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A Research Paper

Presented by The Faculty of

Cardona Senior High School

Cardona, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillments

of the Requirements for

Practical Research 1

Humanities and Social Sciences


The following research entitled acceptance of selected students of Cardona

senior high school to the LGBTQIA+ community was prepared and submitted with

partial satisfaction after requirements for practical research1 by Jan Denise R.

Bataclan, Paula Pauleen S.J. Laquindanum, Carol Danielle Buerano, Damien France

O. Pili, Bien Yves R. Alfonso, Vionique Sta. Maria and Red Mariel Alegre in the

academic year 2022-2023 here by advice for the study’s actual conduct.

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for practical research 1.


Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for practical research 1.


Research Advicer


For their assistance in completing this research study, we're grateful to

the following individuals the grade 11 Integrity, Unity, and Grade 12 Manansala, and

Pacheco, as well as the teacher at Cardona Senior High School for the great ideas

they gave to us for finishing this project and for their entire prior to the study.

To Mary Rose Q. Locsin our practical research one instructor to your

wonderful suggestion and to your unwavering support, which allows us to be

motivated and to show our strength to finish this study.

To the LGBTQIA + community, thank you for opening our eyes to what

this environment you have experienced.

To our parents thank you full-hearted support, and inspiration, and for

the patients that you have given to us you are our motivation, and you are the

biggest part of every researcher’s life.


The researchers would like to dedicate this research.

First of all, would like to thank our families and friends for supporting and

helping us to finish this research.

To our research advisor Mary Rose Q. Locsin, PHD and other research

teachers, who guided us and helped us to have a deeper knowledge about our


To LGBTQIA + community, we hope to continue to expand our knowledge

and information about the LGBTQIA + community. Thank you for being our


To our fellow classmates and students, who have made this research


And most of all to GOD, for giving us his knowledge guiding us providing for

our families, and for staying by our side through up and downs.


Acceptance is how society generally reacts to support and values people

who identify as lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer this also includes any

other sexual or gender minority like people who identify as non-binary the

researchers aim to determine the acceptance of selected students of Cardona

Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ community this study was held in Cardona

Senior High School during the academic year 2020 to 2023 who participants ten(10)

individuals were selected as respondents the study was evaluated using a

descriptive approach and descriptive method the research team use their own

interview guide.

The result of this study provided that school show respect to the

LGBTQIA+ plus members by allowing them to express themselves through clothing

activities and community relations however some LGBTQIA+ members experience

immunization and negative common factors affecting acceptance include school

rules discrimination and religious beliefs teachers accept LGBTQIA+ plus to dance

for their you more intelligence and social skills students respect them for their

friendly nature and happiness in the classroom coping mechanism include ignoring

negative comments and choosing friends to live

The summary of findings were 1) all of the respondents of friend that are

part of the LGBTQIA+ community. 2) most of the respondents’ favorite traits of

LGBTQIA+ community is funny. 3) most of the respondents answered that they think

that the LGBTQIA+ community always respect others. 4) almost all the respondents

communicate with LGBTQIA+ community casually. 5) most of the respondents wants

school to have gatherings or events that is related to the LGBTQ

community. 6) several of the respondents answer that the LGBTQIA+ community

want to be acknowledged. 7) most of the respondents think that students respect

LGBTQIA+ Community. 8) some of the respondents said that the LGBTQIA+

community are facing discrimination. 9) Several of the respondents said that the

school policies limit the action of the LGBTQIA+ community. 10) four of the

respondents think that occupying the community is the source of happiness of

teachers. 11) Three of the respondents answered that the LGBTQIA+ community is

the source of happiness for students. 12) most of the respondents think that the

coping mechanism of the LGBTQIA+ community about negative comments is getting

support from people and talking with someone.

Peacefully the result of this study provides a compost recommendation

which is schools can court the awareness and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+

community and to be added teachers can teach students to respect and accept all

LGBTQIA+ community students need to be more aware of the LGBTIQIA+

community by deleting or poster implement anti-bullying and anti-discrimination

to conduct orientation regarding the LGBTIQ rights the student’s treatments and

involvement included in activities and events provide activities can help for

LGBTQIA+ community to feel accepted.


TITLE PAGE……………………….………………………... i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………….……………….. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ……………………….…………. iii

DEDICATION……………………………………………….. iv

ABSTRACT………………………………………………… v

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………… vii


Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 1

Background of the Study……………………………………………………… 3

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………….. 6

Conceptual Framework. ……………………………………………………… 7

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………….. 8

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………… 9

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………… 9

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………… 10


Research Design……………………………………………………………. 11

Setting of The Study………………………………………………………… 12

Subject of The Study………………………………………………………… 12

Source of Data…………………………………………………………......... 13

Procedure of The Study…………………………………………………….. 13

Validation of Instruments…………………………………………………… 14

Ethical Consideration……………………………………………………… 14

Interview Protocol…………………………………………………………. 15


Perception of Respondents About Having a Friend Who's Part of the LGBTQIA+

Community………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Participant’s Perception About the Traits They Like About LGBTQIA+ Members…..20

Perception of the Respondents About LGBTQIA+ Community……………………. ...23

Perception of the Respondent About Communicating With LGBTQIA+……………..26

Perception of the Respondents about the Acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+


Perception of the Respondents about the Acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+


Perception of Respondent about the Acceptance of CSHS Students to the

LGBTQIA+ Community………………………………………………………………… 33

Perception of Respondents About Common Discrimination That the LGBTQIA+

Community are Experiencing…………………………………………………………… 35

Factors That Affect the Acceptance of The School to the LGBTQIA+ Community…36

Factors That Affect the Acceptance of The Teacher to the LGBTQIA+ Community...40

Perception of the Respondents About Factors That Affect The Acceptance of CSHS

Students To LGBQIA+…………………………………………………………………….43

Perception of Respondents About Coping Mechanisms That LGBTQIA+ Community

Need to Overcome With Regards to Negative Comments…………………………….45


Summary of Findings………………………………………………………………………48

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 49


REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………………… 51

APPENDIX A……………………………………………………………………………….54

APPENDIX B………………………………………………………………………………55

APPENDIX C………………………………………………………………………………56

CURICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………………….57


The Problem and its Backgroun

This section generally consists of the Introduction of the Study, Theoretical

Framework, Conceptual Framework, Statement of the Problem, Significance of the

Study, Scope and Delimitation, and Definition of Terms.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and sexual are now

widely respected, thanks to the powerful global movement. But at least 67 nations

have national laws that make same-sex relationships between consenting adults

Illegal for people who identify as transgender or gender non-comforting to others and

express themselves in certain ways. This understanding of violence, discrimination,

and a multitude of negative consequences, arising from exclusion and unfair

treatment. Research has found that LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely to experience

stress and fear in school than their non - LGBTQIA + peers. Low levels of

acceptance are tied to bullying and violence, physical and mental health problems,

discrimination in employment, and decreased business profit. Some LGBTQIA+

youth experience supportive, welcoming school environments where they are

physically and emotionally cape their LGBTQIA+ identity is respected or even

embraced others may experience unwelcoming, unsafe, and unsupported conditions

in school.
In the current study, support seeking is already connected with services,

completed questions about disclosure of the child's gender identity to the parent,

extended family, and school personnel, and ongoing parent-child communication

about the child's gender identity. Acceptance by school personnel and extended

family increased over time but continued to be infrequent. (Brinkrant and Przeworski,

2017). However, these reform plans face resistance from parents, religious groups,

and political parties. Especially, opponents argue that children who learn about

LGBTQIA+ issues in school will engage in same-sex practices or even become

homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. (Gegenfurther and Gebhardt, 2017).

