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“20 ont Abigail Hardwick Isabel Alonso de Sudea Maria Isabel Isemn Vivancos Al 26 ‘Symbols and headings you will find in the book: what do they mean? OP the stony ED. wrote EB Ai niseneg sary GE rrsree writers EB senting ety Achaenge Meet Eva, José, Khalid and Marisa (in this book and on the Zoom espattol video) Share their vide Dogs and find out ‘more about them. ns EP sting vt Late ee uo ee a st OXFORD Tabla de materias reer) pect error pris Defiteandindefinte Haw tobe an independent larner ‘ates eo and un/ Ways to record vocabulary Leaming the siphabet tna) Vowel sounds Family members Gender ofrouns (unhermana/ina emena) fegulr and iegular ‘verbs: lamare, tener ana ser Pry Describing yourself Adjectives When to use capital lters PAP ME Dates andbithdays Possessives Working out grammar rules rom eeiibAdl ret anddescrbing thei colowr ——Reguar-arverand-r patter Nationality andwhatlanguagesyou verbs Pronouncing Spanish’! corecty ‘speak Extending sentences wing imple Deszribng yousel and others connectives Using quantiers Ty Schoo! Adjective agreement Working out meanings rom cognates ca School subjects and opinions Regular -erand- Leaning vocabulary =a ofthem ‘verbs Where put the emphasisin Sayingwhatthe imeisand when ay Spoken Spaish| yourlessons are desde hasta Talking about what ther isin your school Shoot unfrm and opinions oft Comparison of schoosin ferent ‘ountles ry Whatyou doin the week Radica-changing verbs Using sequencing toad interest and eerie Teather ion wih the Guster coheson towhat you we bers ver hacer Reeve verbs ondsay Talking about free tine ‘notheriregular verb: How tolearn vebs Daly routine ic The sounds oF and’ Weekend activites Pry “where youllve ‘ordinal numbers __ronouncing cognates conecty Se Saving where youlve Serand estar Extending sentences using frequency EE) Giving and understanding directions avers feomsfthehaue Improving speaking ane weting Deseribing your i with adectives| Going your onion tthe sion Working ott the genderofrew words ‘whete youll Spanish addresses 6 aa Tabla de materias ee on ro eer) 4B peer) Pore co Cr Grammar Food ‘Comparing: more than’ Saying what you eat a liferent and ess than rmeatimes Using Wand usta Food you ke ane dsike Saying wat isheathy ‘Asking fr fod in cafés Saying wo youare onthe telephone Discussing diferent type of fod Holidays Irmmediat future Taking about means of anspor, More compaions ‘accommodation ndtaciies | Adverbe Malang aesenation Holiday acts Talking about the past Prete of regula and \Whatcanfeantbedoneinyourregion common iregulor nd hy se Saying what te weather was Ike Fre ume actives nthe past tence Pasthoisays ‘Themedia Tenses: present past Different medias activities ‘od future What yout watch on TV xpresing opinions anh Imegulr verbs inthe ‘Tretypestfimsyoulie and why pete Describing what fir sabout ‘Advantages and dssdvantages of ferent ypes of media Reading txts and activites Grammar eference and ctivtes Spanish-English losary Serr pens Giving shor presentations in Spanish How to remember words ving conversation Creating a dialogue fom a made Working aut and comparing det Creating your own fermal an informa ‘dalogues Using dictionary effectively Extending sentences Speaking fuenty and sounding really Spanish ‘Ailing repetition of commen ‘eabulary LUnlang tetances to avoid repetion Wiring about someone else Improving spoken and writen werk “Timemartes Spanish accents Pairk Caming outa survey Looking up verbs ina deonary Independent learing Presenting and defending point ‘ofview Remembering ineguar verbs Asking questions ues @ | Hemndee Lipee de Barcelona, 4 © Vocabulary; listen to some greetings © Skills: practise the five vowel sounds; find out what you already know about Spain and Latin America Cpital= Madrid 5 Maria. Martin. FF saits por nora. Ader um, | SS (@& Preguntay contesta. Askand answer ‘8 Cémo se llama a capital de? 8 Sellama 2Cudnto sabes ya? How much do you know already? How many regionsare there in Spain? How many counties are therein Latin America? How many slands make up the Canaries? [Name the islandsin the Baleares Where are the Galapagos? Which country do they belong to? Whereis Easter sland? Which country owns i? ‘The five vowel sounds © Listen and repeat these sounds, Practise pronouncing the countries making sure you use pure vowel sounds How many sports stars can you name from Span? ‘And Latin America? What sport do they play? How many items of food or dishes can you name from Spain or Latin America? Do you know the names of any dances from Spain or Latin America? Wirite down at least fve things you know about Spain or Latin America Pool yourideas withthe rest ofthe class and make up aqui. Find out more about one ofthe counties of Latin America, chatenge ©) Why do you think it is important to learn Spanish? DCR Ema e er 55 ay ©) kscucha yrepite. (Ga jTetoca.atitPorturnos cont Usten and repeat companero: BO ceeenatc, Fes your turn! Take turns with a partner: Usten and point tothe corectillustration Give an instruction. our partner pointsit out OB 4 evertat omentar tus ortalse Ge antestacton ond on Engst mein Your pane syste fake Four ways to say When you are giving instructions to * one person informally use ti * several people informally use vosotros * one person formally use usted * several people formally use ustedes ‘Werk out which you would use when speaking toa acher, the head teacher, fiends rand and the young brother of friend, ‘The classroom instructions above ae for one person - you informal Me prestas un seuigrafo? No tengo olgrao / ie 1 Escuchay lee. LUsten and read. Which words or phrases can you guess the meaning of| Empareja. Match the English tothe Spanish 2 How do you say in Spanish? b How do you write ie? € Idonttknow. 4 don't understand, © Thaventt gota pen pencil May lborow a pen? 9 Maylgotothe toilet? h Please Thankyou, J) What does .. mean in Spanish? What number it? 1 What page is it? Think of five more instructions ‘or classroom phrases then Ee look them up ina cictionary ‘orask your teacher forthe EH) Spanish Put al yourideas Together and make a poster forthe classroom. 7 OD conten sigucin ser Do the quiz. Choose A, Bor. a TD > escucha lee yrepite Tisten rea and repeat the dalagues Me presento Q > Escucha otra vex. Listen again. Find: Look again atthe dlalogues. ‘What do you notice about land? Does this happen in English? \Whyy do you think this happens InSpanish? 1 Greetings words/phrases 2 How to say My namels 3 How to ask What’ your name” 4 How toask ‘How are you? 5 How tosay ‘Goodbye. See you soon’ hth Practica el didlogo. Practise the clalogue witha partner Find out more about any three ofthe monuments lrpersonalites you didn’t choose as answers. ‘m0 g eL1eyn6 > ung g selueIeW a M>>I4 nupew y eqnwey epesbes 27g eapjeys g 5862198: 3 uoRMIOS 0 aU Pd et © Vocabulary: talk about things you tke, using the alphabet © Grammar: use definite and indefinite articles correctly; learn numbers 1-20 “Skill: record vocabulary accurately Res c -Say SNe Sy OL: Ey > aD a, ay Ges. 1: ay ay Be 22 © Elabecedario espafol. Escucha y canta, Lee ‘esde amigos ese ndmerouno (1) EB © tcc ye stpoome. Bees de blog — ese nimero dos (2) Usten to and read the poem. CesdeCOs—eselndmerowes (3) How many eters soundikeEngsh eters? Ti eseinines Which ones are ciferent” meerapeersoccreree—vees uate (4) Lee as palabras. Eesde emai cemoteanos Stuythe vordsbeginingwith A-Jandsee _eselnmeroelneo (5) how mary youelther knew aeadyorcan GUESS esd atae ooo (6) because they are similar to English words. Pau Gees dems grupos favoritos ~ sete (7) Deletrea las palabras. Rc ham a Practise spelling them using the Spanish eeecieceeenees- eee) alphabet. ese Pode inventos guoy ~ reve (9) Can your partner quess which word its? Jes de juegos diez (10) Escribe las palabras que no sabes. ite down the words you simply donot know. | meting 5) Menno ten i nouns in Spanish ate either | masculine or feminine tun helado tuna hamburguesa Here the word in Spanish for aor an which comes Infront ofthe naun shaws whether iris masculine corfeminine. ‘The plural form somes tunes helados tunas hamburguesas ‘un/unos, una/unas (2, an, some) are called indefinte articles, en Lookat the words nthe grammar box. Dothe ast letters the endings) ofthese words help you to ‘decide ifthe word is masculine or feminine singular ‘or plural? Can you explain this and make up a rule? ‘Can you find any words on this page which don't follow this rule? 1B) oe: Me presento Q OB scribe tas patabras. Now go back to youris from Activity 3.and ite down if the words are masculine orfeminine. EOP tea cacivetas palabras. ~2 te doom the rasan or fein frm or thewords n yours fm sey ‘Check your answers witha partner. OV Escucha y rept Usten and repeat the numbers. 2B Juega con tu compaiero. ‘says a number. 8 names the object. 