Grammar Book

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0337348218 Vavivu English


STT Tên bài Trang

0 Kiến thức cơ bản 2

1 Danh từ 5

2 Các thì trong tiếng Anh 12

3 Động từ 24

4 Câu bị động 30

5 Tính từ, trạng từ 38

6 Đại từ 46

7 Câu so sánh 52

8 Liên từ 56

9 Giới từ 63

10 Mệnh đề quan hệ 74

11 Từ loại 78

12 Liên quan đến động từ 87

13 Các ngữ pháp khác 94


1 Các thành phần cơ bản trong câu

2 Bảy loại từ chính trong tiếng Anh

3 Mệnh đề và câu

Khái niệm
Mệnh đề là một nhóm từ có chứa một động từ đã chia và chủ ngữ của nó.
ex: I went to school. (động từ đã chia là went)
Một câu có thể gồm một hoặc nhiều mệnh đề
ex: I love dogs because they are loyal (câu này có 2 mệnh đề tương ứng với 2 động từ đã
chia là love and are)

Ba mẫu câu cơ bản


1 Khái niệm
Danh từ là loại từ dùng để diễn tả người, sự vật, sự việc, địa điểm, hiện tượng, khái niệm
hoặc tên riêng của một đối tượng nào đó.
ex: teachers, pencils, cats, Lan, Hoa, New York,..

2 Loại danh từ
Danh từ đếm được
Đối với danh từ đếm được ta lại chia ra 2 loại: số ít và số nhiều
Khi danh từ ở dạng số nhiều, ta thường thêm s/es

● pen → pens
● cat → cats
● tomato → tomatoes

Một số danh từ bất quy tắc

● man → men
● child → children
● person → people

Danh từ không đếm được

Danh từ không đếm được không có dạng số ít hay số nhiều gì cả, chỉ có 1 dạng duy nhất.
Các loại danh từ không đếm được phổ biến: meat, water, milk, food, happiness,..

3 Hậu tố danh từ

Người chuẩn men thì cần ship vẻ đẹp văn hoá

(beauty) (culture)

er, ee, or tion, ment ce ness ship ty ure

, ist, an(t) sion

trainer mention payment entrance happiness friendship variety pleasure

trainee decision shipment silence darkness leadership honesty exposure
doctor vision absence loyalty closure
dentist quality

Các bạn học thuộc câu sau: người chuẩn men thì cần ship vẻ đẹp văn hóa

● Khi nhắc tới người: các bạn hãy nhớ tới đuôi: er, ee, or, ist, an(t)
● Chuẩn nghe khá giống với đuôi: tion, sion ( shần,..)
● Men thì nhớ đuôi: ment
● Thì nghe giống: ce ( xì)
● Cần là need, need thì nhớ đuôi: ness ( nợt xì)
● Ship : ship
● Vẻ đẹp là beauty : ty
● Văn hóa là culture: ure

4 Chức năng, vị trí hay gặp của danh từ

Vị trí theo chức năng
● Vị trí chủ ngữ: The location is ideal for the office. Vị trí đó rất lý tưởng cho văn phòng.
● Vị trí tân ngữ: We had a discussion about the news. Chúng tôi đã có một cuộc trao
đổi về tin tức đó.
● Vị trí bổ ngữ: Mr. Manning is a journalist. Ông Manning là một nhà báo.

Các vị trí hay gặp trong bài thi

● Sau mạo từ và sở hữu cách: Mr. Cooper is the host of today's event. Ông Cooper là
người dẫn dắt sự kiện hôm nay.
● Sau tính từ sở hữu: She accepted my advice. Cô ấy đã nhận lời khuyên của tôi.
● Sau tính từ: Our firm underwent remarkable changes. Công ty của chúng tôi đã trải
qua những thay đổi đáng chú ý.

01 Our company strengthened (security, secure) by hiring more guards.
02 The (grow, growth) of the information technology market was larger than expected.
03 Oil companies earned a (profit, profitable) during the last quarter.
04 There will be a (technician, technical) to repair the faulty equipment.
05 Thomas has to show his (identify, identification) to enter the laboratory.
06 The movie drew widespread (criticism, criticize).

5 Từ hạn định (Determiners)
Là loại từ đứng trước danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ, dùng để xác định người, sự vật, sự
việc cụ thể đang được đề cập đến.

That is my car. Đó là ô tô của tôi

He has many pens. Anh ấy có nhiều cây bút

Các loại từ hạn định

6 Công thức cụm danh từ mở rộng

Những thành phần đứng trước và sau danh từ chính

Luyện tập xác định danh từ chính và các thành phần cơ bản trong câu
1. The growth of the information technology market was larger than expected.
2. The contents of this journal are carefully examined for errors.
3. Regional managers who exceeded sales goals will receive special bonuses.
4. The cost of maintenance has to be reduced during the economic crisis.
5. Thomas gave me a chance to explain everything.

7 Danh từ kép
Danh từ kép là danh từ được cấu thành từ hai danh từ đi cùng nhau, từ đi trước bổ ngữ cho
từ đi sau. Từ đi sau thường là danh từ chính.

Các danh từ kép phổ biến trong bài thi TOEIC:

● customer complaint: sự phàn nàn của khách hàng
● product review: đánh giá sản phẩm
● information technology: công nghệ thông tin
Học thêm ở link:

8 Quy tắc vàng

Danh từ đếm được số ít không bao giờ đứng một mình mà phải có mạo từ hoặc tính từ sở
hữu ở phía trước. Còn danh từ đếm được số nhiều thì không cần

Cách viết sai Cách viết đúng

I have car I have a car hoặc I have cars

I love cat I love my cat hoặc I love cats

1. Our firm received ______ from numerous clients for our excellent work over the past
twenty years.
(A) compliment (B) complimented (C) compliments (D) complimentary
2. Jesper Associates currently has ______ with 26 different food suppliers.
(A) contracting (B) contracts (C) contractor (D) contract
3. It is likely that _____ of the annual conference will reach an all – time high this year, with
more than 1000 people planning to attend.
(A) attendant (B) attendance (C) attended (D) attendee

1. Kelly Smith is a prospective candidate for an upcoming ……..
(A) promote (B) promotes (C) promotion (D) promoting

2. The _____ at the FAL Language Institute should have more than three years of
(A) instructors (B) instructions (C) instructing (D) instructive

3. The _____ will be delivered to your house in three days.

(A) pack (B) packed (C) package (D) to pack

4. You need your manager's _____ in order to take a few days off.
(A) permit (B) permission (C) permissions (D) permitting

5. Your active _____ is expected at the upcoming events.

(A) participate (B) participating (C) participation (D) participated

6. Last year's turnover exceeded our _____ even though the market conditions were
not that favorable.
(A) expect (B) expecting (C) expectations (D) expectant

7. The _____ for the research team are asked to wait in room 203 for their interviews.
(A) applicants (B) application (C) applies (D) applied

8. A detailed quotation on the ongoing _____ will be provided for free anytime upon
(A) maintaining (B) maintenance (C) maintained (D) maintains

9. You can reach us either by phone or email when you need technical _____ or have
any questions about the product you purchased.
(A) supported (B) supporter (C) supporting (D) support

10. It is likely that_____ of the annual conference will reach an all – time high this year,
with more than 1000 people planning to attend.
(A) attendant (B) attendance (C) attended (D) attendee

11. _____ can get a brochure on the second floor.

(A) To participate (B) Participate (C) Participants (D) Participating

12. _____ in computer courses has increased for the past few years.
(A) To enroll (B) Enrollment (C) Enrolls (D) Enrolled

13. An early _____ is required, especially in this kind of situation.

(A) decide (B) decision (C) to decide (D) decided

14. We are looking for someone with two years of _____ in the marketing field.
(A) experiencing (B) to experience (C) experience (D) experienced

15. Our firm received _____ from numerous clients for our excellent work over the past
twenty years.
(A) compliment (B) complimented (C) compliments (D) complimentary

16. International experience is the main _____ that separates Mr. Sloan from the other
candidates for the position.
(A) qualified (B) qualification (C) qualify (D) qualifying

17. Mr. Montrose’s _____ in his job search has resulted in employment offers from three
(A) persist (B) persisted (C) persistently (D) persistence

18. Recent data indicate that the _____ of water in Orlova Valley has dropped over the
last two years.
(A) consume (B) consumer (C) consumption (D) consumed

19. _____ of the shipment should be expected within ten days.

(A) Receive (B) Received (C) Receivable (D) Receipt

20. Jesper Associates currently has ____ with 26 different food suppliers.
(A) contracting (B) contracts (C) contractor (D) contract

21. The bank building will undergo ____ to improve the teller counters.
(A) renovate (B) renovations (C) renovates (D) renovated

22. We apologize for the ____ and thank you for choosing KLY Airlines.
(A) delay (B) delaying (C) to delay (D) delayed

23. Mr. Howard called the Service Department to tell them about the television's _____
(A) defectively (B) defective (C) defected (D) defect

24. Two major airlines will offer cheap _____ to Hong Kong next month.
(A) flights (B) fly (C) to fly (D) was flown

25. Because of some_____ about the noise, they had to stop the outdoor performance.
(A) complain (B) complaints (C) complaining (D) complained

26. The _____ of maintenance has to be reduced during the economic crisis.
(A) cost (B) costly (C) costing (D) more costly

27. A few _____ wrote positive reviews about the new dessert menu.
(A) critic (B) critics (C) critical (D) criticize

Các thì trong tiếng anh
Ngữ pháp cơ bản

Bảng 5 cột của một động từ

Động từ nguyên Hiện tại Quá khứ Quá khứ phân Hiện tại phân
mẫu từ từ
Vo V1 V2 V3 Ving

be am/ is/ are was/ were been being

do do/ does did done doing

have have/ has had had having

play play (s) played played playing

Lưu ý
Khi chia động từ ở quá khứ và quá khứ phân từ
● Đối với động từ có quy tắc: các bạn chỉ cần thêm ed ở cuối động từ (play => played)
● Đối với động từ bất quy tắc thì các bạn cần học thuộc ( read => read => read)

I Bảng công thức 12 thì và cách ghi nhớ

12 thì trong tiếng anh

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Đơn (V)

Tiếp diễn (be V-ing)

Hoàn thành (have V3)

Hoàn thành tiếp diễn

(have been V-ing)

Có 3 thì chính trong tiếng Anh đó là: hiện tại, quá khứ và tương lai.
Và có 4 khía cạnh thì đó là: đơn, tiếp diễn, hoàn thành và hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
Chúng ta lấy 3 thì chính * 4 khía cạnh = 12 thì trong tiếng Anh.
Ví dụ ta có: hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành và hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp
diễn. Tương tự ở thì quá khứ và tương lai.

