Mom-Nirupam - 24 Jan 23

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DATE 24/1/2023
Supplier Name M/s Nirupam Engineers Pvt Ltd ( Tier 1 : Amtek )
LOCATION Plot No. 151 , Sec. 24 , Faridabad
TIME 9.25 am
Mr. Binay Kr. Jha
Mr. Chitrasen
Mr. Sanjay Sinha


1 Implentation of Briefing of Training Process requirements in ref. to clause , to all the concerned
2 Briefing of Operator Observance activity , Guidelines to be made , Plan & Check list to be
implementation as explained to the concerned

3 Product Briefing of Product Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

4 Discuss the Requirement of FIFO & Stock Status Board ( RM & FG ) , Need to ensure as expl

5 Handling Briefing of Handling Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

6 Discussed the Requirement of Approved Packing Standards , need to ensure as currently no

7 Discussed the Requirement of Bin / Trolley Management , need to ensure the Check list , T
Mgmt. system Guidelines , need to ensure as explained

8 Maru A Part Mgmt. Briefing of Maru A Part Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

9 Adequate Testing Briefing of Testing Facility Clause requirements , to all the concerned
10 Facility Discussed the Requirement of MI & Testing equipments , need to ensure the list as explain
11 Mgmt. Clause Discussed the Requirement of MRM & KRA , need to start as currently not there
13 Safety Clause Briefing of safety Clause requirements , to all the concerned
14 Discussed the Requirement of Thisrd Party Fire Safety audit , need to ensure as currently
15 Standard Review of Std. Mgmt. / Doc. & Data control Procedure , found not initiated , Re-Briefing of
Management Management clause requirements , to all the concerned
Procedure to be made avl. as re-explained

16 Review of Master List of Docs. & Records , Found Initiated for some Docs. , Re-explained th
std. format for MLD for all the Docs. & Records to cover as re-explained, need to update &
Docs. & Records

17 Review of Doc. Change Request Note , Doc.issue / Receipt Note , Format found made , ne
implement as re-explained

18 Review of Doc. Control Matrix ,Found not revidewed as was explained earlier , only forma
need to ensure the matrix as re-explained

19 Review of Coherance activity , Found Initiated , still needed to pace up & correctly ensured
Coherance summary format found initiated , Plan to be made & compliances for the finish
need to initiate / ensure .
20 Review of List of Obsolete Docs. , need to start / implement as re-explained
21 Education & Training Review of Training Procedure , Found not initiated / made , Re-Briefing of Training Process
done , to all the concerned
Procedure to be made avl. As currently not avl.

22 Review of Organisation Chart & JD , OC Found made , JD found made but common for mul
explained the requirements & amendment required

23 Review of Competence requirement sheet , Format found made only but found Not define
for all the pos. , Currently No Staff competence requirement found defined , No TNI , No Tr
Planned or No training in place , need to ensure all as re-explained with the formats drafted
implementation requirements

24 Review of Staff competence & TNI in actual , Format found made only , Found no further e
matter , Need to ensure as Re-discussed
Based on the actual assessment explained the Training support process by MACE , Re-discu
shared earlier & need for the upgarde journey to the plant Head

25 Review of Staff Training modules & Effectiveness Assessment papers , Found Not Initiated
Need to start generating & ensure all as required for the Training Process Training Process

26 Review of Workers , Process wise Level wise Requirement sheet , Found started but not co
requirements as was explained ,
currently not avl , Re-explained the requirement , need to ensure

27 Review of Workers skill matrix , Found Not initiated as Currently No Workers skill evaluatio
TNI , No Training found Planned or No training in place , need to ensure all as re-explained

28 Review of Workers Training Process Implementation records , explained the requirements

the requirements & ensure

29 Review of New Joiness process , Re-Explained the requirements , Currently No New Joinee
defined for Both Category process , need to ensure all the requirements as re-explained

30 Handling Review of Customer Complaint Handling Process ,Procedure found not made ,
Abnormality In Re-Briefing done of the the requirements, Procedure to be made avl.
31 Review of Customer Complaint Register , Found initiated but not meeting the defined req
Inputs shared for Drafting of the required format , same needs to be implemented , Re-exp
requirement , need to ensure
Customer Complaint record found not evident , need to maintain

