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Individual Reflections

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Individual Reflections

One thing I began to notice on feedback is that it can be useful or not useful. After going

through the content or information on feedback, I have come to acknowledge the manner in

which feedback is asked and given primarily determines if it will be useful or not useful.

Moreover, I have come to acknowledge that people use effective feedback as a means of

evaluating their present reality, then take action/s to achieve their intended goal. Therefore, it can

be deduced that useful feedback enhances creativity through inducing individual to devise

measures or actions that will enable them to achieve their goals. Making a reflection of my

personal life, I concur that my creativity in the various abilities, skills, and competencies have

been as a result of constructive feedback. For instance, I attribute my ability to prepare nutritious

and delicious meals to the feedbacks I received from the family members. As a child, I had an

interest on cooking; however, when I came of age and tried to prepare my initial meals in

absence of my mother’s instructions, I would always realize that they were not delicious.

Though, with time I perfected my ability to prepare nutritious and mouth-watering meals from

the constructive feedbacks I received from the family members and especially mother.

In regard to designing solutions as expounded by the day 3 slide, one thing I began to

notice is that in most cases people error when designing solutions. In my perception, the primary

goal of design thinking is to come up with solutions that prioritize the consumer needs. However,

in most case, when tasked to design solutions to a problem, individuals ignore important

considerations such as empathy. I will refer to my experience when tasked to prepare a meal. In

most cases, I find myself ignoring the empathy aspect and prepare a meal based on my preferred


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