Case Study HRM 1102 - HiLiner Foods

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Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

HURM1102 – Organizational Behaviour for HR Professionals

Sachin Misquith

Professor Monica Micu

Durham College, Oshawa, Ontario

March 16, 2024

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

I. Introduction

As the newly appointed HR manager at High Liner Foods Inc. (HLF), my primary objective is to mainly value and

develop the importance of maintaining a high level of employee engagement within our organization. By fostering a

positive work environment, we can drive productivity, enhance employee satisfaction, and contribute to the overall

success of HLF. This business case outlines the significance of employee engagement, addresses specific challenges,

and proposes strategies to achieve our goals. Additionally, we explore the critical need to expand our diversity and

inclusion initiative. High Liner Foods Inc., a leading North American processor and marketer of value-added frozen

seafood, has grown substantially over the years but certain areas require attention. Those areas include:

1. Communication Gap: Employees desire more information about the company and its business strategies. The

existing communication system needs improvement to bridge this gap.

2. Employee Satisfaction: While overall satisfaction is commendable, we must actively address specific areas to

retain our talented workforce.

3. Diversity and Inclusion: Although we have made progress, there is room for growth in our diversity and

inclusion programs.

Q1. To answer the first question which is on Greater communication to all employees regarding corporate

operations and other company activities directly influencing the production process I read an article on ‘Cost of

Poor Communications’ by the Society for Human Resource Management from chapter nine that emphasized the

cost of poor communication. I would like to explain some points as a result of greater communication in corporate

functions and in general:

 Alignment: When employees understand the company’s goals, strategies, and performance metrics, they align

their efforts accordingly. Clear communication ensures everyone pulls in the same direction, minimizing

confusion and enhancing efficiency.

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

 Motivation: Well-informed employees feel more motivated. They see the direct impact of their work on

organizational success. Motivated employees are more likely to meet production targets, reduce errors, and

maintain quality standards.

 Problem-solving: Effective communication encourages open dialogue. Employees can share insights, identify

bottlenecks, and propose solutions. Timely problem-solving leads to smoother operations.

 Engagement: As per chapter five discussed in our class, engaged employees are more committed to their

work. They take ownership of their tasks, leading to higher productivity. Communication fosters engagement

by providing context and purpose.

 Cost Reduction: Efficient communication reduces misunderstandings, rework, and delays. Streamlined

processes save time and resources.

 Quality Enhancement: Clear instructions and feedback lead to better-quality output. Reduced errors mean

fewer recalls or customer complaints.

 Innovation: A culture of open communication encourages innovative thinking. Employees contribute ideas for

process improvement, cost-saving measures, and product enhancements.

Hence, relating to an article from the Harvard Business Review by Daniel Stein, Nick Hobson, Jon M.

Jachimowicz, and Ashley Whillans on how companies can improve employee engagement right now enhanced

communication regarding company activities and operations can positively influence the production process. It

does so by promoting clarity, cultivating a sense of unity, and ensuring alignment with the company’s objectives.

How does this improve the corporate bottom line?

Greater communication means heightened productivity and efficiency at work, better understanding and team well-

being, fewer mistakes, and enhanced problem resolution.

 Heightened productivity – Whether the training, meetings or shadowing an employee while at work, the

main aspect is getting great communication. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal but the

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

implementation of it will help every employee understand concepts at work better hence, better

productivity at work.

 Team- wellbeing – Greater communication reduces a toxic environment to work at and better friendships

at work.

 Problem resolution – It often requires collaboration among team members, which can strengthen team

dynamics and improve working relationships. Problem resolution often involves creative thinking, which

can lead to innovative solutions and new ideas.

These advantages can subsequently boost the company’s financial performance by decreasing expenses, augmenting

efficiency, and elevating the quality of products.

Q2. Active Response to Employee Survey Results

High Liner Foods proactive approach to employee survey results aligns with Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory:

 Hygiene Factors: These factors do not necessarily motivate but can cause dissatisfaction if absent. By

addressing employee concerns promptly like communication gaps, HLF prevents dissatisfaction and ensures a

positive work environment.

 Motivators: These factors directly impact job satisfaction. HLF’s responsiveness to survey feedback fulfils

motivators such as recognition, growth opportunities, and meaningful work. This active response contributes to

retention by enhancing job satisfaction.

After reading an article on the impact of engaging leader on employee engagement and team effectiveness the

Highliner food's response to employee survey results primarily addresses the 'Communication' aspect of job

satisfaction, which includes the extent to which employees are kept informed about matters that affect them and

whether feedback channels are open and effective. By enhancing communication, HLF also indirectly impacts

other job satisfaction factors like 'Nature of Work' and 'Relationships' by making employees feel more involved

and valued. To discuss this further let's take an example of the in-house TV station and intranet site, HLF enhanced

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

the work environment by making it more transparent and inclusive. The company also showed that it values its

employees’ opinions, which can improve relationships with supervisors. The shared access to information can

foster a sense of community within the work group. Furthermore, by communicating about the company’s

operations and strategies, HLF helped employees align with the organization’s mission. Lastly, by addressing

employee concerns and needs, HLF may have indirectly affected perceptions of pay and benefits. Hence, Improved

job satisfaction leads to higher retention rates as employees are more likely to remain with an employer that values

their input and keeps them informed.

Q3. Organizational Commitment and Attitude

When employees nominate their own company for an Employer of The Year award, they exhibit:

 Emotional attachment to the organization - Employees genuinely care about HLF’s success and well-being.

