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Level – III

TVT Curriculum Version-III

Based on April, 2023, Version- 2 Occupational

May, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Level III May 2022
The Ministry of Labor and skill wishes to thank and appreciation to MoLS leaders and
experts, Regional Labor and skill/training Bureaus leader, experts, TVT College Deans,
Instructors and industry experts who contribute their time and professional experience to the
development of this Curriculum for transportation operation Program level III.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Level III May 2022
Table of contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................II
1. TVT-PROGRAM DESIGN....................................................................................................................1
1.1. TVT-PROGRAM TITLE: COOPERATIVE MARKETING -LEVEL I..........................................1
1.2. TVT-PROGRAM DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................1
1.3. TRAINING PROGRAM STRUCTURE...............................................................................................2
1.4. DURATION OF THE TVT-PROGRAM..............................................................................................5
1.5. QUALIFICATION LEVEL AND CERTIFICATION........................................................................5
1.6. TARGET GROUPS.................................................................................................................................6
1.7. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................6
1.8. MODE OF DELIVERY..........................................................................................................................6
1.9. INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................7
1.10. TVT TEACHERS PROFILE.................................................................................................................7
1.11. TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY........................................................................8
2. LEARNING MODULE DESIGN.........................................................................................................11
3. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................31
4. Developers Profile...................................................................................................................................32

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The reformed TVT-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVT delivery. The requirements from the world of work is analyzed and documented
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).
In the reformed TVT-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVT-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).
This curriculum is developed by a group of professional experts from different Regional TVT
Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the occupational standard
for railway transport operation Level III. The curriculum development process has been
actively supported and facilitated by Ministry of Labor and Skills.

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1. TVT-Program Design
 TVT-Program Title: Transport operation -Level III
 TVT-Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
trainees to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will
be qualified to work as an transport operation with competencies elaborated in the
respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the
Transport Sector in the field of Railway.
The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Develop Cooperative
Understanding, Identify Cooperative Marketing Environment, Develop Understanding of
Consumer Buying Behaviour, Develop Basic Understanding of transport operation and
Identify transport operation Opportunity in accordance with the performance criteria and
evidence guide described in the OS.

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 Training Program Structure
Sequences of Learning modules Nominal
Unit of competence Duration
Code  Title/ For Module name – Unit title
(In Hours)
AGR CM1 01 0322 Develop AGR CM1 M01 0522 Coopérative Théories and  Basic Concept of Cooperatives
Cooperative Practices  Features of cooperatives 72
Understanding  Role of Cooperatives
AGR CM1 04 0322 Develop Basic AGR CM1 M02 0522 Basic understanding of  Concepts of Cooperative Marketing
Understanding of Cooperative Marketing  Functions of cooperative marketing 72
Cooperative  Features of Cooperative marketing
AGR CM1 02 0322 Identify Cooperative AGR CM1 M03 0522 Cooperative Marketing  Overview of Marketing
Marketing Environment Environment
Environment  The Cooperative marketing
 Responding to the Marketing
AGR CM1 05 0322 Identify Cooperative AGR CM1 M04 0522 Cooperative Marketing  Market assessment
Marketing Opportunities  Market opportunity identification 48
Opportunities  Utilizing marketing opportunities
 Concept of consumers buying
AGR CM1 03 0322 behavior
Understanding of Consumer Buying
AGR CM1 M05 0522  The buying process 48
Consumer Buying Behaviour
 Factors affecting consumers buying
AGR CM1 06 Apply Agricultural AGR CM1 M06 0522 Agricultural Extension  Understand the Concept and 48
0322 Extension Service Service evolution of Agricultural Extension

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 Apply Extension methods and
 Apply Agricultural Extension
Communication and Facilitation for
technology promotion
 Conduct Training
 Understand concept of agricultural
 Understand concepts of agribusiness
Implement  Identify marketing targets for
AGR CM1 07 Agribusiness AGR CM1 M07 0522 Agribusiness Marketing
0322 agricultural products 48
 Implement marketing strategy
 Establish contract farming
 Apply agricultural marketing
 Identify Categories of agricultural
foods items
 Recognize malnutrition in the
 Identify the role of agriculture in
Apply Basics of nutrition
AGR CM1 08 Human Nutrition AGR CM1 M08 0522  Demonstrate diversified Agricultural
0322 Basics of Human Nutrition 48
Practices food production and consumption
 Perform proper handling and storage
of agricultural food products
 Document and report food
production, consumption and
AGR CM1 09 Apply 5S AGR CM1 M09 0322 5S Procedures  Prepare for work. 24

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 Sort items.
0322 Procedures  Set all items in order
 Perform shine activities
 Standardize 5S.
 Sustain 5S

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 Duration of the TVT-Program
The Program will have duration of 456 hours including the in-school/ Institution training and
on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities
of the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVT institution, and other factors
will be considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and
workplace experience.
S.No Module title TVT Institution training Cooperative Total hours Remark
Theory Practical training
Basics of
1. 36 24 12 72

2. 36 24 12 72
3. Cooperative Marketing 24 16 8
4. Marketing 24 16 8 48
Consumer Buying 24 16 8
5. 48
6. Extension Service 24 16 8 48

7. Marketing 24 16 8 48

Basics of Human 24 16 8
8. 48
Nutrition Practices
9. 5S Procedures 12 8 4 24
Total hour 144 228 152 456
Project work title
one week
N.B. The cooperative training time can be managed for implementations according to the
context of the training environments of the institution.

