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Alpha Company - Final Exam

Grading Guide

Last Updated: 12/14//21

This document is subject to change.

Authored by:
Lieutenant Colonel, ShadowGamer101
Captain, BunnyNibles

Distribution of this document is limited to Alpha Company - Advanced Law Instructor - personnel only.

Congratulations on being promoted to ALI! This document will go over each

aspect, and what you are required to do as an Advanced Law Instructor. Grading
exams is a simple task that ALIs have the capability to do. You’re expected to keep
the channel, “#final-exam-submission” at a relative amount.. Do not let the
requests start stacking up. Ensure the BSOP members are using the Final Exam
Form, not the outdated one. BSOP members would submit their responses from
said form, their answers would transfer over to the #final-exam-response channel
(located in the MPS server).



1. Head over to the #final-exam-submission channel and react with :grading: to

the first request that has not been graded. Ensure the request sent is for you
to grade.. EPD and SRT have their own BSOP FE graders.

2. Go to the exam and click on “Responses,” then click on, “Individual” to find
their exam.

3. The exam grade shown on the top-left of the exam should say “__ of 100
points”. Take note that this is not their final score, you have to grade their
exam and put the total points earned in that section.

4. Go through each section and tell the individual whose exam you’re grading
what they can improve on or what they got wrong. This does not have to be
very long, just summarize it. Do not give them the answer to the question
they had gotten wrong.
5. Keep in mind the multiple choice questions on the FE have already been
graded for you. Although, the written questions are ones you must put a
score manually for.

6. You will use this system when grading the written response questions:
- Grammar error (-1 point)
- Partially incorrect answer (-1 point)
- Incorrect answer (All points taken off, 0 for said question)
- Didn’t meet the sentence requirement (-1 point)
- Plagiarism (All points taken off, automatic 0 as their final FE grade)

7. To grade a written question, you will scroll to where it says, “_/_”. You will
put the correct amount of points they have gotten based off of the grading
system above and their answers.

NOTE: If someone’s score has .5, make sure to ROUND IT UP.




The examples below will not include every question on the FE.

This answer is obviously incorrect. AA does not stand for “Anti-Aircraft,” due to
this, the total score will be 0. You will manually put “0” in the score section.

This is also incorrect.. They did not state the full answer. You would put a “0” in
the score section.
This response obtains good detail and is overall correct.. Although, there are
grammatical errors as well as said individual not meeting the sentence requirement.
You would manually put, “2” as their final score based off of the grading rubric.



Grader: [Ping yourself]

Candidate: [Ping the candidate]
Grade: [ _%]

General Knowledge: [ _/40]

Any notes to include.

Grammar: [ _/30]
Any notes to include.

Scenario: [ _/30]
Any notes to include.



The following answer sheet is for the written questions only.. answers may vary.

Q1. What is the purpose of MPC?

A: MPC is tasked with enforcing order, law, and discipline. They ensure all US
personnel are following the UCMJ. Raiders, trollers, and any sort of US personnel
who are immature are dealt with. Divisions are able to continue with their duties
due to this.


Q2. Describe the UCMJ.

A: The UCMJ describes the army regulations, discharge conditions, as well as each
article and its severity. The UCMJ is there to be followed by all US personnel and
to ensure no rules are broken. MP personnel are to follow this when arresting..
keeping Fort Martin running smoothly.


Q3. Describe the purpose of Army Regulation 58-1.

A: Army Regulation 58-1 outlines how vehicles may be used. How to park
properly, road policies, as well as general vehicle policies are listed in AR 58-1.

Q4. What is AA? What does it stand for and why is it a bad thing?

A: AA stands for Admin Abuse. AA is the act of misusing your administrative

privileges. AA’ing can lead to numerous punishments depending on the
severity..and can disrupt any other divisions from their duties. Admin Abuse is not
a good thing to do.


Q5. What is the purpose of the Chain of Command?

A: The purpose of the Chain of Command (CoC) is to pass information to a

specific member. The Chain of Command is used in numerous
commands/corps/divisions to have an efficient flow with info. This is used from
top to bottom (vice versa). Any complaints, reports, etc. will be sent using the


Q6. What core value does MPC represent?

A: MPC represents the integrity of USAR.


Q7. How do you get promoted further after BSOP?

A: You are to complete the 3 phases whilst in BSOP to continue forward.

Q8. How many days/weeks of service are required before discharging?

A: You must serve in MPC for 14 days (2 weeks) before being permitted to file
any discharge request corresponding with you.


Q9: When is it appropriate to discharge your weapon at an individual? Is MP

allowed to discharge their weapons for recreational purposes? Why or why not?

A: MP personnel are permitted to discharge their weapon during a raid in which it

must be dealt with. You can not discharge a firearm for recreational purposes as it
may be deemed unnecessary and may cause confusion.


Q10: When are you permitted to discharge your weapon?

A: You are only permitted to discharge your weapon if there is an individual

posing a serious threat to the military grounds (example: raiding).


Q11: Who can enter the gate anytime they please?

A: Only Army Staff and Headquarters can enter the gate at any time they please.

Q12: When can you break out of formation?

A: You are permitted to break out of formation if the base is being heavily raided.

Q13: What is the purpose of EPD?

A: The sole purpose of EPD is to specialize in guarding and protecting VIPs on

base. VIPs may consist of general officers or important visitors. EPD is to escort
them around the base and use their superior combat skills to defend them against
possible threats.

Q14: When can you not salute an officer? (Name 2 reasons).

A: You cannot salute an officer if they are not in proper uniform or if they are not
wearing the full attire set. You are also not permitted to salute anyone if you are
engaged in routine work where a salute would interfere.

Q15: What is the only reason you can detain civilians?

A: You are only allowed to detain civilians for trespassing, any other reason is not


Q16: Name the policies of female hair.

A: Female hair must be in a bun and of a natural color.. It cannot phase through
any patrol cover.

Q17: How many seconds do you arrest for major offenses?

A: It depends on the severity of the offense.. It may vary from 500 to 600 seconds.

Q18: Correct this sentence: hi sir wehn is the next tryout

A: Hi sir, when is the next tryout?


Q19: A troller is trespassing the BCT area. What is your process?

A: I would warn them to leave as they are not permitted in this area. If they refuse
to do so, I’ll give them their first warning. Refusal of the second reminder will
result in a second warning, telling them they are not allowed here as this is a
restricted area. If they do not comply with my orders even after the 2nd warning I
shall remind them, once again, they are not permitted here. If they still ignore me
I’ll detain them and arrest said individual for the correct amount of seconds.

(Answers may vary).


Q20: A US Personnel, that is in a division, is acting disrespectful and aggressive

towards you verbally. What do you do?

A: I would gather proof of said US personnel whilst using screenshots and videos
to show the disrespect and aggressiveness that is being thrown out to me.
Afterwards, I would send the evidence/proof to his/her superiors for them to deal
with it. I would then approach them as I normally would to someone acting this


Q21: You don't know something about law enforcement, who or what do you refer

A: I would contact an E7-E8 (as they are the first ones you should approach) about
this situation, ensuring I am following the chain of command.


Finished grading, what to do now?

When you have finished grading the exam you will post the grade in #final-exam-
grades. If it was their second failed attempt, you will file a discharge request. If the
candidate passed, you will put in the proper format for the candidate in
#graduation-logs. You will find which company the candidate is designated to by
searching for their name in #group-acceptance. Regardless of the passing score,
you will delete the exam once the grades have been posted.

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