32 Review of On site verification records , Found Not there , Re-Briefing done of Onsite Verifi
Requirement , as currently Not there/ not maintained , need to ensure as explained

33 Review of Customer complaint Repetative Nature monitoring sheet , Found format made ,

34 Review of Internal CAPA Format & 8D Format , need amendments in the Internal CAPA form
need to start as re-explained with the drafting / inputs shared for required format
35 Review of Criteria for raising Internal Complaint , found not reviewed , Re- briefing done f
Internal Complaint register found initiated , need minor amendments as explained , same n
implemented as currently not in practice

36 Review of Red Bin Process , Partially there , Daily Red Bin Format found amended , Re- Brie
Bin Requirement , Red Bin support monitoring & actions need to maintain , explained the r

37 Review of Monthly Quality Analsis , found not started , Re-Briefing done of Monthly Qual
Requirement ,support monitoring / data Management to start as explained , currently Mo
Analysis not in practice , need to ensure

38 Review of Supplier QPCR Raising criteria , found not reviewed / made , Re- Briefing done of
/ QPCR Raise & further actions in process requirements , need to review & start as explaine

39 Review of Supplier complaint record , Format found made but not in practice , need to star

40 Change Mgmt. Review of Change Mgmt . Procedure , Currently not available , Briefing done of the require
clause , Procedure need to be made avl. As explained to the concerned

41 Review of Daily Prod. Register , Fiormat found made , need to maintain as re- explained the
requirement , need to ensure & Practice with all the details as explained
42 Review of Change Mgmt. Implementation with Display requirement , need to ensure as Ma
implementation , need to ensure as explained

Important Update : Org. Str. Is small , Staff having 4 persons , Staff competence at very low level as in line with t
follow , Operators No. 4 , Total Workers are appx. 17 ( 13 Workers on Contractual basis )
Company running in 2 shifts , 12 hrs /shift , Only 1 part of MSIL That to thru Amtek
Major Customer or Share of Business is JL Auto Parts , Fbd for Parts of HMSI
Management involvement seems less , Annual TO is appx. 3.5 Cr.
COUNSELOR NAME- Ritesh Bhatnagar
pam Engineers Pvt Ltd ( Tier 1 : Amtek )
51 , Sec. 24 , Faridabad

l Review )
Plant Head
Prod.& Maint.

Briefing of Training Process requirements in ref. to clause , to all the concerned

Briefing of Operator Observance activity , Guidelines to be made , Plan & Check list to be made & start
implementation as explained to the concerned

Briefing of Product Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

Discuss the Requirement of FIFO & Stock Status Board ( RM & FG ) , Need to ensure as explained

Briefing of Handling Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

Discussed the Requirement of Approved Packing Standards , need to ensure as currently not there

Discussed the Requirement of Bin / Trolley Management , need to ensure the Check list , Trolley Repair
Mgmt. system Guidelines , need to ensure as explained

Briefing of Maru A Part Management Clause requirements , to all the concerned

Briefing of Testing Facility Clause requirements , to all the concerned

Discussed the Requirement of MI & Testing equipments , need to ensure the list as explained
Discussed the Requirement of MRM & KRA , need to start as currently not there

Briefing of safety Clause requirements , to all the concerned

Discussed the Requirement of Thisrd Party Fire Safety audit , need to ensure as currently not done
Review of Std. Mgmt. / Doc. & Data control Procedure , found not initiated , Re-Briefing of Standard
Management clause requirements , to all the concerned
Procedure to be made avl. as re-explained

Review of Master List of Docs. & Records , Found Initiated for some Docs. , Re-explained the Inputs for the
std. format for MLD for all the Docs. & Records to cover as re-explained, need to update & maintain for all the
Docs. & Records

Review of Doc. Change Request Note , Doc.issue / Receipt Note , Format found made , need to start /
implement as re-explained

Review of Doc. Control Matrix ,Found not revidewed as was explained earlier , only format found made ,
need to ensure the matrix as re-explained

Review of Coherance activity , Found Initiated , still needed to pace up & correctly ensured
Coherance summary format found initiated , Plan to be made & compliances for the finish off the activity
need to initiate / ensure .
Review of List of Obsolete Docs. , need to start / implement as re-explained
Review of Training Procedure , Found not initiated / made , Re-Briefing of Training Process requirements
done , to all the concerned
Procedure to be made avl. As currently not avl.

