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Semmer Regular present tense verbs Present tense verb endings sarverbs | -er verbs yo “0 0 “0 td |-as es es ella a *e le nosotros ~amos vosotros | -4is -éis as ellos/ellas -an “en en | [Bi Comprenderis an example of a regular -er verb. Use the [ comprender (understand) grammar box to help you complete the gaps in the table below. Regular present tense verb endings ‘There are three types of verbs in Spanish: verbs that end in -ay, cr and -ir. The most common group of verbs are -ar verbs, Each set of verbs has its own, endings in the present tense, First, remove the -ar,-eror-ir and then add the appropriate ending for each person, complete the gaps in the table below. ie . undertone s w comprendes =| a aia comprende nosotros - 7 we understand ib [vosotros aes elloselas ~eomprenden EB Abriris an example of a regular -ir verb. Use the grammar box to help you abrir (fo open) = ] yo - =a oc saa | abres | = ielia | | nosotros r __| weopen aa eet | [vosotros “| abris ellos/ellas Oe: Complete the sentences with the correct part of the present tense verb in brackets. ena tienda (trabajar) 2 a Mipadre ‘ordenadores en una tienda de electrodomésticos. (vender) b Yo las escaleras cada noche. (subir) © Ana. Un trabajo? (buscar) d_ Vosotros en la piscina, (nadar) e Ella enel coro. (cantar) f Losdependientes 9 Mihermano en los Estados Unidos. (vivir) h Nosotros ala pregunta de la profesora, (responder) re union ©Oxfod Unvesy fet Protec ell sere ance Irregular present tense verbs EB) Look up the irregular verbs in the table at the back of the book and complete the following grid. ir ser | (to go) (to be) ek ftobe) ve voy | tengo te eres ests Giiella es tiene | | nosotros | vamos vebGGE - T - = estais ellos) | van tienen | ellas Key irregular verbs There are some key irregular verbs that you need to leam off by heart. Use the verb tables at the back of the book to check ‘thelr full conjugations. ir=togo ser=tobe tener= to have estar= to be [D Complete the sentences using the correct part of the irregular verbs in brackets. a Normalmenteyo____altalia de vacaciones. (ir) b Mimadre una persona muy simpatica. (ser) © Nosotros no mucho tiempo libre. (tener) d Ellos______enelsalén. (estar) e au muchos deberes? (tener) f Vosotros: muy divertidos (ser) g Amelia a mi instituto. (ir) h El perro ene sofa. (estar) El Complete the gaps with the yo form of the irregular verbs in brackets. a Yo mucho y merezco respeto. (hacer) b Yo la mesa antes de cenar. (poner « Yome __enel hielo. (caer) d Yo regalos a mis nietos. (dar) e No a nadie que hable chino. (conocer) f Me en forma porque voy al gimnasio. (mantener) g Yo __ quince afos. (tener) bastante alto. (ser) po Translate the sentences from activity 2a into English. Irregular verbs in the yo form Some verbs are only irregular in the yo form, but follow the relevant -ar,-er or -irpattern for the remaining parts. dar (to give) > doy, das, da... hacer (to make/ddo) > hago, haces, hace... ‘poner (to put) > pongo, pones, pone... valer (to be worth) > valgo, vales, vale.. traer(to bring) > traigo, traes, trae. ca4r (to fall) > caigo, caes, cae... saber (to know a fact) > sé, sabes, sabe. ‘Also note that verbs ending in-ceror- conozco, producir (to produce) > produzco. ‘Compound verbs Verbs which have anather verb ‘side them are called compound verbs, eg. mantener (to maintain) distraer(to distract). These ‘verbs will contain the same irregularity as the ‘original verb. eg,mantengo, distaigo. EE) Grammi "Irregular verb patterns i ¥ Radical-changing verbs (or 1236 verbs) thee verbs follow theircorrect ending pattem according to whether they are a, -e or #7 verbs, But have e spelling change in the stem ofall parts except the nosotros and vosotros forms. You might like to remember b them as 1236 verbs as when the verbs are written out in a list only parts 1,2, 3and 6 change. c ESTE Some other verbs that follow this pattern: recordar, é pensar (to think) Pe oe ; pienso, piensas, piensa, pensamos, pensdis, piensan Est 9 ji rido, pides, pide. Some other verbs that follow this pattern: cerrar, Radin (Ca RAR IOE Pie h comenzar, querer. Some other verbs that