Gkromast 2mt3 Notes

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AMT English

- Of – tell us where
- Involving – joins two parts of the same word
- And – the two combining forms are equal

Chapter 1 Terminations

Primary suffixes

- Suffixes (x-itis)
 An ending
 An ending is a termination
- Only have one part
- x-ia: an abnormal condition involving x

Derived suffixes

- combination of primary suffixes and other parts

- x-os/is: an abnormal condition involving x
- x-ot/ic: p.t. an abnormal condition involving x

Verbs (not predictable)

- x-ize
 to (do the action of) x
 to make (something) x

Adjectives (not predictable)

- p.t. = pertaining to
- x-ile
- x-al
- x-ic
- x-ous
- x-ray
- x-ar
- x-an
- x-ine
- x-ac
- x-oid


- x-ia
 an abnormal condition involving x
- x-ist
 one who (does the action of) x
 one who specializes in x
- x-in
 a substance (which does the action) of x

Diagnostic Termination

- Diagnostic ≠ problem/disorder
- Treatment
- Normal things/processes that are happening in the body
- x-it/is
 the inflammation of x
- x-o/rrhex/is
 the rupturing of x
- x-o-schis/is
 the splitting of x
- x-ias/is
 the abnormal presence of x
- x-o-path-iasis
 the abnormal presence of a disease of x
- x-o-clas/is
 the breaking of x
- x-os/is
 an abnormal condition involving x
- x-ia = x-osis
- x-o-path/y
 a disease of x
- x-o-megal/y
 the enlargement of x
- x-o-phag/y
 the ingestion of x
- x-o-genes/is
 the production of x
 x-o-genet/ic – p.t. the production of x
- x-o-poies/is
 the formation of x
 x-o-poiet/ic – p.t. the formation of x
- x-o-kines/is
 the movement of x
 x-o-kinet/ic
- x-alg/ia & x-odyn/ia
 pain in/involving x
- x-o-pen/ia
 a deficiency of x
- x-o-rrhag/ia
 the rapid flowing of (something from) x
- x-o-malac/ia
 the softening of x
- x-o-necros/is
 the death of x
- x-o-stenos/is
 the narrowing of x
- x-o-scleros/is
 the hardening of x
- x-o-ptosis
 the downward displacement of x
- gouty pain: a sharp inflammation of the joints. (x-agra)
- x-edema
 the swelling of x
 x-edemat/ous
 swelling is a symptom of inflammation
- x-o-cele
 the protrusion of (something through) x
- x-o-lith
 a calculus in/involving x
- x-ec/topia
 the displacement of x
- x-ec/tasia
 the distention/stretching of x
- x-o-dys/trophy
 the defective growth of x
- x-a/trophy
 the lack of growth of x
- x-a/sthenia
 the lack of strength of x

Therapeutic Terminations

- fixing the problem

- x-o-therapy
 treatment by means of x
- x-o-stas/is
 the stopping of x
- x-o-plasty
 the surgical repairing of x
- x-o-centes/is
 the surgical puncturing of x
- x-o/rrhaphy
 the suturing of x
- x-o/tomy
 the cutting of x
- x-ec/tomy
 the cutting out of x
- x-o-stomy
 the making of an opening in x
- x-ics
 the science of x
- x-o/logy
 the study of x
- x-o-scopy
 the examination of x
- x-o-graph/y
 the recording of x
 x-o-graph – an instrument for recording x
- x-o-pex/y
 the adhesion of x (diagnostic)
 the fixation of x (therapeutic)
- x-o-lys/is
 the disintegration of x (diagnostic)
 the separation of the adhesions of x (therapeutic)
- x-o-tropism
 the tendency to preferentially affect x
- x-o-tropic
 preferentially affecting x
- x-o-phag/e
 something (or “a cell”) which ingests x
- x-o-tom/e
 an instrument for cutting x
- x-ec/tom/e
 an instrument for cutting out x
- x-o-scop/e
 an instrument for examining x
- x-o/meter
 an instrument for measuring x
- x-o-gen/ic
 producing x
- x-o-gen/ous
 produced by x
- x-ic/ist
 one who specializes in the science of x


- primum non nocere: the first (most important) thing is not to cause harm.
- Noun + adjective
- Adjectives:
 Masculine: ends with (us)
 Feminine: ends with (a)
 Neuter ends with (um)
 Except x-al  alis  alis  ale
 Except x-ar  aris  aris  are
- Cranium (noun) – English and Latin
- Singular Nouns:
 x-us (masculine)
 x-a (feminine)
 x-um (neuter)
 x-on (neuter)
- Singular Adjectives:
 x-(e)us
 x-(e)a
 x-(e)um
- x-osis – both English and Latin

