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**Section A: Personal Beliefs and Values**

1. **Honesty and Integrity**

- How important is honesty in your daily life?
- Very Important
- Important
- Neutral
- Not Important
- Not Important at All

2. **Respect and Empathy**

- Do you believe it is essential to respect others' opinions even if you disagree?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree

3. **Responsibility and Accountability**

- How often do you take responsibility for your actions?
- Always
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never

4. **Fairness and Justice**

- Do you think it is important to treat everyone equally?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree

5. **Compassion and Kindness**

- How often do you engage in acts of kindness towards others?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Rarely
- Never

**Section B: Ethical Decision-Making**

6. **Ethical Dilemmas**
- If you found a wallet on the street, would you return it to its owner?
- Definitely Yes
- Probably Yes
- Not Sure
- Probably No
- Definitely No

7. **Conflict Resolution**
- When faced with a conflict, do you try to understand the other person's point of view?
- Always
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never

8. **Truthfulness**
- Is it ever acceptable to lie? (Select all that apply)
- To protect someone's feelings
- In a life-threatening situation
- To avoid punishment
- It is never acceptable to lie
- Other (please specify): ____________

**Section C: Influence of Moral Values**

9. **Role Models**
- Who has had the most significant influence on your moral values?
- Parents
- Teachers
- Friends
- Religious Leaders
- Public Figures
- Other (please specify): ____________

10. **Cultural Influence**

- Do you believe your cultural background has shaped your moral values?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree

11. **Media Influence**

- How much do you think media (TV, movies, social media) influences your moral values?
- A Great Deal
- Somewhat
- Neutral
- Very Little
- Not at All
**Section D: Moral Values in Society**

12. **Societal Norms**

- Do you think society today upholds strong moral values?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree

13. **Education**
- Should moral education be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree

14. **Workplace Ethics**

- How important are moral values in the workplace?
- Very Important
- Important
- Neutral
- Not Important
- Not Important at All

**Section E: Personal Reflection**

15. **Self-Assessment**
- How would you rate your own moral values?
- Very High
- High
- Neutral
- Low
- Very Low

16. **Improvement**
- Are there any moral values you wish to improve in yourself?
- Yes (please specify): ____________
- No

17. **Teaching Values**

- How do you plan to instill moral values in the next generation?
- Through personal example
- Through education
- Through religious or community involvement
- Other (please specify): ____________

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