1 Escucha yee el poema. Usten and ead the second part of the poem, Once (31) es ialetra K— os de kitesurf Doce (12) es ia letra Les de Los Simpson ‘Trace (43) es a letra M— es de mévilumésea Catorce (14) esa letra N~ es de naranjasy ino! es ovalewa enel diccionario espaol Ouince (45) esa et —es de esto Diecsts (16) esta letra Pes depésters ype (es aletra que sigue yes fl de ustat csiete (17) esl leva R~ es derevietasy regalo ula RR doble es dif de pronunciar Dieciocho (18) esia leva S~ esde slestay SMS Diecinuove (19) es letaT—es de tatusjes y Titer Veinte (20) es aletaU—es de universidad Para finalizar hay [aV de vaqueros yvideojuegos la Wes de windsurf y Wally y ia Web laXes porlos muchos besos que te ‘quiero dar pero laYva sola porque no quire ballar ‘YaletraZes de zapatos y zumo y zxezzzzzz Challenge ©) Definite articles in Spanish el a os las meaning the alsa show you whether the word is masculine or feminine the ‘gender of the word) and they ae placed in rant, justlike the indefinite articles. ‘masculine feminine singular —elosito larevista plural les ositos las revistas Plurals ‘Te make a noun pluralin Spanish you add an’ the word endsin a vowel Add'es'fthe word ends ina Examples: lemoticén ~ emoticonos no accent) mévil- moviles EPP at sasiacontwcompatero, GED) A Elnimero 12 slaletra de Los Simpson B SiConecto. [A Elnimero 15 esla letra W de windsurf B No.inconecto, Escribe las palabras. Write out the words choosing the comrectaticle 1 2 3 4 5 un / una videojuego las los zapatos tun/ una siesta unos / unas regalos tun / una tatuaje ters ofthe alphabet and find your Spanish vocabulary ist. partner and see how many EB cosspsnsercncn Fhow many words from the vocabulary lit can you guess? \Wrte down the English and add them to your vocabulary book. lils ira etvideo. Watch the vdeo and point out the family membersin the ‘vocabulary box each ime they ae mentioned Ui tira video otra vez. Khalid: padre Sudan; dos Wateh, listen and check the note about Khali’ Family hermanos Jorge 4 Elias, Find two mistakes. hhermava. Sara, madre pofesora. Lee. Quién es? Read the speech bubble. Whois it? SSS Sa ‘i ded My name's me llamo His/Hernameis sellama 1vegot/thave(a brother) tengo (un hermano) haven" got(anysisters) no tengo (hermanas) Jam soy he/shels es Orns \Wirite a speech bubble about yourself and your family e- EB versa omentia? “rue or false? 1 Anita has two brothers 2 Roberts Jorge’ grandfather. 3 Irene is Pepes mother. 4 Amaiais Anita sister. 5. Armandois Jo's uncle Quin eres? 2 guessing game with your partnes [A Soy e padre de Jorge 8 Eres Armando, Escribe la respuesta correct Winte down the 1 Elhermano de mi madre es mi 2 Los padres de mi padre son mis 3 Elhjodemitioes mi 4 Yosoy— demiabuela Escuchay lee, Hola, soy Tito! ;Qué ta? Primero, zcémo te lNamas~tu nombre completo? ‘Pues me lamo Marfa Magdalena Lopez Garcia, ‘Tlenes hermanos? ‘i tengo un hermano pero no tengo hermanas Y geémo se llama tu hermano? Sellama Diego. ‘Tienes abuelos? Si-sellaman Alberto y Beatriz. Practical dislogo. Practise the dalogue wth partner. Habla con tu compafiero. Interview your partner using the questions inbal. ; Miamarse tener ser rmellamo tengo soy tellamas tienes eres sellama tne es sellaman tienen son Notice how the ver pattern changes according to the person. Look backat the grammar box on page 12 and work out how to say the following: theirnames are; you ar: he has Design an imaginary family tree and then playa uessing game using it 0696060008 EB 0 tacuc enaea snimer Usten and point to the number mentioned, chat orth witon ace EB 6 excucta yanctatosnameros. eee tneraenetaowr erin achronbconenen | Mineaate em OB te erica. contrat Asay srumba Spars Bays tbc ings, few stan youget Gemplo: A elndimero..veintcinco B number 25 OB scanstrtee look tthe pictures and say how old you are éfeaus PB cram 3 4614 «12 «15 10 11 iemplo: Susana ene quince fos. Me presento Q Fei Can you relate these tothe 50=cincuenta oreo inborn ee Keaton messy a repre Occ tats mere mtn fneetniegtetbenes ra ‘What do you thinky means? EP © cuca yantatosnombrery as edaes oo Rican actconope nage em (eat ann weonpese 32 12 52 38 88 90 Leey completa la conversacién. Read the conversation and complete t with the correct words, from the box. Hola Pacit cause | Salas Eres hija (2) tienes hermanos? | Solamente tengo (5) hermano. Si tengo una abuelay dos (6). abvelos 62) hermana primos tal Unica hermanos un D> escuchay veri. Usten and check your answers. EBD 88 practic ettoge Practise the dialogue witha partner. te down the names and ages ur own family members, or ‘ofthe family on page 13. = aunce G5) Gente y nameros 2) Escucha y anota. ;Cémo se escribe? Usten and note how tis spelt. hi Deletrea los nombres. Tey Spelt the names, Take tunsto guess which oneit i 1 Cesc Fabregas 2 Penélope Cruz 23 Shalera 4 Lionel Mess @ ralas paginas 10 11 otra vez Leas frases. {Correcto oincorrecto? Look back at pages 10 and 11-Read the statements. Decide f they ae ight or wrong emo: El nimero docees la letra. Corecto. 1 ElndmerocuatroeslaletraD, «4 Elniimero deciséiseslaletra 2 Elnimerocinco esa letra. 5 Elnimero veintidds es laletra Z. 3 Endmero diez a letra CCortige las frases incorrectas. —* Correct the incorect statements Gammmeecn Flemplo: a Hoy tres ostos. 1s iecstis Me presento Q EBC. sscctayine Usten and read the conversation about Robert’ family es STEEN Se laman Afedo, Mario y Fernanda, Cubntosafostienen? Aledo tiene ochenta y dos aos Mario tiene setenta y nueve y eee eee se mite ine Pues, no tengo hermanos, soy hijo nico pero tengo dos hhermanasas EP ta, soca igo sta. Inventa similar dialogue witha partes. OP vine atsint yes eriore Alfredo, 82 ? =D ma © Escuchay completa el érbol. Sa Nowiisten and complete the fay tee. a Gaz) Mswerthe questions lemplo: 1 tiene un hijo ques lama Albert) _2Aifedo tiene un hijo? {Femanda es la esposa de Mario? {Paco ese primo de Roberto? {lla esa hermana de Celia? {Custos primos tiene Roberto en total? Labolengua Ceca ‘A Nouns Remember the little words thea, an, some) infront ofthe noun show youl tls masculine or feminine. singular plural masculine feminine ‘masculine feminine an un una |some unos unas indefiite articles) the a cy fos as (definite articles) There s another way to check the gender ofa noun in Spanish. Many ‘nouns ending ino are masculine and many ending in aare feminine. How many words have you come across so far which do not end in an ‘ora? Make alist of them and earn thee gender carefully. B Verbs ‘Averb tells you what ishappening na sentence. Most verbs follow a regular pattern - regular verbs. Some donot ~ irregular verbs. Inthis opening unit you have only come across three verbs: llamarse) tobe called, tener t have, ser tobe. When you look up a verb in the dictionary you wilfind tin the Infinitive form as shown inthe verbs above, Spanish verbs al into three groups-ar,-er and 4. The lasttwo letters, (ofthe infinitive show you which group the verb belongs to. “The endings ofthe vers in Spanish change according tothe person ( yous he she we, they) oF ting it) doing the action. This means you don't eed to include the person unless you went to emphasise wh is doing, theaction. Namarse-tobe tener-tohove —sar-robe called tengo soy | (Yo)mellamo -call_ tienes eres | ‘mysef'=lamcalled tiene es (mynameis) tenemos somos (td) tellamas tensis sis (@l/ella)sellama teen son (nosotros) nos llamamos: (vosotros) os lamas {ellos} se aman coche 1 Doyou remember these words? ‘Are they masculine or feminine? Write them using un, une, unas, Example: una naranja 1 naranja 5 tatuaje 2 videojuego 6 email 3 guitara 7 poster 4 burro 8 chorizo ‘Now check them in the glossary at ‘the hack ofthis hook. 2 Explain how you make the plural of words which end! in a ‘consonant. 2 Welt outthe verbs on learning ‘ards and add the person doing the action in brackets. Sere kee) © Nouns een '* Colour code nouns, eg. re for masculine, blue for feminine. una / la hamburguesa, | 1 Aways wie the gender. “ Make cea divslon between Spanish ad English. I “ Make outspeil card for words which breakthe rules. 4 Check your partner has recorded his/her vocabulary correctly. 5 Write the persons stem and endings fora verb onto small bits of paper. Place them in a box. orenvelope. Take out bitsand ‘match them up until you have the complete verb again. D Verbs ‘© Write the whole verb out ona card (Write the meaning in English ‘onthe back) Putthe cards nto envelopes marked regular-ar er, irverbs and Imegular verbs. ‘© One simple rules: read, say, cover, write then check. ‘© Write new words in groups and add to them as you meet more ‘elated words “© Make up word webs with the key wordin the middle. - E Howto earn new words « Words have meanings spallingt and sounds nd you nado leomall te of these together, > cE {6 Complete the word web fora familia. Discuss these strategies for learning and see fyou can come up with some more helpful ideas. Pronunciation 9.) Nowtsten and repent Vowels these names. ‘Thefive vowel soundsare:a-e-i-0-u. ‘Ana, Armando ae Enrique, Elena 7 to the pure sounds nd repeat them. Isidro rene 7 CVtisten tothe p peat oer 8 Standin font of amir and lookat the shape of your mouth as Umberto, Ula ba 10 Practise with words fom pages YOand 11. aecouee (8) en Spell out the names then check your answers against the alphabet on page 10, ; EB vecsepsone How many words can you find in the snake? Look backat page 9 fist. EP oxteninars “Time yourself How fast can you say these numbers? 3 6 21 50 34 12 15 65 100 BB Practica el dislogo. ractize the dialogue. as Me llamo ...