Icse - X Math Formula 2023-24

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1. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

2. (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

3. (a + b)2 + (a – b)2 = 2(a2 + b2)

4. (a + b)2 – (a – b)2 = 4ab

5. a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 – 2ab = (a – b)2 +2ab

 1 1
x +  =x + 2 +2
 x x
 1 1
x −  = x + 2 − 2
 x x
2 2
 1  1  2 1 
8. x +  +  x −  = 2 x + 2 
 x  x  x 
2 2
 1  1
9. x +  − x −  = 4
 x  x
2 2
1  1  1
10. x2 + =x +  − 2= x −  + 2
x2  x  x
11. a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)

12. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a +b)

13. (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab (a – b)

14. a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2 ) Factorization formula

15. a3 + b3 = (a +b)3 – 3ab (a + b) Expansion formula

16. a3 – b3 = (a – b) (a2 + ab + b2 ) Factorization formula

17. a3 – b3 = (a – b)3 + 3ab (a – b) Expansion formula

18. (a + b + c)2 = a2 +b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc +ca)

19. a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c ) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)

= (a + b + c )

(a − b)2 + (b − c )2 + (c − a )2 
20. a4 + a2b2 + b4 = (a2 + ab + b2 ) (a2 – ab + b2 )
Computing maturity value of a Recurring Deposit Account
n(n + 1)
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ………………….+ n =
Maturity Value (M.V.) = Principle + Interest.
  n(n + 1)  1 
    P   r 
 2 
Maturity Value (M.V.) = ( n x P) + 
12 
Note: In this M.V. formula, time(n) is always in months.

Calculating MV or Rate use two steps

Whereas while calculating ‘n’ and ‘p’ (Monthly Installment) Use full formula in one step.


Remember :
1. The nominal value (N.V.) of a share is also called the Register value, Printed value, Face value

(F.V.) etc.

2. The price of a share at any particular time is called its Market value (M.V.).

3. The market value of a share can be the same, more or less the nominal value of the share

depending upon the performance and profits of the company.

(i) If the market value of a share is the same as its nominal value, the share is said to be at par.

(ii) If the market value of a share is more than its nominal value, the share is said to be above

par or at a premium.

(iii) If the market value of a share is less than its nominal value, the share is said to be below par

or at a discount.

4. The profit, which a share-holder gets (out of the profits of the company) from his investment in

the company, is called dividend.

NOTES : (i) The dividend is always expressed as the percentage of the face value of the share.

(ii) The dividend is always given( by the company) on the face value of the share irrespective of

the market value of the share.

Formulae :

1. Nominal value of n shares = ( Face Value x n )

 r 
2. Profit or Dividend or Annual return of ‘n’ shares =  D  F .V .  n
 100 
Pr ofit
3. % profit on investment or return % = x 100
4. Investment = M.V. or F.V. x ‘n’ no. of shares
 r   r 
5. % Div. x F.V. = Return % x M.V. i.e.  D  F .V . =  R  M .V .
 100   100 
Total income( profit) Total income( profit)
Also, no. of shares bought = =
Divident on 1 share Income( profit)on 1 share

NOTE : Sale proceeds is the amount obtained by the selling of shares fully or

partially and Dividend (if any given).

To know which firm is doing better need to find the Return%.


Remainder Theorem :
If f(x) is a polynomial in x and is divided by (x – a) ; a remainder is the value of f(x) at x = a i.e. the
remainder is f(a).
For finding the remainder (without going through actual division) adopt the following steps :

Step 1 : Put the divisor equal to zero and solve the equation obtained to get the value of its variable.

Step 2 : Substitute the value of the variable, obtained in step 1, in the given polynomial and simplify it to

get the required remainder.

Factor Theorem :

When a polynomial f(x) is divided by x – a, the remainder = f(a). And, if remainder f(a) = 0; x – a is

a factor of the polynomial f(x).

Using the Remainder Theorem to factorise the given expression :

When expression f(x) is divided by x – a, the remainder = f(a).

If the remainder f(a) = 0.  x – a is a factor of expression f(x).

Conversely, If for the expression f(x), f(a) = 0;  (x – a) is a factor.

Imp. Notes:

1. If solve is given where f(x)=0 then don’t forget to solve. i.e Find x=…..

2. Prove that a quadratic expression is a factor of cubic polynomial without division

method, then first make the quad. exp. = 0 and find x then put x values in cubic

exp. Exp value must be equal to zero.


Additive Identity : Null matrix having same given matrix order is said to be the additive identity in


Additive Inverse : A + B = B +A = a null matrix ; then A is said to be additive inverse of B and B is said to

be additive inverse of A.

In fact, additive inverse of a matrix A is its negative –A.

Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar (real number) :

To multiply a matrix by a scalar means to multiply each of its element by this scalar.

If A = [aij]mxn is a matrix of any order then kA is a matrix of the same order and is defined as

kA =[k aij]mxn.

