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The Communication Media Channel

Media - Communication that is mediated

or transmitted through channels
- a plural form of medium
(Alberts, Nakayama & Martin 2007)
Face-to-face communication- the only
communication that is not mediated
Non-face-to-face communications go
through channels.
Mass media- all forms of communication that
are devoted to transmitting standardized
messages to widespread audience.(Thomson &
Heckey 1999). This includes newspaper,
magazines, books, e-books, radio, social
networking sites, internet, tv, and motion
It is a one-way system, the audience is not
obliged to pay attention or give feedback.
New Media and Social Media
• Under new media and social media,
communication is not necessarily relational but
issue-and interest-based instead.
• New Media, with the help of technology has
helped transformed the notion of a community
based on geography to a community based on
interest, from citizens to netizens.
• Blogging and social networking, the most prominent
forms of social media, tend to resemble a typical mass
media style in the sense that there is impersonality, no
privacy, nor specific recipient of the message nor
obligation to respond. Yet, it has the provision for
concerned people to respond and sustain a discussion
and exchange of views in a two-way style. This can be
done on line and in real time using instant messaging.
New media and Social media have also challenged the
profession of communication and ethics of communication. It is
not regulated by members of the profession but by the discourse
of participants. There is more self-censorship than professional
and public censorship since participants can choose to go by any
name, may portray a self-image and they may choose to remain
-They have also redefined participatory democracy with new
political implications. Open debates and consensus on issues are
increasingly sought and achieved through new media and social
• It refers to the transmission of information by electromagnetic
means. Large volume of information in the forms of words,
sounds, or images, over long distances, are transmitted in the
form of electromagnetic signals, by telegraph, telephone, radio,
or television.
• Telecommunications and broadcasting are administered
worldwide by the United Nations specialized agency for
information and communication technologies (ICT). The
organization is based on public-private partnership since its
• At present, the International Telecommunication Union(ITU)has a
membership of 193 countries and almost 800 private-sector entities
and Academic institutions. Its headquarter is in Geneva, Switzerland,
and has 12 regional and area offices around the world.
• ITU was founded on the principle of international cooperation
between governments (Member States) and the private sector(Sector
Members, Associates and Academia)
• In the Phils., the NTC is the nation’s regulatory agency responsible
to steer the telecommunication sector as a primary engine for
national progress and development.
NTC fulfill the following mandates:
1.Regulate the installation, operation and maintenance of radio
stations for both private and public use(RA 3846, as amended
2.Regulate and supervise the provision of public
telecommunications services (RA 7925, as amended)
3.Manage the radio spectrum (RA 3846, as amended RA 7925)
4.Regulate and supervise radio and television broadcast stations,
cable television(CATV) and pay television (EO546 and EO205)
Kapisanan ng mga Broadcaster sa
Pilipinas (KBP)-a private sector,
organized in 1973 to provide
mechanism for self-regulation in the
broadcasting industry.
QUIZ (Essay)
• Answer the following questions;
1. Why is it important to know the characteristics of the
clienteles and audiences of communication?
2. What are the different needs of the clienteles and audiences
of communication?
3. What is the significance of establishing settings, process and
methods in communication?
4. what new learning did they develop about the
communication media channels?
Expected Answers
• 1. Communication can only be effective when
communicators take into consideration the
characteristics of their intended clientele and audiences.
• 2. Different individuals, groups and communities have
distinct communication needs. Individuals for personal
and professional advancement, groups and
organizations in accomplishing group tasks, lastly,
communities consider communication as a form of
Expected Answers in no. 3 question
• 1. Good communication ensures that you are being heard;
• 2. Presents a strong point of view and developing mutual
• 3. Delivers efficient decisions and solutions by providing
accurate, timely and relevant information;
• 4. Enables mutually beneficial solution;
• 5. Builds healthy relationships by encouraging trust and
understanding taking control of the communication
Expected Answers in no. 4 question
• Communication is a dynamic process
in which humans strive to convey to
one another. It also serves to
understand the people, environment,
animals or an object.
QUIZ (ans.)
• In the Veloso case, what groups and organization
were identified? ( 17-22)
• Family, friends, migrant organizations, legal team,
media, Phil.govt.
• What are the most evident community to recognize in
the case of Veloso? (23-24)
• Fil.Community, OFW Community
Hodgetts presents 4 major barriers to communication. For an
individual as client of communication,explain how the perception,
inference, language and status became a barriers to Veloso?
(4 points each, 25-40)
• Perception-her view of reality is blurred, and not understand
her circumstances that she found herself counted among
drug traffickers destined for execution.
• Inference- her assumptions of the messages left nothing
for adequate interpretation of the meaning of what was
going on.
• Languages-she could not process feelings
and express her views adequately before the
courts bec. She could not understand and
• Status- as domestic helper made her not
worthy to listened to, to be respected and
be trusted.

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