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1.Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verbs

Sam's winter holidays

Last winter, we _____(go) on holidays in the mountains. We ______(stay) in a five-star hotel.

Mum _________ (be not) very happy because she doesn't like the cold weather and it ____(be) -10C.
Dad _____ (be) relaxed because he loves climbing.
I _____ (be) in the snow all day. My friends ____ (be not) with me, but it___(be) a marvelous experience.

Jack`s holiday in the South

We ______(travel) to Peninsula de Valdez last month. We ______(go) by plane and we _____(arrive) at the airport in
the morning. We _______ (hire) a taxi to the port and then ____ (get) on a boat.

We _______ (see) whales and two dolphins. They ______(swim) next to our boat. After that, we ______(walk) around
the beach and ___ (play) with a small penguin. We didn`t visit (not visit) other cities, but we _______ (enjoy) our trip.

Lucy`s holiday in Monte Hermoso

My family and I____(have) a fantastic vacation last year.

we_____ (go) to Monte Hermoso.
we________ (travel) by car.
We_____ (stay) in a small house in front of the sea. The weather _____ (be) sunny and perfect.
We ______(go) to the beach every day.
Dad _______(relax) with a good book in the sun.
Mom ______(take) photos for the family album.
My brother and I ______ (play) tejo with our cousins.
we___ (see) a magician show at the 'peatona'l on our last night.

Hanna's holidays in France

Last month, I ____(go) to Paris by train with my mum. We _____(do) a lot of fun things.

We_____ (see) the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum, and the Eiffel Tower, and we _____(take) a boat down the River
Seine at night. We _____ (eat) a lot of crepes with chocolate (delicious!). I ____ (buy) a great t-shirt at a street market,
too. We ____(have) a fantastic time and yesterday I ____(put) some ph

otos on Facebook for my friends to see.

Harry`s terrible holidays

Last month my family and I _____(go) on a trip to the mountains. We _____(want) to walk and enjoy outdoors. But we
________ (have) a terrible time. When we______ (arrive) at our hotel, we quickly ____(put on) our hiking clothes and
boots. We _____(be) ready to spend all our time outdoors! But after we _____ (walk) for an hour, it ______(start) to
We_____ (have) to go back to the hotel.
The next morning when we______(look) out the window it still ______(rain).
we ________(stay) inside the entire day, and we _______(play) video games
Then, it ____(be) time to go home. What a trip.

2. Match the speakers to the sentences.

1.The weather was terrible ____________ 3. last year, I spent time with my cousins. It was unforgettable ________
2.Food and sightseeings were terrific _________ 4. These sea animals were amazing __________
5. the accomodation was fantastic _______

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