Công thức các thì ở khía cạnh đơn

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Đơn (V) V1 V2 will + Vo

Ví dụ play (s) played will play

do/ does did will do

Ở khía cạnh đơn, ta có công thức là “V”. Và V là gì thì phụ thuộc vào 3 thì.
Hiện tại ta sử dụng V1, quá khứ ta sử dụng V2. Riêng đối với thì tương lai, thì sẽ có thêm
trợ động từ khiếm khuyết là will (sẽ). Và sau will + Vo.

Công thức các thì ở khía cạnh tiếp diễn

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Tiếp diễn (be Ving) am/ is/ are V-ing was/ were V-ing will be V-ing

Ví dụ am/ is/ are playing was/ were playing will be playing

am/ is/ are doing was/ were doing will be doing

Ở khía cạnh tiếp diễn, ta có công thức là “be + V-ing”. Và be là gì thì sẽ phụ thuộc vào 3 thì.
Hiện tại của be là “am/ is/ are” tuỳ theo chủ ngữ là số ít hay số nhiều, quá khứ của be là
“was/ were”. Riêng ở tương lai thì cần có will => will be (sau will xài Vo, Vo của be là “be”).

Công thức các thì ở khía cạnh hoàn thành

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Hoàn thành (have V3) have/ has V3 had V3 will have V3

Ví dụ have/ has played had played will have played

have/ has done had done will have done

Ở khía cạnh hoàn thành, ta có công thức là “have + V3”. Have là gì thì phụ thuộc vào 3 thì.
Hiện tại là “have/ has” tuỳ theo chủ ngữ số ít hay số nhiều. Quá khứ là had. Riêng tương lai
thì phải có will + have (have nguyên mẫu vì đứng ở sau will)

Công thức các thì ở khía cạnh hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Hoàn thành tiếp diễn have/ has been had been V-ing will have been
(have been Ving) V-ing V-ing

Ví dụ have/ has been had been playing will have been

playing playing

have/ has been had been doing will have been

doing doing

Ở khía cạnh hoàn thành tiếp diễn, ta có công thức “have been V-ing”. Have là gì thì phụ
thuộc vào 3 thì.
Hiện tại là “have/ has” tuỳ theo chủ ngữ số ít hay số nhiều. Quá khứ là had. Riêng tương lai
thì phải có will + have (have nguyên mẫu vì đứng ở sau will)

Bảng công thức 12 thì trong tiếng anh

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Đơn (V) V1 V2 will Vo

Tiếp diễn (be Ving) am/ is/ are V-ing was/ were V-ing will be V-ing

Hoàn thành (have V3) have/ has V3 had V3 will have V3

Hoàn thành tiếp diễn have/ has been had been V-ing will have been
(have been Ving) V-ing V-ing

Ví dụ câu đầy đủ 12 thì trong tiếng Anh

Play Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Đơn (V) I play football I played football I will play football

He plays football

Tiếp diễn (be Ving) I am playing He was playing We will be playing

football football football
He is We were

Hoàn thành (have He has played football I had played football We will have played
V3) We have played .. football

Hoàn thành tiếp They have been They had been playing We will have been
diễn (have been playing football football playing football

Chia động từ “watch” theo 12 thì.
watch Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Đơn (V) watch (es)

Tiếp diễn (be V-ing)

Hoàn thành (have V3)

Hoàn thành tiếp diễn

(have been V-ing)

II Cách dùng và dấu hiệu

1 Các thì đơn


Actual questions


2 Các thì tiếp diễn


Actual questions


3 Các thì hoàn thành


Actual questions


1. The public library usually _____ no fees for local residents to borrow books.
A. will charge B. charging C. to charge D. charges

2. Every month, we _____ a monthly business meeting.

A. will have B. have C. having D. has

3. We are now _____ our efforts to provide better services to our customers.
A. increase B. increasing C. increases D. increased

4. We usually _____ some money to help poor students in this area.

A. donated B. donate C. will donate D. are donating

5. Mr. Richmond _____ our company five years ago.

A. will join B. joins C. joined D. has joined

6. The wages for construction workers _____ steadily over the past few years.
A. rose B. risen C. have risen D. rise

7. An opening ceremony _____ tomorrow

A. held B. has been held C. will be held D. is held

8. The traffic lights _____ working last night because of the heavy snow
A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. to stop

9. I ____ a book every morning.

A. read B. have read C. has read D. reader

10. Bill ____ arrived yet.

A. hasn’t B. haven’t C. having D. have

11. Michael ____ lived in Peru for ten years.

A. have B. has C. had D. to have

12. The teacher ______ out when I arrived in the classroom.

A. goes B. have gone C. has gone D. had gone

13. The economy _____ from the recession next year.

A. will recover B. recovers C. recovered D. is recovering

14. My brother _____ a bear an hour ago.

A. seen B. saw C. sees D. see

15. _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?

A. Did B. Are C. Does D. Done

16. Alex did not _____ last weekend.

A. working B. worked C. work D. works

17. Hopefully, the package _____ in a few days.
A.arrive B. arrived C. will arrive D. arriving

18. Since last winter, they _____ financial difficulty.

A. has experienced B. experienced C. have experienced D. experiencing

19. Mr. Jackson _____ for the firm for ten years.
A. has worked B. have worked C. works D. working

Động từ
I Động từ hành động và động từ nối

1 Động từ hành động (Action verb)

Khái niệm: là động từ chỉ hành động của chủ ngữ.
Ex: write, run, walk, read, drive ...
Động từ hành động chia ra làm 2 dạng: ngoại động từ và nội động từ.

Ngoại động từ
Là động từ gây tác động ra bên ngoài, nên cần tân ngữ theo sau. Nếu không có tân ngữ, thì
câu sẽ bị thiếu nghĩa.
Ex: He wrote a letter (anh ấy viết 1 lá thư). Tân ngữ là “letter”, nếu không có tân ngữ, người
ta sẽ thắc mắc anh ấy “wrote” cái gì?

Công thức: S + V + O

Nội động từ
Là động từ không gây tác động ra bên ngoài, không cần tân ngữ theo sau thì câu vẫn đủ
He slept (Anh ấy đã ngủ).
The dog runs (Con chó chạy).

Công thức: S + V

Một số từ có thể là ngoại và nội động từ

She is eating. = Cô ấy đang ăn. → nội động từ.
She is eating a cake. = Cô ấy đang ăn một cái bánh. → ngoại động từ.

2 Động từ nối (Linking verb)

Là động từ diễn tả trạng thái của chủ ngữ thay vì hành động.
Các động từ nối hay gặp: be (am, is, was, were,..), look/ appear/ seem (có vẻ), feel (cảm
thấy), remain/ stay (vẫn, giữ nguyên), sound (nghe có vẻ)...
Sau động từ nối thì thường là tính từ để mô tả trạng thái của chủ ngữ.
- He looks handsome (Anh ấy trông khá bảnh).
- She feels sad (Cô ấy cảm thấy buồn).
- I am still young and naive (Tôi vẫn còn trẻ và ngây thơ).
Ngoài ra, sau động từ nối có thể là danh từ. Nhưng ít khi xuất hiện khi làm bài thi TOEIC P5.
- He is a teacher.
- He became a doctor 2 years ago.

II Trợ động từ (Auxiliary verb)

1 Khái niệm
Trợ động từ là các động từ hỗ trợ các động từ khác để tạo nên cấu trúc về thì động từ, câu
bị động, câu nghi vấn,..

Có 2 loại trợ động từ

Trợ động từ chính (primary auxiliary verb) Trợ động từ tình thái (modal verb)

be, do, have will, should, can, could, may, might, must…

Trong một cấu trúc có dùng trợ động từ thì sẽ có 2 động từ: Trợ động từ + động từ chính

● Trợ động từ được chia theo thì và phù hợp với chủ ngữ.
● Động từ chính được chia theo dạng V-ing hoặc V3/ed hoặc Vo tùy theo cấu trúc.

The children are swimming in the pool. (Bọn trẻ đang bơi trong bể bơi.)
She could play the piano when she was five. (Cô ấy có thể chơi piano khi cô ấy mới 5 tuổi.)

2 Cách dùng

Trợ động từ chính

“be”: được sử dụng trong các thì tiếp diễn, công thức “be V-ing”
Ex: He is running.

“have”: được sử dụng trong các thì hoàn thành, công thức “have V3”
Ex: I have done my homework.

“do”: được sử dụng trong các thì hiện tại, quá khứ đơn để thành lập câu hỏi, câu phủ định.
Câu hỏi:
Do you have a pen?
I do not have a pen.
I did not call her yesterday.

Trợ động từ tình thái

“can, may, must, should,...” dùng để chỉ khả năng, sự cho phép… “will” được sử dụng trong
các thì tương lai.
Ex: You can do it.
I will call you tomorrow.

3 Be, do, have cũng có thể là động từ chính
Viết tắt từ ở bảng bên dưới: Trợ động từ => TĐT, động từ chính => ĐTC
have do be

I have done it. I do not know her. He is running.

Trợ động từ
have là TĐT do là TĐT is là TĐT
done là ĐTC know là ĐTC running là ĐTC

I have a pen. I did my homework. He is happy.

Động từ chính
have là ĐTC did là ĐTC, có nghĩa là is là ĐTC, là động từ
có nghĩa là có. làm. nối.

Làm sao để biết khi nào “be/ do/ have” là động từ chính?
Đơn giản là sau “be do have” không phải là một động từ thì be do have là động từ chính.

III Các vấn đề khác của động từ

1 Cụm động từ (phrasal verb)

Cụm động từ là sự kết hợp giữa động từ + trạng từ/giới từ.
Ex: get out, calm down, give away, make up,..
Cụm động từ sẽ có nghĩa khác so với động từ riêng lẻ.

Động từ thường Phrasal verb

take = lấy take off= cất cánh

draw = vẽ draw up= viết, tạo ra

2 Câu mệnh lệnh (Imperative sentence)

Câu mệnh lệnh (Imperative Sentences) là cấu trúc câu thường sử dụng để đưa ra sự yêu
cầu, sai khiến, định hướng.
Câu mệnh lệnh là câu thường bắt đầu với động từ nguyên mẫu và không có chủ ngữ (trừ
một số trường hợp).
Từ cảm thán “please” thường được thêm vào để tăng phép lịch sự khi nói.
Leave the book under my doormat.
(Please) tell me about that.
Call me by your name.
If you need any assistance, contact one of our financial assistants.

3 Hậu tố động từ
ate ify en ise/ize

create notify weaken realize

communicate clarify shorten advertise

4 Quy tắc vàng

Trong một câu, thành phần quan trọng và không thể thiếu đó là động từ chính, thường là
động từ chia thì hoặc modal verb + Vo.
Khi làm bài tập về động từ, các bạn hãy xem kỹ câu đã có động từ chính hay chưa, nếu
chưa thì chỉ cần chọn động từ là được.

Ex: I ___ a book a week

(A) reading (B) to read (C) reads (D) read

Giải thích:
Câu còn thiếu động từ chính chia thì, loại A, B.
Loại C vì chủ ngữ là I, động từ nguyên mẫu => chọn D.