¥ 6, 4cbmo te lamas? Eee {Cudnto afos tienes? Tengo. ED sonra rape GEE) 1 Como tetlamas? {2 No,no tengo hermanos: soy hijo tice, 2 {Guintoafostienes?/ _ Sellaman Clara, Rafal y José 3 {Tieneshermanos?’ —c Mellamo. 4 Tienes abuelos? Si tengo tes abvelos, 5 {Como sellaman? fe Tengo ~ aos. EB © eseuerayanotatos nombres de cada tail CED coh Cecilia Diego Susana Enrique EP 6. cecucta ore vereidemtitea tata, OP th stra video ties. ctmoconsana eS eee CSD pmestermnosotermad 2 Seer See (PD contests ins preguntssobret & Pr escuchar Listen to these six people What ae they talking about? Example: 1¢ 2 age country € brother 4 favourite thing “© grandparents parents Hablar Practise speling out five names. ‘Example: C-E-C-IeL-}-A= Cecio. Think of five countries and name the capital ofeach Example: Colombia =Bogotd Leer Read and choose the correct word, Example: 1 tenes {Cuantos aos tenes / tengo? {Como /cusnto te lamas? Mis abuelos e /me llaman Luis y Pacha. Tengo dos hermanos /hermana. Maria tiene una/ un abuela, Los Las padres de Amalia se laman Pepe y Nuria Ese Wiite the answers to these questions in fll sentences "ime seam eapital de Colombia? {Cudntos ahs tienes? ‘Comore lamas? {Tienes hermanos? {Gémo se laman tus padres? ute Holat Sados ‘fol aos Hasta luego asta pronto Soy na Maliama Federico Durante a clase cuca repite habla lee cibe pregunta tnalea ‘a emporeja Quiz {Gomotellamas? Sellama olva sauce? uence as Buenas tordes buenas noches Me lipa; me molan fos tres ince se Siete ocho. ez oc ieee ‘uince decease deciete ddecocno fecinveve velnte Hoveit;™minto them three four fre ra eoht even twee thirteen Tourteen ‘cen sateen ‘eighteen rineten twenty Lafamilia ‘labuelo Inabuels loeabuelos mmipadie mimadre mispodres ‘hermano Tahermana tio Pry lprine ‘api ct hermanasto ‘ahermanasra pedis ‘amodasra Soy jo ico Soy jana {Cudntos afos tienes? Tengo Xatos ‘weinta ‘incuenta setenta chante Gente y nimeros «© count rom 1 100 © reet people ‘abun ‘People and numbers theres there are theres there ret {alk about family members (© say how old | am and how old my family members are (© use the verbs llamarse, tener and ser © understand the different ways of saying you" In Spanish Escucha y repite, Listen and repeat the months ofthe year ‘Anota el dia yel mes. eee ees -jemplo:16de enero Cee eerie EF von os cias dela semana en el orden correct, correct order, vieres Inigscoles | Whatdo you notice about the way the months and days are Escucha y verifca. y y ‘elledin Spanish? Usten and check your answers Sees Me describo 1A, OB ti repase:0ecd or nimeros 1-31 en voraa. Wiha pornet cy the nun fon ost nk lout posse a. Resdthe speech bubbles Wat oy meant rite sentences 7 jempa:7/12-Micampeaot sels decent wr] 3A | om} aw | a | OB ta cras pices Speed: dating: Ask sic of your classmates when thelr birthdays, ‘and note thelr answers J. His birthday isthe 3rd of March inampleanoseseh) a2 Ourbntey mere = = otluy. esi) = ___ the 28th of January. Mira los eibujosgcémo se dice? Herbinhdey ithe 20 tookatnecaee ow you 2 ase Singular: my your his/her of une. D Plural: our your their od A w.Y Mis mascotas ©) Escucha yescribe. Fei Lsten and write the correct animal in Spanish (1-10 {jemplo: 1un gato alee Ifa word endsin a vow Escrbe el singular. Where do these plurals come from? Write the singular form, Reece al lemplo: 1 un pero 1 dos perros 3. cuatroratones 5 selsarahas 2 wesgatos 4 cincopeces 4 seteleones Rann Write out the plural ofthe animals in the house. ‘jemplo: 1 un gato dos gatos (Mi) E& Conversacion. Me describo 1A, Poe eee cet et eet EP cneesrsoen Do you know the Spanish colours? Use the text and picture above to work out 11 colours and their meaning, Haz una tabla con los colores. ‘Complete the table with the colours in Activity 5 CSS epee sing. sing. pl. Example: [white [blanco [blanca _[biancos [biancas & > Escucha yrelena la tabla (1-6). Usten and iin the table a ec Example: [1 Jorge [perros | 3 gros [ Td Py What did you notice about Spanish adjectives (describing words) when you read the passage about Noals Ark? Goes Th Spanish all adjectiveshavea masculine form and a feminine form. We use the masculine to describe masculine nouns and. ‘the feminine to describe feminine nouns. themasc. | the feminine oe = 0 changesto -2 i-s-eor-n | thereisno (except change rationales) . addana alome | thereisno exceptions ike | change rosa) Remember you must also make ‘them plural by adding an'sor‘s'f ‘the noun they describe i plural five of your classmates thelr pets by using the sin Activity 4. Write your findings. Catherine tiene tes of marron. Tenen os, fesyonce aes ysellaman el video. ;Cudl es la nacionalidad de Qué idiomas hablan? What are Eves and Mariza nationalities? [And those of their parents? What languages do they speak? Watch the video. Lee eidentifica: Read what these young people say and identify 1 three countries « thvee nationalities «= fivelanguages EP naman lin the table, using a dictionary fnecessry Cc an) Soyde.. Habla... | Soy. Soy. Vivoen.._[Aprendo Inglaterra [ingles inglés ingles Ezcocla escocds excocesa ‘wands | wands Francia Francés a espaol ern ta T | © bie letter eis pronounced tke: ‘Alemania | alemén * k(kayak in font ofa, 0 and u Talana ‘apitén, concert, curoso thitheate) in front of eand i: ‘centro, cine @" .Qu¢ significant What do these verbs mean? Use them tote shoresentences__| Len hen pacts pronouncing about yourself. Use the examplesin Activity 2 to help you. ese words out ” " yarensioye cereal, cerémica,catéstrofe, ciculo, escoots, camara coor, francs soy vivo hablo aprendo aa en Me describo 1A, Lee. :Qué pasé con say vivo, hablo y oprendo? Read the speech bubble: What has happened 1009, vivo, hablo and aprendo? Why? py Gramatica + yes ‘The present tense Remember a verb isa doing word ike running, cooking’ or ‘dreaming’. Ifyou Took up a verb in the dictionary you wil find its infinitive form. All Spanish infnitives end in ar, -e oi To help you remember we aso refer tothe infinitive as the ‘king’ because itis the most important part of faverb and trues al others. Ce ry Pronombres personales + Canyouwork out why serissaid tobe regular» Think about your Spanish teacher. Can you write hile the others are regular? ‘afew sentences about him/her using the verbs above? You may not need aprender (to learn) but Yyou can use ensefa (to teach) instead. EB > sccxctay compet in intoracin tien otesejoung people ana nts infomation Theat one hasbeen done san xp: empl:Se lama(a) Mittra yen) en_Madridy Espa Tiene(n) __ #705 _ Hablaln) 79865 espaol _ Elson __smericara, ‘Aprendetn EOP ihe mir eivideo biog cme contestana las preguntas? Etch the ides bog ow dothey answer the questions? + Donde ves? 1 [eatlesturacinaliad? 5 [ove lomes hoist Look at the d Ist true or false? Correct the false ‘jemplo: 1 Mencia: Tengo los oes verdes, 1 Ios ojos aules. 3 of mactones, Qué dicen las chicas? Look at what the boys say What would the gis ay? Emparejalos contrarios. Qué signifcan? Find the 8 pais of opposite personality adjectives, ‘What do they mean? Use dictionary to help you. Cm a paciente simpstico/a Use quantiers to extend your witng and reach a ae /a | | igherlevel antipstico/e pais desordenado/s demasiado 00 starudo/a . muy very x impociente | | bastante ute extrovertido/a tun poco aiitle om ‘flexible bobo/s mido/® stexible B a . | > Escucha. :£5 el chico a el chico b? maduro/> sczoso/a_inmaduto/a Usten and decide who being descbed Lstthe adjectives used. Himmendecptenctenestyor EB teeta cic Bedgcrcctvcwome aD Brrcasetnct cave _ aa \ ———————— Sway ioer a Es oe = omer treinta yuno @ AY >» En otros lugares »»> Vocabulary: recognise words for additional animals, countries and nationalities ER 0 esc y verte gob ata? Lesis checking what animals he has on FarmSpace. Which animals has he forgotten? EB irae *Gemplo:1 dos serpientes verdes two green snakes five brown goats three black sheep socblack and white cows fourwhiteguines pigs 6 seven yellow ducks Empat Doye Match each description toa fag a verde y blanca [55 Potonia blanca yroja 4 Rumania azul amarllayroja 5 Senegal verde, amar y ola 6 Somalia | azuly bianca 7 Tuquia rojay blanca 8 Estados Unidos | azul, bianca y rola 9 India aranja, blanca y verde 70 Greco azuly bianca Me describo 1A, oe Descifra y completa. —4 Workout the nationalities within the snake. Use them to complete the table fellowing the example gosounidensey, _istoniPOCOTUME Ma es ee Ulsomaliseneoe™™ eo e PS | a) Nationality (am ne are. / Nacionalided one ca oc” Pakistan Paquistén aguistan’ __[paquistent | paquistanis | paquistanis DO estes EB ssingos Bingo with a twist Wee nine nationalities you have leamt on these pages and pages 28 and 29.Take tums to cal out afl sentence, Write what these young people would sy nd Jnvent one other character. Pay attention to word ‘orderand agreement. Example: Me lamo Layla, tengo tree aos y mi ‘eumplearios es el res de enera Vivo en Espana pero S0y marroqui Hablo inglés y espa yengo tres ‘gatos negros. = jemple: Soy galesa, Challenge ©) veinayres (I 1 Add the correct possessive adjective, aha tocol) Fee rea) ori cocaes amor verve exnsis ete aie ean een ‘The multiple kingdoms of verbs 3% tint yeusto [to + nue pare we cy rise peea sus pes Sebi townie) | ecto erin = | rb Example: Imi 1 myrat+ ta 2 hisrabbit-+ = conejo 3 your (plural) mother 4 my parents -+ padres 2 Look at this table and the table ‘on page 29. Can you identify the pattern? Based on what you see, rite rules to explain how regular verbs work. 3 Weitein Spanish, Example: 1 Beben Coca-Cola. 1 They drink coke 2 Welisten to rap music. 