 Qualification Level and Certification

Qualification is a formal certificate issued by an official agency in recognition to that an
individual has been assessed as achieving learning outcomes or competencies to the standard

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Level III May 2022
specified for the qualification title. A qualification confers official recognition of value in the
labour market and in further education and training. Based on the descriptors elaborated on
the Ethiopian National TVT Qualification Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this
specific TVT Program is Certificate Level III according to the level. The trainee will be
awarded transcript and the institutional certificate after successfully completing all the
modules in the level.

 Target Groups
Any citizen who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and capable of participating in
the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.
 Entry Requirements
In principle everyone should be able to access training based on the labor market. Hence the
prospective participants of this program are any citizen who possesses the entry requirement
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

 Mode of Delivery
This TVT-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The
mode of training delivery is in the institution and co-operative training. Cooperative training
is a model of training by the cooperation of enterprises/industries and TVT institutions
whereby trainees spend much of their time in the enterprises/industries to acquire industrial
knowledge, skills, experiences, and attitudes of the industrial environment and the remaining
time in TVT institutions to acquire basic skills and theoretical concepts. Therefore, it is
necessary to make the TVT sector more effective by strengthening a system of cooperative
training accepted by the industry.
The program will employ different alternatives of cooperative training such as
apprenticeships, internship and traineeship based on the nature of the occupation, location of
the TVT institutions, and interest of the industry. In addition, in the areas where industry is
not sufficiently available the established production and service centers/learning factories in
TVT institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and
identified companies should have to take an agreement to co-operate with regard to the
implementation of this program.

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 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes
are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.
The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more
Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines.
Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation. Therefore, a trainee is required to earn at
least 60% to be theoretically qualified. This result should be 18% or more when converted to
30%. Regarding performance appraisal results, it must score at least 80% or at least 32% or
more when converted to 40%. Must cooperate at least 80% out of 100% in cooperative
training; When converted to 30%, it must register 24%.
 TVT Teachers Profile
The trainers conducting this particular TVT Program are A Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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 Training and Assessment methodology
The program is delivered using a variety of training methods. The table below shows training and assessment methodology for non-impaired
trainees and with reasonable adjustment for impaired trainees. In addition, as per the nature of the module title the trainer can use recommended
and possible training and assessment methodology.
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
impaired trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to seating arrangement to seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating be conducive for eye to eye be accessible to trainees accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees contact  Speak loudly users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and support the
board using large text light of class room is kept the trainees trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in impairments on their upper
of class room is kept vocabularies video format limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Give emphasis on visual lecture the trainees physical feature of the work
in audio format and ensure the attention of the shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical trainees
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during lecture
 Summarize main points time
 Present the lecture in video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
of guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 provide tutorial support  provide tutorial support  provide tutorial support

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(if necessary) (if necessary) (if necessary
Group discussion  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees with
with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow
member  Introduce the trainees with other up
 Brief the thematic issues of the work group member  Introduce the trainees
with other group
 Inform the group
members to speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance and guidance  Use additional nominal
 provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support hours if necessary
process necessary if necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special
process/practical training attention in the process/
 Introduce new and relevant practical training
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Assessment Methods:
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language response as an
proper communication was interpreter if necessary option for the
conducted with the trainee through trainees having
the service of the sign language speech challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
texts sentences, multiple choices, True sentences, multiple choices, an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short true or false, matching and answer for trainees
necessary answers short answers if necessary. having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
format  Time extension  Time extension for
 Assign human reader trainees having
 (if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment based assessment
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close
assessment method exam follow up
 Time extension  Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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2. Learning Module Design

Module Code and Titille EIS RTO3 01 0423: Conduct full train examination

Nominal Duration: ... Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to conduct a full train examination in
accordance with workplace procedures and the requirements of relevant safe working regulations and codes of
practice. It includes preparing for the examination of the train, preparing the train for examination, examining the
rolling stock, examining the loads, and documenting and auctioning the examination results.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to attain the following training objectives:
( Rewrite the overall learning out comes taken as an objectives – SMART)
 Prepare for examination
 Prepare train for examination
 Stable electric passenger train
 Examine rolling stock
 Examine loads
 Document and action examination results