1 Many physicians ______ that exercise is beneficial to our health.

(A) agreement (B) to agree (C) agreeing (D) agree

2 Mr. Kim ______ the seminar in the conference room.

(A) attended (B) attending (C) to attend (D) attendance

3 Many people ______ for the position.

(A) applicant (B) application (C) applied (D) to apply

4 The plant manager ______ a day-long safety workshop.

(A) organizing (B) to organize (C) organization (D) organized

5 The sales department ______ sales goals for the last quarter.

(A) reached (B) to reach (C) reachable (D) reaching

6 I ______ to sell translation software.

(A) wanting (B) to want (C) want (D) wants

7 It ______ English and Japanese into Korean.

(A) translates (B) translation (C) translating (D) to translate

8 If you are interested in this item, please ______ me at 555-7075.

(A) contacting (B) contact (C) to contact (D) contacts

9 Mr. Tailor ______ a training program for new employees.

(A) to propose (B) proposal (C) proposing (D) proposed

10 During the meeting, some employees ______ several questions.

(A) asking (B) asked (C) to ask (D) being asked

11 The organizer ______ the seminar with a brief introduction.

(A) started (B) starter (C) starting (D) to start

12 The president ______ the managers to report directly to him.

(A) asked (B) asking (C) to ask (D) asker

13 My secretary ______ the memo to the department managers.

(A) sending (B) to send (C) sent (D) sender

14 All personal and financial data must remain ______ except when the requesting party
presents written consent from the client involved.
(A) confidentiality (B) confidential (C) confidentially (D) confidence

15 Given the large number of presenters at the seminar, we should ______ them into
smaller categorized groups.
(A) divisible (B) division (C) dividing (D) divide

16 My sister hopes that you will ______ her invitation.

(A) accept (B) to accept (C) accepting (D) accepted

17 If you have any questions, please _________ your hand.

(A) raising (B) to raise (C) raised (D) raise

Tham khảo thêm các động từ bất quy tắc phổ biến

V1 V2 V3 Nghĩa
become became become trở nên
begin began begun bắt đầu
bleed bled bled chảy máu
break broke broken đập vỡ
breed bred bred nuôi, dạy dỗ
Bring brought brought mang đến
Build built built xây dựng
Burn burnt/burned burnt/burned đốt, cháy
Buy bought bought mua
Catch caught caught bắt, chụp
choose chose chosen chọn, lựa
Come came come đến, đi đến
Cost cost cost có giá là
Cut cut cut cắn, chặt
Deal dealt dealt giao thiệp
draw drew drawn vẽ, kéo
dream dreamt/ dreamed dreamt/ dreamed mơ thấy
drink drank drunk uống
Drive drove driven lái xe
eat ate eaten ăn
fall fell fallen ngã, rơi
feed fed fed cho ăn, ăn, nuôi
feel felt felt cảm thấy
fight fought fought chiến đấu
find found found tìm thấy, thấy
flee fled fled chạy trốn
fly flew flown bay

Câu bị động
Ngữ pháp cơ bản

Công thức bị động: be + V3

The package is delivered by the postman. (Bưu kiện được chuyển đến bởi người đưa thư.)
The report will be written by John. (Báo cáo sẽ được viết bởi John.)

1 Cách chuyển câu chủ động sang bị động

Cấu trúc động từ của 1 câu đơn chia ra làm 2 trường hợp:
Động từ chính Trợ động từ + động từ chính

I do my homework (chỉ có động từ chính là I am doing my homework (am là trợ động

do, không có trợ động từ). từ, doing là động từ chính).

He wrote a song (wrote là động từ chính, He will be doing his homework ( will be là
không có trợ động từ). trợ động từ, doing là động từ chính).

Cách chuyển động từ từ dạng chủ động sang bị động

Chủ động động từ chính trợ động từ + động từ chính

Bị động be V3 trợ động từ + be V3

Giải thích Động từ chính ở câu chủ động cho Trợ động từ các bạn giữ nguyên thì,
dù ở cột nào cũng chuyển sang V3, chia ít nhiều theo chủ ngữ mới (trừ
thêm be vào phía trước, be là gì thì modal verb không cần chia).
phụ thuộc vào động từ chính thuộc Còn động từ chính các bạn chuyển
cột nào, như đã học ở mục 2. sang dạng be V3 như bình thường.

Động từ chính Trợ động từ + động từ chính

Chủ động wrote will be doing

Bị động was/ were written will be being done

Giải thích wrote cột 3 là written will be là trợ động từ, mình giữ
wrote ở cột 2 nên be là “was/ were” nguyên
=> was/ were written doing là động từ chính => being done

Động từ chính Trợ động từ + động từ chính

Chủ động wash have/ has washed

Bị động is/ are washed have/ has been washed

Giải thích wash => washed have/ has là trợ động từ nên giữ vậy
wash cột 1 => be là is/ are washed ở cột 3 vì sau have/ has
washed => been washed.

2 Ví dụ cụ thể
💡 Các thì đơn
Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

record recorded will record

is/ are recorded was/ were recorded will be recorded

💡 Các thì tiếp diễn

Hiện tại/ quá khứ Tương lai

is/ was recording will be recording

is/ was being recorded will be being recorded

💡 Các thì hoàn thành

Hiện tại/ quá khứ Tương lai

have/ has/ had recorded will have recorded

have/ has/ had been will have been recorded


💡 Modal verb (must/ should/ can/ will) và to V

must record to record

must be recorded to be recorded

3 Luyện tập chuyển động từ sang bị động
Chia động từ “watch” phù hợp dạng chủ động bị động

💡 Các thì đơn

Hiện tại Quá khứ Tương lai

Chủ động watch watched will watch

Bị động

💡 Các thì tiếp diễn

Hiện tại/ quá khứ Tương lai

Chủ động is/ was watching will be watching

Bị động

💡 Các thì hoàn thành

Hiện tại/ quá khứ Tương lai

Chủ động have/ had watched will have watched

Bị động

💡 Modal verb (must/ should/ can/ will)

should watch

💡 To Vo
to watch

4 Cách phân biệt câu chủ động bị động


5 Các cụm hay gặp trong bài thi TOEIC

be interested in be satisfied with be supposed to be involved in

be covered with be pleased with be confused with be related to

be filled with be dedicated to be accustomed to be committed to

The customers are satisfied with the quality of the product.

The management seems to be pleased with the outcomes.

1. An agreement _____ at the meeting last week.
A. made B. are made C. was made D. makes

2. The assistant position _____ no later than next month.

A. will be filled B. be filled C. was filled D. filled

3. We were _____ by Dt Albert’s outstanding contributions to the development of the new

A. impression B. impressive C. impressed D. impresses

4. The payments on new houses should _____ within 10 days of the date of the contract
A. receive B. received C. to receive D. be received

5. Tickets to the X-men movie will _____ online starting next Friday
A. have sold B. be selling C. be sold D. been selling

6. The CEO’s comments about social responsibility have been _____ by some workers
A. misinterprets B. misinterpreted C. misinterpreting D. misinterpret

7. The new employee handbook was _____ to all employees.

A. distributed B. distributing C. distributes D. distribute

8. You should_____ the rent before the deadline.

A. paid B. be paid C. pay D. paying

9. The president has _____ a new strategy to increase sales.

A. proposing B. proposed C. been proposed D. propose

10. The terms of the contract must _____carefully.

A. be reviewing B. review C. reviewing D. be reviewed

11. The new employee is not accustomed _____ working with lots of people.
A. about B. to C. with D. in

12. We are committed _____ providing high-quality service to our customers.

A. to B. with C. in D. of

13. A lot of errors _____ in the final report.

A. were found B. found C. find D. be found

14. The annual conference _____ in the Chicago Convention Center.

A. holding B. holds C. is held D. to hold

15. A new assistant can _____ within a month.

A. be found B. is found C. finds D. find

16. This marketing position _____ at least two years of experience in a related field.
A. require B. requiring C. requires D. is required

17. The training is going to _____ place in the seminar room at 1 P.M.
A. took B. is taken C. taking D. take

18. The lawyer is dedicated _____ helping small businesses in trouble.

A. to B. with C. of D. in

19. Many changes _____ to the construction plan because the president didn’t like it.
A. have made B. have been made C. made D. are made

20. The president _____ after he had worked for the company for 30 years.
A. retired B. retiring C. was retired D. retirement

21. The air conditioner _____ to your office no later than tomorrow.
A. will be delivered B. will deliver C. delivering D. delivered

22. The company technician _____ to fix the broken computers.

A. asks B. is asking C. was asking D. was asked

23. The idea for the new commercial _____ at the staff meeting.
A. were suggested B. are suggested C. was suggested D. suggested

24. The company _____ me a job as a customer representative.

A. offer B. will offer C. is offered D. will be offered

25. Mr. Davis has already _____ about the meeting next week.
A. told B. been told C. tell D. been

26. All the necessary documents should _____ by the end of the month.
A. submit B. submitted C. have submitted D. be submitted

27. Not everybody is _____ with the change in the hiring procedure.
A. please B. pleases C. pleasing D. pleased

28. The accountant seems to be accustomed _____ handling his clients’ complaints.
A. at B. with C. to D. by

29. The door _____ last week right after the director's visit to the office.
A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. was repaired D. repaired

30. Air pollution has to _____ no matter how much money is spent.
A. reduce B. is reduced C. be reduced D. been reduced

31. If you are interested _____ the position, please submit your application no later than
this Tuesday.
A. at B. in C. with D. by

32. Mr. Holmes was _____ when he heard the news that the company had offered him a
A. surprise B. surprises C. surprising D. surprised

33. Investors are concerned _____ the recent recession in China.

A. in B. from C. about D. to

34. Your package will ______ immediately after we confirm your payment.
A. deliver B. been delivered C. be delivered D. delivered

35. If all the information has _____ correctly, you will then be directed to the payment site.
A. entered B. entering C. be entered D. been entered

36. Mr. Coleman has ______ as a temporary worker at the History & Art Museum.
A. hire B. hired C. hiring D. been hired

37. All the employees are encouraged _____ the free language training course.
A. attend B. attending C. to attend D. attended

38. Unfortunately, small businesses in this town have _____ from the market.
A. disappear B. been disappeared C. disappearing D. disappeared

39. Tom and Jack's Furniture is well known _____ its outstanding designs.
A. as B. for C. by D. about

40. The old office buildings downtown are being _____.

A. renovate B. renovating C. renovation D. renovated

41. The new software development meeting will _____ in Room 40B.
A. hold B. held C. be held D. been held

Tính từ
1 Tính từ là gì?
💡 Tính từ là những từ dùng để miêu tả tính chất của con người, sự vật, sự việc,...
Ví dụ tính từ miêu tả con người: smart (thông minh), tall (cao), handsome (đẹp trai),..
Ví dụ tính từ miêu tả sự vật: expensive (đắt), cheap (rẻ), durable (bền),..

