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Technical Report · May 2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14452.36489


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1 author:

Martin Otundo Richard

University of Nairobi


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Author: Martin Otundo Richard
PhD fellow: College of Human Resource Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology
Correspondent’s contacts: email. : Phone number +254721246744
A senior projects management consultant, a seasoned researcher and a proven data analyst
Martin Otundo PhD fellow in Project Management is an expert in project management
field and an experienced researcher who offers freelance services to deserving clients.
He can be reached throughout the day for any assignment at the client’s convenience.

ABSTRACT impact in the long term. Overall, the

empirical evidence suggests that the
The empirical review of strategic intelligence integration of strategic intelligence systems
systems and performance of donor-funded into project management practices can
projects from a project management contribute significantly to the successful
expertise point of view highlights the critical implementation and sustainability of donor-
role of strategic intelligence systems in funded projects in Kenya's coast, ultimately
enhancing the success and effectiveness of leading to positive social, economic, and
such projects in Kenya's coast. The findings developmental outcomes for local
suggest that the implementation of strategic communities and beneficiaries.
intelligence systems positively impacts the
overall performance and outcomes of donor- 1.0 INTRODUCTION
funded projects, particularly in sectors such
as education, healthcare, agriculture, water, Strategic intelligence systems in project
and infrastructure. Project management management refer to the use of advanced
experts emphasize the importance of utilizing tools, techniques, and technologies to gather,
strategic intelligence systems to gather, analyze, and leverage relevant data and
analyze, and disseminate relevant information for decision-making, planning,
information for better decision-making, and execution of projects. These systems
resource allocation, risk management, and enable project managers and stakeholders to
monitoring of donor-funded projects. The use obtain insights, monitor progress, address
of intelligence systems enables project challenges, and optimize project performance
managers and stakeholders to anticipate through a strategic and data-driven approach
challenges, identify opportunities, and make (1).
informed strategic decisions to achieve 1.1 Components of Strategic Intelligence
project goals and desired outcomes. Systems
Furthermore, the review underscores the
need for continuous improvement and Key components of strategic intelligence
capacity building in project management systems in project management may include
practices, particularly in the context of (1, 2, 3, and 4):
donor-funded projects. Building expertise in
strategic intelligence systems, along with
strong project management skills, can
enhance project performance, efficiency, and

1.1.1 Data Collection and Analysis monitoring and evaluation framework,
stakeholders can track progress, identify
Strategic intelligence systems involve areas for improvement, and measure the
collecting, aggregating, and analyzing data success of the project against set objectives.
from various sources to generate insights and
inform decision-making. This may include 1.2 Importance of Strategic Intelligence
data on project performance, stakeholder Systems in Project Management
feedback, market trends, and other relevant
information. Overall (1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 9, 14), strategic
intelligence systems in project management
1.1.2 Predictive Modeling empower stakeholders with the information,
insights, and tools needed to make informed
These systems may utilize predictive decisions, optimize project performance, and
modeling techniques to forecast future drive success. By leveraging data-driven
trends, anticipate risks, and identify approaches, predictive analytics, and real-
opportunities for project success. By time monitoring, project managers can
analyzing historical data and trends, project enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and
managers can make informed decisions and sustainability of projects to achieve desired
develop strategies to mitigate risks and outcomes and create lasting impact (1, 3).
capitalize on opportunities.
Strategic intelligence systems can also play a
1.1.3 Dashboard Reporting crucial role in enhancing the performance of
Strategic intelligence systems often include donor-funded projects. Donor-funded
dashboard reporting tools that provide projects often operate in dynamic and
stakeholders with real-time visibility into complex environments, where effective
project metrics, key performance indicators planning, monitoring, and decision-making
(KPIs), and progress towards goals. are essential for achieving project goals and
Dashboards enable project managers to track objectives (3, 7, and 9).
performance, communicate status updates, By implementing strategic intelligence
and make data-driven decisions in a timely systems, project managers can gather,
manner. analyze, and interpret data to inform their
1.1.4 Collaboration and Communication decision-making processes. These systems
Tools can help project teams to identify key
performance indicators, track progress
Strategic intelligence systems may towards project milestones, and make timely
incorporate collaboration and adjustments to project strategies based on
communication tools to facilitate information real-time information (10, 9, and 14).
sharing, stakeholder engagement, and
coordination among project teams. These Strategic intelligence systems can also help
tools help enhance transparency, teamwork, donor-funded projects to better understand
and alignment towards project goals. the needs and preferences of beneficiaries,
assess the impact of their interventions, and
1.1.5 Monitoring and Evaluation communicate results to stakeholders in a
Strategic intelligence systems enable project transparent and accountable manner (15, 20).
managers to monitor project performance,
evaluate outcomes, and assess impact using a
systematic approach. By establishing a robust