Module Contents:
Unit one: Prepare for examination
1.1 Train consist and information
1.2 Location for full train examination
1.3 wagon information
1.4 Materials and equipment required
1.5 OHS requirements
1.6 Other relevant train documentation
Unit two: Prepare train for examination
1.7 2.1 Applicable safety device
1.8 2.2 using appropriate techniques road
1.9 2.3 Flags, banners, signs and other relevant
Unit three : Stable electric passenger train
3.1 Train shunt stabled instructions and operations
3.2, communication protocols and equipment’s
3.3 On arrival at stabling location,
3.4 Visual inspection of the train

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Unit four : Examine rolling stock
4.1 Types of rolling stock
4.2 Brake systems
4.3 Structure of rolling stock major components
4.4 Rolling stock is carded and information
4.5 Train irregularities noted
4.6 End-of-train monitor
4.7 OHS legislation
4.8 Communication is maintained with other personnel
Unit five : Examine loads
5.1 Load security confirmed
5.2 Load contamination and Load dimensions
Unit six Document and action examination results
6.1 Required documentation
6.2 Other relevant personnel are informed
Learning Methods:

 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Simulation
 Role playing
 Problem based learning
 Field visit
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:

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 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Practical demonstration
 Presentation
 Project work vs. Product evaluation
 Observation in prepared checklist
 Objective structured clinical examination
 Direct observed practice
Assessment Criteria:
During the assessment the evidence must show that the trainee…..
 Should be written as in simple present tense and singular form
 Should take unit content in the form of key features.
 Should take Performance Criteria as base and can be modified, split, merged and restructured based on the
nature of the module title.
Unit One: Prepare for examination
 Explain Train information
 Identify location full train examination
 Explain customer defect notices…
 List materials and equipment required
 Discuss OHS requirements applicable
 Identify key information on rolling stock required…
Unit 2: Prepare train for examination
 Applicable safety device or system
 Road is locked out using appropriate techniques
 safety protective equipment
Unit Three : Stable electric passenger train
 Apply workplace instructions operations.
 Apply Communication protocols and equipment’s.
 Identify On arrival at stabling location
 Cheek visual inspection of the train
 Communication is maintained with other personnel
Unit Four: Examine rolling stock

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 Identify Types of rolling stock
 check Brake systems
 list structure Report of rolling stock major components
 Identify Rolling stock information
 Write corrective action of train irregularities
 Apply correct operation is confirmed
 Apply OHS legislation
 Discus communication is maintained with other personnel
Unit Five : Examine loads
 check operational safety requirements
 Identify and rectified in accordance with OHS
 check against documentation for accuracy
Unit Six: Document and action examination results
 Prepare Required documentation
 Identify Other relevant personnel informed

Module Code and Title EIS RTO3 02 1021 Test Train Braking System

Nominal Duration : 72 Hrs

Module Description : This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to test a train braking system
workplace procedures and the requirements of relevant safe working regulations and codes of practice. It in
preparing for, and testing train brake operation; dealing with identified faults; and recording the results of a brak
with workplace requirements.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to attain the following training objectives:
 Plan prepare train brake inspection
 Inspect train brake operation
 Deal with faults
 Record results
Module Contents:
Unit one: Plan and prepare for train brake inspection and testing

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1.1 Brake documentation, rolling stock
1.2 Appropriate tools and equipment
1.3 OHS legislation,
1.4 workplace procedures
Unit two: Inspect and test train brake operation
2.1 Brake leakage
2.2 Modified brake conducted
2.3 Air continuity conducted
2.4 released to ensure train braking system
2.5 repair or replacement
2.6 rolling stock carded
Unit Three: Deal with identified faults
3.1 Defective components
3.2 minor repairs or replacements obtained
3.3 Defective rolling stock
3.4 Safety protective equipment
Unit four : Record test results
4.1 Brake records completed
4.2 Records accordance with workplace policies procedures

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Learning Methods:

 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Role playing
 Case study
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:

 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Presentation
Assessment Criteria:

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Unit one: Plan and prepare for train brake inspection and testing
 Brake test documentation, rolling stock
 Apply appropriate tools and equipment
 Explain OHS legislation,
 Identify workplace procedures
Unit two: Inspect and test train brake operation
 Test brake leakage
 Modify brake conducted
 tests Air continuity test conducted
 Apply and released to ensure train braking system
 require repair or replacement
 Identify rolling stock carded
Unit Three: Deal with identified faults
 Identified defective components
 Basic minor repairs or replacements is obtained
 Defective rolling stock
 Describe safety protective equipment
Unit four : Record test results
 Test brake records completed
 Discuss workplace policies procedures

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Module Code and
EIS RTO3 03 1021: Conduct train roll-by inspection

Nominal Duration: 72 Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to conduct a train
roll-by inspection in accordance with workplace procedures and the requirements of relevant
safe working regulations and codes of practice. It includes preparing to carry out a roll-by
inspection of a moving train from the ground or on-train when crossing/passing trains,
inspecting a moving train in accordance with workplace procedures, and reporting and/or
actioning the inspection results.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Prepare for an on-ground or on-train roll-by inspection
 Conduct a roll by inspection of a moving train
 Report action on ground roll-by inspection results
 on-train roll-by inspection results

