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Class- 6
Subject- Social Studies
Summative assessment 1 M.M. =80
Time- 3 hours Set B
General Instructions
 Read all the questions carefully
 Handwriting should be neat and clean
 Question paper has two sections A and B
Section A
All the questions of this section are compulsory
1. Multiple Choice Questions 15x1=15
1) The star that indicates the north direction
a) Sun b) Pole star c) Sirius
2) The planets move around Sun in
a) Circular path b) rectangular path c) elliptical path
3) 21 June is the longest day in
a) Northern Hemisphere b) southern Hemisphere
c) Regions near the Equator
4) Time taken by Earth to complete one rotation on its axis
a) 1year b) 1month c) 1day
5) If the scale is 1 cm = 1 km it is,
a) Globe b) Map c) Plan
6) Distance between two consecutive latitude is
a) 15 Km b) 111 Km c) 360 Km
7) Arctic Circle is
a) 66.5N b) 23.5N c) 90N
8) First Plants to be grown were
a) Wheat and barley b) Rice c) Corn
9) Which of the following is literary source
a) Pottery b) Monuments c) Manuscripts
10) Number of years between 200 BC and 200 AD are
a) 100 years b) 200 years c) 400 years
11) Famous prehistoric caves in Madhya Pradesh are
a) Lascaux b) Bhimbetka c) Altamira
12) ____________ is earliest of four vedas
a) Atharva Veda b) Sam veda c) Rig Veda
13) Harappan seals had engravings of
a) Plants b) Animals c) Houses
14) We need a government to ;
a) Make laws b) defend country c) both of these
15) Universal Adult Franchise means all ________ have right to vote.
a) Adult b) Men c) Women
2. Fill in the Blanks 8x1=8
( parallel, Horse, Pashmina, Bharata Chakravarti, 0, Moon, factory, Pictorial)
1) People in Ladakh produce _____________ Shawl
2) Celestial body that is closest to our earth is___________.
3) Equator is _______ degrees.
4) Unlike latitudes, Longitudes are not _____________.
5) India was called Bharatavarsha after the king __________.
6) Sites where early humans made their tools are called __________ sites.
7) The Harappan script is ___________.
8) Animal bought by Aryans to India __________
3. True / False 5x1=5
1) The path that the earth takes around the Sun is called orbit
2) A sketch is rough drawing of a place drawn without a scale.
3) Mesolithic age refers to the end of Stone Age.
4) The Great Bath in Harappa is an important place.
5) Ladakh is one of highest and driest place on Earth.
4. Match the following (Geo) 5x1=5
I. Galaxy Star
II. Sun 66.5N
III. Equator Flat drawing
IV. Arctic circle Cluster of Stars
V. Map 0
5. Matching
I. Handwritten records Love for dancing
II. Bronze statue of dancing girl A body that make laws for people in country
III. Monarchy Numismatics
IV. Democracy Manuscripts
V. Study of Coins Having a hereditary monarch
Section B
6. Answer the following questions (Do any 9) 9x2=18
1) What do you mean by ‘Solar System’?
2) Write any two uses of map.
3) What do you mean by International Date Line?
4) What is Revolution? Write its effect.
5) What is History?
6) Why did the early humans have to move from place to place? Write any 2 points.
7) Write short note on script of Harappa.
8) What is the difference between Sabha and Samiti?
9) List the Literary sources of Vedic age.
10) What is Unity in Diversity?
11) Write two functions of government.
7. Answer the following :- (Do any 4) 4x3=12
1) What are the advantages of diversity?
2) What are cardinal and intermediate directions?
3) How does a planet differ from a star?
4) Distinguish between inscription and manuscript.
5) Describe different types of Palaeolithic sites.
6) Why do we say that Harappa was a well planned city?
8. Label the important Latitudes and their degrees on diagram:- 5
Degrees Latitude
Tropic of Antarctic Equator North pole Tropic of Arctic South pole
cancer circle capricorn circle
0 23.5N 66.5S 23.5S 66.5N 90N 90N

9. Map Skill (any 7) :- 7x1=7

a) Indian Ocean
b) Sri Lanka
c) China
d) Bay of Bengal
e) Punjab
f) Gujarat
g) Arunachal Pradesh
h) Haryana

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