3 You (singular teach French, 4 She call hersisteron the phone. Me describo 1.6 Spelling Remember, in Spanish it 2 speling eror to use a capital eter for ‘months ofthe yer, days of the week nationalities and languages unless these area the beginning ofa sentence. 4 Rewrite these sentences, correcting the errors where necessary. Example: 1 Vivo en nglatera pero soy espaol. 1 Vivo en Inglaterra pero soy spat 2. Hoy es Mates tes de octubre. 3 Abgiles mi mes favorita, | En Agosto visio a mis abuelos en Italia pero no hablo liana. D Quantifiers and connectives ‘These help you improve the quality of your Spanish and achievea Me lato Phoebe, Soy higher level Use them raquently to avoid short repetitive sentences americana. Vro en Canada. | unpoco ole y and Say alta. Soy delgada.. Soy bastante quite pero but Simpilica. Soy estudiosa, muy vey también also Soy divertida., Tengo un email ton Srembago however perro. Es velo. Es bon Es grande 5 Improve Phoebe's workby rewriting what she says using quantifiers and connectives. You should use a east ive different ones. Goinecca E Pronunciation -the letter “The pronunciation of the letterchas the same patter in Spanish as it doesin English: «at, cot and eue bur elery and cinema “The correct way of pronouncing ce and ein Spanishslike the'tWin ‘theatre’ However, In most Latin American countries and even in the South of Spain, people pronounce ee and ei almost like seand s. 6 ©) Listen to these phrases. Which ofthe two boys is speaking? Pablo is South American, and Jrdlis fom Spain. y weintayeineo (38 Lewis tft Shara rate Mose tie wars Muaronad al Paris tao Ere anton hay Ce Pree afc Nad Errigue lsat Angelina oe bert Patino Principe waar kyle Minogue Chen cole ‘Sin Covel avid Cameron zacefen anit Ming EP oncstnesene Elemplo: 1 Britney Spears 1 Mi cumpleafios ese dos de diciembre. 2 Micumpleanos es el eintizés de juli, 13. Micumpleafioses el cuatro de maye, 4 [Mi cumpleafos ese tes de junio. Micamplesfioses ed weinte de mirza 6 Micumpleafios es el tres de abl lemplo: 1 Fernando Tores eva Mendes susan Boye Leroy thet Leora Lewis Fernanda Totes ketsten Stewart Alon Ha carlos ays F Term cuz avach obs Tah Hamikon Madonna ane adie Fernando Alonso =, lo Ferdinand ach osbourne linkin Miley ys 1 Soy futboistay tengo 26 ans. Sey espaol pero hablo Inglés y espanol Micumpleafios 2 Tengo el pelo castaho los ojos azules.No soy lla. Sy austaliana yeni cumpleafios es en octubre 13 Hablo italiano, espaol. inglés y portuguts ‘Tengo el peo largo yl ojos marrones. Soy colombiana pero vivo en Estados Unidos Mi Cumpleafios es en febrero. ture! Your tun: Choose two famous people from the calendar and write similar passages tothe ones in Activity 2 =e = sQuésele pregunts? What was she asked? Match the answers tothe questions Sempl:A7 A {Cémo te lamas? 1 Tengo el peo largo y castaioy los {Custos ais tienes? ojos marrones. No soy alt, soy més € {Cudndo.estucumpleatios?- _bien baja D {Como eresfsicamente? 2 Vivoen Londres enInglatera ae E {Como estu personalidad? 3. Hablo espafol, inglés y portugués. F {Dénde vives? 44S, tengo dos culebras verdes yun conejo blanco. G {Cudlestunacionalidad? 5 Soy simpaticayhabladora. Creo que oy generosa H {Qué idiomas hablas? ‘pero soyimpactente, 6 Eselveintiocho de diciembre. 7 Mellamo Cecilia, Tengo deciocho afos. 8. Soy argentina, de Buenos Aires. 1 Tienes animales en casa? Eseribe sobre Cecilia. \Wiitea paragraph about cia using the information in Activity 1. Remember to use the third person of the verb. emo: Se lama Ceca ytene Problema de égica. Copy the table and filitin by reading the sentences ‘ako Personalidad Iimpaciente Nacionalidad Mascotas 1 Rory alto y noes paciente, 6 Alguien es de Chile Elcumpleatos dela chica rubiaeseldos __7_‘Elcumpleafios de Freddie es antes que el demarzo, cumpleafios de Rory. 3 Marta cumpleafoselocho dejuloyes 8 Lachica queno esrubia es simptica ytiene un colombiana conejo. 4 Unchicoes extroveridoytene et pelo 9. El chicoimpaciente es ilandés y tiene un tigre largo. 10. Elescocés no tiene animales 5 Unchico cumple anos eltres declciembre 11. Dos personas no tienen animales en casa yelotro el quince de agosto, 12 Larubiano tiene los ojos verdes yes traviesa 1A.! Prueba EB O tecucnae stan and filin the table, name CEE ‘Age 15 ainhday [ae Nationality [Moroccan Country [Spain Description | tall/quite sin Character | hendlyhor studous Pats Black dog Bae Hels Khalid’ tend Hablar Choose a picture and give ‘your teacher as much Information as you can about the person shown. (25 name ofthe person each sentence refers to Example: 1 Shayne isthe birth is notin summer. He/she as asily pet. Helse learns French in school Heyshehas brown hat. He/she speaksalitie German. He/she is friendly. Escrbi Wit three shor sentences CD describing your best fiend, &) tentavocho udp, # de goto ll sy Sf ends Scr ule Shon! soy tala peo v0 eng perc pate [oe dir: hobo alano, ely un poco de font Beaute eabien endo sana que aha =o Soy ana ena pt cso yey read Say bstante (rctente pro oe ave = roy spe pons poate safe Baca 26 denis ‘Hl Meare Shaye B = mi pero Coconut Seno react Somes ness pw eno $9y un poco testarude pero soy ‘sudo. camer oy dead {erg bss vores Por dot abl nls may ben ray ‘Spat asians be Sin ergo insta aprendo Fanci Ml angers Noa {Guin a ch Vocabulario par fncsaness fc nn) porugutipotupiess —Poruguese fstanes ton Como ees? What are yous? Sogo Ihave A ee tago tong coro oor tio sight ioe ny indo “am cepunta ‘en losoos one tee coach aoe tors pecs fetes Use os Ir lass soy tan, ma ‘or bojre Shor : adore Pi sera ia Seaiamedana Imedumsse exdenadofa ry disordered cy Simos’ tend instal inion cere potent sacar sr a guinea doaxia agenesis foul iasy rdf sian oor ‘song ‘nao iy ingen ietgee oboe. ily ern one iimadurors inate €@ say when my birthday sand understand dates say where come from and my nationality ‘lve physical description of myself and others 6 ive a personality description of myself and others {@ Say what pets have and their colours 19 use the present tense of regular verbs correctly {@ pronounce words with the letter € corectly S asignaturas 1B.i™M * Vocabulary: talk about school subjects and your opinions of them © Grammar: use verbs and adjectival agreements correctly * Skills earn how to work out meaning from cagnates @, oy Bw a co 3 EP ta raivinatasssignatras a Wercwitparnertowienysubjectin the wocabusybox (laguna cnyouwok ou Singie emp epatel pth leeds tecrloge Hh ttincrvideo legeogrta—_ieemetemsticas Ae the pctuersbore coc? Oo Eve and os Ike nd se the subjects show? Sep Net comet. Ea es English EOP ta sasiacontucompasera. Telyourparmer whchsitets you ie ad ste +2 He/She makes notes. Glemplo: A Me gusta elingés. 8 Fwnitestingls ® How to say you lke or dstike something me guste mucha= : megusta= ¥ Careful ‘Me gusta lahistria~ ike histor (singlar—one thing) Me gustan as ciencias.- ike sciences plural~more han one thing) B) cuxera 2 A Vrettena arabia. frente ser aking Copyand complete the table pun Elinglés es aburrdo. Bur La geografia es aburida, Why do you think the word endings are different? Latecnologi es interesante. Bur Las matematicas son interesantes, Why do you think the word endings ae ferent? Bemplo: ratematicas sPositivoo negative? Decide if these are postive (7) ornegative opinions about the subjects. ‘jemplo:Latecnologiaes bastante dverida. 1 La historia es muy interesante 2 Las matematicas son muy itles. 3 |Lainformatica es demasiado dif 4 La educacin fisia es muy él 55 Las ciencias no son muy interesantes. 6 La geografiano es tan aburida oe Escucha otra vez. Listen to Activity 4 again. Why do the students Uke or dist the subject? what you thinkofa subject. scribe unas frases. if you are teling the uth or not? ax) Wie down what you think about your {Nome gusta nadaelinglés,jestan schoo! subjects aa jemplo: Para mt elesparioles muy interesante, pero bh} La hora y el horario =s Ovidentitica el rete. Glemplo:1€ EB eertersicis Look t these clocks and match them tothe sentences below. Son las nuevey cuarto. Son las sietey chez Son las seis y media, ‘Son las cinco menos uate. Son las once Son las once menos cinco. Femplo:14 O rrnsse 1 2 3 4 5 6 en Sontas dos Son las res Why do you think thats? \What do you think these mean? Eselmediodta, = Eslamedianoche Elinsti 1B mate Tale it in turns to say atime. Your partner points tothe correct clock on page 42, Odiverdad omentira? LUsten to Pablo talking about his timetable. Is what he's saying correct? Bjemplos 17 tener=tohave tengo —lhave tenes -you have tiene he /shehas tenemos - we have ‘tenéis you (plural have tenen = they have EB aa ecitcata signature. Er CIR eerie | | ee races porta mittee easeseead Soe a eters pesca 1A Conecto! Coplay completa as frases. Complete the sentences withthe correct par ofthe verb tener, — jem: Caros, tenes historia el miércoles? mais ty adding 1 Mariay yo. matematica las once ycuart, Pablo” deporte-el miroles. ‘Robertoy Elena, espafolalas doce? (Yo) inglés el unes, martes y migrcoles. Carmen geografa alas once y cuarto, Miguel Marin y Angel tecnologia el martes, Las instalaciones Vocabulary: talk about what there is in your school Grammar; use verbs correctly in the present tense; understand that subject pronouns are not much used in Spanish PPescucha a Fernando. : lava grande LUsten and decide which pat ofthe schools elgimnasio —_pequerio/a Gempo: 1F ellaboratorio —-moderna/a el patio antiguo/a Lee a cart labibloteca| Me institute es pequeto y fariguo. Hay un bonito patio g fy giraio = racicanes deporte on et pao gilts. Mar (28, s0ega con tu compafero.o en grupo. hay un comedor = theresa remember the places inthe school? canteen no hay biblioteca thereisnta bray Ome ay ~therets/ there are Enmiinstiuto hay un gimnasio. Enmiinsttute hay un gimnasio yuna biblioteca et. MB), cuarenaycuaro —— he/she To ey RR i ave ri 8 pGpaud = [nea OP sesmsroe Find how the sentences are made up. lemplo: Como un bocadilenelcomedor. aD 1 Estudlamos ciencias en el laboratoro, 2. Juan y Roberto charlan con amigos en el patio. 