Module Contents:
Unit one: Prepare for an on-ground or on-train roll-by inspection
1.1. confirm inspection requirements
1.2. Individual responsibilities required
1.3. safety personal protective equipment
1.4. taken to ensure roll-by inspection effective
Unit Two: Conduct a roll by inspection of a moving train
2.1 Train identification status confirmed
2.2 Condition of rolling stock load
2.3 complete roll-by inspection
2.4 workplace policies and procedures
2.5 appropriate action taken to initiate
Unit Three: Report and action on ground roll-by inspection results
3.1. Reports of on-ground inspection
3.2. Appropriate personnel
3.3. Records information
Unit four: Report on-train roll-by inspection results
4.1 Train roll-by inspections
4.2 Records of on-train roll-by inspections
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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Role play
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Role play

Assessment Criteria:
Unit one: Prepare for an on-ground or on-train roll-by inspection
 confirm inspection requirements
 Describe individual responsibilities required
 safety and personal protective equipment
 taken to ensure roll-by inspection is effective
Unit two: Conduct a roll by inspection of a moving train
 describe Train identification status confirmed
 explain Condition of rolling stock load
 complete roll-by inspection
 Explain workplace policies procedures
 appropriate action is taken to initiate
Unit three : Report and action on ground roll-by inspection results
 Reports of on-ground inspection
 Appropriate personnel
 Records and information
Unit four: Report on-train roll-by inspection results
 Apply train roll-by inspections
 Describe Records of on-train roll-by inspections

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Module Code and Title EIS RTO3 04 1021 : Stable a motive power unit

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to stable a motive power
unit in accordance with relevant workplace practices, rail regulations and codes of practice. It
includes determining the required stabling location, shunting and securing the train, stabling and
securing the motive power unit, carrying out all required post operational checks and completing
post-operational paper work.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Determine stabling location
 Stable motive power unit
 Carry out post operational checks
 Complete post operational paperwork
Module Contents:
Unit one: Determine stabling location
1.1. stabling the train
1.2. confirm appropriate location
1.3. Directions of relevant personnel
1.4. Personal protective equipment
Unit Two: Stable motive power unit
2.1 Train shunted prevent roll away
2.2 Motive power equipment
2.3 procedures rail regulations
2.4 Motive power unit
2.5 Cab secured
Unit Three: Carry out post operational checks
3.1 Any required action
3.2 motive power unit
3.3 Operational faults
3.4 rail regulations for risk minimization
3.5 post-operational
3.6 workplace
Unit four: complete post operational paper work
4.1 safe work documentation

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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Role play
 Case study
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Observation in prepared checklist

Assessment Criteria:
Unit one: Determine stabling location
 stabling the train
 Identify confirmed
 Explain directions of relevant personnel
 Describe Personal protective equipment
Unit Two: Stable motive power unit
 Train is shunted secured to prevent roll away
 Motive power equipment
 procedures rail regulations
 Motive power unit
 Cab secured
Unit Three: Carry out post operational checks
 checked any required action
 identify motive power unit
 Identify operational faults
 Explain rail regulations for risk minimization
 checks post-operational
 describe workplace
Unit four: complete post operational paper work
 prepare working documentation

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Module Code and Title EIS RTO3 05 1021: Prepare for train operation

Nominal duration: 48 Hours

Module Description: This Module involves the skills and knowledge required to prepare for train
operation in accordance with workplace procedures and the requirements of relevant safe working
regulations and codes of practice. It includes preparing for and implementing the prescribed pre-
departure checks and confirming the required train documentation.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Prepare for pre departure checks
 Implement pre departure checks
 Confirm train is OK to proceed
Module Contents:
Unit one: Prepare for pre departure checks
1.1. Required relevant procedures
1.2. regulations/legislation
1.3. Constraints special instructions
1.4. consist, attach/detach information,
1.5. regulatory requirements
1.6. Safety protective equipment
Unit Two: Implement pre departure checks
2.1 Motive power control systems
2.2 rolling stock coupled
2.3 Train operation braking systems
2.4 Visual inspection is conducted
2.5 Corrective action is taken
2.6 OHS requirements followed
Unit three: Confirm train is OK to proceed
3.1 Relevant personnel
3.2 followed operational situation obtained
Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Observation in prepared checklist

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Assessment Criteria:
Unit one: Prepare for pre departure checks
 Required checks relevant procedures
 Identify regulations/legislation
 Constraints special instructions
 Identify confirm consist, attach/detach information,
 Identify regulatory requirements
 explain Safety and protective equipment
Unit Two: Implement pre departure checks
 Apply Motive power control systems
 Describe rolling stock coupled
 Cheek Train operation braking systems
 Identify Visual inspection
 Corrective action taken
 List OHS requirements
Unit three: Confirm train is OK to proceed
 Relevant personnel
 followed operational situation

