Class Preparation 91, 96, 97

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Page 91, 96, 97


Firmly in a strong or definite way Adverb ˈfɜːmli ‘I can manage,’ she said firmly.
Castline the land along a coast, especially when Noun ˈkəʊstlaɪn Measures were taken to protect the coastline
you are thinking of its shape or from the oil spillage.
Rising a situation in which a group of people Noun ˈraɪzɪŋ The rising was crushed by government troops.
protest against, and try to get rid of, a
government, a leader, etc.
Flooding large amounts of water covering an Noun ˈflʌdɪŋ There will be heavy rain with flooding in some
area that is usually dry; the fact of this areas.
Shanty a small house, built of pieces of wood, Noun ˈʃænti Nearly 20% of the city’s inhabitants live in
metal and cardboard, where very poor shanty towns.
people live, especially on the edge of a
big city
Prompt to make somebody decide to do Verb prɒmpt His speech prompted an angry outburst from
something; to cause something to a man in the crowd.
Heatwave a period of unusually hot weather Noun ˈhiːtweɪv A long summer heatwave had caused most of
the crops to die.

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