Multiplication of Matrices : Amxn x Bpxq = Cmxq

 1st row of A  1st column of B 1st row of A  2nd column of B 

A.B =  
2nd row of A  1st column of B 2nd row of A  2nd column of B 

Multiplicative Identity : Unit matrix is a Mul. Id of any square matrix with Same Order

Imp. Notes:

Any question asked with respect to Algebraic formula to verify and give the reason

then most probably answer is ”Matrix multiplication not Commutative”.

The first number x of the pair (x, y) is the distance of the point P from y-axis and is called x-co-
ordinate or abscissa.
The second number y of the pair (x,y) is the distance of the point P from x-axis and is called the y-co-
ordinate or ordinate.
Reflection :
Reflection in the x-axis : Mx (x, y) = (x, -y).
Reflection in the y-axis: My (x, y) = (-x, y)
Reflection in the origin: Mo (x,y) = (-x, -y)
Remember: The combination of the reflections is always commutative, i.e.
(i) Mx . My = M y . Mx = Mo
(ii) Mo . Mx = M x . Mo = My
(iii) Mo . My = M y . Mo = Mx
Invariant Point : Any point that remains unaltered under a given transformation is called an invariant.

e.g. when the point A(5, 0) is reflected in the x-axis,

B (0, 5) under reflection in the y-axis. O (0, 0) under reflection in the x-axis, y-axis and origin.

Remember :

Similarly, any point in a line is invariant under the reflection then the point lies on the same

line i.e. if a point P in line AB is reflected AB itself, the point is invariant.

Imp. Notes: Any polygon reflect then first you reflect all its vertices and joins the reflected

vertices formed.

To reflect any point w.r.t. any line make sure that dist. From the actual point to line is equal to

dist from the image point to line.

1. Equation of x-axis or My=0 or Mx,

2. Equation of y-axis or Mx=0 or My,

3. Equation of a line parallel k unit to x-axis or My=k.

4. Equation of a line parallel k unit to y-axis or Mx=k.

5. Reflected in the line y=x or My=x

Let A(x,y) be any point in the Co-ordinate point, A’(x’,y’) is reflection where x’ = y and y’ = x.

i.e. If a point reflected in the line y=x then the value of abscissa(x) and ordinate(y) are


(a,a) is invariant with respect to the line y=x or My=x

While giving special name of the Polygon follow these imp. Points.

(i) If it is a trapezium then check it is Isosceles trapezium or trapezium.

(ii) If it is a parallelogram then check the diagonals. Diagonals are equal it become a Rect.

(iii) If it is a rhombus then check the diagonals. Diagonals are equal it become a Square.

(iv) For kite two consecutive sides must be equal and diagonals perpendicular to each



Tn = a + (n-1) d Where Tn= nth term, n= nth position, a= 1st term, d=Common difference.

Sn = [2a + (n-1)d] Where Sn(sum of n terms)=T1+T2+T3+…+Tn

Sn = [a +l ] Where l = last term.

If sum of n terms are given, then how to find nth term

Tn=Sn – Sn-1 Eg : T7 = S7 – S6

n(n + 1)
 n = 1 + 2 + 3 +…+ n = 2

Imp Notes:

If Sum and product or sum of their squares or product of the extremes are given for

3 terms are in AP, a – d, a , a + d

5 terms are in AP, a – 2d, a – d, a , a + d, a + 2d

4 terms are in AP, a – 3d, a - d , a + d, a + 3d



• A geometric progression is a sequence in which the ratio of a term and its preceding term is a

constant. This constant is called the common ratio and is denoted by ‘r’.

• The standard form of a G.P. is a, ar, ar2, …….. arn-1 with the first term ‘a’ and common ratio ‘r’.

• Tn = arn-1 is the general term of a G.P.

• In a G.P. to obtain the succeeding term of a given term Tn multiply it by ‘r’ [Tn+1 = Tn x r].

 T 
• In a G.P., to obtain the preceding term of a given term Tn divide it by ‘r’. Tn −1 = n  .
 r

To find the sum of ‘n’ terms of a G.P. with the first term ‘a’ and the common ratio ‘r’ is

a (1 − r n )
Sn = When r < 1 ;
(1 − r )

a (r n − 1)
Sn = when r > 1.
(r − 1)

For infinite series; S = When r < 1 ;
(1 − r )

Imp Notes:

If Sum and product or product of the extremes are given for

3 terms are in GP : , a, a r

a a
5 terms are in GP : , , a, a r , ar 2
r2 r

a a
4 terms are in GP : 3
, , a r , ar 3
r r

 r n − 1
a 
Sn  r − 1  r n − 1 (r n − 1) 1
= = 2n = n = n
S 2n  r − 1  r − 1 (r − 1)(r + 1) r + 1
2 n n

a 
 r −1 
 

The Distance ‘d’ between two given points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

d= ( x2 − x1 ) 2 + ( y2 − y1 ) 2 As, ( a-b)2 = (b-a)2 ; (-a-b)2 = (a+b)2

The distance of any point (x,y) from the origin (0,0) d= ( x − 0) 2 + ( y − 0) 2 = x2 + y 2

