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In previous chapters we have considered elements, compounds, and chemical equations. In this chapter we shall again consider elements, com- pounds, and chemical equations but in regard to quantitative calculations. In doing this we shall be using the concepts of formula (molecular) weight and moles, as well as the factor-unit method of calculations; therefore, this material should be reviewed at this point, if necessary. The term stoichiometry refers to the quantitative relationship of chemi- cal combinations. Thus, it refers to chemically equivalgnt quantities, as deter- mined either from the formula of a compound or from a balanced chemical equation. First we shall use atomic and formula (molecular) weights to calculate equivalent quantities from chemical formulas and to calculate simplest (empirical) and molecular formulas. Then we shall use the coefficients in balanced chemical equations to do stoichiometric calculations involving mass (weight) relationships from the balanced equation. Percent is defined as parts per hundred, or a fraction of one hundred. For example, if a compound contains 15 g of oxygen in 100 g of compound, the substance contains 15% oxygen by mass. In general, percent is taken to mean by mass unless some other units are specified, such as volume percent, Any type of mass unit can be used to calculate percentage; that is, t find the percent composition of a compound we can use either relative unite such as the atomic mass unit (amu) or other mass units such as grams, For example, to calculate the percent of hydrogen and oxygen in water, we can simply use the relative masses of the elements and the total relative sen called the formula weight, or we can consider the mass of | mole and use aa e 9-1 Percent Gomposition of Compounds 200 common m; ss unit ‘ would be calculated as fal In either case, the percent composition of water Sec. 9-1 follows: Par i rent Compostion © formula (molecular) weight is 18.0, from aa 2.0 amu H(1.0 x 2) + 16.0 amu 0 (16.0 x 1) = 18.0 amu Therefore, the percent of H and O are 2.0 amu *H= = 180 ama * 100= 11H % 0 = 16.0 amu = Th amu * 100 = 89%0 Or, using 1 mole of H,O gives 1 mole H,O = 18.0 gH,O and it contains 2.0 g Hand 16.0 80. Therefore, the percent of H and O are: 20g RH=—OB = 180 5% 1 11%H 1 18.0 g Consider the following problem examples. PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-1 Calculate the percent composition of calcium nitrate. SOLUTION: The formula for calcium nitrate is Ca(NO,),, and the formula weight is cal- culated as it id is calculated by dividi the ent of each element in the compound is c y dividing the sree element by the total mass and multiplying by 100, to give, 40 =— X 100 = 4% % Ca 164 28 x 100 = 17% N= TG 96 = %O = 75, X 100 = 59% 201 PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-2 tis found that 8.25 g of a metal combine with oxygen to form 17.80 g of metal oxide, Calculate the percent of metal and oxygen in the compound. SOLUTION. Since the compound contains only the two elements, metal and oxygen, the mass of owygen is 17.80 g — 8.25 g = 9.55 g. Therefore, the percent of metal (M) and oxygen (0) is calculated as eM = 825 x 100 = 463% 17.80 9.55 %O == x 100 = 53.7% 1780 ae There are several relationships that can be obtained from the formula ofa compound. For example, the formula gives us the relationship in terms of atoms, such as two atoms of hydrogen tq one atom of oxygen in one molecule of water. We can also combine this with the relative masses of atoms, using. the atomic weight scale, to obtain relationships from the formula in terms of either atomic mass units or grams (using the concept of the mole). In general, we find the mole concept to be very useful in quantitative applica- tions of principles; thus we shall use this in our consideration of the relation- ships that can be obtained from the formula of a compound. For example, considering the compound water again, we can see from the formula that 1 mole of water molecules contains 2 moles of hydrogen atoms and 1 mole of oxygen atoms. Thus, we can say that for this compound 1 mole of water is equivalent to 2 moles of hydrogen atoms or that 1 mole of water is equiva- lent to 1 mole of oxygen atoms or that 2 moles of hydrogen atoms are equiv- alent to 1 mole of oxygen atoms. Likewise, we can also find the relationship in terms of grams as follows. 