The Department of Education (DepEd) has directed the strict implementation

of its executive order to protect the community from gender-based violence and

discrimination in DepEd. DepEd Order No. 32 series of 2017 titled "Gender-

Responsive Education Policy," which shall allow the Department to integrate the

principles of gender equality, gender equity, gender sensitivity, non-discrimination,

and human rights in the provision and governance of basic education. Through this

policy, the DepEd commits to gender equality through gender-responsive basic

education to holistically develop Filipinos with access to equality, acceptance,

friendly, safe, and nurturing environment with the provision to continuously improve

its support systems at all levels of governance (Gender-Responsive Education


Bullying and discrimination in schools based on sexual orientation and gender

identity and expression adversely affects LGBT and gender non comforting student's

physical and psychological health. Additionally, these unwelcome environments

affect LGBT people's overall education and employment prospects. They are more
likely to feel unsafe at school, avoid school activities, miss classes, skip school or

drop out, and achieve lower academic results than their peers, setting them at

an economic disadvantage in life. (Ploderl and Fartacek, 2016)

As the Psychological Association of the Philippines has noted, LGBT Filipinos

often confront social pressures to hide, suppress or even attempt to change their

identities and expressions as conditions for their social acceptance and enjoyment of

rights. Although many LGBT learns to cope with this social stigma, these

experiences can cause serious psychological distress, including immediate

consequences such as fear, sadness, alienation, anger, and internalized stigma.

(Teodoro, 2017).

This study aims to know the acceptance of CSHS students to the LGBTQIA+

community. The researcher firmly believed that this study would serve as advocating

acceptance, committed action, and encouraging respect for all students, developing

and implementing non-discrimination and anti-bullying policies that include actual or

perceived sexual orientation as well as gender identity, expression perceived,

andvalue-guided over CSHS students for LGBTQIA+ Community.

Background of the Study

LGBTQIA+ is known as a sexual orientation community. This community

includes people of different genders. In recent times, many people have been harsh

and stingy with the freedom of people who are unsure of their preferences or gender.

The world has come to accept LGBTQ people in the twenty-first century. Global

acceptance, recent research by Flores (2019), nations were evaluated globally

according to an index that measured the social of LGBT people and their rights Eight

- eight new nations have emerged.

The acceptance of LGBT people's individual rights. In the meanwhile, 46

countries refused to accept it, and adjustments have not. been made in fifteen

countries regarding LGBT attitudes. Accepted by people anywhere throughout the

world. For instance, since November 23rd in Georgia Powell V. The state, a 1998

supreme court decision, legalized the same - sex relationship. Georgia court

(EQUALDEX n.d.) despite what the New York Times claim (2015) found that New

York's 756,000 LGBT residents are the largest in terms of number. Their self

identifies as gay, lesbian, or transgender.

Everybody should feel comfortable in school. Nonetheless, bullying,

discrimination lack of access to knowledge about LGBT issues, and even physical or

sexual assault are among the issues that students who identify for being a lesbian,

gay, bisexual, or transgender. (LGBT) find themselves dealing with in the Philippines.

The right of pupils to an education, which is guaranteed by Philippine and

International law, may be severely harmed by these violations.

In the Philippines, policymakers and school officials have developed initiatives

to deal with the major issue of bullying of LGBT adolescents in recent years. A child

protection policy was implemented by the Department of Education. (DepEd) which

is responsible for supervising primary and secondary schools, in 2013 to combat

bullying and discrimination in school. The anti-bullying Law of 2013 was ratified by

Congress the following years, and its implementing rules and regulations list sexual

orientation and gender identity as forbidden justifications for bullying and

harassment. By adopting these regulations, educational institutions are sending a

clear message that bullying and discrimination are abhorrent and should not be


They are many types of LGBTQIA+ students that researchers notice by

observing the LGBTQIA+ student at Cardona Senior High School who struggle with

discrimination, bullying, and harassment. In the Philippines, students who are

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) too often find that their schooling

experience is marred by bullying and discrimination, also lack of access to LGBT -

related information, and in some cases, physical or sexual assault. Every

demographic and community, including LGBT persons, is represented. Sexual

assault affects lesbian, gay, and bisexual people at comparable or higher rates than

straight people, according to the Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC).

Transgender persons and bisexual women face the highest incidence of sexual

violence among the LGBT community. Sexual assault begins early, typically

throughout childhood in both communities. There are still discrimination going

around the school about the LGBTQIA+ community because some are religious

that's why it's hard for them to accept the LGBTQIA+ community.

With these, researchers decided to conduct a study to know the acceptance of

CSHS students to the LGBTQIA+ community. The researchers firmly believed that

this study would serve as advocating acceptance, committed action, and

encouraging respect for students developing and implementing non - Discrimination

and anti-bullying policies that include actual perceived sexual orientation as well as

gender identity, expression perceived, and value guide over CSHS students for

LGBTQIA+ community

Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored with inter-group contact theory as cited by

Pettigrew and Tropp (2013). This theory emphasizes that inter-group contact is a
theory that defines out-group ttypesof people who can't be easily accepted by
The Inter-group contact theory suggests that if different groups of people

spend time together under good conditions, it can help reduce prejudice between

them. This theory was tested by studying people who lived in public housing

together, and it was found that when people from different races lived in the same

building and had equal status, it helped them feel better about each other. Since

then, many people have studied the theory in different situations and with different

groups of people and found that it can work in many ways to help people get along

better. In addition to race and ethnicity, the inter-group contact theory has been

studied with groups such as the LGBTQIA+ community.

The theory is related to the researcher’s study because it can give solutions

to some outcasts, such as LGBTQIA+ Students, and it can serve to improve

favorable attitudes about outcast groups, leading to increase acceptance and

inclusion. Moreover, it gives information related to the study because it gives

solutions to the difficulties of LGBTQIA+ students and the outcast groups around the

CSHS area. This study will assist the researchers in learning about the acceptance

of CSHS by the LGBTQIA+ community.


Conceptual Framework

This study was guided by the conceptual model utilizing independent variables

(IV) and dependent variables (DV) which reveal the relationship among the stated


The box from the left the common discrimination that the LGBTQIA+

Community are facing, factors that affect the acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+

Community, and the coping mechanism of the LGBTQIA+ Community to overcome

negative acceptance.

The box from the right consists of the Acceptance Selected Students of

Cardona Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community.


• Common discrimination Acceptance of Selected

that the LGBTQIA+ Students of Cardona

Community are facing. Senior High School to the

LGBTQIA+ Community
• Factors that affects the
LGBTQIA+ Community.

• Coping mechanism of
Community to overcome

negative acceptance.
Figure 1

Acceptance Selected Students of Cardona Senior High School

to the LGBTQIA+ Community

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the perception of students about their acceptance

to the LGBTQIA+ Community at Cardona Senior High School during the School Year

2022-2023, it sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. How does the following show the acceptance of selected students of CSHS to the

LGBTQIA+ student in terms of:

1.1 school;

1.2 teacher; and

1.3 students?

2. What are the common discrimination that the LGBTQIA+ Community


3. What are the factors that affect the acceptance of the following to the LGBTQIA+

Community in terms of:

3.1 school;

3.2 teacher; and

3.3 students?

