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Question Marks
Create a web page following the design using CSS.

45 10

46 Write down the difference HTML and XML? 2

47 What is static page and dynamic page? 2
48 What is the difference between "<th>" and "<td>" Tag? 2
What are the tags used for superscript and subscript in
49 2
50 How many types of headings available in HTML? 2
51 What is the purpose of color and bgcolor? 2
52 What are cookies? 2
What is the difference between submit button and reset
53 2
54 What is a style sheet? 2
How many tags can be used to separate a section of
55 2
56 What is the difference between "<li>" and "<ol>" ? 2
57 What is the use of a img tag? Give one example. 2
58 What is the use of CSS in HTML? 2
59 What is button tag? 2
60 What is the use of alternative text in image mapping? 2
61 What are the limits of the text field size? 2
62 How are active links different from normal links? 2
What is the difference between cellpadding and
64 2
65 Difference between ID selector and class selector? 2
66 Explain DOM Structure with example. 2
Write the difference between get and post method.
67 5
Explain with suitable examples.
What is the difference between radio button and check
68 5
box? Explain with suitable examples.
What is the difference between row-span and col-
69 5
span? Explain with example.
What are the differences between padding and
70 5
margin? Explain with example.
Briefly explain the CSS background properties with
71 5
suitable example.
Write the html code for the following structure:
72 Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 5
10 20 70
Write the html code for the following structure:
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
73 10 70 5

30 40 60
Briefly explain the html tags – <ol>, <select>, <H2>,
74 5
<sup>, <title>
Briefly explain the html tags – "<table>", "<tt>",
75 5
"<title>", "<sup>", "<sub>"
76 Briefly explain textarea and radio button in html? 5
Create a web page following the design. Apply css as
per designing.

77 5

Create a web page following the design. Apply css as

per designing.

78 5

How to make a picture of a background image of a web

79 5
80 What are the input tag types for form in HTML? 5
What are the different ways of using CSS in HTML
81 10
page? Explain with suitable example.
Briefly explain the html tags with suitable code–
82 5
"<form>", "<hr", "<br>", "<font>", "<title>"
Create a web page following the design and link the
registration form with sign up.

83 10

Create a web page following the design. Apply css as

per designing.

84 10

Create a web page following the design. Apply css as

per designing.

85 10
Create a web page following the design. Apply css as
per designing.

86 10

Create a web page following the design. Apply css as

per designing.

87 10
Create a web page following the design.

88 10

Create a web page following the design.

89 10
Create a web page following the design using CSS.

90 10

Create a web page following the design. Apply css as

per designing.

91 5
92 What are 'Markup' tags? 2
93 What is the use of 'meta' tag? 2
94 Write the use of <pre> tag. 2
96 What is the use of <tfoot> tag? 2
98 What is the use of marquee tag? 2
99 How to give a caption to a table? 2
100 How to change the hyperlink colours in HTML? 2
101 What is form tag? 2
102 What is the use of <p> tag? 2
103 What is the use of <br> tag? 2
104 Explain the use of <tfooter> and <thead>. 2
109 How to insert multiple space between two words? 2
Does a hyperlink only apply to text? Justify your
110 2
answer with example.
112 Explain the layout of HTML. 2
113 What is the use of "<hr>" tag in HTML? 2
Create a web page following the design using table
header and footer:

114 10

Create a web page following the design using table.

Mention horizontal and vertical allignment for each

115 10

116 What is frame in HTML? 2

117 What is frameset in HTML? 2
118 What is Noframe in HTML? 2
119 What is the use of Submit button in frame? 2
120 What is the use of POST method in form tag? 2
121 What is Iframe? 2
122 What is the use of attribute “action” of a form tag? 2
What is the use of size attribute of a selection list in a
124 2
125 How can you create a file button in a form tag? 2
126 What is the use of reset button in form tag? 2
127 What is text area in form tag? 2
How can you specify the size of a text area in form
128 2
129 What is hidden field in form tag? 2
130 What is checkbox in a form tag? Write the syntax of it. 2
Discuss about different values of attribute “enctype” of
131 5
a form tag.
Write a HTML code for the following:
132 Divide the web page into four equal parts each 5
individual part displays different web page.
What is option group in HTML form? Explain with an
133 5
Write the HTML code for the following HTML page
using frame:

134 5

Write the HTML code for the following HTML page:

135 5

Write the HTML code for the following HTML page:

136 10
Write the HTML code for the following HTML page
using frames:

138 5

139 What is inline CSS. Explain with example. 2

140 What is external CSS. Explain with example. 2
141 What is internal CSS. Explain with example. 2
142 Explain with example how to re-define a tag with CSS. 2
143 Write a code in CSS to redefine the H1 tag. 2
144 Write a code in CSS to redefine the Paragraph tag. 2
145 What are the advantages of CSS? 2
Why background and color are the separate properties
146 2
if they should always be set together?
147 How CSS style overriding works? 2
148 Why do we use client-side programming? 2
149 What is event-driven programming? 2
Create the following structure

150 5

Write the HTML code for the following HTML page:

151 5
Write the HTML code using frame:

152 5

Create a web page following the design.

153 10

Design a website creating the registration form.

154 10

Create a web page following the design using CSS.

155 10
Create a web page for the following design using css.

156 10

Create a web page for the following design using css.

157 10
Create a web page for the following design using css.

158 10

Create a web page for the following design using css .

159 10

Write the HTML code for the following HTML page

160 10
using css:
Explain the below mentioned css properties with
i) background-color
161 5
ii) background-image

iii) background-repeat
Explain the text-decoration property in CSS. Give an
162 example how to remove the default under-line for any 5
given link for a text.
Explain the different types of text-transform property in
163 5
CSS with example.
164 Explain how to style HTML links using CSS property. 5
Explain how to style ordered or underordered list in
165 5
HTML using CSS property.
Explain how to style tables in HTML using CSS
166 5
Explain how to style Table Padding in HTML
167 using CSS property. Give separate examples for table 5
data and table heading.
Explain the different properties of table border in CSS.
168 Give an example how to set four different types of
border for a paragraph.
Explain the different properties of margin in CSS. Give
the example of all different types.
Explain the different properties of padding in CSS.
Give the example of all different types.
171 How CSS style overriding works?
Create a web page following the design using CSS.


Create a web page following the design using CSS.

Create a web page following the design using CSS.

174 10

Create a web page following the design using CSS.

176 10

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