1 mol H,O = 2 mol H = 1 mol O or I mol H,O = 18.0 gH,O = 20gH = 160g0 That is, for this compound, 2 moles of H are chemically equivalent to 1 mole of O of 16.0 g of oxygen are chemically equivalent to 2.0 g of hydrogen, and so forth. Consider the following examples of calculations based on formulas, PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-3 How many grams of sulfur will combine with 15.0 g of Zn to form ZnS? cn9 Stoichior Based on Formulas, ‘and Equations 9-2 Relationships from the Formula of a Compound 202 SOLUTION: This problem can be approached in two ways: (a) A method that points out the relationship from the formula is to consider the relationship between moles of $ atoms and moles of Zn atoms in ZnS (@ ratio of | to 1 in this case). 1s0g2n x LBOreR , I motS , 32188 6.4g2h ~ lperzn LerotS (b) The most direct method is just to consider the relationship between grams of Zn and grams of § in ZnS; that is, 1 mole of ZnS contains 32.1 g of S and 65.4 g of Zn and therefore 32.1 g of S is equivalent to 65.4 g of Zn in this compound. 7368 32.18 5.0 IS _ = 73648 150 p26 x = 7364 PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-4 How many grams of oxygen are there in 2.5 moles of Ca(NO,):? SOLUTION: bmelGatoms . 1680 atoms _ 749 90 atoms [mel exhOy], 2.5 merEathOs), x i or . 164 ¢CaOy, | 96 gO atoms _ 449 2.5 mobEat Oz): Watt 4, 5 ~~ = 240g O atoms ° aha X TnebeathOy), 164g Capex}, ‘The empirical formula of a compound gives the smallest whole number ratio of atoms that make up the compound. This can be determined from the per- cent composition of the compound or from the experimentally determined mass relationships of elements that make up the compound. ‘The molecular formula of the compound is the true formula and shows the actual number of atoms of each element present in one molecule of the compound. For example, the empirical formula for the compound hydrogen peroxide is HO; however, the actual molecular formula is found to be H,03. Both the empirical and molecular formulas for a compound are ob- tained from experimental evidence. For example, when a new compound is prepared, itis analyzed to find what elements are present, and in what ratios. Fee can be done either in simple mass ratios or as percent composition. This procedure is often carried out by instrumental methods, which are usually quite rapid. Once the percent composition is determined experimentally, the os Empirical Simpea and Moloaular a Formulas 9-3 Empirical (Simplest) and Molecular Formulas 203 empirical formula can be calculated, Then the molecular weight ee Mined, also by experimental methods, and th used along with o he Pd formula to determine the correct molecular formula for the compo a F the majority of iriorganic compounds, the molecular formula an Ce empirical formula turn out to be the same, For organic compounds, however, this is very often not the case. ing steps To calculate the empirical formula ofa compound, the following steP* are carried out: 1. Inot given directly, fiid the relative number of grams of each clement present, That is, if the composition is given as a percentage, consider atotal of 100 grams and determine from that what the relative number of grams of each element would be. For example, water is found to be about 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen. Therefore, we could use the relative masses of 11 g of hydrogen to 89 g of oxygen in each 100 8 of compound. Convert each of these quantities in grams to moles of atoms, using the atomic weight of each element Convert the ratio of numbers obtained to the smallest possible whole numbers. One way of doing this is to divide through by the smallest value and then to multiply by whatever number is necessary to obtain whole numbers. Keep in mind that in this third step we are simply converting the ratio calculated in the first two steps to small whole numbers. Therefore, each operation must be done exactly the same to each number involved or the ratio will no longer be correct. To calculate the molecular formula from the empirical formula, the molecular weight must be known. This is done by adding all the relative masses of the atoms in an empirical formula and dividing this total into the molecular weight. This tells how many of the empirical units are present in one molecule. For example, the empirical formula for hydrogen peroxide is HO and the molecular weight is known to be 34. The relative mass of one empirical formula is 17 (1 + 16 = 17), and 34 + 17 is 2, Therefore, there are two of these empirical units in one molecule, and thus the molecular formula is H,0,. Consider the following examples of calculations of empirical and molecular formulas. PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-5 Caleulate the empirical formula for a compound