mssage in afteo unfavsxable

An focampietemeása4 shausQegliqenceand CNlessnessAaf the
fox canpieteness fallau these quidelnes
Reoembek th fiuescW's ( what,iuhen , iuhei a uby;,suha) and hae.
Pxovide al the necessaxy iaiomatiin AOsues i all the questiens asked.
Ioclude. addttenal infsmatibnif desiied.

phagetics speaking
phanetics phan (sunds).
English Saunde (uu)
vowel (a0) consonants-(a4)i
puxe (i2)
Oiphthongs ()
(el-C smallest Uht phagems

phonetics deals with he study of sprech saubsls. I

a bianch of linguistis that focuses 00 the pinducióps
andclassificatian -00spch Saunds


Respiratoxyi= comprss luags, tachea bionchilse tubzs

phanataxy -iyotce bax, laya
Axtsculatoxy- AcS4, lips, teth

eachsound isXepxeSentedulth standexd symbals shich

called IPA Tntenationa!phanelicAlphabet symbals)
The smallest unfk of SQund
Lef pat
kl kite
b bat
DOMS Papa iNo.

Vouwsls aie sounds that axe pxaduced when aiy passEs

thaaugh yacal choxdfeely with outany afz pressutL
Io this Con dttionthe Vocal chords wtde apatt
nakiag thu ai pass fxely
c q i ship shaxt yawel
lail-aunt ait
Consboaat is a Suttch Sound axticulated wth complrte 03
paztialclosuze the yoal txack n this. situaton the att
pasststhBaugh yKal chaxd ulth fxictioo

l6|- btke

JNLEN manophthangs diahthangs
16 baat Is ste il sheep rOL-hexe
H tea Itl- ship lerl -watt
LSLshall lñel- tourisk
| chese 31- televisian 1I/ boy
dz| Tune m - man Lel- bed. som Laul shou
lal- teachex lcal- hat
13:/ - bitd. larl my
lh< hat. laul- cow
yidea ove
1ol think.
Iwl wet le Cat
DoMSPagY Nia.

Sy!lable and stauctuxe:

syllab<e 'aienphanalsgfcal hitlding

atleast anesyabl a unkdAth sylableis a paxt f
uteitcd they seantantausly bxtak iato.
sylable constHute the unit ofi english ohyth


haye 00 VOwel

The 0ucleus af a Syilable is a Vottel saUndwaxds
foxmed wfth Ca0sanant


Chnsket t t
sin kindlysnit \NC-cVCC -CV 31
1u Read c
DOMSaga Na

man ystigagh
tua syllableaf diaylabic
aqo hatel, tre dam, agie
sylla-bl dic -tinn- axy a- tion

nd-mía-is-txa- tion veq ta- ble , tech-ns- las

Find furx Oxds

|20HSPaga tio.

woKd stxessi

Rea dingsyllabl piicluction

whena waxd hosMae thaniin pattan in cngish he
Syllabl utllYCiV max othexs
when t is pxanouged This isitha t.syllablez i whtek
eciles paiinaxy oxd stxess. This means that aapared
to the athe) syllcbles the
Sylable axiculated

uben thexa·e tåo Sylahles if he nAd is &

Aaun the stxss is An the fixst syllable

If ft Rs a vexh,then the stxess iso0th lustsylah

t xelease aatangq.
Campaund w0ãd NtN) wbexe in the Ast
XCeive th styess
pendl case Book shelf uoch bhax

Woxd stiess shift

t xfets to shifing 0atuxeof the stxssÀ 4
the functian
tgi obËct (n) wht (s that shinia hject
obset v)- He ull obËect the mates

Paesent () what
lovely pestn a
Present (y)H was atpseat Dthecka
DOMS Page No.

Recoxd ()wherL is yeu)physlcs Ycaxd

Recad ) - H xCoXded fbthe

Canduct (N) - His ooduct

Conduct () - let Con ducta class tofmoxQw

Pxajsct (N) Saxah loved apxoject

Paafect ) - He praiected himself to be smart

Intanaton - tooal yaxiatioa. ising iatanakan

si¯e ffall a sptch Vfaliag fotanafian
'- fatl_xise

ulhat do yau uadexstand ky iotanatian? wxite tts types ?

Totonaian is the xíse 4 fall af speech fozmtion t fs the
ya~iatian in a pitch of yotce. It xefexS to the toaal yaxíatop
and hecames Constttueat element fn the
Thexe axe thze basic pattexos
engish aysten
0 faliag intonatian- (
Hexe the yaice falls o0 the fioal staeSsed syllable of e
woKd io the seatence It is quite CoMm0D ouestions

wbas fs the neaxest påst otftte ?

uhat ticoe docs the film fiaish

) Risiog iatonation - ( )
tlxe the vatces. isesat the eod of a 5e0tençe
yafne gucstion
DOHSPago No.

7Areyou happy
D0 yau Iikechocalates.

fall f xise )
Hexe the vaice falls and then xíses Fall-xtseis
nalhy Used at the end of the seateoc

Yained Yayday in the fsst wEk: Iy

Idont Support any foatbal team at themameot

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