4. What coping mechanism would the LGBTQIA+ community need to overcome with

regards to negative acceptance?


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be beneficial to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

The following people will benefit from the study: (1) School. This will be beneficial to

them since they will know the acceptance level of the students among the

LGBTQIA+ Community with this they will be able to think of possible solutions, that

will help to reduce discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ Community. (2) Teacher.

The teachers will be aware on how to handle the LGBTQIA+ Members. The

Teachers will be able to encourage the students to accept the LGBTQIA+

Community. (3) Students. They will be aware on how to show respect to the

LGBTQIA+ Members. (4) LGBTQIA+ Community. They will be able to express and

reveal their true selves without fear of being discriminated or judged. (5) Future

Researchers. It can be a reference for future researchers. This will serve as an eye-

opener to the readers. They can take this research for them to have an idea about

LGBTQIA+ Community.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the acceptance of selected students of Cardona

Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community during the School Year 2022-2023.

It will focus on the factors that affect the acceptance of selected students of Cardona

Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

This study will be limited to ten (10) students under HUMSS Strand in Cardona

Senior High School. Each of these respondents will be interviewed personally for the

researcher to get their point of view to prevent biased.

The study will not cover other issues of the school that is not part of the interview of

the Acceptance of Cardona Senior High School to LGBTQIA+ Community.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally.

defined (1) Acceptance. It means a person assent to the reality of a situation

recognizing a process on condition without attempting to change it. (2) Affect. It

means to impact or change. (3) Community. It refers to a group of people living in the

same place or having a particular commonality. (4) Coping mechanism. It refers to

any conscious or unconscious adjustment that decreases tension and anxiety in a

stressful situation. (5) Discriminate. It refers to treating a person in a worse way

especially because of their race, gender, or sexuality. (6) Factors. It means

something that actively contributes to the production of a result. (7) LGBTQIA+. It

refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, and more. These terms

are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. (8) Overcome.

It means to defeat or gain an advantage over someone or something. (9) School. It

refers to an institution designed to provide a learning environment for the teaching of

the students.

Chapter 2

Research Methodology

This section presents the research design, locate, sample and sampling

technique, research instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment of

data, and ethical consideration.

Research Design

The study used qualitative research designs since the study assessed the

perception of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+ Community. The research design is chosen

according to their perspective and the school's help.

Qualitative research is frequently characterized as subject, as opposed to

objective, and its conclusions are recorded in writing as opposed to numerically.

Because there may not be any commonalities among the numerous collected

findings, the data gathered from qualitative research cannot typically be examined

using statistical techniques in a way that allows for quantification.

The researchers believe that it is applicable to use since it helps to determine

and evaluate an answer to the questions concerning the acceptance of selected

students of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

The design is related to the study because the researchers gather data

through interviews with participants, to properly gather data regarding their personal

experiences in school along with their self-efficacy beliefs and its effect on students’

academic processes.


Setting of the study

The study was conducted at Cardona Senior High School, located at CSHS

compound Estacio Blvd, Dalig, Cardona, Rizal. Cardona senior high school stand

alone on May 22, 2016, it is formerly known as Bernardo F. San Juan Integrated

School was established last 2016 by the local administration of Cardona Rizal in

response to the national government program for free education where all

government units were mandated to establish a public school.

At present, the school has 1,143 students and 29 teachers.

Subject of the Study

The population of this study consisted of students at Cardona Senior High

School during the school year 2022-2023. Ten (10) students from the HUMSS


They were selected using the purposive sampling technique.


Purposing sampling is a sampling technique in which decisions concerning the

individuals to be included as a sample are taken by the researchers by selecting

respondents or people to answer questions meant to yield for the research study.

Source of Data

In this study, the primary sources of data are gathered through the interview

guide using all details of the statement of the problem to conduct an interview guide

that will classify and show the acceptance of selected students of CSHS to the

LGBTQIA+ Community. The secondary sources of data are collected through

published articles online using the internet.

Procedure of the Study

This part deals with the steps that the researchers went through to come up

with this work.

The study was conducted at Cardona senior high school in Cardona, Rizal

during the year 2022-2023.

In the first step in the planning, the researchers studied what would be the

problem to be considered and improved. Second, is the formulation of the problem.

The researcher identified the problem and then they proposed a title and ask for the

approval of the instructor. The research instructor chose the best topic, and it is

entitled “Acceptance of Selected Students of Cardona Senior High School to the

LGBTQIA+ community”. After the approval of the title, the researchers started,


working on the development of chapters 1 and 2-10. Develop the said chapters, the

researchers began to read articles and foreign and local literature related to the

study. The researchers also developed the statement of the problem and research


After completing the contents of chapters 1 and 2, it was submitted to the

research instructor, and after that colloquium followed. Chapters 1 and 2 were

revised and submitted. The researchers conducted the interview to gather the data.

Then the researchers started working on chapters 3 and 4 of the study which

includes the analysis and interpretation of data, summary, conclusion, and


After completing chapters 3 and 4, the researchers prepared for the final

defense. After that, chapters 3 and 4 were revised for submission.

Validation of instrument

The research instrument will be subjected to content validation by the experts

by conducting face validation of the LGBTQIA+ Community and CSHS students to

measure the accuracy of what it was designed to measure research corrections and

suggestions will be applied to the interview guide.

Ethical Consideration

The following are the ethical considerations observed by the researchers to

ensure the integrity of the research process;


1) informed consent of the participants and respondents will be obtained before

involving them in the study; 2) members of the same sample group had not been

subjected to coercion in any way; 3) privacy or research respondents has been

ensured so that no personal data were collected from the respondents; 4) research

respondents had been debriefed about the aims and objective of the study before

the primary data collection process; 5) works that do not belong to the author of this

paper had been acknowledged using APA reference system in appropriate format; 6)

analysis of data was filtered through the researchers’ particular theoretical position

and biases; 7) in case of harm inflicted by the researcher, the research was held

responsible, and; top priority and confidentiality will be maintained at all times during

the conduct of the study.

For the interview conducted the researcher followed the interview protocol


Interview Protocol

Student Interview Protocol

Institution: ________________

Interviewee: ______________

Interviewer: _______________
Survey Section Used

____________ A. Interview Background


____________ B. Acceptance Selected Students of CSHS Students in the

LGBTQIA+ Community



Introductory Protocol

To facilitate note-taking I would like to record our conversations today. Please

sign the release form. For your information, only the researcher will have access to

the recordings which Will be eventually deleted after they are transcribed. In

addition, you must sign a form devised to meet the requirements needed essentially,

this document states that: (1) all information will be held confidential, (2) your

participation is voluntary, and you may stop at any time if you feel uncomfortable,

and (3) I do not intend to inflict any harm Thank you for your agreeing to participate.

I have planned this interview to last no longer than one hour during this time, I

have several questions that I would like to cover. Its time begins to run short, it may

be necessary to interrupt you in order to push and complete this line of questioning.

Interviewee Background:

1. Do you have friends who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community?

2. What are the traits that you like about them?

Interesting Background Information on Interviewee:

1. What are your thoughts about the LGBTQIA+ community?

2. How do you communicate or socialize with them?


Acceptance of Selected Students of Cardona Senior High School to the

LGBTQIA+ Community

The study aims to determine the perception of students about their acceptance

to the LGBTQIA+ Community in Cardona Senior High School during the following


1. How the following show the acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+ student:

1.1 school;

1.2 teacher; and

1.3 students?