Chapter 2 General Anatomy

- som(at)/o – the body

- epiderm(at) – the epidermis
- cephal/o – the head
- rhin/o – the nose
- prosop/o – the face
- faci/o – the face
- thorac/o – the chest
- steth/o – the chest
- omphal/o – the navel
- umbil(ic)/o – the navel
- cervic/o – the neck
- trachel/o – the neck
- ocul/o – the eyes

Combining forms

- anthrop/o – human(s); humanity

- som(at)/o – body
- derm(at)/o – skin
- epi/derm(at)/o – epidermis (the “thing on the skin”)
- cyt/o – cell
- x-o-cyte
 a cell of x
- arthr/o – joint
- acr/o – extreme parts (extremities)
 often functions as a prefix, which means that is often belongs to the
combining form that it immediately precedes.
- cephal/o – the head
- trich/o – hair
- mel/o – limb
- of  involving  and
- ot/o – ear
 when ot/o is referring to the ear then it will tend to come at the start of
the word
 otherwise it will likely be a form of x-osis
 acr/ot/algia = acr/osis + algia
o pain involving an abnormal condition, involving the
o Pain in the extremities of the ear.
- rhin/o – nose
- prosop/o – face
- faci/o – face
- cervic/o – neck/cervix uteri
 cervix uteri = the neck of the uterus
- trachel/o – neck
- om/o – shoulder
- brachi/o – an arm
- ancon/o – elbow
- cheir/o, chir/o – hand
- practor
 one who practices with
- urge = ergo = work (Greek)
- dactyl/o – digit
- onych/o – nail
- mast/o – breast
- thel/e – nipple
- gon/o, gony/o – knee
- pod/o – foot
- ped/o – foot
- glute/o – buttock
- blephar/o – eyelid
- ophthalm – eye

Chapter 3 The Musculo-Skeletal System

- skelet/o – the skeleton

- crani/o – the skull
- myel/o – the spinal cord
- stern/o – the sternum
- xiph/o, xiphoid/o – the xiphoid process
- pelv/i, pelv(i)/o – the pelvis
- ili/o – the ilium
- ischi/o – the ischium
- pub/o, pubi – the pubis
- sacr/o – the sacrum
- coccyg/o – the coccyx

Combining Forms

Only one in the body

- oste/o – bone
 x-ostosis – the ossification of x
- oss(e)/o – bone (os – Latin)
- skelet/o – the skeleton
- cleid/o – collar bone
- clav/i/cul/o, clav(ic)/I – collar bone
- acromi/o – acromion
- corac/o, coacoid/o – coracoid process
 resembling (the beak of) a raven
- xiph/o, xiphoid/o – the xiphoid process
 resembling a sword
- cubit/o – elbow
- carp/o – wrist
- phalang/o – phalanges
- rach(i)/o, rhach(i)/o – spine
- myel/o – the spinal cord, bone marrow
- spondyl/o – vertebra
- cost/o, cost/i – rib
- cox/o – hip
- pub/o, pub/i – the pubis (adult bone)
- sarc/o – the sacrum (sacred bone)
- pat/ell/o – kneecap
All over the body (of …)

- chondr/o – cartilage
- cartilage(in)/o – cartilage
- my/o, my/os/o – muscle (more common)
- mus/cul/o – muscle

Compound Nouns

- x-o-musculus – a/the muscle of x

- x-o-musculi – the muscles of x
- x-o-dermis – the skin of x
- x-o-membrana – a/the membrane of x
- x-o-membranae – the membranes of x

Chapter 4 The eye and the ear

- encephal(a)/o – the brain

 (the part inside the head)
- cerebr/o – the brain; the cerebrum
 (top of the head)
- cerebell/o – the cerebellum
 (little brain)
- membran/o – membrane
- mening/o – membrane (covering the brain and the spinal cord) / meninges
- ependym/o – the ependyma
- neur/o – nerve
- nerv/i – nerve
- Ganglion
 Anatomy – a structure containing a number of nerve cell bodies
 Medicine – an abnormal benign swelling on a tendon sheath

The Eye

- ophthalm/o – eye
- opt(ic)/o – eye
- ocul/o – eye
- cor/e, cor(e)/o – pupil
- pup/ill/o – pupil
- ker(at)/o – cornea
- corne/o – cornea
- scler/o – the sclera
- dacry/o – tear (Greek)
- lacrim/o – tear (Roman)