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EIS RTO3 06 1021 : Set up and shut down on-train remote
Module Code and Title
control system

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to set up and shut down
an on-train remote control system in accordance with workplace procedures and the requirements of
relevant safe working regulations and codes of practice. It includes setting up the remote control
system, setting up the lead control system, and shutting down the remote control equipment.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Set up remote control system
 Set up lead control system
 Shut down remote control equipment

Module Contents:
Unit One: Set up remote control system
1.1 Remote control system components
1.2 motive power units
1.3 Communication code entered
1.4 Brake and traction systems
Unit Two: Set up lead control system
2.1. Cab console, electrical systems
2.2. Communication code confirmation
2.3. Full control obtained brake
2.4. Procedures establish total control
2.5. operational safety control
Unit Three: Shut down remote control equipment
3.1. train remote control
3.2. Equipment indicators or functions
3.3. On-train remote control information

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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Role play
 Demonstration EIS RTO3 07 1021 Shunt, couple and uncouple electric passenger
Module Code and Title
 Brainstorming and freight Trains

Assessment Methods:
Nominal Duration:
 Written test 48 Hours
Module Description:
 Oral questioning This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to shunt, couple and
uncouple an electric passenger train to operational requirements in accordance with safe working and
 Practical demonstration
regulatory requirements and workplace procedures. This includes planning and preparing for shunting
 Observation
operations, shunting thein prepared checklist
train, coupling and uncoupling the train, and using a coupling adaptor.
Assessment Outcomes
At the end of the module the
During the assessment the trainee
be able to: that the trainee…..
 Plan and prepare for shunting operation
Unit one: Set up remote control system
 Shunt trains
 Listtrains
 Couple remote control system components
 Use coupling adaptormotive power units
Cheek remote
Module Contents:
Unit One: Plan Apply
and Communication codeoperation
prepare for shunting
1.1. Test
and traction systems
1.2. Local safety requirements
Unit two: Set up lead control system
1.3. Relevant OHS requirements
 1.4.check cab console
Contingency electrical
plan systems
Unit Two: Shunt trains
 Apply communication code confirmation
2.1 Switches operation
 2.2 testAudible
full control brake
signals, handsystem
2.3 radio
 Apply shuntingtocommands
procedures establish total control
2.4 carried out prior to moving trains
 operational safetypositioned
2.5 Train shunted control
2.6 shuntprotective
 Personal movementequipment
train is used
Unit Three: Couple trains
Unit three: Shut down remote control equipment
3.1. prior to coupling equipment
 Describe
3.2. Trainstrain remote control
3.3. Trains coupled fully secured
 Describe equipment indicators
3.4. Ensure couplers are aligned
 identify coupling,
3.5.Trains coupledbraking, drive equipment, ancillary systems, signaling
3.6. Post-coupling inspection
Unit Four: Uncouple trains
4.1 Trains uncoupled pre-uncoupling
4.2 Ensure all safety requirements
4.3 remain after uncoupling fully secured

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4.4 procedures workplace requirements
4.5 Post-uncoupling inspection
Unit Five: Use coupling adaptor
5.1 use of a coupling adaptor
5.2 transported to required location
5.3 fitting coupling adaptor
5.4 Post-coupling inspection procedures

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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Role play
 Case study
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Practical demonstration
 Observation in prepared checklist
Assessment Criteria:

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During the assessment the evidence must show that the trainee…..
Unit One: Plan and prepare for shunting operation
 Describe Shunting requirements
 Explain Local safety requirements
 Explain OHS requirements
 Apply Contingency plan is implemented
Unit Two: Shunt trains
 Identify switches operation
 list audible signals, hand signals
 explain Hand, light and radio shunting commands
 Cheek carried out prior to moving trains
 Describe train shunted and positioned
 Following shunt movement train
Unit Three: Couple trains
 Identified prior to coupling equipment
 Trains to be coupled,
 Trains to be coupled are fully secured
 Ensure couplers are aligned
 Train coupled per operational
 inspection/tests Post-coupling
Unit Four: Uncouple trains
 checks trains uncoupled
 Ensure all safety requirements
 apply uncoupling fully secured
 Explain operating procedures
 inspection/test Post-uncoupling
Unit Five: Use coupling adaptor
 identified coupling adaptor
 apply transported to required location for use
 apply fitting coupling adaptor
 test Post-coupling inspection procedures

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EIS RTO3 08 1021 Stable electric passenger train
Module Code and Title