SECTION FORMULA i.e. coordinates of a point dividing a given line in a given ratio (section)

 mx + nx1 my 2 + ny1   Tx + x1 Ty 2 + y1 
INTERNAL DIVISION R=  2 , ; R=  2 , 
 m+n m + n   T +1 T +1 

 x + x 2 y1 + y 2 
Midpoint formula : R=  1 ,
 2 2 

 x + x 2 + x3 y1 + y 2 + y3 
Centroid of the triangle ‘O’ =  1 , 
 3 3 
Imp. Notes:
>From an equilateral triangle the centroid itself incenter, ortho center, circum center.
>For a right angle triangle ortho center is the vertex and the circumcenter is mid point of diagonal.
>Any quadrilateral asking the fourth vertex always use mid point formula.
>Make sure that naming of the quadrilateral in order.
Centroid: Medians meet at a point.
Incenter: Angle bisectors meet at a point.
Ortho center: All altitudes meet at a point.
Circum center: All perpendicular bisector meet at a point.

Every straight line can be represented by a linear equation. i.e. ax + by + c = 0 Where a  0 or b  0
(i) Any point, which satisfies the equation of a line, on that line.
(ii) Any point, through which a line passes, will always satisfy the equation of that line.
INCLINATION (  ): Angle made by the line with respect to x-axis towards anti-clock wise direction.
Note: Inclination (  ) of the x – axis and every line parallel to the x – axis is 0o.
Inclination (  ) of the y – axis and every line parallel to the y – axis is 90o.
Slope ( or, Gradient ) of a Straight line :

y2 − y1 y − y2 Difference of ordinates of the given po int s

Slope(m) = tan  = or 1 =
x2 − x1 x1 − x2 Difference of their abscissae
If the two lines are parallel, m1=m2

If two line are mutually perpendicular, m1 . m2 = -1

Note:The slope of the x – axis is zero, => the slope of every line parallel to the x–axis is also zero.
The slope of the y–axis is not defined, => the slope of every line parallel to the y–axis is not defined( ).
X – intercept: x – intercept = intercept made by the line on the x – axis = OA.

Y – intercept : y – intercept = intercept made by the line on the y – axis = OB.

Y y)
Y - INT.

2 2

Q C Q C (x,y)
1 1
X - intercent

Type – 1: (Slope – Intercept form).

When slope (gradient) and intercept on the y-axis are given. Equation of a line is y = mx + c .

Type – 2: (Point – slope form).

When the slope of the line and a point in it are given.  Equation of a line is y – y1 = m ( x – x1)

Type – 3 ( Two – Points Form)

When the co-ordinates of two points of the line are given .
y2 − y1 y2 − y1
 Equation of a line is y – y1 = ( x- x1). where m =
x2 − x1 x2 − x1
Equally Inclined Lines : Either  = 45o Or -45o ,
Inclination  = 45o , Slope m = tan 45o =1. Inclination  = - 45o ,  Slope m = tan (- 45o) = - 1.
Imp Notes:
How to find the Equation of line:
1. If X-Intercept and Y-Intercept is given.
2. Point and line parallel to given lines.
3. Point and line perpendicular to given lines.
4. Point and line passing through two given straight lines.
5. Passing through two given straight lines and perpendicular to Former line.
6. Passing through two given pair of straight lines.
7. Passing through two given straight lines and parallel to another given line.
8. Passing through two given straight lines and perpendicular to another given line
9. How to find Image point.
10. How to find equation of Median, Altitude and perpendicular bisector.

Relation between Trigonometric Ratios.

1 1 1 1
i) Sin = ; Co sec  = ii) Cos = ; Sec =
Co sec  Sin Sec Cos

1 1 Sin Cos
iii) Tan = ; Cot = iv) Tan = ; Cot =
Cot Tan Cos Sin


(i) sin2  + cos2  =1; cos2  = 1- sin2  ; sin2  = 1-cos2 

(ii) sec2  –tan2  = 1; sec2  = 1 + tan2  ; tan2  = sec2  - 1

(iii) cosec2  – cot2  =1; cosec2  = 1 + cot2  ; cot2  = cosec2  -1

Trigonometric values of standard angle

Angle  0˚ 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ 90˚
T- ratio
Sin  0 1/2 1/ 2 3 /2 1

Cos  1 3 /2 1/ 2 1/2 0

Tan  0 1/ 3 1 3 Undefined

Cot  Undefined 3 1 1/ 3 0

Sec  1 2/ 3 2 2 Undefined

Cosec  Undefined 2 2 2/ 3 1

Note: sin260˚ = (sin60˚) 2 = ( 3 /2) 2 = 3/4 ;

2 sin 60˚ = 2. 3 /2 = 3 ; But sin(2*30˚) = sin60˚ = 3 /2

Sin (30˚ +60˚)  sin30˚ + sin60˚ But sin (30˚+60˚) = sin90˚

Value of sin  is increase from 0˚ to 90˚

Value of Tan  is increasing from 0˚ to 90˚

Value of Cos  is decreasing from 0˚ to 90˚

Imp Note:
While simplifying Sums neither put irrational value denominator (Rationalize)
nor trigonometry table value denominator (Use Complementary angle).