that contains 26.6% potas sium, 35.4% chromium, and 38.1% oxygen. (The error of 0.1% hi : the experimental asp ae rror of 0.1% here emphasizes SOLUTION: Since we are given percent composition here, we can consider how ma: of each element there would be in 100 g of compound. Each of these ean Se iS con. ch.9 ‘Stoichiometry—Calculation Based on Formulas and Equations 204 verted to moles i of atoms in order to find the ratio of atoms in the compound. $¢¢ $3 Empircal Simpesd 26.6 {mol Katoms forma EK x = 0.680 mol K atoms formulas IK 354, mol Cr atoms eer x = 0.681 mol Cr atoms 38.1 gs x LMOLO atoms _ 160s This gi i to ie ee of atoms but not in small whole numbers. We now need whole atever mathematical operations are necessary to get these 10 small ers. First, divide each one by the smallest value, as follows For K, 38 mol O atoms For Cr, For O, ‘Then we multiply each by two to eliminate the fraction: 1Kx2=2K 1Crx2=2Cr 350X2=70 ‘Thus, the empirical formula is K,Cr,0,- PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-6 1d to contain 27.3 g ot carbon, 4.55 g of hydrogen, and ‘A compound is foun 3 36-4 g of oxygen. The molecular weight is found to be 90.0. Calculate the molecular formula. SOLUTION: First we calculate the empirical formula, as in the previous problem. 1 mol C = 2.28 mol C 213g x 20 1mol H = 4.55 mol H 4.55.9 X 00g 7 1 mol O = 2.28 mol 0 364 BOX 60g mo Dividing each by the smallest value (2.28) gives ForC, 228 Lic 228 For H, 455 oon 228 For 0, Therefore, the empirical formula is CH,0. The mass of one of these “empirical formula units” is If we divide this into the molecular weight, we find that there are three of these formula units in a molecule (90.0 + 30.0 = 3). Therefore, the molecular formula is CsH,O5- In Chapter 8 we considered the process of writing and balancing chemical equations. We are now going to use these balanced equations to calculate the amount of material produced or required in a given reaction. You will recall that a balanced chemical equation can be interpreted in terms of atoms and molecules, or in terms of moles. We shall find this to be a very useful con- cept and will thus do all calculations in terms of moles. For example, the reaction describing the combination of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, which we have considered several times, is written as follows: 2H + Ox —> 2H, This is read as 2 moles of hydrogen gas combine with 1 mole of oxygen gas to form 2 moles of liquid water. There are many practical applications to the types of calculation that we will be doing here. For example, if a particular process is to be carried ‘out commercially to prepare a substance, the reactions are first carried out jy the laboratory to find the best conditions under which the reactions will a place. Then the amount of product that is theoretically obtainable from a given amount of reactants is calculated. This theoretical yield is compared ch.9 Chg ___. ‘Stoichimetry—Calculations Based on Formulas and Equations 9-4 Calculations Based on Balanced Equations 20 with ie Actual yield obtained in the laboratory to find what is called the percent yield. If the process is to be carried out commercially, the next step is for the chemical engineer to work out asmall-scale operation of the process, Equator called a pilot plant, and find the best conditions under which to carry out the process. We shall be concerned with the calculations involved in finding the theoretical yield for a given reaction. In doing these calculations, we shall use the mole method. The central part of any calculation of this type is to determine the relative relationships between moles of reactants and products from the balanced equation. For example, the equation representing the burning of methane (CH,) in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water is written as follows: CHyq + 20x) —> CO + 2:0 This balanced equation gives us the relationships between moles of methane and moles of oxygen, moles of methane and moles of carbon dioxide, moles of carbon dioxide and molés of water, and so on. The following relationships can be obtained from this balanced equation: 1 mol CH, = 2 mol 0, 1 mol CH, = I mol CO, 1 mol CO, = 2 mol H,O and so on. In this chapter we shall only consider mass relationships (or weight- weight calculations) from balanced equations. Later we shall consider this again in terms of gases (Chapter 11), and solutions (Chapter 13). In general, there are four steps in calculations of this sort, although in some problems some of these steps are not necessary. 1. Write a complete, balanced equation. 