The Ear

- tympan/o – middle ear

- malle/o – hammer (malleus)
- incud/o – anvil (incus)
- staped(i)/o – stirrup (stapes)
- myring/o – tympanic membrane
Chapter 5 Circulatory and Lymphatic System; Glands

- hem(at)/o – blood
- x-emia
 the abnormal presence of the blood in x (when blood can be in that
 the abnormal presence of x in the blood (when x is a substance or
residue) – more common
- sangu/in/o, sangu/i – blood
- plasm(at)/o, plasm/a – plasma
- thromb/o – clot
- thromb/o/cyt/o – (blood) platelet(s)
- sphygm/o – pulse
- card(i)/o – the heart
- angi/o (angei-) – vessel
- vas/o, vas/cul/o – vessel / container
- arter(i)/o – artery
- phleb/o – vein
- ven/o – vein


- when a base denoting a gland is followed by a termination with a verbal idea

in it, the word that is formed usually refers to a secretion or secretions from
the gland in question.
- (endo)crin/o – secretion
- hormone/o – hormone
- aden/o – gland
- glandul/o – gland (little acorn)
- pineal/o – the pineal gland
- hypophys(e)/o – the pituitary gland
- par/ot(id)/o – parotid gland
- thyr(oid)/o – the thyroid gland
- para/thyr/o, para/thyr/oid/o – parathyroid gland
- ad/ren/o, ad/ren/al/o – adrenal gland
- supra/ren/o, supra/ren/al/o – adrenal gland
- insul/o – islets of Langerhans

Chapter 6 The Respiratory System

- rhin/o – the nose

- nas/o – the nose
- sin(us)/o – sinus
- sept/o – septum
- antr/o – antrum
- trach/e/o – trachea
- bronch/o – bronchus
- pleur/o – pleura
- pharyng/o – the pharynx
- nasopharyng/o. rhinopharyng/o – the nasopharynx
- epiglott(id)/o – the epiglottis
- laryng/o – the larynx
- phren/o & diaphragm(at)/o – the diaphragm
- mediastin/o – the mediastinum
- spir/o – breathing
- pne/o – breathing

Lungs and Air

- pneum/o – can mean either lung(s) or air; pneumon/o always mean lung;
pneumat/o always mean air
- pne/um(on)/o – lung; air
- pulm(on)/o – lung
- pne/um(at)/o – air; lung


- making something smaller

- ven/ae – veins (plural – Latin)
- ven/ul/ae – little veins (plural – Latin)

Chapter 7 Oral-Dental Systems

- gnath/o -- jaw
- maxilla/o – the upper jaw
- mandibul/o – the lower jaw
- geni/o – the chin
- ment/o – the chin
- stom(at)/o – mouth (can be the ostium uteri)
- or/o – the mouth (only the one on the face)
- cheil/o – lip (only the one on the face)
- labi/o – lip (can be other lips)
- bucc/o -- cheek
- gloss/o – the tongue (only the one in the mouth)
- lingu/o -- tongue
- palat/o – the palate
- uran(isc)/o – the palate
- odont/o – tooth
- dent/o, dent/i – tooth
- peri/odont/o – the periodontium (the part surrounding the teeth)
- staphyl/o – the uvula
- uvul/o – the uvula
- cion/o – the uvula
- periodont/o – the periodontium
- gingiv/o – the gums
- ul/o – the gums

Chapter 8 Bones of the Head

- front/o – the frontal bone (os frontale)

- pariet/o – the parietal bone (os parietale)
- occipit/o – the occipital bone (the occiput)
- atl(ant)/o – the atlas bone
- sutur/ – (the) suture

Diagnostic forms

- x-aux/is – the enlargement of x

- x-o-cirrhos/is – the hardening of x
- x-o-cleis/is – the closure of x
- x-(h)elcos/is – the ulceration of x
- x-i-fer/ous – bearing x
- x-o-toxicosis – the poisoning of x
- x-o-tox/ic – poisonous to x
- x-o-tox/in – a substance poisonous to x
- x-o-toxicity – the ability to poison x

Therapeutic forms

- x-apher/esis – the removal of x

- x-(en)chys/is – the injection of fluid into x
- x-o-campsia – the bending of x (therapeutic); the curvature of x (diagnostic)
 = x-o-campsis
- x-o-camp – an instrument for bending x
- x-o-tripsy – the crushing of rubbing of x
- x-o-tribe – an instrument for crushing or rubbing x

