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Brendon Elson Chipaumire

6209 Waterfalls Retreat


Industrial Training and Trade Testing

Harare Regional Office

Old Police Station Building

59 Nelson Mandela Avenue

P.O. Box 387


Dear Sir/Madam

06 May 2024

Ref: Application for an apprenticeship in the electrical industry.

I am writing this letter with the highest ambition of being recruited for an apprenticeship in the
electrical industry.

I did my ZJC at St Killians and completed my ordinary level at Mzingwane High.I managed to get 9
ordinary level passes which lists; Mathematics,English,Combined
science,Geography,Heritage,Biology,Chemistry,Physics and Agriculture.Among my core
competencies is the ability to work for long hours with minimal supervision,unprecedented
attentiveness to details and the ability to multitask.I am very sure if given a chance, I can be an asset
to your organisation.I am hardworking,commited and positive in approach.I am also a good team
player and a fast learner.I am extremely focused and passionate to shape up my career with hard
work and dedication.

Please find my attached resume which has complete details of my qualification and work
experience.You can reach me at or 0774606797.

I look forward to meet you in person and discuss the opportunity with you.Looking forward to hear
from you.Thanking in anticipation.


Brendon E Chipaumire.

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