2. Convert from the given units to moles. Convert from moles of the given quantity to moles of the desired quantity—from the balanced equation. Convert from moles of the new quantity to the desired units, using ‘Avogadro's number, and so on. 3. formula weight, density, Consider the following examples of calculations from balanced equa- tions. PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-7 Caleulate the number of moles of NaOH that are necessary to produce 7.5 ale moles of Na,SO« from the reaction 2. NaOH + H,SO,— Na,SO, + 2,0 207 ch.9 a SOLUTION: Steitionsi Catone ; also in moles, 8ased on Formulas Since the given quantity is in moles and the desired quantity © potas Sra ecuatone there is just one step involved —the conversion from moles of NaQtt of Na,SQ,, using the relationships-from the balanced equation. 2 mol NaOH 5 2 mol NaOM = 15 mol NaOH mS, X - T Smo daSO, X 7 es PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-8 Calculate the number of grams of magnesium chloride that could be obtained from 8.50 g of hydrochloric acid when the latter is reacted with an excess of magnesium oxide, SOLUTION: 3 This problem involves all four steps: writing the balanced equation, converting from grams of HCI to moles, converting from moles of HCI to moles of MgCl, (using the balanced equation), and converting from moles of MgCl, to grams. ‘The balanced equation is MgO +2HCl —> 1,0 + MgCl, The problem says 850g HCI The calculation is done as follows: LeHiCT | |nolMteth S.sdgter x 36.5 gHET. 2meHHteT 1.1gMgCl, Limiting Reagent In general, when a chemical reaction is carried out, one of the reagents will be used in excess of the amount needed. The reagent that is not present in excess is the one that will determine how much product can be obtained and is thus referred to as the limiting reagent. For example, in the reaction of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas to form water, we have seen that 2 moles of hydrogen will Combine with | mole of oxygen to form 2 moles of water. If there is only 1 mole of oxygen present, and an excess of hydrogen, only 2 moles of water can be obtained. No matter how much hydrogen is present, the oxygen will limit the amount of water that can be produced. Thus, the oxygen is the limiting reagent ‘The calculations involved here are viously. There are usually several ca each problem. Jn general, tions of this type: ib actly th those done pre- ions, however, that must be done in , the following steps can be used in doing calcula- Ie Calculate the number of moles of product that could be obtained for 208 cach reagent given, SOLUTION: Since the given quantity is in moles and the desired quantity is also in moles, there is just one step involved the conversion from moles of NaOH to moles of Na,SO,, using the relationships-from the balanced equation, 75. SO, X | mebhaSO; PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-8 Calculate the number of grams of magnesium chloride that could be obtained from 8.50 g of hydrochloric acid when the latter is reacted with an excess of magnesium oxide. SOLUTION: 3 This problem involves all four steps: writing the balanced equation, converting from grams of HCI to moles, converting from moles of HCI to moles of MgCl; (using the balanced equation), and converting from moles of MgCl, to grams. The balanced equation is MgO +2HCI] —> H,0 + MgCl; The problem says 8.50 g HCl = 7g MgCl; The calculation is done as follows: LpoHH€T LmolMgCT 95.3 g MgCl 8.50. HET x PS 23 BMECh _ 111 ¢ MgCl, BHT x oS gHer. 2metHteT ~ TnolMgcT, cme Limiting Reagent In general, when a chemical reaction is carried out, one of the reagents will be used in excess of the amount needed. The reagent that is not present in excess is the one that will determine how much product can be obtained and is thus referred to as the limiting reagent. For example, in the reaction of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas to form water, we have seen that 2 moles of hydrogen will combine with | mole of oxygen to form 2 moles of water. If there is only 1 mole of oxygen present, and an excess of hydrogen, only 2 moles of water can be obtained. No matter how much hydrogen is present, the oxygen will limit the amount of water that can be produced. Thus, the oxygen is the limiting reagent ‘The calculations involved here are exactly the same as those done pre- viously. There are usually several calculations, however, that must be done in cach problem. In general, the following steps can be used in doing calcula- tions of this type: 1. Calculate the number of moles of product that could be obtained for cach reagent given. cho ak Based on Formuias and Equations 20! v The reagent that gi limiting eager ee ie a Humber of moles of product is the See. in the reaction: that is, ne ne that will determine the theoretical yield Colculations Basea Presents no mag ee Maller how much of the excess reagent is Eaters the Tinting note Product can be obtained than that calculated from ig Feagent. = 3. Next, the mol : es of theoretical yield are converted to any other desired units, such as grams. 