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Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Investigation on Microecology of Hair Root Fungi

in Androgenetic Alopecia Patients
Jinghong Huang . Yuping Ran . Sushmita Pradhan . Wei Yan .
Yaling Dai

Received: 28 March 2019 / Accepted: 30 May 2019 / Published online: 26 June 2019
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract method was used to detect the fungal microecology of

Background This study focused on the differences in hairy roots at different sites. Moreover, the compar-
hairy root fungal microecology between androgenetic ison of fungal loads of Malassezia in different group
alopecia patients and healthy individuals. and scalp area were tested by PCR.
Methods Light microscopy was used to observe the Results The fungi in the hair root observed by optical
morphology of hairy roots. Morphological observa- microscopy are mainly Malassezia yeast. The pos-
tions were also performed in the positive specimens itive rate of Malassezia in the hair loss group (60%)
using scanning electron microscopy and transmission was higher than that in the control group (40%). The
electron microscopy. The high-throughput sequencing detection efficiency of Malassezia examined by
scanning electron microscopy was higher than that
by light microscopy. Results acquired from high-
Handling Editor: Stephane Ranque. throughput molecular sequencing of fungi suggested
that Ascomycota was the dominant species, whereas
J. Huang  Y. Ran (&)  S. Pradhan  W. Yan in the occipital hair roots of the control group
Department of Dermatovenereology, West China Basidiomycota was the dominant species in the hair
Hospital, Sichuan University, No. 37, Guo Xue Xiang,
Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China loss group. Malassezia followed by Trichosporon
e-mail: were the most abundant fungal genera. The changes
J. Huang in abundance at the top and occipital region of the
e-mail: control group were more significant than those of the
S. Pradhan genus Fusarium, followed by Epicoccum and
e-mail: Malassezia. The load of Malassezia located on
W. Yan calvaria in the alopecia group was significantly
e-mail: higher than that in the control group. In the alopecia
group, the load of Malassezia on the scalp was
J. Huang
higher than that on the occipital region. The load of
Department of Dermatovenereology, Medical Center of
Dujiang yan, Dujiangyan 611830, Sichuan Province, Malassezia globosa and Malassezia restricta in the
China hair loss group was higher on calvaria and occipital
Y. Dai
Conclusion Malassezia had a positive correlation
Laboratory Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan
University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China with the incidence of androgenic alopecia.

506 Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515

Keywords Androgenetic alopecia  Fungal of colonized fungi in healthy people. But the turbu-
microecology  Malassezia  High-throughput lence of the percentage of microorganisms will
sequencing contribute to AGA. As early as 1998, Piérard et al.
[11] found that use of 2% ketoconazole shampoo in
androgenetic alopecia increased the hair’s density,
diameter, and proportion of hair follicles where the
Introduction effect was almost equivalent to the treatment by
topical 2% minoxidil solution. The mechanistic study
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) remains one of the most indicated that ketoconazole has anti-infective effects
common hair loss diseases, which is characterized by a against the microflora on the scalp, especially
progressive decrease in hair density, becoming thin- Malassezia, which played therapeutic roles in andro-
ner, sparse, and with lighter color hair. It has been gen alopecia. In recent years, studies have shown that
divided into male pattern alopecia and female pattern micro-inflammatory reactions brought about in the
alopecia based on gender difference [1]. The occur- hair follicles of androgenetic alopecia patients, which
rence of AGA has been considered to have a great may be related to hair loss [11, 12]. This hair follicle
negative impact on the patient’s psychology and the microinflammation differs from the process of inflam-
quality of life [2, 3]. Therefore, research related to mation and destruction in typical scar alopecia. It
AGA has attracted much attention. In past studies, progresses slowly, concealed, and is unnoticeable.
AGA was considered to be a polygenic hereditary Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus, Malassezia, or
disease caused by interactions between multiple genes Demodex are related to microorganisms. Organism
and environmental factors [4, 5]. It was confirmed that toxins may be involved in inflammatory responses.
the two major genetic risk loci are the X chromosome The influence of microbiota on androgenetic alopecia
AR/EDA2R locus and the PAX1/FOXA2 locus resid- has received abundant attention [12, 13]. Keisha et al.
ing on chromosome 20 [6–8]. In addition, androgen [14] collected 14 samples from ten healthy adults and
receptor regulatory genes modulated the sensitivity of sequenced DNA of the fungus samples. The study
the androgen receptor [9]. Recently, researches have found abundant Malassezia in the head and trunk and
proposed that the micro-inflammatory reaction of hair further confirmed that elucidating of fungal and
follicles in the pathology of AGA patients with scalp bacterial ecosystems on the human body will con-
was distinctive from the typical inflammation and tribute to a more comprehensive understanding of skin
destruction process of scar alopecia, and it was diseases.
involved in the development of AGA and its hair The present study focused on differences in the
follicle inflammation rendered the slower process, hairy root fungal microecology between androgenetic
which was hidden and difficult to detect. This may be a alopecia patients and healthy people. Through the
chemical stress response [10] caused by UV, cosmet- high-throughput sequencing method technique, we
ics, cosmetic agents, contaminants, and photochemi- obtained more precise data about hairy root fungal
cal damage. More severely, the process of AGA microecology and have further understood the patho-
folliculitis may be related to the local inflammatory genic mechanism of AGA.
response [11] to the microbial toxins associated with
Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus, Malassezia, or
Demodex. Materials and Methods
Malassezia spp. is a resident flora on the skin of
humans and animals and a kind of lipophilic yeast. At Hair Loss Group Inclusion Criteria
present, 11 out of the above 17 species of Malassezia
have been demonstrated to be involved in the human
1. According to ‘‘Chinese Clinical Dermatology’’
skin microecology [12]. Since the growth of Malasse-
[1], the clinical manifestations of androgenetic
zia is dependent on lipids (except for M. pachyder-
alopecia can be described as male appearance of
matis), they are mainly distributed in areas rich in
the forehead on both sides with less, thin, sparse
sebum, such as the scalp, face, and chest and back,
hair gradually extended toward the top of the head,
which account for about 50–80% of the total number

Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515 507

with the frontal part of the hair retrusion; the of healthy and adolescents with androgenetic alopecia,
forehead becomes high, forming a ‘‘high amount,’’ and on hair roots in different parts of healthy scalp.
frontal hairline with M-shaped, starting to fall off The subjects were divided into four groups: alopecia
from the top of the head. With progressive develop- areata group, alopecia occipital group, control top
ment, the frontal area and the top hair loss area would group, and control occipital group. Each group had ten
integrate with each other. The hair loss area consisted specimens. High-throughput sequencing was per-
of smooth skin with no atrophy, and visible fine formed on the four groups of samples for sequencing
armpit hair. It may be accompanied by increased analysis.
sebum secretion with no other symptoms. According
to the Hamilton classification, male patients with Subject Recruitment
alopecia grades III–IV were recruited. Females
demonstrated the phenotype that the hair on the top The tests were conducted on the patients and healthy
of the head gradually became less, sparse and volunteers, and they were informed about the test.
generally did not involve the forehead. According
to the Ludwig classification, female patients with Sample Collection
grade II hair loss were selected. Perms and hair dyes
were not used 2 months prior the treatment. Anti-
1. Subjects were prohibited from shampooing for
hair loss shampoo was also not used. Oral or topical
48 h prior testing.
antifungal preparations were not given within
2. Gentle pull of selected hair, and remove the top
1 month prior the treatment. No scalp-related dis-
and occipital loose hair.
eases such as scalp folliculitis, head lice, and alopecia
3. With the help of sterile eye occlusion clip hair
areata were detected in the experimental subjects.
distal and a ruler, the hair from hair follicle
The control group included the following criteria: measuring 1.5 cm long was selected. It was stored
(1) the age and sex of healthy volunteers were in a sterile EP tube, and it was preserved at
basically matched with those who participated in the - 20 °C for further examination.
hair loss group; (2) perms and hair dyes were not used
2 months prior the treatment. Anti-hair loss shampoo
DNA Extraction and PCR Amplification
was also not used; (3) oral or topical antifungal
preparations were not given within 1 month prior the
Microbial DNA was extracted from hair follicle
treatment; (4) no scalp-related diseases such as scalp
samples using the E.Z.N.A.Ò soil DNA Kit (Omega
folliculitis, head lice, and alopecia areata were
Bio-tek, Norcross, GA, USA) according to the man-
observed in the individuals.
ufacturer’s protocol. The final DNA concentration and
purity were determined by NanoDrop 2000 UV–Vis
Observation of Fungi
spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington,
USA), and DNA quality was checked by 1% agarose
The morphological observation of fungi was per-
gel electrophoresis. The ITS region of the fungal
formed by using hair roots samples. Electron micro-
rRNA gene was amplified with primers ITS1F (50 -
scope (Hitachi, Japan) observations were divided into
two groups: alopecia group and control group. Each
(50 -GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-30 ) by thermo-
group had ten specimens. Three cases of Malassezia
cycler PCR system (GeneAmp 9700, ABI, USA).
positive specimens were selected for further observa-
The PCRs were conducted using the following
tion by using scanning electron microscopy and
program: 3 min of denaturation at 95 °C, 27 cycles
transmission electron microscopy.
of 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s for annealing at 55 °C, 45 s for
elongation at 72 °C, and a final extension at 72 °C for
Sequencing Analysis for Fungi
10 min. PCRs were performed in triplicate 20 lL
mixture containing 4 lL of 5 9 FastPfu Buffer, 2 lL
The diversity analysis of fungal microbiota (FM) was
of 2.5 mM dNTPs, 0.8 lL of each primer (5 lM),
performed on hair roots in different parts of the scalp
0.4 lL of FastPfu Polymerase, and 10 ng of template

