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Fighter Subclasses

Arcane Swordsman
Arcane power flow through your body. Heightened your
senses, strenghtening the body and enable you to do
Aura Swordmanship.
Level 3: Heightened Senses
Years of training heightened your senses. You got +1 to
hit roll and Armor class. This effect become +2 at level
12 and +3 at level 18
Level 7: Aura Swordsmanship
You can channel arcane power to your melee Weapon.
As bonus action you can infuse Aura to your melee
weapon. Your weapon become infused for 10 minutes.
It will end earlier if you’re unconscious or sheathe your
weapon. When doing so, your weapon glow with a
colour of your choice around it. You cannot change the
color after you choose it. Damage from aura infused
weapon counted as magic. When you hit, add +1d10 to
your damage roll. Enemy that got hit by this attack can
make constitution saving throw. On save, it takes half Aura Sword
the damage instead. The damage grow to +2d12 on [The Greatest Estate Designer]
level 12 and +3d12 on level 18. You can only use this a
number of times equal to your proficiency modifier.
Level 10: Strenghtened Body
Your body has been imbued with so much arcane it
become stronger. You are immune to anyy kind of
diseases and resistance to poison. You dont need to
sleep, instead you meditate deeply, remaining semi-
conscious, for 4 hours a day. You regulate arcane that
runs through your body in this state. After resting in this
way, you gain the same benefi as long rest. If you’re an
elf, you just need 2 hours of rest to trigger the same
Level 15: Aura Master
You have managed to accumulate so much arcane in
your body and practice aura swordsmanship for so long.
Your aura infusion become bigger. Your attack has a
reach property of 20ft
Level 18: Aura Grandmaster
You become godly! As bonus action you can create wing-
like shape using your arcane. When doing so you gain
+30 flying speed. You took half damage when falling
and you can cast your aura as long and as much as you

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