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TO: Rector of Free University of Bozen/Bolzano

Prof. Paolo Lugli
Prof. …………………….
Coordinator of PhD programme in …………..

Subject: Letter of Commitment signed by the Parties under Ministerial Decrees 117 and 118 of 02/03/2023 to
host phd student XXX from Free University of Bozen/Bolzano for study and research activities

The Company/Institution .................... represented by Dr./Dr. ..................................., as Legal Representative,


- With Ministerial Decree 118 of 02/03/2023, the Ministry of Universities and Research decreed the
allocation of doctoral scholarships under the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 1 “Strengthening the supply
of education services: from kindergartens to universities” - Investment 3.4 “Advanced university
teaching and skills” and 4.1 “Extension of the number of PhDs and innovative PhDs for public
administration and cultural heritage” in order to promote higher education and post-graduate
specialization at PHD level;
- With Ministerial Decree 117 of 02/03/2023, the Ministry of Universities and Research decreed the
allocation of doctoral scholarships under the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 2 “From Research to
Enterprise” - Investment 3.3 'Innovative PhDs which respond to the companies demand of innovation” in
order to promote higher education and post-graduate specialization at PHD level;
- PhD scholarships will be financed / co-funded with PNRR funds allocated by the Ministry to the Free
University of Bozen/Bolzano by means of a special decree granting the funding;
- The Ministerial Decrees reported above stipulate that each funded scholarship must include periods of
study and research abroad and that this period may last from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of
12 months; this scholarship has a XXX-months period
- Within the framework of the PNRR, the PhD Programme in ................................. of the Free University of
Bozen/Bolzano activated no. 1 PhD scholarship dedicated to the project …………………….. “Enter the title
of the research project assigned by call to the PhD student” from now and on also “the Project”;
- the Parties want to foster mutual involvement in the definition of the training path also in the
framework of broader collaborations;
- The organisation .............. operates within the framework of ......................... and has a specific interest
in the research topic related to the Project;
- The organisation .............. has well understood the contents and aims of the above-mentioned Project
and it is in its interest to collaborate.

- that the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano has awarded, following the completion of a regular
competition procedure, the scholarship for the Project …………………. "Enter research project assigned by
announcement to PHD student", within the framework of the PhD programme in ........................ to Mr. /
Mrs. ....................................
- Aware that the signing of this letter represents a formal commitment,


- welcome at its premises located at ................................................. (insert full address) the selected PhD
student for study and research activities for a period of 6 months from …………… to …………………;
- ensure that the PhD student can make use of qualified and specific operational and scientific facilities
for study and research activities, and specifically ............................ (provide brief description)
- Appoint as co-supervisor Mr./Mrs. ..................... who will cooperate with the University supervisor
professor .......................;

Best regards,

Digitally signed

The Legal Representative of ..............................


The Rector of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano

Prof. Paolo Lugli

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