2. What are the common discrimination that the LGBTQIA+ Community


3. What are the factors that affect the acceptance of the following to the LGBTQIA+

Community in terms of:

3.1 school;

3.2 teacher;

3.3 students?

4. What coping mechanism would the LGBTQIA+ community need to overcome with

regards to negative acceptance?

Post-interview comments and/or observations:



Result and Discussion

This chapter deals with the result and decision presentation of data analysis

and interpretation of data gathered in order to answer specific problems in Chapter1.

Acceptance of Selected Students of Cardona Senior High School to the

LGBTQIA+ Community

The table presented below presents the new of the participants about having a

friend who's part of the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Table 1

Perception of Respondents About Having a Friend

Who's Part of the LGBTQIA+ Community


Friends with P1 H-I Yes All of the
LGBTQIA+ respondents have a
Community P2-HI Yes I have friend's who's part
members. P3-HII Yes of the LGBTQIA+
around CSHS have
P4-Hll Yes a friend who's part
P5-HIII Yes, most of my of the LGBTQIA+
friends are Community This
LGBTQIA+ member. implies that the
P6-HIII Yes Community are
being accepted and
P7-HIV Yes included to students
life by being friends
P8-HIV Yes with them, thus not
P9-HVI Yes an outcast, and it
shows that
members are
friendly and trust
worthy of
The gathered data presents the perception of the participants with regards to

having a friend that are part of the LGBTQIAT Community. According to P1-HI "Yes".

P2-HI stated Yes, i have". P3-HIV could "Yes". P4-HIll stated "Yes". P5-HIll

mentioned "Yes, most of my friends are part of the LGBTQIA+ Community P5-HII

said "Yes" P7-HIV stated "Yes" P7-HV said "Yes" P9-HVI stated Yes", P10-HVI said


This means that the selected students that participated. have friends that part

of the LGBTQIA+ Community, it also implies that most of the students around the

CSHS area. have friends who's part of the LGBTQIA+ Community. It varies

depending on the students, because even though all of the students have friends

that are part of the LGBTQIA+ Community it doesn't mean all of the students in

CSHS also friends with LGBTQIA+ member.

Based on the result, it shows that most of the students in CSHS already

accept LGBTQIA+ Community as part of society and not just outcast, and even

though LGBTQIA+ Community face much discrimination and negative comments,

didn't stop students to accept and love LGBTQIA+ members, and be friends with


This is an accordance to the study of Russell (2017) who revealed that

heterosexual experience a greater sense of comfort and trust in their friendship with

gay people. than with heterosexual individuals Russel converging findings support
the central hypothesis, which not only provided on distal explanation for the trust

straight women place in gay people but also provides novel rights into previously

unidentified context that facilitate the formation and strengthening of this unique


The table presented below presents the view of the respondents about the

traits they like about the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Table 2
Participant’s Perception About the Traits They Like
About LGBTQIA+ Members.
Funny P1-HI Funny 7 of the
respondents answer
funny is the trait that
P3-HII Funny they like to the
Community. This
P4-HII Funny means that most of
the students of
CSHS think and like
P6-HIII Funny
members are funny
people. This implies
P7-HIV Funny members are funny
and fun to be with, it
also means that
P8-HV For being funny students really
appreciate the
Sense of P2-HI They have great 1 of the
Humor sense of humor respondents think
that the LGBTQIA+
Community has a
great sense of
Cheerful and P5-HIII cheerful and fun The LGBTQIA+
Fun members are
cheerful and fun
according to 1
respondent that we
interview. This
means that some of
the students around
CSHS think that
members are
cheerful and fun.
This implies that
members are
optimistic, they are
always there to
cheer and make
people happy.
True to P9-HVI They are true to their One participant
Themselves self and jolly thinks that
and Jolly LGBTQIA+
members are
always true to their
self and jolly. This
means that most of
members are
always true to their
selves, they don't
pretend to make
others happy, and
they are always
happy. This implies
members are more
open toshowingw
their true selves if
they know that they
are being accepted.
Friendly and P10-HVI They are friendly and One of the
polite polite participant think that
friendly and polite.
This means that
members are being
recognized as
friendly and polite.
This implies that
members are one of
the people who's
really friendly and
polite, also people
are more
comfortable to be
friends with
members than
The gathered data present the perception of the respondents about the traits

they like in LGBTQIA+ members. According to P1-HI "They are funny and kind". P2-

HI shared "They have great sense of humor" P3-HII"Caring, funny and joker". P4-HII

mentioned" Caring, funny" P5-HIII stated "They are very cheerful and fun to be with".

P6-HIII said "Funny and easy to approach." P7-HIV said "For being a good person

and friendly." P8-HV mentioned "They are sweet, kind, and protective, funny also."

P9-HVI shared "When they are true to their self and being jolly. P10-HVI stated

"They are friendly and polite."

This means that most of the students think that LGBTQIA+ Community are

funny and some of them think that LGBTQIA+ members have great sense of humor,

cheerful, fun, true to their selves, jolly, friendly, and polite.

It varies depending on students, because some of them may like and agree with the

traits of the LGBTQIA+ members that are given by the verpondents and some may

not care. LGBTQIA+ members, because some of them may not have this traits.

Based on the result, researchers can see that students are being optimistic

about LGBTQIA+ community. It shows that the students think that this traits are one

of the best identity of the LGBTQIA+ members and there traits can also help

LGBTQIA+ community to be accepted and appreciated by the society.

This is in accordance to the study of Higa (2014) who revealed factors

associated with the well- being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and

questioning (LGBTQ) youth were qualitatively examined to better understand how

there factors are experienced from the youth's perspectives there findings suggest a

persuassiveness of negative experience in multiple contexts, and the importance of

fostering a positive LGBTQ identity and supportive peet and community network

towards reducing and eliminating the prejudicial sentiments often present in the

institutions and situations that LGBTQ youth encounters.

The table presented below presents the view of the participants about the

perception of the respondents about the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Table 3
Perception of the Respondents About
LGBTQIA+ Community.
Respect P1-HI They respect others The participants or
respondents think
P4-HII Respect others members respect
others. Being
respectful some

Sense of P2-HV They have a great The participants’ or

humor sense of humor respondents’
thoughts about
Community is they
have a great sense
of humor, they are
fun along with
Prominent in P5-HIII One of the most The participants or
the community prominent in the the respondents
community thoughts about
LGBTQIA+ are they
are prominent or
P6-HV They are prominent in important to our
our community community.

Nice P7-HIV T They have a nice The participant or

personality personality respondent's
perception about
community that
they have a nice
Deserve P10-HVI They deserve The participant or
Equality equality. respondent's
perception about
LGBTQIA+ deserves community that
equality they deserve equal
None P8-HVI None The participant or
respondent doesn't
have any
comments about
the perception to
Partners in P3-HII They are great The participants or
crime companion, like respondents
partners in crime. thoughts about
Community was
P4-HII Great partners in they are great
crime partners in crime or
great companion.
Superiority P9-HVI They have a The participant or
Complex superiority complex respondent
mentioned that the
Community have
superiority complex
or self-confidence
mostly in their own
The gathered data shows the perception of the respondents with regards to

students thoughts about LGBTQIA+ Community According to P1-HI "It's okay as long

as they respect other" P2-HI stated. "They have a great sense of humor P3-HII said,

"My thoughts about LGBTQIA+ Community is they can be my partner in crime" P4-

HII mentioned "My thoughts about LGBTQIA+ Community is they can be my partner

in crime" P5-HIII stated "This is one of the most prominent in the community" P6-HIII

said "Their giving a good participation in our community." P7-HIV stated "My

thoughts about them is they are human too and they also have superiority complex"

P10-HVI stated " They deserve more trust like every body else, and equality."