2 Vị trí của tính từ

3 Hậu tố tính từ

al professional crucial

ive active attractive

ful/less useful useless

able/ible knowledgeable impossible

ous spacious delicious

V-ing/ V3 interesting interested

Các trường hợp đặc biệt cần lưu ý
1 nếu V + al thì sẽ là danh từ.
ex: remove => removal, propose => proposal, renew => renewal
2 Hai danh từ đuôi “ive” cần nhớ: representative (người đại diện) và initiative (sáng kiến)


Actual questions


Trạng từ

I Trạng từ là gì?
Trạng từ là thành phần phụ trong câu, có chức năng chính là bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ
và trạng từ khác. Ngoài ra, một số trạng từ còn có thể bổ nghĩa cho cả câu, cụm danh từ,...

Hầu hết trạng từ có đuôi ly, hình thành từ adj + ly.

ex: perfect => perfectly, exact => exactly, quick => quickly
Tuy nhiên vẫn có các trường hợp ngoại lệ:
● Trạng từ không có đuôi “ly”: fast (adj,adv), well (adv),..
● Tính từ đuôi “ly”: costly (đắt), weekly/monthly (hàng tuần/tháng), likely (có thể)..
● Danh từ đuôi “ly”: assembly (sự lắp ráp),..
● Động từ đuôi “ly”: apply (áp dụng), supply (cung cấp),..

Một số trạng từ gây nhầm lẫn

Adv không có đuôi “ly” Adv đuôi “ly”

late (muộn) lately (gần đây)

hard (chăm chỉ) hardly (hầu như không)

II Vị trí trạng từ
Mẹo: khi làm bài từ loại, nếu một câu đã đầy đủ các thành phần thì chọn trạng từ.
Đứng trước tính từ: It is a (highly) innovative design.

Đứng trước động từ: She (eagerly) volunteered to help with the project.
Đứng giữa trợ động từ và động từ chính: The landlord will (probably) raise the rent.
Đứng sau ngoại động từ và tân ngữ: She reads books (rapidly).
Đứng sau nội động từ: He thinks (deeply) about his decisions.
Đứng sau động từ dạng bị động: The car was repaired (quickly) by the mechanic.

Đứng trước trạng từ khác: He behaved extremely badly

Đứng đầu câu: Regrettably, we do not have the item


Actual questions



Bài tập tính trạng từ

1. Everybody knows that it is a _____ market.

A. compete B. competitive C. competitively C. competition

2. All the staff members were _____ during the workshop.

A. cooperate B. cooperation C. cooperative D. cooperatively

3. The new policy was _____ difficult to implement.

A. extreme B. extremes C. extremely D. to extreme

4. The vice president _____ retired as of last Monday.

A. office B. official C. officially D. offices

5. The conference's keynote speaker addressed _____ impacts of digital technology in

the current music industry.
A. variety B. variably C. variation D. various

6. The manager said that it is _____ to test emergency equipment frequently to avoid any
A. appropriate B. appropriateness C. appropriately D. appropriacy

7. Although Kate's resume seemed weaker than other applicants, her interview was so
_____ that the company hired her right away.
A. impressive B.impressing C. impressed D.impressively

8. Nalston Cookware offers a _____ range of cookware for people looking for both
practical and modern utensils.
A. widely B. widen C. width D. wide

9. ABC Office Supplies has to find a secure way to manage _____ documents.
A. confidence B. confidential C. confidentially D. confidentiality

10. For your safety, it is _____ to follow the instructions when installing the electronic
A. importance B. to important C. important D. importantly

11. Our company recorded _____ profits this year.

A. impress B. to impress C. impresses D. impressive

12. The university is seeking _____ individuals to participate in a survey.

A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interestingly

13. Managers will discuss _____ methods for the promotion of our products.
A. addition B. additional C. additionally D. additions

14. All _____ information should be submitted by next week.
A. necessarily B. necessity C. necessaries D. necessary

15. The labor department _____ estimated that 10,000 new jobs would be created.
A. original B. originally C. origin D. originate

16. The consultant is _____ related to the management.

A. close B. closing C. closed D. closely

17. Sales of the new products are _____ decreasing.

A. presently B. present C. presenting D. presented

18. Our new car is _____ attractive to families with children.

A. extreme B. extremely C. extremity D. extremes

19. GE Motors is _____ described by the media as a good company.

A. frequently B. frequented C. frequency D. frequent

20. Sam, the marketing director, has been known for presenting many_______ advertising
A. creation B. creator C. creating D. creative

21. Evaluation forms are _____ placed outside the doors so that you can pick them up as
you leave.
A. convenience B. conveniently C. convenient D. convene

22. Patrick Simmons is______ for both recruiting new sales personnel and training them.
A. responsible B. responsibly C. responsibility D. response

23. Because the train leaves _____ at 7:00, ticket holders should board before 6:50.
A. prompt B. promptness C. promptly D. prompted

24. Should you need any technical assistance with the computer system, please notify
technical support staff in a _____ manner.
A. time B. timely C. timing D. times

25. Mr. Osman travels_______ for business to find out new investment opportunities
throughout the world.
A. regularly B. regularities C. regular D. regulate

Bài tập danh/ tính/ động/ trạng từ
26. I met with Elain Hopkins and Gene Avery to discuss the _____ of tasks and our joint
vision for the implementation of the project plan.
A. allocate B.allocated C. allocates D. allocation

27. Some smaller family-run restaurants that don’t accept traveler’ checks are _____
found in many small cities throughout the country.
A. easy B. easily C. easier D. easiest

28. When you see the show a couple of times, especially in a row, you can _____
differences in acting or when things happen that are not planned
A. notice B.notices C. noticing D. noticed

29. Many accidents occur at this intersection because the view of oncoming traffic is
_____ obscured by the trees.
A. part B. partial C. partially D. partiality

30. _____ for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers
A. Invite B. Invitations C. Inviting D. Invitation

31. The conference’s keynote speaker addressed ______ impacts of digital technology on
the current music industry.
A. variety B. variably C. variation D. various

32. The effects of affordable housing ____ in rural areas will be discussed at the
A. develops B. developing C. development D. developed

33. Even if residents in the area have shown strong _____ to the project, the city
government may not be hesitant to proceed with it.
A. resisting B. resistant C. resisted D. resistance

34. According to many _______ of the industry, the majority of small-sized firms are
hoping to enter into lucrative businesses.
A. survey B. surveys C. surveying D. surveyed

35. Due to its need for ——- repairs, the Paliot l2Z conveyor belt is scheduled to be
replaced by a more efficient model.
A. frequent B. frequently C. frequency D. frequents

36. There’s another piece of evidence that there has been enormous ______ in the supply
of customized services to customers.
A. growth B. grows C. grown D. grower

37. We are sorry to announce that we will not _____ any credit cards starting next year
since a cash deposit is required.
A. accepts B. accepting C. accept D. accepted

38. The _____ of Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday.
A. election B. elected C. elects D. electable

39. In order to suppress harmful insects and weeds, garden maintenance companies must
choose the right products and apply them ______
A. correction B. correctly C. corrected D. correcting

40. Many environmental analysts recommend that nations reduce their ______ on
non-renewable energy sources.
A. dependently B. dependence C. dependent D. depend

41. _____ for reconstruction contracts has been getting stiffer over the years since it can
generate enormously lucrative earnings.
A. Competitively B. Competition C. Competitive D. Competes

42. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the event that you
______ delete something essential from the program.
A. accident B. accidental C. accidents D. accidentally

43. When the ______ for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers,
a number of experts were asked for their comments.
A. proposing B. propose C. proposes D. proposal

Đại từ
Đại từ là từ thay thế cho danh từ để tránh lặp từ
ex: I like Hung because he is handsome => ở câu này, đại từ “he” thay thế cho danh từ
“Hung” để tránh lặp từ.

I Đại từ nhân xưng

Bảng đại từ nhân xưng
Đại từ nhân xưng Tính từ sở Đại từ sở hữu Đại từ phản thân
Chủ ngữ Tân ngữ

I me my mine myself

we us our ours ourselves

they them their theirs themselves

you you your yours yourself/ yourselves

she her her hers herself

he him his his himself

it it its không sử dụng itself


II Đại từ chỉ định


III One, another, other, và the other
Những từ này có thể là từ hạn định hoặc đại từ

Ex: do you like the red car or the white one? => đại từ
There's only room for one person. => từ hạn định

Another: một cái khác, một người khác,..

Ex: Would you like another drink? => từ hạn định
This book is boring. Give me another => đại từ

Other: những cái khác, những người khác,..

Ex: This one’s too big. Do you have it in other sizes? => từ hạn định
I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send others (=other photos) tomorrow. => đại từ

The other: cái còn lại, người còn lại.

Ex: He raised one arm and then the other => đại từ
Joel and Karen are here, but where are the other kids? => từ hạn định

1. I finished writing up my report but did not submit _____ yet.
A. her B. him C. it D. them

2. Please inform _____ of any schedule changes.

A. I B. he C. she D. me

3. Jennifer Lee said that she prefers traveling by _____ to traveling with lots of people.
A. herself B. himself C. itself D. her

4. The executives of the board _____ decided to conduct the analysis.

A. himself B. herself C. themselves. D. their

5. These are my teachers. _____ names are Paul and Rita.

A. They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs

6. Her mobile phone is broken. She borrowed _____ .

A. I B. my C. mine D. me

7. Ms. Nora decided to find a solution for the problem by _____ .

A. her B. hers C. herself D. she

8. Make sure you bring _____ ID to open an account.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

9. _____ for the job must pass a very difficult test.

A. Applying B. Apply C. To apply D. Applicants

10. We asked Ms. Lee if _____ wants to come back later.

A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

11. The assistant decided to deal with the problem by _____.

A. he B. him C. his D. himself

12. Most of the start-up companies spend a relatively high percentage of ______
budgets on advertising costs.
A. they B. their C. them D. theirs

13. Because all members were busy doing their work, the sales manager had to finish
the sales report by ______ .
A. him B. his C. himself D. he

14. Please be sure to keep all receipts and submit ______ with your claim for
A. they B. their C. them D. themselves

15. After Ms. Anna was hired for the job, _____ had to move to Singapore.
A. she B. hers C. herself D. her

16. Since the telephones in the conference room are not working, a technician has been
called in to fix _____
A. they B. their C. them D. themselves

17. Although the staff has grown, Mr. Lee continues to conduct all client meetings _____
A. he B. him C. his D. himself

18. If this project goes smoothly, we will have more work with ___ in the future
A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs

19. We regret to tell _____ that we cannot deliver your recent orders
A. you B. us C. yours D. yourself

20. The catering company announced the grand opening of _____ first restaurant in the
downtown area.
A. it B. it’s C. its D. his

21. Sales representatives should talk to _____ supervisors in case they want to ask for
sick leave.
A. they B. their C. them D. theirs

22. The food critic visited all the restaurants _____ and wrote a review on each of them.
A. her B. she C. hers D. herself

23. Staff members from the Dorito Motor Company will visit this area in order to attend
_____ training sessions.
A. they B. their C. them D. themselves

24. After quitting her job at the architecture firm, she decided to start _____ own
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

25. Please read the attached manual carefully if you would like to update the settings
A. you B. your C. yourself D. yours

26. According to the latest _____, the income tax has increased by 2 percent.
A. report B. reporting C. to report D. reported

27. You should directly visit the immigration office in order to get a work_____ .
A. permit B. permits C. permitting D. permission

Câu so sánh
I So sánh bằng
💡 Công thức: as + adj/adv + as
Nếu động từ trong câu là động từ nối thì ta dùng so sánh bằng của tính từ. Còn nếu là động
từ hành động thì xài so sánh bằng của trạng từ

Động từ nối Động từ hành động

Ví dụ - This train is as slow as that one - Fill out this form as quickly as possible
- The new machine is as - Please respond to this email as
expensive as the old one promptly as you can

Áp dụng khi làm bài tập

S + V nối + as ___ as => chổ trống là tính từ
S + V + (O) + as ____ as => chổ trống là trạng từ.