Chapter 9 Digestive System

- celi/o – the abdomen; the abdominal wall

- abdomin/o – the abdomen
- ventr/o – the abdomen
- lapar/o – the abdominal wall
- splanchn/o – viscera
- viscer/o – viscera
- esophag/o – the esophagus
- gastr/o – the stomach
- stomach/o – the stomach
- cardi/o – the cardiac part of the stomach
- pylor/o – the pylorus
- duoden/o – the duodenum
- cholecyst/o – the gallbladder
- choledoch/o – the common bile duct
- cholangi/o – bile duct
- hepat/o – the liver
- pancre(at)/o – the pancreas
- enter/o – the (small) intestine
- jejun/o – the jejunum
- chol/e – bile
- bil/I – bile
- copr/o – feces (no “the”)
- fec/ – feces
- sterc(or)/o – feces
- scat/o – excrement

- hepat/o refers to the liver

- hepat/ic/o refers to the hepatic duct
- pancre(at)/o refers to the pancreas
- pancreat/ic/o refers to the pancreatic duct

Chapter 10 Uro-genital Systems

- lumb/o – loin
- inguin/o – groin
- perine/o – the perineum
- gen/it/o – genitals
- ur/o, uron/o – urine; the urinary tract
- urin/o – urine
- x-ures/is
 the passage of x in the urine
- x-ur/ia
 the abnormal presence of x in the urine
 the abnormal presence of urine in the x
- cyst/o, cystid/o – the bladder; cyst
- vesic/o – the bladder; cyst
- nephr/o, ren/o – kidney

Chapter 11 Psychological Terms

- psych/o – the mind

- phren/o – the mind
- ide/o – idea
- neur/o – emotions, when used in psychology
- er(ot)/o – sexual love, desire
- nyct/o – night
- hypn/o – sleep
- oneir/o – dream
- narc/o – stupor
- pharmac/o – drug, medicine
- esthes(i)/o – perception
- an/esthes(i)/o – the loss of perception
- hallucin/o – hallucination
- nos/o – disease
- hyster/o – hysteria
- epilept/o – epilepsy
- pseud/o – false; falsely
 in front of a noun – a false x
 in front of adj – falsely p.t. x
- x-o-phobia
 a morbid dread of x
- x-o-phob/e
 one who has a morbid dread of x / one with a morbid dread of
- x-o-philia
 a morbid fondness for x
- x-o-phil/ic
 p.t. a morbid fondness for x (psychology)
- x-o-phil/e
 one with a morbid fondness for x
 one with the propensity to (do the action of) x
- x-o-phil
 something with an affinity for x
- x-o-phili/ac
 p.t./one with a propensity for/to x
- x-o-mania
 a morbid fondness for x
- x-o-man/ic
 p.t. a morbid fondness for x
- x-o-mani/ac
 one with a morbid fondness for x
 p.t. a morbid fondness for x
 having an affinity for x
- x-esthesia
 the perception of x
- x-an/esthesia
 the loss of perception of x
- x-o-leps/y
 a seizure of/involving x
- x-o-lagnia
 sexual gratification involving x

Chapter 12 Substances

- hydr/o – water; fluid

- hygr/o – moisture
- aer/o – air; gas
- phys/o – gas
- sarc/o – flesh
- hist/o, hist/i – tissue
- kary/o – nucleus
- nucle/o – nucleus
- fibr/o – fiber
- in/o, in/os/o – fiber
- elast/o, elast/ic/o – elastic tissue
- muc/o, muc/i, mucos/o – mucus
- lip/o, lipar/o – fat; lipids
- adip/o, adipos/o – fat
- steat/o – fat
- pimel/o – fat
- galact/o – milk
- lact/o – milk
- sider/o – iron
- ferr/o – iron
- stann/o – tin
- coni/o – dust
- x-oma
 a tumor involving x
- x-om(at)/o
 a tumor involving x
- onc/o – tumor
- x-onc/us
 a tumor involving x

Chapter 13 The Concept

- hyper/ -- excessive; above

- epi/ -- upon/on; excessive
- supra/ -- above
- hypo/ -- insufficient; below
- sub/ -- below
- infra/ -- below
- peri/ -- surrounding
- circum/ -- around; about
- para/ -- beside
- extra/ -- outside
- ex/ -- outside
- ex/o – outside
- ect/o – outside
- end/o – inside
- en/ -- inside
- intra/ -- inside
- ent/o – inside
- pre – before; in front of
- pro – before; in front of
- retr/o – behind
- post/ -- behind, after
- syn/ -- together; with
- ant/i – against (something acting against)

double prefixes

- x something y … (add something between)

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