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Aryawardhan Yadava May 27 4 min read

Hygiene quest: Mastering the art of rocking school

and life!


Sup, fellow teens! This week, our topic for the first article is, you guessed it...Health and Hygiene!
This a topic which might seem boring at first, but it is absolutely crucial for your well-being, school,
happiness, success and living life in general. I will introduce you to adolescence and we will discuss
how poor hygiene can ruin your thinking, decision making and school life in general.
Phew...feels boring and overwhelming, right? Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy this little journey
we'll embark on, so buckle up, it's a long ride.

CHAPTER 1- ADOLESCENCE and the incredible ride!

Adolescence? A new word to some of you, right? Well, in simple words, adolescence is the stage of
life between childhood and adulthood. It is when young people go through physical, mental and
emotional changes as they transition into being an adult. It's a period of self-discovery, journeys, new
experiences and so much more! And guess who comes between childhood and adulthood? You, fellow
teens, You. Ever wondered why an adult is naturally more mature, smart and strong than a kid? Well,
because they have gone through adolescence, simple as that.
This period of life holds great significance, however, as it is the make-or-break period. Either, you
develop good qualities, good habits and a good personality and become a happy and successful
person or you don't. The choice is completely up to you. It's for you to decide. This is where you start
shaping as a person. The real journey begins from here...
Well, along with good qualities and all the traits I mentioned above, another trait is crucial to develop
and master in this stage, which is Health and Hygiene. Why? Let's talk about it.

Chapter 2- The Power of Good Health and Hygiene

Picture this- You wake up in the morning feeling sleepy and drowsy, and then you push yourself and
take a shower, using soap and shampoo. Don't you feel energized and refreshed after that? Doesn't that
make you feel happy and absolutely amazing? Compare this to a person who doesn't do any of this.
He'll continue his day lazily and feeling drained and sleepy, smelling and being a burden on people.
Good hygiene isn't only about looking good or staying healthy, it can have a positive impact on your
happiness and overall well-being. When you take care of your body, you also take care of your mind.

Chapter 3- How does poor hygiene affect you as a person

Now, let's talk about poor hygiene. Neglecting your personal care routine can have sneaky effects that
creep up on you. Ever notice how a messy room or dirty clothes can make it harder to concentrate?
Well, poor hygiene habits can have the same effect on your thinking and decision-making abilities.
When you don't take care of yourself, it becomes difficult to focus on the important stuff, like acing
that math test or rocking your extracurricular activities. It is very frustrating for you and for others to
live with poor hygiene. It can affect your health, thinking and decision-making, which are essential to
developing during the period of adolescence.

Chapter 4- Let the confidence come!

Now, promise me you won't reveal the secret I'm about to tell you. Okay! Okay!
Here's it: Good hygiene can also help improve your confidence.
When you feel clean and fresh, you radiate confidence, which can work wonders in your daily life.
You inspire others and yourself to work harder. You look smarter. All the more reason for people to be
around you and listen to you. Don't believe me? Well here's a challenge- Maintain good hygiene for a
month and then see the impact it creates on your peers. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

Chapter 5- Hygiene Hacks for Teens

Well, I know good hygiene isn't easy to maintain for those who are just starting out or for those who
have a tight schedule. Well, the first hack is that if you have limited time to bathe, never only bathe
with water. Just apply soap to your armpits, neck and arms. This will still make you look good and
refreshed. I know applying shampoo can be very time-consuming. At weekends, I think everyone has
time, so applying shampoo on both weekends can keep your hair healthy and silky, without you
having to invest too much time. Lastly, a hygiene schedule can be made and is very helpful!

Conclusion: Embrace the journey!

Finally, always remember, adolescence is a remarkable chapter filled with growth, challenges, and
endless possibilities. By nurturing your body and mind, you're setting yourself up for success in
school, relationships, and beyond. So, take a deep breath, put on that dazzling smile, and let your light
shine bright!

Author's note:
I have also had problems with maintaining good hygiene for basically my entire life. But now, I am
also working to improve myself in this aspect. So, journey along with me, and we together will see
how much progress we made in a year! I'll end the article here, and you know the rule of thumb,
@EnjoyLife and StayNewZified! Peace out!

Health/Hygiene for teens

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