A Chọn lựa chọn đúng trong ngoặc
1. The new printer is as (effective / effectively) as the old one.
2. His suggestion was as (creatively / creative) as mine.
3. They are as (qualified / qualify) as Mr. Armstrong for his work.
4. The plan is going as (smooth / smoothly) as we thought.
5. Mr. Thomson entered the meeting room as (quiet / quietly) as he could.
6. Please deal with these customer complaints as (fastly / fast) as you can.

B Chọn đáp án đúng

1. You should hand in the sales report to the boss as ___ as possible.
A quick B quickly C quicker D quickest
2. This year’s salary increase is as ___ as that of last year.
A largely B larger C largest D large

II So sánh hơn và nhất
Tính từ/trạng từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất

Tính từ 1 âm tiết young younger youngest

Tính từ từ 2 âm tiết trở lên comfortable more comfortable most comfortable

Tính từ 2 âm tiết kết thúc easy easier easiest

bằng phụ âm “y” happy happier happiest

Trạng từ kết thúc bằng “ly” slowly more slowly most slowly

Tính từ/ trạng từ bất quy tắc good/ well better best

bad/ badly worse worst

much/ many more most

little less least

* Giới từ/ liên từ “than” được thêm vào để so sánh hơn.

● His speech was longer than mine.
● The damage was more serious than we had thought.
* Các trạng từ như “much, a lot, still, even, hoặc far” được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh cấp độ so
sánh hơn.
● His speech was much longer than mine.
● The damage was a lot more serious than we had thought.
* Mạo từ the đứng trước hình thức so sánh nhất.
● Loan is the smartest student in my class.
● That is the most beautiful house I have ever seen.
* Nếu động từ trong câu là động từ thường thì ta dùng so sánh của trạng từ.
● My father drives more carefully than I do.
* Lưu ý: Đã có “er” thì không có “more”, nhiều bạn viết kiểu “more higher” là sai. Tương tự
đã có “est” thì không có “most”, không được viết “the most smartest”.
1. The productivity of the factory became _____ than before.
A. low B. much low C. lower D. as lower

2. The usage of the device was _____ more difficult than I had thought.
A. a lot B. very C. many D. so

3. Ms. Pitt is the _____ employee in the Sales Department.

A. reliable B. most reliable C. more reliable D. reliablest

4. You should submit it by Friday at the _____ .

A. late B. latest C. later D.most

1. She is _____ employee in the company to be promoted.
A. the youngest B. the younger C. younger D. youngest

2. This copy is _______the other one.

A. as bad B. as bad as C. more bad more D. badder than

3. This office is _______ one in the building.

A. moderner B. more modern C. the most modern D. more moderner

4. 2011 was ______ year for our company.

A. the bad B. the baddest C. the worse D. the worst

5. This machine isn’t _____ as the old one.

A. as complicated B. more complicated C. the complicated D. most complicated

6. He was _____ man I ever knew.

A. wiser B. wise C. the most wise D. the wisest

7. This test is_____ than the last one.

A. more easily B. more easier C. easier D. easilier

8. Mr. Yamamoto received the _____ performance review in the Customer Service
A. poorest B. poorer C. most poor D. more poor

9. Customers' dissatisfaction about the design of the phone is ____ than complaints
about the bad sound quality.
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. being big

10. The newly released computers from C Electronics are ____ than the previous models.
A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast

11. Nature Food is advertising its ____ processed food in the local newspaper.
A. nature B. natural C. natured D. naturally

12. Mr. Donetti believes that the purchase of real estate is a ___ investment for the future.
A. safe B. safety C. safely D. safeness

13. The Georgetown Festival has become one of the ____ annual events in the city.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
14. The two companies agreed ____ on the increase in the price of the raw materials.
A. mutual B. mutually C. mutuality D. mutualness

15. Some people prefer working from home because they think it is ____ than working in
an office.
A. efficient B. most efficient C. more efficiently D. more efficient

16. It is impossible to get a refund without the _____ receipt from the store.
A. origin B. original C. originally D. originated

17. I could _____ believe that Ms. Porter was appointed as the new vice president of the
A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. more hardly

18. After ____ examining the equipment, they found out what the problem was.
A. careful B. carefully C. caring D. cared

19. The restaurant offers a _____ variety of local food than any other restaurants in town.
A. great B. greater C. greatest D. greatness

20. Dr. Theodore's speech was the _____ one l’ve ever heard.
A. impressive B. more impressive C. most impressive D. as impressive

21. Most business owners invest a _____ amount of time before they make important
A. considerable B. considering C. consideration D. considerably

22. It is important to remember to keep prices _____ when you sell goods.
A. reasonable B. reasonably C. most reasonable D. as reasonable

23. Please be _____ when you pick up your belongings on the train.
A. prompt B. promptly C. promptness D. most prompt

24. lt is essential that you _____ update all the software on your computer.
A. regular B. regularly C. regularity D. as regular

25. The Maple Company is one of the ____ companies in the field of computer
A. innovative B. more innovative C. most innovative D. innovation

26. Please read the instructions as ______ as possible.

A. careful B. care C. carefully D. more carefully

27. The budget cut made our project _____ more difficult.
A. many B. very C. so D. even

28. Make sure you have all the _____ data with you.
A. need B. necessary C. necessarily D. needs

29. We need to finish the report by next Friday at the ______ .

A. later B. late C. latest D. lately

30. Sales directors should go _____ to Room 100 for another meeting.
A. direct B. directly C. direction D. directive

31. We found the manual absolutely _____ in dealing with customer complaints.
A. importantly B. importance C. important D. importing

32. The team made a presentation in a very _____ way.

A. impress B. impressive C. impressiveness D. impressively

Liên từ
I Khái niệm
Liên từ là từ được sử dụng để liên kết 2 từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề lại với nhau.
ex: He is tall and handsome ( liên từ “and” liên kết “tall” và “handsome”)
Có 3 loại liên từ: liên từ tương quan, kết hợp và phụ thuộc

II Liên từ tương quan (Correlative Conjunctions)

Những liên từ tương quan dưới đây đi theo cặp cố định.

Liên từ tương quan Ví dụ

Either A or B: hoặc là cái này, hoặc

I will either go for a hike or stay home
là cái kia.

Neither A nor B: không cái này cũng

My father likes neither beer nor wine.
không cái kia.

Both A and B: cả cái này lẫn cả cái

She is both intelligent and beautiful.

Not only A but also B: không những

He is not only intelligent, but also very funny.
cái này mà cả cái kia

1. Before you can enter the building, you must show _____ your passport and your airline
ticket, so have them ready.
A both B as C either D if

2. _______ personal checks nor credit cards will be accepted as payment for the
A every B many C both D neither

3. Classes at the community center are usually held either on weekdays _____on the
A or B nor C both D neither

4. The furniture you ordered yesterday is expected to arrive _____ today or tomorrow
A neither B both C either D not only

5. He accepted ____ Jenny’s proposal nor mine

A and B neither C both C not only

III Liên từ kết hợp (Coordinating Conjunctions)
Có 4 liên từ kết hợp cần nắm trong bài thi TOEIC: and, or, but, so.
Liên từ kết hợp được sử dụng để nối các từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề có cùng chức năng ngữ

Ví dụ cụ thể:
Nối 2 từ: 2 từ được nối với nhau phải cùng từ loại với nhau, chẳng hạn như cùng là danh
từ, cùng là tính từ, cùng là trạng từ...
● sugar and salt = đường và muối → cùng là danh từ
● old but beautiful = cũ nhưng đẹp → cùng là tính từ

Nối 2 cụm từ: 2 cụm từ được nối với nhau phải cùng từ loại với nhau, chẳng hạn như cùng
là cụm danh từ, cùng là cụm giới từ...
● a cat and two dogs → cùng là cụm danh từ
● on the table or under the chair → cùng là cụm giới từ
● We sent her an email yesterday but have not received a reply
→ cùng là cụm động từ.

Nối 2 mệnh đề trong một câu:

● It was still painful, so I went to see a doctor. → cùng là mệnh đề

A Chọn lựa chọn ở trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu

1. You can (both/ either/ neither) fax the document or mail it.
2. Mr. Smith was sick, (so/ but/ or) he didn’t go to work.
3. This machine is not only slow (but/ or/ nor) also complicated.
4. You have to bring both your passport (and/ or/ nor) flight ticket.
5. Booking a plane ticket online is cheap, (either/ but/ or) you have to do it early.

B Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. Either Sam ______ Tom will be sent to the new branch in LA.
A. and B. or C. but D. nor

2. He didn’t like his job, ______ he quit three months ago.

A. yet B. or C. but D. so

IV Liên từ Phụ thuộc (Subordinating Conjunctions)
Liên từ phụ thuộc được sử dụng để liên kết 2 mệnh đề lại với nhau. Mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng
liên từ phụ thuộc là mệnh đề phụ thuộc, mệnh đề còn lại là mệnh đề chính.
Ex: When the meeting ends, the CEO will come to see you
● When the meeting ends → When là liên từ phụ thuộc, bắt đầu mệnh đề phụ thuộc
● the CEO will come to see you → mệnh đề chính

Liên từ phụ thuộc chia ra làm 3 loại tương ứng với 3 mệnh đề phụ thuộc: mệnh đề danh
ngữ, mệnh đề quan hệ (tính ngữ) hoặc mệnh đề trạng ngữ

1 Liên từ mệnh đề danh ngữ

Gọi là mệnh đề danh ngữ vì mệnh đề này có chức năng như một danh từ
Liên từ của mệnh đề danh ngữ


2 Liên từ mệnh đề trạng ngữ

Mệnh đề bổ nghĩa cho mệnh đề chính được gọi là mệnh đề trạng ngữ.
Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ được chia ra làm nhiều loại dựa theo nghĩa

Chỉ thời gian

After: sau khi. Ví dụ: After I finish work, I'm going to the gym.