Histogram: A histogram is a two dimensional graphical representation of continuous frequency distribution.

In histogram the rectangle are drawn with bases proportional to the class intervals & height proportional to
the frequencies of respective classes.
Steps to follows: (i) Data has to be in exclusive form.
(ii) Taking suitable scales, marks the class-intervals on X-axis & frequency on Y-axis
NOTE: Both axes need not be of the same scale factor or same class-interval
(iii) Construct rectangles.
If class-marks are given than how to convert the class-intervals.
If class-intervals are given than in inclusive form how to convert exclusive form.

When the mid points of the adjacent tops of the rectangles of a histogram are joined by straight lines,

the figure so obtained is called a frequency polygon.

To complete the polygon, the mid-points at each end are joined to the immediately higher or lower

mid-point at Zero frequency i.e. on the horizontal axis( x-axis).

In this graph two ends consider two class interval with frequency zero.


CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY (c.f.): The c.f of a class interval is the sum of frequencies of all the classes

up to this class interval.

If we plot the points taking the upper limits of the class interval as x-co-ordinates & their corresponding c.f.

as y-co-ordinates and join them in free hand curve.

Steps to follow:

i) Construct a c.f. if it is not given.

ii) Mark the actual class limits along X-axis & c.f. along Y-axis

iii) Plot the points corresponding to c.f. at each upper limit point (U.L,C.F) for less than graph. Incase

more than graph Plot the points corresponding to c.f. at each lower limit point (L.L,C.F).

iv) Joint the points plotted by a free hand curve.


Ungrouped Grouped

Without CI With CI

Exclusive Inclusive C.M. Less than More Than

Arithmetic average or Mean:

For ungrouped data: Mean = x =

x 1 + x2 + x3 + ...... + x n
n n

Direct Method : Mean( x) =

f1x1 + f 2 x 2 + f3x 3 + f 4 x 4 + .. + f n x n
 fx
f1 + f 2 + f 3 + f 4 +  + f n f

(iii) Short cut Method or Assumed mean Method: Mean (x) = a +

 ( f .d )
Where a = Assumed Mean d= x –a.

(iv) Step Deviation Method : Mean (x) = a +

 fu  i
( x − a)
Where a =Assumed mean; u = and i = class interval.
Irrespectively of C.I.(Inclusive or exclusive), find class mark to find mean.

If the each data Inc., Dec., Multiple or Divide by k then mean also Inc., Dec., Multiple or Divide by k.

Whereas frequency multiply or divide by k then there is no change in mean.

Always try to find mean problems by Short cut Method .

Any unknown frequency asked to find then that unknown frequency data take as a assumed mean(a).
Median: It is the value of middle term of a set or variable when the variables of the set are arranged in

Ascending or Descending order

For an Ungrouped Frequency Distribution:

After arranging ‘n’ data’s in ascending or descending order then

(i) If n is odd, Median = ((n+1) / 2) th term.

((n/2) th term + (n/2 + 1) th term )

(ii) If n is even, Median =

For a Grouped Frequency Distribution:

1) Draw of c.f curve or Ogive

2) If there be ‘n’ terms in the given distribution then use the Ogive to find the value of (n/2) th or

((n+1)/ 2) th term which of the median is given distribution.

Quartiles: Quartiles are those values of the variable, which divide the total frequency in four equal parts.

Lower Quartile: (Q1) Q1= (n/4) th term or ((n+1)/4) th , depending on whether ‘n’ is even or odd resp.

Note: For finding quartile, always data has to be arranged in ascending order.

Upper Quartile: (Q3) Q3= (3n /4) th term or [3(n+1) /4] th term, depending whether ‘n’ is even or odd resp.

Inter Quartile Range: The difference between upper quartile & lower quartile.

Inter quartile range = Q3- Q1

Semi-interquartile range = (Q3- Q1) / 2


Mode: Mode is the value, which occurs most frequently in a set of observation. It is the point of

maximum frequency.

Note: In case of Median class or Model class, no need to find Median or Mode. Only answer CI.

How to convert Class Mark to Exclusive Class interval ?

How to convert Inclusive Class Intervel to Exclusive Class interval ?