3 Mara, lees un libro en la biblioteca? 4 Lasecretara eserbe catas en la oficna 55 (Practicls deporte en el gimnasio? EP teint uta ‘iit out these sentences using the gr. Do they make sense? ‘empl: Tomds cv = Tomds practca deporte en ellaboratorio.~ ‘Esriiculo! 1 Paloma yFranciscofve 4 av 2 Sofia, bis? 5 peur? 3 TinidadyyodvA th a partner describe your choo. tures of your school label them in Spanish, and ene ere are the three different types ‘of verb Look back at page 29 or ‘more information. estudiar vivir vivo vives vive ‘wis vii In Spanish the words, you, he, ‘she’ ete are not used very much. How do you know who is doing the action? Dbesem 0 cartes? Usten and decide who iti, empl: 1 Sam ie ira et video Watch Marsa, José and Khalid, What do they lke/dlisike about iat they wear to schoo! il ina table like the one below jos road i {Verdad o mentira? Read the sentences about Sam and Carlos. Are they true? lemplo: Sam leva voqueros. Menta 1 Carlos leva una camiseta, 2 Samlleva una corbat, +3 Carlos leva uniforme. 4 Samileva pantalones negros '5 Carlos eva un jersey azul 6 Samillevazapatilas. Q reins ‘una falda ‘una sudadera ‘unas apatilas evar a regular ver ike hablar. or they wear trousers? ee Remember that adjectives agree with the noun they describe: luna corbata negra Lunes zapatos negros PE ‘what other ways do you have of leaming new words? Which works bestferyou? Dibuja tu propio mapa mental. Draw up a clothes mind map using clothes and opinions of = your own. 12 Habla con tu compatero. Play 20 questions with your partner. Tey think ofan item of CD clothing from their mind map and you have to guess it. lemplo: A ¢Llevas uniforme? B Sk {llevas pantalones? vo. A levasunacamisa? BS CLescucha. Escoge l dibujo correcto. Usten and choose the corect picture emo: 1 nent amass @ ED vececeesinnteiint, 5 Elalemin? Ni habla! Es demasiado df Pde scucha. Copia y completa la tabla Listen and complete the table en Fi Mart-carmen | misica asiqnatura preferida interesante prof simpdtico Rosita Alfonso Miguel Angel | Escribe lo que piensa tu compafero. Write down what you think some of your friends would say about these subject, =) ‘jempo: La asignatura preferda de John es la musica porque el profes simpdtica OVescucha alos estudiantes. LUsten tothe students and note down how well they are doing, Elemplo:1¢ OD excverwopinén. |, Write dovin how well you think you ae doing in different =) subjects ee eee 8B suegaal tres en raya. Play noughts and crosses with the gid below. Say what you are ED wearing to place your nought or cross lemplo: evo una camiseta con mangas cota. saco buenas notas aco malas notas S0y bueno en. ‘voy mal en. | trabajo bien en | meestueroen a rayas 3 lores acuadros puntos sencilo/a sinmangas | conmangas conas ‘con mangas largas ‘con unlogo cunrentaynuee (49) hee A Adjectival agreements Adjectives describe a noun. In Spanish the adjectives agree with thenoun, Ifthe noun is masculine un err the adjective must be too 4 un pero gordo, $< Ifthe noun i feminine — la isteria- the adjective must agree ‘with t= la histories abureida, ‘Most masculine nouns end in @ and most feminine ones in a, but there ate some exceptions, Look back through the book and see how ‘many you can find. the noun is plural fos pantalones - the adjective must be plural 100 los pantalones verdes. lprofesoressimpstico mvs 1 Wie sentences sing the following nouns and adjectives inprotesrsessmpsten "Ts Remember to make tm ase lecprtsorssonsiptios mpl pas Iesprotsonssonsnpstcas Elgatonoesojo. Remember! EE BeBe ae rojo corto viejo. bonito interesante reas B Regula verbs Verbs end in three ways in Spanish: -ar (hablar -r (omer) i (ivi. Here are the endings forall three types of regular verbs, eo “hao re elem fmed abs whe “orto ali conde es 2 How would you say .? ' Mara speaks Spanish. b Marcos eatsin the canteen, © Rafael ives in Mad 3 Transfer your skills. How would you say .? 2 We pay sport. practcar) b Youread a book. ler) ‘They open their exercise books (abi) 4 Why are these sentences absurd? ‘8 Vivoen el comedor. _b Comemos unos pantalones negros. « Hablaninformitica. 50) cincuerta 6 Language learning tricks ‘Cognates are words that look sinilarin Spanish and English like _mateméticas, eografia,recnologia, interesante. They can be very useful materaticas, ‘when learning new words. aia geografion 5 Look back through the book. How many cognates can you find? tecnologia, Make alist. interesante, ‘Word association can also be helpful. Simpatice means nice o rendly, Dutt looks like the English word Sympathetic: This can help you remember the meaning ofthe word, but be careful that you don't remember the wrong meaning! 6 What does this mean? linsttutoes grande, fa Theschoolisgrand. _b The schools big, 7 Look back through the book again. Make alist of words that look. similar to something in English but havea slightly different meaning. In Spanish things are often sai ina slightly different way. Remembering this can help you with unusual phrases Fuerte means ‘strong but Soy fuerte en matemdticas means lam good at maths. Draw pictures to help you remember phrases lke this, D Pronunciation - emphasis How do you know which part ofthe word to emphasise when speaking Spanish? It's easy espan rmatemiticas. 2 Hfitends ina consonant (but nots orn), emphasis the last syllable = Madi, comer, azul. 3 fitendsina vowel, s orn, emphasise the penultimate fast but one) syllable institute camisas,hablan vo, aburida, 8 € bWhere do you emphasise these words? Copy them and underline ‘where you think the emphasis should go, then isten and check, practicar falda pantalones inglés comemos Ieresante cincuenta yuno (51) Oe: Match the sentences to the pictures. Copy and complete. Fe Bemplo: 1 Tengo informatica alas cuatro menos cvarto 1 Tengo espafola =. 2 Tengo geografiaa 3 Tengo matemétcasa 4 Tengn deportes 5 Tengocienciasa Mira tuhorario. Look t your own timetable, Write down when your lessons are. lemplo: Tengo ines aes dos y media eames. Copia y completa las frases. Complete the sentences with the correct part ofthe verb estudiar. lemplo:suanestudia hancésellunes alas dex ycuorta, 11 Me gustan la lenguas. inglés el mates ‘estudio cestudiamos 2 Marlayyo — geografia alas deze jueves. ui esudias 3 Luis; elespafolalasonce y media? cesudia cestudian 4 Marta = historia alas tes menos cuart, @ ronan Netame epe yen Mod Yolo dane "Spat Tego cases dese neve dea marona hast es heode tse feemes unter deine minutos ales Sc ts ord comer er aaa Naame coma en cas onl faa Teruo cases yr alas Us Emicles fonamos deporte nite es gandeymedere con trucas ss Uv grasa yun pt ics pfesaesson Spates peo hoy unos pisos que son my estos. Read the email and answer the questions, EP iesscorescrini <3 1 What time does Felipe start school in the morning? 2 Whattime does he finish inthe afternoon? 3. How long his break? 4 Whattime is unc? 55 Where does he eat lunch? {6 When do classes start again in the aftemoon? 7. What does he do on Wednesday afternoon at school? {8 Whatis his school ike? ‘9 Whatare the teachers ike? OB coment Find the Spanish for: 1 from9am.inthemoming 6 onWednesday 2 lS pm.intheateroon 7 with 3 15minuteslong 8 but 4 normally 9 some 5 athome 10 many OB serve en esas Using what youleart in Activity 2 rte these sentencesin Spanish 1 Thave lessons from 9.30 in the morning. 2 Wehave break 20 minutes long 3 Normally latin the canteen 4 Some teachers are funn. Describe tu institute, ez Using Felines email as an example, describe your school and your school day ER Oeecctar Otte [etd © Irie mie =>) thetimewble Addasmileyor 9:30 frowning ace toshow tLlsa kes each subject ono. 1030 reer @ ini Choose one of these people. Imagine what (2 theirfavourtesubjectis and explain what they lke and what they dislike and why. Read Eva’ emall and decide ifthe statements ‘are true oF alse Cm Qué tatu horaro? EI mi esta 1 Grahas English four doysa week. {Samtetien Teng glues, 2 She ies Englth timate: emis lpres yl 3 She thinks geography is interesting, Serf eee estas cea oo Eby st? pm Sera pues terme mucho 55 Themaths teacher's very ee Eason abu Tengo gears martes 2 § Bathniaeata adlios. |as dos. Pero la profesora de matematicas es muy Inteligente y simpstica,Tenemas matematicas elles, | ee Describe this uniform, ®2) what do you think oft? Vocabulario Elinsti 1B ‘Mis signaturas Ineducaciba sea espatal stingiés lageoaraia lahistoa |sinformstica latecnologia lar oencas las matemsias fal aif oa burda ‘versido/s interesante tunpoco bastante muy ‘demasiado para mi pero egusta mentee Lahoray el horario Eslsuna yee yeuaro ‘yveinte media Sons dos menos veinicincs menos det Exel media Ele medanoche Las instalaciones lala elgimnasio ellaboratorio| elpatio. labiblotca laoficna Inoficina del dector grande equets smodera/e My subjects ve Spanish Englsh ‘geography istry 1 ne OB any exstoe tet sie | F | Prinavera. romelnente hace | buen tempo. En abr Uueve pero | en mayo hace calor y sol. | rec rulers.