This means that the selected students that participated have answers that

related to good acceptance and thoughts about LGBTQIA+ Community. It also

implies that most of the students around CSHS have a good thoughts and positive

vibes towards the members of LGBTQIA+ community. It varies depending on the

students, because even though Some of the students have good thoughts to the

LGBTQIA+ Community It doesn't mean that all of the students in CSHS have good

thoughts about LGBTQIA+ members

It can be deduced, it shows that most of the students around the Cardona

Senior High School area, have good thoughts and accept LGBTQIA+. It also shows

that the students or perception of LGBTQIA+ Community are full of empathy and

equality towards LGBTQIAT+ members.

This is in accordance to the study of (Brandon, 2016). That their mental health

issues from interactions between genetic factors and stress associated with

membership in a sexual minority group, although advancements in acceptance and

equal treatment of LGBT individuals have been occurring sexual minority status
remains associated with risks to physical and mental well-being social interaction

among leathers plays a significant role in online environment (Krejns,2017).

The table presented below presents the view of the participants about the

perception of the respondents about communicating with LGBTQIA+ members.

Table 4
Perception of the Respondent About Communicating
Treats Like P1 – HI Treats like everyone The participators
Everyone else. respondents
communicate or
socialize by treating
Treats them LGBTQIA+
P10 - HVI normally. members normally
or like everyone
Respect P2 - HI Communicate with The participants or
Respect. respondents
communicate or
Communicating with socialize
P5 - HIII Them with respect. LGBTQIA+
members with
respect, and they
treat them respect
fully like others.
Communicate P6 - HIII Communicating with The respondents
Casually them casually. said that they are
communicating with
LGBTQIA+ casually
Talking with them
P7 - HIV Casually or in

P8 - HV Like now i
communicate with
everyone casually.
Jargon Words P3 - HII When using slang The participants or
or Jargon words. respondents
communicate with
Communicate Members by using
P4 - HII using Slang or slang words or
jargon jargon words.
Jargon words is the
specialized, or
language that is
used by people in a
particular group, or
social groups.
The gathered data shows perception of the participants with regards the

students communicate or socialize to the LGBTQIA+ members. According to P1 -

H111 respect "just like how treat everyone" P1 - H1 mentioned "I communicate with

them casually but with respect" P3 - H11 stated "using slang or jargon words" P5 -

H111 stated "I treat them the same, just like I treat others" P6 - H111 mentioned

"communicating with them with respect and care" P7 - HIV stated "talking to them in

person" P8 - HV "like how I communicate with everyone" P9 - HVI stated "I always

filter my self for saying things that might affect them" P10 - HVI mentioned "normal"

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview are

communicating LGBTQIA+ casually, and they are treating LGBTQIA+ members with

respect and equally and talking to them by using slang or jargon words that makes

them feel the positive vibes that the LGBTQIA+ community gives.

It can be implied that most of the students around the Cardona Senior High School

area, accept LGBTQIA+ as one of them, and not some outcast. It also show that the

students communicate politely, casually, and treat LGBTQIA+ community.

This is in accordance with the study of Tu (2017) the social and experiments

with different personnel and social identities to facilities social presence. Tu

converging finding support to learners require the autonomy to create their ideal and
international identities in learning spaces based on the contexts of the environment

and Their interaction with their peers and instructions. In online course they reveal or

hide in their Interactions with their peers and instructions.

The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of the respondents about the acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+


Table 5
Perception of the Respondents about the Acceptance of
CSHS to the LGBTQIA+ Community

Freedom P1-HI They want to be The respondents

approved on what wants to be approved
they want to wear. on the clothes they
want to wear that
allows them to
They want express themselves
P2-HI LGBTQIA+ this implies that the
Community to LGBTQIA+ community
cross dress is not yet accepted in
this school.
Appearance P3-HII They want to have The respondents
longhair even if wants to have longhair
they are not even if they are not
women. women and this
shows and represent
their freedom so this
P4-HII They want to have implies that the
longhair even if LGBTQIA+ community
they are not in CSHS has no
women. freedom to shoe their
true colors through
making some changes
in their appearances.
Events P5-HIII They want to have The respondents
events or wants to have an
gatherings that is events/gatherings that
related to them. is related to them so
this implies that the
They want to have Community don’t feel
plan on a event for that they are belong
P6-HIII LGBTQIA+. on any gatherings that
happen in this school

P9-HVI They want to have

plan on a event for

Respect P7-HIV They want

The respondents want
LGBTQIA+ to feelto have some freedom
free on showing and respect and this
their true color.
shows that the
LGBTQIA+ is aiming
for their freedom and
P10-HVI They want to be to be respected in this
respected school

No Comments P8-HV
The gathered data represents the Perception of the respondents about the

acceptance of the selected students of Cardona Senior High School to the

LGBTQIA+ community in terms of school. According to P1 - H1 " They want

LGBTQIA+ on what they want to wear". P2 - H11 stated "they want LGBTQIA+

community to cross dress". P3 - H11 Said "they want to have a long hair even if they

are not women" P4 - H11 mentioned "they want to have long hair even if they are not

women". P5 - H111 said " they want to have gatherings or even that is related to

them". P6 - H111 stated "they want to have plan on a event for LGBTQIA+". P9 - HVI

mentioned "they want to have plan on event for LGBTQIA+". P10 - HVI they want to

feel free on showing their true color P10 - HVI mentioned " they want to be

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview is they

don't feel that they have freedom in CSHS to do the things that shows on expressing

themselves in terms of school.

By implicating that most of the students around CSHS is aiming for them

LGBTQIA+ community to be allow on having a long hair and for them to have a plan

for a gatherings that is related to the LGBTQIA+ community and this represents that

CSHS is not yet accepted the LGBTQIA+ community.

This is according to the study of Russel (2021) who revealed Schools are

often unsafe for lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender queer, and questioning

(LGBTQ) Students. They frequently experience negative or hostile school climate,

including bullying and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

at school.

The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of the respondents about the acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+


Table 6
Perception of the Respondents about the Acceptance of CSHS
to the LGBTQIA+ Community
Equality P1-HI They want to The respondents
acknowledge as wants to be treated
LGBTQIA+. equally or an
equality because
they feel that they
P2-HI Theydoesn’t don’t feel being
emphasize them as treated equally so
a gay /lesbian. this implies that the
is not yet accepted
by the teachers.
P9-HVI They want teachers
to give equal
treatment to

They don’t approved
Appearance P3-HII They want to allow The respondents
students to have wants to allow the
long hair and wear LGBTQIA+
make ups. community to have
long hair and wear
make ups so this
P4-HII They want to allow implies that the
their students to CHSH teacher is not
wear make ups. allowing the
community students
P6-HIII They want to allow to have long hair and
students to have wear make up.
long hair and wear
Freedom P5-HIII They want to The respondents
express themselves want to have
freely in class. freedom to express
themselves in CSHS
So this implies that
community don’t
have the freedom to
express themselves
freely in class.

The gathered data represents the Perception of the respondents about.