follow this pattern: seri, vest ‘ ove U>UE j dormir (to sleep) duermo, duermes, duerme. jugar (to play) juego, juegas, juega, I Complete the verb table following the correct pattern ifyoulrecogee hatavee for the stem-changing verb. Remember to also apply the ir thevo eae ane i correct ending for -ar, -er or -ir verbs. differentstem to the infinitive, y E ‘comenzar querer senvir itis probably a radical-changing t (to start) (to want) (to senveh verb. You can also call them ke Ss dE ‘boot’ vetbs because when you | V ao - © _____|_| write them out like this, you cen 9 E a em PaCS draw a boot around the ones jcllfelte iss seeoemenep ie ot 6 ge one with a spelling change: mC nosotros queremos it tos podemos i vosotro: i ‘llos/ellas | comienzan | a ' r = I EB Choose the correct verb for each sentence. ’ 2 a Elcolegio empieza / empiezan / empezamos a las nueve. : b Nosotros quiero / queremos / queréis tres cafés con leche. j ¢ {Tu puede / podemos / puedes venir aqui? ; Los chicos duermen / dormimos / duermo alas ocho. ’ e Yo piensa / pensamos / pienso que es importante tener una educacién £ Ella sirvo / sirves /sirve la mesa. a g. Nosotros jugamos / juego / jugais al fitbol en el parque. C h Las hermanas cierro / cerramos / cierran ia puerta, ir EZ Translate the sentences from activity 2a into English on a ‘ separate piece of paper. Ei Write out the full conjugations for the radical-changing e verbs: volver (to return), vestir (to wear) and recordar (to remember). q ‘ R q A SE Span Founitin © ser Uverty ess. Aotrepna Pen Grammar Reflexive verbs El Choose the correct reflexive pronoun. verb ending to help you decide, Me / Te / Se levanto alas ocho de la manana, Cuando mi hermano te / se / nos ducha usa toda el agua caliente, Nosotros se/ nos / 0s despertamos alas siete. Mis amigas me/te / se llaman Luisa y Maria, {Como me / te / se sientes Maribel? (Cuando te / se / 0s acuestas porla noche? Me / Se / Nos lavo la cara, Ana me /te / se peina el pelo antes de sali Look carefully at the yFereance i {Vosotras nes / 0s /se maquillais mucho? J Minovio siempre me / te / se olvida de mi cumpleafos. EB Read the following paragraph about a daily routine. Underline all of the reflexive verbs. Hola, me llamo Jorge. Normalmente me despierto alas siete, me levanto yoy abajo para preparar el desayuno. Suelo comer cereales y siempre bebo un café, luego voy al cuarto de bano donde me ducho y me lavo Jos dientes. Después me visto, me peino y salgo de casa para ir al trabajo. Vuelvo a casa sobre las seis, eno y veo la televisién 0 voy al gimnasio. En general me acuesto sobre las diez después de leer un poco, EB) Complete the translation of the paragraph from activity 2a into English. Hello Jorge. Normally e atseven,<__ and | go downstairs to prepare breakfast. | usually eat cereal and | always have a coffee, then | go to the bathroom where 1¢ and * After, if 19 and | leave the house to go to work. return home around six,| have dinner and | watch TV or | go to the gym. In general, fr at about ten after reading for a bit. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets. a Ella Noemi. (lamarse) P jete b Mis padres siempre oe sobre lassi media. (levantarse) : i; « iss _ cuando vemos el futbol. aburrirsi a Fi _ durante la pelicula. (dormirse) Vosotros en un hotel de cinco estrellas. (alojarse) Use a dictionary to look up any of tt i ntence, don't know and write their meanings next to the se cn etacning pced Reflexive verbs Reflexive infinitives end in the reflexive pronoun -se.A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same, eg. | wash myself= me lavo, | call myself = me llamo.To conjugate reflexive verbs, you move the -se to before the verb and then change it to a different pronoun ‘depending on the person. The Pronoun and the verb ending must refer to the SAME person. yo me wo te ella se nosotros nos vosotros os ellos/ellas se You also need to remember to conjugatethe verb according ‘to whether it is an -ar, -er or “irverb, To remember the order of the reflexive pronouns, use the ‘mnemonic My Teacher Says Nothing Of Sense. the reflexives used in activity 3a that you once 11

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