Furthermore, these systems can support and efficient use of donor funds, leading to
project teams in identifying emerging risks improved project performance.
and opportunities, optimizing resource
allocation, and building strategic partnerships 2. 3. Increased Stakeholder Engagement:
with other organizations to enhance project Strategic intelligence systems facilitate
outcomes (10, 16, and 19). In conclusion, the communication and collaboration with
use of strategic intelligence systems can project stakeholders, including donors,
significantly contribute to the success and implementing partners, government
impact of donor-funded projects by providing agencies, and local communities. By
project teams with valuable insights, providing stakeholders with relevant
improving decision-making processes, and information and insights, project teams can
enhancing overall project performance. By build trust, foster transparency, and ensure
investing in these systems, organizations can alignment of project activities with
maximize the effectiveness of their stakeholder expectations.
interventions and ultimately achieve
meaningful and sustainable results. 2. 4. Monitoring and Evaluation:

2.0 EFFECTS OF STRATEGIC Strategic intelligence systems support

INTELLIGENCE ON THE monitoring and evaluation efforts by tracking
PERFORMANCE OF DONOR-FUNDED key performance indicators, measuring
progress towards project goals, and
The effects of strategic intelligence on the evaluating the impact of interventions. This
performance of donor-funded projects in helps project teams to identify successes and
Kenya can be significant (16-20). Here are challenges, learn from project
some ways in which strategic intelligence can implementation, and make evidence-based
impact the success of such projects: decisions to enhance project effectiveness.
2.1 Improved Decision-Making 2.5. Adaptability and Resilience:
Strategic intelligence systems can provide Strategic intelligence enables project teams
project managers with timely and relevant to be responsive to changing circumstances
information to make informed decisions. By and unexpected events. By continuously
analyzing data on project progress, monitoring the project environment,
stakeholder feedback, and external factors, analyzing trends, and forecasting potential
project teams can identify potential risks, challenges, projects can adapt their strategies
opportunities, and gaps in project and activities to mitigate risks and seize
implementation. This can help in making opportunities, ultimately improving project
proactive decisions to address issues and resilience and sustainability.
optimize project outcomes.
In conclusion, strategic intelligence plays a
2. 2 Enhanced Planning and Resource critical role in enhancing the performance of
Allocation: donor-funded projects in Kenya by
Strategic intelligence systems enable project improving decision-making, planning,
teams to better understand the needs and stakeholder engagement, monitoring, and
priorities of beneficiaries, assess the impact adaptability. Investing in strategic
of interventions, and allocate resources intelligence systems can contribute to the
effectively. This can result in more targeted overall success and impact of projects,
ensuring that donor funding is effectively

utilized to achieve sustainable development 3. 4. Risk Management Systems:
Risk management systems help project teams
3.0 EXAMPLES OF STRATEGIC to identify, assess, and mitigate potential
INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS THAT CAN risks that could impact project
AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE OF implementation and outcomes. These
DONOR-FUNDED PROJECTS systems include tools for risk identification,
risk assessment, risk monitoring, and risk
There are several examples of strategic response planning, allowing project teams to
intelligence systems that can affect the proactively manage risks and enhance project
performance of donor-funded projects (1-8). resilience.
Some of these systems include:
3. 5. Communication and Collaboration
3. 1. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Platforms:
Communication and collaboration platforms
M&E systems are essential for tracking and facilitate information sharing, coordination,
assessing the progress, outcomes, and impact and engagement among project stakeholders.
of donor-funded projects. These systems These platforms can include project
collect, analyze, and report data on key management software, online portals, and
performance indicators, allowing project virtual meeting tools that enable real-time
teams to measure success, identify areas for communication, document sharing, and
improvement, and make informed decisions collaboration, leading to improved teamwork
to enhance project performance. and stakeholder engagement.
3. 2. Geographic Information Systems 3. 6. Decision Support Systems:
Decision support systems provide project
GIS technology allows project teams to map teams with analytical tools and models to
and visualize project data, such as beneficiary support decision-making processes. These
locations, project activities, and resource systems help in analyzing data, simulating
distribution. By integrating spatial data with scenarios, and evaluating alternatives,
other project information, GIS can help in enabling project teams to make well-
identifying geographic patterns, optimizing informed decisions that are aligned with
resource allocation, and targeting project goals and objectives.
interventions in specific locations to improve
project effectiveness. Overall, these strategic intelligence systems
play a crucial role in enhancing the
3.3 Data Management Systems: performance of donor-funded projects by
Data management systems help in providing project teams with valuable
organizing, storing, and analyzing project insights, improving decision-making
data efficiently. These systems can include processes, and optimizing resource
databases, data warehouses, and data allocation, ultimately contributing to the
analytics tools that enable project teams to successful implementation and impact of
collect, process, and extract valuable insights projects.
from large volumes of information, leading to
improved decision-making and project