\ ©) Escucha. :Qué tiempo hace? En qué dia? (i Los diez deportes més Usten and identify the weather on each day, ecpiaier as eaperal eer ae cl fatbo! elatetismo, elgolt ‘boxe elbaloncesto_lapelotavasca & 188 Hatta contu compare mo ce ‘Sb cpu wich are ye Salm Sta A luegasal golf? B_No,no juego al golf pero juego al baloncesto. pero también sin embargo encambio ) EB esses corner preset : sa Napa eee a paper yeertorreerereten ea i an nasiunaineraiieans oraanircerrens Se catined = eee eee cence Gm Tadical-changing verbs © Some verbs change thei peting inal te persons excep nostror Wine about what sports re (we and vroros you plural) The way they changes shown nthe RA pavetin each season ‘iionany ke this age ue E] seal the spor you cn Jigar changes as follows: FE) thinkin Spensh under the FE tclowingheadings juego jugamos Juegas jugs juega——_Juegan wheels athletics * Lookat the patter and lean where the changes are. It may help (Choose four sports and write you to number the parts of the verb and cl them 1236 verbs. sentence about when you ‘+ Canyouwrite the personal pronouns fr each part ofthe verb? “would play each one (weather * Notice that you say jugar a: juego al tenis jugamosal ftbo! and season). Say why. (Ge) ball combat water cincuentaysiete (57) BR mc * Vocabulary: talk about what you do in your free time Grammar: use gustar + verb ‘Skills: recognise and learn patterns in radical-changing verbs y oP Hl Mira el video. ;Qué deportes y PT pasatiempos se mencionan? Watch the video and note down the sports Gustar and hobbies mentioned, Yeu have already met gustar used with anoun; look backat page 40 For example: Me gusta la misicayme gustan ls conciertos de sia pop. Now you can use it witha verb as follows: Me gustaexcuchar masicay tocarlatrompeto. Megusta Nosgusta_tocarelpiano Teguta Osgusta.—verlatele Legusta —_Lesgusta__salirconamigos ke o play (playing) the piano tc. Whats the name forthe part ofthe ver - tocar = hich follows the phrase me gusta? Gemplo:yochting gol Pr escuchaemaica etpasatiempo. Listen and point tothe hebby mentioned, -jemplo:16 EB ta tnscnsconmter “Xe A (Quétegustahacer? B Me gusta bailar sis, A Lalevae, CB excrve. a, We about your paint Ejemplo: A Grace le gusta bailar salsa, BB) circuertayoxro recurueey.\ 1 Escucha el cistogo. {Usten to the conversation between Elena and Carles. Who 1 adores swimming? 2 sored with television? 3 Is interested in cinema? 4 hates computer games? 5 isover the moon about thelr new iPod? 6 likes surfing the internet? See Here are some more commonly used radical changing verbs. poder ue) preferir(ie) querer (le) tobeableto toprefer —_tolike/want prefiero quiero Drefieres quieres prefiee quiere Preferimos queremos refers querés prefieren quieren Which letter changes and how does t change? How do these compare to the verb jugar? ‘After completing Activity 6 listall the radicalchanging verbs used, Think EP sory onsen smepngne y Read the tweets below and answer the questions. \What does he/she prefer to do when itrains? 2 When do they like playing football? 3 When does he/she prefer to ply tennis? “4 Whathappens when tis stormy? ‘5. What can the weather be ike for athletics? Check the spelling of llth sports and hobbies that look ike the English equivalent word. ‘Example tennis ~el tenis Make a note ofthe difference. ‘Then make anote of how the pronunciation changes. tiempo y tus pasatiempos Cuando lveve prefer ral ce No paces hac ui hay tomenta vce bies and sports andgivea Why you ike each one ‘hay vento pubdo hacer wns Challenge ©) Teds queremes jar lion paver, verano ct into, tod ean Por la mafana Vocabulary: say what you do in the morning Grammar: use reflexive verbs ‘kill: explain patterns in verbs Cannes esayuno Reflexive verbs me ducho You wil find these verbsin your dictionary with se attached tothe end | | Melavolos dienes ofthe verb. ample: Tevantarse=t0 get up to get oneself up) mela ‘These verbs have a reflexive pronoun which normally comes before Sata os Rane aa ne user =e | | + Lookat the example above, Can you work out what each verb means? (getup, you «) “* Match the personal pronouns tothe correct part ofthe verb | nosotros ellos yo ella vosoties él td elas Empareja. Match each ofthe phras box wth ane of the illustration Lucho’ morning routine What doe Glemplo: getsup- 6.45, What has Lucho forgotten todo? Misemana 2A EP the sca evi. Watch the video. What does Eva doin the morning? EOP 0 coche nti er omentiat Lsten to Lucia. True o false? ‘jemplo1 verdad (V) Lucia wakes up atsican the dot Lucia does yoga after breakfast She gets dressed before breakfast. ‘Then she does heute practice, She goes to drama club ater school Sie has German lessons with her uncle. ) Think Cee ‘Almuerzo means have lunch "Now work ou the infinitive form and write down the whole verb. Here are two more reflexive verbs which are also radical-changing: me despierto— 1 wakeup Ime visto ~Iget dressed despertarse vestirse me desplerto smevisto tedespietas tevistes se desplerta sevise osdespertamos nos vestimos 0s despertais os vests, sedespiertan sevisten what do.nosdespertamos,tedespiertas, se vsten and os vests mean? Copia el texto, Escrbe ls verbos correctos. \ CCopy the text and write out the verbs in the fist person singular. Bjemple:1 me desperto Enel verano 1 (despertarse (le) temprano ~alas ses rnormalmente.Durantela semana2 bahar] répidamente 3) (ponerse) el uniforme para ral institut. Siempre 4. (desayunar café con leche ycereales. Alllegaral Instituto S —ugariue}) en el patio con mis amigos. Ala una 6 (almorzariue) en el comedor. EP tectsrveternt prone Vote) mE LC) Vocabulary: talk about what you do after school Grammar: use the full verb ir to go Sills: use sequencing to add interest and cohesion to what you write and say face Elona delat PB 0 cscuchay contest ia preguntas. tents Sonne eb sts eh routine and answer thequestons Wha time does schol ish? Does he have supper before oar doing Wiha doe Boreame dot when he hishemewort geshome? For holon doeshewatch1V2 Shen what does he do? Wha time does he goto bed? Mot tne dose ke the dog fora wok? & What te does ea sep? | ©) tele pasear a perro j hacer los deberes cena acostarse(ue) __dormitse (ue) @) sesenayet Prec Curee yy Leelos textos. dénde van Manu Read the texts, Where do Manuela and Rebeca go Irregular verbs ‘You have already come across the regular verbs tener and ser(see page 18). ‘Can you remember what we mean by the tem rregular'verb? jeplo: Primero Manuela aa centro comercial. anusle Pro cet Rebnca Heres another iregular verb you creel att, WP ate sways Sect ee seems e3588 vamos al Museo ue ‘voy ‘vamos seen mis maces: WAP Are Contempo vas es maeisweaseer a Wf erm conse @ van faa "estawante persone ‘Can you say what each part means os Ingnglish? Escucha. {Quién habla, Manuela o Rebeca? Whois speaking, Manuela or Rebe ‘Can you guess what each of these sequencing words means? ‘Checkin dictionary or with your ‘teacher. Work wth a partner and think ofa way to try and remember them. Make up rap ‘ora game to help you. primero Tego Finalmente / por utimo EB scat viseobiog,,Qubcontstantva, Josey Marisa? 