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Laboratory Exercise # 4


Name: Jennifer Verona Date:
Program: BSECE Section: A266

A. Laboratory Exercises:


Photos of Experiment Set-up and Experiment Outputs

Exercise 1: Observations and Findings

Q1. What is the Voltage Gain?

1 or unity

Q2. From the comparison of the cut-off frequencies of the two circuits we can say
Cascode cut off frequency is higher.

In our lab analysis, the Cascode amplifier circuit showed significant improvements over
a single transistor amplifier. The Cascode, which uses two stacked transistors, had a
higher upper cut-off frequency due to a better gain-bandwidth product and reduced
Miller effect. It also provided better isolation between input and output stages,
enhancing linearity and stability. These findings confirm the theoretical advantages of
the Cascode design, making it suitable for high-frequency amplification.

ECE104L-4 Basic Electronics (Laboratory)
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Laboratory Exercise # 4


Photos of Experiment Set-up and Experiment Outputs

Exercise 2: Observations and Findings

Q3. What is the approximate measured value of resistance?

Approximately hundred ohms

Q4. From the comparison between the two measured input resistances, you can say
that the Bootstrap connection:
Significantly boosts the circuit's input resistance

Q5. How many active devices does a Cascode amplifier have?

Two transistors

Q6. What are the advantages of a Cascode amplifier?

The cascode amplifier offers several advantages beyond increasing the upper cut-
off frequency compared to a single transistor amplifier. It provides higher gain due to
reduced Miller effect, resulting in minimized feedback capacitance. The configuration
also ensures better linearity, leading to less distortion in the amplified signal, and
increased output resistance, making it suitable for high-impedance loads. Additionally,
the cascode amplifier enhances overall bandwidth and improves isolation between
input and output, reducing feedback and increasing stability. Furthermore, it reduces
noise compared to a single transistor amplifier. These benefits make the cascode
amplifier a preferred choice in many high-frequency and high-gain applications.
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Laboratory Exercise # 4

Q7. Consider an emitter follower with Bootstrap connection with the following
R1 = 100kΩ
R2 = 33kΩ
RL = 10kΩ
R3 = 56kΩ
RE = 1kΩ
hie = 1kΩ
hFe = 100

Q8. What is the total input resistance Rit?

678 ΚΩ

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Laboratory Exercise # 4
B. Overall Findings ,Observations, and Comments:
Guiding Questions :
1. What did you learn in the laboratory exercises? Did you learn something new?
2. What are your overall findings, observations, and comments in the laboratory
3. Are there any difficulties during the exercises that you encountered?

In the laboratory exercises, we learned about the significant benefits of using a Bootstrap connection in
an amplifier circuit. This connection notably increased the circuit's input resistance by creating a positive
feedback loop around the input resistance. By comparing input resistances with and without the
Bootstrap connection, we observed a marked improvement in resistance when the Bootstrap was used.
This is beneficial for applications requiring minimal loading on the previous stage. Additionally, the
Bootstrap connection maintained the amplifier's frequency response and stability, proving its
effectiveness in enhancing input characteristics without compromising performance.
We also explored the Cascode amplifier and its practical advantages, such as improved stage isolation
and high-frequency performance. The Bootstrap connection's substantial increase in input resistance
helped reduce loading effects. During these exercises, we faced challenges in stabilizing the Bootstrap
feedback and obtaining reliable high-frequency measurements. These difficulties highlighted the
importance of using quality instrumentation and careful design.
Overall, these laboratory exercises enhanced our practical circuit analysis skills and deepened our
understanding of advanced amplifier designs. They demonstrated the practical advantages of both the
Bootstrap connection and the Cascode amplifier, while also emphasizing the need for precise
instrumentation and careful implementation.

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