508 Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515

DNA. The resulted PCR products were run on and

extracted from a 2% agarose gel and further purified
using the AxyPrep DNA Gel Extraction Kit (Axygen
Biosciences, Union City, CA, USA) and quantified
using QuantiFluorTM-ST (Promega, USA) according
to the manufacturer’s protocol.

Illumina MiSeq Sequencing

Purified amplicons were pooled in equimolar and

paired-end sequenced (2 9 300) on an Illumina
MiSeq platform (Illumina, San Diego, USA) accord-
ing to the standard protocol provided by Majorbio Bio-
Pharm Technology Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China).

Statistical Analysis

Malassezia positive rate of hair loss group and normal

group was compared using Chi-squared tests.


Alteration in Morphology of Hair Follicle Roots

Between Androgenetic Alopecia and Healthy
Individuals Fig. 1 Observation of scalp condition from healthy individuals
and alopecia patients. a The patient male, 39 years old, had hair
In order to understand the morphological changes of loss for 6 years and showed a delayed extension of the hairline.
b Healthy volunteers male, 32 years old, with partial oily hair.
hair follicle roots between androgenetic alopecia and c The patient female, 33 years old, had hair loss for 4 years.
healthy individuals, they were observed by using d Healthy volunteer female, 28 years old, healthy hair
optical microscopy, transmission electron micro-
scopy, and scanning electron microscopy, respec-
tively. In detail, ten specimens from each subject’s (Table 1). The specimens confirmed to be positive
hair follicle specimens were randomly selected and under the optical microscopy were sent to the scanning
were then placed on glass slides. The specimens were electron microscope and transmission electron micro-
stained with methylene blue and covered with cover- scope for further observations. Scanning electron
slips and observed with an optical microscope. It microscopy revealed that more Malassezia yeast cells
indicated that the fungi observed in the root of the hair were detected in the hair roots of AGA patients
follicle by an optical microscope are mainly yeast cells (Fig. 2). Transmission electron microscopy observa-
of Malassezia spp. (Fig. 1). tion proved that the yeast cells of Malassezia were
If the number of Malassezia roots in the hair follicle embedded in the superficial hair root tissue of AGA
reached 5/high magnification and three consecutive patients (Fig. 3).
fields of view are regarded as positive for Malassezia,
in the specimens that are positive for Malassezia, a The Differences in Fungal Phylum Between
large number of spherical hair roots were observed Control Group and Hair Loss Group
with an optical microscope. An oval shaped Malasse-
zia spores or buds were observed. The positive rate in The results of high-throughput sequencing suggested
the alopecia group (60%) was significantly higher than that hairy root fungi of the TCG (the top of the control
that in the control group (40%) (P \ 0.01, N = 20) group) in the control group were mainly Ascomycota

Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515 509

Table 1 Microscopic observation of fungal microscopic examination of hair roots

Number Control group Age Microscopic Hair loss Age Microscopic examination
examination results group results