188. Write blog about what you do after Watch Eva, José and Mari School. Use the sequencing words and the sports. Nate down thet times of day Make sure you include some questions below faicakchanging verbs as wel « 2 ‘Swap papers wth a partner and ask questions {Qué deporte praticas ' £Que deporte preferes? boutiwhats written. See how much you can * :Quién es tu deportsta prefer? ‘answer from memory. « {Cualeestu equipo de ftbol prefer? sesentaytes (68 »> El fin de semana »»> © Vocabulary; talk about weekend activities; recognise and use additional vocabulary on sports and hobbies ©+ Escucha y anota. sOué les gusta hacer los sabados y qué no es gusta hacer? Listen and make notes. What do they ke and diske doing on Saturdays? emplo: 1 © sleeping until 10/6 getting up eorly EP a itis contncompatere.0a rasverpussts pare pregunta. (SED) Talkto your partner, giving three answers foreach question, . tahacerlossibados? —* :Quéteflips? = {Quete fastdiadelossabados? © {Queodias? & y completa el texto con los verbos correctos de ¢ > la | soy encanta jugar’ mebaio Hoy sdbadoyme porque levantarme tarde a eso de las diez y media. Qué quay! Primero voy la cocina donde tostadas con mermelada y mis cereales favoritos. Después yyvoy al polideportive porque miembro de equipo J de baloncesto. Me gusta == toda la mafiana, ora tarde aVilanova porque un partido contra El Instituto io Baro. Normalmente tarde os sdbados porlanoche. GB) sesentaycunt Prue yy Los domingos OP sect ante ty coreg on tals soy deringo es curpleas de mi sb vars on toda rea stges comer enunretaurante que lars 2 ae repre ee ie yrs ces | a ery core an oer — Wermalmance en elvan hace Buen temp y pademos Noire en ls terraza frente al mar; pero claro, si llueve, hay un ~~ eomedor en el interion se Cia yee chery dev aan) rrp Tada er ura prsora rasta, Meenas 8 ~Cardbter porque es muy caifosay adora a todos sus niet zi “dos nos westmos con ropa elegantz ¥, por eempo “pongo Je todos jos dias. _ Grae de flores yo ls vaqueros de todos lsd aero sale on fal slerpre fo paneios bora. Why is Eva going to Sitges? Why are the family going by train? ‘what's the weather like 35a rule? What happens fit rains? ‘What three things does Eva mention about her grandmother? fon family ocasions. ive ‘What comment does she make about what she going Rar aRtymcroeee 7. Doyou think she enjoys the outing? Why? ° -sesenta ycinco 6 Py Wal Labolengua ‘A Radical-changing verbs “These verbs change thelr speling in the root or stem of the verb. Can. Yyou work out why this par ofthe verbs called the root or the stem? ene jugar poder preferir querer juego puedo refiero quleo juegas puedes Dreieres quieres juega puede refiere quiere jugames ——podemos-—=—ipreferimos——_queremos jvgais pods refers quersis juegan pueden Drefleren quieren ‘Thinkabout the pattern, Where do the changes not happen? 1 Copy the sentence and choose the correct form ofthe verb. 1 uan qu’ Jjugaral baloncesto esta tarde 4 Nosotros) alftbol todos loslunes. 2 Ellos pref iralcine. 5 (Quédiaj vosotros? 3 Hoymiamigonop sal. B Reflexive verbs “These vers have a (reflexive pronoun infront of them. it changes to ‘match the subject the person or thing doing'the verb), Canyou remember ow these vebs ae presetedin dictionary? ‘Check pages? ard ! i | sme levanto nos levantamos televantas osievantas selevanta selevantan ‘Why do you think they are called reflexive verbs? (Clue =‘slf) Put notin front ofthe pronoun if you want ta make the sentence negative. nomedespierto note despiertas Continue and write out the verb in ul 2 Use reflexive verbs to say the following in Spanish. 1 Wewake up ats thiry. 4 Then get dressed. 2 They getup ata quarter to seven 5 They goto bed atten thirty. 3 ltakea shower fist. {6 They fallaseep at about 11 o'clock G6) seenayses escurees ee Pronouns and verb patterns Remember that verbsin Spanish don't need the personal pronoun in {front of them for you to recognise who is doing the action. 3 Canyou write down te personal pronounsn sequence (om yo, 0? anne vosotios usted ellos clas ustedes ella t6 Recognise the pattem sequence for regular verbs: |AR=O AS A AMOS AIS AN. ‘4 Now write out the sequence for regular verbs ending in-er and i. |5 Now do the same fr serand tener. Make up jingle ora rap orsing the endings to your favourite tune to ‘make sure you leer them, ‘Write irregular verbs onto cards ~ Spanish on ane side and English on, ‘the other. What else do you have to remember about the verb fener (Can you think of more ways to help you learn verbs? 6 Find the Spanish sequencing words that go with these English ones. last later next fist then afterwards | Why do you think itis helpful to use words like this when you speak or write? D The sounds ofthe letters) and g ) 7 © diisten and repeat these sounds. ‘Which words sound like the j words? fa-je-si-Jo-he \Which would you cll harc-sounding words and which Javier Jerénimo Jiménez Jorge Juilo sofesounding? Think about how you have produced this sound. Learn this sentence by hear \Which par of your mouth does the sound comefrom?__L@tortuga gigante uega con la guapa rafal ajedrez Now do the same for these words. gato gota guiano gerbo gigante sesomtay siete (67 Vocabulary: revise sports and hobbies ‘© Grammar: practise using radical-changing verbs ‘Skills: follow an example to begin to write independently GP EVescucha eidentifica eldeporte. © @ F fseemndtietiventhsoo Ejemplo: 1 football =< o EB 6 sesscroraro serena £¥ Son porte Sa OP conan ings can sowie sins ret atei ere ement au Manuela: Meencanta(a) salsa peronomegusta(b) ls tle ‘Alejandro: Pues aime ascina() = latrompeta y también me apasiona(d) — misia, hacer jugar tocar escuchar | balar ver leer } Manuela: Bueno, mimeaburre(e) _ibrosy memotesa mucho) alfitbo, ‘Alejandro: Vsle, per entonces qué te nterese(g) ent ‘tempo libre? EB O tscuena verte. Lee el anuncio, ;Quién es? identifica ala persona. Gee) Read the advert and identity who the writers. Hola, tengo 12 fis y quero fener amigos de toes lar partes del manda Ma gusta esr y ‘veo mucha fl. Me Fipa la mGsca grunge y ‘me apasione tocar la bateriay l saxofon. EP ti ents tac Pray Guess who lam. ee A {legusta dbyar 15 No, perome gustalee. B {tellamasPepe? ‘A Ne,nome lama Pepe 1A TTelamas uta? B Siasies, Excribe un anuncl similar pare. (Ezy Wit sinlar sentences tothe ones the text in Activity 5. BB) secenayccto ER 0 excuct, verdad (N omania vn? (E=3)_jemplos| ike paying fotball on Mondays. 1) 1 lke playing basketball on Thursdays 2 Lam bored with playing golf on Tuesdays 3m fed up with boxing every Friday 4 love cycing on Tuesdays. 5 dont ke doing athletics on Mondays. EB 0 cscs raves 11 What do they doon Saturdays and Sundays? 2 Whatis thelr opinion? OP asereintpei opt pe 1 (Quién es tu deportsta preferdo‘a? | Juega.alfatbo. 2 (Qué deport practica? b Prefiero el Barca 3 (Cémoes (fsicamente)? © Meencanta el sur. 4 {Cuales tuequipo preferido? <.Sellama Lionel Mess. 5 [Qué colores tiene? {© Rojoyyazulgrana, © (Quédeport prefiees ti? 4 Tiene el peo argo y liso ~es guapo. EB 0 cscucnay verter & (26, tian cslogo usando as praguntas 1-6 dela eve a etait omens prgumas fc) petite: NADAL una hermana Deporte: tenis (Otro: pesa 85 kg; mide 185 cm; zurdo (usa la mano izquierda); pelo negro y liso; su apodo es el torito espafiol 1 Cémose lama? 3 Menehermanos? 5 {Comoes? 2 [Cuantos afestiene? 4 {Qué deporte pratica? © rrattena una era para tu deporistapreferidol. sennaynine @) 2A Ldaete)oy-| (an OP) escuchar Usten and say whether its Sergio or Lorena ==) bxample:t Lorena = 1 Sgro i ome, : Eocemca nme Cea) Complete these sentences to speak about yoursel. 1 Duranteelotoho.. 4 Hoyhace..y.. 2 Me fascina.. 5 Nome gusta. pero si 3 Me abure. Leer Read the textand spot six ferences in the picture A (Moo ot tlé Hoy martes 13 ei cumpeos area Bates Mi deport prfrido se lama Cae Fatregos per 0 me guts macho ei Sscnal oer Real Madrid os Gait se nen Ge Blanca Me apasiona mortar cabal jot pdo prc odo a en nero reeds hace oy en verano cuando hae cl ‘Gontn ne mola toa a rampta con uh ape semign ns lemamos ls Baws de Barcelona EZ ee Wire the weather report. as ather report A oTe LTTE Ya Ce) Misemana 2A Eltiempo Theweather hace buen tempo lesine/itsaice doy hee mal tempo iesbad weather isnot ‘anicedey haces! issunny hee calor itshot hace fo itscald hace vento itswndy hay tormenta itstormy hay iba itsfoggy hay nubes itsdoudy tev itsraining eva itssnowing laprimavera spring lverane summer clotone ‘avumn tinwiemo ‘nner jugera/al/a1a ‘play tft ‘ootbat Tbalonceto| Dostetbo! eleclsme ‘ting ‘latletana ieee ‘lbores ‘boxing lapels vaca atta lvoletoa voter Tiempo libre Freetime verlatele toworch TV falrcon amigos Togoout nih fiende ‘carlagutara toplay the guitar iralcine ‘goto tbeanema ‘montar a ebalo tondeohone Bar ena disco ‘odaneenadico ugar alsjedrez toploychess jugar con vdeojuegos__toploycomputergames ‘me apasona Hove sme abure eeboring te molest itannoysme ‘me fasta Ingeson my nerves ‘avagarporintemet tonirfthenet poder ‘beable preerr toprefer prefers preter querer ‘ole want 5 a a = Porlamafana Inthe morning levantarse rogetup favare togetwoshed me vols lentes) Teen ny et) Gucrane tohavea shower eile robash sme cepillo epeo) bush my hair penase tocomb doit poner toputan clothes ‘desayunar tohave breatfost ‘espertarse towaleup este odes: ‘imorzar (ue) tohave neh Porla tarde Inthe afternoon alas tecehoras ‘t7300hous (12m) ‘descansae tprelr rmerendar Ge) Tohaveasnack passa al pero rowaikthedog hacerlo deberes Todohomework cenat ‘ohovesupper acostase (ve) togotobed dorntse (ue) tofalesieep ie (ogo hacer compres todo the shopping lapiscina sinming pool dar toon Elfinde semana (At) the weekend hasta as de tntten o'clock farce late temprane eat deacverdo greed ‘montar en beets torideabike etbado on saturday los sbodos ‘on Somurdye Iscocna Inthe Ins tostods toast lor creer crea centren bya frente ‘opposite elmer thesea passrlo Bomba tohavea great tine talk about the weather 6 say what like and don’ ike doing (sports and hobbies) «@ say what !doin the morning afternoon and atweekends «Use the radical-changing verbs jugar, poder, prefer and querer 9 use reflexive verbs tse sequencing words (© understand idiomatic set phrases, such as using hhacerto tak about the weather ——— + Vocabulary: say where you live * Grammar: differentiate between ser and estar © Skills: pronounce cognates correctly ER 0 cecucay ampare, thten and matth the spenkrs tothe pctres Draw anarow forte cardinal point metioned jemplo:1¢ = EP ows signitcantaspatadrassubeaya ~— What do the undertined words mean? Yoo on el borio det Retiro, toes 5 muy borido, Esti en el se: Vio en ek bari de No vivo en Madrid, vivo en un Vilaverde, Esta a las pueblo a norte de la ciudad. Esti afueres, al sur de la ciudad.) ) cerca del barrio de Fuencarral pero Ee bastante tranquil lejos del centro y es bistro, FB) seterta ycos Ean Rememiberto sound Spanish when you pronounce words that are similar to English. Pronounce every letterin the word except the Note how es and esté ae used in Activity 2. In Spanish ser and estar both mean to be' use serto describe Something or someone and estar to refer to location. esoreste? 