Lesson 8.

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LESSON 8 Scientific journals

Task 1. Read the new words and word combinations with their
translations (orally).
1. scientific journal – науковий 8. calculation – підрахунок
2. periodical publication – періодичне 9. citation impact – індекс цитування
3. peer reviewed articles – рецензовані 10. academic credentials – академічні
статті повноваження; освіта
4. a wide range – широкий діапазон 11. academic rank – вчене звання
5. to ensure – забезпечити 12. to require / requirement –
вимагати / вимога
6. issue – випуск (журнала) 13. to verify – перевірити
7. essential – суттєвий 14. promotion – просування

Task 2. Read and translate the text (orally). Answer the questions (in

Professional scientific journals

А scientific journal is a periodical publication for describing the progress of

science, usually by reporting new research.
Articles in scientific journals are mostly written by active scientists such as
students, researchers and professors instead of professional journalists. There are
thousands of scientific journals in publication. Most journals are highly specialized,
although some of the oldest journals such as Nature publish articles and scientific
papers across a wide range of scientific fields. Scientific journals contain articles that
have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the journal's
standards of quality, and scientific validity. Although scientific journals are similar to
professional magazines, they are actually quite different. Issues of a scientific journal
are rarely read casually, as one would read a magazine. The publication of the results of
research is an essential part of the scientific method. If they are describing experiments
or calculations, they must supply enough details that an independent researcher could
repeat the experiment or calculation to verify the results. Each such journal article
becomes part of the permanent scientific record.
Scientific articles allow researchers to keep up to date with the developments of
their field and direct their own research. An essential part of a scientific article is
citation of earlier work. The impact of articles and journals is often assessed by
counting citations (citation impact). Academic credentials for promotion into academic
ranks are established by the number and impact of scientific articles published. Many
PhD programs require from a future candidate to publish a certain number of scientific
Proofreading is the very last step in the writing process. Proofreading ensures
that the document is completely free of errors and polished to a high standard.
Professional proofreaders take their roles very seriously and check up the text to detect
and correct all typographical errors, incorrect punctuation, spelling mistakes and
inaccurate words.

Questions to the text:

1) What is a scientific journal?

А scientific journal is a periodical publication for describing the progress of
science, usually by reporting new research.
2) Who mostly writes articles in scientific journals?
Articles in scientific journals are mostly written by active scientists such as
students, researchers and professors instead of professional journalists.
3) Why should the articles be peer reviewed before publication?
Scientific journals contain articles that have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to
ensure that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity.
4) What is an essential part of the scientific method?
The publication of the results of research is an essential part of the scientific
method. If they are describing experiments or calculations, they must supply enough
details that an independent researcher could repeat the experiment or calculation to
verify the results.
5) Are scientific journals similar to professional magazines?
Although scientific journals are similar to professional magazines, they are actually
quite different. Issues of a scientific journal are rarely read casually, as one would read a
6) How is the impact of articles and journals assessed?
The impact of articles and journals is often assessed by counting citations (citation
7) What is proofreading?
Proofreading is the very last step in the writing process. Proofreading ensures that
the document is completely free of errors and polished to a high standard.
8) What do the proofreaders do?
Professional proofreaders take their roles very seriously and check up the text to
detect and correct all typographical errors, incorrect punctuation, spelling mistakes and
inaccurate words.

Task 3. a) Read the following word combinations and sentences and translate
them into your native language and into English (in writing).
1. to deal with the periodical мати справу з періодичними
publications виданнями
2. to investigate the scientific journals дослідити наукові журнали
3. to read peer reviewed articles читати рецензовані статті
4. аcademic credentials for promotion академічні повноваження для
into academic ranks підвищення у вчені звання
5. to assess citation impact оцінити індекс цитування
6. require from a future candidate to вимагати від майбутнього кандидата
publish a certain number of scientific опублікувати певну кількість наукових
articles праць
7. an essential part of the scientific суттєвою частиною наукового
method методу
8. to ensure a high quality Забезпечити високу якість
of publications публікації
9. to present calculations in the article Представити підрахунки у статті
10. to verify the results of перевірити результати
the experiment експерименту

b) Read the following word combinations and sentences and translate
them in English.
1. досліджувати індекс цитування research the citation impact factor
2. мати справу з періодичними deal with periodicals periodicals
3. забезпечувати високу ensure high quality of publications
4. суттєва частина наукового an essential part of the scientific
методу method
5. оцінювати кількість цитувань to assess the number of citations
6.вимагати наукових публікацій to require scientific publications
щорічно annually
7. рецензовані статті знаходяться в peer-reviewed articles are in the
редакції журналу the editorial board of the journal
8. отримати вчені звання to receive academic ranks
9. перевірити отримані дані verify the data obtained
10. надати підрахунки на перевірку provide calculations for verification

Task 4. Answer the following questions. (in writing).

1) What is a scientific journal ranking?

2) What is a multidisciplinary journal?
3) What are the most respected Ukrainian and international journals in
4) Usually all journal articles are divided into the following major
sections: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and
references. What each section should include.
5) What is the role of scientific journals in the world of science? Why do
the scholars aspire to publish their works in them?

Task 5. Translate the following sentences. (in writing).

1. Періодичні видання відіграють значну роль у праці та навчанні

кожного науковця, викладача, студента, оскільки в них друкується
найактуальніша інформація за найкоротший термін часу.
Periodicals play a significant role in the work and education of every
researcher, teacher, and student, as they publish the most up-to-date information in
the shortest possible time.

2. Провідна мета журналу – інформаційна, професійна й

особистісна підтримка кожного українського педагога як учителя,
лідера та просто людини, яка небайдужа до сучасного та майбутнього.

The main goal of the magazine is to provide information, professional

and personal support to every Ukrainian educator as a teacher, leader and just a
person who is not indifferent to the present and the future.

3. На сторінках журналу регулярно публікуються статті відомих в

Україні науковців, керівників, викладачів закладів вищої освіти,
комплексно висвітлюється досвід діяльності українських та
зарубіжних вищих навчальних закладів.
The journal regularly publishes articles by well-known Ukrainian scientists,
managers, and teachers of higher education institutions, and comprehensively
covers the experience of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions.

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