1 Male 32 ? Male 39 ?
2 Male 45 - Male 54 ?
3 Male 38 - Male 44 ?
4 Female 28 - Female 33 -
5 Male 40 - Male 30 --
6 Female 35 ? Female 26 ?
7 Male 52 ? Male 40 ?
8 Female 35 - Female 37 -
9 Female 46 ? Female 48 ?
10 Male 56 - Male 54 -
Positive % 40% 60%*
*P \ 0.01

Fig. 2 SEM observation of hair root in AGA patients. There are more Malassezia yeast cells (characteristic collar-like
SEM 9 1000 (a), 9 2000 (b), 9 5000 (c), 9 10,000 structures at the bud) observed at the hair root in AGA patients
(d) 9 4000 (e) male patients, 39 years old, hair loss for 6 years.

(red mark, 73.16%) and Basidiomycota (green mark, mainly composed of Ascomycota (red mark, 63.78%)
24.94%), and Zygomycota (blue marker, 0.49%); other and Basidiomycota (green mark, 34.37%), and Zy-
categories accounted for 1.41%. In the control group, gomycota (blue logo, 0.62%); other categories
the occipital area of the control group (OCG) was accounted for 1.23%. The hair roots of the scalp

510 Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515

Fig. 3 SEM observation of hair root in AGA patients. tissue (red arrow) has Malassezia yeast cells embedded in hair
TEM 9 0.5 K (a), 9 1.5 K (b), 9 4.0 K (c), 9 6.0 K (d), roots of AGA patients (white arrows, with a distinctive zigzag
male patient, 28 years old, 5-year hair loss. The superficial structure on the inside of the cell wall)

alopecia area (TBG, the top of bald group) of the hair Fusarium: 13.49% at the top of the control group and
loss group were mainly Ascomycota (green marking, 3.20% at the occipital region; 2.3% at the top of the
35.58%) and Basidiomycota (red marking, 61.03%) alopecia group and 4.11% at the occipital region.
and Zygomycota (blue logo, 0.40%), and other cate- Malassezia: 8.64% at the top of the control group and
gories accounted for 2.99%. The hairy root fungus of 11.64% at the occipital area; 31.44% at the top of the
the OBG (the occipital of bald group) was dominated alopecia group and 20.57% at the occipital region.
by Ascomycota (green marker, 41.18%) and Basid- Epiconc (Epicoccum): 8.69% at the top of the control
iomycota (red marker, 54.21%), and phyla (Zygomy- group and 11.30% at the occipital area; 0.31% at the
cota (blue logo, 1.87%); other categories accounted top of the alopecia group and 0.42% at the occipital
for 2.74% (Fig. 4). region. Trichosporon: 5.81% at the top of the control
group and 8.53% at the occipital region; 13.45% at the
High-Throughput Sequencing Indicated Changes top of the hair loss group and 15.22% at the occipital
of Fungal Genera in Hairy Root Between Hair Loss region. Alternaria: 4.48% at the top of the control
Group and the Control Group group and 5.99% at the occipital region; 1.14% at the
top of the alopecia group and 1.01% at the occipital
In order to understand the changes of fungal genera in region. Cladosporium: 3.55% at the top of the control
hair root at different parts of the scalp in the hair loss group and 5.21% at the occipital region; 2.26% at the
group and the control group, we used high-throughput top of the alopecia group and 1.99% at the occipital
sequencing methods to detect the fungal genera. Some region. Cryptococcus: 2.78% at the top of the control
of the fungal species that varied by more than 1% were group and 4.11% at the occipital region; 3.78% at the

Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515 511

Fig. 4 Distribution column of hairy root fungi in different parts are mainly Ascomycota (red mark) and the top of bald group
of the scalp of the control group and the hair loss group. The top (TBG). The occipital of bald group (OBG) is dominated by the
of control group (TCG) and the occipital of control group (OCG) Basidiomycota (green marker). (Color figure online)

top of the hair loss group and 6.91% at the occipital of Malassezia on the scalp (6.7E ? 06(6.8E ? 05,
region. Candida: 2.21% at the top of the control group 9.0E ? 06)) was higher than that on the occipital
and 4.53% at the occipital region; 5.32% at the top of region (1.1E ? 06(5.7E ? 05, 2.6E ? 06)) (P \ 0.05).
the alopecia group and 5.87% at the occipital region. In the control group, no significant difference was
Aspergillus: 1.91% at the top of the control group and observed in the amount of Malassezia between
3.68% at the occipital region; 5.56% at the top of the calvaria area group (2.6E ? 05(1.2E ? 05, 1.2E ?
alopecia group and 5.03% at the occipital region. 06)) and the occipital area group (5.3E ?
Exophiala: 2.15% at the top of the control group and 05(9.0E ? 04, 7.5E ? 05)) (P [ 0.05) (Table 2).
1.75% at the occipital region; 1.92% at the top of the The load of Malassezia globosa in the hair loss
hair loss group and 1.83% at the occipital region group on calvaria area (5.2E ? 05(2.0E ? 05,
(Fig. 5). 2.2E ? 06)) was higher than that in control group
(6.7E ? 04(2.2E ? 04, 2.4E ? 05)), and occipital
The Comparison of Fungal Loads of Malassezia area (3.4E ? 05(1.1E ? 05, 6.7E ? 05)) of hair loss
in Different Groups and Scalp Areas group was also higher than that of control group
(8.1E ? 04(3.0E ? 04, 2.6E ? 05)) (P \ 0.05). The
The load of Malassezia in different parts of the scalp is load of Malassezia restricta in the hair loss group on
shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4. The load of Malassezia calvaria area (5.2E ? 05(2.2E ? 05, 3.1E ? 06))
located on calvaria in the alopecia group was higher than that in control group (1.1E ?
(6.7E ? 06(6.8E ? 05, 9.0E ? 06)) was significantly 05(1.0E ? 04, 2.1E ? 05)), and the load of Malasse-
higher than that in the control group (2.6E ? zia restricta in the hair loss group on occipital area
05(1.2E ? 05, 1.2E ? 06)) (P \ 0.05) (Table 2). (4.4E ? 05(2.0E ? 05, 8.3E ? 05)) was also higher
No significant difference was detected in the load of than that in control group (1.4E ? 05(3.1E ? 04,
Malassezia located on occipital between the hair loss 2.0E ? 05)) (P \ 0.05). And no significant difference
group (1.1E ? 06(5.7E ? 05, 2.6E ? 06)) and con- was detected in the amount of Malassezia globosa or
trol group (5.3E ? 05(9.0E ? 04, 7.5E ? 05)) Malassezia restricta between calvaria area and occip-
(P [ 0.05) (Table 2). In the alopecia group, the load ital area (P [ 0.05) (Tables 3, 4).

512 Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515

Fig. 5 Horizontal distribution bar graph of hairy root fungal occipital of bald group (OBG) compared to the control group,
genus of hair loss group and control group. Compared with the followed by Trichosporon (green flag) increase, and Fusarium
control group, the alopecia group had a marked increase in (Fusarium, yellow flag) and Epicoccum (Epicoccum, blue flag)
Malassezia (red mark) from the top of bald group (TBG) and the showed a decreasing trend. (Color figure online)

Table 2 Malassezia loads in different groups and different scalp areas

Group n Calvaria Occipital Z P

Hair loss 12 6.7E ? 06(6.8E ? 05, 9.0E ? 06) 1.1E ? 06(5.7E ? 05, 2.6E ? 06) - 2.194 0.028
Control 12 2.6E ? 05(1.2E ? 05, 1.2E ? 06) 5.3E ? 05(9.0E ? 04, 7.5E ? 05) - 0.115 0.908
Z - 3.233 - 1.848
P 0.001 0.065

Table 3 Malassezia globosa loads in different groups and different scalp areas
Group n Calvaria Occipital Z P

Hair loss 12 5.2E ? 05(2.0E ? 05, 2.2E ? 06) 3.4E ? 05(1.1E ? 05, 6.7E ? 05) - 1.155 0.248
Control 12 6.7E ? 04(2.2E ? 04, 2.4E ? 05) 8.1E ? 04(3.0E ? 04, 2.6E ? 05) - 0.115 0.908
Z - 2.944 - 2.309
P 0.003 0.021

Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515 513

Table 4 Malassezia restricta loads in different groups and different scalp areas 0.007
Group n Calvaria Occipital Z P