4. P find the amount of excess reagent present, if desired, we first calcu- ate the amount of the excess reagent that will be used to produce the theoretical yield. The difference between this amount and the amount Present to start is the amount of excess. The amount of excess reagent that is used can be calculated either from the theoretical amount of product obtainable, as calculated in Step 2, or from the amount of limiting reagent present. In either case, the mole relationships from the balanced equation are used to do the calculations Consider the following problem example. PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-9 ‘A 50.0 g sample of calcium carbonate is reacted with 35.0 g of phosphoric acid. Calculate: (a) The number of grams of calcium phosphate that could be produced. (b) The number of grams of excess reagent that will remain, SOLUTION: The balanced equation is 3CaCO, +2H,PO, —> Ca,(PO,); + 3CO, + 3H,0 (a) To caloulate the theoretical yield, we fist caleulate the number of moles c hat could be produced by each reagent, ifit were all used up. of Ca,(PO,)s # L mol Ca,(PO.)s CasPC22 — 9.167 mol Ca,(PO,); 50.0 gLaEOs BumerEreO;, area 1 mol Cas(POs)2 — 9 179 mol Ca,(PO,)s DameHHPO, ato y reagent. and the maximum amount of ay at CaCO, is the limiting reagent, and the n This tells wt that fin obtain is 0.167 mole of Cay(PO,).. To find the number of oe can he produced, we convert 0.167 mole of Ca,(PO,), to grams: grams that © 35.0 g44PO, 310g Ca(PO))s _ 0.167 mol Cas(PODs * Pinot CaPO,)s #Ca,(PO,), -phis is the theoretical yield. ; Ths ne aan ee of exces reagent, We must first find how much of the 209 ) is used. Then we subtract this from the ‘9 find the gf ‘ agent that is in excess (H1,POx cho 3 Te* find how much exces Stochonty Sabai amount of H;PO, present at the beginning, to | PO,)2] mains, Weean either star with the theoretical yield 10.167 mal Gaser wrth Based on Formulas and calculate how much H,PO, it would take to produce ill react the limiting reagent (50.0 g CaCO,) and find how rape Pata 0.167 with that. Bither way, we find the same result. We shall start wit mole of Ca,(PO,);. 2molH,PO, , 98.08HSPOs _ 3 75 4 po, 0.167 mol Ca,(PO,), x TOPO “80 B34 = 32.7 g HPO, mol Ca,(PO,), Tmol Ca,(PO,), * Imol H,PO, This is the amount of H,PO, used; therefore, the amount remaining is 35.0g — 32.7 g = 230g in excess. Percent Yield | All the calculations that have been done up to this point are theoretical Yields. This is the maximum amount of product that can be obtained in a Particular reaction. In general, however, when these reactions are carried out in the laboratory, we do not actually obtain the theoretical amount of product. This is especially true in organic reactions, where there are often side reac- tions taking place and where some of the products are lost in the process of isolation and purification. The amount of product that is actually obtained called the actual yield. The Percent yield is the percent of the theoretical Yield that is actually obtained, calculated as follows: actual yield Thea aa & «(100 theoretical yield * 1° percent yield = Consider the following examples. PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-10 If 35.4 g Ca,(PO,) is actually obtained in Problem Example 9:9, what is the percent yield? SOLUTION: Actual yield = 3544 g and theoretical yield = 51.8 g (from Problem Example 9-9); therefore, 4. percent yield = a X 100 = 683% PROBLEM EXAMPLE 9-11 If 150 g of MgO is treated with 18.5 g of HPO, and 17.6 g of Mg,(PO,), is obtained, calculate the percent yield and the grams of excess reagent. SOLUTION: 210 The balanced equation is 3 MgO + 2H,P0, (@) Find the limiting reagent: 'S0gMge x LmoLMEE . 1 mol Mg(PO,), “03.Mg0" 3 malaige = 0.124 mol Mgs(PO,)s 18.5 ¢ H,PO, x LMOLHSPE; 1 moi M, ova: [g3(PO, 98.0 gH Pe; * Tore = 0.0944 mol Mg,(PO,), > Mg,(PO,); +3 H,0 Summary Therefore, is the tiie, (©) Calculate the nese ee limiting reagent i " © the theoretical yield, using the limiting reagent. 0.09. 262. 