Acceptance of the selected students of Cardona senior high school to the LGBTQIA+

community interms of school. According to P1 - H1 "they want to be acknowledge as

a LGBTQIA+". P2 - H1 stated "they doesn't emphasizes them being gay lesbian". P9

- HVI said " they want teachers to give equal treatment to all students and also

LGBTQIA+ community". P10 - HVI mentioned " they don't approved discrimination".
P3 - H11 said " they want to allow students to have a long hair and wear make ups".

P6 - H111 stated " they want to allow students to have long hair and wear make ups".

P4 - H11 said "they want to allow express themselves freely in class". P7 - HVI

stated "they want to be accepted on what they really are.

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview is they

are not allowed to wear clothes they want and also to show their true selves by

putting makeup on and they also feel that they are not treated equally, and they don't

have freedom at school in terms of teachers.

It can be implied that most of the students around CSHS are aiming for

equality for the LGBTQIA+ community and this represents that Cardona senior high

school is not yet accepted by the LGBTQIA+ community.

According to the study of Brandon Andrew Robinson. Acknowledge and

uplifting LGBTQIA+ youth’s resistance and power are necessary for pushing

scholarly dialogue and the possible interventions informed by research towards a

move fully transformative framework in changing and dismantling oppression societal


The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of respondent about the acceptance of CSHS students to the LGBTQIA+


Table 7
Perception of Respondent about the Acceptance of
CSHS Students to the LGBTQIA+ Community

Respecting P1-HI they respect them this means that most

students are of the students in
CSHS respects the

them students are students who are part

P3-HII of the LGBTQIA+

them respecting community. This

P4-HII students that are
part of the implies that some of
community. the students are

being respectful and

approachable to the
P5-HIII students are
respecting them. LGBTQIA+


Being Friendly P7-HIV Like what i said, we this means that some
already accepted
them. students already

accept the students

Students accepting
P9-HVI their friends as a that are part of the
part of the
community. So this

P10-HVI They include the implies that students

LGBTQIA students
show that they accept

and they include the

LGBTQIA+ students

The gathered data represent the perception of the students respondents

about acceptance of the students to the LGBTQIA+ community. According to PH "

they respect them". P2 - H11 " best friend with them". P3 - H111 "Students are

respecting the". P4 - H111 "Students are accepting them" P5 - H11 " Respecting
students that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community". P6 - H11 "Students are

respecting them". P7 - HIV " like what i said we already accepted them". P8 - HV

"Socializing with them and being friendly". P9 - HVI "students accepting their friend

as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community". P10 - HVI "they include the LGBTQIA+


This means that the selected that participated in the interview respect or

accept the students that is part if the LGBTQIA+ community. It varies depending on

the students, because even though all of the students that we interview already

accept the students that a part of the LGBTQIA+ community it doesn't mean all of

the students in CSHS also accept the LGBTQIA+ community. It can be implied that

most of the students in Cardona Senior High School already accept LGBTQIA+

community and they also include them as one of them.I t also shows that the

students respect the LGBTQIA+ community students once become their friends

This accordance the study of 2019 who revealed experiences of discrimination

against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and green (LGBTQIA+)assaults in the

United States which badly to poor health outcomes, Discrimination is widely

experience by LGBTQIA+ adults across health care and domains aking racial and

ethics minorities policy and domains, programmatic efforts are needed to reduce

those negative experiences and their health impact 9n sexual or gender monitory

adult particularly those who experienced compounded terms of discrimination.

The table presented below represents the view of the participants about the

perception of perception of respondents about common discrimination that the

LGBTQIA+ Community are experiencing.

Table 8
Perception of Respondents About Common Discrimination That the LGBTQIA+
Community are Experiencing

Discrimination P2-HI Discrimination This means that

towards the way. there are many
discrimination that
they dress and act. the LGBTQIA+
P3-HII community are
experiencing like for
Discrimination and the way they dress,
P4-HII confusing them to confusing them
what are their true because of their
gender. religion. So this
implies that some
people are
discriminating them
Discrimination to
P6-HIII and some of them
what their true
are confusing them
because of their true
Bullying P1-HI Bullying This means that one
of the common
discrimination that
P8-H6 Bullied due to their the LGBTQIA+
personality community are
experiencing is
bullying. This implies
inequality and that they are being
P10-HVI bullying bullied because of
their personality and
some people doesn’t
treat them equally.
Treat P5-HIII How they are not This means that the
“normal” compared common
P7-HIV to other gender. discrimination that
other people treat community
them like they do not experiencing is
accept responsibility traiting them and
because of she/he being compared. So
gay or what. this implies that some
The common people are not
discrimination as i treating them equally,
know that some of not treating them
people can’t accept right and some
them because of people are
being homophobic comparing them to
and because of their other people.
The gathered data represents the perception of the respondents about

common discrimination that the LGBTQIA+ Community is experiencing. According to

Pl-HI "Bullying". P2-HI "Discrimination and confusing them to what are their true

gender". P3-Hll "Discrimination towards the way they dress and act: gender P4 - Hll

"Discrimination to what their true P5 – HllI “How they are not "normal" compared to

another gender": P6 – HII “Discrimination and confusing them". P7-HIV "Other

people treat them like they are not acceptable responsibility because of the bullying

due to their personality gay or what? P8 – HV "The common discrimination P9-HVI

"student accepting their friend as a part of LGBTQIA+ community " P10-HVI they

include the LGBTQIA+ students.

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview know

that there are many common discriminations that the LGBTQIA + community are

experiencing. It varies depending on the students because based on the students

that we interviewed that some people or students are discriminating against the

students that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It doesn’t mean that the part

students or people are discriminating against the students that are the LGBTQ/A+


It can be implied that most of the common discrimination that the LGBTQIA +

community experiences are being discriminated against because of their gender. It

also shows that the LLBTQIA+ Community is being bullied by other people and some

of them don’t accept them because of their gender.

This accordance with the study of Russell (2021) schools are often unsafe for

lesbian, gay, bisexual, (LGBTQ) students, they frequently experience negative or

hostile school climates. including bullying and gender identity at school. Negative
school climates and discriminatory experiences can threaten. LGBTQ students' well-

being. ST Russell’s paper summarizes research evidence on each of these safe-

school strategies and provides recommendations for multiple audiences, including

policymakers, professional associations in the field of education, schools of

education, school personnel, parents,and students. transgender, queer and


The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of the respondents about the Acceptance of CSHS to the LGBTQIA+


Table 9
Factors That Affect the Acceptance of The
School to the LGBTQIA+ Community

Anti-Bullying P1-HI they implement anti- One of the

and Anti- bullying and anti- respondents factors
Discrimination discrimination that affect the
acceptance of school
to the LGBTQIA+ is
they implement anti-
bullying and anti-
Freedom P2-HI because of some the participant or the
rules the LGBTQIA+ respondent factors
students can’t have that affect the
freedom acceptance of school
to the LGBTQIA+
community is
Limitation P3-HII in school, LGBT are the respondent
limited on their factors that affect the
actions because of acceptance of school
policy. to the LGBTQIA+
community is that
P4-HII in school, LGBT are limitation is needed
limited on their
actions because of due to policies
Limiting their actions
P6-HIII due to policy
The school accept
P9-HVI them but they have
their own limitation
Dress Code P5-HIII there is strict dress the participant or
code that is implied respondents factors
for students of that affect the
CSHS especially acceptance of school
LGBT students to the LGBTQIA+
community is by
implifying dress code.
Factors P7-HIV there are no factors The respondents
affecting those factors that affect the
LGBT in terms of the acceptance of school
school because they to the LGBTQIA+
are all welcome community is that
there are no factors
that really affect the
students because
they have freedom
Respect P8-HV the way of showing the participants or the
respect to respondents factors
LGBTQIA+ that affect the
members acceptance of school
to the LGBTQIA +
community means
that respect must be
shown in any ways.
Policy P10-HVI they want to the respondents
implement good and factors that affect the
achievable policies acceptance of school
to the LGBTQIA+
community is that
implementing policies
is a good strategy for

