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OFM means handling an OF Account by managing

their OF business and help them making money
and getting a cut from it.

Is it possible in India-

Yes,it is possible in india and is one of the best side

business models to start in india also it is very very
rare in india as very very few knows about it and
nobody is doing it even in outside countries too. So
it’s a great opportunity and it’s pretty easy to find
a client here. There are very much OF accounts but
less management of them so it will be a bit easier
to find a client.
How to start OFM-

1.Create social media pages which must look nice

for eg-Catchy Bio and link of your management
website etc and must have a decent amount of
followers where you can reach out to models for
eg- On ig,fb,etc. Also create a website fot the
business model.

2. Must have 3-4 cool photos on that page so that

chances of getting reply to the dm and gaining
trust of model will increase chances of getting
reply on dm.

3. After finally having a client help them to create

traffic on their of page by promoting their pages on
social media.
Note- Sign a legal contract with the models to gain
honesty from both sides and to avoid any legal
issues and scams . You can use many online apps
and websites to sign the contract between the
parties. Try to send Legal contract on zoom
meeting or call only and make them sign it infront
of you. Example Site to make a legal contract-
JotForm .


How to Find Clients-

1.Create a new on ig,fb,tinder,bumble and other
social media page and watch only models and
those type of videos and after few times a tons
of ofm pages will start popping up.

2.DM them and wait for them to reply do not

spam and have patience.

3.DM minimum 10 clients per hour and 100 clients

a day.

4.After getting a reply talk conveniently to them

without making them feeling uncomfortable.
5.Before getting the client final discuss the amount
of cut you are going to take.

6. Have two accounts one for agency and one

personal reach models from both accounts but
focus on reaching more with personal accounts as
they have more focus on personal accounts DM.
Afterwards if they ask for some proof of
management send them your main account.

7. Try to have a personal account of a girl(fake

ofcurse) as girl to girl conversation will have more
effect than man to girl. When they ask for
management account send them on management
account saying that there are guys who will
manage them. Say to them as they are guys they
will know what other guy will want from them (in
chatting,photos,stories etc). Pretend that you are a
group but in reality you will be sole owner.

8. Use dating apps such as tinder,bumble etc to

find models and dm them there or from there lead
them to your management ig page or website or
your other pages etc.

9.Try to send them voice note about your work or

what you were about to write in chat as this will
gain their trust more.

10. Make reels about your work and services and

put stories etc.

11.Reach out to other agencies so if they have

higher clients they can assign them to us.
What to do In OFM account-

1. Help them to create traffic on their ofm page

by promoting their pages on social media.

2.Give them tips to increase their fans and traffic

and what they can improve.

3.They are busy and do not have time to talk to

guys so instead talk to the guys on her OF page and
their social media accounts instead of them
without them knowing you are someone else.

1.Average cut for a OFM manager is about 50%

cut from their total profit

2.If model is making 20000 USD per months ask

them for 50% which will be 10000 USD per
month for you and like this if you are
managing account of 4 models its 40000 USD
per months for you

3.If they will not agree for 50% cut as for

beginners lower the price minimum to 20-25%
as it is also enough for begineers

How to manage their accounts-

1.Manage their chatting
2.Manage their overall page
3.Manage their main feed posting
4. Do all of above if possible (if doing this charge
them 50 % profit and if doing only 1 or 2 charge
less according to it)

Recommended- Manage their overall page i.e do

all of above

OFM Dating app Strategy-

Use tinder,bumble and other dating apps from

models name of profile and from dating app drive
people to IG or snapchat or other social media
platforms and from social media platforms drive
them to OF Page of model. Also must post daily
story and sometimes few photos on social media
of the model like on IG,snapchat etc.

More Detail Explanation –

Problems faced during signing a client-

1.They think you are scam-

1.Les followers
2.New Id
3.Lots of scammers on platform


1. Atleast have 1k followers (buy them if less

money otherwise use apps)

2.Try to message them more from email rather

than ig DMs there are lot of agencies doing

3.To avoid scam try to make a phone call or

arrange a zoom meeting and on call say
them to sign a legal agreement to avoid any
kind of scam. If not agreed for call say in chat
or by voice note for agreement.

1.Buy followers if In les money or use app to



1.If don’t know any part of management

watch online videos to learn.

Tips For OFM-

1.Try to Find clients outside India especially

USA as they are rich and many of models their
do this work
2. Speak Good English

3.Provide what they want

4.Be consistent in finding clients and must not stop

after finding 1 client also be consistent towards the
work as for them we are beginners and small
mistake can cause unwanted circumstances.

5.Must have their trust.

6. In starting start with smaller clients and as with

experience go higher (charge less from smaller
clients in starting)
7. Have a good name,good logo,nice looking page

8. Do good work if did good work models will

promote your work to other models and it will be
easier to get more models.

9. If having a problem watch solution on internet.

10. Don’t write long paragraphs in dm’s of the

models as no one will read para that long try
writing small catchy phrase grabbing the models
attention. For eg- point about models post,point
about thier story etc.

11. Try to ask for Call or Zoom meeting in chat as

soon as possible as call will gain more trust.
12.Sometimes Try to send them voice note about
your work or what you were about to write in chat
as this will gain their trust more.

13. Try to send Legal contract on zoom meeting or

call only and make them sign it In front of you.

14. Give A Sales Note To Models For Reading

Before Inviting them to zoom call .

Sales Note-
Playlist For OFM-


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