44 molMexPO;), x Tee = 248 g MgiPO.), © eae the amount of excess reagent, ere are several ways that this can be done—but any of these are equivalent; that is,-we can find how many grams of MgO (the reagent Present in excess) will react with 18.5 g H,PO, (the limiting reagent) or we can calculate how many grams of MgO would be used in forming 0.0944 mole of Mg,(PO)),. In either case, afjer finding the amount used, we find the amount of excess. Using the 0.0944 mole Mg,(PO,), gives 3 moles MgO 0.0944 mole MgstPO;), x SREB _ Tole Mgs(PO,), If we have 15.0 g MgO to start and use 114 g, the amount of excess is (15.0 — 11.4) = 3.6 g MgO in excess. (@ Calculate the percent yield. To do this we use the theoretical yield calculated in Step (b) and the actual yield given in the problem. 10.3 g MgO —— BTS = 11.4gMg0 mole MEo 1 actual yield _ 1768 = X 100 = 71.0% theoretical yield 24.8 g percent yield = SUMMARY 1. The percent mass of eacl a ing by 100. ao F co, plying a of a compound it is possible to do quantitative 2. From the Si soichiometric chemically equivalent) quantities. calculations in’ ° Jationship between moles of each atom it on the rel ‘ x These are See the weight relationships (Which are calculated piso sie jrehthe atomic weights of the elements present). from the fo) i i d, or the 21 vis relationships of the elements in a compound, 3. From the mation, the empirical (simplest) formula can be caleu- rent CO! » the, pel ment in a compound is found by dividing the h element by the molecular or formula weight and multi- 1 of each ele 1 A relationship oa by Converting from mass relationships to mole ius saeanie ee oa Weights) and then converting the ratio to 5p.cHonaly Caevaians I'the money ‘Whole number ratio mathematically, ‘and Equations formant lar weight of the compound is known, the molecular co Eo culated from the empirical formula by finding the Eien es empirical formula (formula weight of the empiri- Sree ividing that into the molecular weight, to find how ra se empirical units there arcina formula unit (or molecule). 1s turns out to be one, which it does for most inorganic com- Pounds, it simply means that the empirical formula and molecular formula are the same. To do stoichiometric calculations from a balanced equation the units given are first converted to moles (if necessary), then moles of the given quantity are converted to moles of the desired quantity (using the mole relationships from the balanced equation), and finally moles of the desired quantity are converted to any other units (if necessary). If the amounts of two or more reagents are given, the first step is to calculate the limiting reagent, by finding which reagent would give the least amount of product (as outlined in item 5 above). This amount of product is the theoretical yield. Along with this calculation, the amount of excess reagent can also be calculated, again using the procedure as outlined in item 5 above. 7. The percent yield can be calculated if the actual (experimentally de- termined) yield is known. This is done by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield and multiplying by 100. > Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following things (assume a periodic table with atomic weights is available). 1. Given the formula of a compound, calculate the percent composition or percent of a given element. (1,2) 2. Given the amounts of the different elements in a compound, calculate the percent of any one element in the compound. (3) 3. Given the formula of a compound, do stoichiometric calculations based on the mass relationships from the formula. (4, 5) 4, Given the mass relationships in a compound (either in terms of per- cent or mass units), calculate (a) the empirical formula of the com- pound and (b) if the molecular weight is given, calculate the molecular formula. (6,7,8) 5. Given a chemical equation (or the reactants for a given,equation), do stoichiometric calculations from the balanced equation and express the answer in any units requested. (9, 10) 6. Given the amounts of more than one reactant in a calculation of the type listed in item 5, calculate the’ limiting reagent, the theoretical yield (in any units called for), and the amount of excess reagent (in any units called for). (11, 12, 13) 212 ©M1 a reaction, calcula Given any of the term: " 's listed in Exercis i explanation in your Exercise 1, giv a brief definiti own words, Stinition or EXERCISES 1. Define of (a) percent compositi Position (b) stoichiometry, (©) empirical formula (a) molecular formula 2. Distingiish between | (@) empitical and molecular formula (b) theoretical and actual yield PROBLEMS Percent composition xplain the following terms: (©) limiting reagent (D) theoretical yield (g) excess