Review of Organisation Chart & JD , OC Found made , JD found made but common for multiple functions , Re-
explained the requirements & amendment required

Review of Competence requirement sheet , Format found made only but found Not defined as was explained
for all the pos. , Currently No Staff competence requirement found defined , No TNI , No Training found
Planned or No training in place , need to ensure all as re-explained with the formats drafted for the
implementation requirements

Review of Staff competence & TNI in actual , Format found made only , Found no further exercise in this
matter , Need to ensure as Re-discussed
Based on the actual assessment explained the Training support process by MACE , Re-discussed the Proposal
shared earlier & need for the upgarde journey to the plant Head

Review of Staff Training modules & Effectiveness Assessment papers , Found Not Initiated as not avl.
Need to start generating & ensure all as required for the Training Process Training Process requirements

Review of Workers , Process wise Level wise Requirement sheet , Found started but not covering the min.
requirements as was explained ,
currently not avl , Re-explained the requirement , need to ensure

Review of Workers skill matrix , Found Not initiated as Currently No Workers skill evaluation process , No
TNI , No Training found Planned or No training in place , need to ensure all as re-explained

Review of Workers Training Process Implementation records , explained the requirements & need to redefine
the requirements & ensure

Review of New Joiness process , Re-Explained the requirements , Currently No New Joinee Process found
defined for Both Category process , need to ensure all the requirements as re-explained

Review of Customer Complaint Handling Process ,Procedure found not made ,

Re-Briefing done of the the requirements, Procedure to be made avl.

Review of Customer Complaint Register , Found initiated but not meeting the defined requirements , Re-
Inputs shared for Drafting of the required format , same needs to be implemented , Re-explained the
requirement , need to ensure
Customer Complaint record found not evident , need to maintain

Review of On site verification records , Found Not there , Re-Briefing done of Onsite Verification
Requirement , as currently Not there/ not maintained , need to ensure as explained

Review of Customer complaint Repetative Nature monitoring sheet , Found format made ,need to start as re-

Review of Internal CAPA Format & 8D Format , need amendments in the Internal CAPA format as explained ,
need to start as re-explained with the drafting / inputs shared for required format
Review of Criteria for raising Internal Complaint , found not reviewed , Re- briefing done for Criteria,
Internal Complaint register found initiated , need minor amendments as explained , same needs to be
implemented as currently not in practice

Review of Red Bin Process , Partially there , Daily Red Bin Format found amended , Re- Briefing done of Red
Bin Requirement , Red Bin support monitoring & actions need to maintain , explained the requirement

Review of Monthly Quality Analsis , found not started , Re-Briefing done of Monthly Quality Analysis
Requirement ,support monitoring / data Management to start as explained , currently Monthly Quality
Analysis not in practice , need to ensure

Review of Supplier QPCR Raising criteria , found not reviewed / made , Re- Briefing done of Supplier Complaint
/ QPCR Raise & further actions in process requirements , need to review & start as explained

Review of Supplier complaint record , Format found made but not in practice , need to start as re-explained

Review of Change Mgmt . Procedure , Currently not available , Briefing done of the requirememnts of the
clause , Procedure need to be made avl. As explained to the concerned

Review of Daily Prod. Register , Fiormat found made , need to maintain as re- explained the Prod. Log book
requirement , need to ensure & Practice with all the details as explained
Review of Change Mgmt. Implementation with Display requirement , need to ensure as Major gaps in the
implementation , need to ensure as explained

Org. Str. Is small , Staff having 4 persons , Staff competence at very low level as in line with the requirements to
o. 4 , Total Workers are appx. 17 ( 13 Workers on Contractual basis )
2 shifts , 12 hrs /shift , Only 1 part of MSIL That to thru Amtek
hare of Business is JL Auto Parts , Fbd for Parts of HMSI
ement seems less , Annual TO is appx. 3.5 Cr.
Connecting Rod - Amtek
Half cut gear ,-JL Auto ,Honda

Mr, Rishi Bhargawa - Bangalore

Mr. Sanddeep Bhargawa

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