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In my academic life, various causes of stress include reaching college on time, meeting assignment

deadlines, and answering questions when asked by the professor. A lot of factors contribute to stress

and majorly at a workplace it would be completion of work within the time frame or deadline. If

there are projects set up that require more of an individual’s contribution and are expected to be

completed by the assigned date it will stress out a person and to me, this is one of the examples that

can be considered as stress.

The Impact of Stress:

Stress has an impact on every work you do mainly as a student it leads to anxiety attacks, a lack of

academic performance and it hinders your thinking abilities. You won't be able to complete or

answer to something required by you efficiently. There is a major dip in your performance, you lack

confidence and mainly it starts affecting you physically gradually. Chronic stress can cause

psychological, and emotional distress and depression. Burnouts impact your mental and physical

health and it affects your career ambitions. For example: it can cause increased blood pressure, a

higher risk of heart disease, etc. In America, nearly three in five employees report negative impacts

of work-related stress including lack of interest etc

A Personalized Stress Management Plan:

 Understanding Stress Triggers: Identifying the main sources of stress which included

academic pressure, work-related stress, personal issues or even daily hassles. Understanding

what triggers your stress is the first step to managing it.

 Managing Academic stress:

 Time Management: Planning a study schedule well in advance is important. Tasks

must be broken down in order of the priority or deadlines.

 Seek Help: If one is struggling with a particular subject or topic, it is better to

approach your professor or even online resources.

 Taking regular breaks: Regular breaks improve productivity and focus. Maybe a tea

break, power naps or some form of exercise will help.

 Managing Workplace Stress:

 Work-Life Balance – Maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Never bringing work home and making sure to set aside time for relaxation and

hobbies is crucial.

 Self-Care Practices: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress level, practicing

yoga, meditation and a healthy diet contribute to self care practices.

 Time for Implementation: Set short term, mid term and long term goals to

understand your stress triggers and managing stress which is a lifelong journey and

not a destination.

This discussion has made me realize the importance of understanding and managing stress

effectively. Effective stress management is crucial for success in any career and here is an


 Improved Productivity: By managing stress effectively, you can maintain focus and

productivity. Stress can cause distractions and hinder your ability to concentrate on tasks.

Effective stress management can help you stay focused and perform at your best.

 Better Decision Making: High stress levels can impair your decision-making abilities. By

keeping stress in check, you can think more clearly and make better decisions.

 Health and Well-being: Chronic stress can lead to serious health issues like heart disease,

high blood pressure, and mental health disorders.

 Positive Work Environment: Effective stress management can contribute to a more positive

work environment. It can help you maintain positive relationships with colleagues and

superiors, which is crucial for career advancement.


Information extracted on 23 February 2024 from American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Work
and well-being 2021 survey report. American Psychological Association.

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