reagent (h) percent yield 1. Calculate the percent composition of each of the following: (a) NaOH (b) Mg(OH), (©) Ca(NO,), (@) KOH (©) Ba(No,), (f) (NH,),S 2. Calculate the percent of oxygen in each of the following: (a) sulfuric acid (>) barium hydrogen carbonate (©) ammonium phosphate (d) stannous nitrate (e) iron(1!) chlorate () magnesium hydroxide (@) nitric acid . (b) calcium hydrogen sulfate (i) lead(I1) phosphate (j) ammonium bicarbonate 3. Calculate the percent of metal in each of the following: (a) 0.45 g of metal combines with 0.32 g of oxygen (b) 0.85 g of metal sulfide contains 240'mg of sulfur 2) a 7.50-g sample of impure o iron A contains 6.00 g of FeO (@) 2.5 g of metal combine with 18 g of sulfur S (©) 0.42 g of metal oxide contains 120 mg of oxygen (©) 23.50-g sample of lye contains 2.75 g of sodiu hydroxide - Relationships from the formula of a compound saleulate the number of * ae ‘ams of calcium in 8.50 g of calcium phosphate rams of silver in 1. eples of silver chloride rams of Zine nil (©) Pentaining 035 g of zine (@) milligrams of tin in 0.180 g of tin(II) oxide (©) grams of iron in 4.20 mmol of ferrous . phosphate 213 (0) grams of aluminum in 0.75 g of aluminum sulfate (s) (yy grams of potassium in 6.3 moles of potassium phosphate grams of calcium bromide containing 1.4 g of calcium (grams of tin in 250 mg of stannic carbonate (j)_ milligrams of lead in” 1.50 mmol of lead({I) oxide $. Calculate the number of grams of oxygen in cach of the following: (f) 8.25 g of sodium carbonate (g) 1.5 moles of ammonium @) «) © @ (©) 5.2 moles vf sodium sulfite \ 0.48 g of zinc carbonate 1.75 Ib of Ca(ClO,); 12.5 mmol of \, calcium phosphite 3.5 X 10? ng of fetrous sulfate Nv Empirical and molecular formula 6. Determine the empirical formula of each of the following: @ (b) © (@) (©) ‘A compound that contains 25.9% iron and 74.1% bromine. A compound that is 44.9% potassium, 18.4% sulfur, and 36.7% oxygen. Acompound that contains 43.66% manganese and 56.34% chlorine. A compound composed of 4.64 g of magnesium and 1.78 g of nitrogen. ‘A compound composed of 2.63 mg of calcium, 4.22 mg of sulfur, and 3.15 mg of oxygen. chlorate (h) 0.45 Ib of MnO; (@ 25 mmol of chromium(III) oxide (j) 83 X 10> pg of stannic hydroxide (f) A compound that contains 62.6% tin and 37.4% chlorine. (g) A compound that contains 33.4% calcium, 26.7% sulfur, and 39.9% oxygen (h) A compound that contains 32.8% chromium and 67.2% chlorine. () Acompound that contains 2.55 g of aluminum, 8.78 g of phosphorus, and 4.53 g of oxygen. () Acompound composed of 2.02 mg of magnesium, 5.33 mg of sulfur, and 2.66 mg of oxygen. 7. Calculate the molecular formula of each of the following compounds: (a) (b) empirical formula = CH molecular weight = 39.0 empirical formula = HgCl molecular weight = 472.2 (©) empirical formula = C, Hs molecular weight = 58.0 @ empirical formula molecular weight 8. Calculate the molecular formula of each of the following compounds: (a) (b) A compound consists of 32.3% sodium, 45.1% sulfur, and 22.5% oxygen; the molecular weight is 142.2. A compound contains 6.44 g of nitrogen and 14,72 g of oxygen and has a molecular weight of 92.0. (©) Acompound contains 82.8% carbon and 17.2% hydrogen and has a molecular weight of 58.0, (d) A compound consists of 85.7% carbon and 14.3% hydrogen and has a molecular weight of 84.0, 214 OA Compound consists of Potassium, 36.8% sulfur, and 18.3% oxygen; the . molecul: weight is 174.4, = 44.8% Calculations trom balanced equations 9. For the reaction 4FeS +70, —> (@) calculate the number of moles of Fe,0, that could be produced from 7.20 moles of FeS (b) calculate the number of ~/ grams of SO, that could be produced from 3.25 moles of oxygen, calculate the number of grams of oxygen that would react with 0.125 g of Fes. if 18.5 g of FeO, are produced in a reaction, how many moles of SO, would be produced? calculate the number of milligrams of FeS that would be necessary to produce 185 Ib of SO... For the reaction 2CHp+70, —> ©) () © 10. (a) How many moles of C,H, would be needed to produce 1.85 g of CO,? (b) how many grams of oxygen would be needed to produce 9.25 g of CO,? (c) how many millimoles of CO, could be produced from 6.8 1b of CHa? : ow many milligrams o! co, would be produced ina reaction that forms 7.25 X 10? Ib of water? how many liters of liquid water could be produced from 2.5 X 107? kg of oxygen? © (9) Acompound contains 34.5 g of carbon and 5.76 g of hydrogen and has a molecular weight of 56.0 - Problems 2Fe,0, + 480, () calculate the number of moles of 0, that would react with 4.3 moles of FeS. (8) calculate the number of grams of oxygen necessary to produce 0.180 mole of Fe,0, calculate the number of grams of FeS that would react with 8,35 g of oxygen. if 2.38 moles of SO, are produced in a reaction, how thany grams of Fe,0, would produced? calculate the number of pounds of oxygen that would be needed to produce 0.15 of SO, (h) a a 4CO, + 6H,0 (£) how many moles of oxygen will react with 4.72 moles of CH? (g) how many grams of CO;could be produced from 42.5 g of GH? (h) how many pounds of CO, could be produced from 4.5 moles of C,H,? how many kilograms of C;H, ‘would react with 0.24 mmol of oxygen? how many milligrams of CH, would be needed to produce 3.5 f of liquid water? 