How to convert cumulative frequency to frequency and Vice Versa ?

The number of outcomes in which A can occur m
1. P(A) = =
Total number of outcomes n
2. In general, for any event A,
P(A) + P ( not A) = 1 Or P(A) = 1 – P (not A) Or P ( not A) = 1 – P(A)
3. An event which can never happen is called an impossible event & its probability is 0.
4. An event which will certainly happen is called a sure event & the probability of a sure event is 1.

Note: 1. Difference between ‘and’ & ‘or’.

2. Difference ‘At least’ and ‘At most’.
3. Leap year and Non Leap year (Ordinary Year)

Coins(2n) Toss one coin. S = { H, T }

Toss two coins. S = { HH, HT, TH, TT }
Toss three coins. S = { H H H,
H H T,
H T H,
H T T,
T H H,
T H T,
T T H,
Dice(6n) Roll one die. S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
Roll two dice. S = {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 }
Cards Pack of playing CARDS (52)
Ace, King , Queen, Jack or knave, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3,2. (13x4=52)

Red Colour (26) Black Colour (26)


Hearts ()(13) Diamonds ()(13) Spades ()(13) Clubs()(13)

King, Queen and Jack are called Face Cards.
A statement of any one of the following types :
(i) ax + b < 0 (ii) ax + b  0 (iii) ax + b > 0 (iv) ax + b  0,
Where a , b are real numbers and a  0, is called a linear in equation (or inequality) in one variable.
NOTES : To solve a linear inequation in one variable
(i) First remove fraction.
(ii) Separate all terms containing the variable on one side and all terms not containing the constant
on other side so that variable co-efficient always +ve.
−b b b
i.e. ax + b < 0  ax<-b  x< ; If –ax+b<0  b<ax  <x  x 
a a a

(iii) While solving inequations be careful with inequation sign and given set. If nothing is given

then by default take as a Real number set.

x y
Remember : (i) if p is positive i.e. p > 0; then x < y   and x < y  px < py
p p
x y
(ii) if p is negative i.e. p < 0; then x < y   and x < y  px > py
p p
3. If both the sides of an inequation are either positive or negative, then on taking their

reciprocals the sign of inequality reverses.

4. Always write the real number solution set by set builder form i.e. A={x: x …………….}

Graphical Representation (on a real number line) :

A real number line can be used to represent the solution set of an in equation.

○ (a hollow circle) marks the end of a range with a strict inequality (i.e. < or >) and

● (a darkened circle) marks the end of a range involving an equality as well (i.e.  or  ).

Combining Inequations:
Solve and graph the solution set of 3x + 6  9 and –5x > -15; where x  R.
Solve and graph the solution set of –2 < 2x –6 or –2x + 5  13; where s  R.
And like intersection  common elements in two sets.
Or like union  common as well as other element other than common.
Imp Notes: 1. Don’t forget in graph axis Name i.e X’------X.
2. If A: x > a  A’: x  a

Zero – Product Rule:

If ( x – 2) (x – 3) = 0 then x – 2 = 0 x = 2 or x – 3 = 0 x = 3

But ( x – 2) (x – 3) = k then x – 2  k  x  2+k or x – 3  k  x  3+k

Solving Quadratic Equations using the Formula :

The roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0; where a  0 can be obtained by using the

− b  b 2 − 4ac
formula; x=

Imp Notes:

1) Before applying formula while solving quadratic equation, first get it into standard form like

ax2 + bx + c = 0; and then write a, b, c with proper sign clearly.

2) Irrational roots are always in Conjugate form, i.e. a + b and a - b

3) Solve for ‘x’ or they may ask Find the roots or Find the Zeros.


For the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, a  0; Thus, discriminant D = b2 – 4ac.

To Examine the Nature of the Roots :

1. If b2 – 4ac > 0, i.e. b2 – 4ac is positive; the roots are real and unequal.

More over: (i) If b2 – 4ac is a perfect square, the roots are rational and unequal.

(ii) If b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational and unequal.

2. If b2 – 4ac = 0; the roots are real and equal.

3. If b2 – 4ac < 0 i.e. b2 – 4ac is negative, the roots are not real i.e. the roots are imaginary.

Note: (i) If – p  5, then p  -5 (ii) If – p  - 5, then p  5

(iii) If p2  4, then either p  -2 or p  2 (Important)

(iv) If p2  4, then p lies between –2 and 2 i..e, -2  p  2 ( Important)

Four Non- zero quantities, a, b,c and d are said to be in proportion ( or, are proportional),
if a : b = c : d. This is often expressed as a:b::c d
Remember : In a : b = c : d, ‘a’ and ‘d’ are called extremes (end–terms ) and ‘b’ and ‘c’ are called
means (middle terms).
a c
1. a : b = c : d  =  a  d = b  c  product of extremes = product of means.
b d
2. In a : b = c : d, the fourth term ‘d’ is called the fourth proportional.