Before: trước khi. Ví dụ: I always eat breakfast before I go to work.

While: trong khi. Ví dụ: While I was studying for my exam, my roommate was listening to

As soon as: ngay khi. Ví dụ: As soon as I get home, I'm going to take a nap.

By the time: vào lúc. Ví dụ: By the time I got to the party, most people had already left.

Until: cho đến khi. Ví dụ: I'm not leaving until/till I finish my coffee.

Since: từ khi. Ví dụ: I've been studying English since I started high school.

When: khi. Ví dụ: When I was younger, I used to hate vegetables.

Chỉ điều kiện

If: nếu. Ví dụ: If it rains, I will stay at home.

Unless: trừ khi. Ví dụ: I won't go to the beach unless it's sunny.

As/ So long as: miễn là, miễn sao. Ví dụ: You can borrow my car as/ so long as you bring it
back by 8pm.

Once: một khi. Ví dụ: Once I finish this project, I can take a vacation.

In case: trong trường hợp. Ví dụ: I'm bringing an umbrella in case it rains.

Provided that/ Providing that: miễn là, miễn sao. Ví dụ: I'll come to the party provided that/
providing that I finish my work on time.

Chỉ lí do
Because: bởi vì. Ví dụ: I woke up late because my alarm clock didn't go off.

Since: vì. Ví dụ: Since it's raining outside, we'll stay indoors today.

As: vì. Ví dụ: As I was running late, I missed my train.

Now that: bây giờ thì, bởi vì. Ví dụ: Of course, now that she's eighteen, she can make these
decisions for herself.

Chỉ sự tương phản

Although/ Though/ Even though: mặc dù. Ví dụ: Although it was raining, we went for a

While/ Whereas: trong khi. Ví dụ: John likes coffee, whereas Sarah prefers tea.

Chỉ mục đích

So that: để mà. Ví dụ: I'm studying hard so that I can pass my exam.

Chỉ kết quả

So __ that: quá/rất ..đến nỗi mà
She's so creative that all the people like her ideas: Cô ấy sáng tạo đến nỗi tất cả mọi người
đều thích ý tưởng của cô ấy


1. We are not sure ______ he will be able to prove his managerial skills or not.
A. whether B. that C. and D. which

2. I completely forgot _____ I submitted the application.

A. which B. what C. but D. that

3. I don’t know _____ he has enough money to invest in the stock market.
A. but B. and C. if D. because

4. _____ you sign the contract, you should read it carefully.

A. Once B. After C Unless D. Before

5. You will not get paid _____ you are on time.

A. as long as B. when C if D. unless

6. _____ they bought a new machine, the sales decreased.

A. Because B. Even C. Although D. So

7. The executive manager neither sent me an email _____ called me.

A. and B. or C. nor D. also

8. He did his best, _____ his presentation failed to satisfy the buyers.
A. so B.and C. because D.but

9. _____ the vice president asked us a question, we became really nervous.

A. Although B. Unless C.When D. So

10. The company is sure _____ the new product will boost its profits.
A. because B. whether C. that D. if

11. Ms. Taylor is _____ intelligent that everybody respects her.

A. such B. so C. very D. too

12. _____ the manager was absent, we decided to put off the meeting.
A. Although B. Providing C. Whereas D. Because

13. ______ business improves, the company will go bankrupt.

A. Since B. Although C.Unless D. If

14. He was hired ______ he didn't have the necessary qualifications.

A. because B. although C. now that D. as

15. ______ the president will arrive on Friday is not certain.

A. Whether B. Since C. Because D. What

16. The items you requested last week will be delivered either on Monday ______ on
A. nor B. or C. and D. so

17. This project began almost five months ago ______ is expected to be finished in
A. or B. also C. therefore D. and

18. Employees have the option of taking a day off ______ getting extra pay.
A. or B. and C. but D. both

19. Please refer to the enclosed manual ______ you have a problem with your device.
A if B. unless C. as long as D. as

20. It is necessary to understand ______ most customers have high expectations about
expensive products.
A. that B. what C. whether D. because

21. ______ you understand the rules and regulations in this place, you will feel a lot more
A. So that B. Whether C. In case of D. Once

22. If you ______ personal assistance, you can directly contact the Customer Service
A. need B. needs C. needed D. will need


Ngữ pháp cơ bản

Cụm giới từ

I Vị trí của giới từ
● trước danh từ: The test was easy for some students.
● trước đại từ: I am thinking about you.
● trước V-ing: I don't agree with cutting down trees.


Actual questions


II Giới từ chỉ thời gian


Actual questions


III Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn


Actual questions


IV Giới từ chỉ phương hướng


Actual questions


V Giới từ ghép và đuôi “ing”
Giới từ ghép
● except for: ngoại trừ
● on behalf of: thay mặt, đại diện
● in front of: ở phía trước
● across from: đối diện
● in addition to: ngoài ra
● according to: theo như
● in spite of: mặc dù
● regardless of: bất kể, bất chấp

Giới từ đuôi ing

● regarding: về ~ about ~ concerning
● concerning: về ~ about
● including: bao gồm
● excluding: ngoại trừ

VI Giới từ và liên từ
Sự khác nhau: sau liên từ là một mệnh đề, còn sau giới từ thì là danh từ

Những giới từ và liên từ đồng nghĩa

Nghĩa Giới từ Liên từ

Bởi vì because of, due to, thanks to because, since, as

Mặc dù in spite of, despite although, even though, though

Trong for, during while

Trước by by the time

The manager wants to get things done by the time the CEO arrives.
By the end of this month, the construction will be finished.
Although he is unemployed, he is always busy.
In spite of (= Despite) his great efforts, he didn’t win the contract.

1. The painting is a copy (despite/ although) it looks real
2. You have to turn in your report (by/ by the time) Monday.
3. The team was disappointed (since/ due to) Mr. Clark's resignation.
4. (Though/ In spite of) her illness, she attended the sales meeting.
5. (While/ During) the secretary was away, someone broke into the president's office.
6. (Because of/ Because) a lack of funds, the new project might be canceled.

1. If you have any problems _______ the service, just let me know.
A. regardless B. regard C. regarding D. regarded

2. The president was standing_______ the two bodyguards.

A. among B. between C. on D. as

3. I have been working at the bank______ three years.

A. for B. during C. while D. with

4. The post office and the police station are______Main Street.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

5. Thank you ____ your inquiry about our products.

A. to B. as C. of D. for

6. _______he has a lot of experience, he was able to get a job easily

A. Even though B. Because C. Due to D. In spite of

7. The team members had a discussion_________the advertisement.

A. to B. with C. about D. from

8. Evan's Restaurant will close_______ 9 o'clock, starting next week.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

9. Employees who would like to take their summer vacations must inform Mr. Wilson in
the HR Department ______October 21.
A. by B. until C. for D. as

10. The CEO will not be coming to the office_______next week.

A. with B. at C. until D. on

11. The packages were shipped from the warehouse ________Thursday.

A. in B. into C. at D.on

12. Toby's Surfing is located _______ Great Beach Road next to the police station.
A. in B. on C. at D. by

13. The UNESE is a large organization with a lot of offices _______the world.
A. on B. at C. along D. throughout

14. _________construction delays on Lake Street, it takes 15 more minutes to get to work.
A. Because of B. Since C. As D. In spite of

15. Walk _______the street to Apple Street and turn left.

A. along B. by C. as D. about

16. The annual conference has been postponed__________ further notice.
A. for B. until C. by D. owing to

17. _______great advances in biotechnology, doctors will be able to discover medical

problems more easily.
A. Thanks to B. In spite of C. Instead of D. In

18. ______ repeated requests from users, the online shopping mall decided not to provide
free shipping services.
A. In spite B. Despite C. Such as D. Except for

19. Many education researchers say that children learn ___extensive playing with friends.
A. through B. for C. at D. instead of

20. ____of the shortage of staff members, the team finally completed the long-term
A. Despite B. In addition C. Apart D. In spite

21. You should notify us at least two weeks_______the expiration date.

A. prior B. after C. before D. though

22. The Bloomfield Museum of Modern Art is open every day ___ national holidays.
A. such B. unlike C. except D. due to

23. We wouldn't have won the award ______ your support.

A. with B. without C. than D. across

24. ________many other candidates, Mr. Miller has a wide range of expertise in
A. Because of B. Toward C. Unlike D. Throughout

25. _______ the performance, all mobile phones have to be switched off.
A. Because B. Though C. While D. During

Mệnh đề quan hệ
1 Khái niệm
Mệnh đề quan hệ (MĐQH) là một mệnh đề đứng sau một danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh
từ đó.

Mệnh đề quan hệ được bắt đầu bằng các liên từ (= đại từ quan hệ) như: who, whom,
whose, which và that.

- The student who sits in the back of the room asks a lot of questions.
- This is the house which Jack built.
- The man who is sitting by the door is my friend.

2 Đại từ quan hệ

Lưu ý:
1 That không đứng sau dấu phẩy và giới từ
2 Nếu sau đại từ quan hệ là chủ ngữ thì ta có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ đi.
Ex: It’s the movie (that) she hates the most (Sau that là chủ ngữ she, nên có thể bỏ that đi).

Quiz: câu bên dưới lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ được không?

Hung showed me the letter that he received.

3 Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ
Để rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ, đại từ quan hệ phải là chủ ngữ, tức sau đại từ quan hệ là một
động từ.
Ex: I like the girl that is standing over there (sau that là động từ is standing).

Đối với mệnh đề chủ động:

bỏ đại từ quan hệ và to be nếu có, chuyển động từ về dạng V-ing.
Ex: The man who teaches English at my school is Mr. Leo.
Bỏ đại từ quan hệ who, động từ teaches chuyển thành teaching.
=> The man teaching English at my school is Mr. Leo.

Đối với mệnh đề bị động:

bỏ đại từ quan hệ và to be.
Ex: The woman who was interviewed last week got the job.
Bỏ đại từ quan hệ who và was.
=> The woman interviewed last week got the job.

Cách xác định mệnh đề bị động: động từ của câu ở dạng be V3

Ex: The woman who was interviewed last week got the job.

Luyện tập rút gọn MĐQH

- Regional managers who exceeded sales goals will receive special bonuses.

- The central library, which was built in 1970, is currently under renovation.

