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Talking about a school Project

Kate: Hello?
Anne: Hi Kate. This is Anne. Have you completed the class Project?
Kate: Yeah. I finished it last night. How about you?
Anne: No, not yet. I’m having a hard time with the conclusion of my report.
Kate: Do you need a help?
Anne: Maybe just a little. Do you have time tonight?
Kate: No, I’m sorry. It’s my aunt and uncle´s anniversary and I promised to babysit my niece
Anne: Oh. I understand.
Kate: I’m free tomorrow night.
Anne: Tomorrow is good for me too. Can I come over or would you like to come here?
Kate: It might be quiter at your house. My brother is going to have a friend over and they can be
very noisy.
Anne: OK. Then let’s meet at my house.
Kate: Sounds good. What time should I come over?
Anne: How about 5 pm? I can make you dinner.
Kate: What´s your favorite dish?
Anne: I used to make pancakes but now I prefer Spaghetti and meatballs. But please, make
anything you like.
Kate: Spaghetti and meatballs are my specialty. I will make that.
Anne: Sounds great! I will be there tomorrow at 5 pm. See you tomorrow night.

1) What is Anne’s problem? _________________________________________________

2) When did Kate finish her project? __________________________________________
3) What did Kate promise to her aunt and uncle? ________________________________
4) When will Kate be free to help her friend? ___________________________________
5) What will Kate’s brother have at home with his friends? _________________________
6) What is Kate’s specialty? __________________________________________________

7) Marque a alternativa em que a frase do texto “I used to make pancakes ” está escrita
corretamente na forma negativa:

a) ( ) I don’t used to make pancakes.

b) ( ) I did not use to make pancakes.
c) ( ) Did not I used to make pancakes.
d) ( ) I used don’t make pancakes.
8) Marque a alternativa em que a frase do texto “I used to make pancakes ” está escrita
corretamente na forma interrogativa:

a) ( ) Do I used to make pancakes?

b) ( ) Did I used to make pancakes?
c) ( ) I didn’t used to make pancakes?
d) ( ) Did I use to make pancakes?

9) Na frase “I will remake the school project for us.” foi usado um dos prefixos estudados por
nós. Marque a alternativa que contém apenas palavras formadas com os prefixos estudados
nesse bimestre:

a) ( ) Rewrite, preschool, disagree;

b) ( ) Disappear, tricycle, upgrade;
c) ( ) Dislike, retake, upload;
d) ( ) Upload, submarine, hiperactive.

10) Marque a alternativa que contém uma descrição correta sobre o uso de prefixo:

a) ( ) Prefixos são adicionados ao final de uma palavra base para mudar seu significado.
b) ( ) Prefixos são adicionados ao meio de uma palavra base para mudar seu significado.
c) ( ) Prefixos são adicionados ao começo de uma palavra base para mudar seu significado.
d) ( ) Prefixos são adicionados a uma frase para mudar o seu significado.

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