Continued proportion :
Three quantities are said be in continued proportion, if the ratio of the first to the second is the same as the
ratio of the second to the third.
Thus, a b and c are in the continued proportion if a : b = b : c.

Remember : a , b and c are in continued proportion  a : b = b : c,

Here, the second quantity i.e. ‘b’ is called the mean proportional between ‘a’ and ‘c’;
whereas the third quantity i.e. ‘c’ is called the third proportional to ‘a’ and ‘b’.

a c b d a b
Thus ; =  (i) = By Invertendo (ii) = By Alternendo
b d c c c d
a+b c+d a−b c−d
(iii) = By Componendo (iv) = By Dividendo
b d b d
a+b c+d
(v) = By Componendo and Dividendo
a−b c−d
Imp Notes:
1. While proving some sums ‘If ’ is given & asking to ‘prove’ then You take ‘If ’ and get that
‘proof’. Don’t do other way.
2. Third proportional: If a,b,c are in continued proportional, then ‘c’ is called third proportional.
3. Fourth Proportional: If a,b,c,d are in proportional then ‘d’ is called the 4th proportional.
a 3 + 3ab 2 k1
4. = Apply Componendo and Dividendo.
3a 2 b + b 3 k 2
5. If the problem is in the form directly or indirectly then apply Componendo and Dividendo.
6. a4 + a2b2 + b4 = (a2 + ab + b2 ) (a2 – ab + b2 )
k4 + k2 + 1 = (k2 + k + 1 ) (k2 – k + 1 )
Two triangles are said to be similar if any of the following condition is satisfied :
(i) their corresponding angles are equal. (ii) their corresponding sides are proportional.
Based on the above, there are three axioms for similarity of two triangles
(i) A.A ( Angle – Angle ) Axiom of similarity. (ii)S.A.S ( Side – Angle – Side ) Axiom of similarity .
(iii) S.S.S. ( Side – Side – Side ) Axiom of similarity.
Note - (i) Congruent triangles are necessarily similar but the similar triangles may not be congruent.
(ii) If two triangles are similar to third triangle then they are similar to each other.

B.P.T. or Thale’s Theorem: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, to intersect the
other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

Converse of BPT: If a line divided any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, the line is parallel to
the third side.

ReLation between the areas of two triangles

The areas of two similar triangles are proportional to the squares on their corresponding sides.

Remember –
1. A line drawn parallel to any side of a triangle, divides the other two sides proportionally. ( Basic
proportionality Theorem).
In the given figure, DE // BC  =
Conversely : If a line divides two sides of a triangle proportionally, D E
the line is parallel to the third side. i.e., if =  DE // BC
2. In the same figure, given above A
 ADE ~  ABC  = =

3. Median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal area.

In the given figure, AD is median.
 Area of  ABD = Area of  ACD = x Area of  ABC. B D C
4. If many triangles have the common vertex and their
bases are along the same straight line, the ratio between
their areas is equal to the ratio between the lengths of their bases.
In the given figure, all the triangles have the common vertex at
point A and bases of all the triangles are along the same straight line BC.
Area of  ABE BE Area of  ABD BD
 = , = and so on. B D E C
Area of  ADC DC Area of  ABC BC


Maps and Models : The same principle is applicable to models. In case of models,

Height of the mod el Lenght of the mod el width of the mod el

= = = scale factor (k)
Height of the object Lenght of the object Width of the object

Imp Notes:
Lenght of the mod el Area of the Model
Scale factor; K= ; K2 = ;
Lenght of the object Area of the object

Volume of the Model

K3 = .
Volume of the object

The locus is the set of all those points which satisfy the given geometrical condition (or conditions).

1) Every point which satisfies the given geometrical condition ( or conditions ) lies on the locus.
2) A point which does not satisfy the given geometrical condition (or conditions) cannot lie on the locus.
3) The plural of locus is ‘loci’.

Theorems of Locus –
Theorem – 3
The locus of a point, which is equidistance from two fixed points, it the perpendicular bisector of the
straight line obtained by joining the two fixed points.
Converse Theorem
If a point lies on the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, then it is equidistant from the ends of
the line segment.
Theorem – 4
The locus of a point, which is equidistant from two intersecting straight lines, consists of a pair of
straight lines which bisects the angles between the two given lines.
Converse Theorem
Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from the arms of the angle.
Locus in some MORE STANDARD cases –
1. The locus of a point, which is equidistant from two parallel straight lines, is a straight line parallel to
the given lines and mid – way between them.
2. The locus of the centre of a wheel, which moves on a straight horizontal road, is a straight line
parallel to the road and at a distance equal to the radius of the wheel.
3. The locus of a point, which is inside a circle and is equidistant from two points on the circle, is the
diameter of the circle which is perpendicular to the chord of the circle joining the given points.
4. The locus of the mid – points of all parallel chords of a circle is the diameter of the circle which is
perpendicular to the given parallel chords.
5. The locus of a point ( in a plane), which is at given distance r from a fixed point, is a circle with the
fixed point as its centre and radius r.
6. The locus of a point which is equidistant from two given concentric circles is the circle concentric
with the given circles and mid – way between them.
7. If A, B are fixed points, then the locus of a point P such that  APB = 90o is the circle with AB as
8. The locus of the mid –points of all equal chords of a circle is the circle concentric with the given
circle and of radius equal to the distance of equal chords from the centre of the given circle.

