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Laboratory Exercise # 5

Name: Jennifer Verona Date:
Program: BSECE Section: A266

A. Laboratory Exercises:


Photos of Experiment Set-up and Experiment Outputs

Exercise 1: Observations and Findings

Q1. What is the gain you have just measured?

The measured gain is in unity.

Exercise 2: COMMON GAIN

Photos of Experiment Set-up and Experiment Outputs

Exercise 2: Observations and Findings

Q2. Comparing the gains found in the last two exercises, we see that:

The gain from the second measurement is significantly higher than from the

ECE104L-4 Basic Electronics (Laboratory)
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Laboratory Exercise # 5

Photos of Experiment Set-up and Experiment Outputs

Exercise 3: Observations and Findings

Q3. What is the relation between the two voltages measured on the collectors?
They are 90 degrees out of phase, and one has half the amplitude of the other.

Q4. What is the ratio of the signal being taken between the 2 collectors, to that of the
signal taken between a collector and ground?
The signal amplitude between the collectors is half of what it is between each collector and
the ground.

Q5. An ideal differential amplifier amplifiers:

An ideal differential amplifier amplifies the difference between two input signals while
rejecting any common signals or noise present on both inputs.

Q6. starting from the input voltages V1 and V2 of a differential amplifier, how is the
common mode signal defined:
Vc = (v1+v2)/2

Q7. and how is the differential mode signal defined?

Vd = v1-v2

Q8. Which relation defines the output of a differential amplifier if V1 and V2 are the
voltage across the two inputs?
Vo = (Ad/2)vd +2Acvc

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Laboratory Exercise # 5

B. Overall Findings ,Observations, and Comments:

Guiding Questions :
1. What did you learn in the laboratory exercises? Did you learn something new?
2. What are your overall findings, observations, and comments in the laboratory
3. Are there any difficulties during the exercises that you encountered?

In the laboratory exercises, we learned about differential amplifiers and their ability to amplify the
difference between two signals while reducing noise common to both. This was a new and important
concept in signal processing for us.
Our overall findings showed that differential amplifiers are effective in accurately amplifying signals
and minimizing noise. The practical experiments confirmed the theoretical principles we studied.
Precise setup and calibration of instruments were crucial for getting accurate results.
One difficulty we encountered was balancing the input signals to minimize common-mode
interference. This required careful adjustments and a good understanding of the circuit dynamics.
These exercises highlighted the importance of differential amplifiers, especially in noisy environments.

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