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5. Wuchereria bancrofti
6. Brugia spp.
7. Onchocerca volvus
8. Loa Loa
9. Hookworms (Ancylostoma and Necator)
10. Ascaris

1. Define: i. geohelminths ii. biohelminths
2. What are six characteristics of flatworms?
3. What are five characteristics of trematodes in relation to morphology, habitat and
4. Define: i. cercariae ii. Definitive host iii. Intermediate host iv. Infective stage?
5. Describe the egg of the Schistosoma species.
6. List three Schistosoma species, the diseases they cause, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
7. For the Schistosoma species, what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii.
Infective stage?
8. Explain the life cycle of a named Schistosome species.

9. Describe the egg of the lung fluke.
10. Name a lung fluke species, the diseases it causes, geographical distribution, localization,
modes of transmission/vector, the clinical manifestations and the laboratory diagnoses of
these diseases.
11. For the lung fluke, what is the: ii. Definitive host iii. Intermediate host iv. Infective
12. Explain the life cycle of a named lung fluke species.
13. Describe the egg of the biliary liver fluke.
14. Name a biliary liver species, the diseases it causes, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
15. For the biliary liver fluke, what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii.
Infective stage?
16. Explain the life cycle of a named biliary liver fluke species.
17. Describe the egg of the sheep liver fluke.
18. Name a sheep liver fluke species, the diseases it causes, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
19. For the sheep liver fluke, what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii. Infective
20. Explain the life cycle of a named sheep liver fluke species. [life cycle helps you
understand the mode of transmission/vector and prevention]

21. Mention four characteristics of roundworms
22. Highlight five (5) morphological differences between W. bancrofti and B. malayi
23. Highlight five (5) morphological differences between W. bancrofti and B. malayi life
24. For W. bancrofti species, name: the diseases it causes, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
25. For the W. bancrofti, what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii. Infective
26. Explain the life cycle of W. bancrofti.
27. For the B. malayi species, name: the diseases it causes, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
28. For the B. malayi, what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii. Infective stage?

29. For Onchocerca volvulus, name: the diseases it causes, geographical distribution,
localization, modes of transmission/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations
and the laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
30. For Onchocerca volvulus what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii. Infective
31. Explain the life cycle of Onchocerca volvulus.


32. For Loa Loa, name: the diseases it causes, geographical distribution, localization, modes
of transmission/vector/vector, the prevention, the clinical manifestations and the
laboratory diagnoses of these diseases.
33. For Loa Loa what is the: i. Definitive host ii. Intermediate host iii. Infective stage?
34. Explain the life cycle of Loa Loa
35. Discuss ascaris lumbricoides.
36. Explain the morphology of the adult ascaris lumbricoides and the three egg phases.
37. Explain the life cycle of ascaris lumbricoides.
38. Write a short note on the pathogenesis of ascaris lumbricoides.
39. Discuss the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of ascaris lumbricoides diseases.
40. Describe the morphology of the adult female and males of hooked worms.
41. How can hooked worms be differentiated?
42. Why are female worms larger than their male counter parts?
43. Give two species of hookworms studied in this course.
44. What significance do these worms have economically?
45. Describe the egg off hookworm.
46. Describe the larval stages of hookworms.
47. Differentiate the 3rd larval stage of the two hookworms in five parameters.
48. Differentiate the adult hookworm species studied in this course in five ways.
49. What is a fidelicious site?
50. How do hookworms ensure their continuity?
51. How do hookworms interact with the human body?
52. Explain the clinical manifestation of hookworms.
53. Discuss the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hookworm diseases.
54. What are three interaction factors that determine hookworm epidemiology?
55. Write on the clinical manifestation of hookworm caused diseases.
56. Which is harder to treat, between N. americanus and A. maduodenale?
Cirrhosis of liver
Hematuria, dysuria
Terminal + lateral spine

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