215 cho ‘Stoichiometry—Caiculations Based on Formulas IL. For each of the following, calculate the number of grams of Ca,(PO,): Ber tqontcns that could be produced, given the following equation: Limiting reagent and excess reagent 3CaCO, +2H\PO, —* Ca,(PO,), + 3CO, + 3H,O (a) from 12.5 g of CaCO, and (a) from 1.85 moles of CaCO, and gof HPO, 325 g of H,PO, moles of (e) from 0.275 g of CaCO, and nd 475 g of 0.425 g of HjPO, HPO, (from 425 mmol of CaCO, (©) from 3.25 mmol of HjPO, and 125 mg of H,PO, and 52.8 mg of CaCO; 12. Calculate the number of grams of excess reagent present in each part of Problem 11 For the reaction 2Al+3H,SO, —> Al,(SO,), + 3H, if 2.25 g of Aliis added to 4.36 g of H,SO,, calculate (2) how many grams of (@ how many moles of Al;(SO,)s Al,(SO,), would be ‘ would be formed. formed. (©) how many grams of hydrogen (>) how many moles of would be formed. hydrogen would be (f) how many moles of excess formed. ‘reagent will remain after the (©) how many grams of reaction is complete. excess reagent will remain after the reaction is complete. ~ Percent yield 14. Calculate the percent yield in each of the following: (a) The theoretical yield in a (d) The theoretical yield in a reaction is 8.50 g and the reaction is 49.3 g and the actual actual yield is 7.35 g. yield is 37.2 g. (b) 12.52 of Caco, © 3.28 gof BaCl, - 2 H,0is (limestone) is heated and heated and 2.16 § of BaCl, is 4.20 g of CaO (lime) is obtained. obtained. (©) 4.30 moles of nitrogen are (© 7.50 8 of nitrogen is . Teacted with 9.20 moles of reacted with 1.30 g of hydrogen and 5,75 g of Ammonia is produced. 15. Por the reaction CHO + 2HCL —+ 1,0 + Cac, 0? (2) if 123 gof CaO is rencted —_(b) if 30.2 por Ca0dig added /‘ with excess hydrochloric (034.5 g of HCl and : sid and me B of CaCl, is 6.35 g of water is formed, 216 formed, what is th i ‘eld? ae fe what is the percent yield? hydrogen and 98.0 g of ammonia are produced, © if 25.4 g of CaO is reacte, ; I. A) £3.65 9 of Ca0 is & with exces hydrochloric acid 4.02 g orc, faa 5. Se of 88 of CaCl, is formed, is formed, what i whats pore e CaCl, is formed, what is the Problems| General problems 16. If calcium carbon (a) how Many moles of calcium nitrate could be formed from 15.2 g of calcium carbonate, (b) how many milligrams of. CO, could be produced from 3.85 g of calcium carbonate. the percent yield if 1.15 g of calcium carbonate is used and 1.23 g of (© + calcium nitrate is formed. @ the number of grams of excess reagent remaining if 12.2 g of calcium carbonate is combined with 16.3 g of HNO,. (e) how many grams of calcium carbonate would react with 36.2 mf of 15.0% nitric acid (density = 1.12 g/m/). ate is reacted with nitric percent yield? acid, calculate (f) how many grams of nitric acid would react with 3.26 moles of calcium carbonate, (g) how many kilograms of CaCO, would be needed to produce 285 g of calcium nitrate. (h) the percent yiela if 24.2 g of calcium carbonate is reacted with excess acid and 18.5 g of calcium nitrate is produced. thé number of grams of excess leagent remaining if 3.75 g of calcium carbonate is combined with 4.63 g of HNO,. (j) how many milliliters of 26.0% nitric acid would react with 16.5 g of calcium carbonate (density of nitrioacid = 1.15 g/m!) @ 17. Calculate the number of grams of oxygen that will react with each of the Baas of calcium to form is f aluminum to 0 Fee taint oxide (6) 043 Ib of iron to form iron(II) oxide (4) 4.34 moles of tin to form stannous oxide (e) 2.82 g of barium to form BaO (f) 24.2 g of silver to form silver oxide . (g) 1.12 4b of iead to form lead(I1) oxide (h) 0.54 mole of iron to fortfi ferric oxide . ; Ja of each of the following compounds: ao (b) A chloride of mercury that contains 15.0% chlorine has a molecular weight of 472.2. A the molecul; 18 Catentproamide of mercy that re) contains 71.5% mercury has ‘a molecular weight of 562.

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