Imp Notes:
1. To define locus, two important points are (i) how it looks (path) (ii) how to fix so that it
is unique.
2. To construct locus sums, four important points are
(i) The locus of points which are equidistance to two fix points is Perpendicular
bisector of line joining two points.
(ii) The locus of points which are equidistance from a fix point is a circle whose fix
point is a centre and the fix distance is a radius.
(iii) The locus of points which are equidistance to two intersecting lines is a angle
(iv) The locus of points which are equidistance from a fix line is two parallel lines
whose distance is equal to given distance.
3. Draw a locus of points which are equidistance form two opposite sides of the
quadrilateral then first thing is extend the two opposite sides and then find the angle

(i) The perpendicular from the centre of a circle bisects the chord.

(ii) The line joining the centre of a circle to the mid – point of chord is perpendicular to the chord.

(iii) Perpendicular bisectors of any two chords of a circle, intersect each other at the centre of the circle.

(iv) One and only one circle can be drawn through three non- collinear points.

(v) Equal chords of a circle ( or of congruent circles) are equidistant from the centre (s).

(vi) Chords of a circle (or of congruent circles) that are equidistant from the centre (s) are equal.

(vii) Equal chords cut off equal arcs in the same circle or in equal circle.

(viii) Equal arcs subtend equal angles at the centre.

(ix) If two arcs are equal, then their corresponding chords are equal

(x) Those arcs which subtend equal angles at the centre of a circle are also equal.


Angles subtended by arcs –
Theorem – 5
The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle subtended by it at any point on the
remaining part of the circle.
Theorem – 6
Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
Theorem – 7
An angle in a semi-circle is a right angle.
Theorem – 8
The arc of a circle subtending a right angle at any point of the circle in its alternate segment is a semi-
Theorem – 9
If a line segment joining two points subtends equal angles at two other points lying on the same side
of the line segment, the four points are concyclic i.e., lie on the same circle.
Imp Note:
Any sum related to only circle try to the use the centre always.

Theorem - 10

The tangent at any point of a circle and the radius through this point are perpendicular to each other.

Remember :

1. No tangent can be drawn to a circle though a point inside the circle.

2. One and only one tangent can be drawn through a point on the circumference of the circle.

3. Only two tangents can be drawn to a circle through a point outside the circle.

Cor.: *The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

*Tangents forms angle at the center are equal.

*Tangents are equally inclined by the line joining from center to external point.

Theorem-11 If two circles touch each other, the point of contact lies on the straight line through the centers.

Theorem – 12 If two chords of a circle intersect internally or externally then the product of the

lengths of their segments are equal.

Theorem – 13 The angle between a tangent and a chord thought the point of contact is equal to an

angle in the alternate segment

Theorem- 14 If a chord and a tangent intersect externally, then the product of the lengths of the

segments of the chord is equal to the square of the length of the tangent form the point of contact to the point

of intersection.

Imp Notes:

In any sum 1st imp point is to think from which theorem it comes from.

2nd imp point which ever theorem used need to mention right side.

3rd imp point any special polygon or information given (like diameter, eq. triangle,

square, rhombus, parallel or perpendicular etc.) then try to think how to apply.

If the chord and the Tangent intersect at the point of contact then first try to apply

alternate segment theorem.

Construction of tangents to a given circle:

Construction 1:To construct a tangent to a given circle through a point on its Circumference.

Note: 1. End point of the Chord. 2. Angle between radii. 3. Angle between Tangents.

Remember: Angle between the radius and the tangent at the point of contact is 900.

Construction 2: To construct tangents to given circle from an exterior point.

Note: 1. Read carefully the external point is from centre or from circle.

2. How to verify with calculation?

Construction of Circumscribed and inscribed circles of a triangle.

Note: How to construct different forms of triangles.

Construction 3: To construct a circumscribing circle of a triangle.

Construction 4: To construct an inscribed circle of a triangle.

Construction of Circumscribing and inscribing a circles on a Regular Hexagon.

Construction 5: To construct a circumscribing circle of a given regular hexagon.

 2n − 4   2X 6 − 4 
Each interior angle of the regular hexagon =   X 90 =   X 90 = 120
0 0 0

 n   6 

The circle so obtained is the required circle circumscribing the given regular hexagon.

