English Opinion GM Foods

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경영학과 202322280 팜응옥린

In my opinion GM foods should be allowed. However, there are good and bad things about GM
foods. GM crops can grow more food and have more nutrients added. But I am worried that we
don't know enough about how GM foods could affect our health and the environment in the long
run. In the past, humans made things like DDT and leaded gasoline that seemed fine at first, but
we later learned they caused big problems that took many years to see. GM technology is very
new, and we don't understand well how it could change genes in ways we can't expect. Because
of this, I think we should be careful with GM foods. We shouldn't ban them completely, since the
technology could be helpful. However, GM foods need to go through strict testing over many
years to make sure they are safe for humans, animals and nature. People should also have the
choice to buy non-GM foods until scientists agree GM crops won't cause harm over many
generations. We need to balance the potential benefits and risks of GM foods using facts and
evidence on this important issue that could greatly impact our world.

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