The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of the respondents about factors that affect the acceptance of the teacher

to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Factors That Affect the Acceptance of The
Teacher to the LGBTQIA+ Community

Humor P1-HI Their humor and One of the

inteligence respondents factors
that affect the
acceptance of
teachers to the
community is humor.
Behavior P2-HI the behavior of One of the
LGBTQIA+ students respondents factors
that affect the
acceptance of
teachers to the
community is the
behavior of the
LGBTQIA+ students

Source of P3-HII Teachers, all The participant or the

happiness LGBTQ that I know respondent’s factors
is the source of that affect the
happiness of the acceptance of
teachers. teachers to the
community is they
Teachers, all experienced
P4-HII LGBTQ that I know happiness because
are the source of LGBTQ members
happiness of the

They are one of the

teachers they are
one of the sources
of happiness for

They're of the
teacher’s happiness
P9-HVI sometimes
Humiliation P5-HIII Humiliating students One of the
that are part of the respondent’s factors
community that affect the
acceptance of
teachers to the
community is the
humiliation to
Factors P7-HIV One of the
respondent’s factors
I think there are no that affect the
factors affecting acceptance of
LGBTQ in terms teachers to the
community is the
factors that don’t
really affect LGBT
Academic P8-HV Their academic The participant or the
performances performances and respondents’ factors
show respect for that affect the
their gender. acceptance of
teachers to the
P10-HVI performance/ community is their
academic academic
performance performances.

The gathered data represent the perceptions of the participants with regards

to the factor that affect the acceptance of teachers to the LGBTQIA+ community.

According to P1-HI "Their humor and inteligence". P2-HI stated "the behavior of

LGBTQIA+ students". P3-HII said "Teacher, all LGBT that I know they are the source

of happiness of the teachers". P4-HII mentioned, "Teaches, all LGBT that I know

they are the source of their happiness". P5-HIII said, "Humiliating students that are

part of the community". P6-HIII stated, "They are on of source of happiness for

them". P7-HIV mentioned, "I think there are no factors affecting the LGBT". P8-HV
said "Their academic performances show respect to their gender". P9-HVI stated "no

comment". P10-HVI mentioned "performance/ academic performance".

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview think

that teachers respect and love LGBTQIA+ members. It shows that most of the

teachers at the CSHS area love and support LGBTQIA+ students.

It can be implied that LGBTQIA+ students are being accepted by the

teachers in Carding Senior High School, but some of them still face humiliation and

discrimination from the teachers.

This is in accordance with the study of Page (2017) Who Revealed

Teacher’s Attitudes and Implementation Of LGBT- Inclusive Curriculum Teachers'

Comfort Levels In Integrating Literature With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or

Transgender (LGBTQ) Themes Or Characters Into Their Curricula And Classroom


The table presented below represents the view of the participants about the

perception of the respondents about factors that affect the acceptance of CSHS

students to LGBQIA+.

Table 11

Perception of the Respondents About Factors That Affect

The Acceptance of CSHS Students To LGBQIA+



Factors That P1 H-I They are good at Most of the

Affect the
Acceptance of socializing. respondents host a
Students to different factor that
the P2-HI The way they
LGBTQIA+ socialize. affects the
P3-HII acceptance to the
They are the ones
who are also the LGBTQIA+
source of happiness.
Community fame of

the respondents cold

P4-Hll They are the source
of happiness.
at socializing source

P5-HIII of happiness, while

against the students others are happy to
who are part of the
community. be friends with them.

P6-HIII This implies that the

They are also the
source of happiness. LGBTI Meter are

accepted in CSHS
P7-HIV Criticism and
bullying because most of their

answer is a positive
Being chaotic and
P8-HIV way of acceptance

Other students are
happy to be friends
with them.

no comment
The gathered data represents the perception of the respondents with

regards to factors that affect the Acceptance to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

According to P1-HI "They are good at socializing". P2-HI stated "The way they

socialize". P3-HII mentioned "they are one who are also source of happiness". P4-

HII said "they are source of happiness". P5-HII stated "discrimination against the
students who are part of the community". P6-HII mentioned "they are also source of

happiness". P7-HIV said "criticism and bullying". P8-HIV stated "Being chaotic and

friendly". P9-HVI mentioned "other students are happy to be friends with them". P1O-

HVI said "no comment".

This means that the selected students that participated have a different

factor that affect the acceptance to the LGBTQIA+ community, it also implies that

LGBTQIA+ members are accepted in CSHS area because most of their answer is a

positive way of acceptance. It varies depending on the students because all of them

have a different perspective in way of accepting.

It can be implied that most of the students in Cardona Senior High School

area accept LGBTQIA+ members as one of them. It implies that even if they are

LGBTQIA+ members, that will be not an acceptable reason for them not to treat right

and they also need to be loved and make feel that they belong in society.

This is in accordance with the study of Higa (2014) who revealed factors

associated with the well-being of lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, and questioning

(LGBTQ) youth were qualitatively examined to better understand how these factors

are experienced from youth's perspectives. These findings suggest a

persuasiveness of negative experiences in multiple contexts and the importance of

fostering a positive LGBTQ identity and supportive peer and community networks.

Efforts should work towards reducing and eliminating the theprejudiciall sentiments

often present in the institutions and situations that LGBTQ youth encounter.
The table presented below represents the view of the participants about

perception of respondents about coping mechanisms that LGBTQIA+ community

need to overcome with regards to negative comments.

Table 12
Perception of Respondents About Coping Mechanisms That LGBTQIA+
Community Need to Overcome With Regards to Negative Comments
Coping P1 H-I by ignoring people Most of the
mechanism negative Comments respondents have a
that different perspective
LGBTQIA+ in forms of
community they need to be LGBTQIA+
need to P2-HI used to some community need to
overcome discrimination. overcome with
with regards regards to negative
to negative acceptance. Most of
acceptance Get support and talk their answer is for
to. someone and so LGBTQIA+ members
glance at all ne to overcome the
people around you. negative comments
of others. This
implies that
LGBTQIA+ members
P4-Hll Get support and talk
are accepted in
to someone
Cardanc - Senior
High School based
P5-HIII on answer of our
No comment respondents

Must to ignore those

P6-HIII people who cannot
accept them.

socializing with them

and being friendly

no Comment

no comment
it depends on the
The gathered data represents the perception of respondents about coping

mechanism that LGBTQIA+ community need to overcome with regards to negative

acceptance. According to P1-HI "by ignoring people negative comments". P2-HI said

"they need to be use to some discrimination". P3-HII stated "get support and talk to

someone and socialize to all people around you". P4-HII mentioned "Get support

and talk to someone". P5-HIII said"no comment". P6-HII "Get support and talk to

someone". P7-HIV mentioned "must to ignore those people who cannot accept

them". P8-HIV said "socializing with them and being frendly". P9-HVI stated "no -

comment". PIO-H mentioned "it depends on the person".