'n'whichis stent. ‘+ Mackid en spaha, Pronadwichg the ial sat + E1Parque del Retiro muy bono correct is particularly important + Barcelona una iudad bastante grande with cognates: * Andalucia alsurdel pas. a [ah ike ant ee ke energy, Hee ike innocent, o [hl tke ‘Obama, foo ke boot 7 escuchay rept —> Usten and repeat these places in town, Could you have worked out the meaning ofthese words even without a picture? With a good dose of ‘common sense language learning sa lot easier 1 Melilla es la capital de Chile 2 Javier vive en una ale a norte de a capital 3. En Meliplahay una universdad, 4 Adavierle gusta donde vive 5 Lacatedral de Melipila es muy bonita, Vivo en la ciudad. de Maile al verte de la capital, on Chile. Yao en el cero donde hay mucho trafico pero me guste. porque hay muchos sitios que vstar y donde pasar eb tiempo. Ena cudad. hay un 200, dos cnes, des hospales, vias discotecas y muches EP ts cosy eentant Whats there where you ve? Vivo on Bolivia x so cindad que se ama Lan Paz Vivo cern de contre de Ince a Peat pe Mi brie eee dec Oy de nace Sem de a Pt. Emi cada hay dec BR] y mac I. ambion ay woe JR von a pero na hay ‘Me GOED mi bari prque es my bart M@apessage about where you lve. Ges) setemayrres 3) yy. ,9@ 4 = a _ * Vocabulary: glve and understand directions _ © Grammar: use simple imperatives * Skills: extend sentences using frequency adverbs Hall tae =i EB 0 iretndeva vier escuchay rellena la tabla en inglés. ‘Where does Javier go? Listen and filin the table in English, Where? How often? Escibe, ;Adénde vas? |, Write a few sentences. Where do you go? Voya + —_‘goomgongto | [ Toreach higher lve getinto aselnal Voy linet thehabitof ecending your seeeaty nee | | semences using connectives po, sinembargo, también etc) and Using opinions (me gusta, nome gusta etc. FA) caxerta ycuareo Donde vivo yo 2B EE} OO tecuchs stn gut orden se mancionan? Listen. in which order ae these phrases mentioned? ‘Where do the people want to.90? Giemplo:1@ piscina a | | srenesteeniedt YB 5 emt pnesatesnsecon ES © Tuerce ala derecha ep -h Tomala segunda calle ala izquierda Cruze e!puente 1 Tomala tercera calleala derecha a ¢ Cruzalacalle Think Gramética + »ise Remember that in Spanish we hhave familar and politeforms. you are giving instructions. toaftiend: toanolder person: Sigue Siga. Tuerce Tuerea Cruza cruce Toma Tome std agul EP sescius ttndo et ne ———- ieee rer re ee Ae ee ea re a as Soham EOP aa saan :comosevan2 With partner, take it in tums to aekand answer how to get tothe CED citferentplacesin town. Use the map in Activity 4 © Vocabulary: name the rooms in a house © Grammar: use prepositions correctly © Skills: improve your speaking and writing using adjectives 1 una entrada 2 unas escaleras 3 una cocina 4 unsalén 55 un comedor 6 undormitorio 7 uncuarto de ban 8 unaducha 9 unaseo 10 undespacho 11 ungaraje 12 unjardin 48 unbalcén 114 una piscina EP th nese cuttin dec 16 Watch the video. What does Maris ay about her huss? Which rooms does she mention? Copia y completa. : Copy the text replacing the Em casa tenemos wn JB may ascure donde mi padre tiene ou ving pictures withthe words for the appropriate rooms empo:Encasatenemosun _y.sradisn yun By my aged pore ne texemer ||. Tombicn sétanomy oscuro. hay ne E prin platen ds iE i de amis padres et azul ye ma ec de elo rae, Adends hay antigua per impiay wor_L] pegs. Mi con wo iene DS pero Er tn planta baja hay 0 i enarnce, una SO bastante mederna tiene wi aston epi Faery an & ny ot, Identifca los 13 adjetivos dela Actividad 2. Find the 13 adjectives In Activity 2 Lookup thelr meaning inthe cletionary if you dont already know ther. setenta yes OP cisterns gon aap Feed the description and label the lor plans Donde vivo yo 2B. Sen Gute en, Shea eis Sao sealed nce de Don Quijote Bon Gust Bon Quijote ests Ena planta baja est la entrada Aa laquerda dela entrada hay lun salény enftente del salon hay un aseo con unas escaleras al Jado. Al lado del sain est la cocina y enfrente dela cocina est el ‘comedor Detrés de la casa hay un jardin. Enla primera planta hay tres habitaciones.Enfrente de las cesealeras hay un cuarto de bafo. Ala derecha del cuarto de bao este dormitorio de mis padres yal lado est mi dormitoro. EL doxmitorio de mi hermano esté entre las escalers yun despacho. Did you know that Don Quijote and Sancho Panza ae the most important characters in Spanish Tterature? SG Did you notice how to say ‘my parents’ bedroom and my brothers bedroom”? How would you say — + my dad's office? 1 mysister' fend? = myfriend’ cat? ? Bd Prepare a detailed | description of where you ve land the flor plan. Describe Jttoa partner who will make fnotes and draw the plan. Dothesamefor them. cx) © SEE + Vocabulary: say what furniture isin your bedroom © Grammar: use more prepositions © Skis: work out the gender of new words Un dormitorio juvenit EZ® z006 nay en ot dormitorio? Describe. limatt in the bedroom? CD Wiite a description, adding un/una/unos/unas a appropriate lemplo:En el drmitorio hay una cama, un. ‘Ae the temsin the bedroom masculine of feminine? Singular ‘orplura? Remember that eterminers eVlas/as or und tuna/unos/unas) and describing ‘words blanco, Bonito ete) agree with the noun ‘Mejorala descripeién y datu opinién. Enhance your description using adjectives (including colours) and CED quantifiers. Give your opinion ofthe bedroom. fgrande pequeno bonito modemo comodo pe demasiado bastante ‘un poco FB) tentayocta Donde vivo yo 2B OP arama tainrmnnyignica lemplo: 1 Don Quijoreesté dentro dl armaro. (Gk Hablar. Tres en raya. ‘Speaking: take itin tums with a partner. Yu only have twenty seconds per turn, Whoever gets three in arow wins. EB vceecioiny anton ©&®D Soraya's bedroom, (Querida amiga Nidormitorioenta caso nueva es bastante grande EL [aarisest al lado de epost y au anuerda hay {ha estanterayunamesta de nec, Bueno hay {bs estas de mache ya cama ests ene as os La Centane este efrente deo puta y de memento no Pr tiene coring abajo de a ventana est miescitrioy tlelante de este hay ua sil Ala del escrito hay 7 Ue comoda y tengoune afomba super grande ene i Ideama yl cross (Ah ¥ tengo dos lmparas, una fread a mesa ceca dela ventana (la ota encima del eset, Uoome es tu dormiara?Eserbeme pronto Soave EB the srr sisosog onan eign © (Comoes upiso? 1 Describe tu dormitoro fea detaled description Challenge @) Escoge un adjetivo para cada foto. animado turistico Industral Pintoresco ruidoso residencial historico agricola 0) ocrenta Donde vivo yo 2B Oy papain pm ask Read and choose an adject ve fom Activity 1 foreach sentence Blemplo: 16 11 Hay muchos monumentes, por ejemplo un 6 Siempre hay mucho tuido por culpa de los anfteato,un acueducto, estatuasy museos. _constructores, ye trfce. Nunca hay sllencio 2. Nohay ni bares, ni restaurantes nitiendas. en esta zona dea ciudad, Esuna zona tranqulla donde viven muchas Hay mucha contaminacién por el humo {amilias con nos de as fabrcas pero también hay mucho 33 Esuna regién muy verde y hay muchas ‘empleo. ‘granjas por la zona 88 Hay muchos bares y restaurantes y cuando 4 Ezun lugar muy bonite,con un pasaje muy colorido e interesante. 55 Hay muchor sitios famosos para vistar hace calor las calles extn llenas de gente paseando otomando unas tapas en las cafeterias asique siempre esté leno de extranjeros sacando fotos PB 01 tacucna tn gut ortense ‘mencionan los adjetivos de la ‘Aetividad 17 Usten. In which order are the adjectives in Activity T mentioned? Read the textabout Marisa find out how to say these words and phrases in Spanish Voy a contares cémo es mic dortteio, Mi dormitories mas grande que el dermitoro de Krad. Les paredes stir pintadas de un vosa claro y estan lenas de isters de David. Bisbal, Robert Pattison y Zac Efron, Tengo tres armarios ourque estin Uaras de lis. En cL sueio Roy una moquetn de color wleta pero no tengo alfombras. En mi dorntora hay Uteras y a veces se queda. una amiga a darmir, Tengo un esentono en una. esquina donde también hoy un erderadoe viejo y ura. impresora, aunque también tengo un portidl moderna 3, fatscreen television Eneima de la cmoda tengo un televisor de pantalla 3 ancora Haney un aleve para ms Ped. EL deri tene dos seine oa veriavas grandes con unas cortinas dances. Me encarta wi dormitoro porque es espacioso y muy femerino. 5 thewalls 6 light pink 7 printer 3 ges Beta Prepare ashore Desentation about where you live Ensure you mention al the {following point. & thelocation of where you live What your area/neighbourhood Islke * what your houses ke ® theroomsin your house Challenge ©) what your bedroom islike Whether you lke your bedroom and why (not) cchentayuno (Bi

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