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours

Module Description:This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to stable an electric
passenger train in accordance with safe working and regulatory requirements and workplace
procedures. This includes conducting pre-stabling checks, stabling an electric passenger train and
conducting post-stabling checks in accordance with workplace requirements.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Conduct pre stabling checks
 Stable electric passenger train
 Conduct post stabling checks
Module Contents:
Unit One: Conduct pre stabling checks
1.1 Train stabling requirements
1.2 Location safety requirements
Unit Two: Stable electric passenger train
2.1 workplace instructions and operations
2.2 communication protocols and equipment’s
2.3 stabling location
2.4 Visual inspection of the train
Unit Three: Conduct post-stabling checks
3.1. Post-operational of the train
3.2. procedures, regulation and legislation manufacturer’s
3.3. safety devices
3.4. reporting/documentation
Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Case studies
 Role play
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
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 Practical demonstration
 Observation in prepared checklist

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Assessment Criteria:
During the assessment the evidence must show that the trainee…..
Unit One: Conduct pre stabling checks
 list train stabling requirements
 explain Location safety requirements
Unit Two: Stable electric passenger train
apply workplace operations
explain communication protocols equipment’s
Define stabling location
cheek visual inspection of the train
Unit Three: Conduct post-stabling checks
 checks Post-operational train
 describe procedures, regulation manufacturer’s
 Apply safety devices
 Prepare reporting/documentation

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Level III May 2022
EIS RTO3 09 1021: Coordinate personnel to handle breakdowns
Module Code and Title and emergencies

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to coordinate
breakdowns and emergencies, including evaluating the breakdown/emergency situation, consulting
with relevant personnel/emergency authorities, coordinating activities at the breakdown/emergency
site, and completing all required reports and documentation.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Evaluate breakdown and/or emergency situation
 Consult with relevant persons and authorities
 Coordinate breakdown and/or emergency situation
 Complete documentation
Module Contents:
Unit One: Evaluate breakdown and/or emergency situation
1.1. Causes of breakdown
1.2. Emergency equipment
1.3. Assistance is rendered to injured persons
1.4. nature of risks hazards
1.5. regulations applicable procedures
Unit Two: Consult with relevant persons and authorities
2.1. Details of causes effects of breakdown/emergency
2.2. legal workplace limitations
2.3. Information about emergency
Unit Three: Coordinate breakdown and/or emergency situation
3.1 Coordinate the break down emergency
3.2 Personal security precautions
3.3 Consultative process
Unit Four: Complete documentation
4.1 . required documentation reports on breakdown/emergency

Learning Methods:

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 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Role play
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Practical demonstration
 Observation in prepared checklist

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Assessment Criteria:
During the assessment the evidence must show that the trainee…..
Unit One: Evaluate breakdown and/or emergency situation
 Explain Emergency equipment
 Assistance is rendered to injured persons
 Identify nature of risks and hazards
 list regulations procedures
Unit Two: Consult with relevant persons authorities
 Apply legal workplace limitations
 Explain Information about emergency
Unit Three: Coordinate breakdown and/or emergency situation
 Explain break down emergency
 Identify Personal security precautions
 Understand Consultative process
Unit Four: complete documentation
 prepare documentation reports on breakdown/emergency

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EIS RTO3 10 1021: Carry out Measurement and simple
Module Code and Title calculations

Nominal Duration: 48 Hours

Module Description: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to estimate and calculate
mass and area and quantifies dimensions of loads as part of work functions in the transport, stevedoring,
warehousing, and/or storage sectors. This includes estimating loads to be transported or placed in
storage, identifying mass, area and volume limitations of available transport/storage systems and
carrying out calculations required to organize load(s) to match identified transport/storage limitations.
Training Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
 Estimate loads for transport or storage
 Estimate load limits of transport and/or storage
 Organize load
Module Contents:
Unit One: Estimate loads for transport or storage
1.1 Order forms/work
1.2 Shape, balance characteristics, dimensions and mass
1.3 Area/volume required
1.4 calculate load requirements
Unit Two: Estimate load limits of transport and/or storage
2.1 Allowable load limits
2.2 Capacity of transport storage systems
Unit Three: Organize load
3.1 Load(s) is restricted to allowable range(s)
3.2 safe weighting on pallets, trucks, platforms
3.3 completed workplace documentation