 A sense of obligation - Employees believe in the company’s values and want to contribute positively.

 Employees view their jobs as meaningful and take pride in being associated with HLF.

In order for Highliner foods employees to put forth their own organization for an Employer of The Year award, they

must demonstrate a significant degree of loyalty to the organization so when HLF employees take the initiative to

nominate their company for an Employer of the Year award, it signifies a deep-rooted dedication to their organization.

This dedication manifests through a profound emotional connection with the company, an eagerness to go above and

beyond for the company's welfare, and a deep desire to continue being a part of the organization.

These employees are likely to develop positive feelings about their work and their employer. They might find their

roles fulfilling and rewarding, feel appreciated and respected by their employer, and believe their efforts are

acknowledged and valued. They probably place a great deal of trust in their employer, share the company's goals and

principles, and take pride in their association with the company.

Such employees are expected to exhibit a strong engagement with their roles, indicating how much an individual

psychologically identifies with their job and views their performance as integral to their self-esteem. A high level of
Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

job involvement typically correlates with favourable job outcomes, including satisfaction, efficiency, and loyalty to the


Ultimately, this nomination reflects the employees' strong organizational commitment and positive outlook towards

their work and employer, highlighting HLF's effective strategies in creating a supportive and engaging work culture.

Q.4 Correlation Between Age and Job Involvement

Older employees often seek greater job involvement. In the context of HLF, if the average age of employees is high, it

could mean that the employees have more experience and possibly a higher level of commitment to the organization.

Their experience and maturity drive a desire to contribute actively. However, individual differences play a significant

role. HLF should consider age-diverse teams to benefit from varied perspectives. To further explain this point let us

relate to Highliner foods.

The correlation between the average age of HLF employees is 50 years old, and the level of job involvement they seek

from their employer will be more significant. Generally, older employees bring a wealth of experience and maturity to

their roles, often valuing stability and meaningful engagement in their work more than their younger counterparts

might. This demographic may seek deeper involvement in their roles and the company, driven by a desire to contribute

significantly to their workplace, bringing in extensive experience. Furthermore, they might be more interested in

opportunities for mentorship, sharing knowledge, and having a major impact on the company's direction and success.

This inclination towards involvement can be attributed to their career stage, where intrinsic rewards, such as

satisfaction from contributing to meaningful work, become increasingly important.

Job involvement is also influenced by a multitude of factors beyond age and it includes personality, job satisfaction,

organizational culture, and the nature of one's role within the company. While older employees might have a

propensity towards higher job involvement due to their life stage and career perspective, individual differences mean

that not all employees of a similar age will seek the same level of involvement. The unique environment at HLF

emphasizes employee engagement and communication.

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.

Considering these dynamics, it's reasonable to suggest that at HLF, the average age of employees could correlate with a

higher desire for job involvement, but this should not overshadow the importance of a supportive organizational culture

that fosters engagement across all age groups’ can create a more inclusive, productive, and satisfying work

environment. This approach not only leverages the strengths and experiences of its mature workforce but also aligns

with broader goals of enhancing employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Q5. Recommendations for Diversity and Inclusion

1. Leadership Commitment: Senior management must foster the concept of diversity. Clear goals must be

established and allocation of resources is a must.

2. Training and Awareness: Conduct workshops on unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive

leadership. Encourage dialogue and empathy.

3. Diverse Recruitment: Implement blind recruitment practices, expand sourcing channels, and actively seek

diverse talent.

4. Employee Resource Groups: Create ERGs for underrepresented groups. These networks foster inclusion and

provide support.

5. Inclusive Policies: Review policies to ensure fairness. Consider flexible work arrangements, parental leave,

and accommodations.

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.


In conclusion, this business case has highlighted the paramount importance of employee engagement, effective

communication, and the significance of diversity and inclusion within High Liner Foods Inc. As a Manager at High

Liner foods and examining the challenges and opportunities facing the organization, I have underscored the crucial role

that a positive work environment plays in driving productivity, enhancing employee satisfaction, and ultimately

contributing to the company's success.

We began by identifying the gaps in communication, satisfaction, and diversity initiatives, which, if addressed

strategically, can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce. Through comprehensive communication strategies,

we saw how greater transparency and inclusivity in sharing company operations and activities can lead to improved

alignment, motivation, and problem-solving among employees. This not only boosts productivity but also fosters a

culture of innovation and quality enhancement, directly impacting the corporate bottom line.

Our exploration into the active response to employee survey results, utilizing the insights from Herzberg’s Two-Factor

Theory, illuminated the path toward enhancing job satisfaction and retention. By valuing employee feedback and

swiftly addressing concerns, High Liner Foods demonstrates a commitment to its workforce's well-being, further

nurturing a culture of respect and trust. Moreover, the correlation between age and job involvement emphasized the

diversity in workforce needs and aspirations.

Lastly, the future of High Liner Foods Inc. lies in its ability to nurture a workplace culture that prioritizes

communication, employee engagement, and inclusivity. By addressing the identified challenges and implementing the

proposed strategies, We can not only enhance its operational effectiveness but also solidify its reputation as a

progressive and employee-centric organization. This holistic approach will ensure the company's continued growth and

success in an increasingly competitive and diverse global marketplace.

Case Study on Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: High Liner Foods Inc.


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One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? (2023). Retrieved from


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