4.0 FUTURE OF STRATEGIC allocation, and proactively address issues
INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS IN before they escalate, enhancing project
PROJECT MANAGEMENT performance and effectiveness.
The future of strategic intelligence systems in 4. 4. Integration of Ecosystem Data:
project management is expected to be
dynamic and transformative, driven by rapid Strategic intelligence systems will expand
advancements in technology, evolving beyond project-specific data to incorporate
project management practices, and the external ecosystem data, such as market
increasing complexity of project trends, social dynamics, and geopolitical
environments (21-25). Some key trends and factors. By integrating external data sources,
developments that are likely to shape the project teams can gain a holistic
future of strategic intelligence systems in understanding of the project environment,
project management include: identify emerging opportunities and risks,
and align project strategies with broader
4. 1. Integration of Artificial Intelligence socio-economic trends, ultimately improving
(AI) and Machine Learning: project outcomes and sustainability.
AI and machine learning technologies are 4. 5. Enhanced Collaboration and
increasingly being integrated into strategic Communication Platforms:
intelligence systems to automate data
analysis, predict trends, and provide real-time Future strategic intelligence systems will
insights. These technologies can help project prioritize enhanced collaboration and
teams to identify patterns, optimize decision- communication platforms to facilitate
making processes, and enhance project seamless information sharing, coordination,
performance through intelligent automation and engagement among project stakeholders.
and predictive analytics. These platforms will support virtual
teamwork, knowledge sharing, and
4. 2. Real-time Data Analytics: stakeholder involvement, enabling effective
decision-making, transparency, and
The future of strategic intelligence systems alignment across project teams and
will emphasize real-time data analytics, stakeholders.
enabling project teams to access and analyze
project data in real-time. This capability will Overall, the future of strategic intelligence
support agile decision-making, proactive risk systems in project management is poised to
management, and responsive project be characterized by advanced technologies,
adaptation, leading to improved project real-time analytics, predictive capabilities,
outcomes and responsiveness to dynamic and enhanced collaboration platforms. By
project environments. leveraging these trends and developments,
project teams can enhance their decision-
4. 3. Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics: making processes, optimize project
Strategic intelligence systems will performance, and navigate the complexities
increasingly focus on predictive and of modern project environments with agility
prescriptive analytics to forecast future and resilience.
trends, anticipate risks, and recommend
optimal actions. By leveraging advanced
analytics models, project teams can
anticipate challenges, optimize resource