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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion EIS RTO3 11 1021: Implement and monitor occupational health
 Role play and safety procedures
Module Code and Title
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Nominal Duration:
Assessment Methods: 48 Hours
 Written
Module Description: Thistest
unit involves the skills and knowledge required to implement and monitor
OHS procedures,  including accessing information about OHS and the workplace policies and
Oral questioning
procedures, implementing and monitoring procedures for identifying and assessing hazards,
 Practical demonstration
implementing and monitoring/auditing procedures for controlling risks, planning and supervising
housekeeping arrangements,
Observationand in implementing
prepared checklistand monitoring procedures for dealing with hazardous
events. Assessment Criteria:
During the assessment the evidence must show that the trainee…..
Training Outcomes
At the end Unit
of theOne:
module the trainee
Estimate loadswill
for be able to:or storage
 Access information
 Identify about
Order OHS and the workplace policies and procedures
 Implement and monitor procedures
Determine Shape, balancefor identifying and assessing
characteristics, hazards
dimensions and mass
 Implement and monitor procedures for controlling risks
 Describe Area/volume required
 Plan and supervise housekeeping arrangements
 Implement and Explain
monitor calculate load for
procedures requirements
dealing with hazardous events
Unit Two: Estimate load limits of transport and/or storage
Module Contents:
Unit One: Access information about
List allowable loadOHS
limitsand the workplace policies and procedures
1.1 safety legislation codes
 IdentifyonCapacity
1.2 Information of transport storage systems
Unit clearly Organize
explainedloadto the work team
1.4 risk identification control procedures
 Differentiates
Unit Two: Implement and monitorLoad(s) is restricted
procedures to allowable
for identifying range(s) hazards
and assessing
2.1 work reported
 Identify pallets, trucks, platforms
2.2 minimize hazards
 Explain
2.3 Appropriate action
workplace documentation
2.4 OHS training
Unit Three: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling risks
3.1 control measures implemented, monitored and reviewed
3.2 Work procedures
3.3 resources for implementation/monitoring
Unit Four: Plan and supervise housekeeping arrangements
4.1 Housekeeping tasks
4.2 Team members are allocated
4.3 practices planned to conform with environmental
4.4 personal protective equipment
Unit Five: Implement and monitor procedures for dealing with hazardous events
5.1 Workplace procedures
5.2 Hazardous events
5.3 minimize OHS risks

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Learning Methods:
 Lecture
 Group discussion
Module Code and Title Code EIS RTO3 12 0423: Test equipment and isolate faults
 Role play
 Demonstration
 Brainstorming
Nominal Duration: ... Hours
Assessment Methods:
 Written test
ModuleDescription This module involves the skills and knowledge required to test equipment
Oral questioning
 faults
and isolate Practical demonstration
in accordance with workplace requirements, including identifying scope of the
 Observation in prepared checklist
operational test; planning operational tests; checking the equipment through full operating range;
Assessment Criteria:
and isolating faults
During the and/or formulating
assessment the evidence recommendations
must show that forthe
trainee… or replacement in
Unit One:
accordance Access information
with workplace procedures about
and OHS andregulatory
relevant the workplace policies and procedures
 Describe health and safety legislation codes
Training Outcomes  identify Information on workplace
 clearly
At the end of the module the explained
trainee will tobe
to team
attain the following training objectives:
 write risk identification control procedures
( Rewrite the overall learning out comes taken as an objectives – SMART)
Unit Two: Implement and monitor procedures for identifying and assessing hazards
 Identify scope
Identify reported
of operational check
 Plan operational
Identify hazards

 Check unit through full operating
Explain appropriate action range
 Isolate  fault
and/or OHS training recommendations
Unit Three:
Module Contents: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling risks
 explain risk control measures
Unit one: scope of operation check
 identify work procedures to control
1.1. Physical condition
Identify observation
resources for implementation/monitoring
1.2. Four: Planprocedures
place and supervise housekeeping arrangements
 identify Housekeep tasks
1.3. Preliminary observations  record
list Housekeep equipment
1.4. Staff necessary permission  write team members are allocated
 practices are planned to conform with environmental
Unit two: Operational Plan  Required personal protective equipment
2.1 Five: Implement
Specification and monitor procedures for dealing with hazardous events
 Identify workplace procedures
2.2 Sequence of testing
 Explain hazardous events
2.3 Cause identification  Define minimize OHS risks
2.4 Safe area testing
2.5 Arrangement additional resource
Unit three: Check full operating range
3.1 safe operational requirements
3.2 Documentation of corded result
3.3 personal protection equipment

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3.4 Communicational equipment test
Unit four: Fault Isolation
4.1 Proposals for equipment repair
4.2 Explain report
4.3 Procure of repairing undertaken
4.4 Isolation for testing equipment

Learning Methods:

 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Simulation
 Role playing
 Case study
 Problem based learning
 Field visit
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:

 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Practical demonstration
 Presentation
 Project work vs Product evaluation
 Observation in prepared checklist
 Objective structured clinical examination
 Direct observed practice
Assessment Criteria:

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Unit One: scope of operation check
 Understand Physical condition observation
 Evaluate working place procedures
 Explain Preliminary observations record
Unit two: Operational Plan
 Identify Specification observations
 Understand and explain Sequence of testing
 Explain Cause identification
 Identify Safe area for testing
Unit three: Check full operating range
 Evaluate Test safe operational requirements
 Identify and Understand Documentation of recorded result
 Explain personal protection equipment
 Understand and Explain Testing Communicational equipment
Unit four: Fault Isolation
 Prepare Proposals for equipment repair
 Explain recorded and collecting report
 Understand Procure of repairing undertaken
 Define Isolation for testing equipment

