Sports in The USA Civil Tétel

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Sports in the USA

Answer the following questions in writing:

Based on American football

1. What are the so-called soft courses in a college curriculum?

2. What does the word „Touchdown „ mean in everyday usage?
3. Why do American football players have to wear padded uniforms and helmets?
4. Who are the cheerleaders? When do they perform their shows?
5. Why do universities and colleges offer scholarships to outstanding high school players?

Based on the Word document:

6. How many franchises does the NFL have? What are they divided into?
7. What is the highest-rated programs of all-time in the USA?
8. Name the the four major professional sports leagues in the USA.
9. What is the role of sports in the American sporting culture?
10. According to the text how many medals have the US athletes won?
11. Who is the most decorated American swimmer of all time? Why?
12. Which Olympic Games did the USA boycot? Why?
13. Name the different individual sports. ( at least 5)
14. Name the notable American tennis players (5)
15. Name the most popular team sport sin the USA. (5)

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