- Do you know the boy who broke the window last night

- The girl who is standing over there is my sister

- The report that was submitted yesterday has been lost

- I’ve never understood people who eat raw fish

- People who register today will receive a 20 percent discount

- Guests who came to the party brought food

Exercise 1
1. He bought all the books __________ are needed for the next exam.
A. which B. what C. those D. who

2. The children, __________ parents are famous teachers, are taught well.
A. that B. which C. whose D. their

3. Do you know the boy ________ we met at the party last week?
A. which B. whose C. who is D. whom

4. The exercises which we are doing ________ very easy.

A. is B. has been C. are D. was

5. Mr. Kim knows the location of the office _____ issues parking permits.
A. who B. it C. themselves D. which

6. We are currently seeking an experienced sales manager _____ has at least five years
of experience.
A. he B. it C. who D. because

7. The number of foreign students _______ want to learn Korean is gradually increasing.
A. which B. that C. for D. while

8. A new security door, _____ can be operated by remote control, will be installed next
A. that B. it C. them D. which

9. Many people _____ were surveyed indicated that they are planning to buy a new car.
A. they B. who C. which D. those

10. The hotel _____ is under renovation is expected to reopen next month.
A. that B. such C. when D. until

Exercise 2
1. Attendance is mandatory for the staff meeting ________ for next Tuesday in the
council hall.
A. has been scheduled B. schedule C. will schedule D. scheduled

2. The Perfect Pet Parlor is a chain of stores ________ a large selection of pet food and
pet accessories at a reasonable price with excellent sales support.
A. sell B. sells C. sold D. selling

3. All commuters ________ the main highway to get to the center will face delays of up
to hour today because of on-going construction
A. use B. used C. using D. will use

4. Aas Executive Transportation is a premier limousine company _______ the

Houston metropolitan area.
A. serving B. served C. server D. serves

5. A letter _______ by a copy of the press release was mailed to the public relations
department yesterday.
A. accompanies B. accompanying C. accompanied D. will accompany

6. In celebration of National Volunteer Appreciation Day, Betsy Johnson Regional

Hospital will host a luncheon ________ its 103 hospital volunteers tomorrow.
A. honor B. honors C. honored D. honoring

7. The speakers will be on the radio talk show _________ their views on energy issues
in North America.
A. introduced B. introduce C. introduction D. introducing

8. Our company is currently recruiting interns _________ in marketing pharmaceutical

A. interest. B. interesting C. interests D. interested

9. Sales personnel ________ office supplies should get permission from their
A. purchasing B. to purchase C. purchased D. have purchased

10. The women _________ our organization are either full-time housewives or college
students who want to make a difference in our community
A. join B. joining C. will join D. will be joining

11. Centum Office Supply carries a wide range of office supplies ________ labels,
binders, file folders and more.
A. includes B. including C. included D. include

12. Travelers ________ the local airport in Hopkins are international customers.
A. use B. using C. used D. will use


ETS 2019
Lasner Electronics' staff have extensive _____ of current hardware systems.
A. know
B. known
C. knowledge
D. knowledgeable

With the Gema XTI binoculars, users can _____ see objects that are more than 100 meters
A. ease
B. easy
C. easily
D. easier

Ms. Suto claims that important market trends become _____ with the use of data analysis.
A. predict
B. prediction
C. predictable
D. predictably

World Fish Supply delivers the freshest fish possible thanks to innovative _____ and
shipping methods.
A. preserves
B. preserved
C. preserve
D. preservation
Even the CEO had to admit that Prasma Designs' win was _____ the result of fortunate
A. parts
B. parted
C. partly
D. parting
Ashburn Bank's online service has been in high demand _____.
A. lateness
B. later
C. lately
D. latest

The Ford Group's proposed advertising campaign is by far the most _____ we have seen so
A. innovate
B. innovative
C. innovations
D. innovatively
The team's contributions to the Ripton Group's marketing plan were very _____
A. favor
B. favorably
C. favorable
D. favored
Even though Smithton Electronics' second quarter was not _____, the company plans to
invest large sums on research.
A. profitable
B. profiting
C. profitability
D. profitably
York Development Corporation marked the _____ of the Ford Road office complex with a
ribbon-cutting ceremony.
A. opens
B. opening
C. opened
D. openly
The new printer operates more _____ than the previous model did.
A. quickest
B. quickness
C. quick
D. quickly
The Ferrera Museum plans to exhibit a collection of Lucia Almeida's most _____ sculptures.
A. innovative
B. innovation
C. innovatively
D. innovate
Company Vice President Astrid Barretto had no _____ to being considered for the position of
A. objected
B. objecting
C. objects
D. objection

The Southeast Asia Business Convention will feature _____ known and respected leaders
from countries across the region.
A. widen
B. wider
C. widely
D. wide
We congratulate all Riverside employees, whose _____ effort has resulted in a 20 percent
reduction in waste disposal costs.
A. collect
B. collective
C. collects
D. collector
The initial feedback from early buyers of the Sunbell XC2 mobile phone indicates that they
found it _____ to use.
A. conveniences
B. conveniently
C. convenience
D. convenient
Please submit each reimbursement request _____ according to its category, as outlined in
last month's memo.
A. separately
B. separateness
C. separates
D. separate
The registration fee is _____ refundable up to two weeks prior to the conference date.
A. fullest
B. fuller
C. fully
D. full
Survey _____ analyze the layout of a land area above and below ground level.
A. technicians
B. technically
C. technical
D. technicality
The computing power of the new laptop is _____ to any desktop computer in the same price
A. compare
B. comparing
C. comparison
D. comparable

Thanks _____ to pastry chef Ana Villagra, Lauducci's Restaurant has become a favorite with
local patrons.
A. largely
B. larger
C. large
D. largest
Restaurants in Rondale must follow all _____ health guidelines.
A. local
B. locals
C. locally
D. localize
A _____ way to support economic growth in Ludlow City is to shop at area businesses.
A. practice
B. practicing
C. practical
D. practically
Senior hotel manager salaries differ _____ by company, location, and experience.
A. great
B. greater
C. greatly
D. greatest
Before work can begin at the construction site, the _____ permit applications must be
A. relevant
B. relevantly
C. relevance
D. relevancies
The manager presented data on employee performance with _____ on measurable
A. emphatic
B. emphasis
C. emphasize
D. emphasized
Supervisors will not _____ approve time off for employees during peak operational months.
A. generalization
B. generalize
C. generally
D. general

Jesper Associates currently has _____ with 26 different food suppliers.
A. contracting
B. contracts
C. contractor
D. contract
Mr. Winkel's _____ responsibilities include auditing and financial review of large clients.
A. accounts
B. accounted
C. accounting
D. accountable
Mr. Okada met _____ with the building manager to discuss the demolition project.
A. frequent
B. frequenting
C. frequently
D. frequented
Providing precision welding to a _____ array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently
celebrated a century of service in Quebec.
A. widely
B. widen
C. width
D. wide
The Klassin Group’s booth at the Liberty Architecture Expo has garnered much _____.
A. interest
B. interests
C. interested
D. interesting
The recently adopted policy restructures the company’s debt according to a _____ five-step
A. managing
B. manageably
C. manages
D. manageable
103 Guests were _____ with the table decorations for the company banquet.
A. impressive
B. impressed
C. impressing
D. impressively
107 Before the updated design can go into _____, it must be approved by management.
A. product
B. producer
C. productive
D. production

Inclement weather was _____ responsible for the low turnout at Saturday’s Exton Music
A. largely
B. large
C. largest
D. larger
Despite _____ that Legend Air would perform poorly with the entry of cheaper competition, it
posted strong second-quarter earnings.
A. predicted
B. predictable
C. predicts
D. predictions
Main Street Restaurant offers a menu of _____ prepared lunch and dinner meals.
A. thought
B. thoughtfulness
C. thoughts
D. thoughtfully
Milante Shoes _____ altered the firm’s marketing strategy after a recent economic shift.
A. quick
B. quickest
C. quickly
D. quicken
Hasin Fariz turned a study on the _____ effects of sleep into a best-selling book.
A. favorable
B. favor
C. favors
D. favorably
Ms. Villanueva has extensive experience in corporate _____ and budgeting.
A. financially
B. financed
C. financial
D. finance
Marina Hou _____ considered becoming an actor before deciding to write plays instead.
A. briefly
B. briefs
C. briefing
D. briefed

Walter Keegan was _____ hired as a salesperson, but he soon became head of the
marketing department.
A. originality
B. original
C. originals
D. originally
The Merrick Travel Agency organizes tours of national monuments and other _____ sites in
the St. Petersburg area.
A. historian
B. historic
C. historically
D. histories
We made a _____ estimate of how many tourists to expect in the coming month.
A. conservative
B. conservation
C. conservatism
D. conservatively
Exceptional service is what sets our hotels apart from those of our _____.
A. compete
B. competing
C. competitive
D. competition
Thank you for being one of Danton Transportation's most _____ customers over the past ten
A. valuation
B. valued
C. value
D. values
The building inspector declared the new facility _____ sound and ready to open.
A. structured
B. structuring
C. structural
D. structurally
Computerization of medical records _____ increases a physician's ability to diagnose and
treat patients.
A. great
B. greatly
C. greatness
D. greatest

The chefs are still waiting for a _____ date for the new convection oven that was ordered
two weeks ago.
A. shipper
B. ships
C. shipments
D. shipping
Ms. Kuramoto selected the most _____ mailing option available.
A. economical
B. economy
C. economize
D. economized
New emissions standards have forced Rider Auto to modify the process of engine _____.
A. construction
B. constructed
C. constructive
D. construct
To control costs, updated credit card readers will be installed in branch stores _____.
A. gradual
B. gradually
C. more gradual
D. most gradual
Ms. Taniguchi’s supervisor commended her for negotiating _____ with Furuyama
A. effective
B. effecting
C. effected
D. effectively
When the bank president retired, the common _____ was that the vice president would take
A. assume
B. assumption
C. assuming
D. assumable
Sage Bistro’s menu features a _____ variety of seafood items than Almaner Pavi|ion’s.
A. wide
B. widest
C. wider
D. widely

Most of the manufacturing sector has reported higher profits as a result of the trade _____.
A. agreement
B. agreeing
C. agreeably
D. agrees
The Cullingford Bridge took a _____ short amount of time to be repaired.
A. surprise
B. surprisingly
C. surprising
D. surprised
Yields from your garden will _____ rise as you add Natrium Compost to the soil.
A. steady
B. steadying
C. steadily
D. steadier
The Tokyo division handles product _____ and customer service for the company.
A. distribute
B. distributor
C. distribution
D. distributed
Search the Labesse Financial Website for the most current and detailed _____ of investment
A. explain
B. explanation
C. to explain
D. explainable


ETS 2018
Ms. Larensky is applying with several different agencies to obtain the permits _____ for the
outdoor art event.
A. required
B. requiring
C. requires
D. will require

Several architects _____ intriguing design plans for the Hadler Building’s addition.
A. proposing
B. proposed
C. proposal
D. proposals

Mr. Koizumi must complete the cost estimate before he _____ for the conference.
A. will leave
B. leaves
C. leaving
D. left

The Vickwell Historical Museum will be closed for renovations _____ on Monday, September
A. will begin
B. has begun
C. beginner
D. beginning

119 A good project manager strives _____ communication between departments whenever
A. to enhance
B. enhances
C. is enhancing
D. enhanced

Our department _____ the policy meeting last Monday, but we had a scheduling conflict.
A. can attend
B. must have attended
C. should attend
D. would have attended

