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Page No. :
Tiger in Date:
a Zo0

To A
Tiger io tne 200, hereis a
Contrast betweeo
tuodiffeteot Seiogs The kjost ne eting ls hnot oe
he qoo that the tiger inbabits in acaih wonile tea
Secoodis tnat of the boaest at it no I0ger has
access to and e one nat the poek wants it to

inbabit: There is ao uSistable tone

oat js eudet in the eotire poem.

Io tne
Girst Stanzg, hne poet descibes the mqjesic

oilliance Qe tne Hger's appeaance he dank Staiees o

Is pale yellalo bod Stands out dishncHyy 9s it moes

about hopeessly in tne cage 9s moenent is esticte d

asit Strolls helplessiy itio the hnited dimeosibns

cage. nere 1s a deas juataposihon betwee its

qiet movement due to ts padded feek and lts qiet

M9ge which denotes 's Suep essed emoho0sSn tais

Stanga me tigunes of Speech used qe

alliterahon (stalts . Stipes), ometaphon (on pads og
Velvet which Yefers to the velyety Simootnness af
under Sde tigers peas) and cptatlon
(velvet auiet - yuiet rage.

Tn the Secood Stanghe ent

poet imagines a difear
ife for the do
tiger a life ln the Glld hat OOuld
Date :
justce to its
mogifGcence He Says that it ShM ld be
behauing ike uild animal in tre
forest 9ugnt be
\unicing in the

shqooos to nab its pretnauing

hnough lona qxasses nean the walee Sieelt
nolto preg sn
deerThat pass byhe predator preteiaisoSrp
distuybed oheo animals
Quthorhes Ihe poetfiode 1 deGCultto be
95eement witn is distubed anernent tnt tha
Hger which hecoosiders to be a

maoeatcr, ught s to be Saciiog moudnouSesintoe

peripberg of the Gorest ts terrorising ofellagecs
being Tts fangs ond claws is only but natucal

Sn the next stanga, the poet conceatrahd onthe uofortne

healit Qf tae igecs predic amect 9t is locked up iike a

paicooer n Tne claustro poobic cage the

1ts body xcduced to nooiing,ness as t Yemaing ap
bebind bas c Steel- 3t paces aound te Cage steamig
and does not
pat needto visi tors Tne poet highige
he cpeless existence ofthe igee as he mannongh w 0
insigoGcat day orolS intan insenifont nignt mt ed s
Tne Sousds of nepatrolling cas: The cairninalibyy of is captg
asit stqres or bailliant
helplesl e

Stars ovehead. The neiion one the uord brillie brings


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