5.0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5.3. Education and Skills Development
Education and skills development programs
are critical for empowering youth, promoting
social inclusion, and driving economic
growth in African communities. Strategic
Several community development projects intelligence systems can play a vital role in
across the African continent may require tracking educational outcomes, identifying
more attention from strategic intelligence learning gaps, and assessing the impact of
systems in the future to enhance their education interventions. By leveraging data
effectiveness and impact (10-20). Some key analytics, learning management systems, and
areas where strategic intelligence systems predictive modeling, these systems can tailor
can play a critical role in improving educational interventions to the specific
community development projects in Africa needs of communities, improve learning
include: outcomes, and support lifelong skills
5.1. Public Health Initiatives:
5.4. Infrastructure and Urban
Public health projects, such as disease Development Projects:
prevention, maternal and child health, and
healthcare access, can benefit from strategic Infrastructure and urban development
intelligence systems to track health projects, including water and sanitation,
indicators, analyze epidemiological data, and transportation, and housing initiatives, are
monitor healthcare service delivery. By essential for improving quality of life,
leveraging data analytics and real-time promoting economic growth, and fostering
monitoring, these systems can identify health sustainable urbanization in African cities.
trends, prioritize interventions, and improve Strategic intelligence systems can enhance
health outcomes for communities in need. these projects by analyzing infrastructure
needs, optimizing resource allocation, and
5.2. Agriculture and Food Security monitoring project progress. By integrating
Programs: GIS technology, smart city solutions, and
Agriculture and food security projects are data-driven decision-making, these systems
essential for addressing food insecurity, can support efficient infrastructure
promoting sustainable farming practices, and development, enhance urban resilience, and
enhancing agricultural productivity in Africa. improve living standards for urban
Strategic intelligence systems can support populations.
these projects by providing data-driven 5.5. Social Protection and Poverty
insights on climate patterns, soil health, crop Alleviation Programs:
performance, market trends, and supply chain
logistics. By integrating advanced analytics Social protection and poverty alleviation
and satellite imaging technologies, these programs aim to reduce inequality, provide
systems can optimize crop production, safety nets for vulnerable populations, and
mitigate risks, and ensure food security for promote economic empowerment in African
vulnerable populations. communities. Strategic intelligence systems
can support these programs by analyzing
poverty indicators, assessing social
vulnerabilities, and targeting interventions to
those most in need. By leveraging data 6. 2. Identify Relevant Data Sources and
analytics, social impact assessments, and Information:
beneficiary targeting tools, these systems can
enhance the effectiveness of social protection Determine the data sources and information
programs, improve targeting accuracy, and needed to support the project objectives, such
ensure that resources reach those who need as demographic data, geographic
them the most. information, socioeconomic indicators, and
project performance metrics. Collect and
Overall, strategic intelligence systems have aggregate relevant data from government
the potential to revolutionize community agencies, NGOs, community organizations,
development projects across the African and other stakeholders to inform decision-
continent by providing data-driven insights, making and planning.
enhancing decision-making processes, and
optimizing resources to achieve sustainable 6. 3. Implement Strategic Intelligence
impact and positive change in communities. Systems
By prioritizing the adoption of advanced Integrate strategic intelligence systems, such
technologies and analytical tools in key areas as data analytics tools, predictive modeling,
of community development, stakeholders can and dashboard reporting, into the project
position themselves to address complex management process. Leverage these
challenges, drive innovation, and accelerate systems to analyze data, identify trends, track
progress towards achieving the Sustainable progress, and make data-driven decisions to
Development Goals in Africa. optimize project implementation and
resource allocation.
SYSTEMS AND SUSTAINABLE 6. 4. Establish Communication and
KENYA. Implement communication and collaboration
channels to facilitate information sharing,
Integrating and utilizing strategic intelligence coordination, and engagement among project
systems can play a crucial role in ensuring stakeholders. Utilize online platforms,
proper and sustainable implementation of mobile applications, and virtual meeting
community development projects in Kenya tools to enable real-time communication,
(17-25). Here are some steps and strategies to knowledge sharing, and stakeholder
effectively integrate strategic intelligence involvement in project activities.
systems into community development
projects in Kenya: 6. 5. Conduct Regular Monitoring and
6. 1. Define Project Objectives and Key
Performance Indicators: Implement a robust monitoring and
evaluation framework to track project
Start by clearly defining the objectives, goals, progress, assess impact, and identify areas for
and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the improvement. Utilize strategic intelligence
community development project. Identify systems to conduct regular data analysis,
specific metrics and indicators that will performance assessments, and impact
measure the success and impact of the evaluations to ensure that the project is on
project, such as improved health outcomes, track and achieving its intended outcomes.
increased agricultural productivity, or
enhanced access to education.
6. 6. Engage With Local Communities and 7. 1. Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Strategic intelligence systems enable project
Engage with local communities, government managers and stakeholders to make
authorities, NGOs, and other stakeholders to informed, data-driven decisions based on
gather input, feedback, and insights on real-time information and analysis. By
community needs, priorities, and challenges. leveraging data analytics and predictive
Utilize strategic intelligence systems to modeling, stakeholders can identify trends,
capture community feedback, assess social patterns, and insights that guide strategic
dynamics, and tailor project interventions to planning, resource allocation, and
the specific needs of the community. intervention design.
6. 7. Foster Sustainability and Scalability: 7.2. Improved Project Effectiveness:
Ensure that community development projects By integrating strategic intelligence systems,
are designed with sustainability and project managers can optimize project
scalability in mind. Utilize strategic implementation, monitor progress, and
intelligence systems to identify opportunities measure impact more effectively. These
for scalability, efficiency gains, and long- systems help identify areas for improvement,
term impact. Integrate sustainability track performance against objectives, and
considerations into project planning, resource adjust strategies in real time to enhance
allocation, and decision-making to ensure project effectiveness and achieve sustainable
that the project can be sustained beyond the outcomes.
initial implementation phase.
7 3. Enhanced Resource Allocation:
By following these steps and strategies,
project managers and stakeholders can Strategic intelligence systems enable
effectively integrate and utilize strategic stakeholders to optimize resource allocation,
intelligence systems to ensure proper and prioritize interventions, and allocate
sustainable implementation of community resources more efficiently. By analyzing data
development projects in Kenya. By on community needs, project performance,
leveraging data-driven insights, advanced and social indicators, stakeholders can ensure
analytics, and real-time monitoring, that resources are directed to where they are
stakeholders can optimize project most needed and can have the greatest
performance, enhance decision-making impact.
processes, and drive positive change in 7. 4. Increased Stakeholder Engagement:
communities for the long term.
Utilizing strategic intelligence systems
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IMPLEMENTATION AND government authorities, NGOs, and local
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Utilizing strategic intelligence systems can information sharing, communication, and
provide several benefits for the feedback, these systems enhance
implementation and sustainability of collaboration, transparency, and
community development projects in Kenya participation, leading to more inclusive and
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