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IT402-Internship in Computing

Name: Pacis, Uriel Jeremiah F. Date: 17 Dec 2022

Program/Section: BSIT - IT42S2 Instructor: Mrs. Jasmin Caliwag

Assessment Task: Recommendation- Potential of the Company as a Training Ground


● Compose a reflection paper in no less than 300 to 500 words per question below.
1) What is your recommendation for Potential of the Company as a Training Ground?

● Using the template provided, save your work as LASTNAME.docx or .pdf format.
● Once you're done with the assignment, kindly upload the file.
● This assessment task will be graded using the rubric for reflection paper.

● For your reference, kindly check the Student Portfolio in your canvas Instructional material or in
google drive.


● Potential of the Company as a Training Ground

o Availability and Appropriateness of Facilities, Equipment, and Machinery

The availability and Appropriateness of facilities, equipment, and machinery arent

that important to me since our setup is work from home. Though during the initial interview,

the HR admin takes it to ask me about my setup. She asked me if I have a computer and a

stable internet connection which is enough for me to be satisfied with the facilities of the

company. In the office, they are computers and pieces of equipment for IT development

that are used as backups for the developers since they won't be needing them for they to
are in a Work-from-home setup. The office is only used for Officeworks relating to

company management like Admin, financing, and Human resources. There is an appliance

there which is not related to IT development but is very relevant for the employees. That is

the high-end Coffee maker which can make many types of coffee. To guarantee that staff

are adequately instructed on how to utilize facilities, equipment, and machinery, a number

of processes are in place. These could include things like recurring training sessions,

printed directions, and safety regulations. The office has a phone, a photocopier, a printer,

and a computer with internet connection.

o Company Personnel Cooperation

The Company Personnel Cooperates properly by using something like a
chain-of-command system to properly distribute tasks. Office management is separated
from the Research and Development branch. Office management works on site since they
have to keep track of the company flow and most important is that they are in charge of the
financing of the company. The interns are managed by the HR Administrator and are
supervised by Sir Meric since he prefers to teach us himself as the lead programmer. The
company’s personnel cooperate by maintaining proper communication with each other.
This is maintained by the company by providing sufficient internet connection to those who
work from home.

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