Hair loss 12 5.2E ? 05(2.2E ? 05, 3.1E ? 06) 4.4E ? 05(2.0E ? 05, 8.3E ? 05) - 0.115 0.908
Control 12 1.1E ? 05(1.0E ? 04, 2.1E ? 05) 1.4E ? 05(3.1E ? 04, 2.0E ? 05) - 0.404 0.686
Z - 2.829 - 2.714
P 0.005 0.007

Discussion The fungal microflora in the calvaria and occipital

hair roots of AGA patients was detected (Figs. 1, 2, 3)
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and and furthered investigated by the high-throughput
covers the entire body. It keeps the first barrier of the sequencing method to explore the fungal microecol-
human immune system that not only resists the ogy of hairy roots at different sites (Fig. 5). It revealed
invasion of foreign pathogens, but also protects that the Malassezia genus still occupied a large
internal tissues and organs. Price et al. [15] have proportion, but interestingly, the abundance at the
classified microbes on the surface of the skin into two top of the calvaria (31.44%) was significantly higher
categories: resident microorganisms and transient than that at the occipital region (20.57%). Then, we
microorganisms. The resident microorganisms mainly speculated that it was due to the uneven distribution of
include actinomycetes, thick-walled bacteria, mem- oils and fats in the scalp of AGA patients that caused
bers of proteobacteria, and yeasts (mostly Malasse- regional imbalance in growth of Malassezia spp.
zia). And the growths of these microorganisms are Therefore, further investigations are warranted to
affected by the stratum corneum, water content, elucidate the regulatory mechanism.
sebaceous gland and sweat gland secretion, which In Malassezia, most bacteria contain invasive
leads to the formation of different micro-ecological enzymes, such as lipase that can break down triacyl-
distributions on different areas of body skin [16]. The glycerols into free fatty acids, causing local irrigative
studies conducted by Clavaud et al. [17] on scalp reactions, and bacteria also contain a small amount of
microorganisms revealed that the main bacterial flora proteases [18]. What is more, researchers have iden-
on the scalp surface was Propionibacterium acnes and tified that seven strains of Malassezia standard have
Staphylococcus epidermidis, while the fungal proteases activity [19]. Proteases can decompose
microorganisms were mainly Malassezia. keratin and collagen and provide nitrogen sources
Malassezia plays significant role in the scalp for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. These
microecology. The number of Malassezia roots properties allow Malassezia to adhere to host cells and
reached 5/high magnification, and three fields of colonize on the skin and in deep tissues. The
view were regarded as positive for Malassezia. It was phenomenon observed by the scanning electron
observed that the positive rate of AGA alopecia microscope and the transmission electron microscope
group (60%) was higher than that of the control group also confirmed this finding (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Scanning
(40%) (Table 1). We speculated that this difference electron microscopy observed that the surface of the
may be due to the richness of scalp lipids in AGA hair roots of positive specimens had more yeast cells
patients. Because this type of scalp environment is adherence to Malassezia, and the superficial hair roots
suitable for the growth of Malassezia with lipophilic- were observed under transmission electron micro-
ity, high-throughput molecular sequencing was scope (Fig. 2). The tissue contains Malassezia yeast
applied to detect the fungal microflora in normal cells. In addition, the previous studies found that
human calvaria and occipital hair roots. The pre- Malassezia would increase the levels of IL-8, IL-10,
dominant fungi were Malassezia, and no significant and TGF-b1 in keratinocytes [20]. These cytokines are
difference was seen in the abundance of Malassezia critical in the morphological changes and apoptosis of
between the top of scalp (8.64%) and occipital keratinocytes and have chemotactic activity on neu-
(11.64%) (Fig. 5). trophils and lymphocytes and the increase in invasive

514 Mycopathologia (2019) 184:505–515

enzyme activity, and the expression of inflammatory between calvaria area and occipital area are accomplished by
cytokines will cause erosive damage to hair roots. Research Core Facility of West China Hospital.
Malassezia increases the secretion of cytokines, which Compliance with Ethical Standards
may cause micro-inflammatory reactions around the
scalp and around the hair follicles. It is significantly Conflict of interest All authors declare that they have no
involved in the process of androgenic alopecia. conflict of interest.
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