Duram Biscuit Corp. is able to _____ good deals with its wholesale suppliers.
A. negotiating
B. negotiates
C. negotiated
D. negotiate

Thank you for your interest in our _____ line of compact refrigerators.
A. update
B. updated
C. updates
D. updating

A reception will be held to introduce the newly _____ director of marketing to the employees
of Kaulana Industries.
A. appoint
B. appoints
C. appointed
D. appointing

To fill two vacant positions on its benefits committee, Adidion Labs______ employees who
are ready for a challenge.
A. seeking
B. is seeking
C. are sought
D. have been sought

Because humidity can _____ wood, the climate in furniture storage units must be controlled.
A. damage
B. damaging
C. damaged
D. damages

Construction of the Yukimura Building _____ because of modifications in the architectural
A. postpones
B. has been postponed
C. will have postponed
D. is postponing

After the _____ upgrades have been implemented, the production process should run more
A. suggest
B. suggested
C. suggesting
D. suggests

The proposal _____ the vacant land on Spring Street into a community garden will be voted
on this Monday.
A. to transform
B. transformation
C. is transforming
D. transformed

The new computer security program allows users to _____ any suspicious activity on their
A. monitoring
B. monitors
C. monitored
D. monitor

ETS 2019
114 Depending on your answers to the survey, we _____ you to collect additional
A. may call
B. are calling
C. have been called
D. must be calling

120 Belden Hospital's chief of staff meets regularly with the staff to ensure that procedures
_____ correctly.
A. to be performed
B. would have performed
C. had been performed
D. are being performed

107 Ms. Hyun is reviewing the training manual to see if updates _____.
A. have need
B. needing
C. are needed
D. to be needed

111 Remember to check the spelling of Mr. Kamashi's name when _____ the document.
A. revising
B. revises
C. revised
D. revise

130 Northeast Community Finance _____ an online system in order to shorten service lines
at branch locations.
A. has implemented
B. to be implementing
C. to have been implementing
D. is implemented

103 Ms. Luo will explain some possible consequences of the _____ merger with the
Wilson-Peek Corporation.
A. proposed
B. proposal
C. proposition
D. proposing

110 A special sale on stationery _____ on the Write Things Web site yesterday.
A. was announced
B. announced
C. was announcing
D. to announce

Over the past ten years, Bellworth Medical Clinic _____ Atlan Protection officers for all
security needs.
A. is hiring
B. were hiring
C. has hired
D. was hired

Consumers _____ enthusiastically to the new colors developed by Sanwell Paint.
A. responding
B. response
C. responsively
D. responded

No one without a pass will be granted _____ to the conference.
A. admission
B. is admitting
C. admitted
D. to admit

Because of _____ weather conditions, tonight's concert in Harbin Park has been canceled.
A. worsening
B. worsens
C. worsen
D. worst

Online shoppers who experience long waits for their orders tend _____ the business low
A. have given
B. gave
C. to give
D. giving

The lease with The Pawlicki Group _____ if modifications to the existing offices are made.
A. had continued
B. will be continued
C. was continuing
D. has been continuing

The conference fee _____ admittance to more than twenty workshops and seminars.
A. include
B. includes
C. is included
D. including

After the team meeting next week, Ms. Li _____ whether the project deadline needs to be
A. to decide
B. deciding
C. will decide
D. has decided

As the rental agreement with the Smith Group is set _____ soon, the available office space
can be advertised.
A. expired
B. to expire
C. will have expired
D. expiring

The management team at Ofto Corporation offers incentives _____ employee productivity.
A. stimulate
B. to stimulate
C. will stimulate
D. are stimulating

Written permission must _____ before using Thavor Corporation’s logo.
A. to obtain
B. obtained
C. be obtained
D. obtaining

Your order cannot _____ until we have received full payment.
A. to process
B. be processed
C. being processed
D. has processed

Mr. Hodges _____ that volunteers sign up to assist with the Hannock River cleanup by
A. requesting
B. to be requested
C. requests
D. to request

The grocery store _____ vegetables from out of town until local prices went down last
A. is buying
B. will be buying
C. has been buying
D. had been buying

While he is not enthusiastic about the suggestions, Mr. Shang _____ them.
A. considering
B. to consider
C. will consider
D. consider

_____ last year, the unpublished novel by Martin Sim has attracted intense interest from
several publishing companies.
A. Discover
B. Discovery
C. Discovered
D. Discovering

Companies without information technology specialists can _____ on Vyber Software
Advisers for assistance with online services.
A. reliable
B. reliably
C. rely
D. relying

Mr. Volante is working at home tomorrow so he _____ the technical report without any
A. can finish
B. would finish
C. finished
D. has been finishing

Mr. Khana made a phone call yesterday during which he _____ for the delay in the shipment
of the clothing order.
A. to apologize
B. apologized
C. apologize
D. will be apologizing

For more information about product warranties or _____ your new appliance, please contact
customer service.
A. to register
B. registered
C. registers
D. registration

Unless the shipment of tiles arrives early, work on the lobby floor _____ after the holiday.
A. has commenced
B. commencing
C. will commence
D. commenced


ETS 2018
106 Many people at the company have industry experience, but only a handful of _____ can
see the future importance of current trends.
A. we
B. us
C. our
D. ourselves

124 This year's company retreat will focus on techniques that help people think more _____.
A. create
B. creative
C. creativity
D. creatively
126 Board members are free to discuss the issues among _____ before the formal votes are
A. themselves
B. theirs
C. their
D. they
The president of Somchai Bank rides _____ bicycle to work every day, except when it rains.
A. he
B. him
C. his
D. himself
Mr. Okello's promotion means that _____ will supervise a larger team.
A. he
B. his
C. him
D. himself
At Razani Marketing, there are _____ opportunities for professional advancement.
A. plenty
B. each
C. very
D. many
Sales clerks at Sylla Bazaar receive additional pay when _____ work in the evening.
A. their
B. they
C. theirs
D. them

Mr. Choi wants to know when the illustrations will be ready for _____ review.
A. he
B. his
C. him
D. himself
The National Overview is the fourth _____ distributed newspaper in the northeastern region.
A. wide
B. widen
C. most widely
D. more widely

ETS 2019
Ms. Durkin asked for volunteers to help _____ with the employee fitness program.
A. she
B. her
C. hers
D. herself
Zypo Properties has just signed a lease agreement with the law firm _____ offices are on the
third floor.
A. how
B. what
C. whose
D. wherever
Ms. Carpenter will be attending the conference with _____ marketing team.
A. she
B. her
C. hers
D. herself
Daniel Nishida, the chief supply officer, asked that _____ be given full responsibility for
approving all invoices.
A. he
B. him
C. his
D. himself
The second training session is for employees _____ responsibilities include processing
payroll forms.
A. whose
B. which
C. what
D. who

Here at Vanguard Buying Club, _____ help members find quality merchandise at the lowest
possible prices.
A. us
B. our
C. we
D. ourselves
According to Florida Digital Designer Magazine, many graphic designers do not consider
_____ to be traditional artists.
A. it
B. their
C. themselves
D. itself
The regional manager will arrive tomorrow, so please ensure that all of _____ documents
are ready.
A. she
B. her
C. hers
D. herself
Customers can wait in the reception area _____ our mechanics complete the car repairs.
A. whether
B. except
C. while
D. during
Dr. Yuina Hashimoto recently added another doctor to her practice, _____ allowing more
patients to be seen.
A. that
B. thus
C. which
D. so that
A record number of appliance _____ came into the Port of Reece last month.
A. shipments
B. shipping
C. shipment
D. shipped
Prices at Taylor City Books are _____ lower than at other online bookstores.
A. more significant
B. significant
C. significance
D. significantly

Green Grocer customers should request assistance from staff instead of removing products
from the top shelves _____.
A. themselves
B. their own
C. them
D. their
Deltran analytics software can help _____ identify issues, predict trends, and improve
A. you
B. your
C. yours
D. yourself
Most of the people _____ attended yesterday's workshop have already submitted their
A. who
B. those
C. whose
D. some
The quality assurance department needs to hire additional staff _____ production has
increased by 50 percent.
A. even though
B. since
C. because of
D. therefore
If _____ are not satisfied with an item, return it for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
A. you
B. your
C. yours
D. yourself
The economic development summit will be held _____ the Xi'an Trade Tower on September
A. to
B. at
C. down
D. of
_____ necklace that is shipped from Gillis Designers is given a thorough quality check.
A. Whenever
B. Also
C. All
D. Each

Aaron Park's new book features photographs of homes designed and built by the
homeowners _____.
A. itself
B. himself
C. themselves
D. ourselves
All Hershel Industries employees must have a valid ID card _____ enter the building.
A. in order to
B. as long as
C. regarding
D. always
Franklin Bookstore will be moving next month _____ a larger location on Queen Street.
A. to
B. at
C. out
D. over
Durr Island has become popular with tourists _____ its rich culture of art and music.
A. provided that
B. because of
C. even
D. how
Assistant managers are largely responsible for the day-to-day operations in _____
A. theirs
B. them
C. their
D. they
_____ has time at the end of the day should make sure that all of the file cabinets are
A. Whom
B. Who
C. Whoever
D. Whose
Hoonton Realty clients can search property listings in _____ neighborhood by using a
special online database.
A. other
B. several
C. all
D. any

125 Ms. Penner assured us that _____ work stopped during the power failure, production
targets would be met.
A. although
B. at
C. her
D. never
Every batch of sauce at Generita’s Bistro is processed meticulously by _____ expert chefs.
A. they
B. their
C. them
D. themselves
Professor Benguigui will present his paper _____ the natural history conference tomorrow.
A. by
B. at
C. of
D. on
Next year, our team will have a new task, _____ is to review design portfolios.
A. although
B. which
C. after
D. because
Cook the meat for 30 minutes to ensure _____ readiness to be eaten.
A. both
B. this
C. its
D. that
Because Mount Akoyola is so challenging for climbers, _____ have reached its peak.
A. any
B. either
C. other
D. few
King Street Bridge will be closed in the month of September _____ repair work.
A. because of
B. so that
C. as if
D. rather than
Please contact the product distributor, not the retail store, if _____ need replacement parts.
A. your
B. you
C. yourself
D. yours

AGU Group's insurance rates have remained steady _____ the last three years.
A. at
B. by
C. to
D. for
Kespi Brand cookies, delicious by _____, are even better when paired with a glass of milk.
A. they
B. theirs
C. them
D. themselves
The latest survey shows that our downtown store is more _____ for local shoppers than our
suburban location.
A. conveniences
B. conveniently
C. convenience
D. convenient
Weaving Fire is the most popular television show _____ women ages 18-34.
A. among
B. toward
C. within
D. along
There will be a software upgrade tomorrow, _____ please back up any important files you
have stored on the server.
A. rather
B. while
C. so
D. because
Hemlin Corporation is looking for a sales representative _____ primary role will be
expanding business in the northwest region.
A. that
B. whose
C. who
D. which


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