Module Code and Title EIS RTO3 12 0423: Test equipment and isolate faults

Nominal Duration: ... Hours

Module Description This module involves the skills and knowledge required to control local rail
traffic movement in accordance with workplace procedures and the requirements of relevant safe
working regulations and codes of practice. It includes monitoring the status of the current train area
plan, implementing the daily working timetable, controlling rail traffic movement, implementing
contingency plans for planned events and system faults and failures, and updating traffic movement
documentation in accordance with workplace requirements.
Training Outcomes

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At the end of the module the trainee will be able to attain the following training objectives:
( Rewrite the overall learning out comes taken as an objectives – SMART)
 Monitor status of local conditions and timetable
 Control local rail traffic movement
 Communicate with rail safety workers and other relevant personnel
 Implement contingency plans when instructed
 Update local rail traffic movement documentation
Module Contents:
Unit one: status of local conditions with timetable
1.5. Associated activities of local traffic movement
1.6. Conflict adjustment of local time table
1.7. Organizational procedures of Railway traffic
Unit two: Local rail traffic movement management
2.6 Coordination of local railway traffic movement
2.7 Signal operating systems
2.2.1 Monitoring rail way traffic
2.2.2 Movement of railway traffic
2.8 Irregularities of Railway traffic

Unit three:Basic Communication with railway safety workers

3.5 Formal communication with railway safety workers
3.6 Railway traffic movement communication
3.7 System of contingency plan
3.8 Adjustment of Local railway traffic movement
Unit four: documentation of update rail traffic Movement
4.5 rail traffic movement documentation
4.6 Railway traffic movement information
4.7 Procedures for coding Railway traffic management

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Learning Methods:

 Lecture
 Group discussion
 Demonstration
 Simulation
 Role playing
 Case study
 Problem based learning
 Field visit
 Brainstorming
Assessment Methods:

 Written test
 Oral questioning
 Practical demonstration
 Presentation
 Project work vs Product evaluation
 Observation in prepared checklist
 Objective structured clinical examination
 Direct observed practice
Assessment Criteria:

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Unit one: status of local conditions with timetable
 Explain Associated activities of local traffic movement
 Understand Conflict adjustment of local time table
 Identify Organizational procedures of Railway traffic
Unit two: Local rail traffic movement management
 Identify Coordination of local railway traffic movement
 Explain Signal operating systems
 Explain Monitoring rail way traffic
 Determine Movement of railway traffic
 Irregularities of Railway traffic
Unit three: Basic Communication with railway safety workers
 Understand Formal communication with railway safety workers
 Identify Railway traffic movement communication
 Explain System of contingency plan
 Identify and explain Adjustment of Local railway traffic movement
Unit four: documentation of update rail traffic Movement
 Understand and identify rail traffic movement documentation
 Explain Railway traffic movement information
 Explain Procedures for coding Railway traffic management

3. Resource Requirements
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM MoLS 25 1:1
A Dynamic Theory of Cooperatives: Evans, L., and G. Guthrie. 2006
2. The Link Between Efficiency and Journal of Institutional and Theoretical 5 1:5
Valuation. Economics
Cooperatives: An Economic and W. Cobia and Bruce L. Anderson.
3. 5 1:5
Management Perspective 2016
4. Basic marketing 19th Edition 2014 William D Perreault Jr Phd 15 1:2

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Role of Cooperatives in Improving Virendra Kumar, K. G. Wankhede, and
5. Livelihood of Farmers on Sustainable H. C. Gena, American Journal of 5 1:5
Basis Educational Research, vol. 3,
Cooperatives and Other Forms of Coop Africa, 2010
6. 15 1:2
Cooperative Societies Proclamation The Federal Democratic Republic Of
7. 25 1:1
985/2009 Ethiopia 2016 Federal Negarit Gazette
8. Rural marketing 3rd edition Ravindranath V Badi 2015 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library 20*30m 1 1:250
3. Cooperative lab 7*9m 2 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2 Pen Ball point 5 1:5
3 Marker Packet 25 1:1
4 Duster Packet 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Arm chair 54Cm *72 Cm *100Cm 25 Pcs 1:1
2. Notice board 150*100 Cm 1 Pcs 1:25
3. White board 240 Cm *120 Cm 1 Pcs 1:25
4. Computer 5 1:5
5. Printer 5 1:5
6. Computer table 5 1:5
7. Shelf 5 1:5
8. LCD Projector 2 1:1

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4. Developers Profile
N Name Qualification Field of Study Organization/ Institution Mobile E-mail
o (Level) number
1 Bereket Habtamu MBA Marketing Ardaita AVET College 0917859853

2 Belayhun Kelilew MBA Marketing Kombolcha/Wollo ATVT 0913371306

3 Nega Endale MA Cooperative Marketing Ardaita AVET College 0911023981
4 Abebayehu Munea BSC Ag. Economics, Wolaita Sodo AVET 0913288178
MSC Rural Development and College 0926427224
5 Samuel Kibebew MBA Marketing Ardaita AVET College 0910177704

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