Alternative Method: Whenever a circle circumscribes a given regular hexagon, its radius is always equal to

the length of the side of the regular hexagon.

Construction 6: To construct an inscribing circle of a given regular hexagon.

 2X 6 − 4 
Each interior angle of the regular hexagon =   X 90 = 120
0 0

 6 

Imp Note:

1. How to draw tangent at end point of Chord, Angle between radii or angle between Tangents
2. How to draw a tangents distance from centre to external point or from circle to external point.
3. How to draw triangle if altitude, base and one of the base angle is given; Sum of the sides given;
Sum of two sides are given; Difference of two sides are given.
Relation Between Various Units of Volume:
Length Units Volume Units
1 cm = 10 mm 1 cm3 = (10  10  10) mm3 = 1000 mm3
1 dm = 10 cm 1 dm3 = (10  10  10) cm3 = 1000 cm3= 1 liter
1m = 100 cm 1 m3 = (100  100  100) cm3 = 1000000 cm3
Unit Conversion
1 mt = 100 cm 1 mt2 = 100*100 cm2 1mt3 = 100*100*100 cm3
Cross Section: A cut, which is made through a solid perpendicular to its length, is called its cross section.
If the cut has the same shape and size at every point of its length, then it is called uniform cross section.
1. Volume of a solid with uniform cross section = (Area of its cross section)  (length).
2. Surface area ( Excluding cross – section ) = Perimeter of cross section x length.
Cylinder :

A solid which has uniform circular cross – section, is called a cylinder (or, a right circular cylinder).

Let r be the radius of circular cross – section and h be height of the cylinder, then:
1. Area of cross – section = r 2
2. Perimeter (circumference) of cross – section = 2 r
3. Curved surface area = (Perimeter of cross – section ) x height
= 2 rh h
4. Total surface area = curved surface area + 2 (area of cross – section)
= 2 rh + 2 ( r 2 )
= 2 r (h + r)
5. Volume = (Area of cross – section) x height ( or, length) = r 2 h. r

Hollow Cylinder:
Let R be the external radius of a hollow cylinder, r its internal radius and h its height or length; then
1. Thickness of its wall = R – r
2. Area of cross – section = R 2 − r 2 =  ( R 2 − r 2 )
3. External curved surface = 2Rh
4. Internal curved surface = 2 r h
5. Total surface area = External curved surface area R h
+ Internal curved surface area r
+2 ( Area of cross – section )
=2 Rh + 2 r h + 2  ( R2 – r2)
6. Volume of material = External volume – internal volume
= R 2 h − r 2 h =  ( R 2 − r 2 ) h.
The solid obtained on revolving a right angled triangle A A
about one of its sides (other than hypotenuse)
is called a cone or a right circular cone.
Let the right angled triangle ABC be revolved about h l
its side AB; then AB is the height (h) of the cone,
BC is the radius (r) of the base of the cone and
AC is the slant height (l) of the cone. B r C
Clearly, l2 = h2 + r2 B C
1 2
Also: 1. Volume = r h
2. Curved or lateral surface area = rl
3. Total surface area = curved surface area + base area = rl + r 2 = r ( l + r)
Sphere :
A sphere is a solid obtained on revolving a circle about any diameter of it. If radius of the circle revolved
is r, then radius of the sphere is also r.
1. Volume of a sphere = r 3
= volume of material in the sphere
2. Surface area of a sphere = 4r 2

Spherical shell :
It is the solid enclosed between two concentric spheres.
Let R be the external radius and r be the r
internal radius of a spherical shell.
1. Volume =  ( R 3 − r 3 ) = Volume of material in the spherical shell. R

2. Total Surface area of a spherical Shell = 4R 2

When a solid sphere is cut through its centre into two equal (identical) pieces : each piece is called a
hemi – sphere.
1. Volume of the hemi-sphere = (volume of sphere). r
1 4 2
= x r 3 = r 3
2 3 3

1 1
2. Total surface area = ( surface area of sphere ) + r 2 = x 4 r 2 + r 2 = 3 r 2
2 2
Hemi-Spherical shell :
1. Volume =  ( R 3 − r 3 ) = Volume of material in the Hemi-spherical shell.
2. Total Surface area of a Hemi-spherical Shell =  ( R 2 − r 2 ) + 2R 2 + 2r 2 = 3R 2 + r 2
3. Capacity of a Hemi-spherical Shell =  r 3
Imp Notes: While doing sums basic imp things take care.
1. Don’t forget change to same units if different units like cm, mt or km are
2. Don’t forget to change diameter into radius.
3. Don’t simplify if it is not asked. Do the simplification at the end.
4. Don’t forget to write the units at last.
5. Any solid area is asked then always add it all the part.
6. Any solid volume is asked, if attached then add it, if detached then subtract it.
7. In a cone If vertical angle and one of the side is given find semi vertical angle
then use trigonometry ratio.

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