This means that the selected students that participated in the interview need

to overcome with regards to negative acceptance. It implies that most of the students

accepted LGBTQIA+ members. It varies depending on the students because most of

them said get support and socialize with them.

It can be implied that most of the students in Cardona Senior High School

already accepted LGBTQIA+ members as one of them part of society. It implies that

even they if face bullying and criticism, that's not the base or them not to accept or

show as part of our society.

This is in accordance to the study of Toomey (2018) who revealed

adolescents cope with minority stress related to sexual orientation. This study

examines 245 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) young adults (ages 21-25)

retrospective reports of coping in response to LGB minority stress during

adolescence (ages 13-19) to test the reliability and validity of a measure of monitory

stress coping. LGBT-specific strategies were associated with better psychosocial

adjustment or a greater likelihood at hofh school attainment in young adulthood,

while alternative seeking and associated with poorer adjustment and less likelihood

of high school attainment.



Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Following are the summary of findings, obtained through the conduct of the

study including the conclusion and recommendation formulated by the research.

Summary of Findings

The summary of findings were 1) all of the respondents of friend that are part

of the LGBTQIA+ community. 2) most of the respondents favorite traits of LGBTQIA+

community is funny. 3) most of the respondents answered that they think that the

LGBTQIA+ community always respect others. 4) almost all of the respondents

communicate with LGBTQIA+ community casually. 5) most of the respondents wants

school to have gatherings or events that is related to the LGBTQ community. 6)

several of the respondents answer that the LGBTQIA+ community want to be

acknowledged. 7) most of the respondents think that students respect LGBTQIA+

Community. 8) some of the respondents said that the LGBTQIA+ community are
facing discrimination. 9) Several of the respondents said that the school policies,

limits the action of the LGBTQIA+ community. 10) four of the respondents think that

occupies community is the source of happiness of teachers. 11) Three of the

respondents answered that the LGBTQIA+ community is the source of happiness of

students. 12) most of the respondents think that the coping mechanism of the

LGBTQIA+ community about negative comments are getting support from people

and talking with someone.



The study can be concluded that. 1) There are ways on how they show

respect to the LGBTQIA+ Members like the school: The School let LGBTQIA+

Members to express their selves more by allowing them to wear what they want and

producing activities and gathering related to the LGBTQIA+ Community. The

teachers accept them, but some of the LGBTQIA+ members still experience

humiliation and negative comments from the teachers. Student, They have different

ways of showing they already accept LGBTQIA+ students by loving, respecting, and

being friends with the LGBTQIA+ members. 2) There are several discrimination and

bullying that are being experienced by the LGBTQIA+ community, some of the

reasons are they being an LGBTQIA+ member is not normal, being homophobic and

because of their religion. 3) There are factors that can affect the acceptance of

CSHS to the LGBTQIA+ community in terms of: School, because of some rules in

the school the LGBTQIA members are having a hard time expressing their selves

and their actions are being limited. Teachers, the teachers accepted the LGBTQIA+

students because they are funny, intelligent, and good at Socializing. Students, the

student respect them because they are friendly and source of happiness in the
classroom. 4) The coping mechanisms of LGBTQIA+ members are they ignore

negative comments and pick their friends for them to be able to live peacefully.



Recommendations Based from the findings and conclusion, the

following recommendations were here suggested; 1) School can conduct awareness

and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ Community. Teachers can teach students to

respect and accept LGBTQIA+ Community. Students need to be more aware about

the LGBTQIA+ Community, by doing a meeting or posters. 2) Implement anti-bullying

and anti-discrimination to conduct orientations regarding the LGBTQIA+ Community.

3)Promote LGBTQIA+ rights. Students treatments and involvement must included in

activities and events. 4) Provide activities that can help for the LGBTQIA+community

to feel accepted. 5. Future researchers can do further studies about certain topics

and gaps that will lead to a better understanding about LGBTQIA+community rights

and lead them to a better future.



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Appendix A



Good day!

We, the Senior High School Students of 11-HUMSS at Cardona Senior High
School will conduct a study entitled Acceptance of Selected Students of Cardona
Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

In accordance with this, we respectfully request permission from your office to

distribute our questionnaires to our school and community respondents. The
researchers are hoping for your positive feedback and approval.

Respectfully yours,








Approved by



Appendix B


June 30, 2023

Dear respondents,

A blessed day to you! We are the students from Cardona Senior High School,
Grade 11-Humility, HUMSS Strand. We are honored to inform you that you are the
chosen respondents in our study entitled Acceptance of Selected Students of
Cardona Senior High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

With this regard your cooperation giving your honest response will provide the
necessary data that would help in the realization of this undertaking. Rest assured
that your response will be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Your assessment is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much.










Appendix D



This is to certify that the questionnaire checklist used by the researcher in the
conduct of the study entitled Acceptance of Selected Students of Cardona Senior
High School to the LGBTQIA+ Community.


1. Carlyne A. Avińante May 2, 2023

2. Teresa F. Campo May 2, 2023

3. April Joy V. Ramos May 2, 2023


Address: 454 Julian St, San Roque
Cardona, Rizal
Contact: 09261513489

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth: June 18, 2006
1.2 Place of Birth: Cardona, Rizal
1.3 Age: 17
1.4 Sex: Female
1.5 Height: 157
1.6 Weight: 44
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: Roman Catholic

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Looc Elementary School
SY 2013-2018

Address: Marcos Francisco St. Brgy. San Roque
Cardona, Rizal
Contact: 09350938604

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth: March 3, 2006
1.2 Place of Birth: Morong, Rizal
1.3 Age: 17
1.4 Sex: Female
1.5 Height: 154
1.6 Weight: 45
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: INC

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School
SY 2013-2018

Address: Concepcion St, Dalig
Cardona, Rizal
Contact: 09078990342

1. Personal Information

1.1 Date of Birth: January 19,2006

1.2 Place of Birth: Cardona, Rizal
1.3 Age: 17
1.4 Sex: Female
1.5 Height:
1.6 Weight: 47
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: Catholic

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Dalig Elementary School
SY 2013-2018



Address: 089 San Francisco, Patunhay
Cardona, Rizal

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth:
1.2 Place of Birth: Cardona, Rizal
1.3 Age: 16
1.4 Sex: Female
1.5 Height:
1.6 Weight:
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: INC

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School
SY 2013-2018



Address: San Pedro St Brgy San Roque
Cardona, Rizal

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth: Morong, Rizal
1.2 Place of Birth: Cardona, Rizal
1.3 Age:
1.4 Sex: Female
1.5 Height:
1.6 Weight:
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: INC

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School
SY 2013-2018



Address: 1415 Candelaria St. Brgy. Looc
Cardona, Rizal
Contact: 09633217242

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth: March 10, 2006
1.2 Place of Birth: Morong, Rizal
1.3 Age: 17
1.4 Sex: Male
1.5 Height: 167 cm
1.6 Weight: 56 kg
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: Roman Catholic

II. Educational Attainment

Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School
SY 2013-2018



Address: San Juan St., Looc
Cardona, Rizal

1. Personal Information
1.1 Date of Birth:
1.2 Place of Birth:
1.3 Age: 17
1.4 Sex: Male
1.5 Height:
1.6 Weight:
1.7 Languages: Tagalog and English
1.8 Civil Status: Single
1.9 Religion: Roman Catholic
II. Educational Attainment
Cardona Senior High School
SY 2022-Present
Bernardo F. San Juan National High School
SY 2018-2022
Looc Elementary School
SY 2013-2018


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